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J Lee  D J O'Kane  B G Gibson 《Biochemistry》1989,28(10):4263-4271
The mechanism of the shifting of the bioluminescence spectrum from the reaction of bacterial luciferase by lumazine protein is investigated by methods of fluorescence dynamics. A metastable intermediate is produced on reaction of Vibrio harveyi luciferase with FMNH2 and O2. It has an absorption maximum at 374 nm and a rotational correlation time (phi) derived from the decay of its fluorescence (maximum 500 nm) anisotropy of 90 ns (2 degrees C). Lumazine protein from Photobacterium phosphoreum has an absorption maximum at 417 nm and a fluorescence maximum at 475 nm. Lumazine protein forms a protein-protein complex with luciferase, and the complex has a phi of approximately 100 ns. A mixture of lumazine protein and the intermediate would be expected to have an average correlation time (phi av) around 100 ns, but instead, the result is anomalous. The phi av is much lower and is also wavelength dependent. For excitation at 375 nm, which is mainly absorbed in the flavin chromophore of the intermediate, phi av = 25 ns, but at 415 nm, mainly absorbed by the lumazine derivative ligand of lumazine protein, phi av approximately 50 ns. It is proposed that protein-protein complexation occurs between lumazine protein and the luciferase intermediate and that in this complex energy transfer from the flavin to the lumazine is the predominant channel of anisotropy loss. A distance of 20 A between the donor and acceptor is calculated. In the bioluminescence reaction of intermediate with tetradecanal, a fluorescent transient species is produced which is the bioluminescence emitter.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

J Lee  Y Y Wang  B G Gibson 《Biochemistry》1991,30(28):6825-6835
Fluorescence dynamics measurements have been made on the bioluminescence reaction intermediates using Photobacterium leiognathi, Vibrio fischeri, and Vibrio harveyi luciferases, both alone and in mixtures with Photobacterium phosphoreum lumazine protein. Each luciferase produces a "fluorescent transient" intermediate on reaction with the bioluminescence substrates, FMNH2, tetradecanal, and O2, and all have a fluorescence quantum yield about 0.3, with a predominant lifetime around 10 ns. The P. leiognathi luciferase fluorescent transient has a rotational correlation time of 79 ns at 2 degrees C, as expected for the rotational diffusion of a 77-kDa macromolecule. In the presence of lumazine protein however a faster correlation time of about 3 ns predominates. This rapid channel of anisotropy loss is attributed to energy transfer from the flavin intermediate bound on the luciferase to the lumazine ligand, reflects the presence of protein-protein complexation, and is greatest in the case of P. leiognathi, but not at all for V. fischeri. This fact is consistent with the strong influence of lumazine protein on the bioluminescence reaction of P. leiognathi, and not at all with V. fischeri. The rate of energy transfer is of order 10(9) s-1, much greater than the 10(8) s-1 fluorescence rate of the donor. Thus the bioluminescence excitation of lumazine protein could occur by a similar photophysical mechanism of interprotein energy transfer from a chemically excited fluorescent transient donor to the lumazine acceptor.  相似文献   

D J O'Kane  J Lee 《Biochemistry》1985,24(6):1467-1475
The properties of lumazine proteins purified from the marine bioluminescent bacteria Photobacterium phosphoreum, a psychrophile, and Photobacterium leiognathi, a relatively thermophilic species, are compared. An accurate 1:1 stoichiometry of binding of the ligand 6,7-dimethyl-8-ribityllumazine to each lumazine protein is established by back-titration of the apoprotein with the authentic ligand, using both fluorescence and absorption measurements. Neither protein contains metal cofactors, organic phosphorus, or carbohydrate. Both proteins are anionic and hydrophilic. They each contain a single Trp residue and have blocked amino terminals but otherwise differ in amino acid composition and other properties (P. phosphoreum and P. leiognathi, respectively): Met (internal), 1, 2; Cys, 2, 1; Arg, 4, 7; pI, 4.78 and 4.83, 4.38 and 4.45; Mr, 19 750, 21 300. In the P. phosphoreum protein both Cys residues are accessible, but in the P. leiognathi protein the single Cys is "buried". Modification of this buried Cys and at least one Cys in the P. phosphoreum protein prevents binding of the ligand. The UV and visible absorption spectra of both lumazine proteins denatured in 6 M guanidine hydrochloride can be accurately modeled by using the number of equivalents of the lumazine derivative and blocked aromatic amino acid model compounds determined by chemical and spectrophotometric analyses for Trp, Tyr, and Phe.  相似文献   

