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The evolution of floral scent and insect chemical communication   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The evolution of vocal alarm communication in rodents   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
On encountering a predator, many species emit potentially riskyvocalizations known as alarm calls. We evaluated the relativeimportance of two adaptive hypotheses on the evolution of calling:(1) communicating to predators, which may function by deterringpursuit and hence increasing individual survival, and (2) analternative nepotistic hypothesis for alarm calling wherebycallers obtain direct and indirect fitness by warning relatives.Focusing on 209 species of rodents, we found significant associationsbetween diurnality and alarm calling, living socially and alarmcalling, and diurnality and sociality. Diurnality, however,accounted for nearly three times as much variation in whetheror not a species alarm called than did sociality. Phylogenetictests revealed that the evolution of diurnality preceded theevolution of alarm calling, and that the evolutions of diurnalityand sociality were unrelated. Our results are consistent withthe hypothesis that alarm communication evolved to communicateto predators. If so, then nepotistic benefits, although importantfor the maintenance of alarm calling in some rodents, may berelatively less important in its evolution.  相似文献   

The evolution of animal microRNA function   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a large class of small RNAs that function as negative gene regulators in eukaryotes. They regulate diverse biological processes, and bioinformatics data indicate that each miRNA can control hundreds of gene targets, underscoring the potential influence of miRNAs on almost every genetic pathway. In addition to the roles in ontogeny, recent evidence has suggested the possibility that miRNAs have huge impacts on animal phylogeny. The dramatically expanding repertoire of miRNAs and their targets appears to be associated with major body-plan innovations as well as the emergence of phenotypic variation in closely related species. Research in the area of miRNA phylogenetic conservation and diversity suggests that miRNAs play important roles in animal evolution, by driving phenotypic variation during development.  相似文献   

Conformity is an important aspect of many communication systems in which signals are culturally transmitted. We suggest that one reason for it to evolve is if nonconforming individuals are discriminated against, and we therefore investigated how this might arise. We designed a spatial simulation, in which individuals occupied a territory on a lattice, and played a territorial game with their neighbours in which one individual could challenge another and, if successful, obtain some of the latter's resources. We then examined the relative success of pairs of strategies. We found that aggression targeted towards nonconformers (conformity-enforcing behaviour) was more successful than randomly targeted aggression in both a simple model and a more complicated one in which the conditions were based on the specific case of song sharing between songbirds. The reason for this result is that individuals could use patterns of vocal sharing to gang up on neighbours with locally uncommon song types, increasing their own chances of success. In both models, a critical parameter was how the number of contests an individual was previously involved in altered the chance of winning: conformity-enforcing behaviour was the most successful strategy only if the more contests an individual had been involved in, the less likely it was to win. Our results may explain the origin of conformity-enforcing behaviour and discrimination in nonhuman animals and may have relevance to similar behaviour in humans.  相似文献   

从生物进化看褪黑素的功能意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李经才  王芳  霍艳  刘东春 《生命科学》2000,12(3):130-133
褪黑素在生物发布极为广泛,从低等原核生物到高5等脊椎动物,乃至植物体内均发现褪黑素。在漫长的生物进化过程中,它作为了种古老多效性的分子而保留至今。生物中门类浩繁,形态、功能千差万别,但体内的褪黑素却有相似的作用:(1)传递光暗信号,使生物的各种内源性节律与环境周期保持同步。(2)有铲清除生物体内的自由基。使机体免受氧化损伤。(3)褪黑素与钙调蛋白结合,调节细胞骨架的机能状态,以执行特定的功能、褪黑  相似文献   

This paper reports two studies to model the inter-relationships between protein sequence, structure and function. First, an automated pipeline to provide a structural annotation of proteomes in the major genomes is described. The results are stored in a database at Imperial College, London (3D-GENOMICS) that can be accessed at www.sbg.bio.ic.ac.uk. Analysis of the assignments to structural superfamilies provides evolutionary insights. 3D-GENOMICS is being integrated with related proteome annotation data at University College London and the European Bioinformatics Institute in a project known as e-protein (http://www.e-protein.org/). The second topic is motivated by the developments in structural genomics projects in which the structure of a protein is determined prior to knowledge of its function. We have developed a new approach PHUNCTIONER that uses the gene ontology (GO) classification to supervise the extraction of the sequence signal responsible for protein function from a structure-based sequence alignment. Using GO we can obtain profiles for a range of specificities described in the ontology. In the region of low sequence similarity (around 15%), our method is more accurate than assignment from the closest structural homologue. The method is also able to identify the specific residues associated with the function of the protein family.  相似文献   

