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Greatest axial dimensions (GALD) of phytoplankton cells, colonies and filaments etc, are used to describe the size structure of whole assemblages of species in the shallow eutrophic Loch Leven (S.E. Scotland). Two-weekly samples over the period 1979–1982 have been analysed to determine whether variation in size spectra show seasonal trends. Size frequency distributions are displayed using — for the first time in studies of phytoplankton assemblages — the graphical method based on rankits. The paper describes how individuals to be measured were chosen without bias towards any particular type. Seasonal variation in temperature and nutrient concentrations are discussed in relation to algal size structure.In spite of irregular shifts in species composition and abundance, phytoplankton assemblage size spectra (PASS) exhibit seasonal patterns. Early in the year, when temperatures are low and herbivorous zooplankton sparse, small algae ( 15 µm) predominate. The winter-early spring assemblages often exhibit a normal size frequency distribution. Later in the year larger algae occasionally become relatively more numerous, and skewed or polymodal frequency distributions are recorded. Increases in large algae are usually associated with Daphnia population maxima; the inter-relationship is clearly demonstrated in time-series plots of GALD isopleths and Daphnia numbers.The potential of the PASS method to further knowledge on ecological controls of phytoplankton is discussed. The investigator is compelled to include all species in a sample. The rankit-dimension graphs retain all the data, so the position of each algal measurement and its influence on the size distribution can be observed. This approach may help to identify size ranges of algae removed by a wide variety of grazing zooplankton.  相似文献   

Gygax  Lorenz 《Behavioral ecology》2002,13(5):583-590
I investigated group size variability in dolphins and porpoisesusing intraspecific comparisons. Explanatory factors consideredin the analysis were variables of the physical environment,the diet, and the life history of the species. Open habitatand small body size were viewed as increasing predation risk.This pattern was apparent in Risso's dolphins (Grampus griseus) and weakly apparent in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops spp.).Group size was negatively correlated with body size in pilotwhales (Globicephala spp.) and positively correlated with theopenness of habitat in killer whales (Orcinus orca), stripeddolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba), and common dolphins (Delphinus spp.). No such relationship was found for harbor and Dall'sporpoises (Phocoena phocoena, P. dalli). Group size also seemedto vary depending on other physical measures of the habitat,which may indirectly reflect diet; group size showed U-shapedpatterns if related to temperature. The predictive power ofvariables comprising detailed prey information on group sizewas variable. For example, pilot whales had smaller group sizes when they fed more on mesopelagic fish and less on mesopelagiccephalopods, and common dolphins had larger groups if theyfed on varying types of fish. In most Delphinoidea species,group size could be described by the variables considered inthis study. But each species showed its own pattern of correlationsbetween group size and a specific set of explanatory variables. Thus, no general and consistent relation between group sizeand the other variables was found. It remains unknown whetherthese species-specific patterns result from a historical processor whether they are specialized adaptations.  相似文献   

The annual cycle of the zooplankton community in a coastal embaymentof the Bay of Biscay was studied from data on zooplankton fractionslarger than 45 and 250 µm Smaller zooplankton and chlorophyllmaxima coincided in summer, while larger zooplankton reachedthe maximum in spring. Copepods dominated in both fractionsmost of the year, being copepod nauplii and postnaupliar stagesof Oithona nana and Paracalanus parvus the main constituentsof the microzooplankton maxima, and older copepodites and adultsof Acartw clausi of the meso-macrozooplankton maxima. Secondarypeaks of abundance due to protozoan blooms of Steno-semellanivalu, in early spring, and Noctiluca santillans, in summer,were also observed in smaller and larger fractions respectively.The collapse of phytoplankton biomass in early autumn was followedby a strong decrease of zooplankton in mid autumn. From thisperiod to winter, chlorophyll and zooplankton abundance showedsmall variations, but noticeable changes in the compositionand size spectra of zooplankton were observed. In winter, valuesof chlorophyll and zooplankton abundance reached minima, A.clausidominated the copepod assemblage and carnivorous zooplankterswere absent or negligible The annual development of the mainpredator populations (Sagitta frideria, Luiopc tetraphylla andanchovies) were found to be synchronized with the variationsin abundance and size spectra of zooplankton in the study area.  相似文献   

