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A Beckman Airfuge has been employed for studying the interaction between lipids and the receptor for immunoglobulin E (IgE). For analytic experiments, samples were applied underneath a discontinuous sucrose gradient. After a 30-min centrifugation in a fixed-angle rotor, liposomes floated toward the top of the gradient whereas unincorporated receptor-IgE complexes remained at the bottom of the tube. Liposomes with incorporated receptors were also efficiently separated in the ACR-90 preparative rotor. These methods of "Airfuge flotation" can provide useful adjuncts to more traditional methods for density-gradient centrifugation especially when rapid analysis of small samples is desired.  相似文献   

Molybdenum, assayed by atomic absorption spectrometry, copurifies with the selenium-containing nicotinic acid hydroxylase from Clostridium barkeri. Fluorescence spectral studies on the enzyme indicate the presence, along with flavin, of another component. The fluorescence spectra of this component obtained after the aerobic denaturation of the nicotinic acid hydroxylase are similar to the fluorescence properties reported for the “pterin-like” cofactor from xanthine oxidase and several other molybdoproteins. Nicotinic acid hydroxylase from C. barkeri contains molybdenum, selenium, iron, acid-labile sulfur, and flavin with the occurrence of a “pterin-like” cofactor also a likely component.  相似文献   

Flow cytometry: rapid biochemical analysis of single cells   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Mouse liver poly(A) RNA, when translated in vitro, produced two forms of UDP glucuronosyltransferase with molecular weights of approximately 50,000 and 54,000 (designated GTm1 and GTm2, respectively). These forms were identified by antibody prepared against GTm1. The mRNA coding for GTm1 was preferentially increased twofold after treatment of mice with 3-methylcholanthrene, while GTm2 mRNA was unaffected. Phenobarbital, however, increased the translatable levels of the mRNAs coding for both proteins approximately twofold. GTm1 was shown to be glycosylated during translation in the presence of dog pancreatic microsomes. This was reflected by a decrease in mobility of the protein in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels as compared to GTm1 translated in the absence of microsomes. Further evidence for glycosylation in vivo was demonstrated by an increase in the mobility of GTm1 immunoadsorbed from microsomes treated with endoglycosidase H. In contrast, GTm2 was unmodified. This apparent difference in the state of glycosylation may reflect a difference in the transmembrane distribution of these two enzyme forms, and hence play an important role in determining the type of aglycone glucuronidated and its route of removal from the cell.  相似文献   

In vitro T-cell requirements for and modulation of human B-cell responses were studied in individuals immunized in vivo to the protein antigen keyhole limpet hemocyanin or tetanus toxoid. T cells were required for antibody synthesis in both antigen-driven and pokeweed mitogen (PWM)-driven cultures. T cells were separated into T4+ and T8+ subpopulations using monoclonal antibodies, and their modulation of antibody synthesis was studied. T4+ cells functioned as helper cells in both antigen-driven and PWM-driven cultures in a dose-dependent manner. Whereas T8+ cells suppress both total and specific immunoglobulin secretion in PWM-stimulated cultures, in antigen-stimulated cultures T8+ cells do not suppress unless activated by another cell population present in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMNC). This cellular requirement was further investigated by prestimulation of cells prior to addition to optimally stimulated antigen-driven cultures of PBMNC or B cells, monocytes, and helper T cells. No suppression of these optimally stimulated cultures was seen when T8+ cells were precultured with antigen or PWM. However, after 3-5 days preculture of total T cells with PWM or antigen and then selection of T4+ cells, these cells were able to induce fresh autologous T8+ cells to suppress optimally stimulated antigen-driven cultures. Addition of a precultured mixture of T8+ cells with 20% T4+ cells also resulted in antigen-induced suppression. These data indicate that T8+ cells can suppress antigen-driven cultures but require the presence of preactivated T4+ cells for induction of this suppression of antigen-specific T-cell-dependent human B-cell responses.  相似文献   

