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We investigated circadian ocular rhythms in the Japanese quail, Coturnix coturnix japonica. The birds were placed under light-dark cycles (LD 1212), constant light (LL) and constant darkness (DD), and the retinas were dissected out at four-hour intervals throughout 24 h. Following measurements were performed. (1) Melatonin content in the retina was measured by radioimmunoassay. It was low in light and several folds higher in darkness under LD 1212. The rhythm continued in DD, but disappeared in LL. (2) Mitotic figures in the corneal epithelium were counted. Similar rhythms to the melatonin content were observed in the corneal mitotic rate with a slight phase delay. (3) The retinas were fixed at 4-h intervals and immunostained with anti-bovine rhodopsin serum and anti-chicken iodopsin monoclonal antibodies. The outer segments of photoreceptor cells were stained intensively throughout 24 h in LD 1212, LL and DD. In contrast, the stainability of the locus close to the outer limiting membrane where the Golgi apparatus exists changed diurnally. Scores showing the ratio of cells with positive staining indicated high values from 4 h after the onset of light to the beginning of dark phase under LD 1212. The values were high throughout 24 h in LL and intermediate or low in DD. (4) To investigate the effect of melatonin on the corneal mitotic rate and visual pigments at the Golgi region, melatonin was injected into one eye and saline into the contralateral eye. Melatonin induced a phase advance in the corneal mitotic rate under LD 1212, but did not induce a rhythm under LL. The ratio of photoreceptor cells with positive staining to anti-visual pigment antibodies at the Golgi region was not affected by melatonin injection.Abbreviations ANOVA analysis of variance - BSA bovine serum albumin - DD constant darkness - Io-mAb monoclonal antibodies against chicken iodospin - LD light-dark - LL constant light - mRNA messenger ribonucleic acid - PBS phosphate buffer solution - Rh-As antiserum against bovine rhodopsin - SCN suprachiasmatic nucleus - T transducin - T transducin   相似文献   

Photosynthesis of Ectocarpus siliculosus (Dillwyn) Lyngb. under continuous saturating red irradiation follows a circadian rhythm. Blue-light pulses rapidly stimulate photosynthesis with high effectiveness in the troughs of this rhythm but the effectiveness of such pulses is much lower at its peaks. In an attempt to understand how blue light and the rhythm affected photosynthesis, the effects of inorganic carbon on photosynthetic light saturation curves were studied under different irradiation conditions. The circadian rhythm of photosynthesis was apparent only at irradiances which were not limiting for photosynthesis. The same was found for blue-light-stimulated photosynthesis, although stimulation was observed also under very low red-light irradiances after a period of adaptation, provided that the inorganic-carbon concentration was not in excess. Double-reciprocal plots of light-saturated photosynthetic rates versus the concentration of total inorganic carbon (up to 10 mM total inorganic carbon) were linear and had a common constant for half-saturation (3.6 mM at pH 8) at both the troughs and the peaks of the rhythm and before and after blue-light pulses. Only at very low carbon concentrations was a clear deviation found from these lines for photosynthesis at the rhythm maxima (red and blue light), which indicated that the strong carbon limitation specifically affected photosynthesis at the peak phases of the rhythm. Very high inorganic carbon concentrations (20 mM) in the medium diminished the responses to blue light, although they did not fully abolish them. The kinetics of the stimulation indicate that the rate of photosynthesis is affected by two blue-light-dependent components with different time courses of induction and decay. The faster component seemed to be at least partially suppressed at red-light irradiances which were not saturating for photosynthesis. Lowering the pH of the medium had the same effects as an increase of the carbon concentration to levels of approx. 10 mM. This indicates that Ectocarpus takes up free CO2 only and not bicarbonate, although additional physiological mechanisms may enhance the availability of CO2.Abbreviation TIC total inorganic carbon  相似文献   

J. K. Wall  C. B. Johnson 《Planta》1981,153(2):101-108
Using light-grown plants of Sinapis alba an analysis has been made of the effect on extension growth of adding far red light to a background photosynthetic source. It has been possible to distinguish between the increase in fluence rate and the reduction of the amount of phytochrome present as Pfr, which are both consequences of the addition of supplementary far red light, and to determine that the response of increased extension growth is due only to the latter. It is shown that the degree of fluence rate dependency varies with photoequilibrium and the significance of this interaction is discussed in terms of the mode of action of phytochrome and of its role in the natural light environment.Abbreviations PAR photosynthetically active radiation - SAN 9789 4-chloro-5-(methylamino)-2-(,,-trifluoro-m-tolyl)-3(2H) pyridazinone - Pfr far-red absorbing form of phytochrome - Pr red-absorbing form of phytochrome - LER logarithmic extension rate  相似文献   

