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Ischemia and reperfusion in skeletal muscle is associated with increases in total vascular resistance (Rt) and the microvascular permeability to plasma proteins. To determine whether exercise training can attenuate ischemia and reperfusion-induced microvascular injury in skeletal muscle, intact (with skin) and skinned, maximally vasodilated (papaverine), isolated hindquarters of control (C) and exercise-trained (ET) rats were subjected to ischemia (intact 120 min; skinned 60 min) followed by 60 min of reperfusion. ET rats ran on a motorized treadmill at 32 m/min (8% grade), 2 h/day for 12 wk, whereas the C rats were cage confined. Before ischemia, ET hindquarters had higher isogravimetric flow, lower Rt, and similar solvent drag reflection coefficients (sigma f) compared with C. During reperfusion in intact hindquarters, flow was higher (P less than 0.05) and Rt tended to be lower (15 +/- 2 vs. 25 +/- 5 mmHg.ml-1.min.100 g; P less than 0.1) in ET compared with C; however, in skinned hindquarters flow and Rt (14 +/- 2 vs. 13 +/- 2 mmHg.ml-1.min.100 g) were not different between C and ET. During reperfusion, sigma f was reduced (P less than 0.05) in both intact (C 0.68 +/- 0.03; ET 0.68 +/- 0.02) and skinned (C 0.66 +/- 0.03; ET 0.68 +/- 0.03) hindquarters, indicative of an increased microvascular permeability to plasma proteins. These results indicate that exercise training did not attenuate the microvascular injury (increased Rt and decreased sigma f) associated with ischemia and reperfusion in rat skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of prolonged running exercise (5 days a week, 1.5 h per day at a speed of 17.6 m/min) on the activity of some acid hydrolases (beta-glucuronidase, beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase, acid phosphatase and cathepsin D) and three enzymes of energy metabolism (cytochrome c oxidase, lactate dehydrogenase and creatine kinase) in the distal and in the proximal, the predominantly white and red parts, respectively, of the vastus lateralis-muscle from mice. The acid hydrolase activity levels were 1.24--1.69 higher in untrained red muscle compared to untrained white muscle. The light training applied increased the activity of beta-glucuronidase in both red and white muscle. No other significant training effects were observed in the enzyme activities measured.  相似文献   

Sarcolemmal carbonic anhydrase in red and white rabbit skeletal muscle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sarcolemmal vesicles of white and red skeletal muscles of the rabbit were prepared by consecutive density gradient centrifugations in sucrose and dextran according to Seiler and Fleischer (1982, J. Biol. Chem. 257, 13,862-13,871). White and red muscle membrane fractions enriched in sarcolemma were characterized by high ouabain-sensitive Na+, K(+)-ATPase, by high Mg2(+)-ATPase activity, and by a high cholesterol content. Ca2(+)-ATPase activity, a marker enzyme for sarcoplasmic reticulum, was not detectable in the highly purified white and red muscle sarcolemmal fractions. White and red muscle sarcolemmal fractions exhibited no significant differences with regard to Na+, K(+)-ATPase, Mg2(+)-ATPase, and cholesterol. Specific activity of carbonic anhydrase in white muscle sarcolemmal fractions was 38 U.ml/mg and was 17.6 U.ml/mg in red muscle sarcolemma. Inhibition properties of sarcolemmal carbonic anhydrase were analyzed for acetazolamide, chlorzolamide, and cyanate. White muscle sarcolemmal carbonic anhydrase is characterized by inhibition constants, KI, toward acetazolamide of 4.6 X 10(-8) M, toward chlorzolamide of 0.75 X 10(-8) M, and toward cyanate of 1.3 X 10(-4) M. Red muscle sarcolemmal carbonic anhydrase is characterized by KI values toward acetazolamide of 8.1 X 10(-8) M, toward chlorzolamide of 6.3 X 10(-8) M, and toward cyanate of 0.81 X 10(-4) M. In contrast to the high specific carbonic anhydrase activities in sarcolemma, carbonic anhydrase activity in sarcoplasmic reticulum from white muscle varied between values of only 0.7 and 3.3 U.ml/mg. Carbonic anhydrase of red muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum ranged from 2.4 to 3.7 U.ml/mg.  相似文献   

