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The Ras-related protein, activator of G-protein signaling 1 (AGS1) or Dexras1, interacts with G(i)/G(o)alpha and activates heterotrimeric G-protein signaling systems independent of a G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR). As an initial approach to further define the cellular role of AGS1 in GPCR signaling, we determined the influence of AGS1 on the regulation of G(betagamma)-regulated inwardly rectifying K(+) channel (GIRK) current (I(ACh)) by M(2)-muscarinic receptor (M(2)-MR) in Xenopus oocytes. AGS1 expression inhibited receptor-mediated current activation by >80%. Mutation of a key residue (G31V) within the G(1) domain involved in nucleotide binding for Ras-related proteins eliminated the action of AGS1. The inhibition of I(ACh) was not overcome by increasing concentrations of the muscarinic agonist acetylcholine but was progressively lost upon injection of increasing amounts of M(2)-MR cRNA. These data suggest that AGS1 may antagonize GPCR signaling by altering the pool of heterotrimeric G-proteins available for receptor coupling and/or disruption of a preformed signaling complex. Such regulation would be of particular importance for those receptors that exist precoupled to heterotrimeric G-protein and for receptors operating within signaling complexes.  相似文献   

Steroid-receptor complexes formed at low temperature and ionic strength do not bind to nuclei or chromatin. After a temporary exposure to high temperature, or ionic strength, or both, a fraction of them becomes activated (able to bind to nuclei). An assay of the activated form of the complex based upon titration with nuclei in excess was established. This assay was used to perform kinetic and equilibrium studies of the thermal activation of glucocorticoid-receptor complex in order to elucidate its mechanism. It was found that the reaction is of apparent first order and yields a monomolecular product. It thus probably consists of a conformational change in the steroid-receptor complex. The rate of activation is 1.37 +/- 0.06 X 10(-3) S-1 at 25 degrees. The free energy of thermodynamic activation (The word activation is used here in its usual thermodynamic meaning and not in the sense of receptor modification) of this reaction is greater than G = 21.3 Kcal. The corresponding enthalpy and entropy are respectively greater than H = 31.4 kcal and greater than S = 4 cal/degree. These positive and high values of greater than H and greater than S are very similar to those described for denaturation reactions of proteins suggesting that breakage of some noncovalent bonds could take place during activation. The reaction proceeds until approximately 60% of the complexes are activated. It was shown that this corresponds to an equilibrium between activated and nonactivated forms and not to the presence of a population of complexes unable to undergo activation. This equilibrium is not modified by temperature variations between 10 degrees and 30 degrees. It is possible to activate over 80% of the complexes when the activation is performed in the presence of excess acceptor, thus shifting the equilibrium. A similar situation is probably observed in situ in cells since 90% of the complexes are found in the nuclei when liver slices are incubated with hormone.  相似文献   

LDL receptor-related protein 6 (LRP6) is a Wnt coreceptor in the canonical signaling pathway, which plays essential roles in embryonic development. We demonstrate here that wild-type LRP6 forms an inactive dimer through interactions mediated by epidermal growth factor repeat regions within the extracellular domain. A truncated LRP6 comprising its transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains is expressed as a constitutively active monomer whose signaling ability is inhibited by forced dimerization. Conversely, Wnts are shown to activate canonical signaling through LRP6 by inducing an intracellular conformational switch which relieves allosteric inhibition imposed on the intracellular domains. Thus, Wnt canonical signaling through LRP6 establishes a novel mechanism for receptor activation which is opposite to the general paradigm of ligand-induced receptor oligomerization.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) signals through two transmembrane serine/threonine kinases, T beta R-I and T beta R-II. TGF-beta binds to T beta R-II, allowing this receptor to associate with and phosphorylate T beta R-I which then propagates the signal. T beta R-I is phosphorylated within its GS domain, a region immediately preceding the kinase domain. To further understand the function of T beta R-I in this complex, we analyzed T beta R-I-inactivating mutations identified in cell lines that are defective in TGF-beta signaling yet retain ligand binding ability. The three mutations identified here all fall in the kinase domain of T beta R-I. One mutation disrupts the kinase activity of T beta R-I, whereas the other two mutations prevent ligand-induced T beta R-I phosphorylation, and thus activation, by T beta R-II. Unexpectedly, a kinase-defective T beta R-I mutant can functionally complement an activation- defective T beta R-I mutant, by rescuing its T beta R-II- dependent phosphorylation. Together with evidence that the ligand-induced receptor complex contains two or more T beta R-I molecules, these results support a model in which the kinase domain of one T beta R-I molecule interacts with the GS domain of another, enabling its phosphorylation and activation by T beta R-II. This cooperative interaction between T beta R-I molecules appears essential for TGF-beta signal transduction.  相似文献   

