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目的了解637例甲真菌病患者的临床分类、致病真菌菌种构成及其分布。方法按甲真菌病诊断标准收集近3a来637例真菌培养阳性甲真菌病患者并临床分类,按真菌学分类标准诊断致病菌种类,分析各菌种在临床病种、年龄段、性别等的分布。结果临床分型以远端侧位甲下型为主(72.06%)。菌种构成为皮肤癣菌占69.39%、酵母菌占18.68%、非皮肤癣菌霉菌占11.93%。皮肤癣菌中红色毛癣菌353株(79.86%),酵母菌中白念珠菌67株(56.30%),非皮肤癣菌中以青霉和曲霉为主。致病菌种的分布在不同年龄段及性别间存在差异,但均以皮肤癣菌为主。结论甲真菌病的临床类型以远端侧位甲下型为主,红色毛癣菌为优势致病菌。  相似文献   

威海地区547例甲真菌病真菌培养结果分析   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
目的了解山东省威海地区甲真菌病的临床分类、菌种构成等流行情况。方法对547例镜检阳性的甲真菌病患者进行真菌培养、鉴定和临床分析。结果547例患者中真菌培养阳性423例,阳性率77.3%,远端侧位甲下型甲真菌病(DLSO)295例(53.9%),白色浅表型甲真菌病(SWO)36例(6.5%),近端侧位甲下型甲真菌病(PSO)78例(14.2%),全甲营养不良型甲真菌病(TDO)138例(25.2%)。共分离出429株真菌,其中皮肤癣菌354株(82.5%),酵母菌61株(14.2%),非皮肤癣菌霉菌14株(3.3%)。结论山东省威海地区甲真菌病病原体的分布以皮肤癣菌为主,其次为酵母菌和非皮肤癣菌霉菌,红色毛癣菌是最常见的皮肤癣菌,临床类型以DLSO型居多,其他依次是TDO、PSO、SWO。就诊人群中以20~50岁年龄段为最多见。  相似文献   

易顺强  刘丽 《中国真菌学杂志》2012,7(5):284-286,289
目的了解濮阳地区部分浅部真菌病中两种及两种以上真菌混合感染的情况。方法对临床确诊为浅部真菌病的患者456例,取标本行10%KOH直接镜检、真菌培养及菌种鉴定。登记确诊患者相关临床资料,分析其中混合感染的发病特点。结果确诊皮肤癣菌和念珠菌混合感染病例36例,分离率为7.89%,多见于股部(58.33%)和足部(27.78%);分离菌株72株,皮肤癣菌中以红色毛癣菌为主(75.00%),念珠菌中以非白念珠菌为主(72.22%)。结论濮阳地区部分浅部真菌病中混合感染主要为皮肤癣菌和念珠菌的混合感染,多见于股部和足部;致病菌以红色毛癣菌和非白念珠菌为主。  相似文献   

目的了解国内甲真菌病病原菌的种类和构成情况,掌握流行病学资料。方法对真菌镜检阳性的1 428例甲真菌病患者进行真菌培养和临床分析。结果真菌培养阳性率为53.9%,分离出病原菌800株。其中皮肤癣菌占84.0%,以红色毛癣菌为主(80.9%),其次为指(趾)间毛癣菌和絮状表皮癣菌。酵母菌占11.4%,以念珠菌属为主(10.1%),尤以近平滑念珠菌为主,其次为白念珠菌和热带念珠菌。其他霉菌占4.6%,以枝顶孢霉为主(2.3%),其次曲霉属、青霉属、毛壳菌属、镰刀菌属和帚霉属等。结论本研究显示甲真菌病病原菌以皮肤癣菌为主,其次为酵母菌和霉菌。  相似文献   

目的了解本院门诊拟诊皮肤真菌病患者真菌感染状况,掌握近期本地区皮肤真菌感染菌种分布结构。方法采用KOH直接涂片或染色显微镜观察与分离培养相结合的方法,对分离的菌落进行形态学鉴定,对真菌镜检和培养鉴定结果进行统计分析。结果 47 766例拟诊皮肤真菌病患者中,直接镜检和(或)培养阳性25 078例,占52.50%。其中皮肤癣菌病9 310例(48.94%)、马拉色菌感染8 938例(46.99%)、念珠菌及其他酵母菌感染603例(3.17%)。除外马拉色菌镜检和(或)培养阳性,其余38 839例镜检阳性率40.33%、分离培养阳性率25.99%。分离培养与镜检阳性符合率61.41%。皮肤癣菌菌种结构方面,红色毛癣菌为优势菌种占88.19%。结论皮肤癣菌病位居皮肤真菌病之首,以红色毛癣菌为优势菌,念珠菌及其他酵母菌感染亦值得关注。  相似文献   

