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Identification of the rodA gene product of Escherichia coli.   总被引:2,自引:12,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

The recA+ lexA+-dependent induction of four Escherichia coli SOS proteins was readily observed by two-dimensional gel analysis. In addition to the 38-kilodalton (kDa) RecA protein, which was induced in the greatest amounts and was readily identified, three other proteins of 115, 62, and 12 kDa were seen. The 115-kDa protein is the product of the uvrA gene, which is required for nucleotide excision repair and has previously been shown to be induced in the SOS response. The 62-kDa protein, which was induced to high intracellular levels, is the product of recN, a gene required for recBC-independent recombination. The recA and recN genes were partially derepressed in a recBC sbcB genetic background, a phenomenon which might account for the recombination proficiency of such strains. The 12-kDa protein has yet to be identified.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli cya gene has been fused in the same register with the lacZ gene. The corresponding hybrid cya-lacZ gene is expressed as a bifunctional protein that exhibits both adenylate cyclase and beta-galactosidase activities, thus proving that cya is the structural gene for adenylate cyclase. The hybrid protein was purified to homogeneity and has been used to raise antibodies that recognize wild-type adenylate cyclase. Finally, the protein has been submitted to amino acid sequence analysis. It has been found that the first ten amino acids fit the predicted sequence obtained from DNA sequence analysis, thus substantiating the prediction that the cya translation initiation codon is UUG .  相似文献   

A gene encoding 5'-phosphoribosyl-5-aminoimidazole-4-N-succinocarboxamide synthetase was identified in Streptococcus pneumoniae as a 708-bp segment of the genome encoding a 27,001-Da protein with strong similarity to known PurC proteins. The S. pneumoniae purC gene, found immediately adjacent to the competence induction genes, comAB, was cloned and sequenced. The predicted protein product of purC displayed substantial (> 40%) identity to the entire sequence of the PurC proteins of Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli. Function of the S. pneumoniae gene product was demonstrated by complementation of E. coli purC mutations.  相似文献   

Plasmids containing the chromosome region of Escherichia coli encoding phoM, whose product is a positive regulator of alkaline phosphatase expression, were isolated from the Clarke and Carbon plasmid bank. A 9.9-kilobase EcoRI fragment of plasmid pLC17-39 (subcloned into pBR322) was able to complement both phoM and thrB mutations. Restriction endonuclease analysis and in vitro mutagenesis of the hybird plasmids enabled the localization of the phoM gene locus to 3 kilobases of the cloned chromosomal fragment. The phoM gene product was identified, with maxicell techniques, as a protein with an approximate molecular weight of 55,000. A phoM-lacZ protein fusion was constructed by using a plasmid carrying the phoM gene and a derivative of phage lambda, lambda plac Mu2. Restriction endonuclease analysis of the plasmid carrying the fusion indicated that phoM is transcribed in a clockwise direction on the circular E. coli chromosome. Analysis of strains bearing the fusion on a multiple-copy plasmid or integrated at the lambda attachment site of the chromosome indicated that the synthesis of the phoM gene product was unaffected by phosphate limitation of growth. The expression of the phoM gene was studied in strains with mutations in genes encoding effectors of the pho regulon. A threefold increase in phoM expression was seen in a phoU strain in comparison with the wild-type strain.  相似文献   

Sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel analysis of proteins encoded by a series of tonB+ plasmids in minicells has identified the ton B gene product as a protein with an apparent molecular weight of 36,000. A parallel analysis of seven ton B mutations which have been genetically crossed onto a tonB+ plasmid supports this identification; the 36,000 Mr protein is absent from the set of proteins encoded by each tonB? plasmid. Four of the tonB mutations are apparently IS1 insertions. The locations of these insertions within tonB have been determined by restriction endonuclease mapping. Correlation of these IS1 insertion sites with the molecular weights of prematurely terminated tonB polypeptides, suggests that tonB is transcribed in the direction opposite to that of the nearby tryptophan operon. In addition, a protein encoded by one of the inverted repeat sequences of the transposable element Tn5 has been tentatively identified.  相似文献   

The relA gene product, ATP: GTP 3'-pyrophosphotransferase (stringent factor) has been isolated in homogeneous form from an Escherichia coli strain polyploid for this gene at a yield of 1 mg/100 g cells and at a specific activity in a ribosome-activated assay at 37 degrees C of 120 mumol guanosine pentaphosphate formed min-1 mg protein-1. The specific activity in a methanol-activated assay at 25 degrees C was found to be 4 mumol guanosine pentaphosphate formed min-1 mg protein-1. These values are about 100 times higher than reported by others. Our further studies of this enzyme led to the following results. Antibodies raised against this enzyme inhibit the ribosome-activated synthesis of guanosine tetraphosphate and pentaphosphate but have no effect on the much slower synthesis, detected in the absence of ribosomes. The amount of stringent factor in the relA+ strain CP78 is estimated to about 1 copy per 200 ribosomes. The amount of antibody-binding material in CP79 (relA) is at least 5 times lower.  相似文献   

