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This study compared the mass-specific routine metabolic rate (RMR) of similar sized mulloway (Argyrosomus japonicus), a sedentary species, and yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi), a highly active species, acclimated at one of several temperatures ranging from 10–35 °C. Respirometry was carried out in an open-top static system and RMR corrected for seawater–atmosphere O2 exchange using mass-balance equations. For both species RMR increased linearly with increasing temperature (T). RMR for mulloway was 5.78T − 29.0 mg O2 kg− 0.8 h− 1 and for yellowtail kingfish was 12.11T − 39.40 mg O2 kg− 0.8 h− 1. The factorial difference in RMR between mulloway and yellowtail kingfish ranged from 2.8 to 2.2 depending on temperature. The energetic cost of routine activity can be described as a function of temperature for mulloway as 1.93T − 9.68 kJ kg− 0.8 day− 1 and for yellowtail kingfish as 4.04T − 13.14 kJ kg− 0.8 day− 1. Over the full range of temperatures tested Q10 values were approximately 2 for both species while Q10 responses at each temperature increment varied considerably with mulloway and yellowtail kingfish displaying thermosensitivities indicative of each species respective niche habitat. RMR for mulloway was least thermally dependent at 28.5 °C and for yellowtail kingfish at 22.8 °C. Activation energies (Ea) calculated from Arrhenius plots were not significantly different between mulloway (47.6 kJ mol− 1) and yellowtail kingfish (44.1 kJ mol− 1).  相似文献   

Synopsis The relationships between food availability, consumption and growth were analyzed from the onset of feeding to an age of 90 days in three cyprinid species. Fish were held at 20 ± 0.5° C and given two (three) constant rations of approximately 30, (40) or 100% dry body weight (dbw) ind-1 day-1. Food consisted of living zooplankton, the size of which correlated with fish size. At high food densities consumption rates decreased rapidly with fish size in all three species. At reduced rations, fish consumed most of the food offered until they were larger than 10 mg dbw. In all species and at each feeding level daily rations consumed increased allometrically with body size. Respiration rate, expressed as routine metabolic rate differed insignificantly between the three species. At high ration levels, growth rates of small bleak, Alburnus alburnus, were distinctly lower than those of roach, Rutilus rutilus, and blue bream, Abramis ballerus. At low food supply all three species grew at similar rates. Assimilation efficiency at low food conditions was approximately twice that of the well-fed groups. If the caloric equivalents of oxygen consumption as measured in well-fed fish are applied to fish fed at low rations their energy budgets do not balance. This indicates the limitations of fish larvae in the partitioning of energy for growth or activity at such conditions.  相似文献   

Synopsis A model describing evacuation of multiple meals in fishes is experimentally tested. It is shown that the total food quantity is evacuated according to the pattern and at the rate predicted by the model. The mathematical assumption inherent in the model is, however, erroneous as the evacuation of different meals is shown to occur at different rates. The consequences of this for studies of food consumption rates in fishes are discussed.  相似文献   

An analysis of the diet of 0+ perch, smelt and roach caught at night of the pelagial of a mesotrophic lake showed that their food was composed mainly of herbivorous and predatory cladocerans, copepods and Chaoborus larvae during summer, and of herbivorous cladocerans and copepods during October. An analysis of habitat use by juveniles revealed separation among the species: roach occurred in the upper, perch and smelt in the deeper water layers. Food and habitat were alternatively partitioned among the juveniles. In early summer the lowest food overlap between perch and smelt coincided with high habitat overlap. In October high food overlap between perch and smelt corresponded with low habitat overlap. Smelt and roach fry used common food resources throughout the season, but they were segregated in habitat.  相似文献   

