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A mathematical model is proposed to explain energy resource allocation between sperm production and territoriality in male reef fishes (Labridae species) from the point of view of optimization. Labridae species are typically characterized by both TP (terminal phase) and IP (initial phase) males. The former are considered to release a lower amount of sperm but show aggressive territoriality. In the model, TP male reproductive success is considered as depending upon both fertilization probability (depending on sperm density) and the individual's own territorial activities. Between these factors, a trade-off exists by which the fertilization probability can be enhanced only by reducing territoriality. Therefore, the male has to decide how much of the total available energy resource should be allocated to each. The model showed that under high fertilization efficiency the male can achieve high success by spending less of the resource on sperm production and correspondingly more for territoriality. The TP male reproductive success increases with decreasing male density in the habitat. Nevertheless, when intruding males cannot be excluded completely by territorial behavior of the TP male, females prefer high male density. If females can control the number of intruding males to some degree, conflict may arise between the sexes. Received: December 8, 1999 / Accepted: May 24, 2000  相似文献   

M. F. Magalhães 《Oecologia》1993,96(2):253-260
Food resource use by seven cyprinids from an Iberian stream was analysed over 9 months. Differences in food resource use were found both between species and within species between seasons. Plant material was a more important food for carp, nase, goldfish and barbel than for gudgeon, roach and chub, irrespective of the season. Chironomid larvae were the staple animal food for the former five species throughout the year. Roach and chub, especially the latter, displayed large seasonal variations in prey use, with chironomid larvae only being important during autumn. Ephemerellid nymphs and ephemeropteran imagos dominated the animal diet of chub during spring and summer, respectively. Dipteran adults and Formicidae were the most important prey for roach during spring and summer, with other common prey being ephemerellid nymphs and hydropsychid larvae. Food resource overlap among the three dominant species (roach, barbel and chub) displayed a large seasonal variation. High overlaps were observed during autumn when these species used the same resources. During summer overlaps were much lower with each species specialising on different prey. The remaining less abundant species had large diet overlaps amongst themselves and with barbel, over all seasons. It is suggested that morphological constraints, habitat partitioning and temporal changes in food resource limitation may be involved in producing these patterns of food resource use.  相似文献   

A. Prejs 《Oecologia》1987,72(2):259-262
Summary In a previous study (A. Prejs and K. Prejs in press) we found that at the end of the dry season small fish species trapped together with piscivorous fish in small, shallow pool varied in their level of food intake. The two smallest of these species fed little, whereas larger species fed at high rate. By examining the species and size composition of the diet and gape limitations of predatory species, I found that the decreased feeding rate of small fish was in response to a high risk of predation by gape-limited predators. The reduction of feeding rate was very substantial when compared to that of the same species in predator free area.  相似文献   

Synopsis Eight species in six different families of tropical marine reef fishes from the Indo-West Pacific region (Naso lituratus, Zebrasoma.flavescens, Balistes fuscus, B. vidua, Forcipiger longirostris, Echidna zebra, Cromileptes altivelis, Canthigaster jactator) were tested for ability to thermoregulate behaviorally in electronic shuttleboxes. All of these species preferred mean temperatures between 20 and 30°C, but differed considerably in thermoregulatory precision. All species avoided lethal high or low temperatures (i.e., they did not die during the tests), and some species thermoregulated as precisely as temperate species. Some temperate species prefer higher temperatures (above 30°C) than do these tropical reef species.  相似文献   

Synopsis Variability in the mean number of gill rakers was examined in 17 tropical (Panama) and 16 temperate (Canada) freshwater fishes. Ranges for an additional 16 temperate species were obtained from the literature. Variance in gill raker number within species was significantly greater in the tropical species. The tropical species also showed significantly greater dispersion of the species means when among-species variation was compared to an overall mean for each latitude. The reduced among-species variation observed in the temperate species appears to result from a scarcity of high raker means in small, stream species of Canada. This study offers no evidence for the existence of greater feeding specialization among small, primarily stream fishes in the neotropics. The data suggest that the food resource spectrum utilized by these species may be shorter at the higher latitudes examined.  相似文献   

