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Abstract. Attempts to restore species‐rich flood‐plain meadows from abandoned arable fields in the valley of the river Meuse, NE France, were studied. The study area was sown with a commercial seed mixture, composed of Phleumpratense, Festuca pratensis, Lolium perenne and Trifolium repens. The above‐ground vegetation in the study area 1, 2 and 3 yr after restoration was compared to (1) the vegetation present during the previous 5‐yr fallow stage and (2) target flood‐plain meadows. Before restoration, the above‐ground fallow vegetation was dominated by ruderal and annual species, while only very few meadow species were present. Sowing led to tall, dense vegetation, mainly dominated by the sown species. Ruderal and annual species had decreased 3 yr after restoration, but target species were still poorly represented. Species richness was significantly lower in the sown site than in the semi‐natural target meadows and the vegetation had a different composition. Analysis of the soil seed bank of the restored meadow showed that only a few meadow species were present and that it was dominated by a few ruderal species. Three years after sowing, the vegetation of our experimental site is moving slowly towards the target communities but impoverished seed sources seem to limit the success of this restoration operation and will lead to under‐saturated communities.  相似文献   

This article reports changes in the segetal vegetation in the Borská nížina Lowland (Western Slovakia) over 50 years. The study was based on phytosociological relevés obtained by Krippelová in the years 1949–1955, as well as our own recent data from the years 2002–2006. Using ordination and statistical methods, structural and floristic changes to four associations recorded in the area in both time periods were evaluated: Veronicetum trilobae-triphyllidi, Consolido-Anthemidetum austriacae, Echinochloo-Setarietum pumilae and Setario viridis-Erigeronetum canadensis. These plant communities are found in arable fields or young fallows. In some of these communities the proportion of invasive species, as well as archaeophytes and native species, has increased. Some agricultural practices (like fertilization and liming) support the spread of nitrophilous and calcareous species. Several ruderal species and herbicide-resistant species have expanded in the fields. In all studied associations the proportion of nutrient-demanding species has increased. Some rare and threatened species have declined or disappeared, but some threatened species that are missing from historical material are now present. However, the changes detected are not as substantial as expected based on data from other countries.  相似文献   

Predation of annual grass weed seeds in arable field margins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Seeds of three species of annual grass weeds (Alopecurus myosuroides, Avena fatua and Bromus sterilis) were placed in field margins around arable fields in a randomised block split-plot design experiment. The field margin vegetation was either sown or naturally regenerated and either cut or uncut. The seeds were either placed in cages designed to exclude small mammals and birds or were uncaged. The proportion of seeds removed was monitored on 10 occasions and mean seed loss was analysed. In general, a greater proportion of weed seeds was removed from uncaged trays in uncut swards, suggesting predation by small mammals, which inhabit tall grass. This effect was mainly due to removal of seeds of the two large-seeded species (A. fatua and B. sterilis), with A. fatua being especially favoured. It is therefore likely that small mammals play a role in the population dynamics of major crop weeds by feeding on their seeds in field margins, especially when these are dense and uncut.  相似文献   

Abstract Two species of endangered Brassicaceae, Barbarea australis and Lepidium hyssopifolium, occur in a few small populations in Tasmania. The former species is associated with streams where it occurs in vegetation with numerous exotics. The latter species is usually found in the root zone of exotic large trees, usually on roadsides, and often in the absence of many other native species. Populations of both species have disappeared since European settlement, some in the last two decades. Both species are rapid and prolific producers of easily germinated seed. Both species are absent from places grazed moderately or intensively by sheep or cattle. The establishment of new individuals of Lepidium occurs only on relatively bare ground. The species is tolerant of root competition and intolerant of above ground competition. It will also establish from soil-stored seed after mechanical disturbance. Its future is linked to the survival of grazing-free locations where above ground competition from herbs and grasses is subdued. Barbarea is a ruderal that requires freedom from stock grazing for its persistence in Tasmanian riparian habitats. These results reinforce the importance of some degraded ecosystems for biodiversity conservation, and the critical role of disturbance regimes in influencing the survival or extinction of a subset of native plant species. In the fragmented and variegated landscapes of today, weedy natives cannot necessarily be expected to survive in non-weedy environments.  相似文献   

