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The pigment content and rates of primary photosynthetic reactions were determined in chloroplasts of 14-day-old pine (Pinus silvestris L.) seedlings grown in light and darkness. In addition, the functional activities were investigated in chloroplasts from dark-grown seedlings exposed to white, red ( = 670 nm), and red + far-red ( = 748 nm) light. Dark-grown seedlings were capable of performing the Hill reaction, noncyclic photophosphorylation, and phenazine methosulfate–supported photophosphorylation, although the reaction rates in chloroplasts from dark-grown plants were considerably lower than in preparations from light-grown plants. Light treatment of dark-grown seedlings rapidly activated the photoreduction of ferricyanide and photophosphorylation, while the additional accumulation of green pigments started only after a lag period of two hours. Preirradiation of dark-grown seedlings with red light stimulated the formation of pigments, especially chlorophyll b, as well as the functional activity of chloroplasts. When far-red light was applied after red-light exposure, the processes examined were inhibited. It is concluded that accumulation of the light-harvesting complex and functional activities of chloroplasts at the photosystem II level in pine seedlings are controlled by the phytochrome.  相似文献   

When exposed to light, the cells of characean algae produce intermittent regions of H+ extrusion and H+ absorption, featuring different photosynthetic activities. Methods for local measurements of outer pH, O2 content, and photochemical activity of photosystem II (PSII) were applied to examine microscopic regions of Chara coralline Klein ex Willd. internodes. The results show that the functional spatial heterogeneity of these excitable cells is controlled not only by light but also by electric excitation of the plasma membrane. Generation of a single action potential (AP) induced a reversible transition to the state with homogenous pH distribution and had different effects on photosynthesis in cell regions producing alkaline and acid zones. The effective quantum yield of PSII primary processes and the maximal chlorophyll fluorescence decreased after AP in the alkaline cell regions but were almost unaffected in the acidic cell regions. The suppression of photosynthesis after AP was also evident in the decrease of photosynthetic O2 evolution. The results provide evidence that electric signals arising at the plasmalemma are transmitted to the level of thylakoid membranes. The effects of electric excitation on fluorescence and the quantum yield of PSII photochemistry were best pronounced at low light intensities and low level of nonphotochemical quenching. The sensitivity of chlorophyll fluorescence in resting and excited cells to light intensity and protonophores indicates that the AP-induced fluorescence changes derive from the increase in pH gradient at the thylakoid membrane. The temporal elimination of alkaline zones and inhibition of photosynthesis apparently arise from parallel operational sequences that have a common initial stage. A possible role of cytosolic Ca2+ rise in the mechanism of photosynthesis suppression after electric excitation of the plasma membrane is discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of low concentrations (up to 50 μM) of lipophilic permeant amines on the electron transfer in thylakoid membranes of pea chloroplasts has been investigated. In the presence of heterocyclic amines (9-aminoacridine and neutral red), the electron transfer, initiated from H2O to PS I acceptors, has been shown to be inhibited to a level amounting to less than 50% of control, this taking place for both the basal (at alkaline pH) and the gramicidin-uncoupled transport (at pH 6.5–8.5). Under the same conditions, tertiary amines (dibucaine, tetracaine) cause only a 10–15% inhibition of transport. With all the amines, the rate of electron transport from H2O to DCBQ, PS II acceptor is decreased to 80–90% of control at pH above 8.0, but this effect is completely removed when pH is lowered to 7.7–6.5. In the region of PS I, all the amines accelerate the basal transport, but do not influence the uncoupled electron transfer. A conclusion has been drawn that, parallel with uncoupling, heterocyclic and tertiary amines also cause an inhibition of PS II, appearing at alkaline pH values. Additionally, heterocyclic amines seem to brake electron flow at the level of plastoquinone reduction. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

作用于H~ —ATP酶复合体质子通道的能量传递抑制剂 TPT、DQCD和 OM能明显抑制叶绿体光合磷酸化反应和膜上 ATP酶活性,减小恒态ΛpH值,加速ΛpH和515 nm吸收衰减。这种在正常叶绿体加速H_(in)~ 经CF_0外流与在残缺膜中阻塞质子外流不一致。TPT等物质是干扰了CF_0与CF_1的构象连接,使 CF_0的质子传导失去CF_1的控制,H_(in)~ 无效漏失或质子逆向转移受影响,从而抑制与质子传导紧密相关的光合磷酸化反应和膜上ATP酶活性。  相似文献   

We present a mathematical model to study the effects of HER2 over-expression on cell proliferation in breast cancer. The model illustrates the proliferative behavior of cells as a function of HER2 and EGFR receptors numbers, and the growth factor EGF. This mathematical model comprises kinetic equations describing the cell surface binding of EGF growth factor to EGFR and HER2 receptors, coupled to a model for the dependence of cell proliferation rate on growth factor receptors binding. The simulation results from this model predict: (1) a growth advantage associated with excess HER2 receptors; (2) that HER2-over-expression is an insufficient parameter to predict the proliferation response of cancer cells to epidermal growth factors; and (3) the EGFR receptor expression level in HER2-over-expressing cells plays a key role in mediating the proliferation response to receptor-ligand signaling. This mathematical model also elucidates the interaction and roles of other model parameters in determining cell proliferation rate of HER2-over-expressing cells.  相似文献   

