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Secondary salinisation is recognised worldwide as a threat to aquatic biodiversity. Wetlands in the Wheatbelt Region of Western Australia are particularly affected as a result of clearing of deep-rooted native vegetation for agriculture. Between 1996 and 2001, the Western Australian government nominated six natural diversity recovery catchments (NDRCs), being catchments with high value and diverse wetlands in need of protection. One, the Buntine–Marchagee NDRC, supports approximately 1000 wetlands in varying states of salinisation. The challenge is to prioritise these wetlands for ongoing management. In this paper we propose an approach to prioritise representative wetlands using aquatic invertebrates. On the basis of hydrology, salinity and remnant vegetation, 20 wetlands covering a range of salinities were selected for sampling of water quality and aquatic invertebrates. Of the 202 taxa recorded, most endemic taxa occurred in fresh/brackish wetlands, while hypersaline wetlands supported predominantly cosmopolitan species. Taxa richness was greater in fresh/brackish than saline and hypersaline wetlands, with conductivity explaining 83 % of between-wetland variation in taxa richness. Classification using invertebrate assemblages separated fresh/brackish, saline and hypersaline wetlands, with greatest between-year variability within saline and hypersaline sites. Wetlands were ranked using taxa diversity, presence of conservation-significant taxa and temporal similarity. Mean rank across indices provided the final overall order of priority. Hypersaline wetlands were ordered separately to the fresher water wetlands (fresh/brackish and saline) so that priority for future management was detailed for both types of wetlands. The analysis indicated that although fresh/brackish sites support the highest biodiversity, naturally saline sites also supported wetland assemblages worthy of ongoing protection.  相似文献   

Abstract. Predictive mapping of vegetation using models linking vegetation units to mapped environmental variables has been advocated for remote areas. In this study, three different types of model were employed (within a GIS) to produce vegetation maps of the Hamersley Ranges region of Western Australia. The models were: (1) decision trees; (2) statistical models; and (3) heuristic/conceptual models. Maps were produced for three different levels of a floristic classification, i.e. 16 communities in two community groups with eight subgroups. All models satisfactorily established relationships between the vegetation units and available predictor variables, except where the number of sites of a particular unit was small. The different models often made similar predictions, especially for more widespread vegetation units. Map accuracy (as determined by field testing of maps) improved with increasing level of abstraction, with plant community maps ca. 50 % correct, subgroup maps ca. 60 % correct and group maps 90 % correct. Map inaccuracies were due to several factors, including low sample numbers producing unrepresentative models, poor resolution of and errors in available maps of predictor variables, and available predictor variables not being able to differentiate between certain vegetation units, particularly at the plant community level. Of these factors, poor resolution of maps was seen as the most critical. One type of model could not be recommended over another; however the choice of model will be largely dependent on the nature of the data set and the type of map coverage required.  相似文献   

Wetlands are among the most threatened habitats and the species they support among the most endangered taxa. Measuring and monitoring wetland biodiversity is vital for conservation, restoration and management, and often relies on the use of surrogate taxa. Waterbirds are commonly used as flagships of biodiversity and are the subject of major conservation initiatives. Therefore, it is important to assess the extent to which waterbirds indicate the general biodiversity of wetlands and serve as surrogates.We explore the relationships between community composition and species richness of waterbirds and aquatic macroinvertebrates in 36 Ramsar wetlands in southern Spain to assess if waterbirds are good surrogates for other taxonomic groups. Specifically, we aimed to (i) test the congruence of patterns of species composition and richness among waterbirds and aquatic macroinvertebrates; and (ii) investigate which environmental variables are associated with the biodiversity patterns of waterbirds and macroinvertebrates, with the purpose of identifying key factors explaining potential discordance in these patterns.We found a limited concordance between assemblage patterns of both taxonomic groups that may be related to their contrasting responses to environmental gradients. Assemblages of waterbirds appear to be more affected by climate variables and water surface area, whereas conductivity was the most important factor influencing macroinvertebrate communities. Furthermore, we found a negligible or inverse relationship in their patterns of richness, with wetlands with higher waterbird species richness showing significantly lower richness of Hemiptera and macroinvertebrate families, and no significant relationship with Coleoptera. In addition, GLM models showed that, in general, different environmental variables are related with the richness patterns of the different taxonomic groups.Given the importance of the Ramsar convention for the conservation of an international network of wetlands, our findings underline the limited potential of waterbirds as aquatic biodiversity indicators in Mediterranean wetlands, and the need for caution when using waterbirds as flagships. An integrative analysis of different biological communities, using datasets from different taxonomic groups, is a necessary precursor for successful conservation policies and monitoring. Our results illustrate the need to create a diversified and complete network of protected sites able to conserve multiple components of wetland biodiversity.  相似文献   