Intact cores from the upper soil profile and surface litter were collected at the peak of the dry season and during the rainy period in the tropical deciduous forest of the Chamela region, Jalisco, México, to (1) analyze upper soil phosphorus (P) movement and retention, (2) compare soil P dynamic pools (soluble, bicarbonate, and microbial) in dry and rainy seasons, and (3) determine the response of these P pools to wetting. Unperturbed litter-soil cores were treated in the laboratory with either 10 mm or 30 mm of simulated rain with carrier-free 32P and compared to a control (no water addition) to determine the fate and retention of added P. 31P concentrations and pools in most litter and soil fractions were higher in the dry than in the rainy season. Soluble P was 0.306 g/m2 and microbial P was 0.923 g/m2 in the dry season (litter plus soil) versus 0.041 (soluble) and 0.526 (microbial) g P/m2 in the rainy season. After water addition, rainy-season cores retained 99.9 and 94% of 32P in the 10- and 30-mm treatments, respectively. Dry-season samples retained 98.9 and 80% of inputs in the same treatments. Retention after wetting occurred mostly in soil (bicarbonate and microbial fractions). Simulated rainfall on rainy-season soils increased P immobilization. On the other hand, simulated rainfall on dry-season soils released P through mineralization. The P release represents between 46 and 99% of the annual litterfall return. Our results suggest that both soluble and microbial P constitute important sources for initiation of plant growth at the onset of the rainy season in tropical dry forest. Received: 23 September 1997 / Accepted: 2 February 1998  相似文献   

Summary We investigated relationships between light availability, diel acid fluctuation, and resource storage in the arborescent cactus Opuntia excelsa growing in western Mexico. We compared canopy and understory individuals from a deciduous forest as well as open-grown plants of the same approximate size as those in the understory. During the wet season light availability and daily fluctuations in titratable acidity (an index of carbon uptake) were lower in the understory than in unshaded habitats. In the dry season all plants had reduced levels of acid fluctuation, with the smallest individuals, regardless of habitat, showing the greatest reduction. These data suggest that light availability in the forest understory constrains carbon assimilation during the wet season, but that a factor associated with plant size, possibly water status, limits carbon gain during the dry season. Plants in all habitats remained physiologically active for at least five months into the dry season. We suggest that this was possible due to the maintenance of constant concentrations of water and nitrogen in the photosynthetically active chlorenchyma. Parenchyma in terminal cladodes showed a different seasonal pattern of resource storage; water content and nitrogen concentration were reduced from the wet to the dry season in the parenchyma. Using the parenchyma to supply photosynthetic tissues during times of reduced resource availability allows O. excelsa to assimilate carbon during times of the year when most other trees in the forest are leafless.  相似文献   

Rates of tree growth in tropical forests reflect variation in life history strategies, contribute to the determination of species' distributional limits, set limits to timber harvesting and control the carbon balance of the stands. Here, we review the resources that limit tree growth at different temporal and spatial scales, and the different growth rates and responses of functional groups defined on the basis of regeneration strategy, maximum size, and species' associations with particular edaphic and climatic conditions.Variation in soil water availability determines intra- and inter-annual patterns of growth within seasonal forests, whereas irradiance may have a more important role in aseasonal forests. Nutrient supply limits growth rates in montane forests and may determine spatial variation in growth of individual species in lowland forests. However, its role in determining spatial variation in stand-level growth rates is unclear. In terms of growth rate, we propose a functional classification of tropical tree species which contrasts inherently fast-growing, responsive species (pioneer, large-statured species), from slow-growing species that are less responsive to increasing resource availability (shade-bearers, small-statured species). In a semi-deciduous forest in Ghana, pioneers associated with high-rainfall forests with less fertile soils, had significantly lower growth rates than pioneers that are more abundant in low-rainfall forests with more fertile soils. These results match patterns found in seedling trials and suggest for pioneers that species' associations with particular environmental conditions are useful indicators of maximum growth rate.The effects of variation in resource availability and of inherent differences between species on stand-level patterns of growth will not be independent if the functional group composition of tropical forests varies along resource gradients. We find that there is increasing evidence of such spatial shifts at both small and large scales in tropical forests. Quantifying these gradients is important for understanding spatial patterns in forest growth rates.  相似文献   