Tank cultivation of marine macroalgaeinvolves air-agitation of the algal biomassand intermittent light conditions,i.e.periodic, short light exposure of thethalli in the range of 10 s at the watersurface followed by plunging to low lightor darkness at the tank bottom andrecirculation back to the surface in therange of 1–2 min. Open questions relate toeffects of surface irradiance on growthrate and yield in such tumble cultures andthe possibility of chronic photoinhibitionin full sunlight. A specially constructedshallow-depth tank combined with a darktank allowed fast circulation times ofapproximately 5 s, at a density of 4.2 kgfresh weight (FW) m-2s-1. Growthrate and yield of the red alga Palmaria palmata increased over a widerange of irradiances, with no signs ofchronic photoinhibition, up to agrowth-saturating irradiance ofapproximately 1600 mol m-2s-1 in yellowish light supplied by asodium high pressure lamp at 16 h light perday. Maximum growth rate ranged at 12% FWd-1, and maximum yield at 609 gFW m-2 d-1. This shows that highgrowth rates of individual thalli may bereached in a dense tumble culture, if highsurface irradiances and short circulationtimes are supplied. Another aspect ofintermittent light relates to possiblechanges of basic growth kinetics, ascompared to continuous light. For thispurpose on-line measurements of growth ratewere performed with a daily light reductionby 50% in light-dark cycles of 1, 2 or 3min duration during the daily light period.Growth rates at 10 °C and 50 molphoton m-2 s-1 dropped in allthree intermittent light regimes duringboth the main light and dark periods andreached with all three periodicitiesapproximately 50% of the control , with noapparent changes in basic growth kinetics,as compared to continuous light.  相似文献   

Over a 24-h light-dark cycle, the level of mRNA coding for nitrate reductase (NR; EC in the leaves of nitrate-fed Nicotiana tabacum L. plants increased throughout the night and then decreased until it was undetectable during the day. The amount of NR protein and NR activity were two-fold higher during the day than at night. When plants were transferred to continuous light conditions for 32 h, similar variations in NR gene expression, as judged by the above three parameters, still took place in leaf tissues. On the other hand, when plants were transferred to continuous dark conditions for 32 h, the NR-mRNA level continued to display the rhythmic fluctuations, while the amount of NR protein and NR activity decreased constantly, becoming very low, and showed no rhythmic variations. After 56 h of continuous darkness, the levels of NR mRNA, protein and activity in leaves all became negligible, and light reinduced them rapidly. These results indicate the circadian rhythmicity and light dependence of NR expression.  相似文献   

The impact of illumination on specific growth rate, biomass formation, and synthesis of photopigment was studied in Erythromicrobium hydrolyticum, an obligately aerobic heterotrophic bacterium having the ability to synthesize bacteriochlorophyll a. In dark-grown continuous cultures the concentration of protein increased with increasing dilution rate, the concentration of bacteriochlorophyll a showed the opposite effect. At a dilution rate of 0.08 h-1 (68% of max in the dark) and SR-acetate of 11.8 mM, the concentration of BChla of illuminated cultures in steady-state was 11–22 nM, compared to 230–241 nM in cultures incubated in darkness. No significant differences were observed in the concentration of protein. A shift from darkness to light conditions resulted in increased specific growth rates resulting in increased biomass formation, thus showing that light enhances growth by serving as an additional energy source. This phenomenon, however, was temporary because bacteriochlorophyll synthesis is inhibited by light. In contrast to incubation in continuous light or dark, incubation under light/dark regimen resulted in permanently enhanced biomass formation. In the dark periods, bacteriochlorophyll was synthesized at elevated rates (compared to constant darkness), thus compensating the inhibitory effect of light in the preceding period. It thus appears that the organism is well-adpated to life in environments with alternating light/dark conditions. The ecological relevance of the observations is discussed.Non-standard abbreviations BChla bacteriochlorophyll a - D dilution rate - spceific growth rate - Ks saturation constant - SR concentration of limiting in inflowing medium of chemostat  相似文献   

