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The mode of IL-6-induced differentiation of Con A-stimulated CD4-CD8+ CTL-P was examined. Through application of neutralizing anti-IL-6, anti-IL-2, and anti-IL-4 mAb it was shown that IL-6 is an "early acting" factor for development of accessory cell-depleted thymocytes. IL-2 and IL-4 are obligatory "late acting" factors for this process. In accordance IL-4, but not IL-6, induced active CTL from CD4-CD8+ CTL-P. The increase of CD4-CD8+ CTL originates at least partially from CD4+CD8+ cells differentiating to active CTL in vitro. CTL development was paralleled by an increase in CD4-CD8+ cells and by a distinct increase in [3H]TdR uptake on day 2 of cultivation. Our data suggest that IL-6 induces Th cells to produce IL-2 and IL-4, the mediators for final differentiation of CD4-CD8+ cells.  相似文献   

IL-4-supported induction of cytolytic T lymphocytes requires IL-2 and IL-6   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous work indicated that a CTL response can be generated by the combination of IL-2 plus IL-6 or IL-4 alone. Because of the ubiquitous production of IL-6 and its apparent ability to induce IL-2, we explored the interdependence of these lymphokines in supporting a CTL response from murine thymocytes. For thymocytes cultured in IL-4, further addition of IL-6 enhanced thymocyte proliferation. In addition, a role for IL-6 in thymocyte activation was indicated by the ability of anti-IL-6 mAb to block both IL-4-directed proliferation and the cytotoxic response found in the presence of IL-4. The addition of IL-2 to limiting doses of IL-4 augmented the CTL response; however, the response to high levels of IL-4 was not augmented by addition of IL-2. Consistent with this apparent involvement of IL-2 in the IL-4-mediated response we found: (a) that mAb to IL-2 significantly reduced the CTL response generated in the presence of IL-4; (b) that IL-2 activity was present in culture supernatant following incubation of thymocytes with high levels of IL-4; and (c) that enhanced IL-2 receptor expression found in the presence of IL-4 was blocked with the addition of anti-IL-2 antibody to the thymocyte culture. In contrast to the data for proliferation, anti-IL-4 mAb had no effect on the generation of CTL in the presence of IL-2 + IL-6 but readily blocked the CTL response to IL-4. These results indicate that, for thymocyte responders, the CD8+ CTL generated in the presence of IL-4 require both IL-2 and IL-6.  相似文献   

Cross-reactivity of TNP-immune, virus-immune, and alloreactive murine cytotoxic thymus-derived (Tc) cells was investigated at the level of target cell lysis. Alloreactive Tc cells cross-reacted on TNP-modified and unmodified third-party targets and on syngeneic TNP-modified targets but did not cross-react on syngeneic virus-infected targets. TNP-immune Tc cells showed marked cross-reactivity on certain allogeneic targets modified by TNP (loss of H-2 restriction) and also on certain unmodified allogeneic targets but did not cross-lyse virus-infected syngeneic targets. Targets treated with TNP-Sendai virus were not lysed by TNP-immune Tc cells, but Tc cells stimulated by cells treated with TNP-Sendai virus lysed such targets readily. These results are consistent with the view that Tc-cell recognition of foreign H-2 antigens and TNP-modified self-H-2 antigens are mechanistically similar (possibly via one receptor), whereas recognition of viral plus H-2 antigens is different (possibly via two receptors).Virus-immune Tc cells ubiquitously exhibited strong cross-reactivity on syngeneic TNP-modified targets using pox-, arena-, alpha-, myxo-, and paramyxoviruses for Tc-cell induction. The lysis of virus-infected targets by virus-immune Tc cells could be inhibited by cold TNP-modified competitors, thus establishing that some individual virus-immune Tc cells could recognize both types of target cells. This genuine cross-reactivity at the effector level was not observed at the level of induction of secondary responses, since the cross-reactive subset of virus-immune memory Tc cells could not be activated by TNP-modified stimulator cells but could be activated by virus-infected stimulators. These results implied that requirements for stimulation of precursor Tc cells are sometimes different from antigenic requirements for recognition and lysis of effector Tc cells.  相似文献   

