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Signal transduction events triggered in mammalian host cells by the obligate intracellular parasite Trypanosoma cruzi are required for invasion. Infective T. cruzi trypomastigotes elicit Ca2+ signaling in mammalian host cells and activate transforming growth factor-beta receptor signaling pathways. The elevation of Ca2+ in T. cruzi, induced by host-cell contact, is also required for invasion, extending the concept of host-pathogen 'cross-talk' to invasive protozoan pathogens.  相似文献   

The protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi uses an unusual mechanism to enter cells. Recent observations revealed that instead of trypanosomes being brought in to fuse with lysosomes, it is the lysosomes that migrate to the trypanosomes and actually participate in their internalization. Signalling events involving intracellular free Ca2+ occur upon contact of the parasites with host cells and may contribute to the regulation of this unusual process.  相似文献   

The infection of murine macrophages and fibroblasts by recently isolated infective bloodstream trypomastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi is inhibited by the addition of human plasma protease inhibitor alpha-2-macroglobulin (alpha 2M) or of soybean trypsin inhibitor. The ingestion of the non-infective epimastigotes by macrophages is not affected by the physiological protease inhibitor. Incubation of bloodstream trypomastigotes for 20 h in a serum-free axenic medium enhances their ability to infect macrophages in a process influenced by the temperature and sensitive to alpha 2M. After this period the infectivity of the parasites to cells was not sensitive to alpha 2M. These observations suggest that proteases located on the surface and/or secreted by the bloodstream trypomastigote form of T. cruzi may modulate its ability to infect host cells.  相似文献   

In this study we have examined certain aspects of the process of cell invasion and parasitophorous vacuole escape by metacyclic trypomastigotes and extracellular amastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi (G strain). Using Vero (and HeLa) cells as targets, we detected differences in the kinetics of vacuole escape by the two forms. Alcalinization of intercellular pH influenced both invasion as well as the escape from the parasitophorous vacuole by metacyclic trypomastigotes, but not the escape kinetics of extracellular amastigotes. We used sialic acid mutants as target cells and observed that the deficiency of this molecule facilitated the escape of both infective forms. Hemolysin activity was only detected in extracellular amastigotes and neither form presented detectable transialidase activity. Invasion of extracellular amastigotes and trypomastigotes in Vero cells was affected in different ways by drugs that interfere with host cell Ca2+ mobilization. These results are in line with previous results that indicate that metacyclic trypomastigotes and extracellular amastigote forms utilize mechanisms with particular features to invade host cells and to escape from their parasitophorous vacuoles.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms of host cell invasion by T. cruzi metacyclic trypomastigotes (MT), the developmental forms that initiate infection in the mammalian host, are only partially understood. Here we aimed at further identifying the target cell components involved in signalling cascades leading to MT internalization, and demonstrate for the first time the participation of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR). Treatment of human epithelial HeLa cells with mTOR inhibitor rapamycin reduced lysosomal exocytosis and MT invasion. Downregulation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and protein kinase C also impaired exocytosis and MT internalization. The recombinant protein based on gp82, the MT surface molecule that mediates cell adhesion/invasion, induced exocytosis in HeLa cells. Such an effect has not previously been attributed to any T. cruzi surface molecule. Rapamycin treatment diminished gp82 binding as well. Cell invasion assays under conditions that promoted lysosome exocytosis, such as 1 h incubation in starvation medium PBS(++) , increased MT invasion, whereas pre-starvation of cells for 1-2 h had an opposite effect. In contrast to MT, invasion of tissue culture trypomastigotes (TCT) increased upon host cell pre-starvation or treatment with rapamycin, a novel finding that discloses quite distinctive features of the two infective forms in a key process for infection.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that Trypanosoma cruzi extracellular amastigotes as well as metacyclic trypomastigotes infect cultured cells in a highly specific parasite form-cell type interaction. In this work we have investigated the mode of interaction of both forms with HeLa and Vero cells using scanning electron and confocal fluorescence microscopy. We examined the distribution of several host cell components as well as extracellular matrix elements during cell invasion by both T. cruzi infective forms. Scanning electron microscopy showed that membrane expansions formed during the invasion of cells by extracellular amastigotes. These expansions correspond to small cup-like structures in HeLa cells and are comparatively larger "crater"-like in Vero cells. We detected by confocal microscopy actin-rich structures associated with the internalisation of both infective forms of the parasite that correspond to the membrane expansions. Confocal fluorescence microscopy combining DIC images of cells labelled with monoclonal antibodies to phosphotyrosine, cytoskeletal elements, integrins, and extracellular matrix components revealed that some of the components like gelsolin and alpha-actinin accumulate in actin-rich structures formed in the invasion of amastigotes of both cell types. Others, like vinculin and alpha2 integrin may be present in these structures without evident accumulation. And finally, some actin-rich processes may be devoid of components like fibronectin or alphaV integrin. These studies provide evidence that the repertoire of host cell/extracellular matrix components that engage in the invasion process of T. cruzi forms is cell type- and parasite form-dependent.  相似文献   