We study the mathematical solutions to the kinetic equations arising from various simple ligand-receptor [corrected] models. Focusing on the prediction of the various models for the activity vs. concentration curve, we find that solutions to the kinetic equations arising from the so-called dimer model exhibit features observed in some experiments, most noticeably a distinct maximum in the activity curve.  相似文献   

Potent and selective adenosine A1 receptor (A1AR) antagonists with favourable pharmacokinetic properties used as novel diuretics and antihypertensives are desirable. Thus, we designed and synthesized a series of novel 4-alkylamino substitution-2-arylpyrazolo[4,3-c]quinolin-3-one derivatives. The aim of the present study is to characterize the biological profiles of the optimized compound, PQ-69. In vitro binding assay revealed a Ki value of 0.96 nM for PQ-69 in cloned hA1 receptor, which was 217-fold more selective compared with hA2A receptors and >1,000-fold selectivity for hA1 over hA3 receptor. The results obtained from [35S]-GTPγS binding and cAMP concentration assays indicated that PQ-69 might be an A1AR antagonist with inverse agonist activity. In addition, PQ-69 displayed highly inhibitory activities on isolated guinea pig contraction (pA2 value of 8.99) induced by an A1AR agonist, 2-chloro-N6-cyclopentyl adenosine. Systemic administration of PQ-69 (0.03, 0.3, 3 mg/kg) increased urine flow and sodium excretion in normal rats. Furthermore, PQ-69 displayed better metabolic stability in vitro and longer terminal elimination half-life (t1/2) in vivo compared with 1,3-dipropyl-8-cyclopentylxanthine. These findings suggest that PQ-69 exhibits potent antagonist effects on A1AR in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo, it might be a useful research tool for investigating A1AR function, and it could be developed as a potential therapeutic agent.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s11302-014-9424-5) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The activation of NF-kappaB by receptors in the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor and Toll/interleukin-1 (IL-1) receptor families requires the TRAF family of adaptor proteins. Receptor oligomerization causes the recruitment of TRAFs to the receptor complex, followed by the activation of a kinase cascade that results in the phosphorylation of IkappaB. TANK is a TRAF-binding protein that can inhibit the binding of TRAFs to receptor tails and can also inhibit NF-kappaB activation by these receptors. However, TANK also displays the ability to stimulate TRAF-mediated NF-kappaB activation. In this report, we investigate the mechanism of the stimulatory activity of TANK. We find that TANK interacts with TBK1 (TANK-binding kinase 1), a novel IKK-related kinase that can activate NF-kappaB in a kinase-dependent manner. TBK1, TANK and TRAF2 can form a ternary complex, and complex formation appears to be required for TBK1 activity. Kinase-inactive TBK1 inhibits TANK-mediated NF-kappaB activation but does not block the activation mediated by TNF-alpha, IL-1 or CD40. The TBK1-TANK-TRAF2 signaling complex functions upstream of NIK and the IKK complex and represents an alternative to the receptor signaling complex for TRAF-mediated activation of NF-kappaB.  相似文献   

Activated epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) continues to signal in the early endosome, but how this signaling process is regulated is less well understood. Here we describe a protein complex consisting of TIP30, endophilin B1, and acyl-CoA synthetase long chain family member 4 (ACSL4) that interacts with Rab5a and regulates EGFR endocytosis and signaling. These proteins are required for the proper endocytic trafficking of EGF-EGFR. Knockdown of TIP30, ACSL4, endophilin B1, or Rab5a in human liver cancer cells or genetic knock-out of Tip30 in mouse primary hepatocytes results in the trapping of EGF-EGFR complexes in early endosomes, leading to delayed EGFR degradation and prolonged EGFR signaling. Furthermore, we show that Rab5a colocalizes with vacuolar (H(+))-ATPases (V-ATPases) on transport vesicles. The TIP30 complex facilitates trafficking of Rab5a and V-ATPases to EEA1-positive endosomes in response to EGF. Together, these results suggest that this TIP30 complex regulates EGFR endocytosis by facilitating the transport of V-ATPases from trans-Golgi network to early endosomes.  相似文献   