甲真菌病是真菌引起的指(趾)甲感染,病原菌包括皮肤癣菌、酵母菌(主要是念珠菌)和霉菌,在2002~2004年对中国部分地区甲真菌病的致病菌调查研究表明,皮肤癣菌感染占甲真菌病的66.4%-67.9%,多数为红色毛癣菌和须癣毛癣菌 。甲真菌病约占浅部真菌病的30%,  相似文献   

目的了解上海地区浅部真菌病的发病情况及病原菌菌种构成。方法对2010年1月~2014年12月收集的9566例浅部真菌病临床标本进行真菌培养及真菌鉴定。结果在确诊的9 566例浅部真菌病患者中,甲真菌病5 277例(55.16%),体股癣2 313例(24.18%),手足癣1 719例(17.97%),头癣257例(2.69%),患者女性多于男性。在分离的10078株菌种中红色毛癣菌5 082株(50.43%),念珠菌属2 786株(27.64%),红酵母703株(6.98%)。结论上海地区浅部真菌病仍以红色毛癣菌为主导,与1994~1998年数据相比较,念珠菌与酵母样真菌比例有明显上升。  相似文献   

上海浦东新区浅部真菌病及其致病菌种的分布特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解浦东新区浅部真菌病的致病病种、菌种构成及其分布特征。方法对疑似浅部真菌病患者的标本进行显微镜直接镜检及培养鉴定,并作临床资料登记及统计学分析。结果确诊的895例浅部真菌病患者中体、股癣337例(37.65%),生殖器念珠菌病227例(25.36%),手、足癣168例(18.77%),甲真菌病93例(10.39%),花斑癣70例(7.82%)。患者男性多于女性,20~39岁年龄组的患病人数(48.72%)明显多于其他年龄组(P<0.05),但甲真菌病患者女性则普遍多于男性,且以50~59岁患病人数最多(P<0.05)。分离的797株菌种中红色毛癣菌379株(47.55%),念珠菌属293株(36.76%),须癣毛癣菌62株(7.78%)。结论上海浦东新区浅部真菌病的病种以体、股癣最多见,男性青壮年多见,而甲真菌病则以中老年女性多见。浅部致病真菌的分布以红色毛癣菌占首位,念珠菌属次之,须癣毛癣菌位于第三位。  相似文献   

特殊人群甲真菌病的流行病学研究现状   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
甲真菌病在特殊人群中发病特点各不相同.在年长人群中,发病率随年龄增大而增高.老年人中,指、趾甲同时受累多、TDO型多、混和性真菌感染多;中青年中,常见是DLSO和WSO,WSO随年龄增大而增多,皮肤癣菌感染多见,但年龄越大念珠菌、霉菌感染越多;在穿高跟鞋女性人群中,年穿高跟鞋时间与甲真菌病发病机会、严重程度呈正相关,以DLSO多见,小趾、拇趾多发;在糖尿病人群中,发病率是17%,以Ⅱ型糖尿病为甚,常见类型是DLSO,指甲念珠菌分离率极高,患病时间是严重程度的影响预后因素;在银屑病人群中,甲改变患者培养阳性率是18%,常见类型是TDO,分离真菌最多的是霉菌,以关节病型银屑病真菌感染最多;在肾移植人群中,发病率是12.7%,常见类型是PWSO,分离真菌常见是红色毛癣菌和须癣毛癣菌;HIV人群中,发病率是23.2%,PWSO是HIV感染的早期临床征象,甲真菌病出现概率和CD4细胞计数呈负相关;慢性病毒性肝炎人群的流行特点未有报道.  相似文献   

<正>甲真菌病是甲及其周围组织的真菌感染,是皮肤科最常见的甲病,占甲病的50%。致病真菌包括皮肤癣菌、念珠菌等酵母菌及非皮肤癣菌性霉菌等。其中,红色毛癣菌是最常见的致病菌,约占90%~([1])。本文对我院2014年11月~2015年1月皮肤科门诊甲真菌病患者的菌种分布和体外药敏试验做一回顾性分析,为临床诊断治疗提供用药依据。1资料与方法  相似文献   

新疆石河子农耕区不同植被类型昆虫群落结构特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
全仁哲  范喜顺 《昆虫知识》2008,45(2):276-281
2006年7~9月,用五点抽样法对新疆石河子农耕区不同植被类型中的昆虫群落结构进行调查,共采集到昆虫68种,隶属10目34科,共计6727头,其中叶蝉和蚜虫是主要害虫,瓢虫和草蛉是主要天敌昆虫。群落结构分析表明:在不同植被类型中昆虫群落多样性显著不同,以苗圃的多样性指数最高(2.5739),玉米的最低(1.0189),果木类的高于农作物的,间作的高于单纯植物的。  相似文献   

