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BACKGROUND: The development of a vaccine against Helicobacter pylori has become a priority to prevent major morbidity and mortality associated with this infection. Our goal was to prepare and evaluate a DNA vaccine based on the urease B gene (ureB). METHODS: The ureB gene of H. pylori was amplified and cloned into the eukaryotic expression vector pcDNA3.1/TOPO. Plasmid DNA was purified from transformed Escherichia coli cells and used to immunize mice by the intragastric, intramuscular, intrarectal (40 micro g each) and intranasal (16 micro g) route, three doses every 2 weeks, with CpG oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN) as adjuvant. Four weeks after the third dose, animals were orally challenged with Helicobacter felis and were sacrificed 6 weeks later. The stomach was stained to detect the presence of infection. RESULTS: Despite in vitro confirmation of successful cloning and functionality of the ureB gene with expression of a protein morphologically and antigenically identical to urease B, the DNA vaccine did not perform well in vivo. Immunization of mice produced a weak immune response. Overall, intrarectal and intranasal administration seemed more immunogenic than other routes. Protection against challenge was modest and nonsignificant, and slightly better on animals immunized by the intramuscular and intranasal route. CONCLUSION: A DNA vaccine based on H. pylori urease B was poorly immunogenic and nonprotective at the conditions evaluated. Higher doses, better adjuvants or a prime-boost approach may circumvent these limitations.  相似文献   

Schistosomiasis represents an increasing problem in non-endemic areas, due to the growing number of immigrants and to tourists contracting this disease in "off-the-beaten-track" tourism. Acute schistosomiasis is not diagnosed early due to the lack of diagnostic tools that are sufficiently sensitive enough to detect the parasite during the first weeks of infection. We have developed a diagnostic approach based on the detection of parasite DNA by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in urine, comparing the performance of this new approach with the two currently used schistosomiasis diagnostic tools (Kato-Katz and ELISA) and the PCR in stool samples. This comparison was done in a Schistosoma mansoni murine experimental model, which permits follow up of the parasite from the acute to the chronic stage of infection. Our results suggest that this new PCR-based approach could be useful for the detection of acute schistosomiasis in easy-to-handle clinical samples such the urine.  相似文献   

Various bacterial components (e.g., endotoxin, teichoic and lipoteichoic acids, peptidoglycans, DNA) induce or enhance inflammation by stimulating the innate immune system and/or are directly toxic in eukariotic cells (e.g., hemolysins). When antibiotics which inhibit bacterial protein synthesis kill bacteria, smaller quantities of proinflammatory or toxic compounds are released in vitro and in vivo than during killing of bacteria by beta-lactams and other cell-wall active drugs. In general, high antibiotic concentrations liberate lower quantities of bacterial proinflammatory or toxic compounds than concentrations close to the minimum inhibitory concentration. In animal models of Escherichia coli Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus peritonitis/sepsis and of Streptococcus pneumoniae meningitis, a lower release of proinflammatory bacterial compounds was associated with a reduced mortality or neuronal injury. Pre-treatment with a bacterial protein synthesis inhibitor reduced the strong release of bacterial products usually observed during treatment with a beta-lactam antibiotic. Data available strongly encourage clinical trials comparing antibiotic regimens with different release of proinflammatory/toxic bacterial products. The benefit of the approach to reduce the liberation of bacterial products should be greatest in patients with a high bacterial load.  相似文献   

