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Kim JW  Kim HJ  Kim Y  Lee MS  Lee HS 《Molecules and cells》2001,11(2):220-225
The metC gene encoding the cystathionine beta-lyase, the third enzyme in the methionine biosynthetic pathway, was isolated from Corynebacterium glutamicum by heterologous complementation of the Escherichia coli metC mutant. A DNA-sequence analysis of the cloned DNA identified two open-reading frames (ORFs) of ORF1 and ORF2 that consisted of 1,107 and 978 bp, respectively. A SDS-PAGE analysis identified a putative cystathionine beta-lyase band with approximate Mr of 41,000 that consisted of 368 amino acids encoded from ORF1. The translational product of the gene showed no significant homology with that of the metC gene from other organisms. Introduction of the plasmid containing the metC gene into C. glutamicum resulted in a 5-fold increase in the activity of the cystathionine beta-lyase. The putative protein product of ORF2, encoding a protein product of 35,574 Da, consisted of 325 amino acids and was identical to the previously reported aecD gene product, except for the existence of two different amino acids. Like the aecD gene, when present in multiple copies, the metC gene conferred resistance to S-(betaaminoethyl)-cysteine, which is a toxic lysine analog. However, genetic and biochemical evidence suggests that the natural activity of the metC gene product is to mediate methionine biosynthesis in C. glutamicum. Mutant strains of metC were constructed, and the strains showed methionine prototrophy. The mutant strains completely lost their ability to show resistance to the S-(beta-aminoethyl)-cysteine. These results suggest that, in addition to the transsulfuration, other biosynthetic pathway(s), such as a direct sulfhydrylation pathway, may be functional in C. glutamicum as a parallel biosynthetic route for methionine.  相似文献   

The enzymatic degradation of amino acids in cheese is believed to generate aroma compounds and therefore to be essential for flavor development. Cystathionine β-lyase (CBL) can convert cystathionine to homocysteine but is also able to catalyze an α,γ elimination. With methionine as a substrate, it produces volatile sulfur compounds which are important for flavor formation in Gouda cheese. The metC gene, which encodes CBL, was cloned from the Lactococcus lactis model strain MG1363 and from strain B78, isolated from a cheese starter culture and known to have a high capacity to produce volatile compounds. The metC gene was found to be cotranscribed with a downstream cysK gene, which encodes a putative cysteine synthase. The MetC proteins of both strains were overproduced in strain MG1363 with the NICE (nisin-controlled expression) system, resulting in a >25-fold increase in cystathionine lyase activity. A disruption of the metC gene was achieved in strain MG1363. Determination of enzymatic activities in the overproducing and knockout strains revealed that MetC is essential for the degradation of cystathionine but that at least one lyase other than CBL contributes to methionine degradation via α,γ elimination to form volatile aroma compounds.  相似文献   

The genes responsible for bacteriocin production and immunity in Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis biovar diacetylactis WM4 were localized and characterized by DNA restriction fragment deletion, subcloning, and nucleotide sequence analysis. The nucleotide sequence of a 5.6-kb AvaII restriction fragment revealed a cluster with five complete open reading frames (ORFs) in the same orientation. DNA and protein homology analyses, combined with deletion and Tn5 insertion mutagenesis, implicated four of the ORFs in the production of and immunity to lactococcin A. The last two ORFs in the cluster were the lactococcin A structural and immunity genes, lcnA and lciA. The two ORFs immediately upstream of lcnA and lciA were designated lcnC and lcnD, and the proteins that they encoded showed similarities to proteins of signal sequence-independent secretion systems. lcnC encodes a protein of 716 amino acids that could belong to the HlyB family of ATP-dependent membrane translocators. LcnC contains an ATP binding domain in a conserved C-terminal stretch of approximately 200 amino acids and three putative hydrophobic segments in the N terminus. The lcnD product, LcnD, of 474 amino acids, is essential for lactococcin A expression and shows structural similarities to HlyD and its homologs. On the basis of these results, a secretion apparatus that is essential for the full expression of active lactococcin A is postulated.  相似文献   