Most of the studies on seasonality in food supply and nutritional status have been carried out in areas characterized by extreme climatic conditions. This study was conducted in an area where the climate is favorable for grain cultivation. However, a large part of the population was found to face seasonal variations in food availability, most critically three to four months before the main harvest. Women lost about 3 percent of their weight in this period compared to the post harvest period. The nutritional status of preschool children declined in the lower socioeconomic group. These changes also coincided with a period of hard agricultural work, especially for women. The paper deals with factors affecting the duration of the maize stocks as well as strategies used when maize stocks are exhausted.  相似文献   

Summary Ten traits related to life history theory were measured or estimated for 71 freshwater fish species from two locations in the Venezuelan llanos. Multivariate statistics and cluster analysis revealed three basic endpoint patterns bounding a two-dimensional continuum. A suite of attributes associated with parental care and aseasonal reproduction appeared to correspond to an equilibrium strategy. A second group of small fishes was distinguished by traits associated with rapid colonizing ability: early maturation, continuous reproduction, and small clutches. The third basic pattern was associated with synchronized reproduction during the early wet season, high fecundity, absence of parental care, and breeding migrations. A subset of mostly small fishes exhibiting little or no parental care, small clutches, and two to four month reproductive seasons was intermediate between the opportunistic (rapidly colonizing) and seasonal strategies. All ten life history variables showed significant effects of phylogeny. The cluster of species corresponding to the equilibrium group was dominated by siluriform fishes and perciforms of the Cichlidae. The opportunistic cluster was dominated by cyprinodontiform and characiform fishes, whereas the seasonal cluster contained primarily characiform and siluriform fishes. Seven of nine traits were significantly correlated with body length. The three reproductive patterns are interpreted as being adaptative with respect to relative intensity and predictability of temporal and spatial variation in abiotic environmental parameters, food availability, and predation pressure.  相似文献   

Data on the intra-annual variation in phytoplankton production for 114 southern and northern hemisphere lakes (42°S to 75° N) were combined to examine broad-scale latitudinal trends. Much of the seasonal variation in production can be statistically explained through the climatic factors of mean annual range of atmospheric temperature and annual variance in incident solar radiation, of which the amplitude of both increases with distance from the equator. Quantification of this latitudinal-climatic trend is an important step in understanding the hierarchial regulation of variability in lake trophic dynamics.  相似文献   

Abstract When settlement of pelagic juveniles of reef fishes is highly and predictably seasonal, annual, end-of-season surveys of surviving recruits (which are commonly used on the Great Barrier Reef) are useful for assessing recruitment dynamics and their demographic effects. However, when settlement is continuous or weakly seasonal, with patterns that vary both between species and within species among years, regular, sometimes year-round, recruitment surveys at intervals linked to short-term settlement dynamics are needed to quantify fluctuations in recruitment strength. Monthly recruitment surveys may be appropriate in the tropical northwest Atlantic, where settlement is often both lunar periodic, and broadly and variably seasonal. Use of a variety of recruit-census methods impedes comparisons of recruitment patterns and their demographic effects, because recruit densities and recruit:adult ratios cannot be directly compared when recruits (because they have widely varying post-settlement ages) have experienced very different levels of early post-settlement mortality. Examining the relationship between changes in adult populations and annual, end-of-season recruitment may be satisfactory for long-lived species with strong settlement seasonality and maturation times of approximately 1 year. However, it is inappropriate for short-lived, rapidly maturing species, particularly those that have broad and variable settlement seasons and whose populations fluctuate substantially throughout the year in response to short-term fluctuations in recruitment. Comparisons of demographic effects of recruitment among species with different longevity require the use of non-arbitrary time scales, such as the time to maturity and the adult half-life.  相似文献   

