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KinI kinesins are important in regulating the complex dynamics of the microtubule cytoskeleton. They are unusual in that they depolymerize, rather than move along microtubules. To determine the attributes of KinIs that distinguish them from translocating kinesins, we examined the ATPase activity, microtubule affinity, and three-dimensional microtubule-bound structure of a minimal KinI motor domain. Together, the kinetic, affinity, and structural data lead to the conclusion that on binding to the microtubule lattice, KinIs release ADP and enter a stable, low-affinity, regulated state, from which they do not readily progress through the ATPase cycle. This state may favor detachment, or diffusion of the KinI to its site of action, the microtubule ends. Unlike conventional translocating kinesins, which are microtubule lattice-stimulated ATPases, it seems that with KinIs, nucleotide-mediated modulation of tubulin affinity is only possible when it is coupled to protofilament deformation. This provides an elegant mechanistic basis for their unique depolymerizing activity.  相似文献   

Conventional kinesin is a highly processive molecular motor that takes several hundred steps per encounter with a microtubule. Processive motility is believed to result from the coordinated, hand-over-hand motion of the two heads of the kinesin dimer, but the specific factors that determine kinesin's run length (distance traveled per microtubule encounter) are not known. Here, we show that the neck coiled-coil, a structure adjacent to the motor domain, plays an important role in governing the run length. By adding positive charge to the neck coiled-coil, we have created ultra-processive kinesin mutants that have fourfold longer run lengths than the wild-type motor, but that have normal ATPase activity and motor velocity. Conversely, adding negative charge on the neck coiled-coil decreases the run length. The gain in processivity can be suppressed by either proteolytic cleavage of tubulin's negatively charged COOH terminus or by high salt concentrations. Therefore, modulation of processivity by the neck coiled-coil appears to involve an electrostatic tethering interaction with the COOH terminus of tubulin. The ability to readily increase kinesin processivity by mutation, taken together with the strong sequence conservation of the neck coiled-coil, suggests that evolutionary pressures may limit kinesin's run length to optimize its in vivo function.  相似文献   

To obtain an overall three-dimensional picture of the interaction between microtubules and the motor proteins of the kinesin family it will be necessary to take account of both atomic resolution structures obtained by X-ray crystallography and medium resolution reconstructions obtained by electron cryomicroscopy. We examine the problems associated with obtaining the required structural information from electron micrographs of vitreous ice-embedded microtubules decorated with motor domains. We find that the minus-end directed motor, ncd, decorates microtubules with an 80 Å periodicity as for kinesin. Our theoretical analysis and experiments with ncd illustrate the difficulty in determining unambiguously the surface lattice organization by diffraction analysis of micrographs. 3D reconstructions of decorated microtubules are required to accurately locate the motor domains. Helical diffraction theory is not usually applicable because microtubules are cylindrical structures that rarely have complete helical symmetry. We propose using a back-projection method based on the long pitch helices formed by individual protofilaments. Model reconstructions show that this approach is feasible. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We describe a novel interaction between HIV-1 Rev and microtubules (MTs) that results in the formation of bilayered rings that are 44-49 nm in external diameter, 3.4-4.2 MD (megadaltons) in mass, and have 28-, 30-, or 32-fold symmetry. Ring formation is not sensitive to taxol, colchicine, or microtubule-associated proteins, but requires Mg(2+) and is inhibited by maytansine. The interaction involves the NH(2)-terminal domain of Rev and the face of tubulin exposed on the exterior of the MTs. The NH(2)-terminal half of Rev has unexpected sequence similarity to the tubulin-binding portion of the catalytic/motor domains of the microtubule-destabilizing Kin I kinesins. We propose a model wherein binding of Rev dimers to MTs at their ends causes segments of two neighboring protofilaments to peel off and close into rings, circumferentially containing 14, 15, or 16 tubulin heterodimers, with Rev bound on the inside. Rev has a strong inhibitory effect on aster formation in Xenopus egg extracts, demonstrating that it can interact with tubulin in the presence of normal levels of cellular constituents. These results suggest that Rev may interact with MTs to induce their destabilization, a proposition consistent with the previously described disruption of MTs after HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   

