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The Saccharomyces cerevisiae non-Mendelian factor [URE3] propagates by a prion-like mechanism, involving aggregation of the chromosomally encoded protein Ure2. The N-terminal prion domain (PrD) of Ure2 is required for prion activity in vivo and amyloid formation in vitro. However, the molecular mechanism of the prion-like activity remains obscure. Here we measure the kinetics of folding of Ure2 and two N-terminal variants that lack all or part of the PrD. The kinetic folding behaviour of the three proteins is identical, indicating that the PrD does not change the stability, rates of folding or folding pathway of Ure2. Both unfolding and refolding kinetics are multiphasic. An intermediate is populated during unfolding at high denaturant concentrations resulting in the appearance of an unfolding burst phase and "roll-over" in the denaturant dependence of the unfolding rate constants. During refolding the appearance of a burst phase indicates formation of an intermediate during the dead-time of stopped-flow mixing. A further fast phase shows second-order kinetics, indicating formation of a dimeric intermediate. Regain of native-like fluorescence displays a distinct lag due to population of this on-pathway dimeric intermediate. Double-jump experiments indicate that isomerisation of Pro166, which is cis in the native state, occurs late in refolding after regain of native-like fluorescence. During protein refolding there is kinetic partitioning between productive folding via the dimeric intermediate and a non-productive side reaction via an aggregation prone monomeric intermediate. In the light of this and other studies, schemes for folding, aggregation and prion formation are proposed.  相似文献   

Torshin IY  Harrison RW 《Proteins》2001,43(4):353-364
Electrostatic interactions are important for protein folding. At low resolution, the electrostatic field of the whole molecule can be described in terms of charge center(s). To study electrostatic effects, the centers of positive and negative charge were calculated for 20 small proteins of known structure, for which hydrogen exchange cores had been determined experimentally. Two observations seem to be important. First, in all 20 proteins studied 30-100% of the residues forming hydrogen exchange core(s) were clustered around the charge centers. Moreover, in each protein more than half of the core sequences are located near the centers of charge. Second, the general architecture of all-alpha proteins from the set seems to be stabilized by interactions of residues surrounding the charge centers. In most of the alpha-beta proteins, either or both of the centers are located near a pair of consecutive strands, and this is even more characteristic for alpha/Beta and all-beta structures. Consecutive strands are very probable sites of early folding events. These two points lead to the conclusion that charge centers, defined solely from the structure of the folded protein may indicate the location of a protein's hydrogen exchange/folding core. In addition, almost all the proteins contain well-conserved continuous hydrophobic sequences of three or more residues located in the vicinity of the charge centers. These hydrophobic sequences may be primary nucleation sites for protein folding. The results suggest the following scheme for the order of events in folding: local hydrophobic nucleation, electrostatic collapse of the core, global hydrophobic collapse, and slow annealing to the native state. This analysis emphasizes the importance of treating electrostatics during protein-folding simulations.  相似文献   

Ure2, a regulator of nitrogen metabolism, is the protein determinant of the [URE3] prion state in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Upon conversion into the prion form, Ure2 undergoes a heritable conformational change to an amyloid-like aggregated state and loses its regulatory function. A number of molecular chaperones have been found to affect the prion properties of Ure2. The studies carried out in our laboratory have been aimed at elucidating the structure of Ure2 fibrils, the mechanism of amyloid formation and the effect of chaperones on the fibril formation of Ure2.  相似文献   

The GdmCl-induced equilibrium unfolding and dissociation of the dimeric yeast prion protein Ure2, and its prion domain deletion mutants Delta 15-42Ure2 and 90Ure2, was studied by small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) using synchrotron radiation and by chemical cross-linking with dithiobis(succinimidyl propionate) (DTSP). The native state is globular and predominantly dimeric prior to the onset of unfolding. R(g) values of 32 and 45A were obtained for the native and 5M GdmCl denatured states of Delta 15-42Ure2, respectively; the corresponding values for 90Ure2 were 2-3A lower. SAXS suggests residual structure in the 4M GdmCl denatured state and chemical cross-linking detects persistence of dimeric structure under these conditions. Hexamers consisting of globular subunits could be detected by SAXS at high protein concentration under partially denaturing conditions. The increased tendency of partially folded states to form small oligomers points to a mechanism for prion formation.  相似文献   