To understand murine host responses to extracellular protozoa, the capacity of peritoneal macrophages to exhibit cytotoxicity for [3H]thymidine-labeled Giardia lamblia trophozoites was investigated. Resident peritoneal macrophages from C3H/HeN mice expressed spontaneous cytotoxicity for G. lamblia in a manner that was dependent on both time and effector cell number; this cytotoxic activity was increased with cells elicited by an intraperitoneal injection of thio-glycollate. In contrast, spontaneous cytotoxicity for G. lamblia by resident and thioglycollate-elicited peritoneal macrophages from C3H/HeJ mice was markedly reduced. In the presence of anti-G. lamblia serum (ADCC), however, peritoneal macrophages from both C3H/HeN and C3H/HeJ mice exhibited striking augmentation of their cytotoxic activity for G. lamblia to equivalent levels. We conclude that macrophages from C3H/HeJ mice express defective spontaneous cytotoxicity but normal ADCC for the extracellular protozoan parasite, G. lamblia. The dissociation between the expression of these two effector cell functions suggests that macrophage spontaneous cytotoxicity and ADCC for extracellular protozoa are mediated by separate macrophage functions.  相似文献   

The suppressive effects of hydrocortisone (HC) on the human immune system are well known. The mediation of the immunosuppressive effects of HC on lymphocyte responses via inhibition of monocyte function has been examined by monocyte-dependent, antigen-induced lymphocyte proliferation. Monocytes that were first treated with HC and then washed were unaffected in their subsequent ability to present antigen. However, there was a dramatic inhibition of lymphocyte proliferative responses if HC was present while monocytes were pulsed with antigen. This was directly related to the dose of HC present. HC-mediated inhibition of monocyte antigen presentation could not be overcome by the addition of interleukin-1 (IL-1) to the cultures, and thus inhibition of monocyte IL-1 secretion cannot totally account for the inhibition of monocyte antigen presentation. Although HC inhibits monocyte antigen presentation, HC increases the expression of HLA-DR antigens on monocytes. Other monocyte stimulants, including lipopolysaccharide (LPS), lymphokine, and gamma interferon, were examined for their effect on monocyte DR expression and their effect on monocyte antigen presentation. No correlation was found between the ability to increase monocyte DR antigen expression and the effect on antigen presentation. While HC, lymphokine, and gamma interferon all increased the expression of DR antigens on monocytes, HC, LPS, and lymphokine, but not gamma interferon, inhibited monocyte antigen presentation. Although HC can exert profound immunosuppressive effects via monocytes, it is not the only mechanism of inhibition. HC added to cultures after monocytes had been pulsed with antigen was also inhibitory.  相似文献   

A differential role for DR antigens on monocytes in antigen-stimulated as opposed to mitogen-stimulated human lymphocyte responses has been observed. A monoclonal anti-DR antibody used to treat monocytes caused inhibition of antigen-induced T-cell responses and of T-cell-dependent B-cell responses. However, anti-DR antibody treatment of monocytes did not inhibit mitogen-induced responses. Anti-DR treatment of monocytes did not induce suppression, as antigen-induced responses could be reconstituted with untreated monocytes. Anti-DR treatment of monocytes did not merely block interleukin 1 (IL-1) secretion since addition of IL-1 could not restore antigen-induced responses. Monoclonal anti-DR antibody did not directly inhibit monocyte secretion of IL-1. DR-negative monocytes, selected by antibody and complement, could not present antigen, even though they were capable of secreting IL-1. Thus, this monoclonal anti-DR antibody sterically blocks antigen presentation by monocytes without induction of suppression or inhibition of IL-1 secretion. Monocyte DR antigens appear essential for stimulation of antigen-induced responses, but DR antigens on monocytes may not be essential for mitogen-stimulated responses and do not appear to be related to the ability of monocytes to secrete IL-1.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies with an apparent specificity for human small-cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, and squamous carcinoma of the lung are produced by some hybridomas obtained from mice and rats immunized with an established line of human small cell lung cancer. Out of 85 of these antibodies produced by independently isolated hybridomas from 15 different fusions, 21 are directed against the sugar sequence which occurs in lacto-N-fucopentaose III ceramide, in several higher glycolipids and in glycoproteins. Specificity was determined by autoradiography of thin-layer chromatograms of glycolipids, by solid-phase radioimmunoassays, and by hapten inhibition studies. All 21 antibodies are of the immunoglobulin M type.  相似文献   

