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A specific acylating agent for the [3H]phencyclidine receptors in rat brain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A derivative of phencyclidine (PCP, 1 in fig. 1) bearing an isothiocyanate moiety on the meta position of the aromatic ring (Metaphit, 3 in fig. 1) has been synthesized and identified as a rapid and specific site-directed acylating agent of the [3H]phencyclidine binding site in rat brain homogenates. The percentage of sites irreversibly inactivated by Metaphit was found to be the same in the hippocampus and striatum and the remaining sites were unaffected by Metaphit treatment under any conditions, suggesting that at least two distinct binding sites are present. An isomeric isothiocyanate derivative did not irreversibly inhibit [3H]phencyclidine receptors, indicating structural specificity for Metaphit in the inhibition of these receptors. The availability of Metaphit should greatly facilitate study of the structure and function of the phencyclidine receptors.  相似文献   

A simple procedure for the synthesis of the protein-labeling reagent methyl[3H]-acetimidate has been developed. The specific radioactivity of the product is 14 Ci/mol when the 3H is derived from commercially available [3H]water. The method requires no special chemical facilities and readily allows the preparation of gram quantities of the reagent.  相似文献   

Methods are desribed for the use of l-serine dehydratase purified from Clostridium acidiurici for the determination of l-serine concentration and l[14C]serine specific radioactivity in sheep plasma. A spectrophotometric assay using this enzyme accurately measured the concentration of l-serine in standard solutions and in a commercially available mixture of amino acids and related compounds. This assay was shown to be suitable for measurement of plasma l-serine concentrations in excess of 30 μm. The reverse isotope dilution method was used for plasma l-[14C]serine specific radioactivity measurements. Carrier l-serine was added to plasma and separated from neutral and anionic compounds using ion-exchange chromatography. The l-serine was then converted to pyruvate with l-serine dehydratase and this was purified as the phenylhydrazone derivative. After recrystallization, drying and weighing, the derivative was assayed for radioactivity. The accuracy of this method was verified by adding l-[U-14C]serine to plasma and comparing the experimentally determined l-[14C]serine specific radioactivity with the calculated value. The method yielded a value which was 98.6 ± 0.8% (5) of this calculated value.  相似文献   

Biosynthetic labelling experiments with cercariae and schistosomula of the multicellular parasitic trematode Schistosoma mansoni were performed to determine whether [3H]palmitate or [3H]ethanolamine was incorporated into proteins. Parasites incorporated [3H]palmitate into numerous proteins, as judged by SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis and fluorography. The radiolabel was resistant to extraction with chloroform, but sensitive to alkaline hydrolysis, indicating the presence of an ester bond. Further investigation of the major 22 kDa [3H]palmitate-labelled species showed that the label could be recovered in a Pronase fragment which bound detergent and had an apparent molecular mass of 1200 Da as determined by gel filtration on Sephadex LH-20. Schistosomula incubated with [3H]ethanolamine for up to 24 h incorporated this precursor into several proteins; labelled Pronase fragments recovered from the three most intensely labelled proteins were hydrophilic and had a molecular mass of approx. 200 Da. Furthermore, reductive methylation of such fragments showed that the [3H]ethanolamine bears a free amino group, indicating the lack of an amide linkage. We also evaluated the effect of phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C from Staphylococcus aureus: [3H]palmitate-labelled proteins of schistosomula and surface-iodinated proteins were resistant to hydrolysis with this enzyme. In conclusion, [3H]palmitate and [3H]ethanolamine are incorporated into distinct proteins of cercariae and schistosomula which do not bear glycophospholipid anchors. The [3H]ethanolamine-labelled proteins represent a novel variety of protein modification.  相似文献   

A rapid method for staining proteins in acrylamide gels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A negative staining procedure for the rapid visualization of proteins in acrylamide gels is described. In the absence of proteins, staining of the gel occurs through the reduction of nitroblue tetrazolium by reduced glutathione. No staining occurs in the presence of proteins. The procedure can be completed in 20 min and is at least as sensitive as Coomassie brilliant blue staining.  相似文献   

We have developed an oil-microcentrifuge assay system for analyzing the binding of [3H]estradiol in metabolically active MCF-7 and MDA human breast cancer cells. Complete separation of 2 × 106 cells from radioactive media can be achieved within 5s of centrifugation at 12,000 rpm. The [3H]estradiol binding sites in MCF-7 cells are filled within 20 min of radioligand exposure. Using this assay, our MCF-7 cells contain ~ 15,000 high affinity and saturable binding sites. Binding is inhibited by estradiol and tamoxifen but not progesterone. There is no specific binding of [3H]estradiol in MDA cells. This assay is a rapid, sensitive and reproducible method for investigating hormone-receptor binding and ligand specificity in cultured cells; results compare favorably with those obtained by more complex and lengthy techniques.  相似文献   