Time-resolved fluorescence on lumazine protein from Photobacterium phosphoreum was performed with synchrotron radiation as a source of continuously tunable excitation. The experiments yielded structural and dynamic details from which two aspects became apparent. From fluorescence anisotropy decay monitoring of lumazine fluorescence with different excitation wavelengths, the average correlation times were shown to change, which must indicate the presence of anisotropic motion of the protein. A similar study with 7-oxolumazine as the fluorescent ligand led to comparable results. The other remarkable observation dealt with the buildup of acceptor fluorescence, also observed with 7-oxolumazine although much less pronounced, which is caused by the finite energy transfer process between the single donor tryptophan and the energy accepting lumazine derivatives. Global analytical approaches in data analysis were used to yield realistic correlation times and reciprocal transfer rate constants. It was found that the tryptophan residue has a large motional freedom as also reported previously for this protein and for the related protein from P. leiognathi (Lee et al. 1985; Kulinski et al. 1987). The average distance between the tryptophan residue and the ligand donor-acceptor couple has been determined to be 2.7 nm for the same donor and two different acceptors.  相似文献   

In this study we present evidence indicating that GroE chaperonins mediate de novo protein folding of heterodimeric and monomeric luciferases under heat shock or sub-heat shock conditions in vivo. The effects of additional groESL and groEL genes on the bioluminescence of Escherichia coli cells expressing different bacterial luciferase genes at various temperatures were directly studied in cells growing in liquid culture. Data indicate that at 42° C GroESL chaperonins are required for the folding of the subunit polypeptide of the heterodimeric luciferase from the mesophilic bacterium Vibrio harveyi MAV (B392). In contrast, the small number of amino acid substitutions present in the luciferase subunit polypeptide from the thermotolerant V. harveyi CTP5 suppresses this requirement for GroE chaperonins, and greatly reduces interaction between the subunit polypeptide and GroEL chaperonin. In addition, GroESL are required for the de novo folding at 37° C of a MAV luciferase fusion polypeptide that is functional as a monomer. No such requirement for luciferase activity is observed at that temperature with a fusion of the CTP5 and subunit polypeptides, although GroE chaperonins can still mediate folding of the CTP5 fusion luciferase. Bacterial luciferases provide a unique system for direct observation of the effects of GroE chaperonins on protein folding and enzyme assembly in living cells. Furthermore, they offer a sensitive and simple assay system for the identification of polypeptide domains required for GroEL protein binding.  相似文献   

