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Pichia angusta (syn. Hansenula polymorpha) represents one of the rare yeast that can grow and ferment both xylose and glucose at higher temperature (50°C). However, little is known about the enzymes involved in xylose utilization from this species. Previous studies indicated the presence of one xylose reductase and two xylitol dehydrogenase genes in P. angusta. In this study, we have expressed both xylitol dehydrogenases (PaXdh1p and PaXdh2p) in Escherichia coli and purified them as 6X-Histidine-tagged proteins. Biochemical characterization of the recombinant proteins reveals that both PaXdh1p and PaXdh2p are thermotolerant enzymes. PaXdh2p contains a catalytic and a structural Zn atom. However, the structural Zn atom is not present in PaXdh1p. Both enzymes also differ in their affinity for the substrate as well as in the catalytic efficiency. Through mutagenesis and modeling approaches, we have also identified residues important for catalysis and substrate binding.  相似文献   

L-Lactate cytochrome c oxidoreductase (flavocytochrome b2, FC b2) from the thermotolerant methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha (Pichia angusta) is, unlike the enzyme form baker's yeast, a thermostable enzyme potentially important for bioanalytical technologies for highly selective assays of L-lactate in biological fluids and foods. This paper describes the construction of flavocytochrome b2 producers with overexpression of the H. polymorpha CYB2 gene, encoding FC b2. The HpCYB2 gene under the control of the strong H. polymorpha alcohol oxidase promoter in a plasmid for multicopy integration was transformed into the recipient strain H. polymorpha C-105 (gcr1 catX), impaired in glucose repression and devoid of catalase activity. A method was developed for preliminary screening of the transformants with increased FC b2 activity in permeabilized yeast cells. The optimal cultivation conditions providing for the maximal yield of the target enzyme were found. The constructed strain is a promising FC b2 producer characterized by a sixfold increased (to 3 micromol min(-1) mg(-1) protein in cell-free extract) activity of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD51 gene product takes part in genetic recombination and repair of DNA double strand breaks. Rad51, like Escherichia coli RecA, catalyzes strand exchange between homologous circular single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) and linear double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) in the presence of ATP and ssDNA-binding protein. The formation of joint molecules between circular ssDNA and linear dsDNA is initiated at either the 5' or the 3' overhanging end of the complementary strand; joint molecules are formed only if the length of the overhanging end is more than 1 nucleotide. Linear dsDNAs with recessed complementary or blunt ends are not utilized. The polarity of strand exchange depends upon which end is used to initiate the formation of joint molecules. Joint molecules formed via the 5' end are processed by branch migration in the 3'-to-5' direction with respect to ssDNA, and joint molecules formed with a 3' end are processed in the opposite direction.  相似文献   

Rad51 protein stimulates the branch migration activity of Rad54 protein   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Rad51 and Rad54 proteins play important roles during homologous recombination in eukaryotes. Rad51 forms a nucleoprotein filament on single-stranded DNA and performs the initial steps of double strand break repair. Rad54 belongs to the Swi2/Snf2 family of ATP-dependent DNA translocases. We previously showed that Rad54 promotes branch migration of Holliday junctions. Here we find that human Rad51 (hRad51) significantly stimulates the branch migration activity of hRad54. The stimulation appears to be evolutionarily conserved, as yeast Rad51 also stimulates the branch migration activity of yeast Rad54. We further investigated the mechanism of this stimulation. Our results demonstrate that the stimulation of hRad54-promoted branch migration by hRad51 is driven by specific protein-protein interactions, and the active form of the hRad51 filament is more stimulatory than the inactive one. The current results support the hypothesis that the hRad51 conformation state has a strong effect on interaction with hRad54 and ultimately on the function of hRad54 in homologous recombination.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination is of major importance for the prevention of genomic instability during chromosome duplication and repair of DNA damage, especially double-strand breaks. Biochemical experiments have revealed that during the process of homologous recombination the RAD52 group proteins, including Rad51, Rad52 and Rad54, are involved in an essential step: formation of a joint molecule between the broken DNA and the intact repair template. Accessory proteins for this reaction include the Rad51 paralogs and BRCA2. The significance of homologous recombination for the cell is underscored by the evolutionary conservation of the Rad51, Rad52 and Rad54 proteins from yeast to humans. Upon treatment of cells with ionizing radiation, the RAD52 group proteins accumulate at the sites of DNA damage into so-called foci. For the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, foci formation of Rad51 and Rad54 is abrogated in the absence of Rad52, while Rad51 foci formation does occur in the absence of the Rad51 paralog Rad55. By contrast, we show here that in mammalian cells, Rad52 is not required for foci formation of Rad51 and Rad54. Furthermore, radiation-induced foci formation of Rad51 and Rad54 is impaired in all Rad51 paralog and BRCA2 mutant cell lines tested, while Rad52 foci formation is not influenced by a mutation in any of these recombination proteins. Despite their evolutionary conservation and biochemical similarities, S. cerevisiae and mammalian Rad52 appear to differentially contribute to the DNA-damage response.  相似文献   