P. A. Vesk  D. G. Rayns  M. Vesk 《Protoplasma》1994,182(1-2):71-74
Summary High resolution scanning electron microscopy was used to obtain images of cortical microtubules and associated structures in onion root tips. Specimens were prepared using a modified quick-freeze deep-etch technique utilising cytosolic extraction with saponin and conductive staining with osmium.Abbreviations DMSO dimethylsulfoxide - HRSEM high resolution scanning electron microscope/microscopy - MTSB microtubule stabilising buffer - TEM transmission electron microscope/microscopy  相似文献   

The MukB protein from Escherichia coli has a domain structure that is reminiscent of the eukaryotic motor proteins kinesin and myosin: N-terminal globular domains, a region of coiled-coil, and a specialised C-terminal domain. Sequence alignment of the N-terminal domain of MukB with the kinesin motor domain indicated an approximately 22% sequence identity. These observations raised the possibility that MukB might be a prokaryotic motor protein and, due to the sequence homology shared with kinesin, might bind to microtubules (Mts). We found that a construct encoding the first 342 residues of MukB (Muk342) binds specifically to Mts and shares a number of properties with the motor domain of kinesin. Visualisation of the Muk342 decorated Mt complexes using negative stain electron microscopy indicated that the Muk342 smoothly decorates the outside of Mts. Biochemical data demonstrate that Muk342 decorates Mts with a binding stoichiometry of one Muk342 monomer per tubulin monomer. These findings strongly suggest that MukB has a role in force generation and that it is a prokaryotic homologue of kinesin and myosin.  相似文献   

Isolated melanophores of the angelfish, Pterophyllum scalare, have been used in a morphometric analysis and a quantitative study of their microtubule system. Using transverse sections spaced at regular intervals, the changes associated with the process of pigment aggregation have been determined. Upon the concentration of pigment granules in the central cell region, almost half of the cytoplasmic portion is also withdrawn from the peripheral cell regions. Counts of microtubules within a cell sector in cells with pigment aggregated and dispersed, respectively, reveal (a) a constancy of the number of microtubules in this sector regardless of the distance from the cell center, and (b) a reduction of microtubule number in cells with pigment aggregated by about 58%. On the basis of these counts, the total number of microtubules has been calculated. In the dispersed state, about 2,400 microtubules extend between the center and the periphery of the cell, while their number is about 1,000 in the aggregated state. Using a 13-protofilament model of a microtubule and relevant data on size and molecular weight of microtubule subunits, the amount of tubulin present as microtubules is calculated. In the average, the cells contain 1.95·108 monomers corresponding to 1.78·10?8 mg tubulin. A tentative estimation of the concentration of tubulin inside a melanophore yields values of 6.1 mg/ml for the whole cell and 16.5 mg/ml for the cytoplasm alone (excluding membrane-bound organelles). Based on this estimation, a comparison, with microtubule assembly in vitro is made.  相似文献   

Tubulin carboxypeptidase, the enzyme which releases the COOH terminal tyrosine from the a-chain of tubulin, remains associated with microtubules through several cycles of assembly/disassembly (Arce CA, Barra HS: FEBS Lett 157: 75–78, 1983). Here, we present evidence indicating that in rat brain extract the carboxypeptidase/microtubules association is regulated by the relative activities of endogenous protein kinase(s) and phosphatase(s) which seem to determine the phosphorylation state of the enzyme (or another entity) and in some way the affinity of the enzyme for microtubules. The presence of 2.5 mM ATP during the in vitro microtubule formation resulted in a low recovery of carboxypeptidase activity in the microtubule fraction. This ATP-induced effect was not due to alteration of the enzyme activity or to inhibition of microtubule assembly but to a decrease of the association of the enzyme with microtubules. We found that the ATP-induced effect was not mediated by modifications on the microtubules but, presumably, on the enzyme molecule. The non-hydrolyzable ATP analogue, AMP-PCP, did not reproduce the effect of ATP. The inclusion of phosphatase inhibitors in the homogenization buffer also led to a decrease in the amount of tubulin carboxypeptidase associated with microtubules. Finally, we found that, in concordance with the mechanism hypothesized, the magnitude of the carboxypeptidase/microtubule association correlated well with the different incubation conditions created to favor maximal, minimal or intermediate protein phosphorylation states.  相似文献   