6,7-Dimethyllumazine derivatives, substituted at the 8-position with aldityls or monohydroxyalkyl groups, have been examined for their binding ability to lumazine apo-protein from two strains of Photobacterium phosphoreum using fluorescence dynamics techniques. On the protein the lumazine has a nearly monoexponential decay of fluorescence with lifetime 13.8 ns (20 degrees C). In free solution the lifetime is 9.6 ns. The concentration of free and bound lumazine in an equilibrium mixture can be recovered readily by analysis of the fluorescence decay. Only the aldityl derivatives D-xylityl and 3'-deoxy-D-ribityl, having stereoconfigurations at the 2' and 4' positions identical to the natural ligand, 8-(1'-D-ribityl), show comparable dissociation constants (0.3 microM, 20 degrees C, pH 7.0). D-Erythrityl and L-arabityl have dissociation constants of 1-2 microM. All other ligands show no interaction at all or have dissociation constants in the range 6-80 microM, which can still be determined semi-quantitatively using the fluorescence decay technique. In the case of these very weakly bound ligands, unambiguous detection of bound ligand can be shown by a long correlation time (23 ns, 2 degrees C) for the fluorescence anisotropy decay. Examination of the bound D-xylityl compound's fluorescence anisotropy decay at high time resolution (< 100 ps) shows rigid association, i.e. no mobility independent of the macromolecule. All bound ligands appear to be similarly positioned in the binding site. The influence of the stereoconfiguration at the 8-position found for lumazine protein parallels that previously observed for the enzyme riboflavin synthase, where the lumazines are substrates or inhibitors. This is consistent with the finding of significant sequence similarity between these proteins. The binding rigidity may have implications for the mechanism of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Dynamic fluorescence properties of bacterial luciferase intermediates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
J Lee  D J O'Kane  B G Gibson 《Biochemistry》1988,27(13):4862-4870
Three fluorescent species produced by the reaction of bacterial luciferase from Vibrio harveyi with its substrates have the same dynamic fluorescence properties, namely, a dominant fluorescence decay of lifetime of 10 ns and a rotational correlation time of 100 ns at 2 degrees C. These three species are the metastable intermediate formed with the two substrates FMNH2 and O2, both in its low-fluorescence form and in its high-fluorescence form following light irradiation, and the fluorescent transient formed on including the final substrate tetradecanal. For native luciferase, the rotational correlation time is 62 or 74 ns (2 degrees C) derived from the decay of the anisotropy of the intrinsic fluorescence at 340 nm or the fluorescence of bound 8-anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid (470 nm), respectively. The steady-state anisotropy of the fluorescent intermediates is 0.34, and the fundamental anisotropy from a Perrin plot is 0.385. The high-fluorescence intermediate has a fluorescence maximum at 500 nm, and its emission spectrum is distinct from the bioluminescence spectrum. The fluorescence quantum yield is 0.3 but decreases on dilution with a quadratic dependence on protein concentration. This, and the large value of the rotational correlation time, would be explained by protein complex formation in the fluorescent intermediate states, but no increase in protein molecular weight is observed by gel filtration or ultracentrifugation. The results instead favor a proposal that, in these intermediate states, the luciferase undergoes a conformational change in which its axial ratio increases by 50%.  相似文献   

The fluorescence properties of the single tryptophanyl residue present in amicyanin from Thiobacillus versutus are very similar to those of azurin from Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other mononuclear blue copper proteins. The emission maximum is well structured and centered at 318 nm. The quantum yield is strongly affected by the presence of copper, the removal of which is accompanied by a more than sixfold increase in fluorescence, without change in shape. The fluorescence decay of holo-amicyanin is heterogeneous with a longer component of 5.7 ns and a shorter one of 0.7 ns accounting for 90% of the total emitting molecules. Copper-free amicyanin shows instead a single exponential decay (3.3 ns) of intrinsic fluorescence. This lifetime decreases as the temperature increases as does the longer lifetime component of holoamicyanin.  相似文献   

Each cell in a multicellular organism permanently adjusts the concentration of its cell surface proteins. In particular, epithelial cells tightly control the number of carriers, transporters and cell adhesion proteins at their plasma membrane. However, sensitively measuring the cell surface concentration of a particular protein of interest in live cells and in real time represents a considerable challenge. Here, we introduce a novel approach based on split luciferases, which uses one luciferase fragment as a tag on the protein of interest and the second fragment as a supplement to the extracellular medium. Once the protein of interest arrives at the cell surface, the luciferase fragments complement and generate luminescence. We compared the performance of split Gaussia luciferase and split Nanoluciferase by using a system to synchronize biosynthetic trafficking with conditional aggregation domains. The best results were achieved with split Nanoluciferase, for which luminescence increased more than 6000-fold upon recombination. Furthermore, we showed that our approach can separately detect and quantify the arrival of membrane proteins at the apical and basolateral plasma membrane in single polarized epithelial cells by detecting the luminescence signals with a microscope, thus opening novel avenues for characterizing the variations in trafficking in individual epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Complementation has been demonstrated between two mutant bacterial luciferases which possess low activities due to different structural defects in different subunits. Activity characteristic of the wild type dimer was obtained by incubating under non-denaturing conditions. The specific activities of the two mutant enzymes were determined by using specific antiserum made against the wild type luciferase.  相似文献   