The effect of three different Scenedesmus food concentrations(0.04, 0.2 and 1 mg C l–1) on maternal investment wasstudied in two cladoceran species of similar size, Daphnia pulicariaand D.hyalina. It was observed that as food concentration decreased(between 1 and 0.2 mg C l–1), there was an increase insize, protein content, lipid content, carbon and mass of theegg, while, at the same time, the clutch size of the femalesbecame smaller. Such an increase in ‘per offspring investment’was reflected in an increase in body length, body carbon andbody mass of neonates as the food available for females decreased.However, in D.pulicaria this tendency was not maintained downat 0.04 mg C l–1 in which there was a decrease of theegg characteristics mentioned above. Although, there are notavailable all the egg and neonate parameters of D.hyalina at0.04 mg C l–1, the body length of the neonates was largerthan at 0.2 and 1 mg C l–1. These results show that, asfood diminishes, these two cladoceran species are able to respondby decreasing clutch size, but increasing the size of egg, therebyincreasing the probability of neonate survival. This tendencyis probably maintained until the food concentration is too lowand the females have to reduce the energy allocated for reproduction.  相似文献   

Triplicate in situ enclosures containing plankton from a smallglacial kettle lake were either untreated (pH>8) or wereacidified to pH 6.5, 5.5 or 4.5 over 7 days using H2SO4. Planktonsize spectra were constructed, in order to quantify acidificationimpacts on mean phytoplankton size (MESDp), mean zooplanktonsize (MESDz), and phytoplankton-zooplankton size difference(the P-Z distance). Acidification to pH 6.5 did not significantlyaffect the size spectrum parameters. However, at pH 5.5 and4.5, MESDp increased, MESDz declined, and the P-Z distance wasgreatly reduced. These changes reflected a simultaneous shiftto large phytoplankton (Peridinium) and small zooplankton (rotifersand nauplii) dominance at low pH.  相似文献   

In six species of dimorphic raptors (females larger than males)and one passerine (males larger than females), the sex ratioat fledging varied systematically with brood size at fledging.In all species the strongest bias toward the smaller sex wasestablished in the largest as well as the smallest broods; amore even distribution of males and females was observed inbroods of intermediate size. We explored a specific differentialmortality explanation for this sex ratio variation. Our hypothesispostulates that variation in mortality is caused by differencesin food demand between broods of the same size, due to theirsex composition. Data from the marsh harrier Circus aeruginosuson gender-related food demand and overall nestling mortalitywere used to predict the frequency of surviving males and femalesat fledging, assuming an even sex ratio at hatching and randommortality with respect to both sexes within broods. The modelquantitatively fits the marsh harrier data well, especiallyin broods originating from large dutches. Although we anticipatethat other mechanisms are also involved, the results supportthe hypothesis of sex-ratio-dependent mortality, differentialbetween broods, as the process generating the observed brood-sizedependence of fledgling sex ratios in sexually dimorphic birds.  相似文献   

