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We report an assay for testicular 17, 20-lyase which depends on the use of [21?14C]progesterone as a substrate. The method is made possible by a simplified procedure for the synthesis of [21?14C]progesterone. A chromatographic separation of the unreacted substrate and the 2-carbon by-product on mini silica gel colums permitted a quantitative assay of the lyase activity.The lyase complex from rat testes has been solubilized by treatment with Triton CF-54 detergent. The solubilized enzyme complex catalyzes the formation of androstenedione (4-androstene-3,17-dione) from progesterone without equilibrium with added 17-hydroxyprogesterone and the solubilized enzyme complex responds to the presence of cytosol activator. Both of these characteristics are similar to the properties of the intact microsomes. Thus, solubilization with this detergent preserves the special properties of the microsome bound enzyme complex.  相似文献   

Summary Two of the distinguishable cell classes subcultured from human amniotic fluid were examined for their capability to produce human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) as determined by radioimmunoassay. The class that predominates in most cultures used for prenatal genetic diagnosis, previously termed AF (for amniotic fluid), secretes hCG into the culture medium. Dermal fibroblasts do not, nor does another type of cultured cell from amniotic fluid, previously termed F because of a resemblance to fibroblasts. Primary AF cultures produce more hCG than do subcultures. Evidence that this hormone is intact hCG is provided by its immunoreactivity with antisera raised against the β-subunit and against the intact molecule of hCG. Furthermore, a dose-response curve for hormone in culture medium is parallel to that of highly purified intact hCG. It is postulated that AF cultures are derived from fetal membranes and retain properties of trophoblast. Research supported by Grand HD 11379 from the National Institutes of Health.  相似文献   

Gonadotropin receptors which bind luteinizing hormone (lutropin) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the ovaries of immature female rats showed a 30-fold increase after treatment of animals with pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG) and hCG. This marked induction of lutrophin/hCG receptors in the rat ovary was not accompanied by a change in binding affinity for labeled hCG. Such luteinized ovaries have been found consistently to contain a small proportion of soluble receptor sites, which comprised about 5% of the total receptor population. The soluble receptor sites were present in the floating lipid fraction of the 360 000 × g supernatant of homogenate prepared from luteinized ovaries, and could not be detected in similar fractions prepared from interstitial cells or homogenates of the normal rat testis.The physico-chemical properties of the spontaneously soluble ovarian receptors were similar to those derived for detergent-solubilized receptors prepared by extraction of particulate ovarian binding fractions with Triton X-100. The affinity constant to the soluble ovarian receptor sites for [125I]hCG was 0.70 · 1010 M?1, and that of the receptors solubilized by Triton X-100 was 0.72 · 1010 M?1. The sedimentation pattern of the soluble receptors during sucrose density gradient centrifugation showed extensive aggregation into rapidly sedimenting forms. However, centrifugation of the cytosol receptor in the presence of Triton X-100 gave a single 6.5 S component, corresponding to the solubilized receptors previously characterized in detergent extracts of the rat ovary and testis.The pesence of a spontaneously soluble lutropin/hCG receptor in ovarian cytosol fractions suggests that rapid synthesis and assembly of receptors in ovaries of PMSG-hCG-treated rats is accompanied by increased production of cytoplasmic receptor precursors; alternatively, this receptor population may represent a fraction that has been internalized or processed as during receptor turnover in the cell membrane.  相似文献   

Ovarian cells isolated from 26 day old rats responded to hCG (10 ng/ml) and cholera enterotoxin (100 ng/ml) in vitro with a forty-five to fifty-fold increase in progesterone production. Both cholera enterotoxin and hCG-stimulated progesterone response was accompanied by a lag period. The duration of the lag period in the production of the progesterone depended on the concentration of gonadotropin or cholera enterotoxin, and with maximally stimulating dose it was 20–30 minutes. Addition of highly purified mixed gangliosides to the incubation medium abolished the stimulatory effect of cholera enterotoxin on progesterone response. In contrast, under identical experimental conditions, ganglioside addition produced no effect on progesterone response elicited by hCG or LH. Similarly mixed gangliosides did not prevent the specific binding of [125I]hCG to the ovarian cells or to the membranes isolated from the ovary. In addition preincubation of [125I]hCG with ganglioside did not alter the subsequent binding of the hormone to the ovarian cell surface receptor. These findings suggest that gangliosides are not involved in the hormone receptor interactions and subsequent receptor mediated physiological response.  相似文献   

ExistenceandFunctionsofNeurotensinHumanEarlyPlacentalVilliZHANGChong-li(张崇理);CHENGLi-ren(程丽仁),SHENWei-bin(沈卫斌);YINHong(殷红);HU...  相似文献   