Detergents containing either a cholic acid, a deoxycholic acid, or an octanoic acid-like hydrophobic moiety and a bisgluconamidopropyl polar group were synthesized. Extinction coefficients, partial specific volumes, critical micelle concentrations, and aggregation numbers were determined for each of the detergents. The two bile acid derivatives are capable of solubilizing functional opiate receptor, while the octanoic acid derivative is not.  相似文献   

Four hybridomas obtained from mice immunized with human adenocarcinomas of colon or stomach produce antibodies that bind specifically in solid-phase radioimmunoassay to the ceramide pentasaccharide that contains the lacto-N-fucopentaose III sequence of sugars. Binding of the antibodies to the glycolipid is inhibited by lacto-N-fucopentaose III,
but not by structurally related oligosaccharides. The antibodies bind to glycolipids of erythrocytes, granulocytes, and certain normal and malignant tissues.  相似文献   

The development of antigen-specific T lymphocyte lines and clones has greatly facilitated the investigation of T-cell recognition of and response to foreign antigens. In the present study, human antigen-specific helper T cell lines and clones which are completely independent of exogenous interleukin-2 (IL-2) have been developed by cyclic restimulation with the soluble antigen keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) to which the T cell donor had previously been immunized. These T cells uniformly bear the OKT4 phenotype and were shown to require both histocompatible antigen-presenting cells (APC) and antigen for optimal proliferation. The T cell line was composed of a highly antigen-specific and clonable T cell population. Following four cycles of antigen stimulation, limiting dilution cloning analysis showed a Poisson distribution of clonable T cells with a precursor frequency of 0.62, and from 88 to 92% of viable clones were specific for the stimulating antigen. Individual clones were obtained which recognized KLH with either DR 1 (one parental Ia haplotype of the donor) or DR 2 (the other parental Ia haplotype) allogeneic APC, but not both. Following stimulation with KLH, the T cell clones produced IL-2. Peak amounts of IL-2 were assayable in the first 6 to 24 hr after stimulation. In contrast, virtually no IL-2 was detectable in supernatants at 72 to 96 hr, suggesting autoutilization by the proliferating T cells. In addition, some clones were also capable of producing both B cell growth factor and IL-2 following KLH stimulation. These IL-2-independent T cells appeared to be derived from a discrete Leu 8-negative subclass of T4+ cells and expressed the full complement of Ia antigen of the donor. Thus, soluble antigen-specific human helper T cell clones have been produced which can be maintained in the absence of exogenous IL-2, elaborate their own growth factors and other immunoregulatory lymphokines, and show fine DR-related restriction to either one or the other parental DR haplotypes in antigen-stimulated proliferative responses.  相似文献   

The relationship between the appearance of cells producing antibody to tetanus toxoid (TT) in the circulation and the serum titers of anti-TT IgG following booster immunization has been studied. It was found that cells producing anti-TT antibody can be detected in the circulation in a hemolytic plaque assay using sheep red blood cells (SRBC) coated with TT by the chromic chloride method. In symmetric inhibition studies using cells from TT or keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH)-immune donors, the homologous antigen inhibited 100% of the PFC with no cross-inhibition. Thus, the plaque-forming cells (PFC) detected in this assay are specific for the immunizing antigen. No evidence of polyclonal B-cell activation in response to TT was found, as shown by a failure to detect any PFC against unmodified or KLH or human serum albumin-treated SRBC. In addition, the increase in total Ig-secreting cells observed in a staphylococcal protein A reverse hemolytic plaque assay was always accounted for by the number of anti-TT antibody-producing cells observed. The peak number of anti-TT antibody-producing cells varied between donors, but the kinetics of their appearance was highly reproducible--none before Day 5, peak numbers between Days 6 and 8, and a sharp decline with only rare anti-TT Ig-secreting cells in the circulation by Day 15 postimmunization. Anti-TT antibody-producing cells appeared in the circulation prior to any detectable increase in serum anti-TT antibody titers, and following the disappearance of PFC from the circulation, there was no further increase in serum IgG anti-TT levels. These observations demonstrate a marked specificity of B-cell activation on boosting with a recall antigen, and a parallelism between the appearance of activated B cells in the circulation and of IgG anti-TT synthesis by the subject as a whole.  相似文献   