Evolution of social communication systems is modeled with a quantitative genetic model. The mathematical model describes the coevolutionary process of a social signal (a social character) and responsiveness (a social preference) to the signal. The responsiveness is postulated to influence fitness of senders of the signal. Considerations are extended to subdivided population structure by combining the social selection model with a group selection model. The numerical results derived from the models indicate that the evolutionary rate of social communication systems depends largely on genetic correlation between the signal and the responsiveness. Group selection can reinforce the evolutionary rate and relax its dependence on genetic correlation. The origin of genetic correlation is discussed in relation to group selection.  相似文献   

The function and evolution of Wnt genes in arthropods   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wnt signalling is required for a wide range of developmental processes, from cleavage to patterning and cell migration. There are 13 subfamilies of Wnt ligand genes and this diverse repertoire appeared very early in metazoan evolution.In this review, we first summarise the known Wnt gene repertoire in various arthropods. Insects appear to have lost several Wnt subfamilies, either generally, such as Wnt3, or in lineage specific patterns, for example, the loss of Wnt7 in Anopheles. In Drosophila and Acyrthosiphon, only seven and six Wnt subfamilies are represented, respectively; however, the finding of nine Wnt genes in Tribolium suggests that arthropods had a larger repertoire ancestrally.We then discuss what is currently known about the expression and developmental function of Wnt ligands in Drosophila and other insects in comparison to other arthropods, such as the spiders Achaearanea and Cupiennius. We conclude that studies of Wnt genes have given us much insight into the developmental roles of some of these ligands. However, given the frequent loss of Wnt genes in insects and the derived development of Drosophila, further studies of these important genes are required in a broader range of arthropods to fully understand their developmental function and evolution.  相似文献   

The exponential growth of sequence data provides abundant information for the discovery of new enzyme reactions. Correctly annotating the functions of highly diverse proteins can be difficult, however, hindering use of this information. Global analysis of large superfamilies of related proteins is a powerful strategy for understanding the evolution of reactions by identifying catalytic commonalities and differences in reaction and substrate specificity, even when only a few members have been biochemically or structurally characterized. A comparison of >2500 sequences sharing the six-bladed β-propeller fold establishes sequence, structural, and functional links among the three subgroups of the functionally diverse N6P superfamily: the arylesterase-like and senescence marker protein-30/gluconolactonase/luciferin-regenerating enzyme-like (SGL) subgroups, representing enzymes that catalyze lactonase and related hydrolytic reactions, and the so-called strictosidine synthase-like (SSL) subgroup. Metal-coordinating residues were identified as broadly conserved in the active sites of all three subgroups except for a few proteins from the SSL subgroup, which have been experimentally determined to catalyze the quite different strictosidine synthase (SS) reaction, a metal-independent condensation reaction. Despite these differences, comparison of conserved catalytic features of the arylesterase-like and SGL enzymes with the SSs identified similar structural and mechanistic attributes between the hydrolytic reactions catalyzed by the former and the condensation reaction catalyzed by SS. The results also suggest that despite their annotations, the great majority of these >500 SSL sequences do not catalyze the SS reaction; rather, they likely catalyze hydrolytic reactions typical of the other two subgroups instead. This prediction was confirmed experimentally for one of these proteins.  相似文献   

This study investigated associations between men's facial attractiveness, perceived personality, attitudes towards children, and the quality of their child-directed (CD) speech. Sixty-three males were photographed and completed a brief questionnaire concerning their family background and attitudes towards children. They then performed a task in which they gave directions to (imaginary) adults and children. Analyses of the acoustic properties of speech produced under each condition were performed in order to determine the extent to which individual men changed their speech to accommodate a child listener (i.e., exhibited CD speech). The men's faces were rated by 59 female participants, who assessed perceived prosociality, masculinity, health, and short- and long-term attractiveness. Although women's ratings of attractiveness and prosociality were related to men's self-reported liking for children, they were negatively correlated to men's use of CD speech (i.e., less attractive men used more features of CD speech when addressing an imaginary child). These findings are discussed in the context of halo effects and strategic pluralism in male mating behaviors.  相似文献   

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