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Emetics can be used to obtain food samples from birds, but they can harm birds during or after treatment. Studies to date suggest that apomorphine is a safe emetic for songbirds, but information is needed about possible post‐release deleterious effects. From March to July 2012, we collected food samples from insectivorous songbirds using apomorphine. We treated 67 Moustached Warblers (Acrocephalus melanopogon), 56 Reed Warblers (Acrocephalus scirpaceus), 15 Great Reed Warblers (Acrocephalus arundinaceus), and 12 Savi's Warblers (Locustella luscinoides). Effectiveness in inducing regurgitation was high (76.7%) and varied among species, being significantly more effective with Reed Warblers (91.1%). No birds died during treatment. To check for possible post‐release negative effects, we considered 53 treated Moustached Warblers and 37 treated Reed Warblers and selected an equal number of untreated individuals (simply captured, banded, and measured). We found no support for differences in survival or recapture probabilities between treated and untreated birds of either species within 21 d after administering apomorphine. We calculated body mass changes of all Moustached Warblers subsequently recaptured (within 21 d) and found no difference between treated (N = 8) and untreated (N = 22) birds, suggesting normal foraging activity after release. Our results suggest that apomorphine is a safe emetic, with no negative effect on survival at least in the short term. The effectiveness of apomorphine with insectivorous songbirds in our study contrasts with the results of some previous studies and confirms the differences in effectiveness among different taxa of songbirds. As with differences in effectiveness among species in our study, this variability in sensitivity to the emetic could be caused by morphological and physiological differences among different taxa.  相似文献   

The dietary adjustment of nestlings of granivorous birds to a seed diet and the different morphological characteristics of ingested food have rarely been examined in natural conditions. It has been suggested that the provision of cereal grains to nestlings of some seed‐eating bird species in modern agroecosytems is the result of poor food conditions after agricultural intensification. We analysed the abundance of invertebrate prey in the main foraging habitat of parent birds, daily changes (from hatching to fledging) in the efficiency of cereal seed digestion, and the dietary characteristics, diet composition and prey type delivered to nestlings of the Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella. Analysis of faecal sacs from nests located in breeding habitat with an abundant invertebrate fauna revealed no relationship between the proportion of cereal seeds in the diet of nestlings and the food supply in the main foraging sites of the parents. Neonate nestlings (1 day old) exclusively received weakly chitinized invertebrate prey (arachnids and flies), but from the second day of life the nestlings were fed a variety of highly chitinized invertebrate prey, the percentage biomass of which did not change for the remainder of the nesting period. Cereal grains started to be delivered to 3‐day‐old nestlings and were already efficiently digested, and the percentage biomass of this food type increased progressively with nestling age. We suggest that the provisioning of cereal grains to nestlings is not forced by external factors, such as modern agricultural intensification; rather, it is an intentional behaviour of parent birds aimed at achieving physiological adjustment to seed food in the early stages of ontogeny.  相似文献   

Summary The use of green nesting material is widespred among birds. Recent evidence suggests that birds use secondary chemicals contained in green plants to control ectoparasites. We manipulated green nesting material and ectoparasites of European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) to test two hypotheses: (1) ectoparasites adversely affect prefledging survival and morphometrics or postfledging survival, and (2) green nesting material ameliorates the effects of ectoparasites. We recorded fat score, numbers of scabs, tarsal length, body mass, and hematocrit level on each nestling 17 days after hatching. We also fitted each nestling with unique patagial tags and resighted the starlings for 6–8 weeks after fledging to estimate survival and sighting rates. Nests devoid of green nesting material and dusted with the insecticide, carbaryl, had fewer high ectoparasite infestations, and nestlings had significantly lower scab scores, and significantly higher body masses than nestlings in undusted boxes. However, there was no difference in postfledging survival between birds from carbaryl-treated and undusted nests. There also was no difference in prefledging survival and morphometrics or postfledging survival between nestlings from boxes with and without green nesting material. These results do not support the hypothesis that starlings use green nesting material to control nest ectoparasites. We suggest an alternative hypothesis; green nesting material is used for mate selection or pairbonding in the starling.  相似文献   