Reproductive allocation, in terms of fecundity and egg size,has been given little consideration in eusocial societies. Tobegin to address this, absolute and body size–adjustedegg volumes were compared, along with fecundity, between thefoundress and her subfertile soldier offspring in the eusocial,gall-inducing thrips, Kladothrips hamiltoni, Kladothrips waterhousei,and Kladothrips habrus, and a congeneric, Kladothrips morrisi,with fully fecund soldiers. Soldiers produced significantlylarger eggs than the foundress in all species except K. morrisi,where egg volumes did not differ. After accounting for bodysize, soldiers produced significantly smaller eggs than thefoundress in K. morrisi and marginally so in K. waterhousei,but egg sizes did not differ in K. hamiltoni and K. habrus.When egg size and fecundity data are combined, K. morrisi soldiersinvest less in reproduction than the foundress, and in conjunctionwith other life-history features the species can be consideredeusocial. Maximum likelihood analyses reveal relatively lowreproductive allocation skew in the ancestral lineages and highskew in the derived lineages, but the trend is not significantwhen fecundity and egg size are considered separately. Gallsize covaried negatively with soldier-to-foundress relativebody size–adjusted egg size and reproductive allocationand marginally so with fecundity, suggesting that gall sizeis a determinant of egg size and fecundity trade-offs in eusocialthrips and providing the strongest support to date that gallsize has featured in the social evolution of this clade. Thisstudy highlights that data on fecundity alone may be insufficientfor assessing reproductive division of labor.  相似文献   

Knouft JH 《Oecologia》2004,139(3):408-417
Many taxonomic and ecological assemblages of species exhibit a right-skewed body size-frequency distribution when characterized at a regional scale. Although this distribution has been frequently described, factors influencing geographic variation in the distribution are not well understood, nor are mechanisms responsible for distribution shape. In this study, variation in the species body size-frequency distributions of 344 regional communities of North American freshwater fishes is examined in relation to latitude, species richness, and taxonomic composition. Although the distribution of all species of North American fishes is right-skewed, a negative correlation exists between latitude and regional community size distribution skewness, with size distributions becoming left-skewed at high latitudes. This relationship is not an artifact of the confounding relationship between latitude and species richness in North American fishes. The negative correlation between latitude and regional community size distribution skewness is partially due to the geographic distribution of families of fishes and apparently enhanced by a nonrandom geographic distribution of species within families. These results are discussed in the context of previous explanations of factors responsible for the generation of species size-frequency distributions related to the fractal nature of the environment, energetics, and evolutionary patterns of body size in North American fishes.  相似文献   

Mature Palaemonetes pugio, from a polluted estuary, Piles Creek (PC) are larger than those in a more pristine estuary in Tuckerton (TK). Possible causes for the differences in size-structure could be differences in environmental factors at the two creeks, differential competition at the two sites, inherent factors causing a greater growth rate in the PC population, differences in reproductive timing, or differential predation at the two sites. Lab microcosm studies were used to examine the possibility of inherent population differences or environmental conditions (including differences in salinity) causing faster growth in PC. There was no evidence that PC shrimp grew faster than TK shrimp, nor that PC conditions fostered greater growth compared to TK. Salinity adjustments in PC and TK tanks also had no effect on growth. Therefore, it appears that genetic and environmental factors did not play a significant role in greater shrimp growth in PC. In the field, data on relative abundances of Fundulus heteroclitus and P. pugio, and size-frequency distributions of P. pugio were collected from the two estuaries. Gravid females and recruits of young shrimp physically appeared at approximately the same time within both systems, eliminating earlier reproduction as a cause of the size discrepancy. There were three times as many shrimp in PC than in TK (eliminating the possibility of increased population density and competition at TK as a cause) and three times as many F. heteroclitus present in TK than in PC. Since it has already been established that the Fundulus at PC are smaller than at TK and that they are poor predators, differences in Fundulus predation would appear to be an important factor in determining the number and size-frequency of the grass shrimp.  相似文献   

Life history evolution and genome size in subtribe Oncidiinae (Orchidaceae)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Background and Aims Within Oncidiinae, there are severalgroups of species that are effectively annuals, and we wishedto see if these species had smaller genome sizes than averagefor the subtribe. • Methods Fifty-four genome size estimates (50 of whichare new) for species in subtribe Oncidiinae (Orchidaceae) wereexamined for the first time in a phylogenetic context to evaluatehypotheses concerning genome sizes and life history traits. • Results and Conclusions Within the limits of still relativelysparse sampling, the species that are effectively annuals doappear to have smaller genome sizes than average. However, thegenome sizes of their immediate sister group are also small,indicating that changes in genome size preceded the change inlife history traits. Genome sizes and chromosome numbers alsodo not correlate; some slowly growing species have lower chromosomenumbers but large genomes and vice versa. Based on a surveyof the literature on orchids, it is also clear that epiphyticspecies have smaller genome sizes than do terrestrial species,which could be an effect of different water relations or thefact that most terrestrial orchids are geophytic or have distinctgrowth and dormancy phases.  相似文献   

