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The fauna of aquatic insects was studied in the rivers of the Berezinskii Biosphere Reserve. A total of 108 species of 4 orders were found: Plecoptera (10 species), Ephemeroptera (24), Odonata (25), and Trichoptera (49). The aquatic fauna is abundant and includes some species rare in Belarus and Europe.  相似文献   

The aquatic insects of the Neman River and its tributaries were studied. 178 species belonging to 9 orders were found: Collembola—2 species, Ephemeroptera—33, Odonata—16, Plecoptera—10, Heteroptera—20, Coleoptera—39, Megaloptera—2, Trichoptera—54, and Lepidoptera—2 species. Two species of aquatic insects new for the Belarusian fauna were found, Pomatinus substriatus (Ph. Müller, 1806) (Coleoptera) and Brachycercus europaeus Kluge, 1991 (Ephemeroptera).  相似文献   

We analyzed the role of the waterways of Belarus in the spread of aquatic exotic invertebrates through the central European invasion corridor. Present day Belarus became critically important when in the end of the 18th—beginning of the 19th century three interbasin canals connecting rivers from the Black and Baltic seas basins were constructed for international trade. These canals became important pathways facilitating the spread of aquatic alien species. For more than a hundred years, only Ponto-Caspian species colonized Belarus using ships and especially timber in rafts exported by Russia into Western Europe. In the second half of the 20th century, new vectors of spread appeared in Belarus, such as stocking of economically important invertebrates and accidental introductions. This paper is the first comprehensive review of aquatic exotic invertebrates in Belarus. Currently, 19 exotic aquatic invertebrates are known in Belarus, including 14 species of Ponto-Caspian origin. The rate of spread of aquatic invasive species in the second half of the 20th century increased 7-fold compared to the 19th—beginning of the 20th century. We found a significant positive correlation between the time since initial invasion and number of waterbodies colonized. We predict a further increase in the rate of colonization of Belarus by exotic invertebrates as well as an increase in the diversity of vectors of spread and donor areas of alien species, especially when the ongoing reconstruction of the interbasin canals will be completed and the hydrological connection between Black Sea and Baltic Sea basins will be reestablished after an interruption that has lasted for almost a century.  相似文献   

A total of 29 species of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from 7 families were found in Belarus: Perlodidae—6, Perlidae—1, Chloroperlidae—3, Taeniopterygidae—2, Nemouridae—11, Capniidae—2, and Leuctridae—4 species. The fauna is fairly diverse and includes a number of rare species in Belarus and other European countries: Diura bicaudata, Marthamea vitripennis, Isoptena serricornis, Xanthoperla apicalis, Brachyptera risi, Protonemura intricata, Nemoura cambrica, Nemoura marginata, and Capnia bifrons.  相似文献   

1. Macroinvertebrate colonization of artificial leaf packs of differing palatability to detritivores was measured in a low-order stream. 2. The most palatable leaf types—alder and young beech—were colonized mainly by detritivores and consumed rapidly, so that species diversity on the substrate remained low. In the case of the less palatable old beech and paper ‘leaves’, however, colonization was slower but species diversity approached that of the surrounding benthos. 3. After 1 week, species diversity in paper ‘leaf packs was equivalent to that of the benthos, but species composition was dissimilar. 4. I argue that species diversity of a patch of stream bed may be inversely related to the abundance or palatability of a given food resource, and that this relationship is maintained by the instability of the stream bed habitat, precluding a long-term community response to increased food availability. It may be, however, that the dispersal abilities of many aquatic insects allow a rapid response to the creation of novel habitats.  相似文献   

