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实蝇科果实蝇属昆虫数字图像自动识别系统的构建和测试   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对双翅目实蝇科果实蝇属昆虫的自动识别,本文提出利用翅及中胸背板图像的局部二进制模式(local binary pattern, LBP)特征,采用Adaboost算法, 设计和开发“实蝇科果实蝇属昆虫数字图像自动识别系统”(Automated Fruit fly Identification System-Bactrocera, AFIS-B)。该系统包括图像采集、图像裁剪、预处理、特征提取、分类器设计、识别和显示,共7个模块。研究结果表明: LBP特征可以有效鉴别实蝇科果实蝇属昆虫;在对实蝇科果实蝇属8个种的测试中, 该系统表现出较高的准确性和稳定性,平均识别率可达80%以上。此外,还对果实蝇属昆虫翅膀及中胸背板图像在光照不均匀、姿态扭曲、样本受损及样本量大小等不同条件下的识别率进行了试验测试。结果表明, 该系统对测试样本的光照不均匀、 姿态扭曲和样本受损都表现出良好的鲁棒性,正确识别率与训练集样本各个种数量在一定条件下明显正相关,与训练集样本物种总量负相关。该项研究为实蝇科有害昆虫自动识别系统的构建及实际应用提供了理论、 方法及基础数据的支撑, 亦可为其他昆虫自动识别系统的研究和构建提供有益借鉴。 关键词:  相似文献   

番石榴实蝇寄主选择性试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张智英  赵波  张亮  梁华娟 《昆虫知识》2011,48(2):359-363
番石榴实蝇Bactrocera correcta(Bezzi)是一种为害多种水果的害虫,近年来在云南的元江暴发成灾。本试验选择番石榴实蝇的常见寄主:梨、芒果、苹果、桃、橙及芒果的不同品种进行室内试验,比较番石榴实蝇雌虫产卵对寄主的选择性及不同寄主对番石榴实蝇生长发育的影响。结果显示,番石榴实蝇雌虫对5种供试水果的寄生选择性大小依次为桃>梨>芒果>橙>苹果;番石榴实蝇对芒果不同品种的寄生选择性为三年芒>台农行1号>虎豹牙>胭脂芒>鹰嘴芒;番石榴实蝇在不同寄主上的蛀果期(卵及幼虫的历期)具有极显著的差异,以寄生桃和芒果的最短;从梨和苹果上饲养出的蛹最轻,且极显著低于其它寄主上饲养出来的蛹重;苹果上寄生的番石榴实蝇蛹重与蛀果期呈显著的正相关,而寄生梨的番石榴实蝇蛹重与蛀果期呈极显著的负相关。结果表明,番石榴实蝇雌虫产卵对不同寄主或同一寄主不同品种有明显的选择性,且该选择行为与其后代的生长发育有关。  相似文献   

木瓜实蝇属于我国进境检疫性害虫。为明确该虫对不同寄主果实的选择性,以评价其危害风险,本研究选择橙子、苹果、番石榴、杨桃、木瓜、西红柿、辣椒7种果实作为供试寄主,在室内选择性条件下比较了木瓜实蝇在不同寄主上的产卵量和幼虫发育的适合性。结果表明,以寄主气味诱导产卵器采卵时,雌虫在番石榴、橙子上产卵量明显高于其它所有供试寄主;以果实直接诱导产卵时,则以番石榴饲养出的幼虫数最多,而在橙子、西红柿上的幼虫数为0。在非选择性条件下将幼虫接入果实供试,表明木瓜实蝇幼虫在不同供试寄主上的存活率(化蛹率)均较高,最高为木瓜和杨桃,分别为92.0%和91.3%,最低为苹果,达到66.0%。不同供试果实对木瓜实蝇幼虫的发育历期、存活率(化蛹率)和蛹重有显著影响,但各适合性指标在不同寄主间的变化趋势不一致。上述结果表明,寄主气味及果皮特征对成虫的产卵选择性具有明显的影响,以产卵选择性和幼虫发育为综合指标,认为木瓜实蝇对番石榴的选择性最高。  相似文献   

