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Malaria parasites go through an obligatory liver stage before they infect erythrocytes and cause disease symptoms. In the host hepatocytes, the parasite is enclosed by a parasitophorous vacuole membrane (PVM). Here, we dissected the interaction between the Plasmodium parasite and the host cell late endocytic pathway and show that parasite growth is dependent on the phosphoinositide 5‐kinase (PIKfyve) that converts phosphatidylinositol 3‐phosphate [PI(3)P] into phosphatidylinositol 3,5‐bisphosphate [PI(3,5)P2] in the endosomal system. We found that inhibition of PIKfyve by either pharmacological or non‐pharmacological means causes a delay in parasite growth. Moreover, we show that the PI(3,5)P2 effector protein TRPML1 that is involved in late endocytic membrane fusion, is present in vesicles closely contacting the PVM and is necessary for parasite growth. Thus, our studies suggest that the parasite PVM is able to fuse with host late endocytic vesicles in a PI(3,5)P2‐dependent manner, allowing the exchange of material between the host and the parasite, which is essential for successful infection.   相似文献   

The liver is the first organ infected by Plasmodium sporozoites during malaria infection. In the infected hepatocytes, sporozoites undergo a complex developmental program to eventually generate hepatic merozoites that are released into the bloodstream in membrane-bound vesicles termed merosomes. Parasites blocked at an early developmental stage inside hepatocytes elicit a protective host immune response, making them attractive targets in the effort to develop a pre-erythrocytic stage vaccine. Here, we generated parasites blocked at a late developmental stage inside hepatocytes by conditionally disrupting the Plasmodium berghei cGMP-dependent protein kinase in sporozoites. Mutant sporozoites are able to invade hepatocytes and undergo intracellular development. However, they remain blocked as late liver stages that do not release merosomes into the medium. These late arrested liver stages induce protection in immunized animals. This suggests that, similar to the well studied early liver stages, late stage liver stages too can confer protection from sporozoite challenge.  相似文献   

For membrane‐bound intracellular pathogens, the surrounding vacuole is the portal of communication with the host cell. The parasitophorous vacuole (PV) harboring intrahepatocytic Plasmodium parasites satisfies the parasites' needs of nutrition and protection from host defenses to allow the rapid parasite growth that occurs during the liver stage of infection. In this study, we visualized the PV membrane (PVM) and the associated tubovesicular network (TVN) through fluorescent tagging of two PVM‐resident Plasmodium berghei proteins, UIS4 and IBIS1. This strategy revealed previously unrecognized dynamics with which these membranes extend throughout the host cell. We observed dynamic vesicles, elongated clusters of membranes and long tubules that rapidly extend and contract from the PVM in a microtubule‐dependent manner. Live microscopy, correlative light‐electron microscopy and fluorescent recovery after photobleaching enabled a detailed characterization of these membranous features, including velocities, the distribution of UIS4 and IBIS1, and the connectivity of PVM and TVN. Labeling of host cell compartments revealed association of late endosomes and lysosomes with the elongated membrane clusters. Moreover, the signature host autophagosome protein LC3 was recruited to the PVM and TVN and colocalized with UIS4. Together, our data demonstrate that the membranes surrounding intrahepatic Plasmodium are involved in active remodeling of host cells.   相似文献   

The Plasmodium subtilisin‐like serine protease SUB1 is expressed in hepatic and both asexual and sexual blood parasite stages. SUB1 is required for egress of invasive forms of the parasite from both erythrocytes and hepatocytes, but its subcellular localisation, function, and potential substrates in the sexual stages are unknown. Here, we have characterised the expression profile and subcellular localisation of SUB1 in Plasmodium berghei sexual stages. We show that the protease is selectively expressed in mature male gametocytes and localises to secretory organelles known to be involved in gamete egress, called male osmiophilic bodies. We have investigated PbSUB1 function in the sexual stages by generating Pberghei transgenic lines deficient in PbSUB1 expression or enzyme activity in gametocytes. Our results demonstrate that PbSUB1 plays a role in male gamete egress. We also show for the first time that the PbSUB1 substrate PbSERA3 is expressed in gametocytes and processed by PbSUB1 upon gametocyte activation. Taken together, our results strongly suggest that PbSUB1 is not only a promising drug target for asexual stages but could also be an attractive malaria transmission‐blocking target.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Liver biopsies of white rates infected by Plasmodium berghei sporozoites were examined by electron microscopy. Intrahepatocytic schizont development was confirmed. In addition, at 60 and 70 h after sporozoite inoculation, exoerythrocytic merozoites were noted in Kupffer cells of liver sinusoids. Although it is theoretically possible that this observation may be of merozoite development in Kupffer cells, the authors suspect that this example of phagocytosis would be one of the host's natural defenses against sporozoite-transmitted malaria.  相似文献   

In order to develop tools for an early serodiagnosis of Plasmodium falciparum infection, we evaluated the usefulness of P. falciparum liver stage antigen-3 (LSA-3) as a serodiagnostic antigen. A portion of LSA-3 gene was cloned, and its recombinant protein (rLSA-3) was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified by column chromatography. The purified rLSA-3 and 120 test blood/serum samples collected from inhabitants in malaria-endemic areas of Mandalay, Myanmar were used for this study. In microscopic examinations of blood samples, P. falciparum positive rate was 39.1% (47/120) in thin smear trials, and 33.3% (40/120) in thick smear trials. Although the positive rate associated with the rLSA-3 (30.8%) was lower than that of the blood stage antigens (70.8%), rLSA-3 based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay could detect 12 seropositive cases (10.0%), in which blood stage antigens were not detected. These results indicate that the LSA-3 is a useful antigen for an early serodiagnosis of P. falciparum infection.  相似文献   

In Plasmodium, the shikimate pathway is a potential target for malaria chemotherapy owing to its absence in the mammalian host. Chorismate, the end product of this pathway, serves as a precursor for aromatic amino acids, Para-aminobenzoic acid and ubiquinone, and is synthesised by Chorismate synthase (CS). Therefore, it follows that the Cs locus may be refractory to genetic manipulation. By utilising a conditional mutagenesis system of yeast Flp/FRT, we demonstrate an unexpectedly dispensable role of CS in Plasmodium. Our studies reiterate the need to establish an obligate reliance on Plasmodium metabolic enzymes through genetic approaches before their selection as drug targets.  相似文献   

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