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Expression of virulence factors by Bordetella pertussis is altered by environmental signals (antigenic modulation) and is dependent on an activator encoded by a gene called vir. We have used TnphoA (Tn5 IS50L::phoA) gene fusions to define two sets of genes whose expression is either activated (vag loci) or repressed (vrg loci) by modulation signals. Both groups of genes appear to be regulated by the vir gene product in that, in the absence of modulators, null mutations in vir lead to the repression of vag gene fusions and derepression of vrg gene fusions. Mutants of B. pertussis were isolated that constitutively express virulence factors in the presence of the modulator MgSO4, nicotinic acid, or low incubation temperature. We designate the gene that carries such mutations mod (modulation) and have characterized one (mod-1) of these mod constitutive mutations. A method was developed for the insertional inactivation of the vir gene by using the integration of a suicide replicon. Inactivation of the vir gene in the mod-1 mutant, followed by transcomplementation with the cloned wild-type vir gene, gives the Mod-1 constitutive phenotype, showing that the mod-1 mutation defines a gene distinct from vir. The gene carrying the mod-1 mutation is linked to vir and was cloned on a recombinant cosmid (pLAF-C1) which transcomplements the vir-1::Tn5 mutation in B. pertussis 347. Introduction of pLAF-C1 into vir mutant and vir+ B. pertussis strains also gives the Mod-1 constitutive phenotype, indicating that mod-1 is a dominant allele. These data suggest that the mod gene product could have sensory functions for the environmental signals that affect the expression of vir-regulated genes of B. pertussis. The mod constitutive strains and plasmids described here also have applications in pertussis vaccine development.  相似文献   

We have isolated three mutants of Escherichia coli which have elevated levels of the phospholipid synthetic enzyme phosphatidylserine synthase. One of these strains carries a mutation, designated pssR1, which maps near minute 84 of the chromosome, distinct from the synthase structural gene (pss) at minute 56. The pssR1 mutation causes selective overproduction of phosphatidylserine synthase, since the levels of six other lipid synthetic enzymes are unaltered. The specific activity of the synthase in crude cell extracts of mutants harboring pssR1 is about five times greater than wild type. The synthase can also be overproduced 10-fold in wild type strains with hybrid ColE1 plasmids carrying the synthase structural gene (pss). A pssR1 mutant harboring such a pss plasmid overproduces the synthase about 50-fold. This multiplicative interaction of pssR1 and cloned pss demonstrates that pssR1 is trans-acting. The synthase has been purified in parallel from pssR1 and pssR+ strains. The pssR1 mutant yields more total synthase protein than pssR+, but the pure enzyme has the same specific activity in both cases. Therefore, pssR1 acts by increasing the amount of the normal protein, not by activating the enzyme. The discovery of pssR shows that there are regulatory loci which control the production of enzymes involved in membrane lipid synthesis.  相似文献   

A mentally retarded girl with a 46,XX/47, XX+r(1) (p11q22q22p11)/47, XX+r(1) (p11q22) fra(1) (p31) fra(1) (p11) fra(1) (q22) karyotype who inherited the fragile sites from the normal mother was studied. The conicidence of fra(1) (p11) and fra(1) (q22) with the ring chromosome breakpoints strongly suggests a cause-effect relationship. This finding agrees with other reported associations between fragile sites and structural chromosome abnormalities and constitutes the fourth reported of a de novo structurally abnormal chromosome as a consequence of presumed in vivo fragile sites instability. Although risk figures for chromosome anomalies and cancer associated with fragile sites are lacking, carriers of fra (1) (p11) may have a higher risk for abnormalities of chromosome 1 in somatic and gonadal cells than the general population.  相似文献   