应用寄生蜂和不育雄虫防控田间橘小实蝇   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
食品安全已成为当今社会广受关注的问题。尽管国内的一些学者就阿里山潜蝇茧蜂[Fopius arisanus(Sonan)]和橘小实蝇SIT技术分别开展了不同程度的研究,然而关于应用该蜂和不育雄虫对橘小实蝇[Bactrocera dorsalis(Hendel)]进行田间联合防治的研究还未见相关报道。为此,为探讨天敌昆虫和雄性不育技术对橘小实蝇的田间综合治理(IPM)技术,开展了阿里山潜蝇茧蜂和橘小实蝇不育雄虫的田间释放试验:首先应用性引诱剂降低田间野生雄虫数量;而后,释放橘小实蝇不育雄虫,进一步降低田间橘小实蝇种群数量;最后,释放阿里山潜蝇茧蜂对田间残余的橘小实蝇卵进行追踪寄生,以达到持续控制的目的。通过监测整个防控期田间橘小实蝇的种群数量以及果实受害率和防治效果作为评价指标评价该防治方法的综合防治效果。结果表明:应用阿里山潜蝇茧蜂、橘小实蝇不育雄虫并配合引诱剂的综合措施对橘小实蝇的种群数量有明显控制作用,田间总体防治效果可达90%左右。此外,提出完善橘小实蝇田间防控措施的建议,并提出该研究的不足以及有待进一步开展研究的方向。  相似文献   

采用诱捕法于2010年7月至2011年12月对岳麓山周边地区实蝇的发生情况进行了监测,共获得实蝇类昆虫5种,包括离腹寡毛实蝇属Bactrocera 4种[具条实蝇B.scutellata (Hendel)、南瓜实蝇B.tau (Walker)、瓜实蝇B.cucturbitae (Coquillett)、桔小实蝇B.dorsalis(Hendel)]和合腹寡毛实蝇属Dacus 1种(棍腹实蝇Dacus sp.).其中,具条实蝇发生数量最大,占诱捕总数的76%,从5月到12月有2次数量高峰;其次为瓜实蝇占18%,南瓜实蝇和桔小实蝇数量最少,约各占3%;分析了不同诱剂对各种实蝇的诱捕效果,其中,Me性诱剂仅对桔小实蝇雄虫有引诱效果;Cue性诱剂可引诱具条实蝇、瓜实蝇和南瓜实蝇3种实蝇的雄虫;蛋白诱饵对具条实蝇、瓜实蝇、南瓜实蝇和桔小实蝇的雌、雄虫均有引诱效果.本研究结果可为长沙地区实蝇类害虫的监测和防控提供依据.  相似文献   

为探明影响柑橘大实蝇Bactrocera minax(Enderlein)成虫取食偏好的因素,本文研究了其对不同颜色和糖类物质的选择及其嗅觉反应。结果表明:柑橘大实蝇成虫明显偏好黄色和橙色基质的食物,对绿、白、蓝、黑、红色食物趋性较弱;对不同糖类的选择顺序是:红糖蜂蜜蔗糖和白糖;不同采集地间和不同性别间的柑橘大实蝇对颜色、糖类物质的选择差异不显著。嗅觉行为测试结果,柑橘大实蝇雌雄虫对所测试几种糖的气味均表现明显趋性,其中,雌虫对红糖和蜂蜜气味的嗅觉反应比雄虫更敏感。研究结果可以为柑橘大实蝇成虫食诱剂的研制和诱捕器的设计提供重要参考依据。  相似文献   

