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Palynological preparations of spores and microplankton from the Silurian and Early Devonian (Gedinnian) of the Ghadames Basin, Libya, revealed also sheets of cells (or cuticles) and tubes. Nine types of sheets of possible land plant origin and four tubes of tracheid, sclerites and algae have been described. Their affinities and occurrence were also determined.  相似文献   

Jean Deunff 《Geobios》1978,11(1):113-117
Two new genera of organic-walled microplancton (Acritarchs) are described. All are from the Early Devonian(Early Gedinnian) Grès de Landévennec (Rade de Brest - Finistère). Lanveocia formosa (type species) and Candelasphaeridium insolitum (type species) are described.  相似文献   

Seven further specimens of the hitherto only known Devonian phalangiotarbid Devonotarbus Poschmann, Anderson and Dunlop, 2005 are described. Thus, the genus is recorded from four different localities of Siegenian (Hombach and Burglahr) and Lower Emsian (Willwerath and Alken) age, respectively, but the specific identity of Siegenian and Emsian specimens remains unproven. The new material suggests that this Devonian phalangiotarbid possessed more than six eye lenses, tergites five and six fused into a diplotergite, and an almost terminally situated anal operculum. It thus notably deviates morphologically from its younger Permocarboniferous relatives, and a new family, Devonotarbidae nov. fam., is proposed to accommodate Devonotarbus.  相似文献   

The modes of occurrence of a Silurian atrypid and a Devonian rhynchonellid near Khenifra in central Morocco are described. They are both thought to have lived on isolated shoals within muddy basins. A substrate for brachiopod attachment in each case was provided by lime-secreting algae. Most of the Devonian rhynchonellids are preserved in olistostromes, within Carboniferous shales, but some are in situ. The rhynchonellid, which is identified as Eoperegrinella, is thought to have taken over the ecological niche previously occupied by the atrypid, identified as Dubaria, during Devonian times. Descendent rhynchonellids of the same group in the Mesozoic lived in a similar way.  相似文献   

Well preserved and diversified miospore assemblages have been recorded from a relatively continuous sequence in borehole A1-61 which spans the Silurian–Devonian boundary in the northwestern part of the Ghadamis Basin, Libya. The sequence is represented by early Devonian Lochkovian beds of the Tadrart Formation that transgress onto the Silurian Ludlow-Pridoli beds of the upper part of the ‘Alternances Argilo-gréseuses’ Formation. The present work demonstrates a succession of miospore assemblages from closely sampled layers that have been stratigraphically dated as Ludlow–middle Pridoli and early Lochkovian by chitinozoans and acritarchs. Over 80 species of cryptospores and trilete spores have been identified. Modified detailed morphological interpretations are given. The miospore assemblages are correlated with miospore zonation schemes established for the type sequences of the Welsh Borderland, and those previously described from Libya. Early occurrences of some species as Streelispora newportensis on the western Gondwana plate, are put forward by comparison with the Old Red Sandstone continent. Phytogeographic and palaeobotanic implications based on these observations are discussed.  相似文献   

A new lycopsid family Kladnostrobaceae is proposed, based on the type of sporangia, their attachment by a pedicel and the type of reticulate spores enclosed. All these characteristics distinguish the Kladnostrobaceae from all other lycopsid families. A new lycopsid genus Kladnostrobus nov. gen., consisting of two new species Kladnostrobus clealii nov. sp. and Kladnostrobus psendae nov. sp., is described from the Kladno-Rakovník Basin (Lower Bolsovian) of the central and western Carboniferous continental basins of the Czech Republic. Helically arranged distal laminae and pedicels are relatively primitive, suggesting that Kladnostrobus may represent a new, primitive type of lycopsid cone produced by some unknown, probably arborescent lycopsid parent plant. Spores of Kladnostrobus are about 90-100 μm in diameter, and possess reticulate sculpture. The proximal contact area of spores is laevigate. In situ spores can resemble some dispersed species of the genera Convolutispora Hoffmeister, Staplin and Malloy, Camptotriletes (Naumova) Potonié and Kremp, Reticulatisporites (Ibrahim) Neves and mainly Dictyotriletes (Naumova) Smith and Buttterworth.  相似文献   

