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The relationships between fish assemblages, their associated habitat, and degree of protection from fishing were evaluated over a broad spatial scale throughout the main Hawaiian islands. Most fish assemblage characteristics showed positive responses to protection whether it was physical (e.g. habitat complexity), biological (e.g. coral cover growth forms), or human-induced (e.g. marine reserves). Fish biomass was lowest in areas of direct wave exposure and highest in areas partially sheltered from swells. Higher values for fish species richness, number of individuals, biomass, and diversity were observed in locations with higher substrate complexity. Areas completely protected from fishing had distinct fish assemblages with higher standing stock and diversity than areas where fishing was permitted or areas that were partially protected from fishing. Locations influenced by customary stewardship harbored fish biomass that was equal to or greater than that of no-take protected areas. Marine protected areas in the main Hawaiian islands with high habitat complexity, moderate wave disturbance, a high percentage of branching and/or lobate coral coupled with legal protection from fishing pressure had higher values for most fish assemblage characteristics.  相似文献   

Over‐exploitation and habitat degradation are the two major drivers of global environmental change and are responsible for local extinctions and declining ecosystem services. Here we compare the top‐down effect of exploitation by fishing with the bottom‐up influence of habitat loss on fish communities in the most diverse of ecological systems, coral reefs. Using a combination of multivariate techniques and path analyses, we illustrate that the relative importance of coral cover and fishing in controlling fish abundance on remote Fijian reefs varies between species and functional groups. A decline in branching Acropora coral is strongly associated with a decline in abundance of coral‐feeding species, and a decrease in coral‐associated habitat complexity, which has indirectly contributed to reduced abundance of small‐bodied damselfish. In contrast, reduced fishing pressure, brought about by declining human populations and a shift to alternate livelihoods, is associated with increased abundance of some piscivores and fisheries target species. However, availability of prey is controlled by coral‐associated habitat complexity and appears to be a more important driver of total piscivore abundance compared with fishing pressure. Effects of both fishing and coral loss are stronger on individual species than functional groups, as variation in the relative importance of fishing or coral loss among species within the same functional group attenuated the impact of either of these potential drivers at the functional level. Overall, fishing continues to have an influence on Fijian fish communities; however, habitat loss is currently the overriding agent of change. The importance of coral loss mediated by climate change is expected to have an increasing contribution to fish community dynamics, particularly in remote locations or where the influence of fishing is waning.  相似文献   

This study examined how riverine inputs, in particular sediment, influenced the community structure and trophic composition of reef fishes within Rio Bueno, north Jamaica. Due to river discharge a distinct gradient of riverine inputs existed across the study sites. Results suggested that riverine inputs (or a factor associated with them) had a structuring effect on fish community structure. Whilst fish communities at all sites were dominated by small individuals (<20 cm), diversity and total biomass were reduced with increased proximity to the river mouth. The abundance of all fishes, but particularly small-bodied, juvenile and herbivorous fishes was reduced in turbid water when compared to clear-water sites. Results strongly suggest that fluvial sediment inputs may play an important role in structuring fish assemblages even under intense fishing pressure.  相似文献   

Empirical data are needed to show the efficacy of co-management, which is regarded as a promising approach to achieve conservation goals. In this study, we addressed the potential influence of fisheries co-management to increase fish abundance and fishing yields in the lower Tocantins River Basin (Brazilian Amazon), downstream from a large dam. We analyzed 590 fish landings (6.7 t of fish) from five fishing villages and 48 fish samples obtained using gillnets (10,378 fish from 101 species) in 12 floodplain lakes in four regions: two with incipient co-management and two unmanaged. The fish species richness did not differ among the regions, but the lakes in the regions that were co-managed had higher fish abundance (biomass and number of individuals) and a higher mean proportion of fish reproducing during the high water season. Fishers had higher catches per unit of effort in the co-managed regions than fishers in the non-managed regions. These results were also influenced by geographic factors (distance and accessibility of lakes), as fish biomass was higher in lakes that were distant from the main river and from the main city in the region. Managers should thus consider strategic selection of the geographic locations of managed sites, even in remote areas. However, the fish biomass sampled in lakes was more related to region than to the lakes’ geographical location. Therefore, co-management has at least partially contributed to increased fish abundance and fishing yields in the studied region, through the protection of an important fish habitat (lakes). We provide empirical evidence that co-management can contribute to the maintenance of fish abundance, sustainability of fisheries, and food security in large tropical rivers impacted by damming.  相似文献   

