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Analysis of Tracer Profiles with Applications to Phloem Transport   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Tracer experiments are quantitatively described in a way whichis independent of the tracer profile, and hence the loadingprocess. This enables properties of the transport system tobe determined which are independent of tracer profile shapeand hence of the loading process. Comparison is made betweentransit times obtained by this approach and by measurement directlyfrom tracer fronts. The direct method is shown to give resultswhich are dependent on the shape of the tracer profile. Thismethod also enables in vivo measurement of leakage from thetransport pathway.  相似文献   

Efficient intracellular transport is essential for healthy cellular function and structural integrity, and problems in this pathway can lead to neuronal cell death and disease. To spatially and temporally evaluate how transport defects are initiated, we adapted a primary neuronal culture system from Drosophila larval brains to visualize the movement dynamics of several cargos/organelles along a 90 micron axonal neurite over time. All six vesicles/organelles imaged showed robust bi-directional motility at both day 1 and day 2. Reduction of motor proteins decreased the movement of vesicles/organelles with increased numbers of neurite blocks. Neuronal growth was also perturbed with reduction of motor proteins. Strikingly, we found that all blockages were not fixed, permanent blocks that impeded transport of vesicles as previously thought, but that some blocks were dynamic clusters of vesicles that resolved over time. Taken together, our findings suggest that non-resolving blocks may likely initiate deleterious pathways leading to death and degeneration, while resolving blocks may be benign. Therefore evaluating the spatial and temporal characteristics of vesicle transport has important implications for our understanding of how transport defects can affect other pathways to initiate death and degeneration.  相似文献   

Studies on Temporal and Spatial Variations of Phytoplankton in Lake Chaohu   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Temporal and spatial variations of the phytoplankton assemblage in Lake Chaohu, a large shallow eutrophic lake in China, were studied from September 2002 to August 2003. A total of 191 phytoplankton species was identified, among which Chlorophytes (101) ranked the first, followed by Cyanophytes (46) and Bacillariophytes (28). On aver- age over the entire lake, the maximum total algal biomass appeared in June (19.70 mg/L) with a minimum (5.05 mg/ L) in November. In terms of annual mean biomass, cyanobacteria contributed 45.43% to total algal biomass, followed by Chlorophytes (27.14%), and Bacillariophytes (20.6%). When nitrate (NOs-N) and ammonium (NH4-N) concentrations dropped in spring, fixing-nitrogen cyanobacterium (Anabaena) developed quickly and ranked the first in terms of biomass in summer. It is likely that dominance of zooplanktivorous fish and small crustacean zooplankton favored the development of the inedible filamentous or colony forming cyanobacteria. The persistent dominance of cyanobacteria throughout all seasons may indicate a new tendency of the response of phytoplankton to eutrophication in Lake Chaohu.  相似文献   

New data were obtained corroborating that somitogenesis is a rhythmic process, in which the time of somite formation is strictly constant. This constant ( s ) can be considered as a natural unit of developmental biological clock characterizing rhythmic processes. The constant s can be determined with an exceptional accuracy that has no analogs among the known biological processes. This fact alone suggests that the accuracy of developmental clock is very high. In addition to the constancy of s , all forming somites have equal linear size along the notochord axis. In the process with strictly constant temporal and spatial factors, time plays the leading role in triggering the formation of new somite. This became clear in studies of twin embryos. Both embryos had the same number of somites but they were shorter than in the normal embryos. Also, we measured the length of head and both segmented and unsegmented caudal parts of the trunk. Combined with the published data on somitogenesis, our results suggest that the previously proposed scheme for the role of developmental clock in embryogenesis predicts: (1) a possible loss of some embryonic stages without serious consequences for subsequent development and (2) periodic switching on/off any embryonic processes (at the molecular, cellular, or supercellular level) with intervals multiple to s .  相似文献   

