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Genetic differentiation was greater between 'early' and 'late' spawning rainbow smelt Osmerus mordax separated by a hiatus in spawning activity compared to a continuously spawning population over a similar time period. This magnitude of temporal differentiation was comparable to that seen among spatially separated populations.  相似文献   

Multiple, sympatric morphotypes of rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) are known in Lake Utopia, New Brunswick. The largest, ‘giant’ form is predominantly a piscivore, the smaller, ‘dwarf’ form are predominantly planktivores, and there is an intermediate body-sized form. The forms exhibit some genetic variability, but it is body size that best defines morphotypes, trophic status, and spawning behaviour. We compared egg size, spawning date, incubation time, size at hatching, and daily and annual growth to determine when divergence in body size occurs among morphotypes. Giant form larvae hatched earlier and grew faster during their first year. Dwarf and intermediate form larvae displayed inter-annual variability in degree of overlap and divergence in growth which occurred in their first growing season or at age 1+ or 2+. We conclude that earlier hatching, early growth trajectories, and later niche shifting are linked to the persistence of morphotypes, i.e., the process is controlled by the environment and sustained to some degree by spawning segregation.  相似文献   

The strategy of multiple spawning is examined in several commercially important species—in particular turbot, Scophthalmus maximus (L.); halibut, Hippoglossus hippoglossus (L.); cod, Gadus morhua L.; and northern anchovy, Engraulis mordax Girard. Aspects of special relevance to fishery science and commercial and experimental cultivation are discussed. These include changes in batch fecundity and egg size as the spawning season progresses; the timing and methodology of fecundity estimations; ovulatory/spawning rhythms; the effect of temperature on the ageing rate of retained ovulated oocytes and the interovulatory period; ovulation prediction in hand-stripped broodstocks to facilitate the collection of good quality, freshly ovulated eggs, and the effect of maternal stress on the ovulatory/spawning rhythm. The implications of these phenomena are discussed in terms of recommended practices for the culturist, experimentalist and fisheries scientist.  相似文献   

Biological features of the four common fish species, giant grenadier Albatrossia pectoralis (Macrouridae), Pacific herring Clupea pallasii (Clupeidae), Pacific rainbow smelt Osmerus mordax dentex, and Pacific capelin Mallotus villosus catervarius (Osmeridae), were studied under the 20-year dataset (1995?2015). These species inhabit the northwestern Bering Sea in the summer–autumn period and form the schoolings in the Olyutorsky-Navarin region. The size–age parameters of the fish caught by different sampling gear, as well as the peculiarities of the body length and body weight dynamics, spawning periods, spawning range, and conditions, were analyzed. The largest specimens of giant grenadier, Pacific herring, and Pacific rainbow smelt were observed in the catches performed by the bottom setline and the gill nets; the smallest fish were found in the trawl catches. The body length and body weight of Pacific herring were larger in the pelagic trawls compared to the bottom trawls; an opposite pattern was observed for the Pacific capelin. The abundant year-class in the species with short life cycle (capelin and herring) is well tracked on the longterm plots of the fish body size; this is accompanied by the decrease of their biological parameters. Herring stock covers large growing grounds; smaller body size was observed for the herring grazing in the coastal waters; young specimens dominate here.  相似文献   