Nucleolytic processing of chromosomal DNA is required in operations such as DNA repair, recombination and replication. We have identified a human gene, named HEX1 forhumanexonuclease 1, by searching the EST database for cDNAs that encode a homolog to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae EXO1 gene product. Based on its homology to this and other DNA repair proteins of the Rad2 family, most notably Schizosaccharomyces pombe exonuclease 1 (Exo1), Hex1 presumably functions as a nuclease in aspects of recombination or mismatch repair. Similar to the yeast proteins, recombinant Hex1 exhibits a 5'-->3' exonuclease activity. Northern blot analysis revealed that HEX1 expression is highest in fetal liver and adult bone marrow, suggesting that the encoded protein may operate prominently in processes specific to hemopoietic stem cell development. HEX1 gene equivalents were found in all vertebrates examined. The human gene includes 14 exons and 13 introns that span approximately 42 kb of genomic DNA and maps to the chromosomal position 1q42-43, a region lost in some cases of acute leukemia and in several solid tumors.  相似文献   

This study describes Pichia thermomethanolica BCC16875, a new methylotrophic yeast host for heterologous expression. Both methanol-inducible alcohol oxidase (AOX1) and constitutive glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAP) promoters from Pichia pastoris were shown to drive efficient gene expression in this host. Recombinant phytase and xylanase were expressed from both promoters as secreted proteins, with the former showing different patterns of N-glycosylation dependent on the promoter used and culture medium. In addition, growth temperature also had an effect on N-glycan modification of cell wall mannoproteins. The major glycoprotein oligosaccharide species produced from P.?thermomethanolica BCC16875 is Man(8-12) GlcNAc(2) , which is similar to that from other methylotrophs. Moreover, mannosylphosphate and α-1,6- and α-1,2-linked mannose modifications of heterologous secreted protein were also detected. The attainably high level of protein production in complement to distinctive thermotolerance rarely found in other industrial yeasts makes this microorganism an attractive host for large-scale fermentation.  相似文献   

Yeast Rad51 promotes homologous pairing and strand exchange in vitro, but this activity is inefficient in the absence of the accessory proteins, RPA, Rad52, Rad54 and the Rad55-Rad57 heterodimer. A class of rad51 alleles was isolated that suppresses the requirement for RAD55 and RAD57 in DNA repair, but not the other accessory factors. Five of the six mutations isolated map to the region of Rad51 that by modeling with RecA corresponds to one of the DNA-binding sites. The other mutation is in the N-terminus of Rad51 in a domain implicated in protein-protein interactions and DNA binding. The Rad51-I345T mutant protein shows increased binding to single- and double-stranded DNA, and is proficient in displacement of replication protein A (RPA) from single-stranded DNA, suggesting that the normal function of Rad55-Rad57 is promotion and stabilization of Rad51-ssDNA complexes.  相似文献   

Rad51 protein is a eukaryotic homologue of RecA protein that is essential for homologous recombination. We developed a simple procedure for purifying yeast Rad51 protein, characterized its interaction with DNA, and compared it with those of RecA from Escherichia coli and Rad51 from higher eukaryotes. Fractionation of crude extract with 0.2% polyethylenimine eliminated contaminant proteins and nucleic acids, which can perturb the subsequent purification steps. Binding of Rad51 to single-stranded DNA was detected in solution by measuring the fluorescence anisotropy of a fluorescein probe attached to the 5' end of the oligonucleotides. The interaction was stabilized by ATP, as is that of RecA, but was neither stabilized by a non-hydrolysable analog of ATP, nor destabilized by ADP, unlike the interaction of RecA. This character was very similar to that of Xenopus XRad51.1, although the binding of yeast Rad51 to DNA was more sensitive to Mg(2+) ion in both the presence and absence of ATP, and was optimal at 5--10 mM Mg(2+). The dissociation of Rad51 protein from DNA is not, therefore, favored by the hydrolysis of ATP to ADP, in contrast to that of RecA. On the other hand, the high DNA-binding state of the Rad51-DNA complex promoted by ATP appeared to be short-lived. These features may be linked to the lower activity of Rad51 and the fact that Rad51 activity does not require the hydrolysis of ATP.  相似文献   