地中海实蝇及其近缘种基因芯片检测研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究选择线粒体DNA (mtDNA) 细胞色素氧化酶Ⅰ基因(COⅠ)为分子标记基因,以双翅目实蝇科昆虫DNA序列为目标,建立了我国进境植物检疫害虫地中海实蝇Ceratitis capitata、芒果小条实蝇C. cosyra和纳塔尔小条实蝇C. rosa等生物芯片检测方法。地中海实蝇及其近缘种检测芯片由检测探针(实蝇科通用探针1条,小条实蝇属通用探针1条,地中海实蝇、芒果小条实蝇和纳塔尔小条实蝇近缘种探针2条和种特异探针4条)、质控探针(定位点探针、阳性质控、阴性质控和空白对照探针各1条)组成。芯片检测结果表明,检测探针特异性强,能实现上述3种实蝇的种类快速区分和准确鉴定; 检测方法稳定性好,地中海实蝇不同虫态(卵、幼虫、蛹和成虫)和不同地理种群检测结果完全一致。地中海实蝇生物芯片检测技术将为我国进口果蔬中检疫性实蝇快速筛查和种类鉴定提供检测方法,同时,还可应用到其他属的实蝇以及相关害虫的检疫中,为有害生物的快速鉴定提供了新方法。  相似文献   

【目的】探究番石榴果实气味对番石榴实蝇Bactroceracorrecta行为的影响,为番石榴实蝇的化学生态防治提供理论依据。【方法】利用风洞观察箱观察性未成熟、性成熟未交配和交配3种不同生理状态的番石榴实蝇雌、雄成虫对单个番石榴果实气味的定向反应,对不同生理状态的雌、雄虫的飞行速度进行了分析。【结果】番石榴果实气味对不同生理状态的番石榴实蝇雌雄成虫均能产生显著的引诱效果,交配雌虫降落到气味源的数量最多,其次是性成熟未交配的雄虫,性未成熟的雄虫降落数最少。不同生理状态下的番石榴实蝇雌雄成虫逆风飞行的速度均显著高于空白对照,性成熟的番石榴实蝇雌成虫的逆风飞行速度均高于雄成虫。【结论】不同生理状态的番石榴实蝇雌雄虫对寄主番石榴气味具有不同的敏感性和选择性,已交配雌虫反应最强,其次是性成熟未交配的雄虫,性未成熟的雄虫的反应最弱。  相似文献   

本研究监测了不同生境下瓜实蝇雄成虫的数量动态,分析了气象因子与其数量变动的相关性。结果表明儋州地区瓜实蝇雄成虫发生低谷为每年12月和1月;从2月开始,瓜实蝇雄成虫数量逐渐增加,4-8月达到高峰,从9月开始数量逐渐下降。生境显著影响了瓜实蝇的雄成虫数量,混合菜地、园林区以及混合果园诱集的瓜实蝇雄虫数量多于住宅区、农贸市场、苦瓜地诱集的雄成虫数量。气象因子也显著影响了瓜实蝇雄虫的数量。经逐步回归分析发现瓜实蝇雄虫数量变动受月降水量、月均最高气温、月均最小湿度综合影响,其中月均最高气温是影响瓜实蝇雄虫数量变动的最重要因素。因此,瓜实蝇防控应不仅局限在其寄主园区生境,还应根据其监测的数据对多生境的瓜实蝇进行治理。  相似文献   

根据基因库中派琴虫和折光马尔太虫基因序列,设计了两对特异性引物和两条用不同荧光基团标记的TaqMan探针。对反应条件和试剂浓度进行优化,建立了能够同时检测派琴虫和折光马尔太虫的二重荧光定量PCR方法。该方法对派琴虫和折光马尔太虫的检测敏感性达到40个模板拷贝数;对派琴虫和折光马尔太虫不同浓度模板进行组合,该方法仍可有效地同时检测出这二种原虫。研究建立的派琴虫和折光马尔太虫荧光定量PCR具有特异、敏感、快速、定量和重复性好等优点,可用于临床上派琴虫和折光马尔太虫感染的检测。    相似文献   

