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Cows' milk was inoculated with ca 103and 107cfu/ml Listeria monocytogenes. After fermentation at 42°C for 0–5 h, the yogurt was stored at 4°C. Low and high inocula survived for 48 h and 7 d, respectively; L. monocytogenes cells were not detectable by direct plating or cold-enrichment after 5 and 15 d, respectively. In low inoculum samples, initial pH at the time of refrigeration was 4·9; the final pH at the time of last sampling was 4·2. In the samples with high inoculum the pH decreased from 5·0 to 4·2.  相似文献   

s. BUNCIC AND S.M. AVERY. 1996. Three haemolytic, pathogenic strains of Listeria monocytogenes (a reference strain, a food-derived strain and a human strain) were held at 4°C for 4 weeks in phosphate-buffered saline pH 5.5 or 7.0, with and without 0.2% potassium sorbate or 0.3% sodium acetate. The number of viable cells did not change significantly during this storage. Pathogenicity of non-growing L. monocytogenes cells for 14-d-old chick embryos was determined before and after storage. Storage at 4°C resulted in decreased pathogenicity, but effects were strain-, pH- and substrate-dependent. After 4 weeks storage at 4°C non-growing bacterial cells were transferred to Brain Heart Infusion broth and growth characteristics were determined during incubation at 37°C. Strains that showed decreased pathogenicity had significantly longer lag phases at 37°C than strains that maintained pathogenicity. It is concluded that decreased pathogenicity of L. monocytogenes stored without growth at 4°C for 4 weeks and subsequent long lag phase at 37°C are correlated.  相似文献   

The activity of sigma(B) in Listeria monocytogenes is stimulated by high osmolarity and is necessary for efficient uptake of osmoprotectants. Here we demonstrate that, during cold shock, sigma(B) contributes to adaptation in a growth phase-dependent manner and is necessary for efficient accumulation of betaine and carnitine as cryoprotectants.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes is a food-borne bacterial pathogen that is able to grow at refrigeration temperatures. To investigate microbial gene expression associated with cold acclimation, we used a differential cDNA cloning procedure known as selective capture of transcribed sequences (SCOTS) to identify bacterial RNAs that were expressed at elevated levels in bacteria grown at 10 degrees C compared to those grown at 37 degrees C. A total of 24 different cDNA clones corresponding to open reading frames in the L. monocytogenes strain EGD-e genome were obtained by SCOTS. These included cDNAs for L. monocytogenes genes involved in previously described cold-adaptive responses (flaA and flp), regulatory adaptive responses (rpoN, lhkA, yycJ, bglG, adaB, and psr), general microbial stress responses (groEL, clpP, clpB, flp, and trxB), amino acid metabolism (hisJ, trpG, cysS, and aroA), cell surface alterations (fbp, psr, and flaA), and degradative metabolism (eutB, celD, and mleA). Four additional cDNAs were obtained corresponding to genes potentially unique to L. monocytogenes and showing no significant similarity to any other previously described genes. Northern blot analyses confirmed increased steady-state levels of RNA for all members of a subset of genes examined during growth at a low temperature. These results indicated that L. monocytogenes acclimation to growth at 10 degrees C likely involves amino acid starvation, oxidative stress, aberrant protein synthesis, cell surface remodeling, alterations in degradative metabolism, and induction of global regulatory responses.  相似文献   

The effect of mint ( Mentha piperita ) essential oil (0·5, 1·0, 1·5 and 2·0%, v/w) on Salmonella enteritidis and Listeria monocytogenes in a culture medium and three model foods; tzatziki (pH 4·5), taramosalata (pH 5·0) and pâté (pH 6·8), inoculated at 107 cfu g-1, at 4° and 10°C for ca 1 week was studied. In the culture medium supplemented with the essential oil, no growth was observed over 2 d at 30°C determined by a conductance method with a Malthus 2000 growth analyser. Salmonella enteritidis died in tzatziki in all treatments and declined in the other foods except for pâté at 10°C as judged with viable counts. Listeria monocytogenes populations showed a declining trend towards the end of the storage period but was increased in pâté. Mint essential oil antibacterial action depended mainly on its concentration, food pH, composition, storage temperature and the nature of the micro-organism.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes isolates resistant to 105 IU ml-1 nisin were obtained at 30°C (NR30) and at 10°C (NR10). Nisin prolonged the lag phase of isolate NR30 at 10°C. Isolates NR30 and NR10 did not produce a nisinase. Protoplasts of isolate NR30 were unaffected by exposure to nisin. The fatty acid composition from the wild-type strain and NR isolates was determined. As expected, temperature-induced differences in the C15/C17 fatty acid ratios were found. Growth of the NR strains in the presence of nisin resulted in significantly different C15/C17 ratios and a significant increase in the percentage of C16:0, C16: 1, C18:0 and C18: 1 fatty acids at 10°C and 30°C. Both the NR10 and NR30 isolates had similar growth rates at low temperatures, but these were slower than the wild-type strain. These results indicate that 'nisin resistance'is an environmentally defined phenotype and that nisin induces changes in the fatty acid composition of the membrane in L. monocytogenes nisin-resistant isolates regardless of the growth temperature.  相似文献   