This study gives an integrated analysis of the effects of temperature, swimming speed and body mass on standard metabolism and aerobic swimming performance in vendace (Coregonus albula (L.)). The metabolic rate was investigated at 4, 8 and 15°C using one flow-through respirometer and two intermittent-flow swim tunnels. We found that the standard metabolic rate (SMR), which increased significantly with temperature, accounted for up to 2/3 of the total swimming costs at optimum speed (U opt), although mean U opt was high, ranging from 2.0 to 2.8 body lengths per second. Net swimming costs increased with swimming speed, but showed no clear trend with temperature. The influence of body mass on the metabolic rate varied with temperature and activity level resulting in scaling exponents (b) of 0.71–0.94. A multivariate regression analysis was performed to integrate the effects of temperature, speed and mass (AMR = 0.82M 0.93 exp(0.07T) + 0.43M 0.93 U 2.03). The regression analysis showed that temperature affects standard but not net active metabolic costs in this species. Further, we conclude that a low speed exponent, high optimum speeds and high ratios of standard to activity costs suggest a remarkably efficient swimming performance in vendace.  相似文献   

The temperature relationship of routine metabolic rate (Rr) of non-feeding, non-growing Coregonus lavaretus larvae between 2 and 15°C is characterized by Q10-values ranging from l.8-2.45. The rate of growth, based on weight determinations, of first-feeding larvae amounted to 3.5, 7.6 and 9.4% day-1 at 5, 10 and 12°C respectively, from which Q10-values between 4.0 and 4.8 can be calculated. The rate of increase of muscle mass between 5 and 10°C, based on the determination of the cross-sectional area of inner muscle fibres, resulted in a Q10-value of 4.5. Water temperature influenced the pattern of growth of the inner muscle fibres. At hatching, after 360 day degrees, total muscle mass of larvae reared at 4 and 8°C was independent of temperature, but at 4°C the rate of mass increase owed more to hyperplasia (increase in fibre number) than to hypertrophy (increase in fibre mass), whereas at 8°C the opposite was the case. The calculation of power budgets (including the metabolic cost of growth) of first-feeding larvae yielded net conversion efficiencies (K2) increasing with temperature from 46.3% at 5°C to 54.7% at 12°C. Comparing our data with literature data two general conclusions can be drawn. (1) In first-feeding larvae the net, but not the gross, conversion efficiency of food energy increases with temperature. This is due to net energy input being characterized by a much higher Q10-value than energy expenditures. (2) In embryos of freshwater fish so far investigated hyperplasia plays a greater role in the increase of fibre mass than hypertrophy at the lower temperature, whereas in embryos of marine fish hyperplasia prevails at the higher temperature. It is suggested that this discrepancy correlates with the high concentration of free amino acids in the eggs of marine species which provide an additional, easily available, source of metabolic energy absent in freshwater species.  相似文献   

Synopsis Distribution and growth of the embryos, larvae and juveniles of Rutilus rutilus (roach), Scardinius erythrophthalmus (rudd) and Leuciscus cephalus (chub) from an oligotrophic subalpine lake in Tyrol, Austria, were studied during the first three to four months after hatching. R. rutilus was the first to spawn, a single cohort hatching around May 23rd. Four cohorts of S. erythrophthalmus hatched between June 19 and August 1. Three cohorts of L. cephalus hatched between July 3 and 25. The length/weight relationship of all species changed at a length of approximately 15–16 mm. R. rutilus, hatching at the lowest temperature, also showed the lowest growth rate during early life (maximum 10.4 per cent fresh body weight day–1). In the other two species relative growth rates up to 20% day–1) were measured. Rudd and chub remained in the shallow littoral during the whole period of observation, whereas roach left the littoral a few weeks after hatching and migrated into deeper water. A subtle shift in vertical distribution was observed for the first cohort of rudd which moved into slightly deeper water when the second cohort made its appearance.To whom correspondence should be addressed  相似文献   

