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Sooty Shearwater (Puffinus griseus) is the most common Procellariiform seabird along the south-eastern South American coast. In recent years the wintering population off California has declined noticeably. This decline has been confirmed on the breeding grounds in New Zealand. In Chile, knowledge of the population is limited. Investigations on Isla Guafo were carried out during two seasons (03/04 and 04/05), beginning an ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the breeding population of this species in southern South America. On Isla Guafo we estimate a population of about 4 million birds that nest above 150 m above sea level (m.a.s.l.) under a forest without understory. Sooty Shearwaters on Isla Guafo prefer north and western slopes that we hypothesise protect them from the predominantly southerly winds. Population of the species from New Zealand and Australia are compared with the Isla Guafo population and the state of its conservation is discussed.  相似文献   

The Sooty Shearwater Ardenna grisea, an abundant but declining petrel, is one of many seabird species that construct breeding burrows, presumably because these confer protection from predators and the elements. Little is known about the causes of variation in Sooty Shearwater burrow architecture, which can differ markedly both within and between breeding sites. We hypothesize that burrow architecture varies in response to habitat type and competition for space. To address these hypotheses, we recorded Sooty Shearwater burrow dimensions on Kidney Island, the largest Sooty Shearwater colony in the Falkland Islands, South Atlantic, and modelled these as functions of burrow density (a proxy for competition) and habitat indices. Our models suggest that Sooty Shearwaters burrow further underground in response to competition for breeding space, and that soil underlying dense tussac grass Poa flabellata is more easily excavated than other substrates, indicating how vegetation restoration could aid the conservation of this species.  相似文献   

Fred  Cooke Eric L.  Mills 《Ibis》1972,114(2):245-251
Eighteen species of sea–birds were observed from CSS 'Hudson' in the South Atlantic between the Rio de la Plata and Tierra del Fuego in late January and late February 1970. Major feeding areas were noted off Mar del Plata, the Valdes Peninsula and Tierra del Fuego, Argentina, the first two in rich modified or unmodified water of the subantarctic Falkland Current, associated with upwelling. The southernmost area had most birds, the northernmost fewest. A temperate–latitude assemblage including Yellow–nosed Albatross and Cory's Shearwater occurred off Mar del Plata in warmed water of subantarctic (Falkland Current) origin. South of 39°S these two species were replaced by Black–browed Albatross and Great Shearwater in cold offshore water of the Falkland Current. Off the Valdes Peninsula Black–browed Albatross, Great and Sooty Shearwaters, White–chinned Petrels and family groups of Magellanic Penguins occurred near the edge of highly–productive water of the Falkland Current. The largest feeding area, east of Tierra del Fuego, had Magellanic and Rockhopper Penguins, Great Shearwaters, King Cormorants, South American Terns and jaegers, but no oceanographic information is available. At 50°S prions and diving petrels appeared for the first time, marking a possible oceanographic discontinuity or proximity to colonies on the Falkland Islands. Several common species of the South Atlantic were not seen on the transect including Cape Pigeon, Southern Fulmar, Soft–plumaged Petrel, Schlegel's Petrel and Pediunker. Kelp Gull, South American Tern, Manx Shearwater and jaegers were rare or absent far from land. New southern limits for the western South Atlantic Ocean were established for Cory's and Manx Shearwaters, and the Great Shearwater was observed for the first time in Chilean waters.  相似文献   

J. H. Phillips 《Ibis》1963,105(3):340-353
The breeding distribution of the Sooty Shearwater and the dates of its breeding season are briefly reviewed.
Records from the Southern Ocean are summarised. It is concluded that they are accounted for by non-breeding birds feeding off the ice-edge in the Australian sector of the Antarctic during the latter part of the breeding season.
The great majority of Sooty Shearwaters spend the southern winter in the Pacific Ocean. Birds from the New Zealand colonies are probably mostly found on the feeding grounds off Japan: some may make a "circular" migration around the Pacific. Birds from the Cape Horn colonies spend the southern winter in the rich areas off the western coast of North America.
Some Sooty Shearwaters spend the southern winter off the South African coasts. A number of non-breeding birds remain there throughout the summer.
The Sooty Shearwaters "wintering" in the North Atlantic are probably numbered in tens of thousands only. The distribution of records is reviewed month by month and the records from Atlantic transects are summarised. The migrations in the North Atlantic are discussed in relation to prevailing meteorological and oceanographic conditions, and food supply. It is concluded that most Sooty Shearwaters in the North Atlantic make a "circular" migration, crossing the North Atlantic from west to east in June and July, and re-crossing about September further south in the northeast trades.  相似文献   

