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扩增未知序列DNA片段的PCR技术研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1985年,Mullis等人发明了PCR技术,短短十余年间,这一技术得到迅速发展和应用,已由扩增已知基因发展到扩增未知基因,本文旨在介绍利用PCR技术扩增未知序列DNA片段的最新进展及这些技术在基因克隆研究中的应用。  相似文献   

聚合酶链反应(PCR)对未知序列DNA的扩增技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
种康  谭克辉 《植物生理学通讯》1993,29(2):116-118,123
聚合酶链反应(Polymerase Chain Reaction, PCR)是由引物介导,在体外将特异性DNA序列利用酶促作用进行扩增的方法。双链DNA热变性,然后在低温下与引物退火,再在中等温度下进行延伸,三步为一循环。一般经30~35次循环,很容易将目的基因或DNA片段特异地扩增至少10~6~10~7倍。它已是分子生物学研究中常用的、不可缺少的一项基本技术。但常规PCR需在待扩增的已知序列两端分别设计两个寡核苷酸引物,也就  相似文献   

用锚定PCR(APCR)技术对未知的小麦淀粉合成关键酶基因gbss Ⅰ和sbeⅡa启动子序列进行扩增.通过对APCR反应进行优化,获得了gbssⅠ启动子序列(4.1kb)和sbeⅡa启动子序列(3.1kb).结果表明:减少模板加入量(由1μL降低至1/100μL)和增大反应体积(由50μL增到100μL)均可在一定程度上减少非特异的结果出现;升高变性温度(由94℃提高到98℃)和延伸温度(由55℃提高到72℃)并延长延伸时间则能有效地消除APCR中的非特异性条带.  相似文献   

以质粒为模板,用待测寡聚DNA片段和通用测序引物进行PCR(聚合酶链式反应),PCR片段经纯化后插入到pUC-18或pUC-19的多克隆位点中,然后用通用测序引物测定重组质粒上待测寡聚DNA片段,即可清晰、正确地知道它的序列.  相似文献   

陈严  汤敏谦 《遗传》1999,21(5):53-54
用Taq酶进行PCR扩增时,其PCR产物的3末端有一个附加的A碱基。因此,目前在克隆PCR产物时一般使用T-VCctor。但T—Vector的价格比较昂贵,而使用本试剂盒也可在短时间内使PCR产物与平滑末端载体进行高效连接。PCR产物与平滑末端的载体连接时,有必要除去3廉端的附加碱基,并使其5末端磷酸化。使用TaKaRaBKLKit(BllllltillgKillstiollLigstiollKit)可使这一连串的反应在短时间内完成。PCR产物的末端平滑化与磷酸化反应在一个反应体系内同时进行,一次反应后便可得到能够用于连接的DNA片段。用于连接反应的PCR产物无需进…  相似文献   

李炜东  梁布锋  祁自柏 《遗传》2004,26(3):349-352
利用PCR合成DNA长片段(Synthesis Large Frament DNA using PCR,SLFD PCR)是一种有效的合成长片段DNA的方法。采用一段已知的500~600bp碱基的DNA片段为PCR模板,根据所要合成的DNA序列可以设计一系列的PCR引物,这些引物都位于模板DNA的5’端,长度为50~60bp,且从5’到3’方向顺序重叠,重叠碱基数目为12~15,全部引物叠加所得到的DNA正是自己所要合成的DNA。这组引物中最3’端的一条含有一个BamH Ⅰ酶切位点,在该位点后面有15碱基与模板DNA5’端一致的序列。另外还设计一条与该模板匹配的下游引物,引物内也含有一个BamH Ⅰ酶切位点。首先采用5’端最右侧的引物与下游引物进行PCR,在PCR进行10个循环后,以此次PCR的产物为下一轮PCR的模板,该轮PCR采用右侧倒数第二个引物为上游引物,下游引物保持不变。采用类似的方法,完成所有的PCR循环,就可以得到所需要合成的DNA长片段。该方法尤其适合100~200碱基左右的长片段DNA的快速合成与克隆。  相似文献   

报道了以人类外周血白细胞为材料,利用人类Y染色体特异片段一对扩增引物Y3和 Y4,在玻片细胞样品上进行原位 PCR获得的结果.用Dig-11-dUTP于原位PCR过程中直接掺入法(直接原位PCR)和细胞原位PCR后再作原位杂交的方法(间接原位PCR)都证明:玻片上细胞样品内的Y染色体特异DNA片段有明显的原位扩增.并对原位PCR的专一性与可重复性,细胞内PCR扩增产物的存留等方法学问题,以及原位PCR技术的价值和应用前景进行了讨论.  相似文献   

描述一种应用PCR技术定向引入DNA小片段和特异酶切位点的方法。为了获得m2/loxp66EGFPloxp71基因片段。根据EGFP基因序列,设计一对特异引物,上、下游引物分别引入m2/loxp66、loxp71序列和Xhol、Mlu1酶切位点。以pEGFPN1质粒为模板,采用PCR扩增以合成DNA双链,插入到克隆载体pMD18T。对重组子测序结果表明,实现了DNA小片段和酶切位点的定向引入。  相似文献   