Kinesins are a diverse group of adenosine triphosphate (ATP)‐dependent motor proteins that transport cargos along microtubules (MTs) and change the organization of MT networks. Shared among all kinesins is a ~40 kDa motor domain that has evolved an impressive assortment of motility and MT remodeling mechanisms as a result of subtle tweaks and edits within its sequence. Several elegant studies of different kinesin isoforms have exposed the purpose of structural changes in the motor domain as it engages and leaves the MT. However, few studies have compared the sequences and MT contacts of these kinesins systematically. Along with clever strategies to trap kinesin–tubulin complexes for X‐ray crystallography, new advancements in cryo‐electron microscopy have produced a burst of high‐resolution structures that show kinesin–MT interfaces more precisely than ever. This review considers the MT interactions of kinesin subfamilies that exhibit significant differences in speed, processivity, and MT remodeling activity. We show how their sequence variations relate to their tubulin footprint and, in turn, how this explains the molecular activities of previously characterized mutants. As more high‐resolution structures become available, this type of assessment will quicken the pace toward establishing each kinesin's design–function relationship.  相似文献   

Members of the kinesin‐8 motor class have the remarkable ability to both walk towards microtubule plus‐ends and depolymerise these ends on arrival, thereby regulating microtubule length. To analyse how kinesin‐8 multitasks, we studied the structure and function of the kinesin‐8 motor domain. We determined the first crystal structure of a kinesin‐8 and used cryo‐electron microscopy to calculate the structure of the microtubule‐bound motor. Microtubule‐bound kinesin‐8 reveals a new conformation compared with the crystal structure, including a bent conformation of the α4 relay helix and ordering of functionally important loops. The kinesin‐8 motor domain does not depolymerise stabilised microtubules with ATP but does form tubulin rings in the presence of a non‐hydrolysable ATP analogue. This shows that, by collaborating, kinesin‐8 motor domain molecules can release tubulin from microtubules, and that they have a similar mechanical effect on microtubule ends as kinesin‐13, which enables depolymerisation. Our data reveal aspects of the molecular mechanism of kinesin‐8 motors that contribute to their unique dual motile and depolymerising functions, which are adapted to control microtubule length.  相似文献   

Vaccinia virus (VV) egress has been studied using confocal, video, and electron microscopy. Previously, intracellular-enveloped virus (IEV) particles were proposed to induce the polymerization of actin tails, which propel IEV particles to the cell surface. However, data presented support an alternative model in which microtubules transport virions to the cell surface and actin tails form beneath cell-associated enveloped virus (CEV) particles at the cell surface. Thus, VV is unique in using both microtubules and actin filaments for egress. The following data support this proposal. (a) Microscopy detected actin tails at the surface but not the center of cells. (b) VV mutants lacking the A33R, A34R, or A36R proteins are unable to induce actin tail formation but produce CEV and extracellular-enveloped virus. (c) CEV formation is inhibited by nocodazole but not cytochalasin D or 4-amino-5-(4-methylphenyl)-7-(t-butyl)pyrazolo(3,4-d)pyrimidine (PP1). (d) IEV particles tagged with the enhanced green fluorescent protein fused to the VV B5R protein moved inside cells at 60 microm/min. This movement was stop-start, was along defined pathways, and was inhibited reversibly by nocodazole. This velocity was 20-fold greater than VV movement on actin tails and consonant with the rate of movement of organelles along microtubules.  相似文献   