Feral cats are considered to be one of the main harmful invasive species for island species. Adult shearwaters are highly vulnerable to predation by cats. The population of the Yelkouan Shearwater Puffinus yelkouan, a species endemic to the Mediterranean, is predicted to decline, leaving only a few large breeding colonies, due to the invasion of cats. The impact of cats on the Shearwater population of Le Levant Island, one of the major breeding sites for this species, was evaluated by studying cat diet over a 2‐year period. The predation rate obtained was then included in a Shearwater demographic model. Cats preyed upon rabbits, rats and Shearwaters, with a peak of predation on Shearwaters immediately upon their arrival at the colony. Cat predation was heavy and responsible for the yearly death of about 810–3241 birds. This could lead to the extinction of the Le Levant colony within the next four decades and perhaps within just a few years. Cat predation on prospecting individuals, a parameter essential to assess the real impact of predation, may not have an immediate effect on the Shearwater breeding population but can accelerate population extinction. Cat predation must be reduced or removed to prevent the extinction of one of the most important breeding sites for this species.  相似文献   

The secretive breeding behaviour of petrels makes monitoring their breeding populations challenging. To assess population trends of Cory’s Shearwater Calonectris diomedea, Bulwer’s Petrel Bulweria bulwerii and Macaronesian Shearwater Puffinus baroli in Tenerife from 1990 to 2010, we used data from rescue campaigns that aim to reduce the mortality of fledgling petrels attracted to artificial lights as proxies for trends in breeding population size. Despite increases in human population size and light pollution, the number of rescued fledglings of Cory’s Shearwater and Bulwer’s Petrel increased and remained stable, respectively, whereas numbers of rescued Macaronesian Shearwaters sharply declined. In the absence of more accurate population estimates, these results suggest a worrying decline in the Macaronesian Shearwater’s breeding population.  相似文献   

Tracking technology has revolutionized knowledge of seabird movements; yet, few studies have examined sex differences in distribution and behavior of small to medium-sized, sexually-monomorphic seabirds. Application of bird-borne geolocation-immersion loggers revealed seasonal segregation in the sexually-monomorphic Sooty Shearwater Puffinus griseus, mainly in the pre-laying period, when there were clear differences in reproductive roles. Shearwaters first returned to the Falkland Islands on 27 Sept±8 d; males, on average, 8 d earlier than females. Prior to egg-laying, distribution at sea, colony attendance and behaviour depended on sex. Males foraged locally over the southern Patagonian Shelf and Burdwood Bank, spending mainly single days at sea and intervening nights in the burrow. Females, who flew for more of the day during this time, foraged in more distant areas of the northern Patagonian Shelf and Argentine Basin that were deeper, warmer and relatively more productive. Attendance of females at the colony was also more variable than that of males and, overall, males were present for significantly more of the pre-laying period (38 vs. 19% of time). Sex differences were reduced following egg-laying, with males and females using similar foraging areas and making trips of similar mean duration in incubation (7.6±2.7 d) and chick-rearing (1.4±1.3 d). Congruence continued into the non-breeding period, with both sexes showing similar patterns of activity and areas of occupancy in the NW Atlantic. Thus, seasonal changes in reproductive roles influenced patterns of sexual segregation; this occurred only early in the season, when male Sooty Shearwaters foraged locally, returning regularly to the colony to defend (or maintain) the burrow or the mate, while females concentrated on building resources for egg development in distant and relatively more productive waters.  相似文献   