Replicate thermal tolerance polygons were created using critical thermal methodology (CTM) and statistically compared.  相似文献   

Reproductive ecology, population structure, and diets of three common livebearing poeciliid fishes (Alfaro cultratus, Phallichthys amates, Poecilia gilli) from rainforest streams in Costa Rica were investigated over ten continuous months. The region experiences little annual temperature variation, and although monthly rainfall is continuous each year, two brief dry seasons typically occur. Monthly changes in indices of ovarian condition, percentages of females with developing embryos, and population size structure revealed that reproductive output by females of all three species varied seasonally. Based on testicular condition, males were reproductively active year-round, however the mean gonadal index for males of two algivorous species showed low levels of seasonal cycling that largely coincided with female variation in reproductive effort. All three species had seasonal differences in the female size-brood size relationship, whereby larger females tended to carry more embryos during the wet season. Several important adult and neonate food resources are more available in the flooded forest during the wet season, which is also the period when conspecifics and predators are at their lowest per-area densities. Three hypotheses are discussed: (1) brood size in relation to conspecific density-mating frequency, (2) reproductive allocation in response to variation in adult food resources, and (3) selection for greater reproductive effort during conditions optimal for juvenile growth and survival. Data for Alfaro were consistent with the latter two hypotheses. In Phallichthys and Poecilia, diets were poorer during wet seasons, indicating that reproductive effort does not coincide with availability of adult food resources, and that selection probably favors greater reproductive effort during periods optimal for juvenile growth and survival.  相似文献   

1.?We tested the hypotheses that feeding guild structure of beetle assemblages changed with different arboreal microhabitats and that these differences were consistent across rainforest tree species. 2.?Hand collection and beating techniques were used from the gondola of the Australian Canopy Crane to collect beetles from five microhabitats (mature leaves, flush leaves, flowers, fruit and suspended dead wood) within the rainforest canopy. A simple randomization procedure was implemented to test whether the abundances of each feeding guild on each microhabitat were different from that expected based on a null hypothesis of random distribution of individuals across microhabitats. 3.?Beetles from different feeding guilds were not randomly distributed, but congregated on those microhabitats that are likely to provide the highest concentrations of their preferred food sources. Herbivorous beetles, in particular, were over-represented on flowers and flush foliage and under-represented on mature leaves and dead wood. Proportional numbers of species within each feeding guild were remarkably uniform across tree species for each microhabitat, but proportional abundances of feeding guilds were all significantly non-uniformly distributed between host tree species, regardless of microhabitat, confirming patterns previously found for arthropods in trees in temperate and tropical forests. 4.?These results show that the canopy beetle community is partitioned into discrete assemblages between microhabitats and that this partitioning arises because of differences in feeding guild structure as a function of the diversity and the temporal and spatial availability of resources found on each microhabitat.  相似文献   

Synopsis Deviations of growth increments from a model describing average growth of 12 common fish species, mostly juveniles, were compared with hydrological variables and biomass density (ranging from 1 gm-2 to 83 gm-2 of potentially competing species of similar size ranges (guilds). Seasonal effects on growth were highly significant for omnivores but not for detritivores. Omnivores exhibited faster growth during the rising water season, and higher growth rates were associated with periods of increased rates of flooding during this season, which could be associated with increased availability of food. No species exhibited density-dependent growth when all seasons were considered together. During the rising-water-level season, no inverse relationship between growth and biomass density was found in any of the 11 species tested at p = 0.05. During the short falling-water season, 2 of 8 species tested did exhibit density-dependent growth but a sign test of correlation coefficients from all species was not significant. These two significant results were from four omnivores tested. However, density-dependent growth was not indicated when the data were pooled within either detritivore or omnivore guilds by hydrological season. It was concluded that with the possible exception of juvenile omnivores during the limited falling-water season, density-dependent growth, and by implication interspecific competition, had no effect in regulating the species' populations investigated in the floodplain environment. Conversely, the importance of a seasonal hydrological regime in maintaining growth rates, at least for omnivores, was evident.  相似文献   