The rate of carbon transport based on the carbon balance overa 6-h period from a mature tomato leaf was measured overa rangeof net photosynthetic rates from 0.1 to 4.9 mg C dm–2h–1 under light flux densities from 4 to 140 W m–2.A proportional relationship was demonstrated between the rateof carbon transport and carbon fixation when the carbon fixationrate was higher than 2 mg C dm–2 h–1.Below a carbonfixation rate of 1 mg C dm–2 h–1, the rate of carbonexport was maintained at 1 mg C dm–2 h–1 at theexpense of the breakdown of starch. A highly significant correlationwas observed between sucrose concentration and the rate of carbontransport. The sucrose concentration in the leaf appears tobe the factor controlling carbon export.  相似文献   

To say that the subject of psycholinguistics is the study of human speech activity presumes that i t is a discipline with a discrete set oC concepts and methods for analyzing its subject matter with some degree of specificity.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Growth Regulation - Experiments designed to quantify the physiological and metabolic status of Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings across their photoperiod used wild-type (Col-0) and...  相似文献   

Wilkins MB  Whyte P 《Plant physiology》1968,43(9):1435-1442
The lateral movement of IAA in coleoptiles of Zea mays has been investigated under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The IAA-1-14C was supplied asymmetrically to the apical end of the segment. The results were as follows: A) In air more 14C was found in the lower half of horizontal segments supplied with an upper donor than in the half opposite the donor in vertical segments. The enhanced lateral movement of 14C in geotropically stimulated segments of corn coleoptiles under aerobic conditions has thus been confirmed. B) This increased lateral movement of 14C in geotropically stimulated segments is greatly reduced, but is not completely abolished, under anaerobic conditions. C) The lateral movement of 14C in vertical segments is significantly less under anaerobic conditions than in air. D) Under anaerobic conditions, the lateral movement of 14C in horizontal segments can be reduced to the level found in vertical segments by pre-soaking the tissue in a 1 mm solution of the metabolic inhibitor sodium fluoride for 2 hours. The inhibitor has no effect on lateral movement of 14C in vertical anaerobic segments. E) In air, sodium fluoride has no effect on the lateral movement of 14C in either vertical or horizontal segments.  相似文献   

This study is concerned with reconciling theoretical modelling of the fluid flow in the airway surface liquid with experimental visualisation of tracer transport in human airway epithelial cultures. The airways are covered by a dense mat of cilia of length ∼ 6 μm beating in a watery periciliary liquid (PCL). Above this there is a layer of viscoelastic mucus which traps inhaled pathogens. Cilia propel mucus along the airway towards the trachea and mouth. Theoretical analyses of the beat cycle smithd, fulb predict small transport of PCL compared with mucus, based on the assumption that the epithelium is impermeable to fluid. However, an experimental study coord indicates nearly equal transport of PCL and mucus. Building on existing understanding of steady advection-diffusion in the ASL (Blake and Gaffney, 2001; Mitran,2004) numerical simulation of an advection-diffusion model of tracer transport is used to test several proposed flow profiles and to test the importance of oscillatory shearing caused by the beating cilia. A mechanically derived oscillatory flow with very low mean transport of PCL results in relatively little ‘smearing’ of the tracer pulses. Other effects such as mixing between the PCL and mucus, and significant transport in the upper part of the PCL above the cilia tips are tested and result in still closer transport, with separation between the tracer pulses in the two layers being less than 9%. Furthermore, experimental results may be replicated to a very high degree of accuracy if mean transport of PCL is only 50% of mucus transport, significantly less than the mean PCL transport first inferred on the basis of experimental results.  相似文献   