Summary Protein X, molecular weight 40,000, has been separated from the other proteins of E. coliby a two-dimensional gel electrophoretic technique which separates proteins according to isoelectric point (pI) in the firstdimension and according to molecular weight in the second. When protein X is induced in wild-type cells by mitomycin C treatmentit has a pI6.0. However, when protein X is induced in a tif-1 mutant, either by temperatureshift-up to 42° or by mitomycin C treatment at 30°, it has a pI6.2. The low level of protein X which is present inuninduced tif mutants at 30° also has a pI6.2. These results suggest thattif-1 is a mis-sense mutation in the gene coding for protein X. Since transduction andcomplementation studies indicate that tif-1 is a mutation of therecA + gene (Castellazzi, Morand, George and Buttin, 1977) it follows that protein X is the recA + gene product.A model has been formulated to account for the relationship between protein X synthesis and the recA + and lexA + genes. In this model, a repressor coded by lexA + binds to the operator of the recA + gene from whence it can normally only be removed by the combined action of an inducer and protein X, the recA + product. Thus, protein X controls its own synthesis. The tif-1 mutation leads to a temperature sensitive form of protein X which, at 42°, can spontaneously remove the repressor without the intervention of the inducer.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli protein X is the recA gene product.   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Escherichia coli protein X is known to be made in large amounts following DNA damage or inhibition of DNA replication. We have shown that it is identical to the recA gene product by partial proteolytic digestion of the radiochemically pure proteins and analysis by electrophoresis on polyacrylamide-sodium dodecyl sulfate gels.  相似文献   

Regulation of the Escherichia coli glyA gene by the purR gene product.   总被引:13,自引:11,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The purine regulon repressor protein, PurR, was shown to be a purine component involved in glyA regulation in Escherichia coli. Expression of glyA, encoding serine hydroxymethyltransferase activity, was elevated in a purR mutant compared with a wild-type strain. When the purR mutant was transformed with a plasmid carrying the purR gene, the serine hydroxymethyltransferase levels returned to the wild-type level. The PurR protein bound specifically to a DNA fragment carrying the glyA control region, as determined by gel retardation. In a DNase I protection assay, a 24-base-pair region was protected from DNase I digestion by PurR. The glyA operator sequence for PurR binding is similar to that reported for several pur regulon genes.  相似文献   

The suhB gene is located at 55 min on the Escherichia coli chromosome and encodes a protein of 268 amino acids. Mutant alleles of suhB have been isolated as extragenic suppressors for the protein secretion mutation (secY24), the heat shock response mutation (rpoH15), and the DNA synthesis mutation (dnaB121) (K. Shiba, K. Ito, and T. Yura, J. Bacteriol. 160:696-701, 1984; R. Yano, H. Nagai, K. Shiba, and T. Yura, J. Bacteriol. 172:2124-2130, 1990; S. Chang, D. Ng, L. Baird, and C. Georgopoulos, J. Biol. Chem. 266:3654-3660, 1991). These mutant alleles of suhB cause cold-sensitive cell growth, indicating that the suhB gene is essential at low temperatures. Little work has been done, however, to elucidate the role of the product of suhB in a normal cell and the suppression mechanisms of the suhB mutations in the aforementioned mutants. The sequence similarity shared between the suhB gene product and mammalian inositol monophosphatase has prompted us to test the inositol monophosphatase activity of the suhB gene product. We report here that the purified SuhB protein showed inositol monophosphatase activity. The kinetic parameters of SuhB inositol monophosphatase (Km = 0.071 mM; Vmax = 12.3 mumol/min per mg) are similar to those of mammalian inositol monophosphatase. The ssyA3 and suhB2 mutations, which were isolated as extragenic suppressors for secY24 and rpoH15, respectively, had a DNA insertion at the 5' proximal region of the suhB gene, and the amount of SuhB protein within mutant cells decreased. The possible role of suhB in E. coli is discussed.  相似文献   

The malK gene product of Escherichia coli has been identified through the use of a previously described technique that employs gene fusions (Shuman, H. A., Silhavy, T. J., and Beckwith, J. R. (1980) J. Biol. Chem. 255, 168-174). This protein, along with the four other products of the malB locus, comprise the complete maltose transport system. The malK protein has a molecular weight of approximately 40,000 and is located in the cell envelope. In mutant strains which lack another component of the transport system, the malG protein, the malK protein is located in the cytoplasm. This alteration in location suggests that the malK protein is associated with the inner surface of the cytoplasmic membrane via an interaction with the malG protein.  相似文献   