草地景观生态研究的几个热点问题及其进展   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
目前我国草地大面积退化、沙化,生产力下降,环境恶化,生物多样性减少,直接威胁牧区经济的发展,如何管好、用好草地资源已成为亟待解决的问题。景观生态学是一门新兴的综合性交叉科学,在草地管理中有着重要的应用前景。文中以草地景观生态研究中的理论、方法和应用为主线,综述了国内外有关草地景观生态研究的最新进展,总结了草地景观格局、生物多样性、景观退化与恢复、景观美学价值等国内外研究热点的研究状况,概括了国内外草地景观研究方法,并结合国外草地管理的方法和措施,从各个角度为决策者提供合理建议。  相似文献   

Extensive networks of deep drains are being built in Western Australia to reduce the effects of dryland salinity on agricultural lands. Most of these drains discharge into natural river and wetland systems, with little consideration given to the environmental impacts. This study examined the downstream ecological impacts of one of the oldest deep drain networks in Western Australia, located in the Wakeman subcatchment near Narembeen. Twelve sites were sampled bi-monthly from October 2004 to September 2006. On each occasion, water quality parameters were measured and the macro-invertebrate fauna was sampled. Significant differences in water quality and macro-invertebrates were observed between the untreated sites and those affected by the drain discharge. Surface water at untreated sites was always fresh (<3 ppt), alkaline (pH 7.6–8.9) and turbid (49–600 NTU), whereas treatment sites were always saline (28–147 ppt), acidic (pH 1.9–3.8) and mostly clear (0–100 NTU). No recovery of water quality was observed with distance from discharge point (20 km). Invertebrates reflected differences in water quality, with drain discharge resulting in a sharp decline in species richness, and significant changes in macro-invertebrate community composition. Sites affected by drain discharge were dominated by fly larvae such as Orthocladiinae and Ceratopogonidae. Microcrustaceans were far more abundant at sites unaffected by drainage. The ecological values of Wheatbelt streams are likely to be further compromised by discharge of poor water quality from deep drainage. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Handling editor: K. Martens  相似文献   

Conservation evaluation of large areas ( > 10 000 km2) in Australia requires detailed mapping of vegetation types. Predicting the original vegetation cover of extensive cleared areas in an explicit, consistent and repeatable manner necessitates the use of statistical modelling. This paper describes an integrated approach to vegetation mapping in a region of New South Wales, Australia. The approach uses separate statistical models for each tree and shrub species to predict the vegetation composition in each grid cell in a geographic information system (GIS). Allocation of these grid cells to communities allows communities that no longer exist in the remaining remnants of woodland to be defined. Examples of use of this information for management are presented. This paper addresses the practical considerations which constrain the way statistical modelling can be used for vegetation mapping in an applied project. Constraints include: (1) data availability (use of sampling to fill gaps in existing data), (2) the effects of cover abundance values, (3) availability of GIS predictors, (4) data management, (5) current generalised additive model methods and (6) prediction methods. Careful attention to the practicality of all components of a vegetation mapping study is essential if modern methods are to be applied in regional studies which must provide functional products for land managers with limited resources, skills and finances at their disposal.  相似文献   

The wheatbelt region of Western Australia has been extensively cleared of indigenous vegetation for agriculture and is now severely affected by dryland salinity. Wetlands that were once freshwater are now saline and others are under threat, as are the animals and plants that inhabit them. Rising groundwater is also affecting the many naturally saline playas. To provide a framework for setting conservation priorities in this region a biological survey was undertaken, including sampling of aquatic invertebrates at 230 wetlands. In this paper, we have used data from the survey to summarise occurrence of species in relation to salinity. Total species richness at a wetland showed no response to salinity below 4.1 g l−1 and then declined dramatically as salinity increased. When halophilic species were excluded from consideration, species richness was found to decline from 2.6 g l−1. These patterns are compared to previous studies of richness-salinity relationships. There is some evidence that the freshwater invertebrate fauna of the wheatbelt may be comparatively salt tolerant, with 46% of freshwater species collected at salinities above 3 g l−1 and 17% above 10 g l−1, though these proportions differed between various invertebrate groups. While this tolerance will provide a buffer against the effects of mild salinisation, many species are at risk of regional extinction as salinisation becomes more widespread.  相似文献   

