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A widespread and popular belief posits that humans possess a cognitive capacity that is limited to keeping track of and maintaining stable relationships with approximately 150 people. This influential number, ‘Dunbar''s number’, originates from an extrapolation of a regression line describing the relationship between relative neocortex size and group size in primates. Here, we test if there is statistical support for this idea. Our analyses on complementary datasets using different methods yield wildly different numbers. Bayesian and generalized least-squares phylogenetic methods generate approximations of average group sizes between 69–109 and 16–42, respectively. However, enormous 95% confidence intervals (4–520 and 2–336, respectively) imply that specifying any one number is futile. A cognitive limit on human group size cannot be derived in this manner.  相似文献   

Bioinformatic analyses have grown rapidly in sophistication and efficiency to accommodate the vast increase in available data. One of the major challenges has been to incorporate the growing appreciation of the complexity of molecular evolution into new analytical methods. As the reliance on molecular data in biology and medicine increases, we need to be confident that these methods adequately reflect the underlying processes of genome change. This special issue focuses on the way that patterns and processes of molecular evolution are influenced by features of populations of whole organisms, such as selection pressure, population size and life history. The advantage of this approach to molecular evolution is that it views genomic change not simply as a biochemical or stochastic process, but as the result of a complex series of interactions that shape the kinds of genomic changes that can and do happen.  相似文献   

香菇‘申香1644’是以传统优质栽培品种‘申香215’为亲本,采用多孢自交育种技术选育的新品种。其菌盖纵切面呈凸形,菌盖直径(6.15±0.38) cm,菌盖厚度(2.27±0.42) cm,菇型圆整,菇质紧实,产量高,生物学转化率95%以上。与亲本相比,‘申香1644’在分子标记和栽培性状上均具有明显差异性,其菌盖为浅黄褐色,颜色较亲本浅;菌龄100-105 d,较亲本缩短5-10 d。‘申香1644’菌丝生长适宜温度为22-26 ℃,原基发育适宜温度为16-22 ℃,可在全国范围内进行代料栽培。  相似文献   

斑玉蕈‘闽真5号’品种系以‘闽真3号’与‘白玉-01’作为亲本,通过原生质体单核化杂交育种技术选育获得。该品种菌盖白色,呈半球形,表面斑纹少而小。鲜菇蛋白质含量2.1%,氨基酸总量1.43%。示范栽培表明,‘闽真5号’菌丝最适培养温度20-27 ℃,子实体生长发育温度12-17 ℃,袋栽菌包培养周期为110 d,出菇周期为28 d,平均单袋产量635.17 g/袋。该品种具有栽培周期短、产量高、商品性状好等优良性状,适用于袋栽工厂化周年栽培。  相似文献   

杜适普  郭杰  刘小奎  张君  姜宇  王炯  孙水娟 《菌物学报》2022,41(7):1137-1139
‘豫香2号’是从河南省卢氏县伏牛山地区采集的野生香菇子实体,经过多次组织分离和驯化等系统选育而获得的优良品种,适宜河南省中高海拔区域种植。该品种子实体中等,多单生,菌盖圆整、浅褐色,菌柄呈倒圆锥形,产量高,鲜销耐储存。  相似文献   

‘高原云耳3号’由采自云南保山大平坦山区的一株野生黑木耳,通过驯化栽培、组织分离等多代自然选育获得。子实体大小中等,耳片中间层厚、腹面和背面易分离;呈浅口圆碗状,有光泽,质地柔软,无耳脉。采用小孔栽培,开口10 d左右现芽,出耳温度10-26 ℃。产量高,抗逆性强,是性状较好的一个中早熟中低温型品种。适宜海拔1 000-2 000 m的低纬高原地区规模化栽培。  相似文献   

It gives me great pleasure to have the opportunity to introduce myself to the readers of Biophysical Reviews as part of the ‘meet the editors’ series. What follows is a mini-autobiography of my life as it relates to my scientific career and research.


Regulatory protein access to the DNA duplex ‘interior’ depends on local DNA ‘breathing’ fluctuations, and the most fundamental of these are thermally-driven base stacking-unstacking interactions. The smallest DNA unit that can undergo such transitions is the dinucleotide, whose structural and dynamic properties are dominated by stacking, while the ion condensation, cooperative stacking and inter-base hydrogen-bonding present in duplex DNA are not involved. We use dApdA to study stacking-unstacking at the dinucleotide level because the fluctuations observed are likely to resemble those of larger DNA molecules, but in the absence of constraints introduced by cooperativity are likely to be more pronounced, and thus more accessible to measurement. We study these fluctuations with a combination of Molecular Dynamics simulations on the microsecond timescale and Markov State Model analyses, and validate our results by calculations of circular dichroism (CD) spectra, with results that agree well with the experimental spectra. Our analyses show that the CD spectrum of dApdA is defined by two distinct chiral conformations that correspond, respectively, to a Watson–Crick form and a hybrid form with one base in a Hoogsteen configuration. We find also that ionic structure and water orientation around dApdA play important roles in controlling its breathing fluctuations.  相似文献   

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