T cytotoxic cells generated to syngeneic SV40 virus transformants lyse only SV40 target cells that are syngeneic at the H-2 locus. In contrast, SV40-specific tumor transplantation immunity shows no requirements for syngeneic H-2. Inoculation of allogeneic or even xenogeneic transformants will confer immunity to a challenge of syngeneic SV40 tumor cells. The experiments described here represent an attempt to reconcile these apparently conflicting observations. In our hands, generation of SV40-specific T cytotoxic cells in vitro requires both in vivo priming and secondary in vitro sensitization. We have found that priming for a secondary syngeneic-restricted response requires only that the cell employed be SV40 transformed. That is, priming may be accomplished with syngeneic, allogeneic, or xenogeneic SV40 transformants. Thus, the apparent lack of H-2 restriction in vivo immunity does not eliminate a role for the H-2-restricted cytotoxic T cell in tumor transplantation immunity.  相似文献   

Summary Previous neurohistological studies have been extended to include the structures contained solely or mainly within the junctional esophageal segment which may play an important role in the sphincter mechanism. The main findings were: 1) a progressive cranio-caudal thickening of the muscularis mucosae; 2) a conspicuous thickening of the circular muscle layer; 3) abundant and close interconnections between the esophageal striated fibres and gastric smooth muscle cells; 4) presence of annulo-spiral elastic fibres coiled around bundles of striated musculature; 5) increase of the intramural nerve component, particularly Auerbach's plexus, which consisted of a continuous nervous layer containing twice as many neurocytes as found in the upper esophageal segments; 6) presence of numerous interconnected motor endplates often possessing ultraexpansional fibres and secondary endplates. The findings are discussed with emphasis on functional correlations in order to attain a unitary morpho-functional view.Abbreviations used LES lower esophageal sphincter - HPZ high pressure zone; mm: muscularis mucosae - CNS central nervous system - CCK-PZ cholecystokinin-pancreozymin Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bargmann for his fundamental contributions to Comparative Morphology  相似文献   

The mechanism for the induction of cytotoxic T cells specific for tumor-associated antigens was studied by using fractionated responder T cells, tumor cells, and accessory cells in vitro. The tumor-specific cytotoxic T cells were induced by culturing immunized spleen cells with the tumor cells in vitro for 5 days. Nylon-column-purified T cells alone did not induce cytotoxic T cells upon culture with tumor cells, but the addition of normal spleen cells as accessory cells did successfully induce the cytotoxic T cells, suggesting that the presence of accessory cells is required for the activation of tumor-specific cytotoxic T cells in vitro. The accessory function was associated with spleen cell populations adhering to a plastic dish, a Sephadex G-10 column or a nylon wool column, and was sensitive to anti-Ia serum and C treatment, but was resistant to anti-Ig serum or anti-Thy 1 serum and C treatment, suggesting that the accessory cells are Ia-positive macrophages. Not only syngeneic but also allogeneic macrophages had the accessory function and the allogeneic macrophages were also Ia positive. These results suggest that Ia-positive macrophages play a crucial role in the induction of tumor-specific cytotoxic T cells in vitro. The possible role of Ia-positive accessory cells in the induction of tumor-specific cytotoxic T cells is discussed from the standpoint of cellular interactions.  相似文献   

B cell stimulatory factor 1 (BSF-1) (IL-4) was shown to synergize with phorbol esters or with monoclonal anti-TCR antibody in stimulation of the development of CTL from small resting murine T cells. IL-2 also synergized with PMA in such differentiation but was less effective than BSF-1. The combination of these two lymphokines with PMA had the most potent effect on the development of CTL. BSF-1 plus PMA stimulated a significant increase in the intracellular content of N-benzyloxycarbonyl-L-lysine thiobenzylester esterase, a granule-associated biochemical marker, whereas IL-2 plus PMA was only marginally effective. Depletion of L3T4+ cells did not result in the abrogation of these effects. Lyt-2+ T cells that were incubated for 72 h with BSF-1 plus PMA accumulated N-benzyloxycarbonyl-L-lysine thiobenzylester esterase and secreted this intragranular marker after interaction with immobilized anti-T cell receptor mAb. These BSF-1/PMA-stimulated Lyt-2+, L3T4- T cells were also able to kill FcR positive target cells in a retargeting assay with a mAb to murine T3 Ag, providing evidence that BSF-1 plus PMA acted directly on precursors of cytotoxic T cells.  相似文献   