The unicellular green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a perspective model object for basic and applied research. However, its homologous recombination (HR) system which lies in the basis of double-strand DNA break repair have still not been studied. Last years the program of C. reinhardtii nuclear genome sequence is realized and different nucleotide repeats in the genome structure have been revealed that can explain a low level of HR relative to nonhomologous recombination events. Analyses of the C. reinhardtii EST (Expressed Sequence Tag)--and genome libraries permitted us to reconstruct and clone cDNA of the RAD51 gene. In present work, the cDNA was expressed, its product was purified and some basal biochemical activities were studied. The results show that Rad51C protein from lower eukaryote C. reinhardtii is identified as typical representative of the Rad51C-like subfamily of higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Domain mapping of the Rad51 paralog protein complexes   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
The five human Rad51 paralogs are suggested to play an important role in the maintenance of genome stability through their function in DNA double-strand break repair. These proteins have been found to form two distinct complexes in vivo, Rad51B–Rad51C–Rad51D–Xrcc2 (BCDX2) and Rad51C–Xrcc3 (CX3). Based on the recent Pyrococcus furiosus Rad51 structure, we have used homology modeling to design deletion mutants of the Rad51 paralogs. The models of the human Rad51B, Rad51C, Xrcc3 and murine Rad51D (mRad51D) proteins reveal distinct N-terminal and C-terminal domains connected by a linker region. Using yeast two-hybrid and co-immunoprecipitation techniques, we have demonstrated that a fragment of Rad51B containing amino acid residues 1–75 interacts with the C-terminus and linker of Rad51C, residues 79–376, and this region of Rad51C also interacts with mRad51D and Xrcc3. We have also determined that the N-terminal domain of mRad51D, residues 4–77, binds to Xrcc2 while the C-terminal domain of mRad51D, residues 77–328, binds Rad51C. By this, we have identified the binding domains of the BCDX2 and CX3 complexes to further characterize the interaction of these proteins and propose a scheme for the three-dimensional architecture of the BCDX2 and CX3 paralog complexes.  相似文献   

Suppressors of the methyl methanesulfonate sensitivity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae diploids lacking the Srs2 helicase turned out to contain semidominant mutations in Rad5l, a homolog of the bacterial RecA protein. The nature of these mutations was determined by direct sequencing. The 26 mutations characterized were single base substitutions leading to amino acid replacements at 18 different sites. The great majority of these sites (75%) are conserved in the family of RecA-like proteins, and 10 of them affect sites corresponding to amino acids in RecA that are probably directly involved in ATP reactions, binding, and/or hydrolysis. Six mutations are in domains thought to be involved in interaction between monomers; they may also affect ATP reactions. By themselves, all the alleles confer a rad5l null phenotype. When heterozygous, however, they are, to varying degrees, negative semidominant for radiation sensitivity; presumably the mutant proteins are coassembled with wild-type Rad51 and poison the resulting nucleofilaments or recombination complexes. This negative effect is partially suppressed by an SRS2 deletion, which supports the hypothesis that Srs2 reverses recombination structures that contain either mutated proteins or numerous DNA lesions.  相似文献   

The identity of protein A1 predicted by a cDNA clone from yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae which has common carboxyl-terminus to 13 kDa-type acidic ribosomal proteins has been examined. The unique gene for A1 was isolated using the cDNA clone and found to possess two boxes similar to upstream activation sequences for ribosomal protein genes (UASrpg) in the 5'-flanking region. The in vitro-translation product directed by hybrid-selected mRNA with A1 cDNA comigrated with a minor component of split proteins from ribosome by electrofocusing. In addition, the mRNA level for A1 was found to be lower than other two major acidic ribosomal proteins suggesting that A1 is the fourth member of the protein family so far identified which is expressed at relatively low level.  相似文献   

