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Babesia bovis is an apicomplexan intraerythrocytic protozoan parasite that induces babesiosis in cattle after transmission by ticks. During specific stages of the apicomplexan parasite lifecycle, such as the sporozoites of Plasmodium falciparum and tachyzoites of Toxoplasma gondii, host cells are targeted for invasion using a unique, active process termed “gliding motility”. However, it is not thoroughly understood how the merozoites of B. bovis target and invade host red blood cells (RBCs), and gliding motility has so far not been observed in the parasite.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Gliding motility of B. bovis merozoites was revealed by time-lapse video microscopy. The recorded images revealed that the process included egress of the merozoites from the infected RBC, gliding motility, and subsequent invasion into new RBCs. The gliding motility of B. bovis merozoites was similar to the helical gliding of Toxoplasma tachyzoites. The trails left by the merozoites were detected by indirect immunofluorescence assay using antiserum against B. bovis merozoite surface antigen 1. Inhibition of gliding motility by actin filament polymerization or depolymerization indicated that the gliding motility was driven by actomyosin dependent process. In addition, we revealed the timing of breakdown of the parasitophorous vacuole. Time-lapse image analysis of membrane-stained bovine RBCs showed formation and breakdown of the parasitophorous vacuole within ten minutes of invasion.


This is the first report of the gliding motility of B. bovis. Since merozoites of Plasmodium parasites do not glide on a substrate, the gliding motility of B. bovis merozoites is a notable finding.  相似文献   

Remote photography using various photo, movie or video devices has been employed in numerous studies in wildlife research during the last 50 years. Given the rapid advances in digital technologies, digital video and photo techniques are becoming more common in use, and publications that introduce a new method or equipment for video surveillance in wildlife research (and in ornithological studies particularly) are appearing almost every year. However, still no special guide to the great variety of equipment and methods is available, and the choice and use of suitable gear for scientific purposes may be difficult for non-specialists. In this paper, we review the most common surveillance techniques used in today’s nest studies, as well as the most essential properties of image recording equipment. We also describe the digital video recording technique, which we used for observations of raptor nests, and summarise our experience of its operation. As an example of the obtained data, we present the timing of prey deliveries of goshawks and common buzzards.  相似文献   

In bivalve molluscs, defence against pathogens mainly relies on fast tissue infiltration by immunocompetent hemocytes that migrate from circulating hemolymph to sites of infection, in order to deliver, in situ, an effective immune response. In the present work, we have investigated dynamics of hemocyte subpopulations motility by combining flow cytometry coupled to Coulter-type cell volume determination, Hoffman modulation contrast microscopy, time-lapse imaging and off-line analysis of cell shape changes. Our results revealed fast modifications of hemocyte aspect in vitro, with bidirectional transitions from spread outlines to condensed cell body morphologies, in the minute range. Amoeboid or non-amoeboid types of locomotion were observed, depending on the cell shapes and on the cell subtypes, with velocities reaching up to 30 μm min?1. Correlations between motion profiles, Hemacolor staining and flow cytometry analysis on living cells help to propose a functional mussel hemocyte classification including the motile properties of these cells. In particular, basophils were shown to be involved in dynamic hemocyte–hemocyte interactions and in the constitution of aggregation cores. Physiological implications, in terms of immune response in organisms devoid of endothelium-closed vascular system, and potential applications of hemocyte motility studies for the development and the interpretation of experiments involving hemocytes in the field of marine ecotoxicology are discussed.  相似文献   