P. E. Pilet 《Planta》1986,169(4):600-602
A large population of primary roots of Zea mays (cv. LG 11) was selected for uniform length at zero time. Their individual growth rates were measured over an 8-h period in the vertical position (in humid air, darkness). Three groups of these roots with significantly different growth rates were then chosen and their cap length was measured. It was found that slowly growing roots had long caps whereas rapidly growing roots had short caps. The production by the cap cells of basipetally transported growth inhibitors was tested (biologically by the curvature of half-decapped roots) and found to be significantly higher for longer root caps than that for shorter ones.  相似文献   

P. E. Pilet  D. Ney 《Planta》1978,144(1):109-110
A method using optical microfibers permitted localized exposure of the cap or the elongating part of growing maize (Zea mays L.) roots to white light. When the cap was illuminated, a strong and very rapid inhibition of the elongation rate of the roots was found. When the light microbeam was directed at the elongating region, the roots continued to grow at the same rate as before the illumination.  相似文献   

Jorge J. Casal  Harry Smith 《Planta》1988,176(2):277-282
Under continuous white light (WL), extension growth of the first internode in Sinapis alba L. was promoted by low red (R): far-red (FR) ratios reaching the stem and-or the leaves. Conversely, the growth promotion by end-of-day light treatments was only triggered by FR perceived by the leaves and cotyledons, while FR given to the growning internode alone was tatally ineffective. Continuous WL+FR given to the internode was also in-effective if the rest of the shoot remained in darkness. Both the background stem growth, and the growth promotion caused by either an end-of-day FR pulse or continuous WL+FR given to the internode, increased with increasing fluence rates of WL given to the rest of the shoot. The increase by WL of the growth-stimulatory effect of low phytochrome photoequilibria in the internode appears to be mediated by a specific blue-light-absorbing photoreceptor, as blue-deficient light from sodium-discharge lamps, or from filtered fluorescent tubes, promoted background stem growth similarly to WL but did not amplify the response to the R:FR ratio in the internode. Supplementing the blue-deficient light (94 mol·m-2·s-1) with low fluence rates of blue (<9 mol·m-2·s-1) restored the promotive effect of low R:FR reaching the internode.Abbreviations BL blue light - FR far-red light - PAR photosynthetically active radiation - Pfr/P ratio between the FR-absorbing form and total phytochrome - R red light - SOX low-pressure sodium lamp - WL white light Supported by the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Técnicas (República Argentina) and the ORS scheme (UK)  相似文献   

Robert E. Cleland 《Planta》1991,186(1):75-80
A controversy exists as to whether or not the outer epidermis in coleoptiles is a unique target for auxin in elongation growth. The following evidence indicates that the outer epidermis is not the only auxin-responsive cell layer in either Avena sativa L. or Zea mays L. coleoptiles. Coleoptile sections from which the epidermis has been removed by peeling elongate in response to auxin. The magnitude of the response is similar to that of intact sections provided the incubation solution contains both auxin and sucrose. The amount of elongation is independent of the amount of epidermis removed. Sections of oat coleoptiles from which the epidermis has been removed from one side are nearly straight after 22 h in auxin and sucrose, despite extensive growth of the sections. These data indicate that the outer epidermis is not a unique target for auxin in elongation growth, at least in Avena and maize coleoptiles.Abbreviations IAA indole-3-acetic acid - PCIB p-chlorophenoxyiso-butyric This research was supported by grants from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and from the U.S. Department of Energy. The help of S. Ann Dreyer is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Excision and subsequent incubation of the apices (1 cm) of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedling roots in simple media severely reduced elongation from 28 mm·(24 h)-1 in intact roots to a maximum of 2 mm·(24 h)-1 in excised roots. The reduction in growth was accompanied by a loss of cell turgor in the growing zone but was correlated with a hardening of the cell walls in this region. Rheological properties were measured as percent extensibility (both plastic and elastic) using a tensiometer, and as instantaneous volumetric elastic modulus ( i) using the pressure probe. Excision decreased plastic and elastic properties with a half-time of some 60 min. Plastic extension was reduced from 2.5% to 0.9% and elastic from 4.8% to 2.6% for an 8-g load. By contrast, i was increased by excision. The observed reduction in root elongation rate was accompained by a reduction in mature cell length from 240 m to 40 m and a shortening of the zone of cell expansion.Symbol i instantaneous volumetric elastic modulus  相似文献   