动物生境选择研究中的时空尺度   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
张明海  李言阔 《兽类学报》2005,25(4):395-401
尺度研究已成为生态学上的一个重要概念和研究热点,但是在动物生境选择的研究中尚未引起足够的重视。动物的生境选择包括多层次的判别和一系列等级序位,在各个尺度和水平上具有不同的特征和机制,受到时空尺度的严格限定。繁殖期的时间限制、社群压力、环境变化、动物生理需求的变化决定了动物生境选择的时间制约性;而生境资源的斑块化分布、功能生境之间的相互作用决定了动物生境选择的空间制约性。研究者对时间和空间尺度的选取与应用会直接影响到生境选择研究结果的科学性和实效性。本文从动物生境选择的时空制约性出发,分析了生境选择研究中时间尺度的重要性,叙述了国内外生境选择研究中常见的研究尺度,强调了多尺度研究和长期生态研究的必要性,尺度的选择应该成为生境选择研究的起点和基础。  相似文献   

Familial amyloid polyneuropathy (FAP) caused by a mutation in transthyretin (TTR) gene is an autosomal dominant inherited disorder. The aim of this study is to explore the pathophysiological mechanism of FAP. We prospectively recruited 12 pauci-symptomatic carriers, 18 patients who harbor a TTR mutation, p.A97S, and two-age matched control groups. Data of nerve excitability test (NET) from ulnar motor and sensory axons were collected.NET study of ulnar motor axons of patients shows increased threshold and rheobase, reduced threshold elevation during hyperpolarizing threshold electrotonus (TE), and increased refractoriness. In sensory nerve studies, there are increased threshold reduction in depolarizing TE, lower slope of recovery and delayed time to overshoot after hyperpolarizing TE, increased refractoriness and superexcitability in recovery cycle. NET profiles obtained from the ulnar nerve of carriers show the increase of threshold and rheobase, whereas no significant threshold changes in hyperpolarizing TE and superexcitability. The regression models demonstrate that the increase of refractoriness and prolonged relative refractory period are correlated to the disease progression from carriers to patients. The marked increase of refractoriness at short-width stimulus suggests a defect in sodium current which may represent an early, pre-symptomatic pathophysiological change in TTR-FAP. Focal disruption of basal lamina and myelin may further increase the internodal capacity, manifested by the lower slope of recovery and delayed time to overshoot after hyperpolarization TE as well as the increase of superexcitability. NET could therefore make a pragmatic tool for monitoring disease progress from the very early stage of TTR-FAP.  相似文献   

姜志龙  杜传书 《遗传学报》1992,19(3):198-202
本文应用等电聚焦电泳技术,调查了广州地区128例白血病、80例原发性肝癌、52例系统性红斑狼疮和1456例正常人的Tf遗传多态性分布。与正常人组相比,急性粒细胞白血病组的Tf~(C_1)基因频率显著增高(P<0.05);TfC_1C_1表型频率也显著高于正常人组(P<0.05),TfC_1C_1人群的患病相对危险率为1.9。未发现急性淋巴细胞白血病、慢性粒细胞白血病、原发性肝癌疾病组的Tf表型和基因频率与正常人组有显著性统计学差异。此外,还发现系统性红斑狼疮组的Tf~(C_2)基因频率显著高于正常人(P<0.025),Tf~(C_1)频率则相应下降(P<0.05);表型频率TfC_1C_2显著增高(P<0.005),相对危险率为2.3,TfC_1C_2相应下降(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

Long-acting natriuretic peptide, vessel dilator, and atrial natriuretic factor consisting of amino acids (a.a.) 1 to 30, 31 to 67, and 99 to 126 of the 126-a.a. atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) prohormone, respectively, circulate in humans and have potent vasodilatory properties. To determine if these atrial natriuretic peptides are directly related to blood pressure in clinically healthy normotensive humans, we obtained 24-h profiles of vessel dilator, long-acting natriuretic peptide, ANF, and blood pressure in 10 men in 1988 and 11 men in 1993 (seven men were studied twice) to compare circulating concentrations of atrial natriuretic peptides with naturally occurring changes in blood pressure. Overall, vessel dilator, long-acting natriuretic peptide, and ANF each had significant (p > 0.001) circadian rhythms, with peak concentrations late during sleep (at 04:00 h) being nearly twice their concentrations in the afternoon and evening. This high-amplitude circadian change allowed for the refinement of normal limits for ANF peptides by computing 3-hourly tolerance intervals (chronodesms) against which to compare time-specified single samples for normality. Systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial blood pressure also had significant circadian rhythms (p > 0.001) with peaks and troughs that were exactly opposite those of the ANF peptides. In addition to this inverse temporal relationship, there was a significant inverse correlation between absolute values for blood pressure and each ANF peptide (p > 0.001), implying a functional relationship. These data suggest that in addition to other well-established neurochemical factors, the ANF peptides (vessel dilator, long-acting natriuretic peptide, and ANF) are important for the maintenance of blood pressure and modulation of its circadian rhythm.  相似文献   