Fledgling birds are notoriously difficult to find and capture because of their cryptic behavior. As a result, researchers usually affix transmitters to nestlings to study aspects of post-fledging ecology. However, parents may attempt to remove nestling transmitters, which could negatively impact nestlings. We attached radio-transmitters to 95 Sprague’s Pipit (Anthus spragueii) nestlings using a modified Rappole and Tipton leg harness. Within 1–2 days after transmitter attachment, we recorded six cases of parents removing transmitters from nestlings and depositing the transmitters outside the nest. At one of these nests, we videotaped parents pecking and pulling at nestlings that had transmitters and also dragging a nestling out of the nest by the transmitter. Of 12 video-monitored nests where we attached transmitters to nestlings, 33% had cases of parents attempting to remove transmitters by pecking and pulling at nestlings. Our observations highlight the need to closely monitor nestlings with transmitters so that researchers have the opportunity to reattach transmitters should parents remove them and to monitor the health of nestlings. Video-monitoring nests could also help to identify any unseen, negative impacts on nestlings due to transmitter attachment.  相似文献   

Aims: To investigate the prevalence and genotypic/phenotypic characters of emetic toxin‐producing Bacillus cereus strains isolated from sporadic food poisoning cases in Korea. Methods and Results: The prevalence of emetic B. cereus was determined in 56 899 stool samples from sporadic food poisoning cases in Korea between 2004 and 2006. We assessed toxin profiles, phenotypic traits and antibiotic resistance. The molecular subtyping was ascertained using an automated repetitive sequence‐based PCR (rep‐PCR) system, DiversiLab?, with these emetic strains isolated from sporadic food poisoning cases and other emetic strains isolated from an outbreak and food samples. Emetic B. cereus was present in 0·012% of sporadic food poisoning cases. The prevalence of nheABC, hblCDA, cytK and entFM enterotoxin genes among emetic strains was 100, 14·3, 14·3 and 100%, respectively. Most emetic strains were negative for salicin hydrolysis (100%), starch fermentation (85·7%) and haemolysis (85·7%). One emetic isolate, VK7, exhibited several unique traits, such as harbouring the hbl gene and ability to hydrolyse starch. All isolated strains were highly resistant to β‐lactam antibiotics. All emetic strains except VK7 exhibited an identical rep‐PCR banding pattern, while nonemetic strains were classified into various pulsotypes. Conclusions: Most emetic strains except one isolate exhibited similar genotypic/phenotypic traits and subtyping pattern. Automatic rep‐PCR (DiversiLab?) may be used to discriminate emetic strains from nonemetic strains, although we could not distinguish between most emetic strains using that. Significance and Impact of the Study: Result of this study may contribute an extended database on the prevalence and toxigenic traits of emetic B. cereus strains isolated from Korea.  相似文献   

Arionid slugs have been reported to attack nestlings of some ground‐ or shrub‐nesting passerine birds, mainly in Europe. We review these reported cases and consider their effects. The slugs can cause grave or even fatal injuries to the nestlings. Surprisingly, no brood defence by the parents has been described. The information on the frequency of slug predation in bird populations is scanty, and the scale of the phenomenon is unknown. The expansion of the invasive Arion vulgaris Moquin‐Tandon, 1855 (synonymously A. lusitanicus or A. lusitanicus auct. non Mabille, 1868) in Europe may result in an increase of the negative influence of slugs on the breeding success of some passerines in the near future.  相似文献   

In the world-wide literature the role of predators and food shortage are considered as responsible for mortality of eggs and nestlings. In synantropic altricial hole-nestling birds such as sparrowsPasser domesticus (L.) andPasser montanus (L.) the predation plays unimportant role and in spite of this, mortality of eggs and nestlings can exceeded 50%. The role of microorganisms, heavy metals, pesticides and food shortage were investigated as possible causes of embryo and nestling deaths. About 70% of eggs that not hatched were infested with such pathogens asEscherichia coil, Staphylococcus epidermitis and several, more rarely occurring others. Considerable percentage of nestlings died due to pathogenic impact of such factors asEscherichia coli, Isospora lacazei, Candida spp., heavy metals and pesticides. As one effect of such interaction, the level of sublethal doses of heavy metals and pesticides are much lower that reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Hoover JP  Reetz MJ 《Oecologia》2006,149(1):165-173
Interspecific brood parasitism in birds presents a special problem for the host because the parasitic offspring exploit their foster parents, causing them to invest more energy in their current reproductive effort. Nestling brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater) are a burden to relatively small hosts and may reduce fledgling quality and adult survival. We documented food-provisioning rates of one small host, the prothonotary warbler (Protonotaria citrea), at broods that were similar in age (containing nestlings 8–9 days old), but that varied in composition (number of warbler and cowbird nestlings) and mass, and measured the effect of brood parasitism on offspring recruitment and adult returns in the host. The rate of food provisioning increased with brood mass, and males and females contributed equally to feeding nestlings. Controlling for brood mass, the provisioning rate was higher for nests with cowbirds than those without. Recruitment of warbler fledglings from unparasitized nests was 1.6 and 3.7 times higher than that of fledglings from nests containing one or two cowbirds, respectively. Returns of double-brooded adult male and female warblers decreased with an increase in the number of cowbirds raised, but the decrease was more pronounced in males. Reduced returns of warbler adults and recruitment of warbler fledglings with increased cowbird parasitism was likely a result of reduced survival. Cowbird parasitism increased the warblers’ investment in current reproductive effort, while exerting additional costs to current reproduction and residual reproductive value. Our study provides the strongest evidence to date for negative effects of cowbird parasitism on recruitment of host fledglings and survival of host adults.  相似文献   