Auxin controls the orientation of cortical microtubules in maize coleoptile segments. We used tyrosinylated alpha-tubulin as a marker to assess auxin-dependent changes in microtubule turnover. Auxin-induced tyrosinylated alpha-tubulin, correlated with an elevated sensitivity of growth to antimicrotubular compounds such as ethyl-N-phenylcarbamate (EPC). We determined the affinity of alpha-tubulin to EPC and found that it was dramatically increased when the tubulin was de-tyrosinylated. By proteolytic cleavage of the carboxy terminal tyrosine, such an increased affinity could be induced in vitro. Thus, the auxin-induced sensitivity of growth to EPC is not caused by an increased affinity for this inhibitor, but caused by a reduced microtubule turnover. Double visualization assays revealed that the transverse microtubules induced by auxin consist predominantly of tyrosinylated alpha-tubulin, whereas the longitudinal microtubules induced by auxin depletion contain de-tyrosinylated alpha-tubulin. The results are discussed in terms of direction-dependent differences in the lifetime of microtubules.  相似文献   

To attain its native conformation, the cytoskeletal protein tubulin needs the concourse of several molecular chaperones, among others the cytosolic chaperonin CCT. It has been previously described that denatured tubulin interacts with CCT in a quasi-folded conformation using several loops located throughout its sequence. These loops are also involved in microtubule formation and are absent in its prokaryote homologue FtsZ, which in vitro folds by itself and does not interact with CCT. Several FtsZ/tubulin chimeric proteins were generated by inserting consecutively one, two or three of the CCT-binding domains of tubulin into the corresponding sequence of FtsZ from Methanococccus jannaschii. The insertion of any of the CCT-binding loops generates in the FtsZ/tubulin chimeras the ability to interact with CCT. The accumulation of CCT-binding loops induces in the FtsZ/tubulin chimeras unfolding and refolding properties that are more similar to tubulin than to its prokaryote counterpart. Finally, the insertion of some of these loops generates in the FtsZ/tubulin chimeras more complex polymeric structures than those found for FtsZ. These results reinforce the notion that CCT has coevolved with tubulin to deal with the folding problems encountered by the eukaryotic protein with the appearance of the new sequences involved in microtubule formation.  相似文献   

The human kinetochore is a highly complex macromolecular structure that connects chromosomes to spindle microtubules (MTs) in order to facilitate accurate chromosome segregation. Centromere-associated protein E (CENP-E), a member of the kinesin superfamily, is an essential component of the kinetochore, since it is required to stabilize the attachment of chromosomes to spindle MTs, to develop tension across aligned chromosomes, to stabilize spindle poles and to satisfy the mitotic checkpoint. Here we report the 2.5A resolution crystal structure of the motor domain and linker region of human CENP-E with MgADP bound in the active site. This structure displays subtle but important differences compared to the structures of human Eg5 and conventional kinesin. Our structure reveals that the CENP-E linker region is in a "docked" position identical to that in the human plus-end directed conventional kinesin. CENP-E has many advantages as a potential anti-mitotic drug target and this crystal structure of human CENP-E will provide a starting point for high throughput virtual screening of potential inhibitors.  相似文献   

With their ability to depolymerize microtubules (MTs), KinI kinesins are the rogue members of the kinesin family. Here we present the 1.6 A crystal structure of a KinI motor core from Plasmodium falciparum, which is sufficient for depolymerization in vitro. Unlike all published kinesin structures to date, nucleotide is not present, and there are noticeable differences in loop regions L6 and L10 (the plus-end tip), L2 and L8 and in switch II (L11 and helix4); otherwise, the pKinI structure is very similar to previous kinesin structures. KinI-conserved amino acids were mutated to alanine, and studied for their effects on depolymerization and ATP hydrolysis. Notably, mutation of three residues in L2 appears to primarily affect depolymerization, rather than general MT binding or ATP hydrolysis. The results of this study confirm the suspected importance of loop 2 for KinI function, and provide evidence that KinI is specialized to hydrolyze ATP after initiating depolymerization.  相似文献   