T D Allen  N G Testa 《Blood cells》1991,17(1):29-38; discussion 39-43
Long-term bone marrow cultures (LTBMC) are readily converted from the usual granulopoietic to erythropoietic production by the addition of anemic mouse serum (AMS). The "statics" of proliferation and maturation, previously shown by ultrastructural methods to closely mirror the in vivo situation, were studied dynamically using a time-lapse video system. Several cell pedigrees were followed, but the most complete series showed three successive divisions and subsequent enucleations in the progeny of three synchronously mitotic cells observed in the culture; this is indicative of a five division sequence in the erythron. As in erythroblastic islets observed in marrow in vivo, the striking synchrony of maturation was maintained in vitro. Furthermore, when some of the erythroid progeny became displaced to other macrophages, the synchrony, which was maintained by the original erythroid group on the original erythroblastic islet macrophage, was lost. Time-lapse video, which is inexpensive to run and can be maintained in continuous recording for many weeks, is an ideal technique for recording both erythroid cell pedigrees, and the initial events leading to the formation of an erythroblastic islet in vitro after stimulation with AMS.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic action of murine peritoneal macrophages is demonstrated in vitro by time-lapse phase contrast microcinematography. The process was found to be contact-dependent. Morphological observations of effector/target cells interaction may support the idea that some sort of osmotic shock is involved in the red cell lysis. It was demonstrated that the lysing process occurred in the course of less than 4 sec.  相似文献   

The importance of understanding the mechanism of protein aggregation into insoluble amyloid fibrils lies not only in its medical consequences, but also in its more basic properties of self-organization. The discovery that a large number of uncorrelated proteins can form, under proper conditions, structurally similar fibrils has suggested that the underlying mechanism is a general feature of polypeptide chains. In this work, we address the early events preceding amyloid fibril formation in solutions of zinc-free human insulin incubated at low pH and high temperature. Here, we show by time-lapse atomic force microscopy that a steady-state distribution of protein oligomers with a quasiexponential tail is reached within a few minutes after heating. This metastable phase lasts for a few hours, until fibrillar aggregates are observable. Although for such complex systems different aggregation mechanisms can occur simultaneously, our results indicate that the prefibrillar phase is mainly controlled by a simple coagulation-evaporation kinetic mechanism, in which concentration acts as a critical parameter. These experimental facts, along with the kinetic model used, suggest a critical role for thermal concentration fluctuations in the process of fibril nucleation.  相似文献   

The high degree of organization in mature bacterial colonies suggests specific interactions between the cells during colony development. We have used time-lapse video microscopy to find evidence for cell-cell interactions. In its initial stages, Escherichia coli K-12 colony morphogenesis displayed control of the geometry of cell growth and involved intimate side-by-side associations. When microcolonies developed from isolated single bacteria, a directed process of elongation and division resulted in the appearance of a symmetrical four-cell array. When growth began with separate but nearby bacteria, the daughters of different cells elongated towards each other and also lined up side by side. Interactions between microcolonies containing several hundred or more bacteria were visible several hours later. Control of cell morphogenesis at later stages of microcolony development was strain specific. These results show that E. coli K-12 cells respond to each other and adjust their cellular morphogenesis to form multicellular groups as they proliferate on agar.  相似文献   

Freezing of barley studied by infrared video thermography   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Freezing of barley (Hordeum vulgare), Hordeum murinum, and Holcus lanatus was studied using infrared video thermography. In the field, ice could enter H. lanatus leaves through hydathodes. In laboratory tests with barley, initially 0.4% of the leaf water froze, spreading in alternate strips of high and low freezing intensity longitudinally at 1 to 4 cm s(-1), and simultaneously spreading laterally at 0.3 cm s(-1). Similar results were obtained in the field with H. lanatus. A distinct second, more intense, freezing event spread slowly from the margins of the leaves toward the midrib. Organs of uprooted barley tested in the laboratory froze in this order: nucleated leaf, roots, older leaves, younger leaves, and secondary tillers. When ice spread from one leaf to the rest of the plant the crown delayed spread to the roots and other leaves. There was a longer delay above than below -2 degrees C, helping to protect the crown from freezing during mild frosts. Initial spread of freezing was not damaging. However, the initial spread is a prerequisite for the second freezing event, which can cause damage. The route of the initial spread of ice may be extracellular, drawing water from more gel-like parts of the cell wall.  相似文献   