Changes in the world's oceans have altered nutrient flow, and affected the viability of predator populations when prey species become unavailable. These changes are integrated into the tissues of apex predators over space and time and can be quantified using stable isotopes in the inert feathers of historical and contemporary avian specimens. We measured δ13C and δ15N values in Flesh‐footed Shearwaters (Puffinus carneipes) from Western and South Australia from 1936–2011. The Flesh‐footed Shearwaters more than doubled their trophic niche (from 3.91 ± 1.37 ‰2 to 10.00 ± 1.79 ‰2), and dropped an entire trophic level in 75 years (predicted δ15N decreased from +16.9 ‰ to + 13.5 ‰, and δ13C from ?16.9 ‰ to ?17.9 ‰) – the largest change in δ15N yet reported in any marine bird, suggesting a relatively rapid shift in the composition of the Indian Ocean food web, or changes in baseline δ13C and δ15N values. A stronger El Niño‐Southern Oscillation results in a weaker Leeuwin Current in Western Australia, and decreased Flesh‐footed Shearwater δ13C and δ15N. Current climate forecasts predict this trend to continue, leading to increased oceanic ‘tropicalization' and potentially competition between Flesh‐footed Shearwaters and more tropical sympatric species with expanding ranges. Flesh‐footed Shearwater populations are declining, and current conservation measures aimed primarily at bycatch mitigation are not restoring populations. Widespread shifts in foraging, as shown here, may explain some of the reported decline. An improved understanding and ability to mitigate the impacts of global climactic changes is therefore critical to the long‐term sustainability of this declining species.  相似文献   

Bryan L.  Sage 《Ibis》1968,110(1):1-16
An analysis is presented of observations made in the North Atlantic from 14 August to 10 September 1966, and comparisons are made with previously published data relating to this area. The majority of the records were obtained during transects along latitudes 55° N. and 58° N., but other data were collected in Labrador and Newfoundland coastal waters. During the period spent at sea 30 species were recorded, including five passerine species that came aboard ship. Manx Shearwaters were seen in Newfoundland waters where there have been few previous records. The record of a Balearic Shearwater appears to be the most northerly to date. Some evidence of correlation was found between the numbers of Great Shearwaters seen and the surface water temperature, but there was little evidence of correlation in the case of the Fulmar. Other points of interest are the records of moult in the Great Shearwater, and the records of Grey Phalaropes and Sabine's Gulls. An analysis of the skua movements suggests that the Arctic Skuas seen originated from Scandinavia, the Great Skuas from Iceland and the Pomarine and Long-tailed Skuas from the Canadian arctic.  相似文献   

Accurate estimation of breeding and survival parameters is essential to assess the population viability of the endangered Hutton's Shearwater Puffinus huttoni . This study investigated the accuracy of using field signs, an infrared 'burrowscope' and inspection hatches to monitor burrow occupancy and breeding success. Inspection hatches proved to be the most reliable means of measuring burrow occupancy and breeding success, and Hutton's Shearwaters appear to tolerate disturbance from this method. Data collected from inspection hatches over a 10-year period indicate that breeding success has averaged 46.5%, and that 70.5% of burrows are occupied by an incubating bird at the start of the breeding season. This occupancy figure suggests that the population of Hutton's Shearwaters may be closer to 106 000 breeding pairs than the 134 000 pairs previously estimated. Annual adult survival is estimated to be 93.1%. These values of breeding success and adult survival are very similar to published data on Puffinus species breeding in environments free from introduced predators.  相似文献   

Forecasting the ecological effects of climate change on marine species is critical for informing greenhouse gas mitigation targets and developing marine conservation strategies that remain effective and increase species' resilience under changing climate conditions. Highly productive coastal upwelling systems are predicted to experience substantial effects from climate change, making them priorities for ecological forecasting. We used a population modeling approach to examine the consequences of ocean climate change in the California Current upwelling ecosystem on the population growth rate of the planktivorous seabird Cassin's auklet (Ptychoramphus aleuticus), a demographically sensitive indicator of marine climate change. We use future climate projections for sea surface temperature and upwelling intensity from a regional climate model to forecast changes in the population growth rate of the auklet population at the important Farallon Island colony in central California. Our study projected that the auklet population growth rate will experience an absolute decline of 11–45% by the end of the century, placing this population on a trajectory toward extinction. In addition, future changes in upwelling intensity and timing of peak upwelling are likely to vary across auklet foraging regions in the California Current Ecosystem (CCE), producing a mosaic of climate conditions and ecological impacts across the auklet range. Overall, the Farallon Island Cassin's auklet population has been declining during recent decades, and ocean climate change in this century under a mid‐level emissions scenario is projected to accelerate this decline, leading toward population extinction. Because our study species has proven to be a sensitive indicator of oceanographic conditions in the CCE and a powerful predictor of the abundance of other important predators (i.e. salmon), the significant impacts we predicted for the Cassin's auklet provide insights into the consequences that ocean climate change may have for other plankton predators in this system.  相似文献   