The nature of the defect(s) in the ability of UV-treated guinea pig macrophages to stimulate the proliferative response of guinea pig T cells to soluble protein antigens was investigated. T cells proliferated vigorously when cultured with peritoneal exudate cells (PEC) which had been pulsed with soluble protein antigens, but failed to proliferate when cultured with soluble antigen or with antigen-pulsed, UV-treated PEC. UV-treated macrophages were unable to secrete interleukin 1 (IL-1). Addition of IL-1 partially restored the T-cell proliferative response stimulated by antigen-pulsed, UV-treated PEC. However, IL-1 was able to restore such a response only when the PEC were pulsed with antigen before being exposed to UV. Similar results were obtained when antigen-pulsed PEC were used to stimulate T cells to secrete interleukin 2 (IL-2). These results demonstrate that UV-treated macrophages are defective both in their ability to properly process and present antigen for T-cell recognition and in their ability to secrete IL-1.  相似文献   

Concanavalin A (Con A) or phytohemagglutinin activate a population of human circulating lymphocytes to exert suppressive functions. We found that supernates from the activated human lymphocytes suppress lymphocyte responses to Con A, the mixed lymphocyte reaction and pokeweed mitogen-induced IgM production. Mitogen stimulated suppressor lymphocytes, or their supernates, inhibit also the spontaneous proliferation of human retinoblastoma cells (Y-79 line) and primary cultures of human keratocytes. A correlation was always noted between the levels of inhibitory activities of the lymphocytes and their supernates. Furthermore, a good correlation was found between the levels of inhibition by the supernates of lymphocyte functions (proliferation and IgM production) and of the nonlymphoid cells' proliferation. Some of the properties of this suppressor factor(s) are: (i) produced only by the T-cell population; (ii) appears after 8 hr of Con A stimulation, peaks at 24 to 48 hr and declines later on; (iii) stable at 56 °C and labile to 70 °C; (iv) nondialyzable and present in the 40K–100K dalton fraction of a G-200 Sephadex column; (v) labile to pH 2 treatment.  相似文献   

Human peripheral blood monocytes incubated overnight with hydrocortisone had an increased expression of HLA-DR antigens. This change was noted as an increased proportion of DR-positive staining monocytes at greater fluorescence intensities as determined on a fluorescence-activated cell sorter. Hydrocortisone treatment of monocytes did not alter the expression of another Ia antigen on monocytes, HLA-DS. Neither did hydrocortisone treatment alter the expression of either Mac 120 antigen or monocyte .2 antigen on monocytes. Thus, the effect of hydrocortisone on monocyte DR antigens may be somewhat selective. Hydrocortisone also caused an increase in monocyte cell size aftr 3 to 4 days as compared to untreated controls.  相似文献   