QUANSAH  N. 《Annals of botany》1988,61(2):243-247
The sporangial distribution patterns occurring in the strobiliof 30 species of Selaginella subgenus Stachygynandrum from Africaand Madagascar are described. The patterns of sporangial distributioncan be put into eight major Types and five Variations of threeTypes. Even though some species exhibit more than one Type and/orVariation, the distribution pattern is consistent for each speciesand can be regarded as one of the characters useful in the taxonomyof the subgenus. Sporangial distribution patterns, types, variations, strobili, Selaginella, subgenus, Stachygynandrum  相似文献   

Crucifers (Brassicaceae, Cruciferae) are a large family comprisingsome 338 genera and c. 3,700 species. The family includes importantcrops as well as several model species in various fields ofplant research. This paper reports new genome size (GS) datafor more than 100 cruciferous species in addition to previouslypublished C-values (the DNA amount in the unreplicated gameticnuclei) to give a data set comprising 185 Brassicaceae taxa,including all but 1 of the 25 tribes currently recognized. Evolutionof GS was analyzed within a phylogenetic framework based ongene trees built from five data sets (matK, chs, adh, trnLF,and ITS). Despite the 16.2-fold variation across the family,most Brassicaceae species are characterized by very small genomeswith a mean 1C-value of 0.63 pg. The ancestral genome size (ancGS)for Brassicaceae was reconstructed as anc1C = 0.50 pg. Approximately50% of crucifer taxa analyzed showed a decrease in GS comparedwith the ancGS. The remaining species showed an increase inGS although this was generally moderate, with significant increasesin C-value found only in the tribes Anchonieae and Physarieae.Using statistical approaches to analyze GS, evolutionary gainsor losses in GS were seen to have accumulated disproportionatelyfaster within longer branches. However, we also found that GShas not changed substantially through time and most likely evolvespassively (i.e., a tempo that cannot be distinguished betweenneutral evolution and weak forms of selection). The data revealan apparent paradox between the narrow range of small GSs overlong evolutionary time periods despite evidence of dynamic genomicprocesses that have the potential to lead to genome obesity(e.g., transposable element amplification and polyploidy). Toresolve this, it is suggested that mechanisms to suppress amplificationand to eliminate amplified DNA must be active in Brassicaceaealthough their control and mode of operation are still poorlyunderstood.  相似文献   

The feeding rates of freshwater predaceous copepods have beenmeasured many times using enclosure experiments. Typically theseexperiments involve enclosing a known number of zooplanklonprey with a known number of predaceous copepods and determiningthe number of prey remaining after a set length of time. Variousfactors such as prey species and size have been shown to influencethe feeding rate of copepods. However, little attention hasbeen paid to the influence that container size may have on feedingrates. Using previously published data and some new data itwas found that container size has a major impact on the feedingrate of Heterocope septentrionalis, a predaceous freshwatercopepod common in North American arctic waters. In experimentswith Daphnia puiex, where container size varied from 0.3 to54 l (180 times), the measured feeding rate coefficient variedfrom –0.04 to –1.7 (42.5 times). Other prey speciesshowed similar changes, but the vulnerability of particularprey species to Heterocope predation remained consistent acrossthis range of expenmental containers. The reason for the containereffect is not known, but it is postulated that edge avoidanceby Heterocope may account for the observed change in feedingrate.  相似文献   