No Devonian disparid crinoids have been described from Uzbekistan, although parahexacrinid thecae and assorted columnals have been described in several papers in the past 50 years. Discovery of a cup of Pisocrinus and a thecae of Haplocrinites are the first of these genera known from Uzbekistan. The stratigraphic range of Haplocrinites is revised to be late Early Devonian (Emsian) to Early Carboniferous (Tournaisian) because Silurian species assigned to the genus are based on loose ossicles that morphologically do not belong to the genus. The paleogeographic ranges of Pisocrinus and Haplocrinites are extended into Uzbekistan. Haplocrinites uzbekistanensis n. sp. is described.  相似文献   

Prior to the mid-Silurian, evidence for the earliest embryophytes comes from dispersed spores, particularly permanent tetrads, there being no fossils showing gross morphology or anatomy of the producers. The fragmentary coalified mesofossils described here from the uppermost Silurian (Pridoli) and basal Devonian (Lochkovian) of the Welsh Borderland contain tetrads assigned to Tetrahedraletes, Velatitetras and Cheilotetras. These spores together with examples from spore masses have been examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy and display diversity in ultrastructure of the exospore and envelope. Tetrads have been found, together with a putative elater, in the forking apex of an axial Lochkovian fossil, named Grisellatheca salopensis gen. et sp. nov., that anatomically, apart from spore characters, reveals no unequivocal evidence for hepatic affinity. The remaining fossils are equally as uninformative as regards affinity. Tetrads with ornamented envelopes are recorded in an isolated discoidal sporangium and in the bases of incomplete sporangia borne terminally on a bifurcating axis. Both ornament and ultrastructure suggest that the spores belong to quite distinct species within Velatitetras. Tetrahedraletes is recorded in an incomplete sporangium subtended by a forking axis, in which no cellular detail is preserved. Naked unfused tetrads also assigned to Tetrahedraletes are recorded in spore masses from both localities and again exospore ultrastructure demonstrates diversity. A final Lochkovian sporangium contains naked tetrads with sporadic Papiculate ornament and shows a unique trilayered exospore. Comparisons of exospore ultrastructure in these tetrads, which it is argued are mature and dispersed as such, provide no unequivocal evidence for affinities, be they tracheophyte or bryophyte. The bifurcating sporophytes are evidence against similarities with extant bryophytes. It is concluded that these very fragmentary fossils derive from small plants comprising relict populations of the vegetation that flourished on land in turfs through the greater part of the Ordovician and early Silurian, but that was gradually replaced by the tracheophytes.  相似文献   

Michel Melou 《Geobios》1981,14(1):69-87
Three species of Isorthidae are described in the Lower Devonian of the Armorican Massif. Two of them were hitherto badly known, being never adequately described nor figured: Isorthis (Protocortezorthis) miloni from the Gahard Formation (Gedinnian) and Isorthis (Protocortezorthis) trigeri from the Saint-Céneré Formation (Gedinnian-Siegenian). Isorthis oehlertiSolle, 1976 is considered as a synonym of Isorthis (Protocortezorthis) trigeri. The geographic distribution of these species allows to corroborate that until the top of the Lower Devonian (top of Le Faou Formation), two provinces with different faunal associations exist in the Armorican Massif.  相似文献   

Although tree ferns dominated the Mesozoic flora, their taxonomic relationships are poorly understood at the generic level, and next to nothing can be said of evolutionary trends within the group. At least five genera are recognized based on the remains of spore-bearing structures. However, the dispersed spores belong to the same generalized morphotype, and cannot be assigned to genera based on macroscopic remains of fertile leaves. Electron microscopy of spores in situ may partly resolve these problems providing additional criteria for classification of spore-bearing structures and disperse spores. We studied in situ spores of the Early Cretaceous Alsophilites nipponensis (Oishi) Krassilov, which are comparable to dispersed spores Cyathidites minor Coup. Spore wall micromorphology and ultrastructure indicate their affinities with the modern genus Alsophila R. Brown. Only occasional poorly preserved striate sculptures survive the standard treatment of maceration of the perispore. Our data confirm the primitive status of the species with a great number of spores per sporangium, thick unsculptured exospore consisting of two ultrastructural layers, and the possibility that whole sporangia with unshed spores can function as dispersal units.  相似文献   