Question: What was the change in diversity of urban synantropic vegetation in a medium‐sized Central European city during the period of increasing urbanization (1960s‐1990s)? Location: The city of Plzeň, an industrial centre of the western part of the Czech Republic. Methods: Sampling of various types of synanthropic vegetation, conducted in the 1960s, was repeated by using the same methods in the 1990s. This yielded 959 relevés, of which 623 were made in the 1960s and 336 in the 1990s. The relevés were assigned to the following phytosociological classes: Chenopodietea, Artemisietea vulgaris, Galio‐Urticetea, Agropyretea repentis and Plantaginetea majoris. Total number of vascular plant species, evenness index J, number of alien species (classified into archaeophytes and neophytes), and mean Ellenberg indicator values for light, temperature, continentality, moisture, soil reaction, and nutrients were obtained for each relevé. Results: From 1960s to 1990s, there was a significant decrease of species richness and diversity in synanthropic vegetation. The proportion of archaeophytes decreased in most vegetation types, indicating the contribution of this group of species, often confined to specific rural‐like habitats, to the observed impoverishment of ruderal vegetation. The proportion of neophytes did not change between the two periods. Comparison between 1960s and 1990s indicated a decrease in light, temperature, moisture, soil reaction and nutrient indicator values in some vegetation types. In both periods, Artemisieta, Galio‐Urticetea and Chenopodietea formed a distinct group harbouring more species than Agropyretea and Plantaginetea. Neophytes, i.e. recently introduced species, were most represented in the early successional annual vegetation of Chenopodietea, rather than in perennial vegetation of the other classes. Conclusions: Synanthropic vegetation of Plzeň exhibited a general trend of decrease in species diversity.  相似文献   

The Cabrera vole (Microtus cabrerae) is a threatened rodent endemic in the Iberian Peninsula with a patchy distribution and specific microhabitat requirements. This aim of this study was to document the composition of plant communities in habitats of Cabrera vole colonies in southern Portugal. Differences observed in plant species composition were also compared with vegetation structure, taxonomic and life form groups, species and group diversity, disturbance, topography and soil properties. Vegetation was sampled between March and July 2004, in 26 colonies occurring in five geographical areas. Grasses were the most abundant, common and diverse family in the colonies, and the perennial grass Agrostis castellana was present in 92% of colonies, with a mean cover of 16% of the site. Other frequently occurring species were Briza maxima (85%), Vulpia myuros (85%), Gaudinia fragilis (81%), Leontodon spp. (81%), Avena barbata (77%), Bromus hordeaceus (77%) and Tolpis barbata (77%). Colonies were classified in eight vegetation groups that included meadows, tall perennial grasslands, manured meadows with tall sedges, annual grasslands and ruderal and nitrophilous grasslands. Main gradients associated with composition differences were grass richness, annual and perennial grass cover, vegetation structure (herbaceous vegetation height), soil properties (texture and moisture), disturbance (ruderal species) and colony dimensions (area). Results suggest that the Cabrera vole is able to exploit a wide variety of grasslands, with a varying degree of ecological disturbance. Meadows and perennial grassland communities seem to be higher-quality microhabitats for voles.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper reports on vegetation development on permanent experimental plots during five years of succession. Nine (1 m2) plots were filled with three typical substrates from man-made habitats of urban and industrial areas in the region of Berlin. The three substrates (a commercial ‘topsoil’, a ruderal ‘landfill’ soil and a sandy soil), differ in organic matter and nutrient contents. Relevés of species composition and percent cover of each species present were made monthly during the growing season from the start of vegetation development. This paper describes the different successional pathways on topsoil and ruderal soil and the colonization process on sandy soil. On topsoil, ruderal annuals are dominant in the first year and are replaced by short-lived perennials from the second year. Those species were replaced by long-lived perennial herbs (Ballota nigra or Urtica dioica) from the third year of succession onwards. On the ruderal land-fill soil the early successional stages are less sharp and the perennial Solidago canadensis is able to dominate within one year after the succession was initiated. On sandy soil there is still an ongoing colonization process, where pioneer tree species like Betula pendula and Populus nigra play a main role. The importance of ‘initial floristic composition’, the role of substrate for community structure and the peculiarities of successional sequences on anthropogenic soils in the context of primary and secondary successions are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of the article is the syntaxonomic interpretation of hyperhalophilous woody or semi-woody vegetation with Halocnemum M. Bieb. along the coasts of the Mediterranean Basin. For this area, the two species of Halocnemum, H. strobilaceum (Pall.) M. Bieb. and H. cruciatum (Forssk.) Tod. are identified; their morphological characteristics, synonymy and distribution are here described. The study carried out of particular aspects of the plant morphology and the micromorphological characteristics of the seeds collected from different places in the Mediterranean allows to better differentiate the two species. Vegetation studies already done in many communities of the Mediterranean by several authors threw into great confusion because only H. strobilacem has been recognized as a dominant species. As regards the syntaxonomic analyses of the vegetation, the authors refer to the proposals already made by various scientists for the vegetation of inland salt basins of Eurasia and the Irano-Anatolian area, who suggested the classes Kalidietea foliate and Halocnemetea strobilaceiirano-anatolica, respectively. Conversely, in the Mediterranean Basin, the vegetation study is present only in coastal areas where it is considerably impoverished in the number of species. Therefore, the authors propose to include hyperhalophilous, woody and fruticose vegetation in the class Sarcocornietea fruticosae. However, the phytosociological and ecological diversity is highlighted proposing the order Halocnemetalia cruciati in which both the alliance Halocnemion strobilacei, for middle Eastern Europe, and the alliance Halocnemion cruciati, for North Africa with penetrations in the Western and Eastern Europe up to the Middle East coast, are included. This new interpretation has required the correction of the names of two associations (Frankenio corymbosae–Halocnemetum cruciati and ZygophylloalbiHalocnemetumcruciati) and the proposal of two new associations Arthrocnemo machrostachyi–Halocnemetum cruciati and Halocnemo cruciati–Sarcocornietum fruticosae. A further proposal concerns the addition of the alliance Limoniastrion monopetali, previously included in the order Limonietalia, in the order Halocnemetalia cruciati.  相似文献   

