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Urea synthesis was studied using the isolated liver perfusion with ammonium cholride and glutamine as nitrogen sources. The rate of urea formation increases with ammonium cholorde concentration up to 5mM, and the rate remained constant in the range between 5 and 20mM of ammonium chloride as the substrate. The concentration of ammonia in the medium to support the half-maximum velocity of urea formation was 0.7mM. The rate of urea formation was stimulated by the addition of 2.5mM ornithine, and the greater part of the ornithine which was taken up into the liver was accumulated as citrulline in the presence of ammonia. A considerable accelerating effect of N-acetylglutamate on the synthetic rate was observed, but a rather high concentration of N-acetylglutamate was required in order to obtain the maximum effect possibly, because its permeability into liver cells may be limited. A marked additive effect on the rate of urea formation was observed with the combined addition of ornithine and N-acetylglutamate. The metabolic conversion of glutamine nitrogen to urea in the perfused rat liver and the effect of several compounds which stimulated urea synthesis with ammonia were further examined. The process of conversion of glutamine nitrogen to urea might be composed of the following three steps. In the first lag phase, a small amount of glutamine was removed from the medium. In the second stage, the glutamine level decreased rapidly and ammonia was accumulated in the perfusate. The third stage was a period in which glutamine concentration remained at a constant low level, and the accumulated ammonia was rapidly conversed to urea. The rate of urea formation in this third stage was found to be much higher than that with ammonia as the substrate. The maximum rate of glutamine removal was obtained at pH 7.7 of the perfusate and at a concentration of 10mM glutamine. Urea formation with glutamine was also stimulated by the addition of ornithine, malate, or N-acetylglutamate, which had accelerating effects on the urea synthesis with ammonia. This stimulation was due to an effective conversion of ammonia to urea, but no change in the rate of removal glutamine was obtained.  相似文献   

In a non-recirculating system of isolated liver perfusion, stimulation of urea synthesis by NH4Cl is followed by a decrease of effluent pH by up to 0.2 pH unit. This effect is not observed when urea synthesis is inhibited by amino-oxyacetate or norvaline. When the urea formed by the liver is immediately hydrolysed with urease before the effluent perfusate reaches the pH electrode, the urea-synthesis-induced acidification is no longer observed. This indicates that accompanying alterations in hepatic metabolism after stimulation of urea synthesis, such as increased energy provision and consumption, are not responsible for the extracellular acidification, but that the effect is due to the formation of urea itself. The acidification of the extracellular space after stimulation of urea synthesis by NH4Cl is quantitatively explained by the consumption of 2 mol of HCO3-/mol of urea formed: 1 mol being incorporated into urea, the other being protonated to yield CO2 and H2O. The data match the theoretically predicted HCO3- consumption during ureogenesis and underline the role of hepatic urea synthesis for disposal of HCO3- by converting it into the excretable products CO2 and urea.  相似文献   

The isolated perfused rat liver synthesizes antitrypsin activity in a linear fashion as long as 24 hr. The rate of synthesis may be ten times the rate necessary for physiologic levels in vivo. These data are compatible with the liver as the principal site of synthesis of serum antitryptic activity in the rat. The antitrypsin activity of the rat perfusate resembles that of normal human plasma in liability to heat (56 degrees) and to acid (below pH 6) and in apparent molecular size (elution from Sephadex G-200).  相似文献   

Rat Factor II (prothrombin), isolated and purified by chromatography on Blue Dextran-agarose, was used to raise an antiserum in rabbits. On the basis of single radial immunodiffusion measurements. Factor II synthesis by isolated perfused rat liver amounted to 0.54 mg/300 cm2 body surface area of the liver donor in 10 h. Corresponding measurements of Factor II coagulant activity revealed cumulative synthesis of 802 Iowa units. Coumadin added to the liver perfusate blocked production of Factor II coagulant activity, but did not change synthesis of the immunologically measured protein. In perfusions in which either heparin or citrate was used as anticoagulant, synthesis of albumin was not affected by the choice of anticoagulant but bile production and synthesis of Factor II were significantly less in citrate perfusions.  相似文献   

l-Leucine inhibits urea synthesis in rat hepatocytes from a number of nitrogen sources, including ammonia. The inhibition by l-leucine is largely overcome by addition of 1 mM l-ornithine, suggesting that the main site of l-leucine action is at ornithine transcarbamylase, rather than at glutamate dyhydrogenase. l-Norvaline is a more potent inhibitor of urea synthesiss than is l-leucine, but again the inhibition is largely counteracted by l-ornithine. Addition of aminooxyacetate and l-norvaline strongly suppresses the formation of glucose and lactate from l-asparagine, suggesting that an alternate pathway of aspartate metabolism, the purine nucleotide cycle, in not a major pathway. Hadacidin, an inhibitor of adenylosuccinate synthetase, an enzyme of the purine nucleotide cycle, has no effect on urea synthesis in rat liver cells.  相似文献   