Gabor  T. S.  Murkin  H. R.  Stainton  M. P.  Boughen  J. A.  Titman  R. D. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,279(1):497-510
This study examined the responses of algae and invertebrates to a single application of N and P in a series of experimental wetland enclosures in the Interlake region of Manitoba during 1989 and 1990. N and P levels in the water, sediment and vegetation were also monitored. The 3 fertilization treatments were: dissolved inorganic (6200 µg 1–1 N, 420 µg 1–1 P), dissolved inorganic (3200 µg 1–1 N, 210 µg 1–1 P) and organic (ground alfalfa meal: 6200 µg 1–1 420 µg 1–1 P).Dissolved nutrients in the inorganic treatments were quickly depleted from the water column, but dissolved N increased in the water column of the alfalfa treatment as the alfalfa decomposed. No changes in N or P concentrations in the sediments or vegetation were detected. Phytoplankton biomass increased in all fertilized enclosures while epiphytic periphyton exhibited only minor responses. Epipelon biomass increased in the alfalfa treatment and metaphyton standing crops were highest in the high inorganic treatments.In the alfalfa treatment, high microbial respiration rapidly reduced dissolved oxygen concentrations which negatively affected invertebrates. This trend reversed as oxygen levels increased later in the experiment. Dominant nektonic and benthic invertebrates increased in the high inorganic and alfalfa treatments. Orthocladiinae emergence increased in the high inorganic and alfalfa treatments, while Chironominae and Tanypodinae increased in the alfalfa treatment. Second year responses by algae and invertebrate communities to the fertilization treatments were minimal. Annual single pulse fertilization has the potential to increase the productivity of Interlake wetlands when nutrients are applied in the spring, however it should be noted that at the levels used in this study the effects did not extend to the second year.  相似文献   

内蒙古托克托地区景观格局特征分析   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
内蒙古托克拖地区位于我国农牧交错带黄河中游,农业历史悠久、应用遥感影像,结合地面调查,绘制了研究区植被类型现状图,在GIS支持下,选取多种景观指数,分别从斑块数、斑块面积、班块周长和多样性指数等方面对研究区景观结构特征和多样性进行分析,结果表明,整个研究区景观是一个显著的农林牧景观嵌体,农田面积281.72km^2,占研究区总面积的34.64%,林地景观占22.0%,草地景观占6.65%。研究区东北部景观基底为农田景观,在该基底上,基本上以居民点为中心较密集与规律地分布着杨树+榆树林班块,共89块,斑块密度达2.568个·km^-2,斑块平均面积仅为0.39km^2,基底与斑块2种景观单元在该区域十分典型。杨树+榆树林和丘陵沟壑景观类型边界密度值较大,说明杨树+榆树林景观类型的破碎化程度较大,而丘陵沟壑边界切割破碎,可以认为,该地区在人类活动的影响下,景观结构呈现较明显的人类干扰特征。  相似文献   

Satoyama, the traditional agricultural landscape in Japan, has drawn much attention from the viewpoint of biodiversity conservation. It is composed of diverse vegetation types, including secondary forests, paddy fields and cultivated fields in a narrow area (ca. 1 km2). To clarify the characteristics of butterfly assemblage and the relative contribution of each vegetation type to butterfly diversity and endemism in satoyama, we conducted a line-transect survey along a 1.1-km route with five sections (two forest interior, one interior-edge, one edge-openland and one openland). Life history features (voltinism, host plant range and host plant type) and endemism of butterflies were discussed in relation to their abundance and vegetation association. Fifty-one species and 856 individuals were recorded. Species richness was highest in the two sections with edges, 32 and 36 species, respectively. Analysis of vegetation association of each butterfly species showed that 16 species were forest interior species, 24 forest edge species and 11 openland species, indicating that vegetation diversity enhanced butterfly diversity. However, the point is that forest interior and edge species contained many specialists sensitive to human impact (univoltine and/or oligophagous species) and many species within temperate East Asia including all endemic species. In contrast, most openland species were generalists (multivoltine and/or polyphagous species) feeding on herbs/grasses with the widest geographic range. Since secondary forests kept more butterfly diversity and specialists than openlands, and had all endemic species, they must be maintained without over fragmentation in order to avoid loss of specialists and endemics in satoyama.  相似文献   