The adult body size of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae), varies in natural conditions. Body size is an important fitness indicator in the Mediterranean fruit fly; larger individuals are more competitive at mating and have a greater dispersion capacity and fertility. Both temperature during larval development and host fruit quality have been cited as possible causes for this variation. We studied the influence of host fruit and temperature during larval development on adult body size (wing area) in the laboratory, and determined body size variation in field populations of the Mediterannean fruit fly in eastern Spain. Field flies measured had two origins: 1) flies periodically collected throughout the year in field traps from 32 citrus groves, during the period 2003-2007; and 2) flies evolved from different fruit species collected between June and December in 2003 and 2004. In the lab, wing area of male and female adults varied significantly with temperature during larval development, being larger at the lowest temperature. Adult size also was significantly different depending on the host fruit in which larvae developed. The size of the flies captured at the field, either from traps or from fruits, varied seasonally showing a gradual pattern of change along the year. The largest individuals were obtained during winter and early spring and the smallest during late summer. In field conditions, the size of the adult Mediterannean fruit fly seems apparently more related with air temperature than with host fruit. The implications of this adult size pattern on the biology of C. capitata and on the application of the sterile insect technique are discussed.  相似文献   

The aerodynamic features of a bio-realistic 3D fruit fly wing in steady state (snapshot) flight conditions were analyzed numerically. The wing geometry was created from high resolution micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) of the fruit fly Drosophila virilis. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analyses of the wing were conducted at ultra-low Reynolds numbers ranging from 71 to 200, and at angles of attack ranging from -10° to +30°. It was found that in the 3D bio-realistc model, the corrugations of the wing created localized circulation regions in the flow field, most notably at higher angles of attack near the wing tip. Analyses of a simplified flat wing geometry showed higher lift to drag performance values for any given angle of attack at these Reynolds numbers, though very similar performance is noted at -10°. Results have indicated that the simplified flat wing can successfully be used to approximate high-level properties such as aerodynamic coefficients and overall performance trends as well as large flow-field structures. However, local pressure peaks and near-wing flow features induced by the corrugations are unable to be replicated by the simple wing. We therefore recommend that accurate 3D bio-realistic geometries be used when modelling insect wings where such information is useful.  相似文献   

A multitude of biological processes that involve multiple interaction partners are observed by two-color microscopy. Here we describe an analysis method for the robust quantification of correlation between signals in different color channels: particle image cross-correlation spectroscopy (PICCS). The method, which exploits the superior positional accuracy obtained in single-object and single-molecule microscopy, can extract the correlation fraction and length scale. We applied PICCS to correlation measurements in living tissues. The morphogen Decapentaplegic (Dpp) was imaged in wing imaginal disks of fruit fly larvae and we quantified what fraction of early endosomes contained Dpp.  相似文献   

柑橘大实蝇成虫的翅载和额外负载能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对柑橘大实蝇Bactrocera (Tetradacus) minax (Enderlein)的有效管理受阻于对其成虫运动行为的较少的认识。通过测定其成虫翅载能力和忍受额外负载重量的能力, 从而确定其成虫所携带不同的额外负载的电子标签重量对其正常起飞的影响程度, 为制作合适的昆虫谐波雷达的电子标签提供技术参数。其雌雄成虫的翅载能力并没有随着成虫个体重量增加而降低, 也没有因为性别不同而存在差异。成虫经过正常取食和饥饿(只喂清水)变化处理, 其成虫平均净载重量约为11 mg。来自网室成虫忍受额外负载试验结果表明, 成虫额外负载7.3 mg重量或为占其自身体重大约23%重量对于其向上起飞行为有较少或没有直接的影响。结果进一步表明, 在确定昆虫谐波雷达技术跟踪其成虫携带的电子标签适合性时, 选择的电子标签的重量不能超过7.3 mg。  相似文献   

Tsai HY  Huang YW 《PloS one》2012,7(4):e34784


In recent years, there have been extensive studies aimed at decoding the DNA. Identifying the genetic cause of specific changes in a simple organism like Drosophila may help scientists recognize how multiple gene interactions may make some people more susceptible to heart disease or cancer. Investigators have devised experiments to observe changes in the gene networks in mutant Drosophila that responds differently to light, or have lower or higher locomotor activity. However, these studies focused on the behavior of the individual fly or on pair-wise interactions in the study of aggression or courtship. The behavior of these activities has been captured on film and inspected by a well-trained researcher after repeatedly watching the recorded film. Some studies also focused on ways to reduce the inspection time and increase the accuracy of the behavior experiment.