Colossoma macropomum is an ecologically and economically important fish distributed throughout the major tributaries of the Amazon River. C. macropomum require a suite of habitat types for different life stages making them potentially susceptible to the impacts of habitat fragmentation and alteration. As a means of better understanding the potential impacts of development, baseline data on connectivity and patterns of gene flow in species from relatively undisturbed habitat will be of value to monitor potential ecosystem impacts of anthropogenic habitat alteration on native fish communities. We used 13 single sequence repeat markers to determine if fine-scale structuring could be detected at the landscape scale at the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve, Perú. We also applied a model testing approach to evaluate the strength of different migration models, including panmixia, stepping stone and isolation models. Bayesian clustering detected a single genetic grouping across 131 fish. However, a comparison of marginal likelihoods for alternative migration models across PSNR supported a stepping stone model, rather than panmixia (Probability ~1.0). These results demonstrate that even in highly migratory fish with limited genetic structure, the effects of anthropogenic aquatic habitat alterations can be explored using genetic data.  相似文献   

We evaluated the relative importance of habitat size and diversity and distance from the ocean in explaining longitudinal patterns of fish distribution and community structure (species richness, evenness, and diversity) in the lower 5 km of the Rio Claro. The Rio Claro is a small coastal river in Corcovado National Park, southwestern Costa Rica, with a depauperate freshwater fish fauna. We observed 22 species in pools, 19 of which occured during quantitative sampling. Most of these species probably spent part of their lives in the Pacific Ocean. We observed no species in riffles, although these habitats were common and several taxa (e.g., Gobiesocidae, Gobiidae) were adapted for life in fast turbulent water. Fish abundance, and species richness, evenness, and diversity were highest near the ocean, where high tides influenced river levels and salinity. Eight species were not observed further than 2900 m from the ocean, whereas 6 species were not encountered in samples nearest the ocean; the remaining 8 species were present throughout the study area. Distance from the ocean was a better predictor of fish abundance and community structure than were pool width, pool depth, pool surface area, pool volume, amount of cover present, substrate diversity, or depth diversity. Based in qualitative comparisons of our data with previously published data from 1980–1986, the fish assemblage of the Rio Claro is persistent in both species composition and relative abundance.  相似文献   

Parrotfishes are considered to have a major influence on coral reef ecosystems through grazing the benthic biota and are also primary fishery targets in the Indo‐Pacific. Consequently, the impact of human exploitation on parrotfish communities is of prime interest. As anthropogenic and environmental factors interact across spatial scales, sampling programs designed to disentangle these are required by both ecologists and resource managers. We present a multi‐scale examination of patterns in parrotfish assemblage structure, size distribution and diversity across eight oceanic islands of Micronesia. Results indicate that correlates of assemblage structure are scale‐dependent; biogeographic distributions of species and island geomorphology hierarchically influenced community patterns across islands whereas biophysical features and anthropogenic pressure influenced community assemblage structure at the within‐island scale. Species richness and phylogenetic diversity increased with greater broad‐scale habitat diversity associated with different island geomorphologies. However, within‐island patterns of abundance and biomass varied in response to biophysical factors and levels of human influence unique to particular islands. While the effect of fishing activities on community composition and phylogenetic diversity was obscured across island types, fishing pressure was the primary correlate of mean parrotfish length at all spatial scales. Despite widespread fishery‐induced pressure on Pacific coral reefs, the structuring of parrotfish communities at broad spatial scales remains a story largely dependent on habitat. Thus, we propose better incorporation of scale‐dependent habitat effects in future assessments of overexploitation on reef fish assemblages. However, strong community‐level responses within islands necessitate an improved understanding of the phylogenetic and functional consequences of altering community structure.  相似文献   