Mammalian cell invasion by the intracellular protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi is mediated by recruitment and fusion of host cell lysosomes, an unusual process that has been proposed to be dependent on the ability of parasites to trigger intracellular free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) transients in host cells. Previous work implicated the T.cruzi serine hydrolase oligopeptidase B in the generation of Ca2+-signaling activity in parasite extracts. Here we show that deletion of the gene encoding oligopeptidase B results in a marked defect in host cell invasion and in the establishment of infections in mice. The invasion defect is associated with the inability of oligopeptidase B null mutant trypomastigotes to mobilize Ca2+ from thapsigargin-sensitive stores in mammalian cells. Exogenous recombinant oligopeptidase B reconstitutes the oligopeptidase B-dependent Ca2+ signaling activity in null mutant parasite extracts, demonstrating that this enzyme is responsible for the generation of a signaling agonist for mammalian cells.  相似文献   

The cholesterol content of human erythrocyte membranes has been modified by incubation of intact cells with sonicated egg phosphatidylcholine/cholesterol vesicles and with egg phosphatidylcholine vesicles. (Na+ + K+)-ATPase ATP hydrolyzing activity was measured as a function of membrane cholesterol content. High membrane cholesterol inhibits the ATPase activity of the enzyme and low membrane cholesterol activates that enzyme activity. The most likely mechanism of inhibition is suggested to comprise direct cholesterol-protein interactions which lead to a low activity conformation. Ouabain binding studies show that the inhibition is not due to a loss of enzyme from the membrane.  相似文献   

Chagas disease, caused by the hemoflagellate Trypanosoma cruzi, is a complicated and devastating disease. It is hypothesized that an important target of infection may be the endothelial cell and that both the acute and chronic forms of the disease involve abnormalities in the microcirculation. Stephen Morris and colleagues suggest that endothelial cell dysfunction occurs as a consequence of amastigote-associated interference in host cell metabolism.  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of Trypanosoma cruzi on the mechanical properties of infected host cells, cytoskeletal stiffness and remodeling dynamics were measured in parasite-infected fibroblasts. We find that cell stiffness decreases in a time-dependent fashion in T. cruzi-infected human foreskin fibroblasts without a significant change in the dynamics of cytoskeletal remodeling. In contrast, cells exposed to T. cruzi secreted/released components become significantly stiffer within 2 h of exposure and exhibit increased remodeling dynamics. These findings represent the first direct mechanical data to suggest a physical picture in which an intact, stiff, and rapidly remodeling cytoskeleton facilitates early stages of T. cruzi invasion and parasite retention, followed by subsequent softening and disassembly of the cytoskeleton to accommodate intracellular replication of parasites. We further suggest that these changes occur through protein kinase A and inhibition of the Rho/Rho kinase signaling pathway. In the context of tissue infection, changes in host cell mechanics could adversely affect the function of the infected organs, and may play an important role on the pathophysiology of Chagas' disease.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi does not synthesize sialic acid but does contain a trans-sialidase, an enzyme capable of transferring sialic acid between host glycoconjugates and the parasite. Sialic acids are negatively charged carbohydrates attached to the terminal non-reducing end of glycoproteins and glycolipids, and their presence can dramatically influence many cell-surface recognition processes. Since sialic acids have been implicated in several ligand-receptor interactions, including the interaction of pathogenic viruses, bacteria and protozoans with their hosts, the expression of trans-sialidase and the acquisition of sialic acid by T. cruzi may be relevant to the interaction of the parasite with the host, and consequently may influence the pathobiology of Chagas disease. In this review, Sergio Schenkman and Daniel Eichinger discuss recent data about the structure and function of T. cruzi trans-sialidase.  相似文献   

The American trypanosome, Trypanosoma cruzi, can invade non-phagocytic cell types by a G-protein-mediated, calcium-dependent mechanism, in which the cell's natural puncture repair mechanism is usurped in order to recruit lysosomes to the parasite/host cell junction or 'parasite synapse.' The fusion of lysosomes necessary for construction of the nascent parasitophorous vacuole is achieved by directed trafficking along microtubules. We demonstrate altered host cell microtubule dynamics during the initial stages of the entry process involving de novo microtubule polymerization from the cytoplasmic face of the parasite synapse which appears to serve as a secondary microtubule organizing centre. The net result of these dynamic changes to the host cell's microtubule cytoskeleton is the development of the necessary infrastructure for transport of lysosomes to the parasite synapse.  相似文献   

