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We have analyzed the relative orientation of basic amino acid side chains towards DNA in the nucleosome core particle. The electric field created by DNA phosphates has no apparent preferential orientation: no favored orientation of the arginine guanidinium group is found. Arginine may be either directly hydrogen bonded to a phosphate oxygen or stabilized in the minor groove by van der Waals contacts and the local negative electric field. On the other hand, the phosphate oxygen atoms hydrogen bonded to arginines are always found close to the plane defined by the guanidinium group. Thus it can be concluded that the interactions of arginine are strongly directional, those of phosphate are not. We also find that a highly charged fragment of histone H2B, which is placed between two DNA turns, has a very variable conformation. An increase in protein positive charge density apparently allows multiple nonspecific protein conformations when interacting with DNA.  相似文献   

Although the crystal structure of nucleosome core particle is essentially symmetrical in the vicinity of the dyad, the linker histone binds asymmetrically in this region to select a single high-affinity site from potentially two equivalent sites. To try to resolve this apparent paradox we mapped to base-pair resolution the dyads and rotational settings of nucleosome core particles reassembled on synthetic tandemly repeating 20 bp DNA sequences. In agreement with previous observations, we observed (1) that the helical repeat on each side of the dyad cluster is 10 bp maintaining register with the sequence repeat and (2) that this register changes by 2 bp in the vicinity of the dyad. The additional 2 bp required to effect the change in the rotational settings is accommodated by an adjustment immediately adjacent to the dyad. At the dyad the hydroxyl radical cleavage is asymmetric and we suggest that the inferred structural asymmetry could direct the binding of the linker histone to a single preferred site.  相似文献   

The nucleosome core particle (NCP) is the fundamental building block of chromatin which compacts ~146 bp of DNA around a core histone protein octamer. The effects of NCP packaging on long-range DNA charge transport reactions have not been adequately assessed to date. Here we study DNA hole transport reactions in a 157 bp DNA duplex (AQ-157TG) incorporating multiple repeats of the DNA TG-motif, a strong NCP positioning sequence and a covalently attached Anthraquinone photooxidant. Following a thorough biophysical characterization of the structure of AQ-157TG NCPs by Exonuclease III and hydroxyl radical footprinting, we compared the dynamics of DNA charge transport in ultraviolet-irradiated free and NCP-incorporated AQ-157TG. Compaction into a NCP changes the charge transport dynamics in AQ-157TG drastically. Not only is the overall yield of oxidative lesions decreased in the NCPs, but the preferred sites of oxidative damage change as well. This NCP-dependent attenuation of DNA charge transport is attributed to DNA–protein interactions involving the folded histone core since removal of the histone tails did not perturb the charge transport dynamics in AQ-157TG NCPs.  相似文献   

DNA motions in the nucleosome core particle: a reanalysis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
J M Schurr  R L Schurr 《Biopolymers》1985,24(10):1931-1940

White CL  Suto RK  Luger K 《The EMBO journal》2001,20(18):5207-5218
Chromatin is composed of nucleosomes, the universally repeating protein-DNA complex in eukaryotic cells. The crystal structure of the nucleosome core particle from Saccharomyces cerevisiae reveals that the structure and function of this fundamental complex is conserved between single-cell organisms and metazoans. Our results show that yeast nucleosomes are likely to be subtly destabilized as compared with nucleosomes from higher eukaryotes, consistent with the idea that much of the yeast genome remains constitutively open during much of its life cycle. Importantly, minor sequence variations lead to dramatic changes in the way in which nucleosomes pack against each other within the crystal lattice. This has important implications for our understanding of the formation of higher order chromatin structure and its modulation by post-translational modifications. Finally, the yeast nucleosome core particle provides a structural context by which to interpret genetic data obtained from yeast. Coordinates have been deposited with the Protein Data Bank under accession number 1ID3.  相似文献   

Crystals of a nucleosome core particle containing defined sequence DNA   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Nucleosome core particles were reconstituted from a DNA restriction fragment and histone octamers, crystallized, and the crystals examined by X-ray diffraction. A DNA fragment was engineered by site-directed mutagenesis to obtain a 146 base-pair sequence that takes up a symmetrical arrangement in the core particle. The resulting DNA sequence was cloned in multiple copies into pUC9 and excised as monomer via EcoRV to produce it in milligram quantities. Nucleosome core particles incorporating the DNA were reconstituted by salt gradient dialysis and purified by anion-exchange high-pressure liquid chromatography. DNase I digestion was used to demonstrate that the termini of the restriction fragment are located 73 base-pairs from the molecular dyad axis of the particle. The diffraction limits of crystals of defined sequence core particles extend along the principal direction to a approximately equal to 4 A, b approximately equal to 5 A and c approximately equal to 3 A, giving about a twofold increase in the number of measurable X-ray reflections over previous crystals containing mixed sequence DNA. The methods developed here should be useful in the study of other large protein-DNA complexes.  相似文献   

