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We have determined the primary sequence and modification status of a transfer RNA from mosquito mitochondria whose GCU anticodon indicates that it is a serine tRNA (tRNASerGCU), and have obtained information on higher order structure using partial digestion with nucleases S1 and T1 under non-denaturing conditions. Although its primary sequence homology to mammalian mitochondrial tRNASerGCU is modest (46%), the mosquito tRNA resembles its mammalian mitochondrial counterpart in that a plausible secondary structure configuration includes a drastically abbreviated D arm and a sex base-pair anticodon stem. Other unusual features include a ribose-methylated cytidine residue at the end of the anticodon stem, and the likely occurrence of a psi residue between the amino acid arm and arm IV.  相似文献   

The sequences of three transfer RNAs from mosquito cell mitochondria, tRNAUCGArg, tRNAGUCAsp, and tRNAGAUIle, determined using a combination of rapid ladder and fingerprinting procedures are reported. These were compared with hamster mitochondrial tRNAUCGArg and tRNAGUCAsp determined similarly, and a bovine mitochondrial tRNAGAUIle determined using a somewhat different approach. The primary sequences of the mosquito tRNAs were 35 to 65% homologous to the corresponding mammalian mitochondrial species, and bore little homology to “conventional” (bacterial or eucaryotic cytoplasmic) tRNA. The modification status of the mosquito mitochondrial tRNAs resembled that of mammalian mitochondrial tRNA. The results contribute to the generalization that metazoan mitochondrial tRNA constitutes a distinctive, albeit loosely structured, phylogenetic group.  相似文献   

A methionine tRNA gene from lupine mitochondria.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

Sequence and structure of Tetrahymena SRP RNA.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

Mosquitoes are vectors for the transmission of many human pathogens that include viruses, nematodes and protozoa. For the understanding of their vectorial capacity, identification of disease carrying and refractory strains is essential. Recently, molecular taxonomic techniques have been utilized for this purpose. Sequence analysis of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene has been used for molecular taxonomy in many insects. In this paper, we have analysed a 450 bp hypervariable region of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene in three major genera of mosquitoes,Aedes, Anopheles andCulex. The sequence was found to be unusually A + T rich and in substitutions the rate of transversions was higher than the transition rate. A phylogenetic tree was constructed with these sequences. An interesting feature of the sequences was a stretch of Ts that distinguished betweenAedes andCulex on the one hand, andAnopheles on the other. This is the first report of mitochondrial rRNA sequences from these medically important genera of mosquitoes.  相似文献   

The recently deciphered sequence of the human mitochondrial genome is analyzed in the light of an archigenetic hypothesis, according to which mitochondria are derived neither from pro- nor eukaryotes but from more primitive organisms. The possibility that animal mitochondria have only one gene both for elongator and initiator methionine tRNA is supported but C-A pair forming cytosine in the anticodon of these tRNAs is considered to be unmodified. The evolution of the gene and of the codon reading pattern of the methionine tRNA is discussed.  相似文献   

Human hepatitis delta virus (HDV) RNA has been shown to contain a self-catalyzed cleavage activity. The sequence requirement for its catalytic activity appears to be different from that of other known ribozymes. In this paper, we define the minimum contiguous sequence and secondary structure of the HDV genomic RNA required for the catalytic activity. By using nested-set deletion mutants, we have determined that the essential sequence for the catalytic activity is contained within no more than 85 nucleotides of HDV RNA. These results are in close agreement with the previous determinations and confirmed the relative insignificance of the sequence at the 5' side of the cleavage site. The smallest catalytic RNA, representing HDV genomic RNA nucleotide positions 683 to 770, was used as the basis for studying the secondary structure requirements for catalytic activity. Analysis of the RNA structure, using RNase V1, nuclease S1 and diethylpyrocarbonate treatments showed that this RNA contains at least two stem-and-loop structures. Other larger HDV RNA subfragments containing the catalytic activity also have a very similar secondary structure. By performing site-specific mutagenesis studies, it was shown that one of the stem-and-loop structures could be deleted to half of its original size without affecting the catalytic activity. In addition, the other stem-and-loop contained a six base-pair helix, and the structure, rather than the sequence, of this helix was required for the catalytic activity. However, the structure of a portion of the stem-and-loop remains uncertain. We also report that this RNA can be divided into two separate molecules, which alone did not have cleavage activity but, when mixed, one of the RNAs could be cleaved in trans. This study thus reveals some features of the secondary structure of the HDV genomic RNA involved in self-catalyzed cleavage. A model of this RNA structure is presented.  相似文献   

The structure of rabbit liver aspartate tRNA2 was derived by two postlabelling techniques involving labelling at 3′ or 5′ end followed by controlled hydrolysis with base-specific nucleases and product characterization by gel electrophoresis:
This tRNA of 76 residues contains 8 modified nucleotides (1-MeAdo, rThd, H2Urd, Quo, two each of 5-MeCyd and ψrd). Although the proposed sequence resembles that of a recently described “major” isoacceptor of aspartate tRNA from rat liver, it differs in 13 nucleotides and contains an additional residue in the variable loop. Our tRNA sequence shows 65 per cent homology with an isoacceptor from the yeast, but only 55 per cent with the isoacceptor from Escherichia coli, and has very little resemblance to the aspartate isoacceptors from normal or tumor mitochondria.  相似文献   

Initiator methionine tRNA from the mitochondria of Neurospora crassa has been purified and sequenced. This mitochondrial tRNA can be aminoacylated and formylated by E. coli enzymes, and is capable of initiating protein synthesis in E. coli extracts. The nucleotide composition of the mitochondrial initiator tRNA (the first mitochondrial tRNA subjected to sequence analysis) is very rich in A + U, like that reported for total mitochondrial tRNA. In two of the unique features which differentiate procaryotic from eucaryotic cytoplasmic initiator tRNAs, the mitochondrial tRNA appears to resemble the eucaryotic initiator tRNAs. Thus unlike procaryotic initiator tRNAs in which the 5′ terminal nucleotide cannot form a Watson-Crick base pair to the fifth nucleotide from the 3′ end, the mitochondrial tRNA can form such a base pair; and like the eucaryotic cytoplasmic initiator tRNAs, the mitochondrial initiator tRNA lacks the sequence -TΨCG(or A) in loop IV. The corresponding sequence in the mitochondrial tRNA, however, is -UGCA- and not -AU(or Ψ)CG-as found in all eucaryotic cytoplasmic initiator tRNAs. In spite of some similarity of the mitochondrial initiator tRNA to both eucaryotic and procaryotic initiator tRNAs, the mitochondrial initiator tRNA is basically different from both these tRNAs. Between these two classes of initiator tRNAs, however, it is more homologous in sequence to procaryotic (56–60%) than to eucaryotic cytoplasmic initiator tRNAs (45–51%).  相似文献   

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