The product of the Escherichia coli morphogenetic gene groES (mopB) was identified as the heat-inducible protein C15.4 by two-dimensional gel analysis of the products of wild-type and mutant alleles carried on the bacterial chromosome, on a hybrid plasmid, and on a transducing phage.  相似文献   

The recombinant plasmid pSH2 confers type 1 piliation (Pil+) on a nonpiliated (Pil-) strain of Escherichia coli K-12. At least four plasmid-encoded gene products are involved in pilus biosynthesis and expression. We present evidence which indicates that one gene encodes an inhibitor of piliation. Hyperpiliated (Hyp) mutants were isolated after Tn5 insertion mutagenesis of pSH2 and introduction of the plasmid DNA into a Pil- strain of E. coli as unique small, compact colonies. Also, Hyp mutants clumped during growth in static broth and were piliated under several cultural conditions that normally suppressed piliation. Electron microscopic examination of Hyp mutants associated an observed 40-fold increase in pilin antigen with an increase in the number and length of pili per cell. All Hyp mutants examined failed to produce a 23-kilodalton protein that was encoded by a gene adjacent to the structural (pilin) gene for type 1 pili, and all Tn5 insertion mutations that produced the Hyp phenotype mapped in this region (hyp). Piliation in Hyp mutants could be reduced to near parental levels by introducing a second plasmid containing a parental hyp gene. Thus the 23-kilodalton (hyp) protein appears to act in trans to regulate the level of piliation.  相似文献   

The glt operon of Escherichia coli comprises the structural genes for the glutamate synthase subunits (gltB and gltD) and gltF, whose product was previously suggested to have regulatory functions. The A/T-rich region between gltD and gltF contains a weak promoter and a translation initiation site for gltF. The GltF protein is preceded by a signal peptide, which is cleaved off during export into the periplasmic space. A gltF::Km(R) insertion mutant was constructed and shown here to have no detectable phenotype with respect to amino acid utilization or ammonium transport. Thus, GltF is apparently not involved in regulation of nitrogen catabolism.  相似文献   

Identification and amplification of the E. coli phr gene product.   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
We have constructed a series of multicopy plasmids that complement mutations in the phr gene of Escherichia coli. By subcloning into a tac plasmid vector we obtained a phr plasmid that upon induction overproduces two proteins of Mr's 49,000 and 20,000. Tn1000 insertions into the phr gene caused the disappearance of the 49,000 dalton protein, thus demonstrating this protein to be the phr gene product, DNA photolyase. The photolyase encoded by the phr gene makes up about 15% of total cellular proteins after induction of cells carrying a tac-phr plasmid. This protein binds specifically to UV (254 nm) irradiated DNA and upon exposure to near UV (300-500 nm) illumination repairs the UV damage and dissociates from DNA.  相似文献   

Summary We have previously shown that a mutation (groPC259) in the E. coli dnaJ gene renders the cell inviable at high temperatures and arrests bacteriophage DNA replication at all temperatures (Sunshine et al., 1977). We have isolated dnaJ ++ transducing phages both by in vitro cloning and by abnormal excision of a dnaK transducing phage integrated near the dnaJ locus. The dnaJ gene product has been identified on SDS polacrylamide gels after infection of UV-irradiated E. coli cells by dnaJ ++ derivative phages. It is a polypeptide chain with an apparent molecular weight of 37,000-daltons. This has been verified by the fact that a transducing phage carrying an amber mutation in the dnaJ gene fails to induce the synthesis of the 37,000-dalton polypeptide chain upon infection of sup ++ bacteria, but does so upon infection of supF or supD bacteria.  相似文献   

Adenine deaminase activity of the yicP gene product of Escherichia coli.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During previous work on deriving inosine-producing mutants of Escherichia coli, we observed that an excess of adenine added to the culture medium was quickly converted to hypoxanthine. This phenomenon was still apparent after disruption of the known adenosine deaminase gene (add) on the E. coli chromosome, suggesting that, like Bacillus subtilis, E. coli has an adenine deaminase. As the yicP gene of E. coli shares about 35% identity with the B. subtilis adenine deaminase gene (ade), we cloned yicP from the E. coli genome and developed a strain that overexpressed its product. The enzyme was purified from a cell extract of E. coli harboring a plasmid containing the cloned yicP gene, and had significant adenine deaminase [EC] activity. It was deduced to be a homodimer, each subunit having a molecular mass of 60 kDa. The enzyme required manganese ions as a cofactor, and adenine was its only substrate. Its optimum pH was 6.5-7.0 and its optimum temperature was 60 degrees C. The apparent Km for adenine was 0.8 mM.  相似文献   

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