Synopsis Experiments were conducted to monitor changes in body mass and metabolic energy expenditure before, during, and after periods of starvation in juveniles of three species of cyprinids: Leuciscus cephalus, Chalcalburnus chalcoides mento, and Scardinius erythrophthalmus. During the starvation period all fish lost weight at about the same rate and the total amount of oxygen consumed during an experimental period of 20 h was about 40% lower in the starved than in the fed groups. Upon refeeding, both mass specific maintenance; and routine rates of metabolism as well as relative growth rates increased rapidly, the peaks of these increases being directly proportional to the length of the starvation period. Maximum compensatory growth was observed after four weeks of starvation in C. chalcoides and S. erythrophthalmus, with relative growth rates reaching 30% d-1 during the first measuring interval after refeeding. The pattern of time-dependent compensatory growth displayed by these fish is similar to the responses of a colonial hydroid in which the rate of catch-up growth increased with the amount of stress to which the animals had been exposed. The exact cost of compensatory growth cannot be calculated because oxygen consumption and growth were not measured simultaneously. However, on the basis of data and calculations reported by Wieser & Medgyesy (1990) it appears that compensatory growth, if fuelled by the metabolic power indicated by our measurements of oxygen consumption, would have to be about twice as efficient as normal growth in the related species Rutilus rutilus.  相似文献   

Physiological mechanisms causing reduction of metabolic rate during torpor in heterothermic endotherms are controversial. The original view that metabolic rate is reduced below the basal metabolic rate because the lowered body temperature reduces tissue metabolism has been challenged by a recent hypothesis which claims that metabolic rate during torpor is actively downregulated and is a function of the differential between body temperature and ambient temperature, rather than body temperature per se. In the present study, both the steady-state metabolic rate and body temperature of torpid stripe-faced dunnarts, Sminthopsis macroura (Dasyuridae: Marsupialia), showed two clearly different phases in response to change of air temperature. At air temperatures between 14 and 30°C, metabolic rate and body temperature decreased with air temperature, and metabolic rate showed an exponential relationship with body temperature (r 2=0.74). The Q 10 for metabolic rate was between 2 and 3 over the body temperature range of 16 to 32°C. The difference between body temperature and air temperature over this temperature range did not change significantly, and the metabolic rate was not related to the difference between body temperature and air temperature (P=0.35). However, the apparent conductance decreased with air temperature. At air temperatures below 14°C, metabolic rate increased linearly with the decrease of air temperature (r 2=0.58) and body temperature was maintained above 16°C, largely independent of air temperature. Over this air temperature range, metabolic rate was positively correlated with the difference between body temperature and air temperature (r 2=0.61). Nevertheless, the Q 10 for metabolic rate between normothermic and torpid thermoregulating animals at the same air temperature was also in the range of 2–3. These results suggest that over the air temperature range in which body temperature of S. macroura was not metabolically defended, metabolic rate during daily torpor was largely a function of body temperature. At air temperatures below 14°C, at which the torpid animals showed an increase of metabolic rate to regulate body temperature, the negative relationship between metabolic rate and air temperature was a function of the differential between body temperature and air temperature as during normothermia. However, even in thermoregulating animals, the reduction of metabolic rate from normothermia to torpor at a given air temperature can also be explained by temperature effects.Abbreviations BM body mass - BMR basal metabolic rate - C apparent conductance - MR metabolic rate - RMR resting metabolic rate - RQ respiratory quotient - T a air temperature - T b body temperature - T lc lower critical temperature - T tc critical air temperature during torpor - TMR metabolic rate during torpor - TNZ thermoneutral zone - T difference between body temperature and air temperature - VO2 rate of oxygen consumption  相似文献   

Thermopreference, tolerance and oxygen consumption rates of early juveniles Octopus maya (O. maya; weight range 0.38–0.78 g) were determined after acclimating the octopuses to temperatures (18, 22, 26, and 30 °C) for 20 days. The results indicated a direct relationship between preferred temperature (PT) and acclimated temperature, the PT was 23.4 °C. Critical Thermal Maxima, (CTMax; 31.8±1.2, 32.7±0.9, 34.8±1.4 and 36.5±1.0) and Critical Thermal Minima, (CTMin; 11.6±0.2, 12.8±0.6, 13.7±1.0, 19.00±0.9) increased significantly (P<0.05) with increasing acclimation temperatures. The endpoint for CTMax was ink release and for CTMin was tentacles curled, respectively. A thermal tolerance polygon over the range of 18–30 °C resulted in a calculated area of 210.0 °C2. The oxygen consumption rate increased significantly α=0.05 with increasing acclimation temperatures between 18 and 30 °C. Maximum and minimum temperature quotients (Q10) were observed between 26–30 °C and 22–26 °C as 3.03 and 1.71, respectively. These results suggest that O. maya has an increased capability for adapting to moderate temperatures, and suggest increased culture potential in subtropical regions southeast of México.  相似文献   