Seabirds have suffered dramatic declines in population over recent decades. The most abundant seabirds of tropical oceans are Sooty Terns Onychoprion fuscatus and they have an IUCN Red List category of ‘Least Concern’. Ascension Island has the largest colony of Sooty Terns in the Atlantic Ocean and censuses between 1990 and 2013 have shown that its population size is static. In this study we have used historical data and recent censuses to describe the population status of Sooty Terns on Ascension Island over a century. We show that the breeding population contained over 2 million individuals in the 1870s and remained at this level for at least 70 years. However, the population declined from >2 million birds in 1942 to 350,000 birds by 1990. The population trend spanning a period equivalent to three generations of the species (63 years; 1942–2005) showed an approximate 84% decline in population size. Using IUCN criteria this suggests that Sooty Terns on Ascension could be considered ‘Critically Endangered’. We conclude that a re-evaluation of Sooty Tern conservation status is necessary at the local level and possibly globally. Our study highlights that for long-lived species historic demographic data should be considered when determining conservation status.  相似文献   

During the breeding season, seabird foraging trips are constrained by nest attendance schedule and are necessarily colony centred. Oceanographic cues play a major role in the choice of foraging areas to minimize the time spent away from the nest. Here, we analysed the foraging tracks of Black-vented Shearwaters Puffinus opisthomelas during the incubation and chick-rearing periods of 2016 and 2017 at Isla Natividad (Mexico). We applied expectation-maximization binary clustering to track data to clusterize different behaviour patterns during foraging flights. We then applied binary generalized linear mixed models to characterize of foraging areas based on of environmental variables. We finally used kernel estimation techniques to describe main foraging areas. In 2016, breeding shearwaters used two core areas for foraging and resting on the water; the core area delineated by males was located northward from the colony in the Vizcaino Bay and the core area for females was located southward from the colony at the entrance of San Ignacio Lagoon. In 2017, males and females used the same areas with no evident segregation. Our study provided the first information on Black-vented Shearwater foraging areas during the breeding season and indicated that sexual segregation within coastal waters off the central Baja California Peninsula might be a foraging strategy during years of warmer ocean, likely less productive regimes. Factors including ocean-climate-mediated sexual segregation at sea, leading to interannual variation in foraging areas, should be considered when evaluating management actions intended to protect critical foraging habitats for Black-vented Shearwaters.  相似文献   

The extent and intensity of artificial night lighting has increased with urban development worldwide. The resulting light pollution is responsible for mortality among many Procellariiformes species which show nocturnal activity on their breeding grounds. Here, we report light‐induced mortality of Procellariiformes during a 9‐year study (1998–2006) on Tenerife, the largest island of the Canary archipelago. A total of 9880 birds from nine species were found grounded, the majority being Cory’s Shearwaters Calonectris diomedea (93.4%). For this species the majority of grounded birds were fledglings (96.4%), which fall apparently while leaving their nesting colony for the first time; for the smaller species (storm‐petrels) adult birds were more often grounded than fledglings. For almost all species, grounding showed a seasonal pattern linked with their breeding cycle. Certain phases of the moon influenced grounding of Cory’s Shearwater, with the extent of grounding being reduced during phases of full moon. The percentage of fledglings attracted to lights in relation to the fledglings produced annually varied between species and years (0–1.3% for the Madeiran Storm‐petrel Oceanodroma castro; 41–71% for Cory’s Shearwater). Mean adult mortality rates also varied between species (from 0.4% for the European Storm‐petrel Hydrobates pelagicus and the Cory’s Shearwater, to 2.3% for the Manx Shearwater Puffinus puffinus). Here we show that light‐induced mortality rates are of concern, at least for petrels and small shearwaters. Thanks to efforts involving civil cooperation, 95% of grounded birds have been returned to the wild. To minimize the impact of artificial lights on petrels we recommend several conservation measures: continuing rescue campaigns, alteration of light signatures and reduction of light emissions during the fledging peaks. Furthermore, we recommend that a monitoring program for petrel populations be implemented, as well as further studies to assess the fate of released fledglings and continued research to address why petrels are attracted to lights.  相似文献   