We report a reef ecosystem where corals may have lost their role as major reef engineering species but fish biomass and assemblage structure is comparable to unfished reefs elsewhere around the world. This scenario is based on an extensive assessment of the coral reefs of Farquhar Atoll, the most southern of the Seychelles Islands. Coral cover and overall benthic community condition at Farquhar was poor, likely due to a combination of limited habitat, localized upwelling, past coral bleaching, and cyclones. Farquhar Atoll harbors a relatively intact reef fish assemblage with very large biomass (3.2 t ha−1) reflecting natural ecological processes that are not influenced by fishing or other local anthropogenic factors. The most striking feature of the reef fish assemblage is the dominance by large groupers, snappers, and jacks with large (>1 m) potato cod (Epinephelus tukula) and marbled grouper (E. polyphekadion), commonly observed at many locations. Napoleon wrasse (Cheilinus undulatus) and bumphead parrotfish (Bolbometopon muricatum) are listed as endangered and vulnerable, respectively, but were frequently encountered at Farquhar. The high abundance and large sizes of parrotfishes at Farquhar also appears to regulate macroalgal abundance and enhance the dominance of crustose corallines, which are a necessary condition for maintenance of healthy reef communities. Overall fish biomass and biomass of large predators at Farquhar are substantially higher than other areas within the Seychelles, and are some of the highest recorded in the Indian Ocean. Remote islands like Farquhar Atoll with low human populations and limited fishing pressure offer ideal opportunities for understanding whether reefs can be resilient from global threats if local threats are minimized.  相似文献   

No-take marine fishery reserves sustain commercial stocks by acting as buffers against overexploitation and enhancing fishery catches in adjacent areas through spillover. Likewise, nursery habitats such as mangroves enhance populations of some species in adjacent habitats. However, there is lack of understanding of the magnitude of stock enhancement and the effects on community structure when both protection from fishing and access to nurseries concurrently act as drivers of fish population dynamics. In this study we test the separate as well as interactive effects of marine reserves and nursery habitat proximity on structure and abundance of coral reef fish communities. Reserves had no effect on fish community composition, while proximity to nursery habitat only had a significant effect on community structure of species that use mangroves or seagrass beds as nurseries. In terms of reef fish biomass, proximity to nursery habitat by far outweighed (biomass 249% higher than that in areas with no nursery access) the effects of protection from fishing in reserves (biomass 21% lower than non-reserve areas) for small nursery fish (≤ 25 cm total length). For large-bodied individuals of nursery species (>25 cm total length), an additive effect was present for these two factors, although fish benefited more from fishing protection (203% higher biomass) than from proximity to nurseries (139% higher). The magnitude of elevated biomass for small fish on coral reefs due to proximity to nurseries was such that nursery habitats seem able to overrule the usually positive effects on fish biomass by reef reserves. As a result, conservation of nursery habitats gains importance and more consideration should be given to the ecological processes that occur along nursery-reef boundaries that connect neighboring ecosystems.  相似文献   

Despite more than 60 yr of coral reef research using scuba diving, mesophotic coral ecosystems (MCEs) between 30 and 150 m depth remain largely unknown. This study represents the first underwater visual census of reef fish communities in the Greater Caribbean on MCEs at depths up to 80 m in Bermuda and 130 m in Curaçao. Sampling was performed using mixed-gas closed-circuit rebreathers. Quantitative data on reef fish communities were obtained for four habitats: coral reefs (45–80 m), rhodolith beds (45–80 m), ledges (85–130 m) and walls (85–130 m). A total of 38 species were recorded in Bermuda and 66 in Curaçao. Mesophotic reef fish communities varied significantly between the two localities. MCEs in Bermuda had lower richness and abundance, but higher biomass than those in Curaçao. Richness, abundance and biomass increased with depth in Bermuda, but decreased in Curaçao. A high turnover of species was found among depth strata and between Bermuda and other Caribbean upper MCEs (45–80 m), indicating that depth was an important driver of community structure at all localities. However, local and evolutionary factors (habitat and endemism) are likely the main factors shaping communities in isolated locations such as Bermuda. High fishing pressure is evident in both localities, as total biomass of apex predators was generally low, and thus may be driving a “refugia” scenario in Bermuda, as the abundance and biomass of macro-carnivores increased with depth and distance from the coast.  相似文献   