干旱指标研究进展   总被引:44,自引:6,他引:38  
李柏贞  周广胜 《生态学报》2014,34(5):1043-1052
干旱作为全球最为常见的自然灾害之一,已经对我国的农业生产造成了严重影响。为更好地预测影响作物的干旱并及时采取应对措施,综述了国内外广泛应用的各类干旱指标,包括气象指标、土壤墒情指标、作物生理生态指标及其它综合监测指标等,评述了各类干旱指标的优缺点以及在农业上的适用性,探讨了未来以作物干旱为核心的干旱指标研究拟重视的方面,以为减缓和预防干旱对农业的不良影响及制订科学的政策提供依据。  相似文献   

AimA systemic review and analysis of evolution journey of indices, such as conformity index (CI), homogeneity index (HI) and gradient index (GI), described in the literature.BackgroundModern radiotherapy techniques like VMAT, SRS and SBRT produce highly conformal plans and provide better critical structure and normal tissue sparing. These treatment techniques can generate a number of competitive plans for the same patients with different dose distributions. Therefore, indices like CI, HI and GI serve as complementary tools in addition to visual slice by slice isodose verification while plan evaluation. Reliability and accuracy of these indices have been tested in the past and found shortcomings and benefits when compared to one another.Material and methodsPotentially relevant studies published after 1993 were identified through a pubmed and web of science search using words “conformity index”, “Homogeneity index”, “Gradient index”,” Stereotactic radiosurgery”,” stereotactic Body radiotherapy” “complexity metrics” and “plan evaluation index”. Combinations of words “plan evaluation index conformity index” were also searched as were bibliographies of downloaded papers.Results and conclusionsMathematical definitions of plan evaluation indices modified with time. CI definitions presented by various authors tested at their own and could not be generalized. Those mathematical definitions of CI which take into account OAR sparing grant more confidence in plan evaluation. Gradient index emerged as a significant plan evaluation index in addition to CI whereas homogeneity index losing its credibility. Biological index base plan evaluation is becoming popular and may replace or alter the role of dosimetrical indices.  相似文献   

Soil mycofloral diversity plays a pivotal role in crop production and is an integral part of any ecosystem. Pigeonpea cropping system provides a congenial environment to soil microbes by fixing nitrogen and solubilizing phosphorus which in turn provides sufficient nutrients for their prolific growth. The present study was undertaken to know the fungal diversity in calcareous soil of Bihar region in India, which are not supportive to growth of many fungi owing to high calcium content. Soil samples were collected from pigeonpea cropping system treated with native and commercial isolates of phosphorus solubilizing bacteria (PSB) and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) along with Rhizobium. Thirty-seven species belonging to seven genera and a group of unidentified species were isolated. Aspergillus and Penicillium were the dominant genera in all the treatments. Absidia and Cunnighmella were distributed only once as rare genera. Though single species of Pythium, Rhizopus, Periconia, Geotrichum and Gliocladium genera were recorded but their occurrence was even in all the treatments. The diversity and equitability index were not varied much in different treatments except one. The deuteromucetous fungi occupied the highest space followed by zygomycetous, mycelia sterilia and mastigomycetous fungi.  相似文献   

A collection of 368 advanced lines and cultivars of spring wheat(Triticum aestivum L.) from Chile, Uruguay, and CIMMYT(Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo), with good agronomic characteristics were evaluated under the Mediterranean conditions of central Chile. Three different water regimes were assayed: severe water stress(SWS, rain fed), mild water stress(MWS; one irrigation around booting), and full irrigation(FI; four irrigations: at tillering,flag leaf appearance, heading, and middle grain filling). Traits evaluated were grain yield(GY), agronomical yield components,days from sowing to heading, carbon isotope discrimination(D13C) in kernels, and canopy spectral reflectance. Correlation analyses were performed for 70 spectral reflectance indices(SRI) and the other traits evaluated in the three trials. GY and D13C were the traits best correlated with SRI, particularly when these indices were measured during grain filling. However,only GY could be predicted using a single regression, with ResearchNormalized Difference Moisture Index(NDMI2: 2,200; 1,100)having the best fit to the data for the three trials. For D13C, only individual regressions could be forecast under FI(r2: 0.25–0.37)and MWS(r2: 0.45–0.59) but not under SWS(r2: 0.03–0.09).NIR‐based SRI proved to be better predictors than those that combine visible and NIR wavelengths.  相似文献   