The composition, abundance, species richness and structural changes of the planktonic polychaete assemblages were analysed along a latitudinal transect in the California Current System (California, U.S.A. and Baja California, Mexico). The biological (species and abundance) and physical (temperature and salinity) data were analysed using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The principal water masses in the survey area were determined. Twenty-four holoplanktonic species belonging to families Alciopidae, Iospilidae, Lopadorhynchidae, Tomopteridae and Typhloscolecidae were identified. Three clear species assemblages were discerned in the PCA results: 1. A `north group' (from Oregon-California border to San Francisco), with relatively high species richness (11) and the highest mean abundance (121 ind. per 500 m3) was characterised by Tomopteris septentrionalis, T. planktonis, Plotohelmis tenuis, and Travisiopis lobifera. California Current Water and Subtropical Central Water were present in the area occupied by this assemblage. 2. A `south group' (from off Bahía Magdalena to Cabo San Lucas), with the highest species richness (16), but low mean abundance (37.8 ind. per 500 m3); it included tropical affinity species, such Lopadorhynchus henseni, Tomopteris nationalis, and Travisiopsis dubia. In concordance Surface Equatorial Water was identified in this region. 3. A `transition group' (between the north and south regions) recorded the lowest mean abundance (2.3 ind. per 500 m3) and species richness (9). Only the California Current Water was detected in this area. The spatial pattern of species richness found along of this transect, was at least, partially due to the planktonic productivity distribution in the epipelagic region and the influence of several water masses coming from different directions.  相似文献   

In 1997/98 a census was made of the Manx Shearwater populations on three Welsh Islands: Skomer, Skokholm and Middleholm. The census was made by counting all the burrows in the winter, playing a tape-recording of a male call (to which only males respond) down a sample of the burrows during the incubation period and applying a correction for the response rate (the proportion of males which respond). The response rate was determined by playing the tape-recordings down a set of burrows in which eggs had been laid and where the incubating birds could be examined. Knowing the total number of burrows, the number of burrows sampled, the number of responses and the response rate enabled us to make an estimate of the population size on each island. Skomer, with an estimated population of some 102000 breeding pairs is probably the largest colony of Manx Shearwaters in the world; the estimates for Skokholm and Middleholm were 46000 and 3000 respectively. These figures are compared with earlier censuses undertaken using traditional methods.  相似文献   

Seabird moult is poorly understood because most species undergo moult at sea during the non-breeding season. We scored moult of wings, tail and body feathers on 102 Mediterranean Cory's Shearwaters Calonectris diomedea diomedea accidentally caught by longliners throughout the year. Primary renewal was found to be simple and descendant from the most proximal (P1) to the most distal (P10) feather. Secondaries showed a more complex moulting pattern, with three different asynchronous foci: the first starting on the innermost secondaries (S21), the second on the middle secondaries (S5) and the latest on the outermost secondaries (S1). Rectrix moult started at a later stage and was simple and descendant from the most proximal feather (R1) expanding distally. Although a few body feathers can be moulted from prelaying to hatching, moult of ventral and dorsal feathers clearly intensified during chick rearing. Different moulting sequences and uncoupled phenology between primary and secondary renewal suggest that flight efficiency is a strong constraint factor in the evolution of moulting strategies. Moreover, moult of Cory's Shearwaters was synchronous between wings and largely asynchronous between tail halves, with no more than one rectrix moulted at once. This result is probably related to the differential sensitivity of wings and the tail on flight performance, ultimately derived from different aerodynamic functions. Finally, Cory's Shearwater females renewed feathers earlier and faster than males, which may be related to the lower chick attendance of females.  相似文献   