The genes responsible for bacteriocin production and immunity in Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis biovar diacetylactis WM4 were localized and characterized by DNA restriction fragment deletion, subcloning, and nucleotide sequence analysis. The nucleotide sequence of a 5.6-kb AvaII restriction fragment revealed a cluster with five complete open reading frames (ORFs) in the same orientation. DNA and protein homology analyses, combined with deletion and Tn5 insertion mutagenesis, implicated four of the ORFs in the production of and immunity to lactococcin A. The last two ORFs in the cluster were the lactococcin A structural and immunity genes, lcnA and lciA. The two ORFs immediately upstream of lcnA and lciA were designated lcnC and lcnD, and the proteins that they encoded showed similarities to proteins of signal sequence-independent secretion systems. lcnC encodes a protein of 716 amino acids that could belong to the HlyB family of ATP-dependent membrane translocators. LcnC contains an ATP binding domain in a conserved C-terminal stretch of approximately 200 amino acids and three putative hydrophobic segments in the N terminus. The lcnD product, LcnD, of 474 amino acids, is essential for lactococcin A expression and shows structural similarities to HlyD and its homologs. On the basis of these results, a secretion apparatus that is essential for the full expression of active lactococcin A is postulated.  相似文献   

Uracil phosphoribosyltransferase catalyzes the key reaction in the salvage of uracil in many microorganisms. The gene encoding uracil phosphoribosyltransferase (upp) was cloned from Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris MG1363 by complementation of an Escherichia coli mutant. The gene was sequenced, and the putative amino acid sequence was deduced. The promoter was mapped by both primer extension and analysis of beta-galactosidase expressed from strains carrying fusion between upp promoter fragments and the lacLM gene. The results showed that the upp gene was expressed from its own promoter. After in vitro construction of an internal deletion, a upp mutant was constructed by a double-crossover event. This implicated the utilization of a plasmid with a thermosensitive origin of replication and a new and easy way to screen for double crossover events in both gram-positive and gram-negative bacterial strains. The phenotype of the uracil phosphoribosyltransferase-deficient strain was established. Surprisingly, the upp strain is resistant only to very low concentrations of 5-fluorouracil. Secondary mutants in thymidine phosphorylase and thymidine kinase were isolated by selection for resistance to high concentrations of 5-fluorouracil.  相似文献   

We have cloned usp45, a gene encoding an extracellular secretory protein of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis strain MG1363. Unidentified secreted 45-kDa protein (Usp45) is secreted by every mesophilic L. lactis strain we tested so far and it is chromosomally encoded. The nucleotide sequence of the usp45 gene revealed an open reading frame of 1383 bp encoding a protein of 461 amino acids (aa), composed of a 27-aa signal peptide and a mature protein initiated at Asp28. The gene contains a consensus promoter sequence and a weak ribosome-binding site; the latter is rather uncommon for Gram-positive bacteria. Expression studies in Escherichia coli showed efficient synthesis and secretion of the protein. Usp45 has an unusual aa composition and distribution, and it is predicted to be structurally homologous with P54 of Enterococcus faecium. Up to now, no biological activity could be postulated for this secreted protein.  相似文献   

A gene of Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris MG1363 encoding a peptidoglycan hydrolase was identified in a genomic library of the strain in pUC19 by screening Escherichia coli transformants for cell wall lysis activity on a medium containing autoclaved, lyophilized Micrococcus lysodeikticus cells. In cell extracts of L. lactis MG1363 and several halo-producing E. coli transformants, lytic bands of similar sizes were identified by denaturing sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gels containing L. lactis or M. lysodeikticus cell walls. Of these clearing bands, corresponding to the presence of lytic enzymes with sizes of 46 and 41 kDa, the 41-kDa band was also present in the supernatant of an L. lactis culture. Deletion analysis of one of the recombinant plasmids showed that the information specifying lytic activity was contained within a 2,428-bp EcoRV-Sau3A fragment. Sequencing of part of this fragment revealed a gene (acmA) that could encode a polypeptide of 437 amino acid residues. The calculated molecular mass of AcmA (46,564 Da) corresponded to that of one of the lytic activities detected. Presumably, the enzyme is synthesized as a precursor protein which is processed by cleavage after the Ala at position 57, thus producing a mature protein with a size of 40,264 Da, which would correspond to the size of the enzyme whose lytic activity was present in culture supernatants of L. lactis. The N-terminal region of the mature protein showed 60% identity with the N-terminal region of the mature muramidase-2 of Enterococcus hirae and the autolysin of Streptococcus faecalis. Like the latter two enzymes, AcmA contains C-terminal repeated regions. In AcmA, these three repeats are separated by nonhomologous intervening sequences highly enriched in serine, threonine, and asparagine. Genes specifying identical activities were detected in various strains of L. lactis subsp. lactis and L. lactis subsp. cremoris by the SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis detection assay and PCR experiments. By replacement recombination, an acmA deletion mutant which grew as long chains was constructed, indicating that AcmA is required for cell separation.  相似文献   