Species-rich, winter-rainfall, microphyllous Renosterveld vegetation in the Western Cape Province of South Africa has largely been transformed for production of wheat and wine. Remaining fragments thus have high conservation value. Abandoned old fields adjacent to natural vegetation fragments could potentially be restored as corridors and habitat for indigenous flora and fauna. We hypothesised that indigenous antelope maintained in a matrix of natural vegetation and abandoned field could play a role in restoration of Renoserveld via seed dispersal.We collected dung of indigenous ungulates in an abandoned field at various distances from natural Renosterveld vegetation, in order to assess the potential of large herbivores to contribute to restoration of plant diversity through seed dispersal. Emerged seedlings from the collected dung represented 29 forb, 13 grass, four sedge, four geophyte and one shrub species. The most abundant emerging seedlings were lawn grass Cynodon dactylon (38%), alien pasture grasses (31%) and indigenous geophyte Romulea rosea (12%). Whereas seeds of annual forbs and grasses were dispersed, only one shrub species was dispersed at very low density. We concluded that large herbivores could retard the rate of recovery of Renosterveld vegetation because viable seeds of herbaceous plants, particularly alien annual grasses and lawn-grasses were more abundant in the dung than the shrub, geophyte or perennial tussock grass species that characterise this vegetation type.  相似文献   

The reproductive systems of fourCardamine species were compared.C. flexuosa ssp.flexuosa, a self-pollinated winter annual in fallow paddy fields, produces numerous small seeds.C. flexuosa ssp.fallax, a self-pollinated year-long annual in gardens and roadsides, also produces many small seeds.C. impatiens, a self-pollinated annual in forest margins, similarly produces numerous small seeds.C. scutata is a self-pollinated perennial in ill-drained paddy fields and creeks; its vegetative reproduction is not predominant, and it produces relatively many seeds.C. lyrata, a cross-pollinated perennial with self-incompatibility in ill-drained paddy fields and creeks, produces fewer and heavier seeds, but it does produce many ramets. Moreover, in seed-dispersal mechanisms and germination behavior of fourCardamine species several adaptive characteristics to their habitats are found. These observations on the reproductive systems of fourCardamine species apparently present different characteristics of life-history strategy for each of them.  相似文献   