In this study, the behavior of drosophila during courtship was analyzed automatically by machine vision. We investigated the position and behavior discrimination during courtship using the captured images. Identification of the characteristics of drosophila, including sex, size, heading direction, and wing angles, can be computed using image analysis techniques that employ the Gaussian mixture model. The behavior of multiple drosophilae can also be analyzed simultaneously using the motion-prediction model and the variation constraint of heading direction.


The overlapped fruit flies can be identified based on the relationship between body centers. Moreover, the behaviors and profiles can be correctly recognized by image processing based on the constraints of the wing angle and the size of the body. Therefore, the behavior of the male fruit flies can be discriminated when two or three fruit flies form a close cluster. In this study, the courtship behavior, including wing songs and attempts, can currently be distinguished with accuracies of 95.8% and 90%, respectively.  相似文献   

桔小实蝇幼体及成虫残体DNA条形码识别技术的建立与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实蝇类害虫多为国内外检疫对象, 其鉴定识别方法主要依据成虫的外部形态特征, 而传统的形态学识别法对口岸经常截获的幼体及残缺的虫体, 则无能为力。本研究以桔小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis的幼体(卵、 幼虫、 蛹)以及成虫残体(足、 翅、 头部、 胸部、 腹部)为对象, 利用 DNA 条形码技术, 构建实蝇类害虫快速鉴定技术体系, 并以其他4种常见实蝇(包括番石榴实蝇B. correcta、 瓜实蝇B. cucurbitae、 南亚果实蝇B. tau、 柑桔大实蝇B. minax)为对象对该技术体系进行应用验证。结果显示, 桔小实蝇幼体以及成虫残体的碱基序列与数据库中靶标种COⅠ基因碱基序列的一致性为99.51%~99.84%, 其他4种实蝇相应序列与数据库中靶标种COⅠ基因序列的一致性分别为100%, 100%, 99.81%~99.83%和100%; 以邻接法(NJ法)构建系统发育树, 靶标种实蝇均与数据库中对应种实蝇聚为一支, 且置信度均为100%。以K2-P模型计算种内及种间遗传距离得出, 5种实蝇的种间遗传距离为0.0597~0.2363, 平均为0.1693; 种内遗传距离为0.0000~0.0041, 平均为0.0019。这些结果表明, 基于DNA条形码的物种识别技术完全可用于口岸截获的实蝇类害虫幼体及残体的准确鉴定。  相似文献   

Bai M  McCullough E  Song KQ  Liu WG  Yang XK 《PloS one》2011,6(6):e21600
This study examines the evolution hindwing shape in Chinese dung beetle species using morphometric and phylogenetic analyses. Previous studies have analyzed the evolution of wing shape within a single or very few species, or by comparing only a few wing traits. No study has analyzed wing shape evolution of a large number of species, or quantitatively compared morphological variation of wings with proposed phylogenetic relationships. This study examines the morphological variation of hindwings based on 19 landmarks, 119 morphological characters, and 81 beetle species. Only one most parsimonious tree (MPT) was found based on 119 wing and body characters. To better understand the possible role of the hindwing in the evolution of Scarabaeinae, additional phylogenetic analyses were proposed based on the only body features (106 characters, wing characters excluded). Two MPT were found based on 106 body characters, and five nodes were collapsed in a strict consensus. There was a strong correlation between the morphometric tree and all phylogenetic trees (r>0.5). Reconstructions of the ancestral wing forms suggest that Scarabaeinae hindwing morphology has not changed substantially over time, but the morphological changes that do occur are focused at the base of the wing. These results suggest that flight has been important since the origin of Scarabaeinae, and that variation in hindwing morphology has been limited by functional constraints. Comparison of metric disparity values and relative evolutionary sequences among Scarabaeinae tribes suggest that the primitive dung beetles had relatively diverse hindwing morphologies, while advanced dung beetles have relatively similar wing morphologies. The strong correlation between the morphometric tree and phylogenetic trees suggest that hindwing features reflect the evolution of whole body morphology and that wing characters are suitable for the phylogenetic analyses. By integrating morphometric and cladistic approaches, this paper sheds new light on the evolution of dung beetle hind wings.  相似文献   