Studies on the ribosomal RNA operons of Listeria monocytogenes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Mannose-resistant hemagglutinating fimbrial antigen F165 is produced by Escherichia coli strains associated with septicemia in piglets and calves. A fimbrial component with an M(r) of 17,200 as determined by SDS-PAGE was purified to homogeneity from F165-positive E. coli strain 4787 of serogroup O115. This fimbrial component of F165 antigen was named F165(2). Separation procedures included fast protein liquid chromatography with a Superose 12 column followed by ultracentrifugation and 0.15 M ethanolamine buffer (pH 10.5) dissociation. Upon removal of ethanolamine, the fimbrial component reassociated into fimbriae. Amino acid composition analysis indicated that the fimbrial component molecule comprised 158 amino acid residues of which 37.3% were hydrophobic. The amino acid composition and the isoelectric point (9.5) were readily distinguishable from those of F1 fimbriae. The amino acid sequence was determined for approximately 40% of the molecule. For the first 33 residues, the F165(2) sequence was identical to that of F1B fimbriae and very similar to that of F1C. Fimbriae F165(2) could nevertheless be differentiated antigenically from F1C fimbriae as demonstrated by the immunodot technique using cross-absorbed antisera.  相似文献   

Mutations in the tolA gene of Escherichia coli cause the cell to become sensitive to detergents and to some antibiotics, to release periplasmic enzymes and to be resistant to group A colicins; tolA mutations also lead to mucoid phenotype. TolA is a three-domain protein anchored in the inner membrane by its N-terminal domain. The second domain is proposed to span the periplasmic space and to interact with trimeric porins of the outer membrane. TolA proteins are considered to be located in the adhesion zones between inner and outer membranes. Our observations by confocal and electron microscopy have revealed that tolA mutants show modified morphology and produce DNA-free cells. Increasing or decreasing medium osmolarity amplifies these defects; mutants become essentially unable to locate the division site properly so that cells of highly unequal lengths are produced. Moreover, septation is impaired with asymmetric constrictions and oblique septa. These results suggest that TolA could play a role in positioning the division sites via the organisation of either the outer membrane or the possible adhesion zones.  相似文献   

Polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) stored at 4 °C well retained all functions examined during 3 days of storage. However, PMNs stored for 1 week showed a marked decrease in both chemotactic migration and stimulated cyanide-insensitive oxygen consumption, while adhesion, phagocytosis, and dye exclusion ability were well maintained. Addition of ATP or albumin to the PMN suspension did not produce any improvement in the maintenance of these functions.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes is a food-borne pathogen with the ability to grow at refrigerator temperatures. Twelve cold shock proteins (Csps) with apparent M(r)s of 48,600, 41,000, 21,800, 21,100, 19,700, 19,200, 18,800, 18,800, 17,200, 15,500, 14,500, and 14,400 were induced by cold shocking L. monocytogenes 10403S from 37 to 5 degrees C, as revealed by labeling with L-[35S]methionine followed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Strain SLCC53 showed a similar response. Cold acclimation proteins were observed in cultures of strain 10403S growing at 5 degrees C, and four of these proteins, with apparent M(r)s 48,000, 21,100, 19,700, and 18,800, were also Csps. Two cold-sensitive transposon-induced mutants were labeled less efficiently than the parent strain, but the Csp response of the mutant examined was very similar to that of the parent strain.  相似文献   

Aims: The objective of this study was to investigate whether bacterial cells could develop resistance (as a part of their adaptation strategy) to high‐pressure CO2 (HPCD) inactivation. Methods and Results: Alternating cycles of exposure to pressurized CO2 (10·5 MPa, 35°C, 400 min?1, 70% working volume ratio during 10 min) and re‐growth of the surviving subpopulation were used to investigate possible increases in the resistance of Escherichia coli and Listeria monocytogenes to HPCD. The results show an increased resistance of both pathogens tested after seven cycles of inactivation. Increase in the resistance after 15 cycles resulted in a difference of 2·4 log CFU ml?1 in log N0/Ni when parental (N0) and treated cultures (Ni) of E. coli and L. monocytogenes were compared. Conclusions: Current findings indicate the ability of micro‐organisms to adapt to HPCD preservation technology. Significance and Impact of the Study: The occurrence of HPCD‐resistant micro‐organisms could pose a new hazard to the safety and stability of HPCD‐processed foods.  相似文献   