It is known that Escherichia coli methionine mutants can grow on both enantiomers of methionine sulfoxide (met(o)), i.e., met-R-(o) or met-S-(o), indicating the presence of enzymes in E. coli that can reduce each of these enantiomers to methionine (met). Previous studies have identified two members of the methionine sulfoxide reductase (Msr) family of enzymes, MsrA and fSMsr, that could reduce free met-S-(o), but the reduction of free met-R-(o) to met has not been elucidated. One possible candidate is MsrB which is known to reduce met-R-(o) in proteins to met. However, free met-R-(o) is a very poor substrate for MsrB and the level of MsrB activity in E. coli extracts is very low. A new member of the Msr family (fRMsr) has been identified in E. coli extracts that reduces free met-R-(o) to met. Partial purification of FRMsr has been obtained using extracts from an MsrA/MsrB double mutant of E. coli.  相似文献   

Methionine sulfoxide reductase A has long been known to reduce S-methionine sulfoxide, both as a free amino acid and within proteins. Recently the enzyme was shown to be bidirectional, capable of oxidizing free methionine and methionine in proteins to S-methionine sulfoxide. A feasible mechanism for controlling the directionality has been proposed, raising the possibility that reversible oxidation and reduction of methionine residues within proteins is a redox-based mechanism for cellular regulation. We undertook studies aimed at identifying proteins that are subject to site-specific, stereospecific oxidation and reduction of methionine residues. We found that calmodulin, which has nine methionine residues, is such a substrate for methionine sulfoxide reductase A. When calmodulin is in its calcium-bound form, Met77 is oxidized to S-methionine sulfoxide by methionine sulfoxide reductase A. When methionine sulfoxide reductase A operates in the reducing direction, the oxidized calmodulin is fully reduced back to its native form. We conclude that reversible covalent modification of Met77 may regulate the interaction of calmodulin with one or more of its many targets.  相似文献   

A sensitive assay, based on the acylation of tRNAMet, has been developed to measure the enzymatic reduction of methionine sulfoxide to methionine. Using this assay, methionine sulfoxide reductase has been purified to near homogeneity from extracts of Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

To investigate the mechanism of serine protease stimulation of rat ovarian adenylate cyclase, a variety of synthetic protease inhibitors were used. These inhibitors blocked trypsin, chymotrypsin and hCG stimulation of adenylate cyclase in nearly the same manner. The inhibition of hormone stimulated adnylate cyclase could not be explained by a loss of [125I]hCG binding. Cholera toxin and epinephrine stimulation of adenylate cyclase were similarly inhibited, whereas basal and fluoride-stimulated activities were only affected by higher doses of the inhibitors. The results suggest that adenylate cyclase in the ovary may be regulated by membrane protease activity.  相似文献   

Methionine sulfoxide reductase A is an essential enzyme in the antioxidant system which scavenges reactive oxygen species through cyclic oxidation and reduction of methionine and methionine sulfoxide. The cytosolic form of the enzyme is myristoylated, but it is not known to translocate to membranes, and the function of myristoylation is not established. We compared the biochemical and biophysical properties of myristoylated and nonmyristoylated mouse methionine sulfoxide reductase A. These were almost identical for both forms of the enzyme, except that the myristoylated form reduced methionine sulfoxide in protein much faster than the nonmyristoylated form. We determined the solution structure of the myristoylated protein and found that the myristoyl group lies in a relatively surface exposed "myristoyl nest." We propose that this structure functions to enhance protein-protein interaction.  相似文献   

A minor glycopeptide was newly isolated from the exhaustive pronase digest of crystalline ovalbumin by Dowex-50w column chromatography, and its structure was determined as Manα1→3Manα1→6 (Manα1→3) Manβ1→4GlcNAcβ1→4GlcNAc→Asn. This glycopeptide (GP-VI) has the smallest carbohydrate unit among the ovalbumin glycopeptides so far reported, and is also the smallest glycopeptide of all which are susceptible to endo-β-N-acetylglucosaminidases CII and H. This finding, together with the already reported data of the action of both enzymes to glycopeptides of known structures, elucidates that the structural requirement of CII enzyme for its substrate is R→2Manα1→3 (R→6) Manα1→6 (R→2Manα1→3) (R→4) Manβ1→4GlcNAcβ1→4GlcNAc→Asn, in which R represents either hydrogen or sugars, and that of H enzyme is R→2Manα1→3 (R→6) Manα1→6 (R→4) Manβ1→4GlcNAcβ1→4GlcNAc→Asn.  相似文献   