Silver pomfret, Pampus argenteus, were collected by fishing with drift gillnets on one spawning ground in Kuwait waters during 1998–2000. Fish size frequency, sex ratio, maturation cycle, spawning frequency, fecundity and egg weight were assessed. The length–weight relationship differed between sexes whereby females were significantly bigger than males. Spawning started in mid‐May and continued until early October. During this time the water temperature ranged from 26.0 to 32.8°C, salinity was ? 39.0‰ and water depth ranged between 5 and 12 m. Large females spawned earlier than young spawners and the overall percentage of males during the spawning period was 70.3%. Spawning occurred after 13.00 h, with peak spawning between 15.00 and 18.00 hours during outgoing tide. Mean daily spawning frequency amounted to 63.2%. Spawning activity was found to be associated with the lunar cycle and spawnings were concentrated during the first and third quarters of the moon period, indicating a semilunar reproduction cycle. It was concluded that a female would spawn at least six times during the season. No change was observed in relative fecundity during the peak spawning season (June–August). Average relative batch fecundity was 176.3 eggs g?1 somatic weight (SW), corresponding to a relative total fecundity of 1058 eggs g?1 SW, which is 1.5 times higher than estimates obtained from counting the standing stock of oocytes. Bigger fish produced heavier eggs and the egg weight decreased as the spawning season progressed. Based on gonadal cycles, oocyte size frequency distribution and total fecundity, we concluded that silver pomfret is a multiple batch spawner with indeterminate fecundity.  相似文献   

Dispersal during the early life history of the anadromous rainbow smelt, Osmerus mordax , was examined using assignment testing and mixture analysis of multilocus genotypes and otolith elemental composition. Six spawning areas and associated estuarine nurseries were sampled throughout southeastern Newfoundland. Samples of adults and juveniles isolated by > 25 km displayed moderate genetic differentiation ( F ST ~ 0.05), whereas nearby (< 25 km) spawning and nursery samples displayed low differentiation ( F ST < 0.01). Self-assignment and mixture analysis of adult spawning samples supported the hypothesis of independence of isolated spawning locations (> 80% self-assignment) with nearby runs self-assigning at rates between 50 % and 70%. Assignment and mixture analysis of juveniles using adult baselines indicated high local recruitment at several locations (70–90%). Nearby (< 25 km) estuaries at the head of St Mary's Bay showed mixtures of individuals (i.e. 20–40% assignment to adjacent spawning location). Laser ablation inductively coupled mass spectrometry transects across otoliths of spawning adults of unknown dispersal history were used to estimate dispersal among estuaries across the first year of life. Single-element trends and multivariate discriminant function analysis (Sr:Ca and Ba:Ca) classified the majority of samples as estuarine suggesting limited movement between estuaries (< 0.5%). The mixtures of juveniles evident in the genetic data at nearby sites and a lack of evidence of straying in the otolith data support a hypothesis of selective mortality of immigrants. If indeed selective mortality of immigrants reduces the survivorship of dispersers, estimates of dispersal in marine environments that neglect survival may significantly overestimate gene flow.  相似文献   

1992年5月至1996年8月对徐家河水库近太湖新银鱼的形态学,繁殖特性,生长以及食性进行了研究。结果表明,徐家河水库近太湖新银鱼主要以枝角类和桡足类为食,繁殖季节为3-6月,其中4月中旬为繁殖高峰期,与太湖新银鱼不同只有春季产卵群体,生命周期为一年。体重与体长关系为:W=2.014×10-6L3.170(r=0.999)。其von Benrtalanffy生长方程为Lt=65.071-e-0.2394(t+0.5066)forbody length and Wt=1.1281-e-0.2394(t+0.5066)3.170。    相似文献   

A process-based simulation model was used to examine the nature and intensity of food-web interactions that allow Osmerus mordax to dominate invaded lakes. The model simulates food-web interactions among linked populations of O. mordax, Coregonus artedi and Sander vitreus. Simulations indicated that O. mordax dominate where: (1) adult O. mordax prey on young-of-the-year (YOY) C. artedi, (2) YOY O. mordax negatively affect YOY S. vitreus through competition and (3) adult S. vitreus experience moderate fishing mortality. Osmerus mordax dominated simulations across a broad range of variable values that regulated competition and predation, and displayed threshold responses to increasing angler harvest. Consequently, angler harvest should be carefully managed in lakes susceptible to O. mordax invasions because the alternative could lead to fishery collapse.  相似文献   