ATM, the protein product of the gene mutated in the human autosomal recessive disorder ataxia telangiectasia, is involved in detection of double strand breaks (DSBs) and is a key component of the damage surveillance network of cell cycle proteins. In somatic cells ATM phosphorylates many other proteins including p53, an important regulator of cell cycle control. Mice deficient for Atm are male sterile with arrest and apoptosis occurring at testis epithelial stage IV, which in normal spermatocytes corresponds to mid-pachynema. Unlike the situation in somatic cells, we find no evidence that disruption of the Trp53 (p53) gene, or its down-stream target Cdkn1a (p21/Cip1) results in even a partial rescue of the Atm defect.  相似文献   

CDC55 encodes a Saccharomyces cerevisiae protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) regulatory subunit. cdc55-null cells growing at low temperature exhibit a failure of cytokinesis and produce abnormally elongated buds, but cdc55-null cells producing the cyclin-dependent kinase Cdc28-Y19F, which is unable to be inhibited by Y19 phosphorylation, show a loss of the abnormal morphology. Furthermore, cdc55-null cells exhibit a hyperphosphorylation of Y19. For these reasons, we have examined in wild-type and cdc55-null cells the levels and activities of the kinase (Swe1p) and phosphatase (Mih1p) that normally regulate the extent of Cdc28 Y19 phosphorylation. We find that Mih1p levels are comparable in the two strains, and an estimate of the in vivo and in vitro phosphatase activity of this enzyme in the two cell types indicates no marked differences. By contrast, while Swe1p levels are similar in unsynchronized and S-phase-arrested wild-type and cdc55-null cells, Swe1 kinase is found at elevated levels in mitosis-arrested cdc55-null cells. This excess Swe1p in cdc55-null cells is the result of ectopic stabilization of this protein during G(2) and M, thereby accounting for the accumulation of Swe1p in mitosis-arrested cells. We also present evidence indicating that, in cdc55-null cells, misregulated PP2A phosphatase activity is the cause of both the ectopic stabilization of Swe1p and the production of the morphologically abnormal phenotype.  相似文献   

The mosaicism 46,XX/46,XX,del(10)(p13)/47,XX, +r/47,XX,del(10)(p13), +r was found in the lymphocytes and the fibroblasts of a patient with the following : profound mental retardation; craniofacial dysmorphism with frontal bossing, fine eyebrows, a large hypoplastic nasal bridge, prognathism of the upper jaw, thick lips; a long and thin neck; congenital heart disease; skeletal malformations, with club feet; and hypotonia and lax ligaments. These malformations, compatible with the trisomy 10p syndrome, suggest that the supernumerary ring chromosome was composed of 10p material. An increase of HK1 and GOT1 activities was found. This is in favour of a partial trisomy of chromosome 10. The relative frequencies of the clones constituting the mosaic vary from tissue to tissue and with time.  相似文献   

The INO2 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is required for expression of most of the phospholipid biosynthetic genes. INO2 expression is regulated by a complex cascade that includes autoregulation, Opi1p-mediated repression and Ume6p-mediated activation. To screen for mutants with altered INO2 expression directly, we constructed an INO2-HIS3 reporter that provides a plate assay for INO2 promoter activity. This reporter was used to isolate mutants (dim1) that fail to repress expression of the INO2 gene in an otherwise wild-type strain. The dim1 mutants contain mutations in the OPI1 gene. To define further the mechanism for Ume6p regulation of INO2 expression, we isolated suppressors (rum1, 2, 3) of the ume6Delta mutation that overexpress the INO2-HIS3 gene. Two of the rum mutant groups contain mutations in the OPI1 and SIN3 genes showing that opi1 and sin3 mutations are epistatic to the ume6Delta mutation. These results are surprising given that Ume6p, Sin3p and Rpd3p are known to form a complex that represses the expression of a diverse set of yeast genes. This prompted us to examine the effect of sin3Delta and rpd3Delta mutants on INO2-cat expression. Surprisingly, the sin3Delta allele overexpressed INO2-cat, whereas the rpd3Delta mutant had no effect. We also show that the UME6 gene does not affect the expression of an OPI1-cat reporter. This suggests that Ume6p does not regulate INO2 expression indirectly by regulating OPI1 expression.  相似文献   