枸杞岛潮下带沙地生境鱼类群落结构和季节变化   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Wang ZH  Wang K  Zhao J  Zhang SY 《应用生态学报》2011,22(5):1332-1342
为了解岛礁水域沙地生境的鱼类群落结构特征,评估该生境对鱼类资源养护的潜在作用,于2009年采用多网目组合刺网对枸杞岛潮下带沙质区域进行了逐月采样,同步设置岩礁为对照生境.应用α和β多样性指数结合相对重要性指数、相对渔获率、ABC曲线和聚类排序方法对两种生境中的鱼类组成、多样性变化和群落格局与变化进行了全面探讨.全年在沙地和岩礁生境共采集鱼类63种,隶属11目38科56属,2种生境各自出现的鱼类皆为46种.受暖水种频繁出现在沙地生境的影响,潮下带沙质区域鱼类区系比岩礁生境略显丰富,且春夏季的渔获量普遍高于岩礁生境;由于种类组成均匀度较低,沙地生境各季节的α多样性普遍较低,夏季显著低于岩礁生境.日本须鳎是沙地生境的指示种,为早春、夏末和秋冬季沙地底层优势鱼种.5-7月鳀、多数月份鲻和10月份鳗鲇等种类对沙地生境的阶段性利用,使其形成了区别于以趋礁性鱼类为优势类群的岩礁生境的群落格局和季节动态.沙地是多种鱼类幼鱼阶段的庇护所和饵料场,是鲆鲽类的良好栖息地.沙地生境在维持鱼类区系和养护鱼类资源方面具有重要作用.  相似文献   

Coral reefs are subjected to unprecedented levels of disturbance with population growth and climate change combining to reduce standing coral cover and stocks of reef fishes. Most of the damage is concentrated in shallow waters (<30 m deep) where humans can comfortably operate and where physical disturbances are most disruptive to marine organisms. Yet coral reefs can extend to depths exceeding 100 m, potentially offering refuge from the threats facing shallower reefs. We deployed baited remote underwater stereo-video systems (stereo-BRUVs) at depths of 10–90 m around the southern Mariana Islands to investigate whether fish species targeted by fishing in the shallows may be accruing benefits from being at depth. We show that biomass, abundance and species richness of fishery-targeted species increased from shallow reef areas to a depth of 60 m, whereas at greater depths, a lack of live coral habitat corresponded to lower numbers of fish. The majority of targeted species were found to have distributions that ranged from shallow depths (10 m) to depths of at least 70 m, emphasising that habitat, not depth, is the limiting factor in their vertical distribution. While the gradient of abundance and biomass versus depth was steepest for predatory species, the first species usually targeted by fishing, we also found that fishery-targeted herbivores prevailed in similar biomass and species richness to 60 m. Compared to shallow marine protected areas, there was clearly greater biomass of fishery-targeted species accrued in mesophotic depths. Particularly some species typically harvested by depth-limited fishing methods (e.g., spearfishing), such as the endangered humphead wrasse Cheilinus undulatus, were found in greater abundance on deeper reefs. We conclude that mesophotic depths provide essential fish habitat and refuge for fishery-targeted species, representing crucial zones for fishery management and research into the resilience of disturbed coral reef ecosystems.  相似文献   

Many comparisons have been made between sanctuary (no-fishing) and fished areas, where fishing pressure is exerted by artisanal or commercial fishers, but few have examined the effect of recreational fishing on fish assemblages in coral reef habitats. In this study, we compared assemblages of targeted fish from coral reef habitats in sanctuary (no-fishing) and recreationally fished zones of a marine protected area (MPA). Surface visual census (SVC) transects were conducted two times, at three regions, to compare the composition of predatory fish assemblages and the abundance, biomass, and size of the most commonly targeted fish. Baited remote underwater video (BRUV) was used to make relative counts of fish between zones. We also measured benthic cover and rugosity, which may influence fish assemblages. Analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) revealed significant differences in the composition of fish families/genera targeted by fishers (Lethrinidae, Lutjanidae, Haemulidae, Serranidae, and the genus Choerodon of the family Labridae) in terms of biomass (P<0.01) and abundance (P<0.05). The most consistent trends were recorded for biomass and this was supported by clustering of replicates in nonmetric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) ordinations. Similarity percentages (SIMPER) analysis indicated that the family Lethrinidae accounted for 73% (as abundance), and up to 69% (as biomass), of the dissimilarity between zones. Three-factor ANOVA highlighted significantly greater biomass, size, and abundance of legal-sized lethrinids (the most targeted family in the region) in sanctuary zones, but no differences in other families/genera. Results of BRUV supported SVC with greater relative counts of lethrinids (P<0.01) in sanctuaries, but no significant differences for other families. Cover of Acropora coral and hard substrate differed between zones at some regions but differences were inconsistent. There were no significant differences in algal cover or rugosity between zones. Given the inconsistency in benthic cover, the similarity of rugosity between zones, the consistently greater biomass of lethrinids in sanctuaries, and the abundance of large lethrinids in sanctuaries, the cessation of fishing in sanctuary zones appears responsible for observed differences in the populations of these fish. These results demonstrate that recreational fishing pressure may be sufficient to deplete fish populations below that of adjacent protected areas and that the effect of recreational fishing in coral reef habitats may be greater than previously thought.  相似文献   