The developmental morphology and growth dynamics of the tobacco leaf   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
R. S. Poethig  I. M. Sussex 《Planta》1985,165(2):158-169

W. Bleiss 《Planta》1994,192(3):340-346
The length of parenchyma cells along the axis of dark-grown coleoptiles of Triticum aestivum L. and the pattern of competence for red-light-(R-) induced stimulation or inhibition of cell elongation in the course of coleoptile development were determined by microscopic measurements in a file of 240 cells from the tip to the base. On the basis of these measurements distinct zones (responding in different ways to R) were selected for studying the early time course of phytochrome-mediated growth-rate changes in intact coleoptiles by use of a sensitive transducer system. Between 2 d and 4 d after sowing dark-grown coleoptiles showed a graded incline in cell growth activity from the apex to the base (growth gradient). Whereas cell elongation in the coleoptile base ceased 4 d after sowing, cell elongation speeded up in the tip and middle region at that time. Those cells that grew slowly in darkness (tip and middle region between 2d and 3 d after sowing) were stimulated in growth by R-pulse irradiation (1 min R, 660 nm, 1000 J · m–2). In contrast, the growth of fast-growing cells (base between 2 d and 4 d after sowing, tip and middle region between 4 d and 5 d after sowing) was inhibited by R. However, the starting time for R-induced growth changes was different for different coleoptile zones. The respective data point to the storage of a phytochrome-mediated signal in the cells of the middle region, until these cells become competent to respond to it; alternatively, Pfr, the far-red-light-absorbing form of phytochrome, may be stored in a stable form. Continuous recordings on the effect of R, far-red (FR) and R/FR on the zonal growth responses were made on intact coleoptiles, selected 3 d after sowing. During a 5-h investigation period the R-induced changes in growth rate could be divided into two phases: (i) A transient growth inhibition which started approx. 15 min after R. This response was qualitatively the same in all coleoptile zones investigated (tip, middle region, base). (ii) Zonal-specific growth responses which became measurable approx. 2.5 h after R, i.e. growth promotion in the tip, growth inhibition in the base and an adaptation of growth rate to the dark control level in the middle region. The R-induced growth rate changes were reversible by FR for both phases. Additional growth experiments on excised coleoptile segments under R and auxin application indicated that the zonal-specific growth promotion or inhibition may be not mediated by an influence of R on the auxin level.Abbreviations FR far-red light - Pfr far-red-light-absorbing form of phytochrome - R red light The technical assistance of Mrs. B. Liebe is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Barley (Hordeum vulgare), corn (Zea mays), bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), and radish (Raphanus sativus) seedlings were continuously irradiated under a lighting device for 5–10 d at an increased ultraviolet (UV)-B fluence rate. In their growth parameters, composition, and leaf surface, these four species responded differently to the increased UV-B exposure. Bean seedlings suffered the most serious effects, radish and barley less, and corn was hardly influenced at all. In all plant species, the fresh weight, the leaf area, the amounts of chlorophylls, carotenoids and the galactolipids of the chloroplasts were reduced. The lipid content of the corn and bean seedlings also diminished. But all the irradiated plants showed a rise in their protein content compared to the control plants. The content of flavonoids increased in barley and radish seedlings by about 50%. The effects on growth parameters and composition were more extensive with increasing UV-B fluence rates, at least as shown in the case of barley seedlings. The fresh weights fell proportionally with the chlorophylls and carotenoids. In contrast, the flavonoid content of barley leaves rose parallel to the increasing UV-B fluence rates and reached 180% of the value in the control plants with the highest UV-B fluence rate. Scorching appeared regularly in the form of bronze leaf discoloration at the highest UV-B fluence rates. Scanning electron micrographs of the leaf surface of UV-B irradiated plants showed deformed epidermal structures.Abbreviations MGDG monogalactosyldiglyceride - DGDG digalactosyldiglyceride - SL sulfoquinovosyldiglyceride - PG phosphatidylglycerol - PC phosphatidylcholine - PE phosphatidylethanolamine - PI phosphatidylinositol - LA leaf are - FW fresh weight - DW dry weight - SEM scanning electron microscopy - C total carotenoids - Chl total chlorophyll  相似文献   