The size of the group of social species might influence basicaspects of productivity and social interactions. In many primitivelysocial insects, foundress queens are basically in control ofthe number of workers in their first brood. We examined factorsthat might influence the optimal number of workers a queen shouldproduce during the solitary founding phase in Lasioglossum malachurum(Hymenoptera, Halictidae). A priori, it seems plausible thatshe should produce as many workers as possible (1) to maximizecolony productivity and (2) to minimize the impact of broodparasitoids. However, there might also be unfavorable consequencesof a large colony size from the queen's perspective. First,the queen might incur disproportionately high costs that decreaseher potential for subsequent reproduction. Second, the queenmight not be able to suppress the development of ovaries ina large number of workers. As a clear advantage of a large colonysize, we found an increased production of sexuals. Contraryto our expectation, in the first worker phase, nests that wereparasitized by Sphecodes bees had more workers than did unparasitizednests. We found no evidence that the production of the firstworker brood entailed costs to the queen. However, the degreeof development of worker ovaries increased with colony size,and some degree of development was detectable with as few asfour workers. This study shows that the number of workers aqueen produces might depend on the interaction of several factors,some of which have not been considered in detail yet.  相似文献   

Populations of marine benthic organisms occupy habitats witha range of physical and biological characteristics. In the intertidalzone, energetic costs increase with temperature and aerial exposure,and prey intake increases with immersion time, generating sizegradients with small individuals often found at upper limitsof distribution. Wave action can have similar effects, limitingfeeding time or success, although certain species benefit fromwave dislodgment of their prey; this also results in gradientsof size and morphology. The difference between energy intakeand metabolic (and/or behavioral) costs can be used to determinean energetic optimal size for individuals in such populations.Comparisons of the energetic optimal size to the maximum predictedsize based on mechanical constraints, and the ensuing mortalityschedule, provides a mechanism to study and explain organismsize gradients in intertidal and subtidal habitats. For specieswhere the energetic optimal size is well below the maximum sizethat could persist under a certain set of wave/flow conditions,it is probable that energetic constraints dominate. When theopposite is true, populations of small individuals can dominatehabitats with strong dislodgment or damage probability. Whenthe maximum size of individuals is far below either energeticoptima or mechanical limits, other sources of mortality (e.g.,predation) may favor energy allocation to early reproductionrather than to continued growth. Predictions based on optimalsize models have been tested for a variety of intertidal andsubtidal invertebrates including sea anemones, corals, and octocorals.This paper provides a review of the optimal size concept, andemploys a combination of the optimal energetic size model andlife history modeling approach to explore energy allocationto growth or reproduction as the optimal size is approached.  相似文献   

Experimental studies have demonstrated that for many marineinvertebrate species, variability in larval condition or qualityat settlement may have important effects on post-settlement,early juvenile performance. Relatively few studies, however,explicitly examine natural variability in larval condition atsettlement. This study examines natural variability in larvalattributes (size and lipid index) at settlement for terminal-stagelarvae of intertidal mussels (Mytilus sp.) and barnacles (Pollicipespolymerus and Chthamalus dalli) from southern California. Despitesignificant differences among cohorts in larval attributes,for all 3 species a greater percentage of the variance in larvallength (80–100%) and lipids (58–83%) occurred amongindividuals within a cohort, rather than among cohorts. Forall 3 species, coefficients of variation within a cohort forlength were much smaller (3–8%) than those for lipid index(30–93%), suggesting that lipid storage is a much moreplastic attribute than size for larvae. For mussels, settlementintensity and larval attributes were decoupled, such that averagelarval condition of a cohort was not related to the number oflarvae that settled. At the cohort level, Mytilus and Pollicipessettling together across 3 dates showed similar trends of decreasinglipid index over time, suggesting that environmental conditionsmay influence co-occurring planktonic larvae similarly acrossspecies. This work highlights the need for further experimentsin the field on the effects of larval history on recruitmentsuccess in natural populations, and further studies to determinewhat factors influence larval attributes for planktonic larvaein the field.  相似文献   