Synopsis The ontogenetic change in time costs of prey attacks as well as the change in capture efficiency for representative cladoceran and cyclopoid prey was investigated in roach, Rutilus rutilus, bleak, Alburnus alburnus, and blue bream, Abramis ballerus. Video recordings were used for measuring the timing of attacks, whereas capture efficiencies were determined by direct observation. Decreases in the time cost of attacks reflect the decreasing importance of prey fixation during growth of the fish. No differences in capture efficiencies were found among the three cyprinid species, indicating that attack behaviour is unlikely to function as a basic mechanism leading to differences in prey selectivity among the investigated species. Increasing capture efficiency during early development may lead to increasing selectivity for cyclopoid prey in the field.  相似文献   

Summary Lacerta viridis maintained under natural photoperiodic conditions show daily and seasonal changes in metabolic rates and body temperature (T b) as well as seasonal differences in sensitivity to temperature change. At all times of the year lizards have a daily fluctuation in oxygen consumption, with higher metabolic rates during the light phase of the day when tested at a constant ambient temperature (T a) of 30°C. Rhythmicity of metabolic rate persists under constant darkness, but there is a decrease in the amplitude of the rhythm.Oxygen consumption measured at various Tas shows significant seasonal differences at T as above 20°C. Expressed as the Arrhenius activation energy, metabolic sensitivity of Lacerta viridis shows temperature dependence in autumn, which changes to metabolic temperature independence in spring at T as above 20°C. The results indicate a synergic relationship between changing photoperiod and body temperature selection, resulting in seasonal metabolic adjustment and seasonal adaptation.Abbreviations ANOVA analysis of variance - LD long day (16 h light) - SD short day (8 h light) - T a ambient temperature - T b body temperature  相似文献   

We assessed the effects of body lipid content on the resting metabolic rate and specific dynamic action (SDA) of the southern catfish Silurus meridionalis. Obese and lean fish were obtained by feeding the fish with two different feeds at 27.5 °C for 4 weeks prior to the experiment. The fish were fed with experimental diets with a meal size of 4% by body mass. A continuous-flow respirometer was used to determine the oxygen consumption rate at 2-h intervals until the postprandial oxygen consumption rate had returned to the preprandial level. The body lipid content of the obese fish was significantly greater than that of the lean fish. The metabolic parameters evaluated (resting metabolic rate, peak metabolic rate (Rpeak), factorial ratio, time to peak, duration, energy expended on SDA (SDAE), or SDA coefficient) were not significantly affected by body fat content in terms of the whole-body or mass-specific values. Increased body fat content did not decrease the resting metabolic rate in the southern catfish, which might be due to the higher levels of highly unsaturated fatty acids in these fish. The results also suggest that the body composition does not appear to affect the SDA response.  相似文献   

Oxygen consumption rates of nauplii of the brine shrimp Artemia franciscana Kellogg 1906 were determined over a range of salinities from 10 to 110 ppm, in temperatures from 0 to 30°C, using a multi-factorial design. The oxygen micro-sensors employed have a fast response time and are capable of accurately measuring oxygen concentrations at temperatures well below 0°C. Oxygen uptake rate ranged from 0.03 to 0.66 μmol O2 mg−1 h−1 and was sensitive to changes in both salinity and temperature. Temperature was the dominant factor affecting oxygen consumption rates, which showed a significant increase with increasing temperature. A slight decrease was measured in oxygen consumption with increasing salinity related to differential solubility of oxygen in waters of different salinities. Thermal sensitivity of oxygen consumption determined from calculations of Q 10, indicated physiological adaptation of Artemia nauplii to the ranges of temperatures tested. Handling editor: A. van Kerchove  相似文献   