The way in which histones interact with DNA during in vitro assembly of nucleohistone has been examined. Chicken erythrocyte core histones H2A, H2B, H3, and H4 and lambdaDNA in 2 M NaCl were allowed to interact by stepwise decrease in the salt concentration. Binding, although weak, was first observed at 1.4 M NaCl and was essentially completed at 0.6 M NaCl. Analysis of the DNA-bound histones revealed that each of the histones in the pairs H2A,H2B and H3,H4 was always present in equimolar amounts and that the relative proportion of each pair was constant between 1.4 and 0.8 M NaCl. Evidence is presented suggesting that binding occurred via complexes of the four histones, the nature of which is likely to reflect the equilibrium among the octamer and its products of dissociation (Ruiz-Carrillo, A., & Jorcano, J.L. (1979) Biochemistry (preceding paper in this issue)). The presence of complexes of the four core histones is, however not required for the correct assembly of the nucleosome core particle. Nucleohistones obtained by adding at progressively lower ionic strengths the dimer H2A.H2B to the H3.H4-DNA complex (split reconstitutions) had the same characteristics as those assembled with the core histone complexes.  相似文献   

The human base excision repair machinery must locate and repair DNA base damage present in chromatin, of which the nucleosome core particle is the basic repeating unit. Here, we have utilized fragments of the Lytechinus variegatus 5S rRNA gene containing site-specific U:A base pairs to investigate the base excision repair pathway in reconstituted nucleosome core particles in vitro. The human uracil-DNA glycosylases, UNG2 and SMUG1, were able to remove uracil from nucleosomes. Efficiency of uracil excision from nucleosomes was reduced 3- to 9-fold when compared with naked DNA, and was essentially uniform along the length of the DNA substrate irrespective of rotational position on the core particle. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the excision repair pathway of an abasic site can be reconstituted on core particles using the known repair enzymes, AP-endonuclease 1, DNA polymerase beta and DNA ligase III. Thus, base excision repair can proceed in nucleosome core particles in vitro, but the repair efficiency is limited by the reduced activity of the uracil-DNA glycosylases and DNA polymerase beta on nucleosome cores.  相似文献   

X-ray structure of the nucleosome core particle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Two monoclinic crystal forms (P2(1),C2) of chicken erythrocyte nucleosomes have been under study in this laboratory. The x-ray structure of the P2(1) crystal form has been solved to 15 A resolution. The B-DNA superhelix has a relatively uniform curvature, with only several local distortions observed in the superhelix. The individual histone domains have been localized and specific contacts between each histone and the DNA can be observed. Histone contacts to the inner surface of the DNA superhelix occur predominantly at the minor groove sites. Most of the histone core is contained within the inner surface of the superhelical DNA, except for part of H2A which extends between the DNA gyres near the terminus of the DNA. No part of H2A blocks the DNA terminus or would prevent a smooth exit of the DNA into the linker region. A similar extension of a portion of histone H4 between the DNA gyres occurs close to the dyad axis. Both unique nucleosomes in the P2(1) asymmetric unit demonstrate good dyad symmetry and are similar to each other throughout the histone core and DNA regions.  相似文献   

Solvent binding in the nucleosome core particle containing a 147 base pair, defined-sequence DNA is characterized from the X-ray crystal structure at 1.9 Å resolution. A single-base-pair increase in DNA length over that used previously results in substantially improved clarity of the electron density and accuracy for the histone protein and DNA atomic coordinates. The reduced disorder has allowed for the first time extensive modeling of water molecules and ions.Over 3000 water molecules and 18 ions have been identified. Water molecules acting as hydrogen-bond bridges between protein and DNA are approximately equal in number to the direct hydrogen bonds between these components. Bridging water molecules have a dual role in promoting histone-DNA association not only by providing further stability to direct protein-DNA interactions, but also by enabling formation of many additional interactions between more distantly related elements. Water molecules residing in the minor groove play an important role in facilitating insertion of arginine side-chains. Water structure at the interface of the histones and DNA provides a means of accommodating intrinsic DNA conformational variation, thus limiting the sequence dependency of nucleosome positioning while enhancing mobility.Monovalent anions are bound near the N termini of histone α-helices that are not occluded by DNA phosphate groups. Their location in proximity to the DNA phosphodiester backbone suggests that they damp the electrostatic interaction between the histone proteins and the DNA. Divalent cations are bound at specific sites in the nucleosome core particle and contribute to histone-histone and histone-DNA interparticle interactions. These interactions may be relevant to nucleosome association in arrays.  相似文献   