The gram-positive bacterium Listeria monocytogenes is a food-borne pathogen with the ability to grow at low temperature. Given the importance of refrigeration as a means of food preservation, the psychrotolerant nature of this microorganism poses a significant public health hazard. In order to better understand the mechanisms underlying cold adaptation of L. monocytogenes, a library of Tn917-lac insertional mutants was screened. A cold-sensitive mutant, named cs1, was isolated and found to be also sensitive to salt-stress. Analysis of the transposon insertion site allowed the identification of a gene, lmo1078, encoding a putative UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase with 68% identity to GtaB from Bacillus subtilis. In gram-positive bacteria, this enzyme catalyses the formation of UDP-glucose, a precursor of membrane glycolipids and cell envelope teichoic acids. Complementation of mutant cs1 with a wild-type copy of lmo1078 restored its ability to grow at low temperature and high salt concentration, indicating that UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase activity is important for cold and salt tolerance. These results are thus consistent with previous studies showing the importance of the cell envelope in L. monocytogenes adaptation to stressful conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract. It has been shown that atmospheric O2 can either depress or stimulate the rate of apparent photosynthesis of white mustard depending on the environmental conditions: CO2 concentration, light intensity and temperature. Stimulation by O2 was observed only under high photon fluence rate and at high CO2 concentrations. The critical CO2 concentration below which O2 was inhibiting and above which it was stimulating was dependent on the temperature of the assay: for plants grown at 12°C the critical CO2 concentration was 13.35 mmol at 5° C and 21.92 mmol at 10° C. Stimulation by O2 depended also on the growth temperature: for measurements at 26.31 mmol m?3 CO2, O2 was stimulating at temperatures less than 12°C for plants grown at 12°C and less than 19°C for plants grown at 27°C. The efficiency of the O2-dependent stimulation of net photosynthesis was maximum at 9.21 mol m?3 O2 at 26.31 mmol m?3 CO2. Oxygen-stimulation of net photosynthesis was detected in Nicotiana tabacum L. var Samsun, Lycopersicum esculentum L. and Chenopodium album L. At 5°C and under high photon fluence rate, O2 increased the carboxylation capacity of the photosynthetic apparatus of mustard and decreased its affinity for CO2. The O2 inhibition of the net CO2 uptake observed at low CO2 concentrations was the result of a decrease in the affinity for carbon dioxide. The nature of the mechanism which causes the stimulation of photosynthesis is discussed.  相似文献   

The psychrotrophic bacterium Yersinia enterocolitica is characterized by temperature-dependent adaptations. To investigate Y . enterocolitica genes involved in cold adaptation, a mutant restricted in its ability to grow at 5°C was isolated from a transposon mutant library. The transposon insertion site in this psychrotrophy-defective (PD) mutant mapped 16 bp upstream of an open reading frame whose predicted amino acid sequence showed 93% similarity with the Escherichia coli exoribonuclease polynucleotide phosphorylase (PNPase), encoded by pnp . Expression of this gene was blocked in the PD mutant. However, the introduction of a second copy of pnp , including 0.33 kbp sequences upstream of its coding region, into the chromosome of the PD mutant restored pnp expression as well as the ability to grow at 5°C. Furthermore, the expression of pnp appeared to be temperature dependent: in the parental Y . enterocolitica strain, the levels of both pnp mRNA and PNPase were 1.6-fold higher at 5°C compared with 30°C. A similarly enhanced level of PNPase at 5°C was observed in the merodiploid recombinant strain, which indicates that the 0.33 kbp region upstream of pnp harboured a cold-inducible promoter. A putative cold shock promoter motif (ATTGG) was observed in this region.  相似文献   

The possibility that long term in vitro chilled storage may result in sub-lethal damage to Listeria monocytogenes cells was investigated by comparing growth of chill-stored (starvation at 4 degrees C) and fresh cultures on selective and non-selective media. Growth of freshly grown cells was minimally (3-8%) affected by selective LSAMM agar compared with non-selective Brain Heart Infusion agar. In contrast, numbers of chill-stored strains were reduced by greater than 99% after direct plating on the same selective and non-selective media. Furthermore, chill-stored strains were able to grow in standard selective broth (Listeria Selective broth and Fraser broth) only if undiluted inocula (approximately 10(5)-10(6) cfu ml-1) were used, whereas they were capable of growth in Brain Heart Infusion broth even when the lowest dilutions were used (approximately 10(1) cfu ml-1). The potential public health consequences of this finding for the isolation of Listeria monocytogenes from foods is considered.  相似文献   

The growth of Listeria monocytogenes in food stored in the cold has often been implicated in outbreaks of listeriosis. Many subtyping schemes have suggested that epidemic-associated strains belong to a unique genetic group. It has not yet been possible, however, to identify molecular or bacteriologic markers unique to epidemic-associated strains. Recently we cloned three genes of L. monocytogenes, ltrA, ltrB, and ltrC, which are essential for growth at low temperatures (4 degrees C). The use of a 1.2-kb PstI fragment derived from ltrB as a probe in Southern blots of HindIII-digested DNA revealed three hybridization patterns: the first (a 5.0-kb band) was observed in strains of serotypes 4b, 1/2b, and 3b; the second (a 3.1-kb band) was seen in strains of serotypes 1/2a, 3a, 1/2c, and 3c; and the third (a 9.5-kb band) was characteristic of epidemic-associated serotype 4b strains. These and other data suggest that probes derived from this gene region that is essential for growth at low temperatures can be useful molecular tools for the subtyping of strains implicated in food-borne listeriosis.  相似文献   

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