Insects exhibit exquisite control of their flapping flight, capable of performing precise stability and steering maneuverability. Here we develop an integrated computational model to investigate flight dynamics of insect hovering based on coupling the equations of 6 degree of freedom (6DoF) motion with the Navier-Stokes (NS) equations. Unsteady aerodynamics is resolved by using a biology-inspired dynamic flight simulator that integrates models of realistic wing-body morphology and kinematics, and a NS solver. We further develop a dynamic model to solve the rigid body equations of 6DoF motion by using a 4th-order Runge-Kutta method. In this model, instantaneous forces and moments based on the NS-solutions are represented in terms of Fourier series. With this model, we perform a systematic simulation-based analysis on the passive dynamic stability of a hovering fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, with a specific focus on responses of state variables to six one-directional perturbation conditions during latency period. Our results reveal that the flight dynamics of fruit fly hovering does not have a straightforward dynamic stability in a conventional sense that perturbations damp out in a manner of monotonous convergence. However, it is found to exist a transient interval containing an initial converging response observed for all the six perturbation variables and a terminal instability that at least one state variable subsequently tends to diverge after several wing beat cycles. Furthermore, our results illustrate that a fruit fly does have sufficient time to apply some active mediation to sustain a steady hovering before losing body attitudes.  相似文献   

麦长管蚜虫龄鉴别特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】为明确麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae (Fabricius)虫龄鉴别特征, 达到快速鉴别的目的。【方法】在成像观察的基础上, 测定无翅型和有翅型个体不同虫龄的体长、 体宽、 头壳宽、 触角长、 腹管长和后足胫节长6项指标。【结果】麦长管蚜不同翅型个体的体长、 体宽、 头壳宽、 触角长、 腹管长和后足胫节长在虫龄间均存在显著差异, 其中体长、 体宽、 头壳宽和触角长在相邻虫龄之间重叠程度大, 后足胫节长的重叠百分比极小或无重叠; 除有翅型个体4龄若蚜和成蚜之间存在13.93%的重叠外, 腹管长在不同翅型的其他相邻虫龄之间重叠百分比均极小或无重叠, 说明后足胫节长和腹管长可作为虫龄鉴定的主要特征。翅、 触角和尾片的其他外部形态特征在虫龄间也存在一定差异: 3-4龄有翅型若蚜和成蚜虫个体前胸的膨大程度及其翅的长度明显大于同一龄期的无翅型个体, 可用于蚜虫翅型的分辨以及3-4龄有翅若蚜和成蚜的鉴别; 麦长管蚜1和2龄若蚜触角均为5节, 3-4龄若蚜和成蚜的触角均为6节; 同时, 除了成蚜具有完整的尾片外, 1-4龄若蚜尾片均不发达, 说明触角的节数和尾片的发达程度可作为麦长管蚜不同龄期形态鉴别的辅助特征。【结论】以腹管和后足胫节作为麦长管蚜虫龄鉴别的主要特征, 配合其他辅助特征, 如翅的大小、 触角的节数以及尾片的发达程度等, 可达到快速鉴别不同翅型不同龄期蚜虫的目的。  相似文献   

不同地区望天树种群形态特征的比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
朱华   《广西植物》1992,12(3):269-271
本文比较了间断分布在云南南部、东南部和广西西南部的望天树种群的形态特征,三者的差异主要在果翅上。云南南部的望天树果翅短而宽,广西西南部的果翅长而窄,云南东南部的望天树居中;云南南部的望天树果翅长度在广西望天树的翅长变幅内,翅宽虽超出后者变幅,却在云南东南部的翅宽变幅内。三者在形态特征上有统计学的差异,但变异是连续的,在分类学上区分为三个变种还嫌不足。  相似文献   

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