The fluorescence of the ionophore A23187 has been monitored in suspensions of egg yolk phosphatidylcholine (EYPC) and dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) vesicles. Both the protonated form of A23187 and the Ca2+ complex exhibit fluorescence enhancement when extracted into a hydrophobic environment. Measurements of fluorescence intensity versus lipid concentration were thus used to establish lower limits to the lipid/ water partition coefficients. Values obtained in this way were ? 50 ml water/mg phosphatidylcholine. Quenching of A23187 fluorescence by the spin labels 5NMS (methyl ester of 5-nitroxyl stearate), 12NMS, 16NMS, and TEMPO stearamide in EYPC and DPPC vesicles was also investigated. In EYPC all the labels yielded fairly linear Stern-Volmer plots, with TEMPO stearamide quenching about half as strong as the other probes. Quenching in DPPC was generally much stronger than in EYPC, but 12 NMS and 16NMS gave hyperbolic Stern-Volmer plots, apparently due to clustering of the labels. In all the cases the protonated form of A23187 was quenched approximately twice as efficiently as the Ca2+ complex, possibly due to a longer fluorescence lifetime for the former. Calculations based on measured spectral properties were performed which indicate that the Förster transfer mechanism extends the nitroxides' quenching range to ~- 10 Å.  相似文献   

A high-throughput screening method based on the competitive binding of a lumazine synthase inhibitor and riboflavin to the active site of Schizosaccharomyces pombe lumazine synthase was developed. This assay is sensitive, simple, and robust. During assay development, all of the known active inhibitors tested were positively identified. Preliminary high-throughput screening in 384-well format resulted in a Z factor of 0.7. The approach utilizes a thermodynamic assay to bypass the problems associated with the instabilities of both lumazine synthase substrates that complicate the use of a kinetic assay in a high-throughput format, and it removes the time element from the assay, thus simplifying the procedure.  相似文献   

Protein-flavonol interaction: fluorescence spectroscopic study   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recent studies have shown that various synthetic as well as therapeutically active naturally occurring flavonols possess novel luminescence properties that can potentially serve as highly sensitive monitors of their microenvironments in biologically relevant systems. We report a study on the interactions of bovine serum albumin (BSA) with the model flavonol 3-hydroxyflavone (3HF), using the excited-state proton-transfer (ESPT) luminescence of 3HF as a probe. Upon addition of BSA to the flavonoid solutions, we observe remarkable changes in the absorption, ESPT fluorescence emission and excitation profiles as well as anisotropy (r) values. Complexation of 3HF with protein results in a pronounced shift (20 nm) of the ESPT emission maximum of the probe (from lambda(max)(em) = 513 nm to lambda(max)(em) = 533 nm) accompanied by a significant increase in fluorescence intensity. The spectral data also suggest that, in addition to ESPT, the protein environment induces proton abstraction from 3HF leading to formation of anionic species in the ground state. Fairly high values of anisotropy are observed in the presence of BSA for the tautomer (r = 0.25) as well as anion (r = 0.35) species of 3HF, implying that both the species are located in motion-restricted environments of BSA molecules. Analysis of relevant spectroscopic data leads to the conclusions that two binding sites are involved in BSA-3HF interaction, and the interaction is slightly positively cooperative in nature with a similar binding constant of 1.1 - 1.3 x 10(5) M(-1) for both these sites. Proteins 2001;43:75-81.  相似文献   

A study was made of the refolding of bacterial luciferases of Vibrio fischeri, V. harveyi, Photobacterium phosphoreum, and Photorhabdus luminescens. By reaction rate, luciferases were divided into two groups. The reaction rate constants of fast luciferases of V. fischeri and Ph. phosphoreum were about tenfold higher than those of slow luciferases of Ph. luminescens and V. harveyi. The order of increasing luciferase thermostability was Ph. phosphoreum, V. fischeri, V. harveyi, and Ph. luminescens. The refolding of thermoinactivated luciferases completely depended on the active DnaK-DnaJ-GrpE chaperone system. Thermolabile fast luciferases of V. fischeri and Ph. phosphoreum showed highly efficient rapid refolding. Slower and less efficient refolding was characteristic of thermostable slow luciferases of V. harveyi and Ph. luminescens. Chaperones of the Clp family were tested for effect on the efficiency of DnaK-dependent refolding of bacterial luciferases in Escherichia coli cells. The rate and extent of refolding were considerably lower in the clpB mutant than in wild-type cells. In E. coli cells with mutant clpA, clpP, of clpX showed a substantially lower luciferase refolding after heat shock.  相似文献   