Mammalian mitochondria contain several 16.5 kb circular DNAs (mtDNA) encoding electron transport chain proteins. Reactive oxygen species formed as byproducts from oxidative phosphorylation in these organelles can cause oxidative deamination of cytosine and lead to uracil in mtDNA. Upon mtDNA replication, these lesions, if unrepaired, can lead to mutations. Until recently, it was thought that there was no DNA repair in mitochondria, but lately there is evidence that some lesions are efficiently repaired in these organelles. In the study of nuclear DNA repair, the in vitro repair measurements in cell extracts have provided major insights into the mechanisms. The use of whole-cell extract based DNA repair methods has revealed that mammalian nuclear base excision repair (BER) diverges into two pathways: the single-nucleotide replacement and long patch repair mechanisms. Similar in vitro methods have not been available for the study of mitochondrial BER. We have established an in vitro DNA repair system supported by rat liver mitochondrial protein extract and DNA substrates containing a single uracil opposite to a guanine. Using this approach, we examined the repair pathways and the identity of the DNA polymerase involved in mitochondrial BER (mtBER). Employing restriction analysis of in vitro repaired DNA to map the repair patch size, we demonstrate that only one nucleotide is incorporated during the repair process. Thus, in contrast to BER in the nucleus, mtBER of uracil in DNA is solely accomplished by single-nucleotide replacement.  相似文献   

Oxygen consumption, cytochrome oxidase and succinoxidase activity was measured in samples of leg and breast muscle from chick embryos ranging in age from 11 to 19 days. Respiratory parameters increased significantly in both muscle groups during embryonic life. By the later stages of incubation, leg and breast muscles differed significantly in cytochrome and succinoxidase activity. Oxygen uptake between leg and breast muscles did not differ significantly during later development. The results suggest at least a partial pre-natal differentiation of skeletal muscle in the domestic fowl.  相似文献   

Deleted mitochondrial DNA in the skeletal muscle of aged individuals.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Human mitochondrial DNA deletions occur mainly in the major region between the origins of replication of the heavy and light strands both in mitochondrial myopathy and in the ageing process. To determine whether deletions in the minor region also contribute to the ageing process, we analyzed a 3,610-basepair deletion (nucleotide position 1,837-5,447, from the 16S rRNA gene to the ND2 gene) in the skeletal muscle from individuals of various ages. The direct repeated sequence at each boundary of the deletion was identified as 5'-CCCC-3'. This minor-region deletion was detected in one of five individuals of the sixth decade, two of five in the seventh decade, and all of five in the eighth decade, but not in individuals below age 60. These results indicate that age-related accumulation of mtDNA deletions occurs not only in the major region but also in the minor region.  相似文献   

Red and white muscles are faced with very different energetic demands. However, it is unclear whether relative mitochondrial protein expression is different between muscle types. Mitochondria from red and white porcine skeletal muscle were isolated with a Percoll gradient. Differences in protein composition were determined using blue native (BN)-PAGE, two-dimensional differential in gel electrophoresis (2D DIGE), optical spectroscopy, and isobaric tag for relative and absolute quantitation (iTRAQ). Complex IV and V activities were compared using BN-PAGE in-gel activity assays, and maximal mitochondrial respiration rates were assessed using pyruvate (P) + malate (M), glutamate (G) + M, and palmitoyl-carnitine (PC) + M. Without the Percoll step, major cytosolic protein contamination was noted for white mitochondria. Upon removal of contamination, very few protein differences were observed between red and white mitochondria. BN-PAGE showed no differences in the subunit composition of Complexes I-V or the activities of Complexes IV and V. iTRAQ analysis detected 358 mitochondrial proteins, 69 statistically different. Physiological significance may be lower: at a 25% difference, 48 proteins were detected; at 50%, 14 proteins were detected; and 3 proteins were detected at a 100%. Thus any changes could be argued to be physiologically modest. One area of difference was fat metabolism where four β-oxidation enzymes were ~25% higher in red mitochondria. This was correlated with a 40% higher rate of PC+M oxidation in red mitochondria compared with white mitochondria with no differences in P+M and G+M oxidation. These data suggest that metabolic demand differences between red and white muscle fibers are primarily matched by the number of mitochondria and not by significant alterations in the mitochondria themselves.  相似文献   