Outbreaks of severe acute Chagas’ disease acquired by oral infection, leading to death in some cases, have occurred in recent years. Using the mouse model, we investigated the basis of such virulence by analyzing a Trypanosoma cruzi isolate, SC, from a patient with severe acute clinical symptoms, who was infected by oral route. It has previously been shown that, upon oral inoculation into mice, T. cruzi metacyclic trypomastigotes invade the gastric mucosal epithelium by engaging the stage-specific surface glycoprotein gp82, whereas the surface molecule gp90 functions as a down-modulator of cell invasion. We found that, when orally inoculated into mice, metacyclic forms of the SC isolate, which express high levels of gp90, produced high parasitemias and high mortality, in sharp contrast with the reduced infectivity in vitro. Upon recovery from the mouse stomach 1 h after oral inoculation, the gp90 molecule of the parasites was completely degraded, and their entry into HeLa cells, as well as into Caco-2 cells, was increased. The gp82 molecule was more resistant to digestive action of the gastric juice. Host cell invasion of SC isolate metacyclic trypomastigotes was augmented in the presence of gastric mucin. No alteration in infectivity was observed in T. cruzi strains CL and G which were used as references and which express gp90 molecules resistant to degradation by gastric juice. Taken together, our findings suggest that the exacerbation of T. cruzi infectivity, such as observed upon interaction of the SC isolate with the mouse stomach components, may be responsible for the severity of acute Chagas’ disease that has been reported in outbreaks of oral T. cruzi infection.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiological agent of Chagas' disease, is an obligatory intracellular parasite in the mammalian host. In order to invade a wide variety of mammalian cells, T. cruzi engages parasite components that are differentially expressed among strains and infective forms. Because the identification of putative protein receptors has been particularly challenging, we investigated whether cholesterol and membrane rafts, sterol- and sphingolipid-enriched membrane domains, could be general host surface components involved in invasion of metacyclic trypomastigotes and extracellular amastigotes of two parasite strains with distinct infectivities. HeLa or Vero cells treated with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin (MbetaCD) are less susceptible to invasion by both infective forms, and the effect was dose-dependent for trypomastigote but not amastigote invasion. Moreover, treatment of parasites with MbetaCD only inhibited trypomastigote invasion. Filipin labeling confirmed that host cell cholesterol concentrated at the invasion sites. Binding of a cholera toxin B subunit (CTX-B) to ganglioside GM1, a marker of membrane rafts, inhibited parasite infection. Cell labeling with CTX-B conjugated to fluorescein isothiocyanate revealed that not only cholesterol but also GM1 is implicated in parasite entry. These findings thus indicate that microdomains present in mammalian cell membranes, that are enriched in cholesterol and GM1, are involved in invasion by T. cruzi infective forms.  相似文献   

Cell surface glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) play an important role in the attachment and invasion process of a variety of intracellular pathogens. We have previously demonstrated that heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPG) mediate the invasion of trypomastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi in cardiomyocytes. Herein, we analysed whether GAGs are also implicated in amastigote invasion. Competition assays with soluble GAGs revealed that treatment of T. cruzi amastigotes with heparin and heparan sulfate leads to a reduction in the infection ratio, achieving 82% and 65% inhibition of invasion, respectively. Other sulfated GAGs, such as chondroitin sulfate, dermatan sulfate and keratan sulfate, had no effect on the invasion process. In addition, a significant decrease in infection occurred after interaction of amastigotes with GAG-deficient Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells, decreasing from 20% and 28% in wild-type CHO cells to 5% and 9% in the mutant cells after 2 h and 4 h of infection, respectively. These findings suggest that amastigote invasion also involves host cell surface heparan sulfate proteoglycans. The knowledge of the mechanism triggered by heparan sulfate-binding T. cruzi proteins may provide new potential candidates for Chagas disease therapy.  相似文献   

The involvement of actin filaments from the host cell on the process of invasion of trypomastigote forms of Trypanosma cruzi was analyzed in seven different cell lines. Prior incubation of all cell lines with cytochalasin D, under conditions which interfere with actin filaments, markedly inhibited parasite internalization and increased parasite attachment. Attached parasites were readily ingested following washing of the drug-treated cells. Cytochalasin treatment interfered with the distribution of actin filaments of the host cell as evaluated by visualization of the filaments using confocal laser scanning microscopy of cells incubated in the presence of FITC-phalloidin. Concentration of actin filaments could be observed in most, but not all, parasites in the process of internalization. We also treated LLCMK 2 and macrophage cells with Jasplakinolide, a drug that stabilizes actin filaments, before interaction with the trypomastigote forms. This drug partially inhibits parasite invasion into the cells. Prior incubation of the host cells in the presence of colchicine, which interfere with microtubules, also inhibited parasite internalization into the cells.  相似文献   