Abstract. The syntaxonomy of the perennial nitrophilous vegetation assigned to the Artemisietea vulgaris of the northern part of the Iberian Peninsula (Basque Country and surrounding areas) was revised. The study area is of biogeographic importance due to its transitional character - here, the ruderal vegetation of the Mediterranean and that of temperate Europe meet. Numerical ordination of the communities was performed in order to reveal systematic relations between the syntaxa. Two subclasses, Artemisienea vulgaris and Onopordenea, encompassing five orders, Convolvuletalia, Galio-Alliarietalia, Artemisietalia, Onopordetalia, Carthametalia lanati, and seven alliances with 12 associations and two rankless communities were distinguished.  相似文献   

Abstract. Zonation of above‐ground vegetation often occurs in salt marshes along salinity and moisture gradients. The above‐ground vegetation and seed bank in four physiognomically different vegetation zones in a salt marsh were compared to determine their level of similarity using percent similarity as a distance measure. 10‐m transects were established along a salinity gradient through four different vegetation zones; a Salicornia zone, a Salicornia‐Atriplex zone, an Atriplex zone and an Atriplex‐Hordeum zone. A UPGMA cluster analysis demonstrated that the above‐ground vegetation was not usually highly correlated with the seed bank composition of zonal communities. Since seeds of these annual salt marsh species occurred in all zones, the levels of salt stress may be the main factor determining which species were found in the above‐ground vegetation.  相似文献   

The Hantam-Tanqua-Roggeveld subregion is part of the Succulent Karoo hotspot of biodiversity which stretches along the southwestern side of South Africa and Namibia. Forty Whittaker plots were surveyed in the spring of 2005, in eight vegetation associations, to gather diversity data for the Hantam, Tanqua Karoo and Roggeveld areas. Seven plot sizes were used to construct species–area curves using three different models namely: the untransformed linear function, the power function and the exponential function. In general, the power and exponential functions produced a more significant fit to the data than the untransformed linear function. Linear regressions using environmental parameters indicated that altitude, mean annual precipitation and mean annual temperature were significant predictors of species richness at the 1, 10, 100 and 1000 m2 scales. To illustrate the variation in species–area curves and species richness across the landscape, a transect through the study area is discussed. The transect stretches eastwards from the Tanqua Karoo across the escarpment into the Roggeveld and crosses five different vegetation associations. Differences between associations were found in species richness in the 1000 m2 plots. Each association also produced species–area curves with their own characteristics. Slope values for the samples within an association did not differ significantly, although the intercept value often did. Comparisons between associations along the transect revealed significant differences in the slope value between the associations, except for the Dicerothamnus rhinocerotis Mountain Renosterveld which did not differ significantly from the associations bordering it on either side.  相似文献   

It has been recently shown that some annual and biennial species of man-made habitats cope with severe disturbance by resprouting (vegetative regeneration) from their bud bank and do not only rely on regeneration from seeds. Nevertheless, information on the ecology of this phenomenon is rare. In a field study, we answered the question how frequent is resprouting from root buds in populations of the ruderal biennial herb Oenothera biennis, and how it is affected by habitat conditions. In an experiment, we tested the hypothesis that higher severity of injury and later life-cycle phase of the injured plants suppress resprouting from both axillary and root buds in O. biennis and also in its closely related congeners O. fallax and O. glazioviana.In 25 out of 29 studied ruderal populations of O. biennis severely injured individuals were found; however, only half of these populations included injured individuals that resprouted from roots. Among these populations, the number of root-sprouting individuals varied highly (from 3% to 67% of injured individuals). The largest populations and the highest percentage of root-resprouting individuals were found in urban habitats with sandy/gravelly substrate, a low vegetation cover, and a high frequency of disturbance.In the experiment with three Oenothera congeners, removal of aboveground biomass with all axillary buds largely led to the death of plants of all three species. When a portion of the basal axillary buds remained intact, individuals of O. biennis mostly failed to regenerate, whereas individuals of O. fallax and O. glazioviana survived and formed seeds. A higher severity of injury suppressed resprouting in Oenothera congeners in this experiment. However, the relationship between life-cycle phase and the ability to resprout remains unclear in Oenothera species.This study showed that resprouting after severe injury is an important feature of Oenothera individuals occurring in man-made habitats and may represent an alternative strategy to regeneration from the seed bank under disturbance conditions.  相似文献   