杂色山雀双亲差异性育雏策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会性单配制鸟类的配偶双方在抚育子代时常存在性别差异,不同鸟种的雌雄双亲往往采取不同的育雏策略。以杂色山雀(Sittiparus varius)为研究对象,2017年3—7月对繁殖巢箱进行录像监测,记录杂色山雀育雏期亲代投入情况。分析结果显示:1)双亲递食率在育雏前期(4—6日龄)无显著差异,而育雏后期(10—12日龄)雌性的递食率显著高于雄性。2)雌性亲鸟后期递食率较育雏前期显著增加;而雄性亲鸟育雏前期和后期递食率无显著差异。3)雌性递食率与自身喙宽呈极显著正相关,雄性递食率与双亲体征参数均无相关关系。总的来说,在育雏阶段,杂色山雀雌性亲鸟的递食率随着雏鸟的需求和自身身体质量发生调整,雌性在育雏后期递食率显著升高,而雄性亲鸟递食率无变化,这可能与育雏期双亲投入分工不同有关。  相似文献   

马锐强  常鹏  万冬梅  鞠静  张雷  李东来 《生态学报》2015,35(15):5018-5025
婚配制度作为一种进化稳定对策是动物对某一环境包括种群内部环境适应的结果。据统计,约92%的鸟类为社会性单配制,但单配制鸟类中很多都存在婚外父权现象,表现出社会性婚配制度与遗传性婚配制度的不一致性。杂色山雀(Parus varius)是一种社会性单配制的小型森林洞巢鸟,其是否存在婚外父权现象至今尚未见报道。通过对杂色山雀进行亲权鉴定以确定其有无婚外父权现象及婚外父权的比例,结果显示:45.45%(20/44)的巢存在婚外父权,14.39%(38/264)的后代为婚外子代,说明杂色山雀具有较高的婚外父权水平。进一步探究其婚外父权的发生原因,结果如下:(1)有、无婚外父权巢的社会性亲本之间的遗传相似性无显著差异(P=0.504);(2)有婚外父权巢中婚内子代和无婚外父权巢中子代的杂合度(P=0.118)以及有婚外父权巢中婚外子代与婚内子代的杂合度(P=0.206)均无显著差异。(3)有婚外父权巢中的婚内子代与婚外子代间8项体征指标比较,差异均不显著(Ps0.05)。综上,社会性单配制杂色山雀婚外父权的发生与配偶间的遗传相容性无关,还有待从其他角度进行探究。  相似文献   

Summary The effects of food on breeding success and behavior of the red-winged blackbird (Icteridae: Agelaius phoeniceus) were investigated during 3 successive breeding seasons. In the second season, a 4-week pulse of abundant food in the form of a periodical cicada emergence (Homoptera: Cicadidae: Magicicada spp.) occurred in the forest adjacent to the marsh where the birds were breeding.During the cicada period, the bird population showed: 1) an increase in foraging trips to the forest and a decrease in trips per h, 2) increased biomass of nestlings, 3) increased nestling survival caused by decreased starvation, 4) increased fledging success, and 5) bimodal weight distributions of older nestlings (reflective of the sexual dimorphism in this species). These data suggest the temporary removal of food limitations on the breeding population when the pulse of food was available.  相似文献   

Although published information on reference values for biochemical parameters in birds of prey has increased during the last years, little is known on their sources of variation. We used an insectivorous and small migratory raptor species, the lesser kestrel Falco naumanni, as a model. We looked for sources of variation of nutritional biochemical parameters (i.e. triglycerides, cholesterol, uric acid and urea) of both nestlings and adults. Reference values indicated that, as a rule, lesser kestrel showed more elevated triglycerides, urea and uric acid levels than other raptors. All analyzed factors except gender (i.e. year, colony, sampling time, presence/absence of a geolocator, body mass, laying date and capture date) reached significance for at least one biochemical parameter. In the morning, we found an important postprandial increase in the concentration of all biochemical parameters in nestlings, and uric acid and urea levels in adults. A positive relationship was detected between triglycerides and body mass in nestlings and adults. Although we did not find differences between blood biochemical parameters of the oldest and youngest chick of each brood, we found that cholesterol levels were lower in nestlings from larger broods. Coloration of tarsi (measured as brightness) was related to triglycerides and urea levels of nestlings and adults, respectively. The feeding habits of lesser kestrel probably explain the different levels and patterns of variation of metabolites in comparison to more carnivorous raptors eating mammals or birds.  相似文献   