Considerable interannual variation in the abundance of larval and juvenile Pacific herring Clupea pallasii was detected in Miyako Bay, on the Pacific coast of northern Japan; abundances were high in 2001 and 2003 and low in 2000 and 2002. Hatch dates and growth rates for larval and juvenile survivors were estimated through otolith analysis. Water temperature and food availability were monitored on the spawning and nursery grounds in the inner part of the bay. The number of spawning females caught in nets set around the spawning ground was recorded during each spawning season (January to May) in 2000–2003. No correlation was found between the number of spawning females and the abundance of larvae and juveniles on the spawning and nursery grounds. The hatch dates of surviving larvae and juveniles were concentrated at the end of the spawning season in 2001 and in the middle of the season in 2003. The larvae experienced relatively high prey concentrations during the first-feeding period in 2001 but low concentrations in 2003. Survival of larvae during the first-feeding period may be a function of prey concentration as well as water temperature. In 2003, low water temperature would reduce starvation mortality during the first-feeding period. In contrast, unfavourable feeding conditions with higher temperatures during the first-feeding period seemed to result in low larval survival in 2000 and 2002. The 2001 larvae grew faster than those in 2003 because of the late hatch dates and the higher ambient temperatures that resulted. Temperature might be a major factor controlling growth rates of C. pallasii larvae in Miyako Bay.  相似文献   

Understanding changes in the migratory and reproductive phenology of fish stocks in relation to climate change is critical for accurate ecosystem‐based fisheries management. Relocation and changes in timing of reproduction can have dramatic effects upon the success of fish populations and throughout the food web. During anomalously warm conditions (1–4°C above normal) in the northeast Pacific Ocean during 2015–2016, we documented shifts in timing and spawning location of several pelagic fish stocks based on larval fish samples. Total larval concentrations in the northern California Current (NCC) during winter (January–March) 2015 and 2016 were the highest observed since annual collections first occurred in 1998, primarily due to increased abundances of Engraulis mordax (northern anchovy) and Sardinops sagax (Pacific sardine) larvae, which are normally summer spawning species in this region. Sardinops sagax and Merluccius productus (Pacific hake) exhibited an unprecedented early and northward spawning expansion during 2015–16. In addition, spawning duration was greatly increased for E. mordax, as the presence of larvae was observed throughout the majority of 2015–16, indicating prolonged and nearly continuous spawning of adults throughout the warm period. Larvae from all three of these species have never before been collected in the NCC as early in the year. In addition, other southern species were collected in the NCC during this period. This suggests that the spawning phenology and distribution of several ecologically and commercially important fish species dramatically and rapidly changed in response to the warming conditions occurring in 2014–2016, and could be an indication of future conditions under projected climate change. Changes in spawning timing and poleward migration of fish populations due to warmer ocean conditions or global climate change will negatively impact areas that were historically dependent on these fish, and change the food web structure of the areas that the fish move into with unforeseen consequences.  相似文献   

Studies on infection patterns of diplostomid parasites in commercially exploited fishes have not been done in Patagonia (Argentina). The aim of this work was to study the population dynamics of two diplostomid species in the brain of patagonian silversides (Odontesthes hatchery), the interaction between them, and effect on health and physical condition of the hosts. Tylodelphys destructor and Diplostomum mordax metacercariae in the brain of Patagonian silversides in Lake Pellegrini were studied between January 1991 and February 1992. Tylodelphys destructor parasitized all silversides examined; prevalence of D. mordax varied between 7% and 100%. Mean intensity for T. destructor was 35-140 and for D. mordax was 3-49. Highest mean intensities of T. destructor coincided with the lowest mean intensities of D. mordax. Recruitment seems to occur from July-November for T. destructor and from April-June for D. mordax, revealing a temporal segregation with inverse patterns of infection and recruitment. Tylodelphys destructor has higher intensities in the brain of the older fish, whereas D. mordax did not, suggesting another type of segregation. There were no evidences of gross pathology. No covariation between abundance of larvae and condition factor, gonadosomatic index, and gut fullness was detected.  相似文献   