Giant kangaroo rats (Dipodomys ingens) continually modify their burrow precincts by digging tunnels, clipping plants, and other activities. In the valley grasslands of the Carrizo Plain Natural Area (San Luis Obispo County, California), this chronic disturbance to soil and vegetation promoted the establishment of exotic ruderal and early successional plant species. Erodium cicutarium, Bromus madritensis ssp. rubens, and other Mediterranean annuals were found to constitute a very large proportion of the vegetation on giant kangaroo rat precincts. When vegetation on precincts was compared with the vegetation in less disturbed intermediate areas located between precincts, species richness, cover and frequency of exotic plants were significantly greater on precincts. The reverse was found for native species. In addition, exotic species encountered in this study had significantly larger seeds than did native species, suggesting that these granivorous kangaroo rats preferentially cache large weed seeds on their precincts. Since the kangaroo rats depend on exotic plants for food and the exotic plants depend upon the kangaroo rats to disturb their habitat continually, the weed-kangaroo rat relationship is mutualistic. This strong relationship may also inhibit population growth of native grassland plants which occupy disturbed habitats but have difficulty competing with exotic weeds for resources. From a conservation perspective, this mutualism presents an intractable management dilemma. Restoration of valley grasslands where endangered giant kangaroo rats occur, to conditions where native species dominate, may be impossible.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper focuses on the persistence of seeds in the seed bank of a formerly fertilized flood-meadow into which seeds from an original Alopecurus pratensis-Sanguisorba officinalis community have been introduced. The longevity of seeds in the seed bank of the original community is also estimated. The established vegetation was compared with the seed bank, as divided into two layers (0 - 5 cm and 5–10 cm); this allowed a classification of species into three groups, with (1) transient, (2) short-term persistent and (3) long-term persistent seed bank. The majority of the species of the unfertilized flood-meadow community have a transient or short-term persistent seed bank with seeds showing a large variance in shape i.e. flattened or elongate. Because of this, the characteristic flood-meadow species will disappear soon after the beginning of fertilizer application and will not re-establish from the seed bank, once the fertilizer application is ceased. The formerly fertilized flood-meadow contains many ruderal and arable weed species, the seeds of which tend to be compact or round. Significantly more seeds were found in the seed bank of the formerly fertilized flood-meadow under cattle-grazing than under sheep-grazing and no grazing.  相似文献   

Abstract. A syntaxonomic study of trampled plant communities in North Korea is presented. Analytic and synthetic methods of the Braun-Blanquet approach together with a numeric-syntaxonomical analysis (cluster analysis and principal coordinate analysis ordination) were employed. With the exception of the Bryo-Saginetum japonicae, all the associations, such as the Artemisio asiaticae-Plantaginetum asiaticae, Plantagini depressae-Polygonetum avicularis, Polygono avicularis-Potentilletum costatae, Eragrostio multicaulis-Plantaginetum depressae, Euphorbio maculatae-Centipedetum minimae, Digitario pectiniformis-Eleusinetum indicae and Setario viridis-Chlorisetum virgatae, are described for the first time. Some communities also include a number of subassociations. Trampled communities are found along edges of paths and in cracks among paving stones. Soils vary from loamy to sandy and skeletal. A phenomenon of seasonality in expression of ruderal communities was observed in North Korea. It is assumed that this seasonality is controlled by pattern of precipitation showing distinct climatic seasons (e.g. pre-monsoon and post-monsoon periods). The ruderal vegetation seasonality is supposed to become more pronounced towards tropical regions. Several mesophilous or slightly hygrophilous European species occur frequently in North Korean trampled communities including Chenopodium glaucum, C. ficifolium and Potentilla supina. Their occurrence in trampled habitats is hypothesized as being related to high air humidity and associated wet climate.  相似文献   

