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In vertebrates cytokines mediate innate (natural) immunity and protect them against viral infections. The cytokine interferon causes the induction of the (2'-5')oligoadenylate synthetase [(2-5)A synthetase], whose product, (2'-5')oligoadenylate, activates the endoribonuclease L which in turn degrades (viral) RNA. Three isoforms of (2-5)A synthetases exist, form I (40-46 kDa), form II (69 kDa), and form III (100 kDa). Until now (2-5)A synthetases have only been cloned from birds and mammals. Here we describe the cloning of the first putative invertebrate (2-5)A synthetase from the marine sponge Geodia cydonium. The deduced amino acid sequence shows signatures characteristic for (2-5)A synthetases of form I. Phylogenetic analysis of the putative sponge (2-5)A synthetase indicates that it diverged first from a common ancestor of the hitherto known members of (vertebrate) (2-5)A synthetases I, (2-5)A synthetases II and III. Moreover, it is suggested that the (2-5)A synthetases II and III evolved from this common ancestor (very likely) by gene duplication. Together with earlier results on the existence of the (2'-5')oligoadenylates in G. cydonium, the data presented here demonstrate that also invertebrates, here sponges, are provided with the (2-5)A system. At present, it is assumed that this system might be involved in growth control, including control of apoptosis, and acquired its additional function in innate immune response in evolutionarily younger animals, in vertebrates.  相似文献   

Presence of (2'-5')oligoadenylate synthetase in avian erythrocytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
(2'-5')Oligoadenylate synthetase (2-5A synthetase) was found in avian erythrocyte lysates from chicken, goose, and pigeon, with high levels being observed in chicken erythrocytes. No activities, however, were detected in erythrocytes from human, sheep, mouse, turtle, frog, trout, or lamprey. In chicken erythrocyte lysate, about 70% of ATP was converted to 2-5A molecules during a 20-h incubation, in which the tri- and tetra-adenylate were the major products. The tri-, tetra-, penta-, and hepta-adenylate were synthesized sequentially, but the levels of the di-adenylate were low throughout the reaction. 2-5A synthetase was also seen in erythrocytes from specific pathogen-free chickens, suggesting that the enzyme was not produced as a result of microbial infections. 2-5A synthetases from avian erythrocytes of chicken and pigeon were found not only in cytoplasms, but also in nuclei. No enzyme activity, however, was detected in the nuclear fraction of goose erythrocytes. The molecular size of 2-5A synthetase in nuclei from chicken erythrocytes was 45,000-60,000 daltons, while cytoplasms contained an 85,000- to 120,000-dalton enzyme. In addition, the synthetase was present in several types of chicken tissue including liver, intestine, bone marrow, spleen, bursa, pancreas, and thymus, but not in brain, heart, or stomach.  相似文献   

The appearance and induction of (2'-5')oligoadenylate synthetase (2-5A synthetase) in chicken embryo erythrocytes during development, and the activity and molecular size of this enzyme in immature red blood cells from anemic chickens were studied. Enzyme activity first appeared in the embryos on the 15th day of incubation, a marked increase being seen 1 or 2 days after hatching. In erythrocytes from early embryos without 2-5A synthetase activity, chicken interferon (5 IU/ml at most) induced the production of a large amount of the enzyme. In immature red blood cells from anemic chickens, only a small amount of 2-5A synthetase was detected in the nuclear fraction. The cytoplasmic fraction contained the smaller enzyme (about 45 kilodaltons), but the larger enzyme (85-120 kilodaltons) was scarcely detected in either fraction. The larger enzyme may be synthesized during the maturation of red blood cells.  相似文献   

L'adenylyl-(3'-5')-L-adenosine and L-adenylyl-(2'-5')-L-adenosine   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Treatment with interferon protected HeLa cells from infection with reovirus. This virus apparently activated an antiviral mechanism that was detected by the presence of (2'-5')oligoadenylate [(2'-5')An] in intact cells. The (2'-5')An was previously shown to activate an endoribonuclease, RNase L. We measured (2'-5')An by a sensitive competition-binding assay in cells infected at different multiplicities and for different lengths of time. Nanomolar concentrations of (2'-5')An were detected in cells infected at a multiplicity of greater than 5 after 2 h of infection, the time at which the infecting virions were uncoated. The level of (2'-5')An increased up to 6 h postinfection but declined afterward. To establish whether viral mRNAs were cleaved by RNase L, we analyzed the RNA extracted from infected cells by a highly specific hybridization assay on Northern blots. Full-sized reovirus mRNAs were detected in control infected cells, but not in interferon-treated infected cells, at 6 h postinfection. At this time, a nuclease activity could be detected in these cells by demonstration of cleavage of rRNA, degradation of cellular mRNA, and polysome breakdown in the presence of emetine. Since this inhibitor freezes ribosomes, cleavage of mRNA between ribosomes could only be accounted for by an endonuclease, presumably RNase L.  相似文献   