Eukaryotes have two types of ribosomes containing either 5.8SL or 5.8SS rRNA that are produced by alternative pre-rRNA processing. The exact processing pathway for the minor 5.8SL rRNA species is poorly documented. We have previously shown that the trans-acting factor Rrp5p and the RNA exonuclease Rex4p genetically interact to influence the ratio between the two forms of 5.8S rRNA in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Here we report a further analysis of ITS1 processing in various yeast mutants that reveals genetic interactions between, on the one hand, Rrp5p and RNase MRP, the endonuclease required for 5.8SS rRNA synthesis, and, on the other, Rex4p, the RNase III homolog Rnt1p, and the debranching enzyme Dbr1p. Yeast cells carrying a temperature-sensitive mutation in RNase MRP (rrp2-1) exhibit a pre-rRNA processing phenotype very similar to that of the previously studied rrp5-33 mutant: ITS2 processing precedes ITS1 processing, 5.8SL rRNA becomes the major species, and ITS1 is processed at the recently reported novel site A4 located midway between sites A2 and A3. As in the rrp5-Delta3 mutant, all of these phenotypical processing features disappear upon inactivation of the REX4 gene. Moreover, inactivation of the DBR1 gene in rrp2-1, or the RNT1 gene in rrp5-Delta3 mutant cells also negates the effects of the original mutation on pre-rRNA processing. These data link a total of three RNA catabolic enzymes, Rex4p, Rnt1p, and Dbr1p, to ITS1 processing and the relative production of 5.8SS and 5.8SL rRNA. A possible model for the indirect involvement of the three enzymes in yeast pre-rRNA processing is discussed.  相似文献   

Martin SG  Chang F 《Current biology : CB》2003,13(18):R711-R713
Microtubules play a central role in the establishment of cell polarity by directing the transport of polarity determinants to their site of action. Recent work has revealed a novel membrane-anchoring mechanism which complements the microtubule transport of the fission yeast polarity determinant tea1p to ensure its retention at the cell tip.  相似文献   

The synthesis of two lens-specific proteins, delta- and beta-crystallins, by adenohypophyseal anlage of 4-day chick embryos was studied by the immunofluorescence technique in conjunction with autoradiography. Isolated anlages were incubated for 16 hours in a culture medium containing 14c-leucine. The synthesis was determined with the use of an unlabelled carrier, extract of chick lens, as well as of antisera against delta- and beta-crystallins. 14C-Leucine incorporation was found to occur only in delta-crystalline precipitation line rather than in beta-crystallin line. This evidence attests to the synthesis of delta-crystalline by the chick embryo adenohypophyseal anlage. The results are in agreement with the previously obtained immunohistochemical data on delta-crystalline localization in cells of the developing adenohypophysis.  相似文献   

The p53 protein has been reported to regulate cellular responses to genetic stress such as far-ultraviolet light (UV), protecting human cells from mutation. Levels of p53 protein in hypermutable RSa cells were found here to increase soon after UV irradiation, while those in UV(r)-1 cells, a hypomutable variant of RSa cells, showed a delayed increase. Three cell lines overexpressing wild-type p53 in UV(r)-1 cells exhibited higher sensitivity to UV mutagenicity than did control U-V-7 cells transfected with vector alone, assessed using the ouabain-resistance phenotypic mutation test and identification of K-ras codon 12 base substitution mutation. On the other hand, U-V-7 cells showed UV-induced elevation of antipain-sensitive protease activity, but p53 transfectants did not. Moreover, antipain treatment to U-V-7 cells was increased susceptibility to UV mutagenicity. Thus, p53 protein overproduction may sensitize human cells, at least those tested, to UV mutagenicity, in association with inhibition of protease activity.  相似文献   

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