Signaling via innate immune mechanisms is considered pivotal for T cell-mediated responses to inhaled Ags. Furthermore, Th2 cells specific for one inhaled Ag can facilitate priming of naive T cells to unrelated new inhaled Ags, a process we call "Th2 collateral priming". Interestingly, our previous studies showed that collateral priming is independent of signals via the innate immune system but depends on IL-4 secretion by CD4(+) T cells. We thus hypothesized that IL-4 can bypass the need for signals via the innate immune system, considered essential for pulmonary priming. Indeed, we were able to show that IL-4 bypasses the requirement for TLR4- and MyD88-mediated signaling for responses to new allergens. Furthermore, we characterized the mechanisms by which IL-4 primes for new inhaled allergens: "IL-4-dependent pulmonary priming" relies on IL-4 receptor expression on hematopoietic cells and structural cells. Transfer experiments indicate that within the hematopoietic compartment both T cells and dendritic cells need to express the IL-4 receptor. Finally, we were able to show that IL-4 induces recruitment and maturation of myeloid dendritic cells in vivo and increases T cell recruitment to the draining lymph nodes. Our findings bring new mechanistic knowledge to the phenomenon of polysensitization and primary sensitization in asthma.  相似文献   

Mitogen induction of ion channels in murine T lymphocytes   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
Using gigohm-seal recording, we studied ion channel expression in resting and activated T lymphocytes from mice. Both the number of channels per cell and the predominant type of K+ channel depend upon the state of activation of the cell. Unstimulated T cells express small numbers of K+ channels, typically a dozen per cell, and are heterogeneous, usually expressing either type n or type l K+ channels (see DeCoursey, T. E., K. G. Chandy, S. Gupta, and M. D. Cahalan. 1987. Journal of General Physiology. 89:379-404). 1 d after stimulation by the murine T cell mitogen concanavalin A, large numbers of type n K+ channels appear in enlarged, activated cells. Type n channels appear in activated cells with a time course consistent with that reported for mitogen-induced enhancement of protein synthesis. Voltage-gated tetrodotoxin-sensitive Na+ channels present in about one-third of unstimulated cells from the MRL-n strain are increased approximately 10-fold after activation.  相似文献   

Human rIL-4 was studied for its capacity to induce lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cell activity. In contrast to IL-2, IL-4 was not able to induce LAK cell activity in cell cultures derived from peripheral blood. IL-4 added simultaneously with IL-2 to such cultures suppressed IL-2-induced LAK cell activity measured against Daudi and the melanoma cell line MEWO in a dose-dependent way. IL-4 also inhibited the induction of LAK cell activity in CD2+, CD3-, CD4-, CD8- cells, suggesting that IL-4 acts directly on LAK precursor cells. IL-4 added 24 h after the addition of IL-2 failed to inhibit the generation of LAK cell activity. Cytotoxic activity of various types of NK cell clones was not affected after incubation in IL-4 for 3 days, indicating that IL-4 does not affect the activity of already committed killer cells. No significant differences were observed in the percentages of Tac+, NKH-1+ and CD16+ cells after culturing PBL in IL-2, IL-4 or combinations of IL-2 and IL-4 for 3 days. IL-4 also inhibited the activation of non-specific cytotoxic activity in MLC, as measured against K-562 and MEWO cells. In contrast, the Ag-specific CTL activity against the stimulator cells was augmented by IL-4. Collectively, these data indicate that IL-4 prevents the activation of LAK cell precursors by IL-2, but does not inhibit the generation of Ag-specific CTL.  相似文献   