OAS1 is the small form and OAS2 is the medium form of the human interferon-induced 2'-5' oligoadenylate synthetases. The p42 isoform of OAS1 and the p69 isoform of OAS2 have been expressed in insect cells and purified to give pure, highly active 2'-5' oligoadenylate synthetase. The catalysis of 2'-5' oligoadenylate synthesis is strictly dependent on double-stranded RNA and magnesium ions. We have examined the effect of a series of divalent metal ions: copper, iron and zinc ions strongly inhibited the enzymatic activity, cobalt and nickel ions were partly inhibitory whereas calcium and manganese ions were without effect. However, manganese ions can replace magnesium ions as activator. The inhibitory effect of zinc ions was characterised in detail. The inhibitory constants of Zn(2+) were estimated to be 0.10 mM for OAS1p42 and to 0.02 mM for OAS2p69. Cross-linking experiments showed that zinc ions can control the oligomerisation by enhancing the formation of tetrameric forms of OAS1p42  相似文献   

The structural requirements of (2'-5')-oligoadenylic acid (pppA(2'p5'A)x, X greater than or equal to 1 or (2'-5'An) for inhibition of protein synthesis in cells were examined with a modified calcium-coprecipitation technique, using a series of trinucleotide analogs (pppA2'p5'A2'p5'N, N=rC, rG, rU, T, dC, dG, dA). In this system both the degree and the duration of the inhibition of protein synthesis were dependent on the added concentration of (2'-5')A3. Of all the heterotrimers, only the deoxy A derivative was active as an inhibitor of protein synthesis, while the other members of the analog series were found to have no inhibitory effects. In competition experiments between (2'-5')A3 and the non-active analogs, three heterotrimers were shown to reduce the activity of (2'-5')A3 in protein inhibition. In contrast, the dephosphorylated (2'-5')A3 had no inhibitory effect and was not effective in blocking (2'-5')A3. These results indicate that the 5'-terminal triphosphate is important for binding of (2'-5')A3 to the site of (2'-5')An action and the adenine base at the 2'-terminus is important for activating the machinery responsible for protein synthesis inhibition in the cells, most likely the (2'-5')An-activated nuclease.  相似文献   

The mammalian 2'-5' oligoadenylate synthetases (2'-5'OASs) are enzymes that are crucial in the interferon-induced antiviral response. They catalyze the polymerization of ATP into 2'-5'-linked oligoadenylates which activate a constitutively expressed latent endonuclease, RNaseL, to block viral replication at the level of mRNA degradation. A molecular evolutionary analysis of available OAS sequences suggests that the vertebrate genes are members of a multigene family with its roots in the early history of tetrapods. The modern mammalian 2'-5'OAS genes underwent successive gene duplication events resulting in three size classes of enzymes, containing one, two, or three homologous domains. Expansion of the OAS gene family occurred by whole-gene duplications to increase gene content and by domain couplings to produce the multidomain genes. Evolutionary analyses show that the 2'-5'OAS genes in rodents underwent gene duplications as recently as 11 MYA and predict the existence of additional undiscovered OAS genes in mammals.  相似文献   

A latent endoribonuclease, RNase L, binds to and is activated by (2'-5')oligoadenylates ((2'-5')(A)n, n = 2-15). Binding to a labeled derivative of (2'-5')(A)n, [32P](2'-5')(A)3pCp, is detected as a protein-ligand complex observed following nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. One major binding complex and two minor binding complexes are readily seen in cytoplasmic extracts from Ehrlich ascites tumor cells, murine tissue extracts and rabbit liver tissue extracts. At least one of the more rapidly migrating complexes appears to be a proteolytic degradation product of the larger [32P](2'-5')(A)3pCp binding protein. Cell and tissue extracts containing [32P](2'-5')(A)3pCp binding activity can be immobilized onto nitrocellulose filters and [32P](2'-5')(A)3pCp binding activity detected using a simple, rapid, economical affinity blot assay. Detection of [32P](2'-5')(A)3pCp binding proteins following electrophoresis on nondenaturing polyacrylamide gels and the affinity blot assay significantly improve and simplify the analysis of (2'-5')(A)n binding proteins.  相似文献   