Summary Forty amacrine cells in retinae of a cyprinid fish, the roach, were intracellularly labelled with horseradish peroxidase following electrophysiological identification as sustained depolarizing, sustained hyperpolarizing or transient units. Labelled cells were analysed by light microscopy and compared with a catalogue of amacrine cells established in a previous Golgi study on the same species. About 30% of the cell types characterized by the Golgi method were encountered in the present study. When intracellularly labelled cells were differentiated on the basis of their dendritic organization in the plane of the retina, a given electrophysiological response pattern was found to be generated by different morphological types, and vice versa. However, examination of the ramification patterns of the dendrites within the inner plexiform layer (i.e. in the radial dimension of the retina), showed that this morphological parameter of a given amacrine cell could be correlated with its light-evoked response. Several amacrine cell types were found to possess special distal dendrites which arose from the main dendritic branches and extended well over a mm in the retina. Distal dendrites were oriented tangentially with respect to the optic nerve papilla, but did not appear to be involved in any synaptic connectivity. It is concluded that the Golgi-based classification is a valuable tool for identifying intracellularly labelled amacrine cells. However, although the correlation between layering of dendrites in the inner plexiform layer and electrophysiology was generally good, additional physiological parameters would be required to determine whether more extensive parallels exist between structural and functional characteristics of amacrine cells. Alternatively, the considerable morphological diversity of amacrine cells may be of limited physiological significance.A preliminary account of the present findings was presented to the Physiological Society (Djamgoz et al. 1984)  相似文献   

Summary A negative feedback interaction between luminosity type horizonatal cells (HCs) and green-sensitive cones generates the long-wavelength-sensitive depolarizing response in biphasic chromaticity type HCs. This interaction is suppressed in the dark and is potentiated by light adaptation of the retina. HCs are morphologically plastic; during light adaptation, their dendritic terminals within cone pedicles extend, giving rise to spinules. This paper examines whether there is a quantitative correlation between the time course of light-dependent formation of the spinules and enhancement of the feedback interaction. The strength of the feedback interaction in isolated retinac of the roach was determined as the neutral wavelength at which reversal of spectral response polarity occurred in biphasic HCs. A good correlation was found between the neutral wavelength and the spinule/ribbon ratios of retinae. Biphasic HCs were intracellularly stained with horseradish peroxidase and the correlative ultrastructure of the contacted pedicles was examined. Neutral wavelength was found to be correlated with the spinule number, weighted according to the number of synaptic contacts mediating feed-forward transmission. The latter was estimated from the total number of labelled Cb/H2 HC processes (central and lateral) at synaptic triads. A model in which spinules mediate the negative feedback interaction of HCs in the retina of cyprinid fish is presented.  相似文献   

Temperature compensation in whole-animal metabolic rate is one of the responses thought, controversially, to characterize insects from low temperature environments. Temperature compensation may either involve a change in absolute values of metabolic rates or a change in the slope of the metabolic rate – temperature relationship. Moreover, assessments of compensation may be complicated by animal responses to fluctuating temperatures. Here we examined whole animal metabolic rates, at 0 °C, 5 °C, 10 °C and 15 °C, in caterpillars of the sub-Antarctic moth, Pringleophaga marioni Viette (Tineidae), following one week acclimations to 5 °C, 10 °C and 15 °C, and fluctuating temperatures of 0–10 °C, 5–15 °C, and 10–20 °C. Over the short term, temperature compensation was found following acclimation to 5 °C, but the effect size was small (3–14%). By comparison with caterpillars of 13 other lepidopteran species, no effect of temperature compensation was present, with the relationship between metabolic rate and temperature having a Q10 of 2 among species, and no effect of latitude on temperature-corrected metabolic rate. Fluctuating temperature acclimations for the most part had little effect compared with constant temperatures of the same mean value. Nonetheless, fluctuating temperatures of 5–15 °C resulted in lower metabolic rates at all test temperatures compared with constant 10 °C acclimation, in keeping with expectations from the literature. Absence of significant responses, or those of large effect, in metabolic rates in response to acclimation, may be a consequence of the unpredictable temperature variation over the short-term on sub-Antarctic Marion Island, to which P. marioni is endemic.  相似文献   