Lymphocytes cytotoxic for mouse embryo fibroblasts (MEF) infected with murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) were produced by in vitro culture of "memory" spleen cells with UV-irradiated, MCMV-infected, MEF. Cytotoxic lymphocytes were developed from spleen cells of mice 10 to 240 days after infection with MCMV. The cytotoxic cells carried the theta and Ly 2 antigens, and were H-2 restricted in the recognition of infected target cells.  相似文献   

The localization of perforin 1 (P1) in cytotoxic cells was studied by immuno-electron microscopy by using a monospecific rabbit antiserum against highly purified mouse P1 and protein A gold as a second ligand. P1 was found in specific granules of cloned cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). Within the granules, P1 antigen was localized in the fine granular matrix, whereas the vesicular compartment remained free of gold particles. The amount of P1 antigen detectable by immuno-electron microscopy varied between different CTL clones. CTL with NK-like activity had the highest level of P1 antigen. A cytotoxicity loss CTL mutant had no detectable P1 antigen, suggesting an important role of P1 during cell-mediated cytolysis. P1 antigen was undetectable also in bone marrow macrophages, indicating a different cytolytic mechanism of these cells.  相似文献   

The level of adenosine deaminase (ADA) activity was investigated in various populations of IL 2-dependent, cultured cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL), from bulk cultures as well as from CTL lines (CTL-A and CTL-B types). The study of C57BL/6 derived, cytotoxic bulk cultures yielded the following mean values of ADA activity: 12,500 U/mg in the cortical, immature region of the thymus, 1500 U/mg in the immunocompetent, cortisone-resistant medullary thymocytes, and 2000 U/mg in the T cell population from the spleen. These results are in agreement with previous studies on separated T lymphocyte populations of known origin and further indicate that a fall in ADA activity accompanies T cell maturation. ADA activity was measured in C57BL/6-derived CTL-A lines obtained from the thymic and splenic bulk cultures. All lines were characterized by a very low level of ADA activity, compared with the T cell bulk cultures freshly initiated from the thymic medulla or from the spleen, and to a variety of T tumor lines established in long term culture. Some showed undetectable ADA activity (less than or equal to 20 units/mg), whereas others maintained significant activity (50 to 500 U/mg). No correlation was found between the residual ADA activity level and the killing activity, at the time of the enzyme assay. Identical properties were observed for CTL-B cloned lines of various genetic backgrounds. These results suggest that the level of ADA activity of the CTL in the mouse is lower than the average value of mature T cells of the thymic medulla, and might constitute a differentiation marker specific to the CTL population. A possibility remains that low ADA activity levels in these CTL lines may be the consequence of an extinction of the ADA gene during in vitro growth, as it is observed for the cytotoxic activity itself. In either case, a low ADA activity level is a remarkable property of IL 2-dependent CTL clones, when compared to various established T tumor lines, which exhibit high and stable ADA levels during long term in vitro growth (5000 to 15,000 U/mg).  相似文献   

Surfactant protein A (SP-A) and transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1) have been shown to modulate the functions of different immune cells and specifically to inhibit T lymphocyte proliferation. The aim of the present study was to elucidate whether the Smad signaling pathway, which is activated by TGF-beta1, also plays a role in SP-A-mediated inhibition of CD4+ T lymphocyte activation. Recombinant human SP-A1 expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells [rSP-A1m (mammalian)], but not recombinant Baculovirus-derived rSP-A1hyp (hydroxyproline-deficient), suppressed T lymphocyte proliferation and IL-2 mRNA expression. To test whether SP-A induced Smad signaling, a Smad3/4-specific reporter gene was transfected in primary human CD4+ T lymphocytes. Only rSP-A1m, but not rSP-A1hyp, induced Smad-specific reporter genes, Smad2 phosphorylation, and Smad7 mRNA expression. The effect of rSP-A1m was mediated through the TGF-betaRII and could be antagonized by anti-TGF-beta1 neutralizing antibodies and sTGF-betaRII. Western blot and ELISA analysis revealed that rSP-A1m, but not rSP-A1hyp, contained TGF-beta1. TGF-beta1 was responsible for the differences in inhibition of CD4+ T lymphocyte proliferation and activation of the Smad signaling pathway between rSP-A1m and rSP-A1hyp. After acidification, native SP-A, obtained from patients with alveolar proteinosis, also induced Smad signaling in human CD4+ T lymphocytes leading to an increased inhibition of T lymphocyte proliferation, thus indicating the presence of inactive, latent TGF-beta1 in native SP-A samples. Association between SP-A and latent TGF-beta1 provides a possible novel mechanism to regulate TGF-beta1-mediated inflammation and fibrosis reactions in the lung but also leads to possible misinterpretation of immune-modulator functions of SP-A. Monitoring of SP-A preparations for possible TGF-beta1 is essential.  相似文献   

