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When cells experience environmental stresses, global translational arrest is often accompanied by the formation of stress granules (SG) and an increase in the number of p-bodies (PBs), which are thought to play a crucial role in the regulation of eukaryotic gene expression through the control of mRNA translation and degradation. SGs and PBs have been extensively studied from the perspective of their protein content and dynamics but, to date, there have not been systematic studies on how they interact with native mRNA granules. Here, we demonstrate the use of live-cell hybridization assays with multiply-labeled tetravalent RNA imaging probes (MTRIPs) combined with immunofluorescence, as a tool to characterize the polyA+ and β-actin mRNA distributions within the cytoplasm of epithelial cell lines, and the changes in their colocalization with native RNA granules including SGs, PBs and the RNA exosome during the inhibition of translational initiation. Translation initiation inhibition was achieved via the induction of oxidative stress using sodium arsenite, as well as through the use of Pateamine A, puromycin and cycloheximide. This methodology represents a valuable tool for future studies of mRNA trafficking and regulation within living cells.  相似文献   

The quantitative levels of initiation of protein synthesis at codons other than AUG were determined with a CYC7-lacZ fused gene in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. AUG was the only codon which efficiently initiated translation, although some non-AUG codons allowed initiation at very low efficiency, below 1% of the normal level. Since translation initiates at codons other than AUG in at least two wild-type genes from eucaryotes, other factors presumably play a role in enhancing the activity of non-AUG codons.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4GI (eIF4GI) is an essential protein that is the target for translational regulation in many cellular processes and viral systems. It has been shown to function in both cap-dependent and cap-independent translation initiation by recruiting the 40S ribosomal subunit to the mRNA cap structure or internal ribosome entry site (IRES) element, respectively. Interestingly eIF4GI mRNA itself has been reported to contain an IRES element in its 5' end that facilitates eIF4GI protein synthesis via a cap-independent mechanism. In HeLa cells, eIF4GI exists as several isoforms that differ in their migration in sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) gels; however, the nature of these isoforms was unclear. Here, we report a new cDNA clone for eIF4GI that extends the 5' sequence 340 nucleotides beyond the previously published sequence. The new extended sequence of eIF4GI is located on chromosome 3, within two additional exons immediately upstream of the previously published eIF4GI sequence. When mRNA transcribed from this cDNA clone was translated in vitro, five eIF4GI polypeptides were generated that comigrated in SDS-polyacrylamide gels with the five isoforms of native eIF4GI. Furthermore, translation of eIF4GI-enhanced green fluorescent protein fusion constructs in vitro or in vivo generated five isoforms of fusion polypeptides, suggesting that multiple isoforms of eIF4GI are generated by alternative translation initiation in vitro and in vivo. Mutation of two of the five in-frame AUG residues in the eIF4GI cDNA sequence resulted in loss of corresponding polypeptides after translation in vitro, confirming alternate use of AUGs as the source of the multiple polypeptides. The 5' untranslated region of eIF4GI mRNA also contains an out-of-frame open reading frame (ORF) that may down-regulate expression of eIF4GI. Further, data are presented to suggest that a proposed IRES embedded in the eIF4GI ORF is able to catalyze synthesis of multiple eIF4GI isoforms as well. Our data suggest that expression of the eIF4GI isoforms is partly controlled by a complex translation strategy involving both cap-dependent and cap-independent mechanisms.  相似文献   

Pöyry TA  Jackson RJ 《Journal of virology》2011,85(19):10178-10188
Translation initiation dependent on the foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) internal ribosome entry site (IRES) occurs at two sites (Lab and Lb), 84 nucleotides (nt) apart. In vitro translation of an mRNA comprising the IRES and Lab-Lb intervening segment fused to a chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) reporter has been used to study the parameters influencing the ratio of the two products and the combined product yield as measures of relative initiation site usage and productive ribosome recruitment, respectively. With wild-type mRNA, ~40% of initiation occurred at the Lab site, which was increased to 90% by optimization of its context, but decreased to 20% by mutations that reduced downstream secondary structure, with no change in recruitment in either case. Inserting 5 nt into the pyrimidine-rich tract located just upstream of the Lab site increased initiation at this site by 75% and ribosome recruitment by 50%. Mutating the Lab site to RCG or RUN codons decreased recruitment by 20 to 30% but stimulated Lb initiation by 20 to 40%. An antisense oligodeoxynucleotide annealing across the Lab site inhibited initiation at both sites. These and related results lead to the following conclusions. Recruitment by the wild-type IRES is limited by its short oligopyrimidine tract. At least 90% of internal ribosome entry occurs at the Lab AUG, but initiation at this site is restricted by its poor context, despite a counteracting effect of downstream secondary structure. Initiation at the Lb site is by ribosomes that access it by linear scanning from the original entry site, and not by an independent entry process.  相似文献   

The foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) RNA contains two in-frame AUG codons separated by 84 nt that direct translation initiation of the viral polyprotein. The mechanism of initiation at the IRES-proximal AUG codon (AUG1) has been previously analyzed, whereas no data on factor requirements for AUG2 have been reported. Here, using the method of 48S translation initiation complex reconstitution, we show that eIF1 is indispensable in forming the 48S initiation complex at AUG2. In contrast, it reduces the assembly of this complex at AUG1. Stabilization of a stem-loop between the initiation triplets induces a small decrease in the toeprint intensity at AUG2, accompanied by an increase in the AUG1/AUG2 ratio as well as a moderate reduction of protein synthesis initiated at AUG2 in transfected cells. PTB and ITAF45 exerted an additive positive effect on the 48S complex at AUG2, although a substantial reconstitution on both AUGs occurs on omission of either of these proteins. Relative to the beta-globin mRNA, the 48S complex formation at AUG1 and AUG2 is slow and occurs with the same kinetics as revealed by the "kinetic" toeprint assay. Mutation of AUG1 to AUA does not abrogate protein synthesis in transfected cells, and has no effect on the rate of the 48S complex formation at AUG2. We conclude that the AUG2 initiation region is selected independently of 48S complex formation at the upstream AUG1. The kinetic toeprint assay also shows that cap-dependent assembly of the 48S complex in vitro occurs faster than the FMDV IRES-mediated complex assembly.  相似文献   

Although ribosome-profiling and translation initiation sequencing (TI-seq) analyses have identified many noncanonical initiation codons, the precise detection of translation initiation sites (TISs) remains a challenge, mainly because of experimental artifacts of such analyses. Here, we describe a new method, TISCA (TIS detection by translation Complex Analysis), for the accurate identification of TISs. TISCA proved to be more reliable for TIS detection compared with existing tools, and it identified a substantial number of near-cognate codons in Kozak-like sequence contexts. Analysis of proteomics data revealed the presence of methionine at the NH2-terminus of most proteins derived from near-cognate initiation codons. Although eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF2), eIF2A and eIF2D have previously been shown to contribute to translation initiation at near-cognate codons, we found that most noncanonical initiation events are most probably dependent on eIF2, consistent with the initial amino acid being methionine. Comprehensive identification of TISs by TISCA should facilitate characterization of the mechanism of noncanonical initiation.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic initiation factor 4B (eIF4B) is a multidomain protein with a range of activities that serves primarily to promote association of messenger RNA to the 40S ribosomal subunit during translation initiation. We report here the solution structure of the eIF4B RNA recognition motif (RRM) domain. It adopts a classical RRM fold, with a beta alpha beta beta alpha beta topology. The most striking difference with other RRM structures is in the disposition of loop 3, which connects the beta 2 and beta 3 strands and is implicated in RNA recognition. This loop folds down against the body of the RRM and exhibits restricted motion on a milli- to microsecond time scale. Although it contributes to a large basic patch on the RNA binding surface, it does not protrude out from the domain as observed in other RRM structures, possibly implying a different mode of RNA binding. On its own, the core RRM domain provides only a relative weak interaction with RNA targets and appears to require extensions at the N- and C-terminus for high-affinity binding.  相似文献   

A large variety of RNA-based mechanisms have been uncovered in all living organisms to regulate gene expression in response to internal and external changes, and to rapidly adapt cell growth in response to these signals. In bacteria, structural elements in the 5' leader regions of mRNAs have direct effects on translation initiation of the downstream coding sequences. The docking and unfolding of these mRNAs on the 30S subunit are critical steps in the initiation process directly modulating and timing translation. Structural elements can also undergo conformational changes in response to environmental cues (i.e., temperature sensors) or upon binding of a variety of trans-acting factors, such as metabolites, non-coding RNAs or regulatory proteins. These RNA switches can temporally regulate translation, leading either to repression or to activation of protein synthesis.  相似文献   

The use of several translation initiation codons in a single mRNA, by expressing several proteins from a single gene, contributes to the generation of protein diversity. A small, yet growing, number of mammalian mRNAs initiate translation from a non-AUG codon, in addition to initiating at a downstream in-frame AUG codon. Translation initiation on such mRNAs results in the synthesis of proteins harbouring different amino terminal domains potentially conferring on these isoforms distinct functions. Use of non-AUG codons appears to be governed by several features, including the sequence context and the secondary structure surrounding the codon. Selection of the downstream initiation codon can occur by leaky scanning of the 43S ribosomal subunit, internal entry of ribosome or ribosomal shunting. The biological significance of non-AUG alternative initiation is demonstrated by the different subcellular localisations and/or distinct biological functions of the isoforms translated from the single mRNA as illustrated by the two main angiogenic factor genes encoding the fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2) and the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Consequently, the regulation of alternative initiation of translation might have a crucial role for the biological function of the gene product.  相似文献   