Taxonomy of 57 bivalves, internal and external molds is described in this paper, corresponding to three paleotaxodontids genera Praectenodonta, Praenucula and Notonucula. Samples were collected from nine sites, where stratigraphic columns were measured in Silurian to Devonian series from Altiplano, Cordillera Oriental and Interandean of Bolivia. For the first time in Bolivia, Praectenodonta and Notonucula have been identified. Four species have been described, three of them are new: Praectenodonta boliviensis n. sp., Praenucula quichua n. sp. and Notonucula altiplanica n. sp. Paleogeography of new species and genera is proposed.  相似文献   

Reniform sporangia, comprising two equal valves and containing retusoid spores, recovered from Lower Old Red Sandstone strata of Devonian age (micrornatus-newportensis Spore Biozone: lower Gedinnian lower Lochkovian) on North Brown Clee Hill in the Welsh Borderland are placed in Resilitheca salopensis gen. et sp. nov. Conventional compression fossils from Targrove, Ludlow of fertile axes showing isotomous branching with limited overtopping are considered conspecific because the terminal reniform sporangia contain the same spores. Spore ultrastructure is described using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Sections show faint traces of lamellae. Particles associated with spores and sporangium wall are compared with the globules of pteridophytes and Ubisch bodies of angiosperms, and related to the development of the sporangium. The new plants are compared with Cooksonia caledonica Edwards known only from impressions, and with Renalia Gensel showing far more pronounced pseudomonopodial branching.  相似文献   

G. K. Guennel 《Grana》2013,52(2):245-261
A subsurface core from the Tilden reef (Middle Silurian) in southern Illinois contains a large and diverse assemblage of hystrichospherids and plant spores. The plant spores are restricted to sinuous cracks filled with calcite and brownish-gray clay. The miospore assemblage is dated late Middle or early Late Devonian, and thus the fissure fillings represent a “stratigraphic leak”. Failure to recognize this phenomenon could result in misleading age determinations.

The spore assemblage is dominated by cingulate miospores of the genera Stenozonotriletes and Retusotriletes and by spores with perisporal membranes assignable to Diaphanospora. Seventeen new species are described and illustrated: one each of Deltoidospora, Anapiculatisporites, Verrucosisporites, Cristatisporites, Rhabdosporites, Ancyrospora, and Endosporites; two each of Converrucosisporites and Retusotriletes, and three each of Stenozonotriletes and Diaphanospora.  相似文献   

In the studied area, on the southern slope(«Ossa-Morena Zone) of the Sierra Morena (Spain) the Silurian and earliest Devonian (Lochkovian = approximately Gedinnian) consist of about 130 m of black, argillaceous, largely euxinic graptolitic slates, which, by the intermezzo of the dark «Limestones with Orthoceras and Scyphocrinus (late Ludlow and Pridolian), are divided into two inequal units, namely the Lower and Upper Graptolitic Slates. The occurence of 21 Graptolite zones and horizons was established, starting off with the basal Llandovery (A. acuminatus zone) and ending up with the Upper Lochkovian (M. hercynicas zone). This condensed tripartite graptolitic sequence, both lithologically and faunally, compares closely with the typical development of the Palaeotethys, as known from Thuringia, Carnic Alps, Sardinia and Northwest Africa. Certain graptolite species and details of the graptolitic succession (for instance across the Wenlock-Ludlow junction) that were hitherto known only or essentially from Thuringia, are recognized also in southern Spain.  相似文献   

Small, relatively uncompressed, very fragmentary plant remains (mesofossils) are described from a Silurian (P ídolí) and a Lower Devonian (Lochkovian) locality in the Welsh Borderland. Excellent cellular preservation provides characters leading to the demonstration of diversity in plants of simple gross morphology and allows deliberations on functional anatomy (e.g. of stomata), and reproductive biology (including development and dehiscence of sporangia). A survey of in-situ spores is presented, and preliminary comparisons made with dispersed spore assemblages especially in relation to reconstruction of vegetation on local and regional scales. The earliest body fossils of unequivocal terrestrial arthropods isolated from the same locality as the P ídolí plants suggest that the decomposer/microherbivore/predator soil and litter communities found in the Lower and Middle Devonian extend back at least into the Silurian. Evidence for plant—animal interaction in the Lower Devonian comes from spore-dominated coprolites believed to have been produced by litter-feeding myriapods.  相似文献   