The foods of Great and Sooty Shearwaters Puffinus gravis and P. griseus are described from birds collected off eastern Canada. There was a broad overlap in diet, but Great Shearwaters tended to take more squid and tough-bodied fish such as mackerel Scomber scombrus while Sooties took more euphausiids Meganyctiphanes norvegica and soft-bodied fish such as Herring Clupea harengus . These differences are apparently related to differences in bill structure and in the degree of adaptation to underwater swimming.
The birds appeared to feed opportunistically on whatever prey was locally available in the size-range between euphausiids and small fish and squid: Meganyctiphanes off southwest Nova Scotia, spawning and post-spawning capelin Mallotus villosus off eastern Newfoundland, and migrating squid Illex illecebrosus on the Grand Bank. Possible factors influencing prey selection are discussed. It is suggested that the timing and routes of the birds' migrations in the North Atlantic are related to the exploitation of such local concentrations.
Despite the overlap in diets, differences in the distributions of the two species rule out the possibility of significant competition for common food resources.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Regular monitoring of seabird populations is necessary to improve our understanding of their responses to environmental change and inform conservation management. However, given the difficulty in accessing remote breeding sites and the limited resources typically available to land managers, conducting regular, extensive surveys of seabird populations is often not feasible. Our objective was to determine the minimum survey effort required to obtain accurate and precise population estimates of Short‐tailed Shearwaters (Ardenna tenuirostris) and Little Penguins (Eudyptula minor), two abundant burrowing seabird species in southeastern Australia, by comparing bootstrapped means and confidence intervals under different sampling regimes on four islands. We found that, in many cases, survey effort (the proportion of transects and quadrats along transects surveyed) could be reduced. For Short‐tailed Shearwaters, reducing the number of transects resulted in a maximum difference of 15% between the means at full survey effort and two levels of reduced survey effort. Means differed by <3% when we halved the number of quadrats. For Little Penguins, reducing the number of transects and quadrats by 50% resulted in differences of 7–40% and 4–34%, respectively, between the full and reduced survey effort means. Confidence intervals generally increased with decreasing survey effort for both species. Differences in required survey effort between the two species in our study may have been due to differences in burrow distribution on islands, with Short‐tailed Shearwater burrows generally uniformly distributed on each island and Little Penguin burrows typically occurring in patches. These would be influenced by island‐specific characteristics in concert with habitat preferences, population size, and seasonal variation in seabird abundance. Stratified sampling did not increase survey accuracy and simulations showed that large reductions in survey effort could be made under a pseudo‐random sampling regime, with mean abundance estimates similar at most levels of survey effort. For both species, reducing the proportion of pseudo‐random quadrats to 50% and 25% of the full survey effort produced confidence intervals of 12% and 21%, respectively, of the maximum, whereas a survey effort of 10% produced confidence intervals of up to 36% of the maximum for both species. A pseudo‐random sampling regime would maximize survey efficiency because considerably fewer quadrats would be required and allow development of more efficient sampling protocols and regimes.  相似文献   

Abstract: Habitat Conservation Plans are a widely used strategy to balance development and preservation of species of concern and have been used in southern California, USA, to protect the coastal California gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica). Few data exist on gnatcatcher abundance and distribution, and existing data have problems with issues of closure (i.e., sampling occurs in a short enough time period such that abundance or distribution are not changing), detectability, and proper attention to probability-based sampling schemes. Thus, a habitat model has been relied upon in reserve design. California gnatcatchers are the flagship and umbrella species of many plans and we provide the first estimates that incorporate probabilistic sampling and test predictions from the habitat model. Probability of occurrence was 26% (SĚ = 0.06); however, occupancy varied by modeled habitat quality with slopes <40%, warm, and wet sagebrush habitat having higher occupancy probabilities. Interpreting abundance and occupancy probabilities by vegetation type was complicated by error detected in Geographic Information System vegetation metadata files. The slope (1.08, SĚ = 0.66), temperature (0.79, SĚ = 0.70), and precipitation (—2.62, SĚ = 1.21) variables associated with habitat models were stronger influences on occupancy than was patch size (0.48, SĚ = 0.66). Previous models weight patch size equal to slope and climate. Our work demonstrates that probabilistic sampling can be carried out on a large scale and the results provide better information for managers to make decisions about their reserves.  相似文献   

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