We describe studies concerning the ability of a nuclear dinucleoside triphosphatase to act as a decapping enzyme in RNA catabolism. The enzymatic release of GMP from the Gp3A moiety was determined in the capped RNA model compounds Gp3A3'pA, Gp3A3'pA-isoprop and Gp3A2'pA in isolated rat liver nuclei; i.e., in the environment in which the dinucleoside triphosphatase operates in vivo. The Gp3A cap moiety is hydrolyzed in (3'-5') linked nucleotides only, whereas an extension of the Gp3A in the 2'-direction prevents the nuclear triphosphatase to operate.  相似文献   

Interleukin-6 (IL-6) activates (2'-5') A synthetase (2'-5' AS) gene expression in differentiating myeloleukemic M1 cells. Antibodies to type I interferon (IFN) inhibit 2'-5' AS induction but not differentiation. Analysis of the mechanism of 2'-5' AS induction shows that it does not result from increased IFN formation, but from a synergism between IL-6 and endogenously secreted IFN. IL-6 can activate expression of a CAT construct fused to the interferon response sequence (IRS) of the 2'-5' AS gene. In extracts of IL-6-treated M1 cells, changes in protein binding to IRS DNA can be demonstrated. One of the effects of IL-6 on M1 cells is, therefore, to induce DNA binding factors, some of which act on the same enhancer sequence as IFNs, resulting in a synergistic gene activation. M1 variants resistant to differentiation by IL-6 have lost the ability to induce the 2'-5' AS gene.  相似文献   

Oligo(2'-5')adenylate synthetase in human lymphoblastoid cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The enzyme oligo(2′–5′)adenylate synthetase, when activated by double-stranded RNA, polymerizes ATP into the novel oligonucleotide (2′–5′)ppp(Ap)nA. We describe conditions for assay of this enzyme in crude extracts of a human lymphoblastoid cell line, Namalwa. The production of (2′–5′)ppp(Ap)nA by Namalwa extracts was 3–5 times greater than the production by extracts of interferon pretreated mouse L cells, and 700 fold higher than the production by extracts of untreated mouse L cells. The relatively high level of oligo(2′–5′)adenylate synthetase in Namalwa cells was not attributable solely to their constitutive secretion of low levels of interferon. Analysis of the size distribution of the oligomers formed at different times suggested that the enzyme can add ATP to a free pppApA. Infection by Newcastle disease virus or treatment with interferon raised the apparent synthetase levels only marginally. Experiments that employed antibody to interferon suggested that the interferon must be externalized from the NDV-infected cell to induce maximal synthetase levels.  相似文献   

When serum-starved HeLa S3 cells were stimulated to proliferate by addition of fetal calf serum (FCS), (2'-5')oligoadenylate synthetase (2-5A synthetase) activity was induced. Although no interferon (IFN) activity was detectable in the HeLa S3 cell-conditioned culture medium after growth stimulation, addition of anti-IFN-beta monoclonal antibody inhibited both the expression of the 2-5A synthetase gene and the production of the enzyme, suggesting that endogenous IFN-beta was involved in 2-5A synthetase induction. Purified preparations of three growth factors, epidermal growth factor, platelet-derived growth factor, and insulin, also induced 2-5A synthetase through IFN-beta. When serum-starved HeLa S3 cells were treated with FCS, DNA synthesis was initiated synchronously, with peaks after 12 and 32 h, although the level of 2-5A synthetase reached a maximum after the first peak of DNA synthesis. Inhibition of 2-5A synthetase induction by anti-IFN-beta antibody enhanced the second, but not the first cycle of DNA synthesis. These results suggested that in HeLa S3 cells, after stimulation with growth factors the IFN/2-5A synthetase system played a role in cell growth negative regulatory mechanisms.  相似文献   

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