The roles and interdependence of DNA sequence and archaeal histone fold structure in determining archaeal nucleosome stability and positioning have been determined and quantitated. The presence of four tandem copies of TTTAAAGCCG in the polylinker region of pLITMUS28 resulted in a DNA molecule with increased affinity (DeltaDeltaG of approximately 700 cal mol(-1)) for the archaeal histone HMfB relative to the polylinker sequence, and the dominant, quantitative contribution of the helical repeats of the dinucleotide TA to this increased affinity has been established. The rotational and translational positioning of archaeal nucleosomes assembled on the (TTTAAAGCCG)(4) sequence and on DNA molecules selectively incorporated into archaeal nucleosomes by HMfB have been determined. Alternating A/T- and G/C-rich regions were located where the minor and major grooves, respectively, sequentially faced the archaeal nucleosome core, and identical positioning results were obtained using HMfA, a closely related archaeal histone also from Methanothermus fervidus. However, HMfA did not have similarly high affinities for the HMfB-selected DNA molecules, and domain-swap experiments have shown that this difference in affinity is determined by residue differences in the C-terminal region of alpha-helix 3 of the histone fold, a region that is not expected to directly interact with DNA. Rather this region is thought to participate in forming the histone dimer:dimer interface at the center of an archaeal nucleosome histone tetramer core. If differences in this interface do result in archaeal histone cores with different sequence preferences, then the assembly of alternative archaeal nucleosome tetramer cores could provide an unanticipated and novel structural mechanism to regulate gene expression.  相似文献   

Many studies indirectly indicate that the conformation ofin vivo duplex DNA is the double helix. The most direct view, from the X-ray analysis of the nucleosome core particle, has also been interpreted in terms of the double helix structure. However, an alternative possibility exists; that the duplex adopts a metastable side-by-side conformation which readily converts to the double helix on removal of protein. Evidence for the existence of this conformation has been obtained from a reanalysis of the electron density map for the nucleosome particle.  相似文献   

We present here an attempt to build up a space-filling model of the nucleosome core particle based on the chemical crosslinking data of Mirzabekov and coworkers (23). It is shown that the models proposed earlier are inconsistent with the results of these authors. The main characteristics of our model are as follows: a) the DNA superhelix contains at least 90 base pairs (bp) per turn; b) the particle has a dyad axis of symmetry; c) the histone octamer may be regarded as consisting of two heterotypic tetramers. The possible shape and function of core histones are discussed in the light of the model.  相似文献   

The arginine residue(s) necessary for tetrahydrofolate binding to sheep liver serine hydroxymethyltransferase were located by phenylglyoxal modification. The incorporation of [7-14C]phenylglyoxal indicated that 2 arginine residues were modified per subunit of the enzyme and the modification of these residues was prevented by tetrahydrofolate. In order to locate the sites of phenylglyoxal modification, the enzyme was reacted in the presence and absence of tetrahydrofolate using unlabeled and radioactive phenylglyoxal, respectively. The labeled phenylglyoxal-treated enzyme was digested with trypsin, and the radiolabeled peptides were purified by high-performance liquid chromatography on reversed-phase columns. Sequencing the tryptic peptides indicated that Arg-269 and Arg-462 were the sites of phenylglyoxal modification. Neither a spectrally discernible 495-nm intermediate (characteristic of the native enzyme when substrates are added) nor its enhancement by the addition of tetrahydrofolate, was observed with the phenylglyoxal-modified enzyme. There was no enhancement of the rate of the exchange of the alpha-proton of glycine upon addition of tetrahydrofolate to the modified enzyme as was observed with the native enzyme. These results demonstrate the requirement of specific arginine residues for the interaction of tetrahydrofolate with sheep liver serine hydroxymethyltransferase.  相似文献   