Analysis of the sequence of a randomly cloned chromosomal DNA fragment (3.2 kb) from Lactococcus lactis revealed the presence of part of an open reading frame, designated amd1, which specifies a protein displaying significant similarity to aminoacylases from various bacteria. The presence of an immobilised copy of an IS982 element immediately upstream of the coding region of amd1 has probably resulted in the displacement of amd1's native promoter. This genetic organisation was shown to be retained in seven other dairy strains, one of which was only slightly different. The amd1 gene was overexpressed in L. lactis NZ9800 under the control of the inducible nisA promoter and the deacetylating capacity of its gene product was measured on a number of substrates.  相似文献   

The genes encoding a binding-protein-dependent ABC transporter for dipeptides (Dpp) were identified in Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris MG1363. Two (dppA and dppP) of the six ORFs (dppAdppPBCDF) encode proteins that are homologous to peptide- and pheromone-binding proteins. The dppP gene contains a chain-terminating nonsense mutation and a frame-shift that may impair its function. The functionality of the dpp genes was proven by the construction of disruption mutants via homologous recombination. The expression of DppA and various other components of the proteolytic system was studied in synthetic and peptide-rich media and by using isogenic peptide-transport mutants that are defective in one or more systems (Opp, DtpT, and/or Dpp). In peptide-rich medium, DppA was maximally expressed in mutants lacking Opp and DtpT. DppA expression also depended on the growth phase and was repressed by tri-leucine and tri-valine. The effect of tri-leucine on DppA expression was abolished when leucine was present in the medium. Importantly, the Dpp system also regulated the expression of other components of the proteolytic system. This regulation was achieved via the internalization of di-valine, which caused a 30-50% inhibition in the expression of the proteinase PrtP and the peptidases PepN and PepC. Similar to the regulation of DppA, the repressing effect was no longer observed when high concentrations of valine were present. The intricate regulation of the components of the proteolytic system by peptides and amino acids is discussed in the light of the new and published data.  相似文献   

Abstract Malolactic fermentation, a crucial step in winemaking, results mostly in degradation by lactic acid bacteria of L-malic acid into L-lactic acid. This direct decarboxylation is catalysed by the malolactic enzyme. Recently we, and others, have cloned the mleS gene of Lactococcus lactis encoding malolactic enzyme. Heterologous expression of mleS in Saccha-romyces cerevisiae was tested to perform simultaneously alcoholic and malolactic fermentations by yeast. mleS gene was cloned in a yeast multicopy vector under a strong promoter. Malolactic activity was present in crude extracts of recombinant yeasts. Malic acid degradation was tested during alcoholic fermentation in synthetic media and must. Yeasts expressing the mleS gene actually produced L-lactate from L-malate; nevertheless malate degradation was far from complete.  相似文献   

Fluorescent proteins are useful reporter molecules for a variety of biological systems. We present an alternative strategy for cloning reporter genes that are regulated by the nisin-controlled gene expression (NICE) system. Lactoccocus lactis was genetically engineered to express green fluorescent protein (GFP), mCherry or near-infrared fluorescent protein (iRFP). The reporter gene sequences were optimized to be expressed by L. lactis using inducible promoter pNis within the pNZ8048 vector. Expression of constructions that carry mCherry or GFP was observed by fluorescence microscopy 2 h after induction with nisin. Expression of iRFP was evaluated at 700 nm using an infrared scanner; cultures induced for 6 h showed greater iRFP expression than non-induced cultures or those expressing GFP. We demonstrated that L. lactis can express efficiently GFP, mCherry and iRFP fluorescent proteins using an inducible expression system. These strains will be useful for live cell imaging studies in vitro or for imaging studies in vivo in the case of iRFP.  相似文献   