Kinetic regularities of the enzymatic acyl group transfer reactions have been studied using ampicillin synthesis catalyzed by E. coli penicillin acylase as an example. It was shown that ampicillin synthesis proceeds through the formation of an acylenzyme–nucleophile complex capable of undergoing hydrolysis. The relative nucleophile reactivity of 6-aminopenicillanic acid (6-APA) is a complex parameter dependent on the nucleophile concentration. The kinetic analysis showed that the maximum yield of antibiotic being synthesized depended only on the nucleophile reactivity of 6-APA, the ratio between the enzyme reactivities with respect to the target product and acyl donor, and the initial concentrations of reagents. The parameters characterizing the nucleophile reactivity of 6-APA have been determined. The algorithm of modeling the enzymatic synthesis has been elaborated. The proposed algorithm allows the kinetics of the process not only in homogeneous, but also in heterogeneous (aqueous solution–precipitate) systems to be quantitatively predicted and described based on experimental values of parameters of the reaction. It was shown that in heterogeneous aqueous solution–precipitate systems PA-catalyzed ampicillin synthesis proceeds much more efficiently compared to the homogeneous solution.  相似文献   

用PAM叶绿素荧光仪测定了饥饿细胞、光自养细胞和混合营养细胞的叶绿素荧光 ,并对 3种类型细胞的荧光参数 :PSⅡ实际光化学效率 φⅡ和还原型质醌Q-A 进行了比较。用双重转盘磷光机测定了光自养细胞和混合营养细胞的毫秒延迟发光。根据叶绿素荧光动力学分析和毫秒延迟发光的结果及光合电子传递抑制剂 3,4_二氯苯基二甲脲 (DCMU)、二溴百里香醌 (DBMIB)对集胞藻 6 80 3(Synechocystissp .PCC 6 80 3)混合营养生长影响进行了分析 ,集胞藻 6 80 3混合营养培养的生长速率显著高于光自养培养的原因可能在于一是外源葡萄糖没有抑制反而是促进了混合营养细胞的光自养生长 ,二是呼吸基质向质醌库提供电子 ,使光合机构的能量转化加强 ,从而促进了集胞藻6 80 3细胞的利用葡萄糖的合成代谢。  相似文献   

Measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics from dark-starved cells, light-grown cells and mixotrophic cells of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 were obtained using a pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) fluorometer. Photosystem Ⅱ photochemical efficiency Ⅱand the extent of reduction of Q-A in the three kinds of cells described above were compared. The millisecond delayed light emission (MDLE) of light-grown cells and mixotrophic cells were also detected. On the basis of the analysis of fluorescence kinetic parameters, comparison of the slow phase of MDLE and the influence of inhibitors of photosynthetic electron transport3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea(DCMU), 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone (DBMIB) on the mixotrophic growth of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, it was concluded that the reasons for higher growth rate under mixotrophic than that under photoautotrophic might be that glucose promoted the photoautotrophic growth of mixotrephic cells and the donation of eletrons to the plastoquinone pool from the respiratory substance and the transform of energy was promoted by photosynthetic system, which provided the energy needed by anabolism of cells caused by the glucose added to the medium.   相似文献   

The purpose of this pilot study was to examine whether regular consumption of an acai berry-based juice blend would affect sprint performance and improve blood antioxidant status and lipid profile in junior athletes. Seven junior hurdlers (17.5±1.2 years) taking part in a pre-season conditioning camp were supplemented once a day, for six weeks, with 100 ml of the juice blend. At the start and the end of the camp the athletes performed a 300-m sprint running test on an outdoor track. Blood samples were taken before and immediately after the test and after 1 h of recovery. Blood antioxidant status was evaluated based on activities of antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase [SOD], catalase [CAT], glutathione peroxidase [GSH-Px], glutathione reductase [GR]), concentrations of non-enzymatic antioxidants (reduced glutathione [GSH], uric acid), total plasma polyphenols, ferric reducing ability of plasma (FRAP), thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and activities of creatine kinase (CK) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) as muscle damage markers. In order to evaluate potential health benefits of the acai berry, the post-treatment changes in lipid profile parameters (triglycerides, cholesterol and its fractions) were analysed. Six weeks’ consumption of acai berry-based juice blend had no effect on sprint performance, but it led to a marked increase in the total antioxidant capacity of plasma, attenuation of the exercise-induced muscle damage, and a substantial improvement of serum lipid profile. These findings strongly support the view of the health benefits of supplementation with the acai berry-based juice blend, mainly attributed to its high total polyphenol content and the related high in vivo antioxidant and hypocholesterolaemic activities of this supplement.  相似文献   

Energy metabolism alterations are found in a large number of rare and common diseases of genetic or environmental origin. The number of patients that could benefit from bioenergetic modulation therapy (BIOMET) is therefore very important and includes individuals with pathologies as diverse as mitochondrial diseases, acute coronary syndrome, chronic kidney disease, asthma or even cancer. Although, the alteration of energy metabolism is disease specific and sometimes patient specific, the strategies for BIOMET could be common and target a series of bioenergetic regulatory mechanisms discussed in this article. An excellent training of scientists in the field of energy metabolism, related human diseases and drug discovery is also crucial to form a young generation of MDs, PHDs and Pharma or CRO-group leaders who will discover novel personalized bioenergetic medicines, through pharmacology, genetics, nutrition or adapted exercise training. The Mitochondrial European Educational Training (MEET) consortium was created to pursue this goal, and we dedicated here a special issue of Organelle in Focus (OiF) to highlight their objectives. A total of 10 OiFs articles constitute this Directed Issue on Mitochondrial Medicine. As part of this editorial article, we asked timely questions to the PR. Jan W. Smeitink, professor of Mitochondrial Medicine and CEO of Khondrion, a mitochondrial medicine company. He shared with us his objectives and strategies for the study of mitochondrial diseases and the identification of future treatments.This article is part of a Directed Issue entitled: Energy Metabolism Disorders and Therapies.  相似文献   

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