The Ure2 protein from Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been proposed to undergo a prion-like autocatalytic conformational change, which leads to inactivation of the protein, thereby generating the [URE3] phenotype. The first 65 amino acids, which are dispensable for the cellular function of Ure2p in nitrogen metabolism, are necessary and sufficient for [URE3] (Masison & Wickner, 1995), leading to designation of this domain as the Ure2 prion domain (UPD). We expressed both UPD and Ure2 as glutathione-S-transferase (GST) fusion proteins in Escherichia coli and observed both to be initially soluble. Upon cleavage of GST-UPD by thrombin, the released UPD formed ordered fibrils that displayed amyloid-like characteristics, such as Congo red dye binding and green-gold birefringence. The fibrils exhibited high beta-sheet content by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Fiber formation proceeded in an autocatalytic manner. In contrast, the released, full-length Ure2p formed mostly amorphous aggregates; a small amount polymerized into fibrils of uniform size and morphology. Aggregation of Ure2p could be seeded by UPD fibrils. Our results provide biochemical support for the proposal that the [URE3] state is caused by a self-propagating inactive form of Ure2p. We also found that the uncleaved GST-UPD fusion protein could polymerize into amyloid fibrils by a strictly autocatalytic mechanism, forcing the GST moiety of the protein to adopt a new, beta-sheet-rich conformation. The findings on the GST-UPD fusion protein indicate that the ability of the prion domain to mediate a prion-like conversion process is not specific for or limited to the Ure2p.  相似文献   

The [URE3] factor of Saccharomyces cerevisiae propagates by a prion-like mechanism and corresponds to the loss of the function of the cellular protein Ure2. The molecular basis of the propagation of this phenotype is unknown. We recently expressed Ure2p in Escherichia coli and demonstrated that the N-terminal region of the protein is flexible and unstructured, while its C-terminal region is compactly folded. Ure2p oligomerizes in solution to form mainly dimers that assemble into fibrils [Thual et al. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 13666-13674]. To determine the role played by each domain of Ure2p in the overall properties of the protein, specifically, its stability, conformation, and capacity to assemble into fibrils, we have further analyzed the properties of Ure2p N- and C-terminal regions. We show here that Ure2p dimerizes through its C-terminal region. We also show that the N-terminal region is essential for directing the assembly of the protein into a particular pathway that yields amyloid fibrils. A full-length Ure2p variant that possesses an additional tryptophan residue in its N-terminal moiety was generated to follow conformational changes affecting this domain. Comparison of the overall conformation, folding, and unfolding properties, and the behavior upon proteolytic treatments of full-length Ure2p, Ure2pW37 variant, and Ure2p C-terminal fragment reveals that Ure2p N-terminal domain confers no additional stability to the protein. This study reveals the existence of a stable unfolding intermediate of Ure2p under conditions where the protein assembles into amyloid fibrils. Our results contradict the intramolecular interaction between the N- and C-terminal moieties of Ure2p and the single unfolding transitions reported in a number of previous studies.  相似文献   

The key event in the pathogenesis of prion diseases is a conformational change in the prion protein (PrP). Models for conversion of PrP(C) into PrP(Sc) typically implicate an, as yet, unidentified intermediate. In an attempt to identify such an intermediate, we used native-state hydrogen exchange monitored with NMR. Although we were unable to detect an intermediate directly, we observed substantial protection above that expected based upon measurements of the global stability of PrP (>2 kcal mol(-1) super protection). This super protection implicates either structure in the denatured state or the presence of an intermediate. Similar experiments with Doppel, a homolog of PrP that does not form infectious prions, failed to demonstrate such super protection. This suggests that the partially structured state of PrP encompassing portions of the B and C helices, may be a significant factor in the ability of PrP to convert from PrP(C) to PrP(Sc).  相似文献   