硒与艾滋病关系研究的新进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
硒是人体必需微量元素,硒与癌症、动脉硬化、心脏病的关系已为人们所熟悉.近年来硒在艾滋病发生发展中的作用越来越引起人们的关注.在HIV感染者及AIDS病人具有渐进性硒衰竭的症状,而病毒及T细胞有可能具有编码硒蛋白的功能,其中一种病毒编码的硒蛋白可能对HIV的表达起抑制作用.在体外,硒对HIV-1的复制具有调节作用.这些为硒的临床应用提供了潜在的前景.  相似文献   

A major theoretical problem for Soviety psychophysiologists, many of whom base their work on Pavlovian research and theory, is the integration of Pavlovian doctrine into contemporary knowledge from neurophysiology and the burgeoning theoretical work on cybernetics. Neither modern electrophysiological techniques nor cybernetic ideas were available to Pavlov.  相似文献   

Abstract CTC (5-cyano-2,3-ditolyl tetrazolium chloride) is a redox indicator that facilitates the detection of microbial electron transport activity due to the fluorescence and water insolubility of the reduced CTC-formazan (CTF). The goal of this work was to establish the relationship between the CTC response (both the numbers of CTF-containing cells and the fluorescence intensity of CTF per cell) and respiration in mixed microbial communities. To obtain CTF-containing cell numbers over a range of respiration rates, aerobic bioreactors with on-line CO2 monitoring were batch fed ground wheat at slow, intermediate, and fast retention times. Samples were taken before and after feeding, and throughout starvation cycles. Each sample was treated with 25 mm CTC, and either supplemented with 10% R2A, or left unsupplemented. CTF-containing cell numbers showed a weak and inconsistent response to transient pulses in respiration, and decreased during long-term starvation at all three retention times. The degree of starvation within the microbial community could be estimated using the ratio of supplemented to unsupplemented CTF-containing cell population. Total fluorescence intensity per cell was consistently higher at peaks of CO2 production, but did not decrease as dramatically as total cell numbers did in response to starvation. The results indicate the importance of concurrent examination of both the numbers and total fluorescence intensity of CTF-containing cells. Received: 3 September 1996; Accepted: 18 December 1996  相似文献   

为了研究染色体畸变与微核形成的关系,本实验用不同浓度的丝裂霉素C(MMC,0.025—0.4μg/ml),处理人外周血淋巴细胞,观察中期染色体畸变与不同细胞周期形成的微核间的关系。获得如下主要结果:(1)MMC诱发的染色体畸变细胞率(ACF),未经培养的G_0期淋巴细胞的微核细胞率(NC-MNCF)以及培养的淋巴细胞的微核细胞率(C-MNCF),在一定剂量范围内均呈剂量依赖性增加,并可用幂回归方程描述;(2)微核形成与染色体畸变全然无关的NC-MNCF,和C-MNCF一样,与ACF呈良好的正相关;(3)用胞质分裂阻滞(CB)法,检测MMC诱发的CB-MNCF,较C-MNCF无显著提高,MNCF/ACF的比值较小,并随着MMC剂量增加从0.15左右降到0.03。所有上述结果表明,不能简单理解微核形成与染色体畸变间的关系,在分裂的细胞群体中,中期染色体畸变可能仅是微核形成的一种来源。  相似文献   

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