Fibronectin and laminin are two extracellular glycoproteins which are involved in various processes of cellular development and differentiation. The present investigation describes changes in their distribution during regeneration of the newt forelimb, as determined by indirect immunofluorescence. The distribution of fibronectin and laminin was similar in normal limb tissue components. These glycoproteins were localized in the pericellular region of the myofibers corresponding to its basement membrane; the perineurium and endoneurium of the nerves; and the basement membranes of blood vessels, skin epithelium, and dermal glands. The cytoplasm of myofibers, axons, skin epithelium, and bone matrix lacked fluorescence for both glycoproteins. After limb amputation in the regenerating blastema, extensive presence of fibronectin, but not laminin, was seen in and around the undifferentiated blastemal cells. Increased fluorescence for fibronectin was also seen during blastema growth, blastemal cell aggregation, and early stages of redifferentiation. As redifferentiation continued, staining for fibronectin slowly disappeared from the cartilage matrix and the myoblast fusion zone. Laminin was first observed around the regenerated myotubes; this was followed by the appearance of fibronectin suggesting a sequential formation of these two components of the new myotube basement membrane. In the regenerated limb, the distribution of laminin and fibronectin was similar to that seen in normal limb. Based on the distribution pattern of these glycoproteins, it is concluded that fibronectin may play an important role in blastemal cell aggregation, cell alignment, and initiation of redifferentiation. After redifferentiation, both laminin and fibronectin may be important in the determination of the architecture of the regenerated limb.  相似文献   

Under certain growth conditions, some strains of Escherichia coli accumulate toxic levels of methylglyoxal. This report characterizes a strain which synthesizes a mutant cAMP receptor protein in an adenylate cyclase deletion background. When cultured in glucose 6-phosphate minimal medium, this strain (222) was prematurely growth arrested due to methylglyoxal production; growth inhibition did not occur when the strain was grown in glucose minimal medium. A comparison of a variety of enzyme and cofactor levels in the related strains 222 (mutant) and 225 (wild-type) grown on either glucose or glucose 6-phosphate medium was carried out. The only difference found that might explain an increase in methylglyoxal accumulation was an elevated level of phosphofructokinase in strain 222 grown on glucose 6-phosphate. Since this enzyme activity probably limits hexose phosphate metabolism, it is suggested that growth inhibition in strain 222 may be due to increased production of triose phosphate, some of which is converted to methylglyoxal.  相似文献   

Cyclic expression of low-dose paralysis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Prior treatment (priming) with a single injection of a subimmunogenic dose of Type III pneumococcal polysaccharide results in an antigen-specific T-cell-dependent form of unresponsiveness (low-dose paralysis) mediated by suppressor T cells. Although such unresponsiveness persists for several months after priming, it is expressed in a cyclic manner with a periodicity of about 3 days. This cyclic pattern is accompanied by concurrent periods of Velban sensitivity that also are cyclic. This suggests that the maintenance of low-dose paralysis in part requires some degree of cell proliferation which proceeds in an ordered manner in response to a "signal" generated after priming with antigen.  相似文献   

Murine peritoneal macrophages (M phi), activated in vivo or in vitro, remarkably inhibited the uptake of thymidine by a lens epithelial cell line, while resident M phi, or M phi induced by thioglycollate, exhibited much lower or no cytostatic capacity. The target cells were partially protected from the cytostatic activity by the anti-inflammatory agents indomethacin, aspirin, and dexamethasone, but not by lipoxygenase inhibitors. The protective activity of indomethacin and aspirin, but not of dexamethasone, was completely counteracted by prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). Yet, PGE2 alone has no effect on the uptake of [3H]thymidine by lens epithelial cells. PGE1 resembled PGE2 in its effect on this system, whereas PGA2, PGB2, or PGF2 alpha had no detectable activity. The counteracting effect of PGE2 was mimicked by dibutyryl cAMP or by cholera toxin, an agent which increases cAMP levels. These findings suggest that PGEs are not direct cytostatic agents, but rather, are essential mediators for the development of the cytostasis. Activated M phi did not lyse cells of the original lens epithelial cell line, but caused substantial cytolysis of cells of a subline derived from it. In contrast to its aforementioned effect on the cytostasis, PGE2 inhibited the cytolytic activity of M phi. Thus, this study provides a first demonstration in a single system of the opposite effects of PGEs on M phi activity on target cells, i.e., mediating the cytostasis and inhibiting the cytolysis.  相似文献   

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