Bastolla U  Bruscolini P  Velasco JL 《Proteins》2012,80(9):2287-2304
In comparison with intense investigation of the structural determinants of protein folding rates, the sequence features favoring fast folding have received little attention. Here, we investigate this subject using simple models of protein folding and a statistical analysis of the Protein Data Bank (PDB). The mean-field model by Plotkin and coworkers predicts that the folding rate is accelerated by stronger-than-average interactions at short distance along the sequence. We confirmed this prediction using the Finkelstein model of protein folding, which accounts for realistic features of polymer entropy. We then tested this prediction on the PDB. We found that native interactions are strongest at contact range l = 8. However, since short range contacts tend to be exposed and they are frequently formed in misfolded structures, selection for folding stability tends to make them less attractive, that is, stability and kinetics may have contrasting requirements. Using a recently proposed model, we predicted the relationship between contact range and contact energy based on buriedness and contact frequency. Deviations from this prediction induce a positive correlation between contact range and contact energy, that is, short range contacts are stronger than expected, for 2/3 of the proteins. This correlation increases with the absolute contact order (ACO), as expected if proteins that tend to fold slowly due to large ACO are subject to stronger selection for sequence features favoring fast folding. Our results suggest that the selective pressure for fast folding is detectable only for one third of the proteins in the PDB, in particular those with large contact order.  相似文献   

Investigating the relative importance of protein stability, function, and folding kinetics in driving protein evolution has long been hindered by the fact that we can only compare modern natural proteins, the products of the very process we seek to understand, to each other, with no external references or baselines. Through a large-scale all-atom simulation of protein evolution, we have created a large diverse alignment of SH3 domain sequences which have been selected only for native state stability, with no other influencing factors. Although the average pairwise identity between computationally evolved and natural sequences is only 17%, the residue frequency distributions of the computationally evolved sequences are similar to natural SH3 sequences at 86% of the positions in the domain, suggesting that optimization for the native state structure has dominated the evolution of natural SH3 domains. Additionally, the positions which play a consistent role in the transition state of three well-characterized SH3 domains (by phi-value analysis) are structurally optimized for the native state, and vice versa. Indeed, we see a specific and significant correlation between sequence optimization for native state stability and conservation of transition state structure.  相似文献   

The non-Mendelian phenotype [URE3] is due to a transmissible conformational change of the protein Ure2. The infectious protein form of Ure2p has lost its function and gained the capacity to transform the active form of the protein into an inactive form. The molecular basis of this conversion process is unknown. There are however indications that the conformational changes at the origin of the propagation of the inactive form of Ure2p in yeast cells are similar to those at the origin of the transition of PrPC into the scrapie-associated PrPSc form of the protein. To better understand the nature of the conformational changes at the origin of prion propagation, we have purified, characterized biochemically, examined the assembly properties and solved the crystal structure of Ure2p. Our data are presented below and a number of conclusions dealing with the molecular basis of the conversion of soluble Ure2p into its amyloid-forming state are derived.  相似文献   

By considering the denatured state of a protein as an ensemble of conformations with varying numbers of sequence-specific interactions, the effects on stability, folding kinetics, and aggregation of perturbing these interactions can be predicted from changes in the molecular partition function. From general considerations, the following conclusions are drawn: (1) A perturbation that enhances a native interaction in denatured state conformations always increases the stability of the native state. (2) A perturbation that promotes a non-native interaction in the denatured state always decreases the stability of the native state. (3) A change in the denatured state ensemble can alter the kinetics of aggregation and folding. (4) The loss (or increase) in stability accompanying two mutations, each of which lowers (or raises) the free energy of the denatured state, will be less than the sum of the effects of the single mutations, except in cases where both mutations affect the same set of partially folded conformations. By modeling the denatured state as the ensemble of all non-native conformations of hydrophobic-polar (HP) chains configured on a square lattice, it can be shown that the stabilization obtained from enhancement of native interactions derives in large measure from the avoidance of non-native interactions in the D state. In addition, the kinetic effects of fixing single native contacts in the denatured state or imposing linear gradients in the HH contact probabilities are found, for some sequences, to significantly enhance the efficiency of folding by a simple hydrophobic zippering algorithm. Again, the dominant mechanism appears to be avoidance of non-native interactions. These results suggest stabilization of native interactions and imposition of gradients in the stability of local structure are two plausible mechanisms involving the denatured state that could play a role in the evolution of protein folding and stability.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that chain length is the main determinant of the folding rate for proteins with the three-state folding kinetics. The logarithm of their folding rate in water (k(f)) strongly anticorrelates with their chain length L (the correlation coefficient being -0.80). At the same time, the chain length has no correlation with the folding rate for two-state folding proteins (the correlation coefficient is -0.07). Another significant difference of these two groups of proteins is a strong anticorrelation between the folding rate and Baker's "relative contact order" for the two-state folders and the complete absence of such correlation for the three-state folders.  相似文献   