Wolbachia is a genus of intracellular bacteria typically found within the reproductive systems of insects that manipulates those systems of their hosts. While current estimates of Wolbachia incidence suggest that it infects approximately half of all arthropod species, these estimates are based almost entirely on terrestrial insects. No systematic survey of Wolbachia in aquatic insects has been performed. To estimate Wolbachia incidence among aquatic insect species, we combined field‐collected samples from the Missouri River (251 samples from 58 species) with a global database from previously published surveys. The final database contained 5,598 samples of 2,687 total species (228 aquatic and 2,459 terrestrial). We estimate that 52% (95% CrIs: 44%–60%) of aquatic insect species carry Wolbachia, compared to 60% (58%–63%) of terrestrial insects. Among aquatic insects, infected orders included Odonata, Coleoptera, Trichoptera, Ephemeroptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, and Plecoptera. Incidence was highest within aquatic Diptera and Hemiptera (69%), Odonata (50%), and Coleoptera (53%), and was lowest within Ephemeroptera (13%). These results indicate that Wolbachia is common among aquatic insects, but incidence varies widely across orders and is especially uncertain in those orders with low sample sizes such as Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera.  相似文献   

Although irrigation ponds contribute to the conservation of aquatic biodiversity, they have experienced declines in recent years. We therefore examined the relationships between various environmental factors and the community composition of aquatic insects, specifically insect predators, in irrigation ponds to gain knowledge that would aid in the conservation and restoration of biodiversity. We selected Odonata, Hemiptera and Coleoptera as target taxonomic groups and conducted censuses of these groups in 21 ponds in Shiga, central Japan. In total, we collected 30 and 10 species (or species groups) of Odonata and Hemiptera, respectively, and 17 species of Coleoptera. A partial canonical correspondence analysis revealed that the following four environmental factors significantly affected the species composition of aquatic insect communities: the number of emergent plant species, percent concrete revetment, presence of litter and peripheral length. Among these variables, the number of emergent plant species was the most potent factor, perhaps because emergent plants serve as sites for oviposition and emergence, and provide refugia for aquatic insects (odonate nymphs in particular). In contrast, some species specifically inhabited sites poor in emergent plants. This study shows that reductions in concrete revetments are necessary for the conservation of biodiversity. This would lead to increases in the number of aquatic plant species, which provide habitats and oviposition sites for many aquatic insects. Furthermore, to enrich the local biodiversity of aquatic insects, groups of irrigation ponds with different environments are needed.  相似文献   

The aquatic insects have been used to evaluate water quality of aquatic environments. The population of aquatic insects and the water quality of the area were characterized according to the natural and human alterations present in the study site. During the monthly-survey, pH, DO, temperature, water level, DBO, PO4 and NO3 were measured. Biological indexes (abundance, species richness and the BMWP-CR) were used to evaluate the water quality. No relation between environmental and aquatic insects was detected. Temporal and spatial differences attributed to the flow events (temporal) and the presence of Pe?as Blancas reservoir (spatial). In the future, the investigations in Pe?as Blancas watershed need to be focused on determining the real influence of the flows, sediment release and the possible water quality degradation because of agriculture activities.  相似文献   