Insulin-stimulated glucose transport activity and GLUT4 glucose transporter protein expression in rat soleus, red-enriched, and white-enriched skeletal muscle were examined in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced insulin-deficient diabetes. Six days of STZ-diabetes resulted in a nearly complete inhibition of insulin-stimulated glucose transport activity in perfused soleus, red, and white muscle which recovered following insulin therapy. A specific decrease in the GLUT4 glucose transporter protein was observed in soleus (3-fold) and red (2-fold) muscle which also recovered to control values with insulin therapy. Similarly, cardiac muscle displayed a marked STZ-induced decrease in GLUT4 protein that was normalized by insulin therapy. White muscle displayed a small but statistically significant decrease in GLUT4 protein (23%), but this could not account for the marked inhibition of insulin-stimulated glucose transport activity observed in this tissue. In addition, GLUT4 mRNA was found to decrease in red muscle (2-fold) with no significant alteration in white muscle. The effect of STZ-induced diabetes was time-dependent with maximal inhibition of insulin-stimulated glucose transport activity at 24 h in both red and white skeletal muscle and half-maximal inhibition at approximately 8 h. In contrast, GLUT4 protein in red and white muscle remained unchanged until 4 and 7 days following STZ treatment, respectively. These data demonstrate that red skeletal muscle displays a more rapid hormonal/metabolic-dependent regulation of GLUT4 glucose transporter protein and mRNA expression than white skeletal muscle. In addition, the inhibition of insulin-stimulated glucose transport activity in both red and white muscle precedes the decrease in GLUT4 protein and mRNA levels. Thus, STZ treatment initially results in a rapid uncoupling of the insulin-mediated signaling of glucose transport activity which is independent of GLUT4 protein and mRNA levels.  相似文献   

5'-AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) has been proposed to be a pivotal factor in cellular responses to both acute exercise and exercise training. To investigate whether protein levels and gene expression of catalytic (alpha(1), alpha(2)) and regulatory (beta(1), beta(2), gamma(1), gamma(2), gamma(3)) AMPK subunits and exercise-induced AMPK activity are influenced by exercise training status, muscle biopsies were obtained from seven endurance exercise-trained and seven sedentary young healthy men. The alpha(1)- and alpha(2)-AMPK mRNA contents in trained subjects were both 117 +/- 2% of that in sedentary subjects (not significant), whereas mRNA for gamma(3) was 61 +/- 1% of that in sedentary subjects (not significant). The level of alpha(1)-AMPK protein in trained subjects was 185 +/- 34% of that in sedentary subjects (P < 0.05), whereas the levels of the remaining subunits (alpha(2), beta(1), beta(2), gamma(1), gamma(2), gamma(3)) were similar in trained and sedentary subjects. At the end of 20 min of cycle exercise at 80% of peak O(2) uptake, the increase in phosphorylation of alpha-AMPK (Thr(172)) was blunted in the trained group (138 +/- 38% above rest) compared with the sedentary group (353 +/- 63% above rest) (P < 0.05). Acetyl CoA-carboxylase beta-phosphorylation (Ser(221)), which is a marker for in vivo AMPK activity, was increased by exercise in both groups but to a lower level in trained subjects (32 +/- 5 arbitrary units) than in sedentary controls (45 +/- 1 arbitrary units) (P < 0.01). In conclusion, trained human skeletal muscle has increased alpha(1)-AMPK protein levels and blunted AMPK activation during exercise.  相似文献   

Adrenaline causes of 5 fold increase of glucose-6-phosphate and of glucose-1-phosphate both in the white extensor digitorum longus and in the red soleus (where the levels of the two sugar phosphates are significantly lower). On the other hand, UDPG levels--which are similar in the two muscles--are significantly decreased after adrenaline. It has been concluded that the levels of glucose-1-phosphate and of UDPG in muscle are not bound to change together.  相似文献   