During the course of screening new T-H-2 region congenic strains of mice constructed from the C57BL/6 and B6-H-2k strains, a new cell surface polymorphism, designated dtc-1, was identified by cell-mediated lympholysis techniques. The dtc-1 antigen can be found on both Con A- and LPS-stimulated lymphoblasts, peritoneal macrophages, and SV40-transformed mouse embryo fibroblasts. Lysis of dtc-1+ targets by CTL is H-2Dk restricted. All inbred strains tested are dtc-1+, with the exception of the B6-H-2k strain, which is dtc-1-, and several congenic strains directly derived from B6-H-2k. Because B6/Boy and AKR/Boy, the parents of the B6-H-2k strain, are dtc-1+, the dtc-1- phenotype may be the result of mutation in the locus specifying the cell surface molecule that carries this antigen. Segregation analysis of the dtc-1+/dtc-1- polymorphism demonstrated that this locus is not linked to T or H-2. The dtc-1 antigen thus identifies yet another cell surface polymorphism and adds another immunologically defined genetic marker to the murine genome. Furthermore, the dtc-1 system indicates the need for reevaluation and restandardization of congenic strains of mice derived from the B6-H-2k congenic strain.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharides of gram-negative bacteria are potent activators of B cells, dendritic cells and monocytes/macrophages. We have investigated the use of LPS-activated spleen cells as antigen-presenting cells to induce CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes in vivo that are reactive to MHC class I binding peptides. Compared with resting spleen cells, CTL induction was more efficient and less variable for different peptides with LPS-activated spleen cells. Cytotoxic responses were specific for the immunized peptides and contained high affinity CD8+ T cells. The removal of dendritic cells and monocytes/macrophages by Sephadex G10 column did not show profound effects on CTL induction, indicating that B-cell blasts were largely responsible. This easily accessible method should facilitate the screening of MHC class I binding peptides to determine whether or not the host's T-cell repertoire contains reactive T cells.  相似文献   

In addition to the regulation of B lymphocyte growth and differentiation, the cytokine IL-4 (BSF-1) exerts effects on T lymphocytes and other bone marrow-derived lineages. We show here that recombinant mouse IL-4 synergizes with low levels of IL-2 to increase the yield of cytotoxic activity in a primary MLR, and the proliferation of both cloned IL-2-dependent CTL lines and cells obtained from a primary MLR. IL-4 did not induce the proliferation of any of several cloned CTL cell lines on its own. It also did not replace IL-2 in stimulating the growth or reactivation of quiescent, antigen-dependent CTL clones. However, IL-4 was synergistic with IL-2 after reactivation of the quiescent cells with antigen plus IL-2. Enhancement by IL-4 of the IL-2-driven proliferation of an antigen-independent line was blocked by the addition of anti-IL-4 monoclonal antibody. Although incubation of the CTL clones with IL-4 or with IL-2 plus IL-4 induced a transient increase in the expression of the mRNA encoding the 55 kDa IL-2 receptor, no change in the number or affinity of IL-2 receptors because of IL-4 was detected. This suggests that IL-4 does not potentiate the IL-2 response by altering IL-2 receptor levels. Instead, we propose that the synergistic effect of IL-4 is mediated by a different signalling mechanism from that used by IL-2.  相似文献   

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