Prions are the etiological agent of fatal neurodegenerative diseases called prion diseases or transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. These maladies can be sporadic, genetic or infectious disorders. Prions are due to post-translational modifications of the cellular prion protein leading to the formation of a β-sheet enriched conformer with altered biochemical properties. The molecular events causing prion formation in sporadic prion diseases are still elusive. Recently, we published a research elucidating the contribution of major structural determinants and environmental factors in prion protein folding and stability. Our study highlighted the crucial role of octarepeats in stabilizing prion protein; the presence of a highly enthalpically stable intermediate state in prion-susceptible species; and the role of disulfide bridge in preserving native fold thus avoiding the misfolding to a β-sheet enriched isoform. Taking advantage from these findings, in this work we present new insights into structural determinants of prion protein folding and stability.  相似文献   


Prions are the etiological agent of fatal neurodegenerative diseases called prion diseases or transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. These maladies can be sporadic, genetic or infectious disorders. Prions are due to post-translational modifications of the cellular prion protein leading to the formation of a β-sheet enriched conformer with altered biochemical properties. The molecular events causing prion formation in sporadic prion diseases are still elusive. Recently, we published a research elucidating the contribution of major structural determinants and environmental factors in prion protein folding and stability. Our study highlighted the crucial role of octarepeats in stabilizing prion protein; the presence of a highly enthalpically stable intermediate state in prion-susceptible species; and the role of disulfide bridge in preserving native fold thus avoiding the misfolding to a β-sheet enriched isoform. Taking advantage from these findings, in this work we present new insights into structural determinants of prion protein folding and stability.  相似文献   

The Cys 2-Cys 10 disulfide bond in ribonuclease T1 was broken by substituting Cys 2 and Cys 10 by Ser and Asn, respectively, as present in ribonuclease F1. This C2S/C10N variant resembles the wild-type protein in structure and in catalytic activity. Minor structural changes were observed by 2-dimensional NMR in the local environment of the substituted amino acids only. The thermodynamic stability of ribonuclease T1 is strongly reduced by breaking the Cys 2-Cys 10 bond, and the free energy of denaturation is decreased by about 10 kJ/mol. The folding mechanism is not affected, and the trans to cis isomerizations of Pro 39 and Pro 55 are still the rate-limiting steps of the folding process. The differences in the time courses of unfolding and refolding are correlated with the decrease in stability: the folding kinetics of the wild-type protein and the C2S/C10N variant become indistinguishable when they are compared under conditions of identical stability. Apparently, the Cys 2-Cys 10 disulfide bond is important for the stability but not for the folding mechanism of ribonuclease T1. The breaking of this bond has the same effect on stability and folding kinetics as adding 1 M guanidinium chloride to the wild-type protein.  相似文献   

Contact order revisited: influence of protein size on the folding rate   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
Guided by the recent success of empirical model predicting the folding rates of small two-state folding proteins from the relative contact order (CO) of their native structures, by a theoretical model of protein folding that predicts that logarithm of the folding rate decreases with the protein chain length L as L(2/3), and by the finding that the folding rates of multistate folding proteins strongly correlate with their sizes and have very bad correlation with CO, we reexamined the dependence of folding rate on CO and L in attempt to find a structural parameter that determines folding rates for the totality of proteins. We show that the Abs_CO = CO x L, is able to predict rather accurately folding rates for both two-state and multistate folding proteins, as well as short peptides, and that this Abs_CO scales with the protein chain length as L(0.70 +/- 0.07) for the totality of studied single-domain proteins and peptides.  相似文献   