Large-scale fishing is mostly conducted using towed gears that reduce the biomass and diversity of benthic invertebrates. However, it is impossible to differentiate between the physical disturbance effect of towed gears from the effect of fish predator removal upon benthic invertebrate communities. Here we explore the impact of fish removal alone on the community structure of small motile coral reef invertebrates (epifauna) along a subsistence fishing intensity gradient in the Lau group, Fiji. We deployed settlement plates at three areas in each of six fishing grounds and examined the density and class richness of the motile epifaunal communities and the associated algal communities in relation to the structure of fish and benthic communities. Motile epifaunal density was unrelated to fishing intensity. However, at smaller inter-area scale (0.5-10 km) motile epifaunal density was negatively related to plate algal biomass, whereas at the larger inter-fishing-ground scale (4-180 km) motile epifaunal density was positively related to the rugosity (substrate complexity) of the surrounding benthos. The class richness and diversity (Margalef's d) of motile epifaunal communities were negatively related to fishing intensity, but unrelated to grazing intensity, rugosity or algal biomass at either scale. Benthic community structure varied significantly with fishing intensity; hard-coral cover was lower and turf-algal cover was higher at high fishing pressure. The variation in benthic community structure was associated with variation in fish community structure, which in turn varied with fishing intensity. Motile epifaunal community structure upon plates was linked to the structure of the surrounding benthic community, but was not directly linked to the plate algal community. We suggest the decline in richness of the motile epifauna community along the fishing gradient is attributable to either to exploiter-mediated coexistence or the reduction in ‘habitat quality’ of the surrounding benthos. At the large spatial scale substrate complexity is the key determinant of motile epifaunal density, suggesting predation by fishes plays an important structuring role at this scale. Assuming that rugosity is inversely related to predation risk then this study represents the first evidence for spatial-dependence on the top-down (predation) vs. bottom-up (algal biomass) control of community structure. We argue fisheries exploitation, in the absence of a physical disturbance can negatively influence motile epifaunal community structure at large spatial scales.  相似文献   

Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are known to enhance diversity, density and biomass of coral reef fishes and to modify the size and trophic structures of these fish assemblages. Opening to fishing has the opposite effects, but on a much shorter time scale. The present study compares the evolution of the fish assemblages of two adjacent reef zones, both initially MPAs, one of them being afterwards opened to fishing. The study was conducted on Aboré Reef, a New Caledonian barrier reef (SW Pacific) which constituted a 148 km2 marine protected area, of which 69 km2 are within the lagoon. Two surveys of a coral reef fish assemblage, using underwater visual censuses, were performed, the first one was conducted in July 1993 following 5 years of protection from fishing, the second one was conducted in July 1995; part of the reef having been opened to fishing activity in September 1993. This study examined the effects of two factors on these fish communities: time (1993 vs. 1995) and zone (reefs protected from fishing vs. unprotected reefs); the interaction of these two factors indicating an effect of either protection or opening to fishing. Diversity (species/transect), density and biomass were tested for all species together (377 species), then according to diet, size and commercial use. There was a significant decrease over time of most values in both fished and unfished areas, the decrease being greater in the zone opened to fishing. The magnitude of decrease over time was within the range of known time variations from other studies in New Caledonia and other Pacific locations. However, this decrease was so large that it prevented the detection of effects linked to protection. Only some minor effects could be detected for 16 species with no specific pattern according to diet, size or use. The density and biomass of species of low commercial value were also affected by opening to fishing. Relative changes in diversity could be better detected than relative changes in density or biomass. This study demonstrates that on a short-term basis (2 years), natural variations can be of larger magnitude than changes that may be induced by management options, especially when fishing pressure is not very high.  相似文献   