Yan F  Roth BL 《Life sciences》2004,75(22):2615-2619
kappa-opioid receptors (KORs) represent the principal site of action of dynorphin and related neuropeptides. Recently, Salvinorin A--a naturally occurring neoclerodane diterpene hallucinogen was identified to be a highly selective KOR agonist. In this brief review we summarize the known chemistry, pharmacology and biology of salvinorin A. Because salvinorin A profoundly alters human consciousness and perception, a study of how salvinorin A exerts its actions on KORs may yield novel insights into the molecular and cellular basis of uniquely human higher cortical functions.  相似文献   

Many species of receptors form dimers, but how can we use this information to make predictions about signal transduction? This problem is particularly difficult when receptors dimerize with many different species, leading to a combinatoric increase in the possible number of dimer pairs. As an example system, we focus on receptors in the G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) family. GPCRs have been shown to reversibly form dimers, but this dimerization does not directly affect signal transduction. Here we present a new theoretical framework called a dimerization algebra. This algebra provides a systematic and rational way to represent, manipulate, and in some cases simplify large and often complicated networks of dimerization interactions. To compliment this algebra, Monte Carlo simulations are used to predict dimerization's effect on receptor organization on the membrane, signal transduction, and internalization. These simulation results are directly comparable to various experimental measures such as fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), and as such provide a link between the dimerization algebra and experimental data. As an example, we show how the algebra and computational results can be used to predict the effects of dimerization on the dopamine D2 and somatastatin SSTR1 receptors. When these predictions were compared to experimental findings from the literature, good agreement was found, demonstrating the utility of our approach. Applications of this work to the development of a novel class of dimerization-modulating drugs are also discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the patterns of activation in the superficial and deep parts of the first dorsal interosseus muscle and in the antagonist muscle, second palmar interosseus, during postural tasks (position holding) and slow movements (position tracking) of the index finger performed by young and old adults. The position-tracking task involved the index finger lifting light loads (2.5, 10, and 35% of maximum) with shortening and lengthening contractions as steadily as possible. Steadiness was quantified in both tasks as the standard deviation of index finger acceleration. The fluctuations in acceleration during the two tasks were greater for the old subjects (62-72 yr) compared with young subjects (19-27 yr), especially with the lightest loads. The two groups of subjects activated the superficial and deep parts of first dorsal interosseus at similar intensities during the position-holding task, whereas the deep part was more active during the shortening and lengthening contractions of the position-tracking task. The nonuniform activation of first dorsal interosseus, therefore, was not associated with the difference in the standard deviation of acceleration between the young and old subjects. Furthermore, there was no association between the average level of coactivation by the antagonist muscle and the standard deviation of acceleration for either group of subjects across these tasks. Thus the greater variability in motor output exhibited by the older adults could not be explained by either the nonuniform activation of the agonist muscle or the average level of coactivation by the antagonist muscle.  相似文献   

The design and synthesis of a second generation GPR119-agonist clinical candidate for the treatment of diabetes is described. Compound 16 (APD597, JNJ-38431055) was selected for preclinical development based on a good balance between agonist potency, intrinsic activity and in particular on its good solubility and reduced drug-drug interaction potential. In addition, extensive in vivo studies showed a more favorable metabolic profile that may avoid the generation of long lasting metabolites with the potential to accumulate in clinical studies.  相似文献   

Behavioral characterization of GR73632, a newly synthesized tachykinin NK1 receptor agonist, was examined in mice. Intrathecal (IT) injection of GR73632 in the spinal subarachnoid space of mice elicited a dose-dependent behavioral syndrome, consisting of scratching, biting and licking. The time course of the response to GR73632 was almost similar to that of substance P. GR73632 evoked much more licking and biting than did substance P, that in turn caused less scratching. GR73632 was approximately 200-fold more potent than substance P in inducing the characteristic behavioral response. The GR73632-induced behavioral response was inhibited by IT co-administration of CP-96,345, a non-peptide NK1 receptor antagonist, but not its inactive enantiomer CP-96,344. CP-96,345, co-injected IT with substance P, also inhibited the behavioral response to substance P. These results demonstrate that the scratching, biting and licking response induced by IT GR73632 may be mediated by the NK1 receptor in the spinal cord. These findings suggest that GR73632 may be useful as a tachykinin NK1 receptor agonist and also for evaluating spinal pharmacological activities of NK1 receptor antagonists.  相似文献   