Asynchronous rat embryo cells expressing Myc were followed in 50 fields by computerized video time lapse (CVTL) for three to four cycles before irradiation (4 Gy) and then for 6-7 days thereafter. Pedigrees were constructed for single cells that had been irradiated in different parts of the cycle, i.e. at different times after they were born. Over 95% of the cell death occurred by postmitotic apoptosis after the cells and their progeny had divided from one to six times. The duration of the process of apoptosis once it was initiated was independent of the phase in which the cell was irradiated. Cell death was defined as cessation of movement, typically 20-60 min after the cell rounded with membrane blebbing, but membrane rupture did not occur until 5 to 40 h later. The times to apoptosis and the number of divisions after irradiation were less for cells irradiated late in the cycle. Cells irradiated in G(1) phase divided one to six times and survived 40-120 h before undergoing apoptosis compared to only one to two times and 5-40 h for cells irradiated in G(2) phase. The only cells that died without dividing after irradiation were irradiated in mid to late S phase. Essentially the same results were observed for a dose of 9.5 Gy, although the progeny died sooner and after fewer divisions than after 4 Gy. Regardless of the phase in which they were irradiated, the cells underwent apoptosis from 2 to 150 h after their last division. Therefore, the postmitotic apoptosis did not occur in a predictable or programmed manner, although apoptosis was associated with lengthening of both the generation time and the duration of mitosis immediately prior to the death of the daughter cells. After the non-clonogenic cells divided and yielded progeny entering the first generation after irradiation with 4 Gy, 60% of the progeny either had micronuclei or were sisters of cells that had micronuclei, compared to none of the progeny of clonogenic cells having micronuclei in generation 1. However, another 20% of the non-clonogenic cells had progeny with micronuclei appearing first in generation 2 or 3. As a result, 80% of the non-clonogenic cells had progeny with micronuclei. Furthermore, cells with micronuclei were more likely to die during the generation in which the micronuclei were observed than cells not having micronuclei. Also, micronuclei were occasionally observed in the progeny from clonogenic cells in later generations at about the same time that lethal sectoring was observed. Thus cell death was associated with formation of micronuclei. Most importantly, cells irradiated in late S or G(2) phase were more radiosensitive than cells irradiated in G(1) phase for both loss of clonogenic survival and the time of death and number of divisions completed after irradiation. Finally, the cumulative percentage of apoptosis scored in whole populations of asynchronous or synchronous populations, without distinguishing between the progeny of individually irradiated cells, underestimates the true amount of apoptosis that occurs in cells that undergo postmitotic apoptosis after irradiation. Scoring cell death in whole populations of cells gives erroneous results since both clonogenic and non-clonogenic cells are dividing as non-clonogenic cells are undergoing apoptosis over a period of many days.  相似文献   

The electrical properties of the water mold Achlya bisexualis were investigated using intracellular microelectrodes. Hyphae growing in a defined medium maintained a membrane potential (Vm) of -150 to -170 mV, interior negative. Under the conditions used here, this potential was insensitive to changes in the inorganic ion composition of the medium. Changes in external pH did affect Vm, but only outside the physiological pH range. By contrast, the addition of respiratory inhibitors caused a rapid depolarization without affecting the conductance of the plasma membrane. Taken together these findings strongly suggest that the membrane potential is governed by an electrogenic ion pump rather than by an ionic diffusion potential. Previous work from this laboratory showed that Achlya hyphae generate a transcellular proton current that enters the growing tip, flows along the hyphal length, and exits distally from the trunk. These initial experiments used an extracellular vibrating electrode, and I now report intracellular electrical recordings which support the hypothesis that protons enter the tip by symport with amino acids and are expelled distally by a proton-translocating ATPase. Most significantly, current flowing intracellularly along the hyphal length is associated with a cytoplasmic electric field of 0.2 V/cm or greater. Conditions that inhibit the current also abolish the internal field, suggesting that these two phenomena are closely linked.  相似文献   