应用磁性分离酶联免疫检测技术(MALA)对210名正常非妊娠妇女的血清进行HCG定量测定,平均值3.549mIU/ml血清。另外,对10名不全流产患者、15名葡萄胎患者及5名早孕误诊患者血清进行HCG定量测定,均作出准确诊断。HCG定量测定在临床诊断上有重要意义。该法具有灵敏、快速、准确、无污染等特点。是目前临床生殖内分泌激素定量测定的好方法。  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that deglycosylation of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) does not affect its receptor binding characteristics, but its ability to stimulate intracellular cyclic AMP accumulation and steroidogenesis in ovarian cells is abolished. To identify the site at which carbohydrate of hCG is involved in the mechanism of action of the hormone, we have studied adenylate cyclase activity in ovarian membrane preparations in response to deglycosylated and native hCG. The deglycosylated hCG does not stimulate adenylate cyclase of ovarian membrane preparation and also it acts as an inhibitor of hCG action. Data are presented to show that both hCG- and catecholamine receptors are coupled to the same adenylate cyclase complex. Since adenylate cyclase activity in the presence of deglycosylated hCG remains still responsive maximally to catecholamines, it indicates that the adenylate cyclase complex is functional and is unaffected by the interaction of deglycosylated hCG to its receptor. This is further supported by the fact that the deglycosylated hCG does not impair the maximal stimulation of adenylate cyclase by guanine nucleotides. Thus, the site of action of the carbohydrate of hCG is prior to the coupling of the hormone-receptor complex and the adenylate cyclase system.  相似文献   

Vadim N Gladyshev 《Proteins》2002,46(2):149-152
Thioredoxin (Trx) and peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase (PMSR) are small thiol oxidoreductases implicated in antioxidant defense and redox regulation of cellular processes. Here we show that the structures of Trx and PMSR exhibit resemblance in their alphabeta core regions and that the active site cysteines in two proteins occupy equivalent positions downstream of a central beta-strand and at the N-terminus of an alpha-helix. Moreover, we identified a PMSR subfamily that contains an active site CxxC motif (two cysteines separated by two other amino acids) positioned similarly to the catalytic redox active CxxC motif in Trx. However, Trx and PMSR are characterized by distinct ancient folds that differ in both orientation of secondary structures and their patterns. Trx is a member of the Trx-fold superfamily, whereas PMSR has a unique fold not found in other proteins. The data suggest that similar structures and functions of Trx and PMSR were acquired independently during evolution and point to a general strategy of identifying new redox regulatory proteins.  相似文献   

Methionine oxidation into methionine sulfoxide is known to be involved in many pathologies and to exert regulatory effects on proteins. This oxidation can be reversed by a ubiquitous monomeric enzyme, the peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase (MsrA), whose activity in vivo requires the thioredoxin-regenerating system. The proposed chemical mechanism of Escherichia coli MsrA involves three Cys residues (positions 51, 198, and 206). A fourth Cys (position 86) is not important for catalysis. In the absence of a reducing system, 2 mol of methionine are formed per mole of enzyme for wild type and Cys-86 --> Ser mutant MsrA, whereas only 1 mol is formed for mutants in which either Cys-198 or Cys-206 is mutated. Reduction of methionine sulfoxide is shown to proceed through the formation of a sulfenic acid intermediate. This intermediate has been characterized by chemical probes and mass spectrometry analyses. Together, the results support a three-step chemical mechanism in vivo: 1) Cys-51 attacks the sulfur atom of the sulfoxide substrate leading, via a rearrangement, to the formation of a sulfenic acid intermediate on Cys-51 and release of 1 mol of methionine/mol of enzyme; 2) the sulfenic acid is then reduced via a double displacement mechanism involving formation of a disulfide bond between Cys-51 and Cys-198, followed by formation of a disulfide bond between Cys-198 and Cys-206, which liberates Cys-51, and 3) the disulfide bond between Cys-198 and Cys-206 is reduced by thioredoxin-dependent recycling system process.  相似文献   

Methionine sulfoxide reductase A is an essential enzyme in the antioxidant system which scavenges reactive oxygen species through cyclic oxidation and reduction of methionine and methionine sulfoxide. Recently it has also been shown to catalyze the reverse reaction, oxidizing methionine residues to methionine sulfoxide. A cysteine at the active site of the enzyme is essential for both reductase and oxidase activities. This cysteine has been reported to have a pK(a) of 9.5 in the absence of substrate, decreasing to 5.7 upon binding of substrate. Using three independent methods, we show that the pK(a) of the active site cysteine of mouse methionine sulfoxide reductase is 7.2 even in the absence of substrate. The primary mechanism by which the pK(a) is lowered is hydrogen bonding of the active site Cys-72 to protonated Glu-115. The low pK(a) renders the active site cysteine susceptible to oxidation to sulfenic acid by micromolar concentrations of hydrogen peroxide. This characteristic supports a role for methionine sulfoxide reductase in redox signaling.  相似文献   

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