Subterranean or groundwater estuaries occur in porous and cavernous substrates where groundwater abuts the ocean. Like surface estuaries, they are strongly stratified, temporally and hydrochemically heterogeneous environments that support complex hydrogeochemical and biological processes and ecological communities. Here, we contend that groundwater estuaries also occur where groundwater flow approaches salt lakes and provide evidence in the context of groundwater (valley or phreatic) calcretes in palaeovalleys of the arid western plateau of Australia. The calcrete groundwater estuaries display marked and complex physico-chemical gradients along, across and through the groundwater flow path. From the first principles and the density differences between water bodies, we may expect the form and dynamics of the saltwater front to mimic that of marine estuaries but with the dynamic and temporal response to changing hydrology heavily dampened, and driven by the episodic groundwater recharge and lake filling typical of arid regions. The calcrete aquifers support diverse biological communities of obligate groundwater animals, largely endemic to a given calcrete body. These communities comprise both macro and microinvertebrates, predominantly a suite of crustacean higher taxa, and a great diversity of diving beetles (Dytiscidae) isolated in the calcrete aquifers between ca. 5 and 8 million years ago. Guest Editors: J. John & B. Timms Salt Lake Research: Biodiversity and Conservation—Selected papers from the 9th Conference of the International Society for Salt Lake Research An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

City ponds have the potential to harbour a rich biodiversity of aquatic insects despite being located in an urban landscape. However, our current knowledge on the correlates of pond biodiversity is limited and even less is known about the factors that influence the ecological uniqueness of urban ponds. The multiple environmental gradients, at different spatial scales, that may affect biodiversity and ecological uniqueness of urban ponds can thus be seen both as an opportunity and as a challenge for a study. In this study, we aimed to fill this gap by focusing on aquatic insect assemblages in 51 ponds in the Swedish city of Stockholm, using a metacommunity perspective. We found that species richness was primarily determined by the density of aquatic insects, water depth and proportion of buildings around the pond. The uniqueness of ponds was estimated as local contributions to beta diversity (LCBD), and it was primarily related to the proportion of arable land and industry around the ponds. With regard to the metacommunity we found two interesting patterns. First, there was a negative relationship between richness and LCBD. Second, biodiversity was spatially independent, suggesting that spatially-patterned dispersal did not structure species richness or LCBD. These last two patterns are important when considering conservation efforts of biodiversity in city ponds. We hence suggest that the conservation of insect biodiversity in urban pond should consider the surroundings of the ponds, and that high-richness ponds are not necessarily those that require most attention because they are not ecologically the most unique.  相似文献   

We quantified patterns of species richness and species composition of frogs and reptiles (lizards and snakes) among three habitats (continuous forest, forest islands, and a seasonally flooded savannah) and between forest island size and isolation classes in a floristic transition zone in northeastern Santa Cruz Department, Bolivia. Species richness was similar across macrohabitats, as was faunal composition of forested habitats, although savannah harbored a distinct herpetofauna. On forest islands, richness and composition of forest frogs was largely related to isolation, whereas reptiles were affected by both isolation and habitat. The observation that isolation rather than area was the primary driver of distribution patterns on forest islands stands in contrast to many studies, and may be a function of (1) the greater range in forest island isolation values compared to area or (2) the long history of isolation in this landscape.  相似文献   

The Interlake region of central Manitoba is characterized by numerous shallow, relatively unproductive wetlands. Typically, these wetlands are poorly utilized by breeding waterfowl in spite of generally reliable water conditions during spring and summer. Nutrient additions were made throughout the growing season to 18 PVC enclosures installed in a low productivity wetland near Lundar, Manitoba. Inorganic phosphorus (as H3PO4) and nitrogen (as NH4NO3) were added at bi-weekly intervals during the summer of 1988 at target rates of 0 and 0, 30 and 800, and 60 and 1600 µg 1–1 (P and N respectively). Algal and invertebrate communities were monitored from mid-June to September, 1988. Phytoplankton, epiphytic periphyton and metaphyton communities demonstrated significant increases in biomass over the treatment period. No significant differences in epipelon community biomass were noted. An examination of several indicators of nutrient deficiency indicated that algal productivity was moderately to severely limited in all enclosures, with little or no mitigative effects noted due to nutrient addition treatment. No significant differences in numbers or biomass of total invertebrates or invertebrate functional groups attributed to fertilization were observed. Nutrient additions did increase community productivity, however the levels used in this study were insufficient to yield a sustained increase in primary or secondary productivity.  相似文献   