The pelagic zone of the ocean can be a challenging environment in which to conduct research and as a result we lack the robust baseline abundance and diversity data, compared to what is available in more accessible coastal habitats, to be able to track changes or stressors to the biota in this environment. Many large-scale fisheries target pelagic fish, and much of the information available on these species is based on fisheries-dependent data that may be biased towards hotspots and commercially valuable fishes. Here, a long-term video and visual fish survey was conducted on two subsurface moored fish aggregating devices (FADs) in the pelagic waters of the central Bahamas to determine the feasibility of using moored pelagic FADs as tools for collecting fish abundance and diversity data. A wide range of species was documented, including large migratory fish that are the focus of commercial and recreational fisheries, and smaller often overlooked species on which little abundance or seasonality information exists. We found that FADs colonize quickly and reach a peak stable (albeit seasonally cyclical) abundance and diversity within the first several months after deployment. Species richness was higher in video surveys, but abundance was higher in visual surveys, except for sharks. Our results highlight the need to tailor survey methods to fit the context and study objective, and provide further evidence for the importance of fisheries-independent data in monitoring pelagic species.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Natural enemies may determine the seasonal occurrence of insect herbivores by restricting the presence of their vulnerable life-stages to periods of low natural enemy activity.
2. A tropical leaf-mining moth, Bucculatrix sp . , feeding on the understorey plant Forsteronia spicata, normally occurs only in the early-wet season in the tropical dry forests of Costa Rica, this period coinciding with a time when natural enemy activity is thought to be lowest and when young leaves are most abundant.
3. A manipulative experiment was run to establish whether the Bucculatrix sp. can undergo another generation in the late-wet season if suitable leaves are present. If the restricted phenology of this species is due to predator avoidance, then its larvae should experience elevated levels of mortality during this late-wet season generation.
4. An artificial second flush of young leaves was induced on F. spicata by stripping them of leaves after the natural first flush of leaves. Bucculatrix sp. larvae were found on the plants induced to flush but none were found on natural plants. No significant difference in pre-adult mortality was found between the larvae on the natural early-wet season and the artificial late-wet season leaves.
5. The primary factor restricting the seasonal occurrence of Bucculatrix sp. is concluded to be the availability of suitable leaves and there is no evidence to suggest that natural enemies play a role in determining its phenology.  相似文献   

A very large majority of farm animals express seasonal variations in their production traits, thus inducing seasonal availability of fresh derived animal products (meat, milk, cheese and eggs). This pattern is in part the consequence of the farmer's objective to market his products in the most economically favourable period. It may also be imposed by the season-dependent access to feed resources, as in ruminants, or by the specific requirements derived from adaptation to environmental conditions such as water temperature in fish. But seasonal variations in animal products are also the consequence of constraints resulting from the occurrence of a more or less marked seasonal reproductive season in most farm animal species including fish, poultry and mammals. Like their wild counterparts, at mid and high latitudes, most farm animals normally give birth at the end of winter-early spring, the most favourable period for the progeny to survive and thus promote the next generation. As a consequence, most species show seasonal variations in their ovulation frequency (mammals and fish: presence or absence of ovulation; birds: variations or suppression of laying rates), spermatogenic activity (from moderate to complete absence of sperm production), gamete quality (variations in fertilisation rates and embryo survival), and also sexual behaviour. Among species of interest for animal production, fishes and birds are generally considered as more directly sensitive to external factors (mainly temperature in fish, photoperiod in birds). In all species, it is therefore advisable that artificial photoperiodic treatments consisting of extra-light during natural short days (in chickens, turkeys, guinea fowl, sheep and goats) or melatonin during long days (in goats, sheep) be extensively used to either adjust the breeding season to animal producer needs and/or to completely overcome seasonal variations of sperm production in artificial insemination centres (mammals) and breeder flock operations (poultry, fish farming). Pure light treatments (without melatonin), especially when applied in open barns, could be considered as non invasive ones which fully respect animal welfare.  相似文献   

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