HARA  TOSHIHIKO 《Annals of botany》1992,69(6):509-513
The effects of the mode of between-individual competition onthe stationary size distribution in uneven-aged and continuallyreproducing tree populations were investigated theoretically,based on the diffusion and continuity equation models. The B(t,x) function, which gives a measure proportional to total leafarea of individual trees larger than dbh (trunk diameter atbreast height) x at time t, expresses the effect of one-sidedcompetition on the subject individual of dbh x. The effect oftwo-sided competition on individuals of any size is equallygiven by B(t, x0), i.e. total leaf area of the stand (or LAI),where x0 is the minimum dbh. The following two points, whichwere shown by Kohyama (1991) from results of model simulation,were theoretically derived: (1) the effect of the diffusionterm [D(t, x) function] of the diffusion model on the stationarysize distribution is small for the range of parameter valuesobtained empirically for the warm-temperate and tropical rainforests; (2) the shape of the stationary size distribution underone-sided competition is less changed by a change in the seedlingsupply rate than under two-sided competition. The followingtwo points were further shown theoretically: (3) one-sided competitionis likely to lead to a monotonically decreasing size distributionof dbh with the peak at x = x0, which is a characteristic ofthe rain forest; (4) the slope of size distribution of dbh steepensas one-sided competition intensifies. Relationships betweenthe mode of competition and the stability of population structure,and general functional forms of one-sided and two-sided competitionare discussed. Diffusion model, one-sided competition, stability of population structure, stationary size distribution, two-sided competition  相似文献   

31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra are described fora variety of plant tissues, including sections of mature potatotuber (Solanum tuberosum) and sections of maize seedling (Zeamays). The experimental procedures for obtaining such spectra,using a conventional high field spectrometer, are discussedin detail. Assignments are given for the observed resonancesand the results are discussed in relation to the storage formsof plant phosphate. Attention is drawn to the power of the techniqueto distinguish the cytoplasm and vacuole in vivo, through thewell-known pH dependence of the 31P chemical shifts.  相似文献   

Size-frequency analysis of over 5,000 Ordovician trilobites from the Teretiusculus Shales of the Builth inlier, central Wales, has revealed size distributions with counter intuitive shapes. Not only do most species show normal or slightly skewed distributions, despite the preponderance of moults, but there is no evidence of instar peaks. Such features can, however, be explained by reference to steady-state population structures of Recent marine arthropods, in which small individuals often form only a minor proportion of the post-larval population structure. Trilobite steady-state population structures would have differed in detail from species to species, but certain distribution shapes may have been characteristic of particular environments. These findings necessitate a reappraisal of previous work on trilobite size-frequency distributions, survivorship and recognition of instars. The Builth data also show the first clear evidence of phyletic size increase and parallel size changes in trilobites. ▭ Trilobites, size-frequency distributions, steady-state populations, instars, phyletic size changes.  相似文献   

During a hydrographical survey in the northern Kattegat, 1975to 1977, vertical plankton hauls were taken monthly at fourstations between Göteborg and Frederikshavn. Hydrographicalparameters were measured at 10 stations along the transect.Sagitta setosa J. Mailer was by far the most dominant chaetognath(99% of individuals). Sagitta elegans Verrill and Eukrohniahamata Möbius occurred simultaneously with inflowing highsaline water during autumn and winter. The transport of S. setosaby currents was an important factor influencing the abundancesand the breeding period in the Kattegat. The abundance peakin 1977 was only one fifth of that found in 1975. The startand the duration of the breeding period (defined as presenceof stage 1 individuals <3 mm) varied between the three years.Breeding occurred between the middle of July and December witha peak in August and September. Changes in size distributionwere small during winter and spring, possibly due to low temperatures.S. setosa has probably a life span of one year in the Kattegat.Some earlier results regarding the number of breeding periodsof S. setosa per year are questioned. It is proposed that thenumber of generations per year of S. setosa and the start andthe duration of the breeding period(s) in western European watersshould be regarded as an open question until further informationis available.  相似文献   

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