Seven codominant genetic markers (of which six are located in gene untranslated transcribed regions) were developed from Picea DNA sequences available in databanks. Primers were designed to specifically amplify by polymerase chain reaction tri‐, di‐ or mononucleotide repeated motifs. They provided single locus length polymorphism on a representative sample of 93 Picea abies individuals. The usefulness of each locus in mapping, population genetics or gene flow studies was assessed. A weak geographical genetic differentiation was revealed. The loci were also amplified in P. glauca, P. engelmannii and P. omorika demonstrating potential transferability across Picea species.  相似文献   

Summary Cot and chemical analysis show that the haploid genome size of Thermobia domestica is 3–4×109 nucleotide pairs. Of this DNA 33% is single copy sequences and 67% is repetitive sequences. The repetitive sequences are predominantly 300 nucleotides in length and are interspersed among the single copy sequences in a short period interspersion pattern similar to that observed in Xenopus and many other higher eucaryotes. The DNA sequence organization observed in Thermobia is compared with that of other more highly evolved insects.Abbrevations HAP-hydroxyapatite, Cot mole nucleotides × liter–1 s. - N sodium phosphate, pH 6.8  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of tobacco chloroplast DNA was first determined in 1986, and then its updated gene map was reported in 1998. During the course of sequencing the chloroplast DNA ofNicotiana sylvestris, the female progenitor of tobacco, we found some sequence errors and amended the 1998 version. The tobacco chloroplast DNA comprises 155,943 bp, 4 bp longer than the 1998 version.  相似文献   

Identifying microorganisms that are active under specific conditions in ecosystems is a challenge in microbial ecology. Recently, the bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) technique was developed to label actively growing cells. BrdU, a thymidine analog, is incorporated into newly synthesized DNA, and the BrdU-labeled DNA is then isolated from total extractable DNA by immunocapture using a BrdU-specific antibody. Analyzing the BrdU-labeled DNA allows for assessing the actively growing community, which can then be compared to the unlabeled DNA that represents the total community. However, applying the BrdU approach to study soils has been problematic due to low DNA amounts and soil contaminants. To address these challenges, we developed a protocol, optimizing specificity and reproducibility, to amplify BrdU-labeled gene fragments encoding 16S rRNA. We found that the determining factor was the DNA polymerase: among the 13 different polymerases we tested, only 3 provided adequate yields with minimal contamination, and only two of those three produced similar amplification patterns of community DNA.  相似文献   

We performed a phylogenetic estimation of the family Mytilidae in the East China Sea based on nuclear internal transcribed spacer (ITS) genes and two mitochondrial genes (COI and 16S RNA). Analysis of five mytilid species based on each of the three genes resulted in mostly congruent trees, although there were some discrepancies in the classification of these species. We combine the results obtained from the three separate analyses to provide a phylogenetic estimation of Mytilidae. We found that the Mytilidae was divided into two major lineages: in one clade, Mytilus galloprovincialis was grouped with Mytilus coruscus; in the second clade, Septifer bilocularis was placed at the basal position in an individual clade, and Perna viridis and Musculista senhousia were recovered as a monophyletic group. Although these finding provide important insights into the taxonomic relationships among the Mytilidae, many aspects of Mytilidae phylogeny remain unresolved. Further analysis based on more molecular information and extensive taxon sampling is necessary to elucidate the phylogenetic relationships among the major lineages within the Mytilidae.  相似文献   

High-Cot sequence analysis of the maize genome   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Higher eukaryotic genomes, including those from plants, contain large amounts of repetitive DNA that complicate genome analysis. We have developed a technique based on DNA renaturation which normalizes repetitive DNA, and thereby allows a more efficient outcome for full genome shotgun sequencing. The data indicate that sequencing the unrenatured outcome of a Cot experiment, otherwise known as High-Cot DNA, enriches genic sequences by more than fourfold in maize, from 5% for a random library to more than 20% for a High-Cot library. Using this approach, we predict that gene discovery would be greater than 95% and that the number of sequencing runs required to sequence the full gene space in maize would be at least fourfold lower than that required for full-genome shotgun sequencing.  相似文献   

Single-copy nuclear DNA sequences have high potential as a source of genetic markers for population analyses. However, the difficulties that arise when haplotypes that are the product of recombinational rearrangements are present require additional consideration. Two statistical methods for identifying potential recombinants by detecting anomalies in the distribution of variable sites along sequences were used to screen sequences from a single-copy nuclear DNA fragment, cpnl-1, of the European meadow grasshopper (Chorthippus parallelus). Five of the 71 haplotypes in the cpnl-1 data set showed nonrandom distribution of polymorphic sites using both methods. The second method pinpointed an additional four haplotypes. Estimates of the rate of recombination in the entire data set were obtained using standard methods. It is concluded that cpnl-1 haplotypes have been involved in recombination or gene conversion events at a rate more than twice the mutation rate. This confirms that recombination and gene conversion are significant factors in the generation of haplotype variation in nuclear gene sequences. The cpnl-1 haplotypes identified by the tests were present only in populations that have had recent contact; the Balkan and Turkish refugial populations and their post-glacial colonies to the north. This is discussed in relation to the phylogenetic inferences drawn from the same data in a previous report.  相似文献   

DNA序列分析中的信息熵应用现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
詹青 《生物信息学》2012,10(1):44-49
信息熵理论是生物信息学研究的一个重要工具,它在DNA序列分析中有着广泛的应用。本文详细介绍了近年来诸多DNA序列分析问题中信息熵应用的研究进展,并分析了未来该问题的研究方向。  相似文献   

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