The context requirements for recognition of an initiator codon were evaluated in vitro by monitoring the relative use of two AUG codons that were strategically positioned to produce long (pre-chloramphenicol acetyl transferase [CAT]) and short versions of CAT protein. The yield of pre-CAT initiated from the 5'-proximal AUG codon increased, and synthesis of CAT from the second AUG codon decreased, as sequences flanking the first AUG codon increasingly resembled the eucaryotic consensus sequence. Thus, under prescribed conditions, the fidelity of initiation in extracts from animal as well as plant cells closely mimics what has been observed in vivo. Unexpectedly, recognition of an AUG codon in a suboptimal context was higher when the adjacent downstream sequence was capable of assuming a hairpin structure than when the downstream region was unstructured. This finding adds a new, positive dimension to regulation by mRNA secondary structure, which has been recognized previously as a negative regulator of initiation. Translation of pre-CAT from an AUG codon in a weak context was not preferentially inhibited under conditions of mRNA competition. That result is consistent with the scanning model, which predicts that recognition of the AUG codon is a late event that occurs after the competition-sensitive binding of a 40S ribosome-factor complex to the 5' end of mRNA. Initiation at non-AUG codons was evaluated in vitro and in vivo by introducing appropriate mutations in the CAT and preproinsulin genes. GUG was the most efficient of the six alternative initiator codons tested, but GUG in the optimal context for initiation functioned only 3 to 5% as efficiently as AUG. Initiation at non-AUG codons was artifactually enhanced in vitro at supraoptimal concentrations of magnesium.  相似文献   

The human hepatitis B virus (HBV) has a compact genome encoding four major overlapping coding regions: the core, polymerase, surface and X. The polymerase initiation codon is preceded by the partially overlapping core and four or more upstream initiation codons. There is evidence that several mechanisms are used to enable the synthesis of the polymerase protein, including leaky scanning and ribosome reinitiation. We have examined the first AUG in the pregenomic RNA, it precedes that of the core. It initiates an uncharacterized short upstream open reading frame (uORF), highly conserved in all HBV subtypes, we designated the C0 ORF. This arrangement suggested that expression of the core and polymerase may be affected by this uORF. Initiation at the C0 ORF was confirmed in reporter constructs in transfected cells. The C0 ORF had an inhibitory role in downstream expression from the core initiation site in HepG2 cells and in vitro, but also stimulated reinitiation at the polymerase start when in an optimal context. Our results indicate that the C0 ORF is a determinant in balancing the synthesis of the core and polymerase proteins.  相似文献   

Feature selection for the prediction of translation initiation sites   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Translation initiation sites (TISs) are important signals in cDNA sequences. In many previous attempts to predict TISs in cDNA sequences, three major factors affect the prediction performance: the nature of the cDNA sequence sets, the relevant features selected. and the classification methods used. In this paper, we examine different approaches to select and integrate relevant features for TIS prediction. The top selected significant features include the features from the position weight matrix and the propensity matrix, the number of nucleotide C in the sequence downstream ATG, the number of downstream stop codons. the number of upstream ATGs, and the number of some amino acids, such as amino acids A and D. With the numerical data generated from these features, different classification methods, including decision tree. naive Bayes, and support vector machine, were applied to three independent sequence sets. The identified significant features were found to be biologically meaningful. while the experiments showed promising results.  相似文献   

The novel mechanism of initiation of picornavirus RNA translation   总被引:74,自引:0,他引:74  
The initiation of translation of picornaviral RNAs takes place by an unusual mechanism whereby ribosomes bind directly to an internal site rather than scan the RNA from the 5′-end. This internal entry mechanism requires a 450-nucleotide segment of the picornavirus 5′-untranslated region. The ribosome binds initially to a site at the 3′-end of this segment, and then may scan the RNA to reach the authentic initiation site. This novel mechanism may be of relevance to the translation of some cellular mRNAs.  相似文献   

Translation initiation factor IF1 is an indispensable protein for translation in prokaryotes. No clear function has been assigned to this factor so far. In this study we demonstrate an RNA chaperone activity of this protein both in vivo and in vitro. The chaperone assays are based on in vivo or in vitro splicing of the group I intron in the thymidylate synthase gene (td) from phage T4 and an in vitro RNA annealing assay. IF1 wild-type and mutant variants with single amino acid substitutions have been analyzed for RNA chaperone activity. Some of the IF1 mutant variants are more active as RNA chaperones than the wild-type. Furthermore, both wild-type IF1 and mutant variants bind with high affinity to RNA in a band-shift assay. It is suggested that the RNA chaperone activity of IF1 contributes to RNA rearrangements during the early phase of translation initiation.  相似文献   

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