Livers from normal, fed male and female rats were perfused with different amounts of [1-14C]oleate under steady state conditions, and the rates of uptake and utilization of free fatty acid (FFA) were measured. The uptake of FFA by livers from either male or female rats was proportional to the concentration of FFA in the medium. The rate of uptake of FFA, per g of liver, by livers from female rats exceeded that of the males for the same amount of FFA infused. The incorporation by the liver of exogenous oleic acid into triglyceride, phospholipid, and oxidation products was proportional to the uptake of FFA. Livers from female rats incorporated more oleate into triglyceride (TG) and less into phospholipid (PL) and oxidation products than did livers from male animals. Livers from female rats secreted more TG than did livers from male animals when infused with equal quantities of oleate. The incorporation of endogenous fatty acid into TG of the perfusate was inhibite) by exogenous oleate. At low concentrations of perfusate FFA, however, endogenous fatty acids contributed substantially to the increased output of TG by livers from female animals. Production of 14CO2 and radioactive ketone bodies increased with increasing uptake of FFA. The partition of oleate between oxidative pathways (CO2 production and ketogenesis) was modified by the availability of the fatty acid substrate with livers from either sex. The percent incorporation of radioactivity into CO2 reached a maximum, whereas incorporation into ketone bodies continued to increase. The output of ketone bodies was dependent on the uptake of FFA, and output by livers from female animals was less than by livers from male rats. The increase in rate of ketogenesis was dependent on the influx of exogenous FFA, while ketogenesis from endogenous sources remained relatively stable. The output of glucose by the liver increased with the uptake of FFA, but no difference due to sex was observed. The output of urea by livers from male rats was unaffected by oleate, while the output of urea by livers from females decreased as the uptake of FFA increased. A major conclusion to be derived from this work is that oleate is not metabolized identically by livers from the two sexes, but rather, per gram of liver, livers from female rats take up and esterify more fatty acid to TG and oxidize less than do livers from male animals; livers from female animals synthesize and secrete more triglyceride than do livers from male animals when provided with equal quantities of free fatty acid.  相似文献   

1. Isolated rat liver was perfused with heparinized whole blood under physiological pressure resulting in the secretion of bile at about the rate observed in vivo. 2. The preparation remained metabolically active for 4h and was apparently normal in function and microscopic appearance. 3. When the perfusate plasma and liver cholesterol pool was labelled by the introduction of [2-(14)C]mevalonic acid the specific radioactivity of the perfusate cholesterol increased. The biliary acids (cholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid) were labelled and had the same specific radioactivity. 4. Livers removed from rats immediately after, and 40h after, the start of total biliary drainage, were perfused; increased excretion rates of both cholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid were found when the liver donors had been subjected to biliary drainage. 5. The incorporation of [2-(14)C]mevalonic acid or rat lipoprotein labelled with [(14)C]cholesterol into bile acids was studied. 6. A dissociation between the mass of bile acid excreted and the rate of incorporation of (14)C was found. This was attributed to the changing specific radioactivity of the cholesterol pool acting as the immediate bile acid precursor.  相似文献   