Genetic studies in rodent and chicken mutant cell lines have suggested that Rad51 paralogs (XRCC2, XRCC3, Rad51B/Rad51L1, Rad51C/Rad51L2 and Rad51D/Rad51L3) play important roles in homologous recombinational repair of DNA double-strand breaks and in maintaining chromosome stability. Previous studies using yeast two- and three-hybrid systems have shown interactions among these proteins, but it is not clear whether these interactions occur simultaneously or sequentially in vivo. By utilizing immunoprecipitation with extracts of human cells expressing epitope-tagged Rad51 paralogs, we demonstrate that XRCC2 and Rad51D, while stably interacting with each other, co-precipitate with Rad51C but not with XRCC3. In contrast, Rad51C is pulled down with XRCC3, whereas XRCC2 and Rad51D are not. In addition, Rad51B could be pulled down with Rad51C and Rad51D, but not with XRCC3. These results suggest that Rad51C is involved in two distinct in vivo complexes: Rad51B–Rad51C–Rad51D–XRCC2 and Rad51C–XRCC3. In addition, we demonstrate that Rad51 co-precipitates with XRCC3 but not with XRCC2 or Rad51D, suggesting that Rad51 can be present in an XRCC3–Rad51C–Rad51 complex. These complexes may act as functional units and serve accessory roles for Rad51 in the presynapsis stage of homologous recombinational repair.  相似文献   

We present here the structure of Yer010c protein of unknown function, solved by Multiple Anomalous Diffraction and revealing a common fold and oligomerization state with proteins of the regulator of ribonuclease activity A (RraA) family. In Escherichia coli, RraA has been shown to regulate the activity of ribonuclease E by direct interaction. The absence of ribonuclease E in yeast suggests a different function for this family member in this organism. Yer010cp has a few supplementary secondary structure elements and a deep pseudo-knot at the heart of the protein core. A tunnel at the interface between two monomers, lined with conserved charged residues, has unassigned residual electron density and may constitute an active site for a yet unknown activity.  相似文献   

The discovery of three Rad51 paralogs in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Rad55, Rad57, and Dmc1), four in Schizosaccharomyces pombe (Rhp55, Rhp57, Rlp1, and Dmc1), and six in human (Rad51B, Rad51C, Rad51D, Xrcc2, Xrcc3, and Dmc1) indicate the functional diversity and specialization of RecA-like proteins in the line from the lower to higher organisms. This paper reports characterization of a number of mitotic and meiotic phenotypes of the cells mutant in rlp1 gene, encoding a paralog of Rad51, in fission yeasts. No evident role of Rlp1 protein in the repair of spontaneous lesions emerging during mating type switching was found. Rlp1 does not interact physically with Dmc1. An elevated expression of rhp51 has a dominant negative effect on the cell survivability of rlp1Δ mutant exposed to a DNA-damaging agent. We assume that Rlp1 acts at the stages of recombination connected with disassembling of the nucleoprotein filament formed by Rhp51 protein.  相似文献   

The discovery of three Rad51 paralogs in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Rad55, Rad57, and Dmc1), four in Schizosaccharomyces pombe (Rhp55, Rhp57, Rlp 1, and Dmc 1), and six in human (Rad51 B, Rad51 C, Rad51 D, Xrcc2, Xrcc3, and Dmcl) indicate the functional diversity and specialization of RecA-like proteins in the line from the lower to higher organisms. This paper reports characterization of a number of mitotic and meiotic phenotypes of the cells mutant in rlpl gene, encoding a paralog of Rad5 1, in fission yeasts. No evident role of Rlp I protein in the repair of spontaneous lesions emerging during mating type switching was found. Rlpl does not interact physically with Dmcl. An elevated expression of rhp51 has a dominant negative effect on the cell survivability of rlpl mutant exposed to a DNA-damaging agent. We assume that Rlp 1 acts at the stages of recombination connected with disassembling of the nucleoprotein filament formed by Rhp51 protein.  相似文献   

Biomimetic dye ligand chromatography and reversible ionic strength-dependent protein precipitation enabled isolation of formate dehydrogenase from the yeast Pichia angusta in purity of >95%. The enzyme has a specific NAD-linked activity of 5.7 units/mg and was obtained in stable form, yield of 88% and concentration of about 20 mg/ml. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

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