Choi G  Landin J  Galan JF  Birge RR  Albert AD  Yeagle PL 《Biochemistry》2002,41(23):7318-7324
The structural changes that accompany activation of a G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) are not well understood. To better understand the activation of rhodopsin, the GPCR responsible for visual transduction, we report studies on the three-dimensional structure for the activated state of this receptor, metarhodopsin II. Differences between the three-dimensional structure of ground state rhodopsin and metarhodopsin II, particularly in the cytoplasmic face of the receptor, suggest how the receptor is activated to couple with transducin. In particular, activation opens a groove on the surface of the receptor that could bind the N-terminal helix of the G protein, transducin alpha.  相似文献   

The apelinergic system includes a series of endogenous peptides apelin, ELABELA/TODDLER and their 7-transmembrane G-protein coupled apelin receptor (APJ, AGTRL-1, APLNR). The APJ receptor is an attractive therapeutic target because of its involvement in cardiovascular diseases and potentially other disorders including liver fibrosis, obesity, diabetes, and neuroprotection. To date, pharmacological characterization of the APJ receptor has been limited due to the lack of small molecule functional agonists or antagonists. Through focused screening we identified a drug-like small molecule agonist hit 1 with a functional EC50 value of 21.5 ± 5 μM and binding affinity (Ki) of 5.2 ± 0.5 μM. Initial structure–activity studies afforded compound 22 having a 27-fold enhancement in potency and the first sub-micromolar full agonist with an EC50 value of 800 ± 0.1 nM and Ki of 1.3 ± 0.3 μM. Preliminary SAR, synthetic methodology, and in vitro pharmacological characterization indicate this scaffold will serve as a favorable starting point for further refinement of APJ potency and selectivity.
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To characterize the structural requirements for ligand orientation compatible with activation of the Torpedo nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR), we used Cys mutagenesis in conjunction with sulfhydryl-reactive reagents to tether primary or quaternary amines at defined positions within the agonist binding site of nAChRs containing mutant alpha- or gamma-subunits expressed in Xenopus oocytes. 4-(N-Maleimido)benzyltrimethylammonium and 2-aminoethylmethanethiosulfonate acted as irreversible antagonists when tethered at alphaY93C, alphaY198C, or gammaE57C, as well as at alphaN94C (2-aminoethylmethanethiosulfonate only). [2-(Trimethylammonium)-ethyl]-methanethiosulfonate (MTSET), which attaches thiocholine to binding site Cys, also acted as an irreversible antagonist when tethered at alphaY93C, alphaN94C, or gammaE57C. However, MTSET modification of alphaY198C resulted in prolonged activation of the nAChR not reversible by washing but inhibitable by subsequent exposure to non-competitive antagonists. Modification of alphaY198C (or any of the other positions tested) by [(trimethylammonium)methyl]methanethiosulfonate resulted only in irreversible inhibition, while modification of alphaY198C by [3-(trimethylammonium)propyl]methanethiosulfonate resulted in irreversible activation of nAChR, but at lower efficacy than by MTSET. Thus changing the length of the tethering arm by less than 1 A in either direction markedly effects the ability of the covalent trimethylammonium to activate the nAChR, and agonist activation depends on a very selective orientation of the quaternary ammonium within the agonist binding site.  相似文献   

The rise in cytosolic free Ca2+, shape change, superoxide formation, and granule exocytosis induced in human neutrophils by N-formyl-Met-Leu-Phe (fMLP) and by a newly discovered activating peptide, neutrophil-activating factor, termed NAF, were compared. NAF was effective in the concentration range of 0.1-10 nM and was 10- to 100-fold more potent than fMLP. In qualitative terms, the single responses to either stimulus were remarkably similar: they showed virtually identical onset and initial kinetics, and were all inhibited by pretreatment of the neutrophils with Bordetella pertussis toxin. In addition, the respiratory burst elicited by either stimulus was inhibited by 17-hydroxywortmannin and staurosporine. Two conclusions are drawn from these results: 1) neutrophil activation by NAF (as by fMLP) is dependent on a GTP-binding protein and on protein kinase C; 2) a similar, or even identical, mechanism of signal transduction must be assumed on stimulation of human neutrophils with NAF, fMLP, and other chemotactic agonists. Human monocytes, lymphocytes, and platelets did not show cytosolic free Ca2+ changes when exposed to NAF, which suggests that NAF is selective for the neutrophils.  相似文献   

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