The synanthropic vegetation in seven villages of Northern Greece (N Pindhos and Olympus massif)—situated either in theQuercion confertae or in theFagetalia zone—is analyzed on the basis of about 100 phytosociological relevés. The most important vascular plant species of ruderal sites have also been mapped floristically. Nineteen plant communities are discernible, some of which are mentioned for the first time here. Nevertheless, the author refrains from hastily describing new associations, unless a more detailed phytosociological data basis on ruderal vegetation in the Southern Balkans is available. A table refers to differences and similarities between the recognized plant communities in Greek villages and those which correspond to them in Central Europe. Non-industrial methods of agriculture and animal husbandry are among the most important conditions for the remarkable rich vegetation in Greek mountain villages.  相似文献   

Abstract. Hawaiian ecosystems are prone to invasion by alien plant species. I compared the seed rain, seed bank, and vegetation of a native Hawaiian forest to examine the potential role that seed ecology plays in allowing alien species to invade native forest. Absolute cover of seed plants in the forest was 126 %, annual seed rain was 5 713 seeds m-2 yr-1, and the mean density of seedlings emerging from the seed bank averaged across four seasons was 1 020/m2. The endemic tree Metrosideros polymorpha was the most abundant species in the vegetation, seed rain and winter seed bank. Overall, native seed plants comprised 95 % of the relative cover in the vegetation and 99 % of the seeds in the seed rain, but alien species comprised 67 % of the seeds in the seed bank. Alien species tended to form persistent seed banks while native species formed transient or pseudo-persistent seed banks. Dominance of the seed bank by alien species with persistent seed banks suggests that aliens are favorably placed to increase in abundance in the vegetation if the forest is disturbed.  相似文献   

Questions: What is the effect of herbaceous layer on seedling establishment of three woody pioneer species in open areas of central Chile under a semi‐arid mediterranean climate? How do inter‐annual and habitat conditions (slope aspect) modulate this effect? Under high stress conditions such as the drier year and habitat (north‐facing slope) do herbs reach low abundance and have neutral effects on woody seedlings? Under medium stress conditions for these woody species, such as the wetter year and south‐facing slope, does the herbaceous layer reach greater abundance and have positive effects on woody seedlings due to increasing soil water content? Location: A watershed on the outskirts of Santiago, Chile, subjected to clearing of woody vegetation through firewood extraction and human‐set fires. Methods: In spring 2007, we set up 20 plots (3 m × 2 m). Half of each plot had herbs removed manually and by application of herbicide. In both halves of each plot, one seedling (8 months old) of each of the three native woody species (Colliguaya odorifera, Schinus polygamus and Quillaja saponaria) was planted and survival monitored subsequently. The experiment was repeated in two consecutive growing seasons (2007–2008 and 2008–2009) that differed significantly in total precipitation (152 and 256.5 mm, respectively), and replicated in two sites that differed in aspect and abiotic conditions: a moister south‐ and a drier north‐facing slope. Results: In the first and drier year, the herbaceous layer had low cover and no significant effect on seedling survival of woody species. During the second year, herbs had greater cover and a significant positive effect on spring survival of C. odorifera in the north‐facing slope, which was lost after summer. During this wetter year on the south‐facing slope, herb cover had a positive effect on survival of S. polygamus (mainly during summer). Conclusions: The role of mostly ruderal herbs on woody seedling establishment depended on the species, rainfall of the current year and slope aspect, and may be explained by soil moisture patterns. This suggests that the effect of ruderal herbs on woody seedlings shifts from neutral under high stress conditions produced by drought to positive under moderate stress conditions. Our results contribute to understand interactions between ruderal herbs and woody species under contrasting abiotic conditions. Therefore, control of the herbaceous layer may not be needed in restoration programmes for this region. Moreover, herbs may benefit restoration of woody cover in mesic habitats.  相似文献   

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