1. Sound production by aquatic insects is found in four orders — Trichoptera, Odonata, Heteroptera and Coleoptera. 2. Immature aquatic insects that produce sound are rare, stridulation being present in one family of Trichoptera (Hydropsychidae) and one genus and species in a relic suborder of Odonata (Anisozygoptera) - Epiophlebia superstes. Hydropsychid larvae produce sound with a head/fore femur mechanism and use sound as part of aggressive behaviour for defence of feeding nets. Larval E. superstes use a hind femur/abdominal mechanism to dissuade predators. 3. Sound production has been documented in adults of all families of aquatic Heteroptera except Helotrephidae. In corixids and notonectids, acoustic signals play a role in mating. Members of the genus Buenoa (Notonectidae) are unique in having two stridulatory mechanisms in the same individual. Sound production has been most intensively studied in the Corixidae. Although sounds are used in mating by all singing corixids, their use seems to be facultative in some species and obligatory in others. Recent experiments by Theiss (1982) have shown that the air stores carried by corixids are used for both sound radiation and reception. 4. The adephagan beetle families Hygrobiidae, Dytiscidae and Haliplidae have all been shown to produce sound. Mechanisms of sound production have been established for haliplids and hygrobiids but have yet to be for most dytiscids. Sound production is used by beetles as part of sequences of aggressive/defensive and reproductive behaviour. 5. Sound production is especially well documented in the Hydrophilidae (Polyphaga). Hydrophilids use an abdominal/elytral mechanism and sound appears to be used in the same contexts as in adephagans. 6. Insects that produce sound under water must contend with the physical problems of sound transmission in a relatively dense, viscous medium with sharp boundaries. Because of potential distortion of the frequency components in a signal by reflection from the air/water interface in very shallow water, frequency is unreliable for encoding information. Aquatic insects use instead amplitude modulation and temporal patterning of signals. 7. For aquatic invertebrates, sound fields are different than those in air because the extent of the near field is approximately four times greater in water. This near field, a region in which displacement waves are predominant over pressure waves, extends to a greater distance than most aquatic insects communicate over. Such displacement waves could have important but as yet unconsidered effects. 8. The mass and viscosity of the water dictates that sound producing structures of aquatic insects should be heavier and more massive than those of terrestrial insects. A survey of stridulatory organs of aquatic insects reveals this to be true and reveals that the relatively fragile, membranous stridulatory organs of some terrestrial insects (especially Orthoptera) are absent. 9. The elaboration of sound producing structures in aquatic insects probably occurred at the family or subfamily level and for Heteroptera, Trichoptera and Odonata evolved after the invasion of the water. Acoustic signals used reproductively would probably be more closely associated with the emergence of new taxa. 10. Stridulatory structures have been derived from either structures devoted to some other function or from structures involved in the behaviour currently enhanced by sound production.  相似文献   

The Lower Colorado River Multi‐species Conservation Program (MSCP) is charged with restoring habitat for 26 species such as the southwestern willow flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus) impacted by water development projects on the river. As of 2015, the MSCP had spent $200 million to create 1,200 ha of habitat at nine sites, but the benefits to these insectivorous birds and other target species have not been quantified. Many MSCP projects emphasized riparian plantings of willow (Salix exigua, Salix gooddingii) and cottonwood (Populus fremontii) on high terraces disconnected from the river. We documented prey availability for insectivores in constructed habitats as an indicator of restoration effectiveness. Using sticky traps as a proxy to estimate aerial insect flux, we found the number of aquatic insects, proportion of aquatic insects, total number of insects, and number of insect orders were all significantly lower in MSCP plantation sites than at the river's edge. Riparian restoration sites over 100 m from the river had only 4% of the aquatic insects, 20% of the total insects, and only half as many insect orders as sites adjacent to the river. Thus, food availability and overall habitat quality for insectivores are likely low in restoration sites that are distant from the river.  相似文献   

Although insects form a large part of the aquatic fauna worldwide, expansive species of aquatic insects are quite rare. Recently, we can observe a tendency to the range expansions in several aquatic insect species. Here, we present the first record of water bug species Anisops sardeus sardeus (Heteroptera: Notonectidae) from Slovakia. This is the northernmost record of this small-bodied backswimmer which is native to Sahelo-Sindian area, extending to Mediterranean. However, the species shows recent range expansion northward in Europe. We document the current distribution of A. s. sardeus in Slovakia and Europe, and discuss the drivers of expansion and possible impact of the alien species on resident fauna.  相似文献   

To complete their life cycle, gordiids must make a transition from aquatic to terrestrial environments. However, epibenthic aquatic larvae and their terrestrial definitive hosts do not overlap in habitat. This has led many investigators to suggest that infections are acquired through the ingestion of insects, which become infected as aquatic larvae with gordiid cysts and subsequently carry gordiids to land. This proposed life cycle was experimentally tested using 3 common American species of gordiids: Gordius robustus, Paragordius varius, and Chordodes morgani. Cysts of all 3 species survived the metamorphosis of Tanytarsus sp., a midge. Subsequent infection trials of definitive hosts with cysts from imagos show that cysts surviving the metamorphosis of insects remained viable and free of host internal defense reaction. Data from naturally infected mayflies, Callibaetus sp., show that encystment and survival of gordiids within aquatic insects occur in nature. Paratenesis between paratenic hosts was also shown to be possible in these 3 species. This latter finding appears to indicate that cysts formed in spurious paratenic hosts may not be lost but may eventually transfer to normal paratenic hosts.  相似文献   