Individual haddock, Melanogrammus aeglefinus (L.) were maintained at different feeding levels in an aquarium from November until the completion of spawning. The mean duration of spawning was 33.2 days (range 19–59) during which an average of 16.6 (range 10–25) batches of eggs were produced. The size and dry weight of the eggs declined during the spawning period. Egg production and feeding level were correlated positively. There was some suggestion that when female haddock received low rations (< 5 kcal day-1) a lower proportion spawned, and the dry weights of the eggs were lower compared with females on high rations (> 13 kcal day -1). The relation between daily growth in wet weight, g, and daily surplus energy intake, kcal, was: G =(0.295 E )— 0.328. When food energy is restricted, haddock appear to achieve a balance between somatic growth and reproduction.  相似文献   

Population structure and growth of Philine gibba Strebel have been examined using weight- and length-frequency analyses. The population consisted of five year classes but the 4th and 5th year classes were only separable immediately after spawning. Sexual maturity was reached after ≈ 3 yr, spawning occurred at 3.75 yr and death, after a second spawning, at 4.75 yr. Somatic growth was discontinuous and reproduction caused a mean somatic weight loss of 30.2% (ash-free dry wt). Shell growth was interrupted briefly during reproduction and the growth rate increased during the first 18 months of life but decreased steadily thereafter.

Mortality of juveniles was high and during the 2-yr study there was negligible recruitment to the mature population. High mortality of juveniles was attributed to intraspecific competition for food and size-specific predation.  相似文献   

The annual atherinid fishes, Menidia menidia and M. beryllina , are extremely similar morphologically, but appear to differ in their energetics and life histories. They emerge from winter in relatively emaciated condition. Menidia menidia males and females showed little change in carcass weight but significant increases in gonad weight in March and April prior to spawning in May. Female liver weight increased in March and remained high. Thus, this species had reached its reproductive size in the autumn and allocated its energy to gonadal growth during the spring. Menidia beryllina showed no significant increases in weight until early May, when carcass, liver and gonad all increased simultaneously, a pattern very different from its congener. The later spawning of M. beryllina is probably due both to its need for carcass growth in spring prior to spawning and to its apparent requirement for warmer water for growth. Females of both species invested more into liver and gonad than did males. Maximum gonadosomatic index was about twice as large for M. menidia males as for M. beryllina males, but the index was similar for females of both species.  相似文献   

Synopsis Spawning in the pufferTakifugu niphobles was observed at Tomioka in western Kyushu, Japan, and the factors affecting the spawning time were estimated using a multiple regression analysis. Spawning in this puffer occurred in the intertidal beach during evening rising tides around the full and new moons. Both the time of commencement and ending of a day's spawning were related mainly to the tidal cycle, and occurred later when the high tides occurred later. However, the termination of a day's spawning was also affected by the diurnal cycle; spawning ended earlier when sunset was earlier. Besides, a day's spawning tended to be concentrated within a shorter time span when the interval between the commencement of spawning and the sunset was shorter. Thus the spawning time of the puffer is regulated not only by the tidal but also by the diel cycle, and it is suggested that the adaptive significance of the spawning reactions to both cycles should be examined separately.  相似文献   

I examined the annual and seasonal growth of dark chub, Zacco temmincki, in a Japanese river. Investigation of opercular rings showed that the fish reached a maximum age of 8 years. There was no significant sexual size difference at younger ages (3–5 years), but males were larger than females at older ages (6–7 years). Annual increments of length and weight for males that were recaptured were also larger than those for females. The fish spawn from June to August. Females grew for a short period from April to May, but males on average grew for a longer period from April to August. There was no sexual difference in growth rate except during the spawning period. Annual growth rate was negatively correlated with fish length in each sex. The sexual size differences at older ages of the fish might be due to the polygynous mating system in which most mature males could not obtain females and invested for somatic growth in the spawning period, and a short growing season that was overlapped considerably with the spawning period.  相似文献   