Cell migration is a dynamic process, which is important for embryonic development, tissue repair, immune system function, and tumor invasion (1, 2). During directional migration, cells move rapidly in response to an extracellular chemotactic signal, or in response to intrinsic cues (3) provided by the basic motility machinery. Random migration occurs when a cell possesses low intrinsic directionality, allowing the cells to explore their local environment. Cell migration is a complex process, in the initial response cell undergoes polarization and extends protrusions in the direction of migration (2). Traditional methods to measure migration such as the Boyden chamber migration assay is an easy method to measure chemotaxis in vitro, which allows measuring migration as an end point result. However, this approach neither allows measurement of individual migration parameters, nor does it allow to visualization of morphological changes that cell undergoes during migration. Here, we present a method that allows us to monitor migrating cells in real time using video - time lapse microscopy. Since cell migration and invasion are hallmarks of cancer, this method will be applicable in studying cancer cell migration and invasion in vitro. Random migration of platelets has been considered as one of the parameters of platelet function (4), hence this method could also be helpful in studying platelet functions. This assay has the advantage of being rapid, reliable, reproducible, and does not require optimization of cell numbers. In order to maintain physiologically suitable conditions for cells, the microscope is equipped with CO(2) supply and temperature thermostat. Cell movement is monitored by taking pictures using a camera fitted to the microscope at regular intervals. Cell migration can be calculated by measuring average speed and average displacement, which is calculated by Slidebook software.  相似文献   

The reaction of sarcoplasmic molecular organization on the irritation of the sympathetic system was studied in tired frog muscles. The molecular changes have been determined by registration of mitogenic irradiation. The intensive irradiation recorded at the phase of highest sympathetic effect indicated the reinforcement of the regulation process it is suggested that structural and energetic substrate changes associated with irradiation are directly involved in the modulating influences of the sympathetic system.  相似文献   

The test-retest study of the individual alpha peak frequency (IAPF) variability was provided in eyes closed and eyes open conditions in standard (8-12 Hz) and individual alpha band range in different brain areas in 96 healthy male subjects (aged 25-40). The pairwise comparisons showed that IAPF means are not different in the left and right hemisphere sites, in eyes closed and eyes open conditions, in standard and individual alpha range. Computed in the first 5 s after opening eyes fronto-central area IAPF mean was lower than in eyes closed condition. IAPF computed in individual alpha range in posterior area in eyes closed condition had the minimal variability and was the most reproducible in test retest investigation.  相似文献   

Human spectrin, when isolated, purified and stored in such conditions that preserve its tetrameric form, is able to associate with human hemoglobin as it is clearly shown by gel filtration. However, this hemoglobin-spectrin association does not seem to have a significant effect on hemoglobin oxygenation as indicated by equilibrium and rapid kinetics measurements.  相似文献   



Cell motility is a critical parameter in many physiological as well as pathophysiological processes. In time-lapse video microscopy, manual cell tracking remains the most common method of analyzing migratory behavior of cell populations. In addition to being labor-intensive, this method is susceptible to user-dependent errors regarding the selection of "representative" subsets of cells and manual determination of precise cell positions.  相似文献   

The microviscosities of the hydrophobic regions of the membranes of intact Semliki forest and Sindbis viruses grown on BHK-21 cells, of liposomes derived from the extracted viral lipids, and of protease-treated virions were measured by fluorescence depolorization using the fluorescence probe 1, 6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene. The intact virus membranes were found to have a higher microviscosity than did virus-derived liposomes, indicating the viral envelope proteins contribute to microviscosity. However, protease-treated virus, devoid of protruding spikes but with residual lipophilic peptide tails, was found to have a microviscosity more similar to that of the intact virus than to that of protein-free liposomes. Sindbis virus grown in BHK-21 cells at 37 C had a much higher microviscosity than did Sindbis virus grown on Aedes albopicuts cells at 22 C. Sindbis virus grwon in A. albopictus and BHK-21 cells also gave higher microviscosity values than did the intact host cells. These data indicate that both the virion proteins and the cellular lipids selected during viral growth and maturation contribute to the increased microviscosity of togavirus membranes.  相似文献   

The influence of Brownian motion on marine bacteria was examined. Due to their small size, marine bacteria rotate up to 1,400 degrees in one second. This rapid rotation makes directional swimming difficult or impossible, as a bacterium may point in a particular direction for only a few tens of milliseconds on average. Some directional movement, however, was found to be possible if swimming speed is sufficiently great, over approximately 100 μm sec−1. This led to the testable hypothesis that marine bacteria with radiii less than about 0.75 μm should exceed this speed. The result of the increased speed is that marine bacteria may spend in excess of 10% of their total energy budget on movement. This expenditure is 100 times greater than values for enteric bacteria, and indicates that marine bacteria are likely to be immotile below critical size-specific nutrient concentrations.  相似文献   