Climate change has affected breeding dates and clutch sizes in many bird species. To date, most of the studies aimed at assessing the effects of climate change on these phenological events in birds have been on hole-nesting species and the changes linked either to local climate variation or to some large-scale composite variables, such as the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). Relatively less is known about the climate responses of open-nesting birds and on the relative roles of climate variables at different scales. Using bird ringing records covering a time span of 41 years, we documented shifts in the timing of breeding and brood size in a long-distance migrant, the Red-Backed Shrike (Lanius collurio) from a central European population. We found a 3- to 4-day shift towards earlier breeding and an increase in brood size by approximately 0.3 nestlings since 1964. The Red-Backed Shrikes start to breed in May and rear the first nestlings in June. During the period 1964–2004, temperatures in May significantly increased, while the increase in June temperatures was not significant. Simultaneous tests on the influence of local climate variables and the NAO index revealed a better performance of local climate. The increasing temperature in May was positively associated with the advancement of breeding. Similarly, at a local scale, higher May temperatures were followed by larger brood sizes, while a high amount of rainfall had a strong negative effect.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We describe the deleterious effects of using an antimony potassium tartrate emetic to obtain diet samples from birds, and compare information obtained from regurgitated samples versus fecal samples in describing diets of autumn migrants. We also examined dose effectiveness in captive Dark‐eyed Juncos (Junco hyemalis) subjected to the same emetic technique used in the field. Over 70% of migrants given an emetic at a study site in Idaho regurgitated useful samples. For 5 of 7 species analyzed, regurgitated samples produced significantly more arthropods per sample than fecal samples, and one species, Warbling Vireo, showed higher numbers of distinct arthropod taxa per sample. In most species, regurgitated samples accumulated arthropod taxa more quickly than fecal samples. However, increasing the number of fecal samples by 5–17 produced a similar number of taxa. Diet composition based on fecal versus regurgitated samples was generally similar, but there were significant differences. Two of 130 treated migrants died soon after treatment. Recapture frequency for treated birds was less than half that for untreated birds, but it is not clear whether this difference was due to treatment‐related mortality or emigration. Each treated bird that we recaptured had lost mass and this suggests a deleterious effect because untreated migrants tended to gain mass. In captivity, 18 Dark‐eyed Juncos were treated with emetic: 6 with the full mass‐specific recommended dose, 6 with half the recommended dose, and the final 6 with one quarter the recommended dose. All were alive 15–20 min posttreatment (recommended release time), but 17 of 18 died within 30 min after receiving the emetic. Together, our data suggest that although the emetic technique may be slightly more information‐rich in assessing diet, it is more harmful than previously reported especially in certain species and should be used only after adequate consideration of the immediate mortality and short‐term physiological effects on birds to be studied.  相似文献   

Ridgway's Hawks (Buteo ridgwayi) are critically endangered forest raptors endemic to the Caribbean island of Hispaniola, with ~100 pairs remaining in the world. The species is ecologically little known yet such studies are important for understanding critical habitat needs and population dynamics. We studied the provisioning behavior of adults at 22 nests on the northeast coast of the Dominican Republic from 2005 to 2008. Mean brood size was 1.80 ± 0.45, and the mean number of fledglings per nest was 1.10 ± 0.97. We found that 80% of the prey items delivered to nestlings were reptiles, with lizards accounting for 65% of the prey and those in the genus Celestus accounting for nearly 35% of prey. Other prey items included snakes (14%), rats (9%), and smaller proportions of birds, frogs, and centipedes. The number of prey items and amount of biomass delivered to nestlings did not vary with brood size, but adults delivered more prey to 3‐ to 5‐week‐old nestlings and more biomass to 5‐week‐old nestlings. Food delivery rates did not differ between successful or failed nests, suggesting that food availability did not influence nest outcome. Given that most prey items delivered to nestlings in our study were reptiles, conservation strategies developed for Ridgway's Hawks (e.g., translocations and habitat conservation) should take into consideration their specialist reptile diet.  相似文献   