Protein intermediates in equilibrium with native states may play important roles in protein dynamics but, in cases, can initiate harmful aggregation events. Investigating equilibrium protein intermediates is thus important for understanding protein behaviour (useful or pernicious) but it is hampered by difficulties in gathering structural information. We show here that the phi-analysis techniques developed to investigate transition states of protein folding can be extended to determine low-resolution three-dimensional structures of protein equilibrium intermediates. The analysis proposed is based solely on equilibrium data and is illustrated by determination of the structure of the apoflavodoxin thermal unfolding intermediate. In this conformation, a large part of the protein remains close to natively folded, but a 40 residue region is clearly unfolded. This structure is fully consistent with the NMR data gathered on an apoflavodoxin mutant designed specifically to stabilise the intermediate. The structure shows that the folded region of the intermediate is much larger than the proton slow-exchange core at 25 degrees C. It also reveals that the unfolded region is made of elements whose packing surface is more polar than average. In addition, it constitutes a useful guide to rationally stabilise the native state relative to the intermediate state, a far from trivial task.  相似文献   

The folding kinetics and thermodynamics of the isolated C-terminal domain of the ribosomal protein L9 (CTL9) have been studied as a function of pH. CTL9 is an alpha-beta protein that contains a single beta-sheet with an unusual mixed parallel, anti-parallel topology. The folding is fully reversible and two-state over the entire pH range. Stopped-flow fluorescence and CD experiments yield the same folding rate, and the chevron plots have the characteristic V-shape expected for two-state folding. The values of DeltaG*(H2O) and the m value calculated from the kinetic experiments are in excellent agreement with the equilibrium measurements. The extrapolated initial amplitudes of both the stopped-flow fluorescence and CD measurements show that there is no detectable burst phase intermediate. The domain contains three histidine residues, two of which are largely buried in the native state. They do not participate in salt-bridges or take part in a hydrogen bonded network. NMR measurements reveal that the buried histidine residues have significantly perturbed pK(a) values in the native state. The equilibrium stability and the folding rate are found to be strongly dependent upon their ionization state. There is a linear relationship between the log of the folding rate and DeltaG* (H2O) . The protein is much more stable and folds noticeably faster at pH values above the native state pK(a) values. DeltaG*(H2O) of unfolding increases from 2.90 kcal mol(-1) at pH 5.0 to 6.40 kcal mol(-1) at pH 8.0 while the folding rate increases from 0.60 to 18.7 s(-1). Tanford linkage analysis revealed that the interactions involving the two histidine residues are largely developed in the transition state. The results are compared to other studies of the pH-dependence of folding.  相似文献   

The gene-3 protein (G3P) of filamentous phages is essential for the infection of Escherichia coli. The carboxy-terminal domain anchors this protein in the phage coat, whereas the two amino-terminal domains N1 and N2 protrude from the phage surface. We analyzed the folding mechanism of the two-domain fragment N1-N2 of G3P (G3P(*)) and the interplay between folding and domain assembly. For this analysis, a variant of G3P(*) was used that contained four stabilizing mutations (IIHY-G3P(*)). The observed refolding kinetics extend from 10 ms to several hours. Domain N1 refolds very rapidly (with a time constant of 9.4 ms at 0.5 M guanidinium chloride, 25 degrees C) both as a part of IIHY-G3P(*) and as an isolated protein fragment. The refolding of domain N2 is slower and involves two reactions with time constants of seven seconds and 42 seconds. These folding reactions of the individual domains are followed by a very slow, spectroscopically silent docking process, which shows a time constant of 6200 seconds. This reaction was detected by a kinetic unfolding assay for native molecules. Before docking, N1 and N2 unfold fast and independently, after docking they unfold slowly in a correlated fashion. A high energy barrier is thus created by domain docking, which protects G3P kinetically against unfolding. The slow domain docking is possibly important for the infection of E.coli by the phage. Upon binding to the F pilus, the N2 domain separates from N1 and the binding site for TolA on domain N1 is exposed. Since domain reassembly is so slow, this binding site remains accessible until pilus retraction has brought N1 close to TolA on the bacterial surface.  相似文献   

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