水生双翅目昆虫是监测水体重金属污染的理想对象。文章归纳用于监测重金属污染的水生双翅目昆虫的种类,重点介绍水生双翅目昆虫在重金属污染下外部形态、内部结构、生化及分子水平的变化,以及相关生物标志物的研究,为水生双翅目昆虫用于水体重金属污染的生物监测提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Neoneuromus ignobilis is an archaic holometabolous aquatic predatory insect. However, a lack of genomic resources hinders the use of whole genome sequencing to explore their genetic basis and molecular mechanisms for adaptive evolution. Here, we provided a high-contiguity, chromosome-level genome assembly of N. ignobilis using high coverage Nanopore and PacBio reads with the Hi-C technique. The final assembly is 480.67 MB in size, containing 12 telomere-ended pseudochromosomes with only 17 gaps. We compared 42 hexapod species genomes including six independent lineages comprising 11 aquatic insects, and found convergent expansions of long wavelength-sensitive and blue-sensitive opsins, thermal stress response TRP channels, and sulfotransferases in aquatic insects, which may be related to their aquatic adaptation. We also detected strong nonrandom signals of convergent amino acid substitutions in aquatic insects. Collectively, our comparative genomic analysis revealed the evidence of molecular convergences in aquatic insects during both gene family evolution and convergent amino acid substitutions.  相似文献   

Jo  JaeIck  Tojo  Koji 《Limnology》2019,20(3):243-254
Limnology - The DNA-based identification of aquatic insects, which show high species diversity, is becoming increasingly popular because these insects are excellent indicators of the condition of...  相似文献   

为何海洋中的昆虫种类如此稀少?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
昆虫种类丰富,占所有动物总数的23。已知的水生昆虫约30000种,而在海洋生活的昆虫仅为250~300种。根据在海洋中的栖息地不同,海洋昆虫一般可分为远洋昆虫、潮池昆虫和海滨昆虫。该文介绍了目前科学界对于海洋昆虫种类为何如此稀少的主流观点与假说,包括海水高渗管压、低氧、营养物质缺乏、昆虫与显花植物间的协同进化以及与甲壳类动物的生态位竞争等。  相似文献   

The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident emitted radioactive substances into the environment, contaminating a diverse range of organisms. Stream algae, litter, sand substrate, aquatic insects and fishes are among the organisms that have been impacted. Radioactive Cs contaminations in the litter and sand substrate were elevated where the atmospheric dose rate in the air was high. Radioactive Cs contaminations in algae and aquatic insects varied irregularly; nevertheless, radioactive Cs contaminations in aquatic insects in pools were consistently higher than those in stream riffles. Contamination by the radioactive Cs differed by species, location and stream velocity. This study was undertaken in a limited number of samples and sites, with more extensive studies planned to fully determine the impact of radionuclides on aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Adult aquatic insects emerging from streams can subsidize riparian food webs, but little is known of the spatial extent of these subsidies. Stable isotope (15N) enrichment of aquatic insects, principally a species of stonefly (Plecoptera: Leuctridae), emerging from an upland stream was used to trace the subsidy from the stream ecosystem to riparian spiders (Lycosidae). The downstream profile of spider δ15N correlated closely with that of adult stoneflies, indicating that they were deriving nutrition from aquatic sources. The contribution of adult aquatic insects to spider diets was determined using a two-source mixing model. Adult aquatic insects made up over 40% of spider diets adjacent to the stream, but <1% at 20 m from the stream. Enrichment of riparian spiders declined exponentially with distance from the stream channel. Aquatic-terrestrial subsidies were spatially restricted, but locally important, to riparian lycosid spiders at the study site.  相似文献   

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