Integration of the priming effect (PE) in ecosystem models is crucial to better predict the consequences of global change on ecosystem carbon (C) dynamics and its feedbacks on climate. Over the last decade, many attempts have been made to model PE in soil. However, PE has not yet been incorporated into any ecosystem models. Here, we build plant/soil models to explore how PE and microbial diversity influence soil/plant interactions and ecosystem C and nitrogen (N) dynamics in response to global change (elevated CO2 and atmospheric N depositions). Our results show that plant persistence, soil organic matter (SOM) accumulation, and low N leaching in undisturbed ecosystems relies on a fine adjustment of microbial N mineralization to plant N uptake. This adjustment can be modeled in the SYMPHONY model by considering the destruction of SOM through PE, and the interactions between two microbial functional groups: SOM decomposers and SOM builders. After estimation of parameters, SYMPHONY provided realistic predictions on forage production, soil C storage and N leaching for a permanent grassland. Consistent with recent observations, SYMPHONY predicted a CO2‐induced modification of soil microbial communities leading to an intensification of SOM mineralization and a decrease in the soil C stock. SYMPHONY also indicated that atmospheric N deposition may promote SOM accumulation via changes in the structure and metabolic activities of microbial communities. Collectively, these results suggest that the PE and functional role of microbial diversity may be incorporated in ecosystem models with a few additional parameters, improving accuracy of predictions.  相似文献   

Two centuries of historical, archaeological, paleontological, geological, oceanographical and biological data conclusively indicate that the periwinkle snail Littorina littorea was introduced to North America from Europe either by Norse explorers 1000 years ago or by European colonists after 1840. Available genetic data do not indicate ancient divergence of North American and European L. littorea and thus do not challenge all other evidence that it was introduced from Europe by humans.  相似文献   

The humoral and cellular responses to DNA vaccination of BALB/c mice with a novel antigen from the Fasciola hepatica saposin-like protein family (FhSAP-2) have been investigated. Two constructs were produced containing the FhSAP-2 DNA sequence, one intended for extracellular secretion of FhSAP-2 protein, and one expressing FhSAP-2 in the cytoplasm of a transfected cell. The constructs were tested in HEK 293T cells, with the secretory construct producing less detectable FhSAP-2 relative to cytoplasmic construct when observed by fluorescence. The size of expressed protein was confirmed by Western blot of cell lysate, but FhSAP-2 was undetectable in cell supernatants. Both, secretory and cytoplasmic constructs as well as FhSAP-2 recombinant protein were tested in mice. The antibody response elicited in mice vaccinated with the rFhSAP-2 induced high levels of IgG(1), IgG(2), and IgE as well as high levels of IL-10 and IFNgamma indicating a mixed Th1/Th2 response. Vaccination of mice intramuscularly with the cytoplasmic FhSAP-2 construct resulted in a dominant IgG(2a) isotype antibody as well as a dominant IFNgamma cytokine, with significant IgE, IgG(1), and IL-10 responses also present, suggesting a mixed Th1/Th2 profile. Isotype and cytokine profiles elicited by the FhSAP-2 secretory construct were similar to those obtained with the cytoplasmic construct but at levels that were significantly lower. The results demonstrate that FhSAP-2 can be delivered as a DNA vaccine construct and induces a stronger Th1 response than the recombinant protein alone. This could result in an improvement in the immunoprophylactic potential of this candidate vaccine against F. hepatica.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll a fluorescence rise (O-J-I-P transient) was in literature simulated using models describing reactions occurring solely in photosystem II (PSII) and plastoquinone (PQ) pool as well as using complex models which described, in addition to the above, also subsequent electron transport occurring beyond the PQ pool. However, there is no consistency in general approach how to formulate a kinetic model and how to describe particular reactions occurring even in PSII only. In this work, simple kinetic PSII models are considered always with the same electron carriers and same type of reactions but some reactions are approached in different ways: oxygen evolving complex is considered bound to PSII or “virtually” separated from PSII; exchange of doubly reduced secondary quinone PSII electron acceptor, QB, with PQ molecule from the PQ pool is described by one second order reaction or by two subsequent reactions; and all possible reactions or only those which follow in logical order are considered. By combining all these approaches, eight PSII models are formulated which are used for simulations of the chlorophyll a fluorescence transients. It is shown that the different approaches can lead to qualitatively different results. The approaches are compared with other models found elsewhere in the literature and therefore this work can help the readers to better understand the other models and their results.  相似文献   

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