Host cell invasion is a critical step for infection by Trypanosoma cruzi, the agent of Chagas disease. In natural infection, T. cruzi metacyclic trypomastigote (MT) forms establish the first interaction with host cells. The gp35/50 mucin molecules expressed in MT have been implicated in cell invasion process, but the mechanisms involved are not well understood. We performed a series of experiments to elucidate the mode of gp35/50-mediated MT internalization. Comparing two parasite strains from genetically divergent groups, G strain (TcI) and CL strain (TcVI), expressing variant forms of mucins, we demonstrated that G strain mucins participate in MT invasion. Only G strain-derived mucins bound to HeLa cells in a receptor-dependent manner and significantly inhibited G strain MT invasion. CL strain MT internalization was not affected by mucins from either strain. HeLa cell invasion by G strain MT was associated with actin recruitment and did not rely on lysosome mobilization. To examine the involvement of annexin A2, which plays a role in actin dynamic, annexin A2-depleted HeLa cells were generated. Annexin A2-deficient cell lines were significantly more resistant than wild type controls to G strain MT invasion. In a co-immunoprecipitation assay, to check whether annexin A2 might be the receptor for mucins, protein A/G magnetic beads crosslinked with monoclonal antibody to G strain mucins were incubated with detergent extracts of MT and HeLa cells. Binding of gp35/50 mucins to annexin A2 was detected. Both G strain MT and purified mucins induced focal adhesion kinase activation in HeLa cells. By confocal immunofluorescence microscopy, colocalization of invading G strain MT with clathrin was visualized. Inhibition of clathrin-coated vesicle formation reduced parasite internalization. Taken together, our data indicate that gp35/50-mediated MT invasion is accomplished through interaction with host cell annexin A2 and clathrin-dependent endocytosis.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiologic agent of Chagas disease, has a complex life cycle in which four distinct developmental forms alternate between the insect vector and the mammalian host. It is assumed that replicating epimastigotes present in the insect gut are not infective to mammalian host, a paradigm corroborated by the widely acknowledged fact that only this stage is susceptible to the complement system. In the present work, we establish a T. cruzi in vitro and in vivo epimastigogenesis model to analyze the biological aspects of recently differentiated epimastigotes (rdEpi). We show that both trypomastigote stages of T. cruzi (cell‐derived and metacyclic) are able to transform into epimastigotes (processes termed primary and secondary epimastigogenesis, respectively) and that rdEpi have striking properties in comparison to long‐term cultured epimastigotes: resistance to complement‐mediated lysis and both in vitro (cell culture) and in vivo (mouse) infectivity. Proteomics analysis of all T. cruzi stages reveled a cluster of proteins that were up‐regulated only in rdEpi (including ABC transporters and ERO1), suggesting a role for them in rdEpi virulence. The present work introduces a new experimental model for the study of host‐parasite interactions, showing that rdEpi can be infective to the mammalian host.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas' disease in humans, is an intracellular protozoan parasite with the ability to invade a wide variety of mammalian cells by a unique and remarkable process in cell biology that is poorly understood. Here we present evidence suggesting a role for the host phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinases during T. cruzi invasion. The PI 3-kinase inhibitor wortmannin marked inhibited T. cruzi infection when macrophages were pretreated for 20 min at 37 degrees C before inoculation. Infection of macrophages with T. cruzi markedly stimulated the formation of the lipid products of the phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinases, PI 3-phospate, PI 3,4-biphosphate, and PI 3,4,5-triphosphate, but not PI 4-phosphate or PI 4,5-biphosphate. This activation was inhibited by wortmannin. Infection with T. cruzi also stimulated a marked increase in the in vitro lipid kinase activities that are present in the immunoprecipitates of anti-p85 subunit of class I PI 3-kinase and anti-phosphotyrosine. In addition, T. cruzi invasion also activated lipid kinase activity found in immunoprecipitates of class II and class III PI 3-kinases. These data demonstrate that T. cruzi invasion into macrophages strongly activates separated PI 3-kinase isoforms. Furthermore, the inhibition of the class I and class III PI 3-kinase activities abolishes the parasite entry into macrophages. These findings suggest a prominent role for the host PI 3-kinase activities during the T. cruzi infection process.  相似文献   

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