Changes in composition and structure of plant communities in relation tothe soil and snow cover variation were analyzed along an altitudinal transect(1150–1750 m) from the mountain-temperate forests to a woodyshrub community and alpine meadows on Mt Velký Gápel', Slovakia.The soils below the treeline (1510 m) had a more developedorganic layer above the mineral substratum. Generally, soil depth decreased asthe altitude increased, although the maximum values were recognized at a middlealtitude in a beech stand. Snow was redistributed by westerly winds from theridgeline down to the upper forest margin. Mean snow depth decreased withaltitude up to almost snow-free sites around the summit. In the 48 plots at 16sites we recorded 118 taxa including 6 tree, 7 shrub, 18 grass, 42 herb, 5fern,25 moss and 15 lichen species. The species diversity showed no distinctrelationship to altitude but declined with canopy consolidation. The TWINSPANfloristic classification distinguished five groups of community typescharacterised by different dominants, and a further three clusters of samplesfrom transition zones. Horizontal compositional heterogeneity increased inareaswhere trees were aggregated and tree basal area was smaller. Vegetationcomposition became more patchy at open-canopy Acerpseudoplatanus–Abies alba mixed forest at 1150 m,in Picea abies forest limit 1470 m, andin Pinus mugo krummholz at 1590 m. Speciesturnover of the entire transect was 6.1 half-changes as estimated by DCA.Despite this heterogeneity, none of the 15 elevational bands had significantaggregation of species' limits. Vegetation varied continuously, with individualspecies overlapping in transition zones delimited by dominant taxa. Thecoincident aggregation of up-slope and down-slope boundaries was found at abelt1430–1510 m. This discrete ecotone corresponds to a shiftfrom the closed coniferous forest to P. mugo krummholz.Thesecond inherent up-slope boundary aggregation indicated the P.mugo krummholz – alpine meadow vegetation transition at1700 m. Spatial analysis (K-function) of eight forest plots(0.12 ha each) showed that at lower elevation, adult trees of thebroad-leaf forest were closer to a random arrangement while at higherelevation,trees of evergreen coniferous stands became aggregated toward the forest limitwith the highest intensity from 2 to 4 m. Altitudinal gradient andrelated factors explained 35% of the variance in vegetation data.Canonical correspondence analysis also showed that main vegetation changesabovethe treeline area were associated with the topographic pattern of pine shrubsand snow cover.  相似文献   

Participatory ecological monitoring is a realistic and effective approach in wetlands such as Alaotra, Madagascar, where important biodiversity is found in an area with high human population density. Since 2001, Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, government technical services, regional non-governmental organisations and local communities have collected data on key species, such as waterbirds, a locally endemic lemur and useful natural resources. The monitoring was linked with environmental quizzes and an inter-village competition, which helped raise interest in the monitoring and publicise results. The monitoring has assisted wetland management by guiding amendments to and increasing respect for the regional fishing convention, raising awareness, catalysing marsh management transfer to communities and stimulating collaboration and good governance. The sustainability of the monitoring scheme and the usefulness of the data for detecting trends and guiding local managements are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study suggests that the Santa Eufemia-Ereñozar karst unit in northern Iberian Peninsula is a biodiversity hotspot for groundwater oligochaetes, due to (1) the presence of a high number of stygobiotic species (corresponding to 18% of the total stygobionts known in southern Europe); (2) the comparatively high number of oligochaete species collected (corresponding to 35% of the total epigean and hypogean oligochaete species in the region); and (3) the presence of 5 species endemic to the region. A list of the oligochaete taxa found in the karst unit is presented and a conservation ranking of the cavities in the karst is proposed based on the application of four biodiversity indices (Species richness, Rarity, Vulnerability and Complementarity) to the oligochaete taxa. Vulnerability was evaluated for the first time for groundwater oligochaete taxa and it provided a useful tool to assess the protection status of oligochaetes in karstic systems. Groundwater conservation management strategies could incorporate biodiversity data from the present study.  相似文献   

John  Jacob 《Hydrobiologia》1993,(1):427-436
Former sand-mining pits at Capel, 200 km south of Perth in Western Australia, have been rehabilitated into artificial wetlands since 1975–1979. A chain of fresh water lakes was created as a potential waterbird refuge and an area for passive recreation. Initially, the lakes had low pH, high ammonium, iron and manganese levels and low phosphorus concentration. The lakes were characterised by low diversity of diatoms dominated by acidophilous species. Following an increase in pH in the effluent water discharged into the lake from the mining process plant and landscaping of the lakes since 1988, the diversity of diatoms gradually increased. The system is now dominated by periphytic diatom communities, preferring high conductivity. There has been a marked transition in the diatom community from acidophilous to alkaliphilous species. Planktonic diatom blooms replaced dinoflagellate blooms. Concomitantly, there has been a dramatic increase in the diversity of invertebrates and waterbirds in these lakes. The value of diatoms in assessing the progressive development of created wetlands as self-sustaining ecosystems at sand mines in Australia is discussed.  相似文献   

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