B. Jantz  D. Neumann 《Oecologia》1998,114(2):213-225
In a Rhine River bypass built at a water pollution control station, the growth and reproductive cycle of the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) were studied over a period of nearly 3 years. The experimental setup offered the possibility to manipulate the temperature of the continuously passing river water and to calculate influences of temperature and food on the growth of individually marked mussels. Shell growth rates were a function of algal density (measured as chlorophyll a). This function followed saturation curves with temperature-dependent plateau levels, and saturation occurred at values above 40 μg/l chlorophyll a. The relationship between shell growth rate and temperature followed the courses of bell-shaped curves with algal-food-dependent heights. No clear correlations could be found between shell growth and other environmental factors such as dissolved organic matter, total organic content, seston, and turbidity. Two spawning periods per year characterized the reproductive cycle of the zebra mussels at the study site. The first one covered nearly 3 months (April to July) comprising several spawning events. The second shorter one occurred in August. Young mussels of the first spawning period settled at the end of May, and they were able to reproduce a few months later (end of August) when their shell length exceeded 9 mm. This first spawning period of the young-of-the-years coincided with the second spawning period of the older generations. Through the combined analysis of the results of both body weight determinations and shell growth experiments, it was possible to model mussel growth over a period of nearly 3 successive years, and to suggest the presence of an endogenous factor that might be involved in determining the start of the annual shell growth period. Received: 8 April 1997 / Accepted: 3 November 1997  相似文献   

Synopsis The phenology of Labeo dussumieri, an omnivorous carp common to South Asia, was investigated in a population inhabiting a flood plain anabranch of the Mahaweli Ganga, Sri Lanka. The Mahaweli Ganga exhibited a bimodal discharge pattern typical of many equatorial rivers, with a minor peak during the S.W. monsoon and a major peak during the N.E. monsoon. Seasonal changes in several lotic variables were measured in an attempt to correlate changes in environmental conditions to reproduction and growth in L. dussumieri. The onset of gonad recrudescence and spawning were synchronized with the increased river discharge during the S.W. and N.E. monsoons: gonad development followed one monsoonal discharge peak and spawning took place at the beginning of the other. Most fish spawned at the beginning of the major discharge peak in October and November, following the September dry season. Increased discharge was concomitant with a fall in temperature, light intensity, pH and conductivity. Growth was shown to be seasonal, exhibiting an annual bimodal pattern with peaks coincident with S.W. and N.E. monsoonal rains. Seasonal changes in growth were expressed by two models in terms of: (a) change of somatic weight or fork length with time, (b) change of specific growth rate in response to river discharge, modified by somatic weight. Gonad recrudescence and spawning stress did not appear to influence growth rate.  相似文献   

Annual cycles of growth and reproduction of hatchery–reared Florida largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides floridanus , were investigated. Animals were raised on either forage (goldfish, Carassius auratus ) or a pelleted salmon feed. Male and female year–class 1 largemouth bass were sampled throughout one complete yearly cycle (January–December). A biphasic growth cycle was observed in both forage–fed and pellet–fed fish. No increase in body length or weight was observed until approximately midway through the spawning period (May), after which fish grew at a consistent rate for the remainder of the study. The reproductive cycle of forage–fed fish was characterized by a rapid increase in gonadosomatic index (GS1) between January and April, followed by a prolonged spawning period (April–July) during which GSI progressively declined. Fully regressed gonads were observed in September and October, and a resumption of gonadal recrudescence was observed between October and December. Visceral adipose deposits (expressed as mesenteric fat index; MFI) were resorbed during gonadal growth and the initial stages of the spawning period, and restored during the post–spawning phase. Fish raised on pelleted feed had growth and reproductive cycles that parallelled those of forage–fed fish, but several significant differences were observed between the two diet groups. During the growth phase of the cycle, pellet–fed largemouth bass grew significantly faster than forage–fed largemouth bass, and had significantly larger MFIs than forage–fed largemouth bass at all times of the year. Pellet–fed fish also had significantly larger GSIs than forage–fed fish. These data indicate that diet composition may be an important determinant of growth and reproductive function in this species.  相似文献   

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