As part of a study to explore diversity and disparity in Early Devonian terrestrial vegetation, several hundreds of sporangia with in situ spores have been isolated from a Lochkovian locality in Shropshire. These include a small number (seven) of sporangia showing dehiscence into four valves and containing permanent sculptured dyads, belonging to the Cymbohilates horridus complex and C. cymosus, which are recorded in coeval dispersed spore assemblages. A further, previously described, mesofossil comprises an incomplete sporangium containing C. horridus that terminates a naked isotomously branching stem with stomata. The valvate sporangia are placed in a new genus, Partitatheca, containing four species, P. splendida (type), P. horrida, P. densa and P. cymosa, their names reflecting the names of the dispersed spore species and varieties. Complex ultrastructure in the walls of the dyads is similar to that in earlier dyads in the Dyadospora complex where it provides evidence for a hepatic affinity of the earliest embryophytes, but the new taxa present a combination of bryophyte and tracheophyte characters and are considered to represent a new embryophyte lineage. General discussion includes the development of dyads, more particularly their relevance to understanding the diversity in meiotic processes, and the disappearance of dyads from the dispersed spore record prior to the Middle Devonian. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 168 , 229–257.  相似文献   

The histological structure of exoskeleton of the osteostracan genus Aestiaspis Janvier et Lelievre, 1994 from the Silurian of Saaremaa Island is examined for the first time. The preservation of the material enables the fine exoskeleton structure to be described in detail. The study of Aestiaspis from Saaremaa Island and the Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago has shown structural details of exoskeleton sculpture. The formation of consolidated cephalothoracic shield in the phylogeny of Tremataspidoidei is discussed. The taxonomic position of the genus Aestiaspis in the Osteostraci system is analyzed.  相似文献   

As a representative fossil member of the dipteridaceous fern, genus Hausmannia was reported worldwide from the Mesozoic strata; however, little is known about the fertile structures, including sporangia and in situ spores, of this genus. In this study, a new species Hausmannia sinensis was identified from the Middle Jurassic of Nei Mongol (Inner Mongolia), northern China. The specimens are compressions and are well preserved with details of sporangia and in situ spores. The leaf laminae are broadly fan-shaped, with an almost entire margin. Primary and lateral veins dichotomously branch to form square or polygonal meshes. Each ultimate mesh bears one to two circular sori of 0.4 mm in diameter. Sori are exindusiate; each sorus contains three to six round to ovoid sporangia. The annulus is developed and oblique, with stomial region present in proximal position. Spores are trilete, circular to oval in shape. Both proximal and distal surfaces are covered with baculate to subverrucate sculptures. Spores range from 20 to 30 μm in diameter (average 28 μm), and are comparable to the dispersed genera Baculatisporites Thomas and Pflug and Apiculatisporis Potonié and Kremp. Hausmannia sinensis represents the first compression species of genus Hausmannia form Eurasia, which shows the combination of well-preserved sori, sporangia, annuli and in situ spore characters, and is therefore helpful for further understanding the diversity and evolution of the Dipteridaceae fern lineage through time.  相似文献   

Continuing study of the uppermost Devonian flora from Ballyheigue, County Kerry, Ireland (Tn1a-Tn1b) has resulted in the addition of four taxa. Two plants, Tristichia sp. and cf. Tetrastichia bupatides, are described for the first time from Ireland. Tetrastichia also occurs in Scotland and Tristichia has been described from Scotland and France. New genera include Kerryoxylon hexalobatum gen. et sp. nov. (called “Plant A” in a previous paper), a probable lyginopterid pteridosperm, and Rhizoxylon ambiguum gen. et sp. nov., a new organ genus for seed fern roots similar to Kaloxylon.  相似文献   

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