The effect of bivalent cations on solutions of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) isolated from Pseudomonas aeruginosa was monitored by means of solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance. In particular, the binding of Ca2+ and Mg2+ to the alginate in aqueous solution was studied by determining the spin-lattice relaxation rates, line widths and line shapes of 13C nuclei under variation of the ion concentration. Both cations differ strongly in their affinity towards bacterial alginate. Spectral data indicate that the strong binding capacity of calcium is connected to the formation of a chelate complex, in which binding occurs particularly with the monomer units in alternating mannuronate-guluronate blocks. In contrast to this, binding of magnesium ions was found to be much weaker and non-specific.  相似文献   

The interaction between the prosthetic group 6,7-dimethyl-8-(1'-D-ribityl)lumazine and the lumazine apoproteins from two marine bioluminescent bacteria, one from a relatively thermophilic species, Photobacterium leiognathi, and the other from a psychrophilic species, Photobacterium phosphoreum, was studied by 13C and 15N NMR using various selectively enriched derivatives. It is shown that the electron distribution in the protein-bound 6,7-dimethyl-8-ribityllumazine differs from that of free 6,7-dimethyl-8-ribityllumazine in buffer. The 13C and 15N chemical shifts indicate that the protein-bound 6,7-dimethyl-8-ribityllumazine is embedded in a polar environment and that the ring system is strongly polarized. It is concluded that the two carbonyl groups play an important role in the polarization of the molecule. The N(3)-H group is not accessible to bulk solvent. The N(8) atom is sp2 hybridized and has delta+ character. Nuclear Overhauser effect studies indicate that the 6,7-dimethyl-8-ribityllumazine ring is rigidly bound with no internal mobility. The NMR results indicate that the interaction between the ring system and the two apoproteins is almost the same.  相似文献   

Separation of a blue fluorescence protein from bacterial luciferase   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Luciferase preparations from two species of marine bioluminescent bacteria, Photobacterium phosphoreum and Photobacterium fischeri, are shown to contain a low molecular weight protein, containing a blue fluorescence chromophore having an emission maximum in the 470 nm region. A procedure for separating the luciferase and purifying this protein is described. On disc gel electrophoresis the bulk of the protein is observed to migrate along with the blue fluorescence.  相似文献   

The interaction of the signal peptide of the Escherichia coli outer membrane protein PhoE with different phospholipid vesicles was investigated by fluorescence techniques, using a synthetic mutant signal peptide in which valine at position -8 in the hydrophobic sequence was replaced by tryptophan. First it was established that this mutation in the signal sequence of prePhoE does not affect in vivo and in vitro translocation efficiency and that the biophysical properties of the synthetic mutant signal peptide are similar to those of the wild-type signal peptide. Next, fluorescence experiments were performed which showed an increase in quantum yield and a blue shift of the emission wavelength maximum upon interaction of the signal peptide with lipid vesicles, indicating that the tryptophan moiety enters a more hydrophobic environment. These changes in intrinsic fluorescence were found to be more pronounced in the presence of phosphatidylglycerol (PG) or cardiolipin (CL) than with phosphatidylcholine (PC). In addition, quenching experiments demonstrated a shielding of the tryptophan fluorescence from quenching by the aqueous quenchers iodide and acrylamide upon interaction of the signal peptide with lipid vesicles, a shielding in the case of acrylamide that was more pronounced in the presence of negatively charged lipids. Finally it was found that acyl chain brominated lipids incorporated into phospholipid bilayers were able to quench the tryptophan fluorescence of the signal peptide, with the quenching efficiency in CL vesicles being much higher than in PC vesicles. The results clearly demonstrate that the PhoE signal peptide interacts strongly with different lipid vesicles.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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