A direct correlation exists between the level of histone H4 hyperacetylation induced by sodium butyrate and the extent to which nucleosomes lose their compact shape and become elongated (62.0% of the particles have a length/width ratio over 1.6; overall mean in the length/width ratio = 1.83 +/- 0.48) when bound to electron microscope specimen grids at low ionic strength (1mM EDTA, 10mM Tris, pH 8.0). A marked proportion of elongated core particles is also observed in the naturally occurring hyperacetylated chicken testis chromatin undergoing spermatogenesis when analyzed at low ionic strength (36.8% of the particles have a length/width ratio over 1.6). Core particles of elongated shape (length/width ratio over 1.6) generated under low ionic strength conditions are absent in the hypoacetylated chicken erythrocyte chromatin and represent only 2.3% of the untreated Hela S3 cell core particles containing a low proportion of hyperacetylated histones. The marked differences between control and hyperacetylated core particles are absent if the particles are bound to the carbon support film in the presence of 0.2 M NaCl, 6mM MgCl2 and 10mM Tris pH 8.0, conditions known to stabilize nucleosomes. A survey of the published work on histone hyperacetylation together with the present results indicate that histone hyperacetylation does not produce any marked disruption of the core particle 'per se', but that it decreases intranucleosomal stabilizing forces as judged by the lowered stability of the hyperacetylated core particle under conditions of shearing stress such as cationic competition by the carbon support film of the EM grid for DNA binding.  相似文献   

The structure of the DNA region in rat thymus nucleosome core particle has been studied by synchrotron X-ray scattering analysis and the contrast-variation technique has been applied to determine the contribution of the DNA to the total scatterings. Small-angle contrast-matching measurements show that the entire core particle and isolated histone octamers are contrast-matched by solvents containing 64 and 54% (w/w) sucrose, respectively. At a contrast of 54% sucrose, where the scattering of the DNA dominates, the scattering data extending to higher angle of about 0.05 A-1 have been collected from relatively concentrated solutions (10 mg/ml) of core particles and interpreted on the basis of the regular helical model for the DNA region. The model calculations show that the shape of the DNA around the histone core is approximately by 1.8 turns of regular helix of 42 A radius and 28 A pitch. These values for helical parameters of our model are in good agreement with those of the structure of DNA in crystallized nucleosome cores shown by earlier diffraction studies.  相似文献   

The chromatin accessibility complex (CHRAC) is an abundant, evolutionarily conserved nucleosome remodeling machinery able to catalyze histone octamer sliding on DNA. CHRAC differs from the related ACF complex by the presence of two subunits with molecular masses of 14 and 16 kDa, whose structure and function were not known. We determined the structure of Drosophila melanogaster CHRAC14-CHRAC16 by X-ray crystallography at 2.4-angstroms resolution and found that they dimerize via a variant histone fold in a typical handshake structure. In further analogy to histones, CHRAC14-16 contain unstructured N- and C-terminal tail domains that protrude from the handshake structure. A dimer of CHRAC14-16 can associate with the N terminus of ACF1, thereby completing CHRAC. Low-affinity interactions of CHRAC14-16 with DNA significantly improve the efficiency of nucleosome mobilization by limiting amounts of ACF. Deletion of the negatively charged C terminus of CHRAC16 enhances DNA binding 25-fold but leads to inhibition of nucleosome sliding, in striking analogy to the effect of the DNA chaperone HMGB1 on nucleosome sliding. The presence of a surface compatible with DNA interaction and the geometry of an H2A-H2B heterodimer may provide a transient acceptor site for DNA dislocated from the histone surface and therefore facilitate the nucleosome remodeling process.  相似文献   

Flap endonuclease-1 (FEN-1) is a critical enzyme for DNA replication and repair. Intensive studies have been carried out on its structure-specific nuclease activities and biological functions in yeast cells. However, its specific interactions with DNA substrates as an initial step of catalysis are not defined. An understanding of the ability of FEN-1 to recognize and bind a flap DNA substrate is critical for the elucidation of its molecular mechanism and for the explanation of possible pathological consequences resulting from its failure to bind DNA. Using human FEN-1 in this study, we identified two positively charged amino acid residues, Arg-47 and Arg-70 in human FEN-1, as candidates responsible for substrate binding. Mutation of the Arg-70 significantly reduced flap endonuclease activity and eliminated exonuclease activity. Mutation or protonation of Arg-47 shifted cleavage sites with flap substrate and significantly reduced the exonuclease activity. We revealed that these alterations are due to the defects in DNA-protein interactions. Although the effect of the single Arg-47 mutation on binding activities is not as severe as R70A, its double mutation with Asp-181 had a synergistic effect. Furthermore the possible interaction sites of these positively charged residues with DNA substrates were discussed based on FEN-1 cleavage patterns using different substrates. Finally data were provided to indicate that the observed negative effects of a high concentration of Mg(2+) on enzymatic activity are probably due to the competition between the arginine residues and metal ions with DNA substrate since mutants were found to be less tolerant.  相似文献   

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