Abstract Malolactic enzyme is the key enzyme in the degradation of L-malic acid by lactic acid bacteria. Using degenerated primers designed from the first 20 N-terminal amino acid sequence of lactococcal malolactic enzyme, a 60-bp DNA fragment containing part of the mleS gene was amplified from Lactococcus lactis in a polymerase chain reaction. This specific probe was used to isolate two contiguous fragments covering the gene as a whole. The 1.9-kb region sequenced contains an open reading frame of 1623 bp, coding a putative protein of 540 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequence reveals that lactococcal putative protein (Mlep) is highly homologous to the malic enzyme of other organisms. Expression of the mleS gene in Escherichia coli results in malolactic activity.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the pepN gene from Lactococcus lactis encoding a zinc-metallo aminopeptidase has been determined. The open reading frame of 2,538 base pairs encodes a protein with a calculated M(r) of 95,368, which agrees with the apparent M(r) of 95,000 of the gene product which was identified by polyclonal antibodies raised against the purified aminopeptidase. The amino acid sequence of the aminopeptidase of L. lactis was found to be similar to the corresponding enzymes of human, rat and mouse, with almost 30% of the residues identical. Also, a highly conserved area was identified which has similarity with the active site of thermolysin. A zinc-binding site, as well as the catalytic site for PepN, is predicted to lie within this conserved stretch. Putative promoter regions upstream of PepN were confirmed by primer extension analysis.  相似文献   

T Koivula  H Hemil? 《Gene》1992,119(1):145-146
A cloned fragment from Lactococcus lactis chromosome encoding the L33 ribosomal protein was sequenced. Two incomplete open reading frames (ORFs) were also found: the upstream ORF shows similarity to the tetracycline-resistance protein (Tet) of Bacillus stearothermophilus, and the downstream ORF shows homology to a protein of Bacillus subtilis participating in sporulation (SpoVE), and to proteins of Escherichia coli involved in cell division (FtsW) and the maintenance of cell shape (RodA).  相似文献   

We have previously isolated a putative promoter from the Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis chromosome. We now report the sequence of the promoter fragment and its extension in the 5'-direction. The region contains several open-reading frames which correspond to ribosomal protein L15, SecY, adenylate kinase, initiation factor 1 and ribosomal proteins B and S13. The order of the genes, rplO (L15), secY, adk, infA, rpmJ (B) and rpsM (S13), is similar to that in the spc and alpha operon region of Bacillus subtilis, with the exception of the map gene, coding for methionine amino peptidase, which is located between adk and infA in B. subtilis. The putative promoter is located between adk and infA.  相似文献   

W M de Vos  P Vos  H de Haard  I Boerrigter 《Gene》1989,85(1):169-176
The Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris SK11 plasmid-located prtP gene, encoding a cell-envelope-located proteinase (PrtP) that degrades alpha s1-, beta- and kappa-casein, was identified in a lambda EMBL3 gene library in Escherichia coli using immunological methods. The complete prtP gene could not be cloned in E. coli and L. lactis on high-copy-number plasmid vectors. However, using a low-copy-number vector, the complete prtP gene could be cloned in strains MG1363 and SK1128, proteinase-deficient derivatives of L. lactis subsp. lactis 712 and L. lactis subsp. cremoris SK11, respectively. The proteinase deficiency of these hosts was complemented to wild-type (wt) levels by the cloned SK11 prtP gene. The caseinolytic specificity of the proteinase specified by the cloned prtP gene was identical to that encoded by the wt proteinase plasmid, pSK111. The expression of recombinant plasmids containing 3' and 5' deletions of prtP was analyzed with specific attention directed towards the location of the gene products. In this way the expression signals of prtP were localized and overproduction was obtained in L. lactis subsp. lactis. Furthermore, a region at the C terminus of PrtP was identified which is involved in cell-envelope attachment in lactococci. A deletion derivative of prtP was constructed which specifies a C-terminally truncated proteinase that is well expressed and fully secreted into the medium, and still shows the same capacity to degrade alpha s1-, beta- and kappa-casein.  相似文献   

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