We have shown that diazepam (ED50 2.4 M), flunitrazepam (ED50 10.2 M) and Ro5-4864 (ED50 5 M) are able to enhance both total and specific [3H]phenytoin binding. Picrotoxin (IC50 1.43 M) and chloride, either NaCl or KCl (IC50 42.4 M) inhibit both the increase in total and specific binding of [3H]phenytoin, Ro 15-1788 does not. The optimum time for this enhancement was 3–4 hours. While the ED50's for the benzodiazepines are high their order of potency suggests that an involvement of both the peripheral type benzodiazepine receptor and the GABA-chloride ionophore complex is likely. Clonazepam (IC50 23 M), oxazepam (IC50 12 M) chlordiazepoxide (IC50 35 M) and Ro8682-10, a convulsant benzodiazepine (IC50 16 M) all inhibit both total and specific [3H]phenytoin binding. These effects were not blocked by chloride ions, picrotoxin or Ro 15-1788, and reached equilibrium within 45 minutes. This order of potency also parallels that for the peripheral benzodiazepine receptor in rat brain. These data suggest the presence of a micromolar benzodiazepine receptor site which may play a role in the control of CNS excitability. Nitrazepam, medazepam, bromazepam and the tetralobenzodiazepines U38335, U42794, U43434, and U37834 had no effect on total or specific [3H]phenytoin binding nor on the actions of the other benzodiazepines described in concentrations up to 50 M.  相似文献   

A method is described for the determination of methionine containing a radioactive label in the thiomethyl moiety. Cyanogen bromide in aqueous acetic acid is used to convert the labeled thiomethyl moiety to labeled methylthiocyanate which is then extracted into toluene and counted by liquid scintillation.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid assay method is described for determining the specific radioactivity of the gamma-phosphate group of 32P-labelled ATP. Labelled ATP is incubated with cyclic AMP, cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase and histone H2A under conditions leading to maximum phosphorylation of the histone. The specific radioactivity of the gamma-phosphate group of the 32P-labelled ATP is calculated from the total amount of [32P]Pi incorporated into a standard amount of histone. This assay method uses inexpensive commercially available materials, and it yields an accurate specific radioactivity with as little as 0.25 nmol of 32P-labelled ATP.  相似文献   

Synaptosomal fractions were isolated from frog retina: a fraction enriched in photoreceptor terminals (P1) and a second one (P2) containing interneurons terminals. We compared the binding of [3H]glycine and [3H]strychine to membranes of these synaptosomes. The binding of both radioactive ligands was saturable and Na+-independent. [3H]Glycine bound to a single site in P1 and P2 synaptosomal fractions, with KD=12 and 82 nM and BMax=3.1 and 3.06 pmol/mg protein respectively. [3H]Strychnine bound to two sites in each one of the synaptosomal fractions. For P1 KD values were 3.9 and 18.7 nM, and BMax values were 1.1 and 7.1 pmol/mg protein, respecitively. Membranes from the P2 synaptosomal fraction showed KD's of 0.6 and 48 nM and BMax's of 0.4 and 4.5 pmol/mg. Specific [3H]glycine binding was displaced by -alanine, l-serine, d-serine and HA966, but not by strychnine 7-chlorokynurenic or 5,7-dichloro-kynurenic acids. Specific [3H]strychnine, binding was partially displaced by glycine and related aminoacids and totally displaced only by 2-NH2-strychnine. Our results indicate the presence of high affinity binding sites for glycine and strychnine in frog retinal synaptosomal membranes. The pharmacological binding pattern indicates the presence of the strychnine sensitive glycine receptor as well as other sites. These might not include the NMDA receptor-associated glycine site.  相似文献   

Collagenase is assayed by incubation with soluble, telopeptide-free collagen extracted from rat skin and labeled with [2-3H]acetic anhydride. Collagen is cleaved by collagenase and the resulting fragments are digested with trypsin and chymotrypsin. Undigested collagen is recovered by precipitation with trichloroacetic acid, collected on glass-fiber filters, and quantitated by liquid scintillation spectrometry. This procedure combines features of the Cawston and Barrett (T.E. Cawston and A.J. Barrett, 1979, Anal. Biochem. 99, 340-345) and the Ryh?nen et al. (L. Ryh?nen et al., 1982, Collagen Rel. Res. 2, 117-130) methods. The first method provides a simple way to prepare large quantities of uniform substrate, while the second increases the specificity of the assay by removal of the labeled telopeptides. The assay is reproducible and linear with time and enzyme concentration. It is approximately 10X more sensitive than the Cawston and Barrett method and can readily detect 1-8 mU collagenase (1 unit equals 1 microgram collagen cleaved/min at 30 degrees C). The substrate is resistant to elastase, trypsin, and chymotrypsin and is completely degraded by bacterial collagenase. Collagenase is the only tissue metalloprotease found, to date, that cleaves the substrate.  相似文献   

A new method for the simultaneous determination of newly synthesized collagen and noncollagen proteins has been developed. Because tryptophan is not found in collagen noncollagen proteins were specifically labeled with [3H]tryptophan. [14C]Proline was used to label both groups of proteins. To calculate the 14C-labeled noncollagen protein the 3H radioactivity of the protein mixture was divided by the ratio of 3H:14C in noncollagen protein of a representative sample. This value was obtained by collagenase digestion. The remaining 14C radioactivity in the protein mixture was attributed to [14C]collagen. There was a very good correlation between the dual label method and the widely used collagenase digestion method for the measurement of collagen and noncollagen protein production and for the calculation of the relative rate of collagen synthesis. This new method provides a simple and accurate analysis of collagen production, and it is suitable for rapid processing of a large number of biological samples.  相似文献   

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