M Miyake  S I Hakomori 《Biochemistry》1991,30(13):3328-3334
The biochemical basis of cell motility has been viewed as a complex process involving cell surface membrane proteins, integrin receptors, growth factors and their receptors, and cytoskeletal components [Rosen & Goldberg (1989) In Vitro 25, 1079]. The possible involvement of glycoconjugates at the cell surface in controlling cell motility has not been systematically investigated. We addressed this question using functional monoclonal antibodies (MAbs), which inhibit cell motility and the metastatic potential of tumor cells, as probes. Two such MAbs, derived from two independent processes of immunization and selection, were found to directed to a common specific carbohydrate structure, Fuc alpha 1----2Gal beta 1----R. MAb MIA-15-5 was established after immunization of mice with small cell lung carcinoma line PC7 and selected on the basis of inhibition of U937 and HEL cell migration. MAb MIA-22-20 was established after immunization with lung adenocarcinoma line MAC-10 and selected on the basis of inhibition of MAC-10 cell migration. These two MAbs were both IgM and were consistently reactive with the Fuc alpha 1----2Gal beta 1----R structure, regardless of the identity of the R group. Various other anti-H MAbs, specific to carrier isotype, did not affect cell motility. MAb MIA-15-5 reacted with 30-40% of high-metastatic variant BL6 of mouse melanoma B16 line but with only less than 5% of low-metastatic variant F1. Metastatic deposition to lung after injection of BL6 cells was inhibited if MAb MIA-15-5 was injected within 3 h but was not inhibited by injection of other anti-H antibodies under the same conditions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Vital fluorescence staining has been used in conjunction with time- lapse video image intensification microscopy to analyze the distribution and movement of endosomes, lysosomes, and mitochondria in cultured rat ovarian granulosa cells. Exposure of 5-d granulosa cell cultures to pyrene-concanavalin A (P-Con A) or 3,3'- dioctadecylindocarbocyanine-labeled low-density lipoprotein (dil-LDL) at 4 degrees C results in the formation of randomly distributed endosomes 10 min after warming to 37 degrees C that exhibit saltatory motion for 20 min. If granulosa cells are labeled at 4 degrees C with both P-Con A and dil-LDL and warmed to 37 degrees C, both ligands are found within the same endosomes which migrate centripetally to the cell center where label accumulates within phase-dense structures by 60 min. The initial endosome saltations occur over short distances (mean distance = 4.6 micron) with a mean velocity of 0.03 micron/s. Endosome saltations then cease and are followed by a gradual centriptal migration of endosomes to the cell center where they accumulate and fuse with phase-dense structures. The second phase of movement involves a continuous, unidirectional migration of endosomes over distances ranging from 5 to 40 micron at a mean velocity of 0.05 micron/s. Lysosomes were simultaneously visualized as acridine orange-staining, phase-dense structures in control cells and cells exposed to fluorescent ligands. In untreated cells, lysosomes are dispersed throughout the cytoplasm and undergo bidirectional saltations covering a mean distance of 8.7 micron with a mean velocity of 0.3 micron/s. Lysosomes redistribute centripetally to the perinuclear region of the cell by saltatory movement within 20 min of exposure to ligand. Mitochondria were visualized with the fluorescent dye rhodamine 123 in granulosa cells labeled with P-Con A and were found to redistribute to the cell center coincident with endosomes. The microtubule-disrupting agent nocodazole was found to inhibit lysosome saltations and all phases of endosome movement. Taxol, a microtubule-stabilizing agent, partially impaired lysosome movement and led to a redistribution of lysosomes into linear aggregates surrounding the nucleus. Taxol was also found to inhibit endosome movement. The data indicate that (a) endosome movement proceeds initially by saltation and later by a nonsaltatory centripetal migration in association with mitochondria, that (b) lysosomes and endosomes undergo a temporally distinct but spatially similar change in cytoplasmic distribution, and that (c) microtubules are required for the directed translocation of endosomes and lysosomes towards the cell center.  相似文献   

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