The output of proteins into bile was studied by using isolated perfused rat livers. Replacement of rat blood with defined perfusion media deprived the liver of rat serum proteins (albumin, immunoglobulin A) and resulted in a rapid decline in the amounts of these proteins in bile. When bovine serum albumin was incorporated into the perfusion medium it appeared in bile within 20 min and the amount in the bile was determined by the concentration of the protein in the perfusion medium. The use of a defined perfusion medium also deprived the livers of bile salts and the amounts of these, and of plasma-membrane enzymes [5'-nucleotidase (EC and phosphodiesterase I], in bile declined rapidly. Introduction of micelle-forming bile salts (taurocholate or glycodeoxycholate) to the perfusion medium 80 min after liver isolation markedly increased the output of plasma-membrane enzymes but had no effect on the other proteins. The magnitude of this response was dependent on the bile salt used and its concentration in bile; there was little effect on plasma-membrane enzyme output until the critical micellar concentration of the bile salt had been exceeded in the bile. A bile salt analogue, taurodehydrocholate, which does not form micelles, did not produce the enhanced output of plasma-membrane enzymes. This work supports the view that the output of plasma-membrane enzymes in bile is a consequence of bile salt output and also provides evidence for mechanisms by which serum proteins enter the bile.  相似文献   

The isolated perfused rat kidney was shown to synthesize serine from aspartate or glutamate, both of which are also precursors of glucose. The major products of aspartate metabolism were ammonia, serine, glutamate, glucose, glutamine and CO2. Perfusion of kidneys with aspartate in the presence of amino-oxyacetate resulted in a near-complete inhibition of aspartate metabolism, illustrating the essential role of aspartate aminotransferase in the metabolism of this substrate. Radioactivity from 14C-labelled aspartate and from 14C-labelled glycerol was incorporated into serine and glucose. Production of both glucose and serine from aspartate was suppressed in the presence of 3-mercaptopicolinic acid. These data provide evidence for the operation of the phosphorylated and/or non-phosphorylated pathway for serine production to the presence of 3-mercaptopicolinic acid. This is explained by simultaneous glycolysis. The rate of glucose production, but not that of serine, was greater in kidneys perfused with glutamate or with aspartate plus glycerol than the rates obtained by perfusion with aspartate alone. These data are taken to suggest that serine synthesis occurred at a near-maximal rate, and that the capacity of the kidney for serine synthesis from glucose precursors is lower than that for glucose synthesis.  相似文献   

Isolated livers from fed rats were perfused with a medium containing glucose labeled uniformly with 14C and specifically with 3H. There was considerable formation of glucose from endogenous sources but simultaneously uptake of about half of the 14C in glucose. After 2 hours the 3H14C ratios in perfusate glucose decreased by 55–60% with (2-3H, U-14C), 40–50% with (5-3H, U-14C), 25–30% with (3-3H or 4-3H, U-14C) and by 10–15% with (6-3H, U-14C) glucose. Qualitatively comparable patterns were obtained with rat hepatocytes. These results demonstrate recycling of carbon between glucose and pyruvate. Superimposed upon this there is an extensive futile cycle between glucose and glucose 6-P. There is also futile cycling between fructose 6-P and fructose 1,6 P2 and to a small extent between phosphoenol pyruvate and pyruvate.  相似文献   

1) Addition of glutamine, glycine, alanine, serine, phenylalanine, proline at a concentration of 3mM, each, or of an amino-acid mixture resembling the physiological amino-acid composition of portal venous blood, to influent perfusate of isolated perfused rat liver led to a 4-6% increase of liver mass without increase of the [3H]inulin space, and biphasic K+ movements across the plasma membrane. These K+ movements consisted of an initial net K+ uptake (0.4-0.9 mumol X g-1 liver) for about 2 min, being followed by a net K+ release (1.0-2.8 mumol X g-1 liver) during the next 10 min. Withdrawal of the amino acids from influent perfusate caused a slow net K+ reuptake by the liver and restored the initial liver mass. No effects on liver mass and K+ fluxes were observed following addition of glutamate or glucose at a concentration of 3mM, each. 2) Aminooxyacetate did not affect the alanine (3 mM) induced increase in liver mass. However, in presence of aminooxyacetate the alanine-induced net K+ release from the liver (i.e. K+ release from 2-10 min minus initial K+ uptake) increased from 0.1 to 2.2 mumol X g-1 liver, whereby simultaneously the alanine tissue level rose from 6.8 to 13.3 mumol X g-1 (corresponding to an increase of the intracellular alanine concentration from about 12 to 25 mM) in presence of aminooxyacetate. 3) When livers were perfused with different glutamine concentrations, a maximal increase in liver mass of 5-6% was observed at glutamine concentrations above 1.5-2mM. A halfmaximal increase in liver mass was observed at 0.6-1.0mM glutamine in influent, i.e. at the physiological portal glutamine concentration.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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