A collection of 368 advanced lines and cultivars of spring wheat(Triticum aestivum L.) from Chile, Uruguay, and CIMMYT(Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo), with good agronomic characteristics were evaluated under the Mediterranean conditions of central Chile. Three different water regimes were assayed: severe water stress(SWS, rain fed), mild water stress(MWS; one irrigation around booting), and full irrigation(FI; four irrigations: at tillering,flag leaf appearance, heading, and middle grain filling). Traits evaluated were grain yield(GY), agronomical yield components,days from sowing to heading, carbon isotope discrimination(△^13C) in kernels, and canopy spectral reflectance. Correlation analyses were performed for 70 spectral reflectance indices(SRI) and the other traits evaluated in the three trials. GY and △^13C were the traits best correlated with SRI, particularly when these indices were measured during grain filling. However,only GY could be predicted using a single regression, with ResearchNormalized Difference Moisture Index(NDMI2: 2,200; 1,100)having the best fit to the data for the three trials. For △^13C, only individual regressions could be forecast under FI(r^2: 0.25–0.37)and MWS(r^2: 0.45–0.59) but not under SWS(r^2: 0.03–0.09).NIR‐based SRI proved to be better predictors than those that combine visible and NIR wavelengths.  相似文献   

At birth, the index weight/height is the highest correlated with weight, height and cephalic perimeter, for the index of Quételet (BMI) the correlations are also significant although lower. In both cases, the variation with age is significant. For the Rohrer index, the situation is different, the changes with age being almost absent. In front of these results, can we decide which index would be adequate to establish the nutritional status at birth? For Cole (1986), for such a ponderal index the correlation with height would have to be absent. Rolland-Cachera (1982) proposed also that the correlations with height would be absent but would be high with weight. In the case of the newborns of our study the only index being not correlated to height is the Rohrer index with low correlation also with the cephalic perimeter and high correlation with weight (although here the correlation is even higher with BMI and W/H). During the utero-placentary disfunction the foetal weight is affected but not height and cephalic perimeter: in this case, the advantage is also to an index correlated with weight but not with height.  相似文献   

近50年京津冀气候舒适度的区域时空特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹云  孙应龙  吴门新 《生态学报》2019,39(20):7567-7582
受气候变化影响,区域气候舒适期势必会发生不同程度的变化。从气候舒适性的视角出发,利用京津冀地区1966—2015年的170个观测站点50年逐日气象资料,以温湿指数、风效指数、着衣指数及其综合指数为气候舒适性的评价指标,统计分析区域气候舒适期的起止日期、天数及其年际间变化规律,揭示京津冀区域气候舒适度的时空变化特征,为区域人口合理分布和气候资源评价提供科学依据。此外,以日为时间尺度进行气候舒适期分析,有利于气候变化背景下区域间横向和区域内纵向的比较研究。结果显示:(1)京津冀气候舒适度指数近50年来的变化趋势基本相同,综合指数呈显著增加趋势;但各地间变幅存在一定差异,其中天津气候舒适度指数变化幅度最为明显,北京变化相对平稳。(2)从气候舒适度综合指数来看,京津冀地区气候舒适期年内分布呈"M"型,舒适期相对集中在4—5月、9—10月,舒适和较舒适等级的月累计日数均达到28 d以上,其中5月气候最为舒适,舒适等级日数最多,达到24—26 d;北京年平均舒适天数最多(100 d),天津最少(91 d)。(3)从单一气候舒适度指数来看,京津冀舒适和较舒适等级的初始日期大多呈显著的提前趋势;终止日期和天数大多略有增加,但变化趋势不显著。而综合指数显示,1966—2015年较舒适等级的初始日期变化最为显著,大约每10年提前3—4 d;天津和河北终止日期变化也达到显著水平,大约每10年推迟1—2 d,北京增加趋势不明显。(4)京津冀气候舒适期的空间分布显示,舒适等级的日数从西北向东南地区呈减少特征,河北北部舒适等级的年平均日数最多达115—120 d,东南部最少,不足90 d。  相似文献   

A multi-trait index for ranking different genetic groups/populations with homogeneous covariance structure is developed and illustrated with live data.  相似文献   

Composite indicators (CIs) are increasingly used to measure and track environmental systems. However, they have faced criticism for not accounting for uncertainties and their often arbitrary nature. This review highlights methodological challenges and uncertainties involved in creating CIs and provides advice on how to improve future CI development in practice. Linguistic and epistemic uncertainties enter CIs at different stages of development and may be amplified or reduced based on subjective decisions during construction. Lack of transparency about why decisions were made can risk impeding proper review and iterative development. Research on uncertainty in CIs currently focuses on how different construction decisions affect the overall results and is explored using sensitivity and uncertainty analysis. Much less attention is given to uncertainties arising from the theoretical framework underpinning the CI, and the sub-indicator selection process. This often lacks systematic rigour, repeatability and clarity. We recommend use of systems modelling as well as systematic elicitation and engagement during CI development in order to address these issues. Composite indicators make trends in complex environmental systems accessible to wider stakeholder groups, including policy makers. Without proper discussion and exposure of uncertainty, however, they risk misleading their users through false certainty or misleading interpretations. This review offers guidance for future environmental CI construction and users of existing CIs, hence supporting their iterative development and effective use in policy-making.  相似文献   

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