As the global demand for seaweed-derived products drives the expansion of seaweed farming onto shallow coral ecosystems, the effects of farms on fish assemblages remain largely unexplored. Shallow coral reefs provide food and shelter for highly diverse fish assemblages but are increasingly modified by anthropogenic activities. We hypothesized that the introduction of seaweed farms into degraded shallow coral reefs had potential to generate ecological benefits for fish by adding structural complexity and a possible food source. We conducted 210 transects at 14 locations, with sampling stratified across seaweed farms and sites adjacent to and distant from farms. At a seascape scale, locations were classified by their level of exposure to human disturbance. We compared sites where (1) marine protected areas (MPAs) were established, (2) neither MPAs nor blast fishing was present (hence “unprotected”), and (3) blast fishing occurred. We observed 80,186 fish representing 148 species from 38 families. The negative effects of seaweed farms on fish assemblages appeared stronger in the absence of blast fishing and were strongest when MPAs were present, likely reflecting the positive influence of the MPAs on fish within them. Species differentiating fish assemblages with respect to seaweed farming and disturbance were typically small but also included two key target species. The propensity for seaweed farms to increase fish diversity, abundance, and biomass is limited and may reduce MPA benefits. We suggest that careful consideration be given to the placement of seaweed farms relative to MPAs.  相似文献   

Aim The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of protection duration (years of fishing closure) and location (distance from shore) on reef fish diversity. Location Danajon Double Barrier Reef, Bohol, Philippines. Methods Reef fish abundance and size structure, by species, were obtained monthly using replicated underwater visual belt transects (n = 8; 70 × 5‐m belt transects) over 3 years (2002–2005) at eight sites that included six marine reserves and two unprotected reef areas. We analysed species accumulation curves, diversity indices and abundance–biomass comparison (ABC) curves within and across the study sites to assess the influence of protection duration and location. Results Analyses showed that longer protection duration impacted reef fish diversity at both inshore and offshore sites by shifting ABC curves from higher abundance than biomass curves at fished sites to higher biomass than abundance curves at most of the protected sites. Protection duration did not significantly influence either the rate of species accumulation within sites or the 12 diversity indices measured across the study sites. The offshore sites consistently showed higher rates of species accumulation and diversity indices values than inshore sites with similar protection duration. One protected offshore young marine reserve site that has been assessed as the least well‐managed showed patterns more consistent with the fished sites. Main conclusions Analyses showed that protection duration mainly impacted diversity by increasing the dominance of large‐bodied species and enhancing total biomass. Besides protection duration, reserve location influenced species accumulation curves and diversity indices.  相似文献   

Longfinned eels Anguilla reinhardtii were captured by both fishery‐dependent and independent sampling methods from three rivers in New South Wales, south‐eastern Australia. Growth rates were examined in two zones (fresh water and tidal) in the Hacking, Hawkesbury and Clarence Rivers. Mean annual growth increments of sampled longfinned eels ranged from 30 to 60 mm year−1 using age‐length analyses and up to 167 mm year−1 based on tag‐recapture model estimates (GROTAG), with both methods showing high intra‐ and inter‐population variability. Growth was significantly faster in younger (5–15 years) fish than older (>15 years) fish, with females growing an average 10 mm year−1 faster than males of similar age and capture location. Longfinned eels found in tidal areas grew significantly faster than those in non‐tidal freshwater areas as a result of longer growing seasons in the highly productive estuarine habitats. Other possible factors influencing variability in growth rates for this species include habitat preference, density and fishing pressure.  相似文献   

Environmental Biology of Fishes - Reef fish assemblages under fishing pressure generally exhibit a lower fish biomass, abundance, and size structure, which can be counteracted with the creation of...  相似文献   

The variability in reef-fish species assemblages was examined at three geographic locations in the Philippines (Apo, Abra and Patn), each showing varying levels of disturbances (low to high) at two depths, shallow-water reef (SWR; 8–20 m) and the upper mesophotic coral ecosystem (MCE; 30–35 m). Fish species assemblages varied among locations and between depths. Differences in fish assemblages among locations corresponded to the variability in benthic assemblages and levels of disturbances, wherein locations with higher coral cover and less disturbances had the highest fish species richness, abundance and biomass. Variation in fish assemblages between depths was also associated with changes in benthic assemblages and possibly inaccessibility to local fishing techniques. Fish species richness decreased with depth in all locations, but biomass increased only in the MCEs of Apo and Abra, which is a similar pattern exhibited in many MCEs. Our results suggest that despite location differences, depth had a relatively consistent influence on fish species assemblages, particularly in locations exposed to low and intermediate disturbance. Under high disturbance, MCEs exhibit similar vulnerability to SWRs.  相似文献   

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