Stahlberg R  Cosgrove DJ 《Planta》1992,187(4):523-531
Excision of the epicotyl base of pea (Pisum sativum L.) seedlings in air results in a fast drop in the growth rate and rapid transient membrane depolarization of the surface cells near the cut. Subsequent immersion of the cut end into solution leads to a rapid, transient rise in the epicotyl growth rate and an acropetally propagating depolarization with an amplitude of about 35 mV and a speed of approx. 1 mm · s–1. The same result can be achieved directly by excision of the pea epicotyl under water. Shape, amplitude and velocity of the depolarization characterize it as a slow-wave potential. These results indicate that the propagating depolarization is caused by a surge in water uptake. Neither a second surge in water uptake (measured as a rapid increase in growth rate when the cut end was placed in air and then back into solution) nor another cut can produce the depolarization a second time. Cyanide suppresses the electrical signal at the treated position without inhibiting its transmission through this area and its development in untreated parts of the epicotyl. The large depolarization and repolarization which occur in the epidermal and subepidermal cells are not associated with changes in cell input resistance. Both results indicate that it is a transient shut-down of the plasma-membrane proton pump rather than large ion fluxes which is causing the depolarization. We conclude that the slow wave potential is spread in the stem via a hydraulic surge occurring upon relief of the negative xylem pressure after the hydraulic resistance of the root has been removed by excision.Abbreviations and Symbols GR growth rate - Px xylem pressure - Rin cell input resistance - SWP slow wave potential - Vm membrane potential - Vs surface potential This work was supported by grants to D.J.C. from the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Department of Energy.  相似文献   

The rivers of the island of Corsica, whose catchment areas are on crystalline rock, have low salt contents and their invertebrate fauna is qualitatively and quantitatively poorer than on the European mainland. The growth rate of trout in Corsica was analysed on samples from of six coastal rivers: the Tavignano, the Fium Orbo and the Golo on the west coast, the Prunelli, the Taravo and the Rizzanese on the east coast. Mesological data — conductivity, temperature, calcium content and altitude and biological data — biomass and linear growth rate of the trout, and density of benthic invertebrates — were collected at each of the sampling station.Analysis of variance of the size of three year old trout revealed three groups of rivers. The first includes the Tavignano, the Rizzanese and the Taravo, where the highest linear growth rates were recorded; the second consists of the Golo and the Prunelli, and the third, of the Fium Orbo. Principal component analysis gave two main axes on the basis of temperature and benthic invertebrate density for the first, and trout biomass for the second. Linear regression showed that benthic invertebrate density accounted for 75% of size variance of three year old trout. Evidence of the limiting role of the trophic factor is provided.  相似文献   

Morris G. Cline 《Planta》1979,145(4):389-391
Long-term pretreatments with cycloheximide (CH) caused inhibition of subsequent acidinduced growth of Avena coleoptile segments, but only after 6 or more h of CH treatment. These results together with previous, published evidence with frozen-thawed tissue are consistent with the hypothesis that there exists a wall-loosening enzyme responsible for acid-induced elongation and that it has a half-life of at least 7–8 h.  相似文献   

Roots of Zea mays were maintained in a vertical orhorizontal position and the local elongation rate and H+ fluxes were measured using Sephadex beads containing a pH indicator. When the roots were kept horizontally, the growth of the lower side was strongly inhibited and that of the upper side slightly stimulated as compared with vertical roots. The H+ extrusion, which was greatest in the elongation zone, was strongly inhibited on the lower side and slightly stimulated on the upper side as compared with vertical roots.  相似文献   

Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) plants homozygous for the mutant pro gene, exhibiting the distinctive procera phenotype, appeared virtually identical to gibberellic acid (GA3)-treated isogenic normal plants. The pro gene and GA3 caused analogous increases in internode length, and in the length and number of cells in the outer cell layers of each internode. Internode number was also increased by pro and GA3 over the period of the experiment. Despite their greater length, the internodes of GA3-treated and pro plants reached their final size within a time period similar to that of internodes of untreated normal plants. The pro mutant itself was responsive to GA3, especially in the seedling stage, but the proportional increase in height seen in the later stages of growth was less than that of normal plants.Abbreviations GA gibberellin - GA3 gibberellic acid - LSD least significant difference  相似文献   

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