Atlantic cod populations live in a wide thermal range and can differ genetically and physiologically. Thermal sensitivity of metabolic capacity and swimming performance may vary along a latitudinal gradient, to facilitate performance in distinct thermal environments. To evaluate this hypothesis, we compared the thermal sensitivity of performance in two cod stocks from the Northwest Atlantic that differ in their thermal experience: Gulf of St Lawrence (GSL) and Bay of Fundy (BF). We first compared the metabolic, physiological and swimming performance after short-term thermal change to that at the acclimation temperature (7°C) for one stock (GSL), before comparing the performance of the two stocks after short-term thermal change. For cod from GSL, standard metabolism (SMR) increased with temperature, while active metabolism (AMR, measured in the critical swimming tests), EMR (metabolic rate after an exhaustive chase protocol), aerobic scope (AS) and critical swimming speeds (U crit and U b–c) were lower at 3°C than 7 or 11°C. In contrast, anaerobic swimming (sprint and burst-coasts in U crit test) was lower at 11 than 7 or 3°C. Factorial AS (AMR SMR−1) decreased as temperature rose. Time to exhaustion (chase protocol) was not influenced by temperature. The two stocks differed little in the thermal sensitivities of metabolism or swimming. GSL cod had a higher SMR than BF cod despite similar AMR and AS. This led factorial AS to be significantly higher for the southern stock. Despite these metabolic differences, cod from the two stocks did not differ in their U crit speeds. BF cod were better sprinters at both temperatures. Cod from GSL had a lower aerobic cost of swimming at intermediate speeds than those from BF, particularly at low temperature. Only the activity of cytochrome C oxidase (CCO) in white muscle differed between stocks. No enzymatic correlates were found for swimming capacities, but oxygen consumption was best correlated with CCO activity in the ventricle for both stocks. Overall, the stocks differed in their cost of maintenance, cost of transport and sprint capacity, while maintaining comparable thermal sensitivities.  相似文献   

We measured metabolic rates at 15 and 25°C in 42 helodermatid lizards ranging in mass from 26 to 1616 g. No consistent repeatable daily rhythms of metabolism were detected. There were no significant differences in metabolic rates between the two species of Heloderma. The temperature coefficient for metabolism (Q 10) was 3.0 between 15 and 25°C. The mass exponent for helodermatids (0.69) differed significantly from the among-species mass exponent of 0.80 for all squamates combined. However, adult Heloderma had a mass exponent of 0.80. Rates of metabolism of adult helodermatids were lower than those of other squamate reptiles, and at 15°C periods of apnea contributed to a further reduction in metabolic rate. Our finding that helodermatids have low SMRs supports the hypothesis that ecology is important in influencing metabolic rate, and that “reclusive” squamates have lower rates of metabolism than do nonreclusive species.  相似文献   

Although metabolic rate is considered to be useful as a general indicator of the biological effects of exposure to metals, it is seldom measured in conjunction with specific physiological, biochemical or cellular parameters. The purpose of this investigation was to examine the influence of cadmium (Cd) exposure on metabolic rate and gill Na(+)/K(+) ATPase activity in golden shiners (Notemigonus crysoleucas). Shiners were exposed to six levels of Cd (ranging from control to the maximum sublethal concentration) for 24- and 96-h periods. After 24-h, metabolic rate and Na(+)/K(+) ATPase activity of individual fish were strongly correlated. Shiners exposed to the four highest Cd concentrations (500, 800, 1100, and 1400 μg L(-1)) for 24-h exhibited a shock response that was characterized by mean values for metabolic rate and Na(+)/K(+) ATPase activity that were significantly lower compared to the control. Although results for 96-h exposures reflect a repair/recovery phase, there was no significant correlation between metabolic rate and Na(+)/K(+) ATPase activity. Metabolic rate of shiners was significantly elevated (65-100%) at all concentrations compared to the control after 96-h, whereas Na(+)/K(+) ATPase activity did not differ from the control. Elevated metabolic rate after 96-h likely reflects the influence of a variety of energetically demanding processes associated with repair and recovery.  相似文献   

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