Populations of Oriental White-backed Vulture (Gyps bengalensis) and Long-billed Vulture (Gyps indicus) declined dramatically by 95–100% on the Indian subcontinent in during the mid-1990s. The study reported here was conducted in Pakistan to compare the population size, breeding success, patterns of mortality and sex ratios among dead vultures and newly hatched nestlings of G. bengalensis and G. indicus at Toawala (TW) and Nagar Parkar (NP), respectively, during the breeding seasons 2005/2006 and 2006/2007. At TW, diclofenac poisoning was most likely responsible for the high mortality and sex ratio imbalance among dead G. bengalensis, where vulture counts and breeding success declined quickly during the study period. However, at NP no significant difference in population size, breeding success and annual mortality of G. indicus was recorded during the study period. A sex ratio imbalance was detected among nestlings of G. bengalensis, with 68% males and 32% females. In contrast, the sex ratio did not differ significantly in G. indicus.  相似文献   

The behavior of adults and young at the time of fledging is one of the least understood aspects of the breeding ecology of birds. Current hypotheses propose that fledging occurs either as a result of parent‐offspring conflict or nestling choice. We used video recordings to monitor the behavior of nestling and adult grassland songbirds at the time of fledging. We observed 525 nestlings from 166 nests of 15 bird species nesting in grasslands of Alberta, Canada, and Wisconsin, USA. Overall, 78% of nestlings used terrestrial locomotion for fledging and 22% used wing‐assisted locomotion. Species varied in propensity for using wing‐assisted locomotion when fledging, with nestling Grasshopper Sparrows (Ammodramus savannarum) and Henslow's Sparrows (Centronyx henslowii) often doing so (47% of fledgings) and nestling Song Sparrows (Melospiza melodia), Common Yellowthroats (Geothlypis trichas), and Chestnut‐collared Longspurs (Calcarius ornatus) rarely doing so (3.5% of fledgings). For 390 fledging events at 127 nests, camera placement allowed adults near nests to be observed. Of these, most young fledged (81.5%) when no adult was present at nests. Of 72 fledging events that occurred when an adult was either at or approaching a nest, 49 (68.1%) involved feeding. Of those 49 fledgings, 30 (62.1%) occurred when one or more nestlings jumped or ran from nests to be fed as an adult approached nests. The low probability of nestlings fledging while an adult was at nests, and the tendency of young to jump or run from nests when adults did approach nests with food minimize opportunities for parents to withhold food to motivate nestlings to fledge. These results suggest that the nestling choice hypothesis best explains fledging by nestlings of ground‐nesting grassland songbirds, and fledging results in families shifting from being place‐based to being mobile and spatially dispersed.  相似文献   

本文采用Oak's脱膜方法与火焰光度测定经吡喹酮,吐酒石和敌百虫作用后的日本血吸虫体表膜液内的K~+,Na~+的含量实验结果,吡喹酮和吐酒石能刺激K~+从虫体表膜内向外流,分别降低K~+浓度约50%和20%,但对Na~+转运无显著影响.敌百虫的作用是减少膜内K~+外流,导致了膜内K~+浓度升高.这些结果是与体外~(86)Rb渗入虫膜实验一致的.我们也测定了药物作用后虫体表膜液内的H~+,其结果是K~+的外流与H~+的内流有关.  相似文献   

Tinne S  Rianne P  Marcel E 《Oecologia》2005,145(1):165-173
Given the available empirical evidence on the benefits and costs associated with immune defence, a role for the immune system in the trade-off between current and future reproduction has been predicted. This hypothesis was studied in a free-living population of great tits (Parus major) by examining the effects of male removal on the immunocompetence, body condition, and recapture probability in the widowed females and their nestlings. Furthermore, we investigated whether growth and its relation to immunocompetence were affected in the nestlings. For a short-lived species such as the great tit, one could predict that widowed females will compensate for the lack of any male assistance in feeding of their chicks and that they consequently might jeopardize their own health. However, we did not find any negative effects of male removal on body mass or condition, nor on humoral immunocompetence against sheep red blood cells in the widowed females by the end of the feeding period. In contrast, we observed significantly reduced body mass and size as well as a reduced T-lymphocyte cell-mediated immune response (expressed as the thickness of the swelling to a subcutaneous injection with phytohemagglutinin) in the experimental nestlings compared to the control nestlings. In addition, the experimental nestlings showed a tendency for a reduced chance to be found breeding the following year. Furthermore, our results showed that in the experimental nestlings, which suffered from unfavourable growth conditions, tarsus length was inversely related to cell-mediated immunocompetence, whereas in control nestlings this relationship was significantly positive. The relationship between cell-mediated immunity and body condition was found to be significantly positive in the experimental nestlings while in control nestlings there was no relationship between both variables. The latter finding suggests different priorities of investment in body condition between different growth conditions.  相似文献   

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