Brain membrane preparations contain tubulin that can be extracted with Triton X-114. After the extract is allowed to partition, 8% of the total brain tubulin is isolated as a hydrophobic compound in the detergent-rich phase. Cytosolic tubulin does not show this hydrophobic behaviour since it is recovered in the aqueous phase. Membrane tubulin can be released by 0.1 M Na2CO3 treatment at pH11.5 in such a way that the hydrophobic tubulin is converted into the hydrophilic form. These results suggest that tubulin exists associated with some membrane component that confers the hydrophobic behaviour to tubulin. If the tissue is homogenized in microtubule-stabilizing buffer containing Triton X-100, the hydrophobic tubulin is isolated from the microtubule fraction. This result indicates that the hydrophobic tubulin isolated from membrane preparations belongs to microtubules thatin vivo are associated to membranes. Therefore, hydrophobic tubulin (tubulin-membrane component complex) can be obtained from membranes or from microtubules depending on the conditions of brain homogenization.Abbreviations TBS Tris-buffered saline - Mes 2-(N-morpholine) ethane sulfonic acid  相似文献   

Surface-decoration of microtubules by human tau   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tau is a neuronal, microtubule-associated protein that stabilizes microtubules and promotes neurite outgrowth. Tau is largely unfolded in solution and presumably forms mostly random coil. Because of its hydrophilic nature and flexible structure, tau complexed to microtubules is largely invisible by standard electron microscopy methods. We applied a combination of high-resolution metal-shadowing and cryo-electron microscopy to study the interactions between tau and microtubules. We used recombinant tau variants with different domain compositions, (1) full length tau, (2) the repeat domain that mediates microtubule binding (K19), and (3) two GFP-tau fusion proteins that contain a globular marker (GFP) attached to full-length tau at either end. All of these constructs bind exclusively to the outside of microtubules. Most of the tau-related mass appears randomly distributed, creating a "halo" of low-density mass spread across the microtubule surface. Only a small fraction of tau creates a periodic signal at an 8 nm interval, centered on alpha-tubulin subunits. Our data suggest that tau retains most of its disordered structure even when bound to the microtubule surface. Hence, it binds along, as well as across protofilaments. Nevertheless, even minute concentrations of tau have a strong stabilizing effect and effectively scavenge unpolymerized tubulin.  相似文献   

Kar3 kinesins are microtubule (MT) minus‐end‐directed motors with pleiotropic functions in mitotic spindle formation and nuclear movement in budding and fission yeasts. A Kar3‐like kinesin is also expressed by the filamentous fungus Ashbya gossypi, which exhibits different nuclear movement challenges from its yeast relatives. Presented here is a 2.35 Å crystal structure and enzymatic analysis of the AgKar3 motor domain (AgKar3MD). Compared to the previously published Saccharomyces cerevisiae Kar3MD structure (ScKar3MD), AgKar3MD displays differences in the conformation of some of its nucleotide‐binding motifs and peripheral elements. Unlike ScKar3MD, the salt bridge between Switch I and Switch II in AgKar3MD is broken. Most of the Switch I, and the adjoining region of helix α3, are also disordered instead of bending into the active site cleft as is observed in ScKar3MD. These aspects of AgKar3MD are highly reminiscent of the ScKar3 R598A mutant that disrupts the Switch I–Switch II salt bridge and impairs MT‐stimulated ATPase activity of the motor. Subtle differences in the disposition of secondary structure elements in the small lobe (β1a, β1b, and β1c) at the edge of the MD are also apparent even though it contains approximately the same number of residues as ScKar3. These differences may reflect the unique enzymatic properties we measured for this motor, which include a lower MT‐stimulated ATPase rate relative to ScKar3, or they could relate to its interactions with different regulatory companion proteins than its budding yeast counterpart. Proteins 2011;. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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