The objective was to examine whether muscle structural capacity for O2 flux (i.e., capillary-to-fiber surface ratio) relative to fiber mitochondrial volume deteriorates with the muscle atrophy of aging in predominantly slow- (soleus, S) and fast-twitch (extensor digitorum longus, EDL) muscles of old (24 mo) and very old (35 mo) F344BN rats compared with adult (12 mo old). Wet muscle mass decreased 29% (196 +/- 4 to 139 +/- 5 mg) in S and 22% (192 +/- 3 to 150 +/- 3 mg) in EDL between 12 and 35 mo of age, without decline in body mass. Capillary density increased 65% (1,387 +/- 54 to 2,291 +/- 238 mm(-2)) in S and 130% (964 +/- 95 to 2,216 +/- 311 mm(-2)) in EDL, because of the muscle fiber atrophy, whereas capillary per fiber number remained unchanged. Altered capillary geometry, i.e., lesser contribution of tortuosity and branching to capillary length, was found in S at 35 compared with 12 and 24 mo, and not in EDL. Accounting for capillary geometry revealed 55% (1,776 +/- 78 to 2,750 +/- 271 mm(-2)) and 113% (1,194 +/- 112 to 2,540 +/- 343 mm(-2)) increases in capillary length-to-fiber volume ratio between 12 and 35 mo of age in S and EDL, respectively. Fiber mitochondrial volume density was unchanged over the same period, causing mitochondrial volume per micrometer fiber length to decrease in proportion to the fiber atrophy in both muscles. As a result of the smaller fiber mitochondrial volume in the face of the unchanged capillary-to-fiber number ratio, capillary-to-fiber surface ratio relative to fiber mitochondrial volume not only did not deteriorate, but in fact increased twofold in both muscles between 12 and 35 mo of age, independent of their different fiber type.  相似文献   

Cytochrome oxidase, succinate oxidase and lactate dehydrogenase were compared in: (a) leg and breast muscle from 11-19-day-old chick embryos; and (b) 2, 6, 10 and 14-day-old primary cell cultures established from myoblasts of embryonic leg and breast muscle. Cytochrome oxidase, succinate oxidase and lactate dehydrogenase activities were higher (48.8, 65.4, 277.6%, respectively) in leg muscle after 19 days in ovo. Cytochrome and succinate oxidase activities were higher (111.3, 48.1%, respectively) in leg muscle cell cultures after 14 days in vitro. The data represent evidence for intrinsic developmental patterns for certain enzymes.  相似文献   

Native glycogen was prepared from intact and 12 and 36 h denervated white and red rat muscles, ultracentrifuged on a sucrose density gradient (3) and the fractions stained by the iodine method (4). An increase of the optical density of the fractions showing a relatively high density was observed, which may be related to the well known changes of muscle glycogen levels after denervation.  相似文献   

The effects of denervation on the macromolecular components of active monovalent cation transport in skeletal muscle have been studied using purified sarcolemma membranes. A comparison of membrane activities of fast-twitch, slow-twitch, and mixed-fiber muscles was made to determine what role, if any, the motor nerve has in regulating this important aspect of muscle metabolism. A dramatic increase in the basal sarcolemmal Mg++ ATPase activity (three- to fourfold) was found for both major muscle types. An increase in the ouabain-inhibitable (Na+ + K+)-stimulated enzyme was also found, but the effect was substantially less (1.5- to twofold). [3H]-ouabain binding, as an index of glycoside receptor sites, also increased (two- to threefold) midway in the course of denervation. On the other hand, the phosphorylated intermediate activity, a functional component of the transport system, clearly decreased over the same time course and remained below control values for the remainder of the course. This resulted in a two- to threefold increase in the turnover number, suggesting that active transport of cations should increase dramatically with denervation. The membrane protein patterns on SDS gels were less obvious than the changes observed in the functional components. The major effects appeared after only one week and seemed to be restricted to high molecular weight membrane proteins, especially in the 100,000 to 250,000 daltons range. This effect was more prominent in slow-twitch membranes with an apparent semiquantitative decrease in stain at 240,000 daltons. In gels of membranes from fast-twitch muscles a decreased stain in the range of 100,000 to 110,000 daltons occurred, and this became more obvious with longer periods of denervation. The results suggest that considerable influence on the macromolecular components of active cation transport in skeletal muscle is exerted by the motor nerve. No appreciable difference was found in this effect when the two major types of skeletal muscle, fast-twitch and slow-twitch, were compared, suggesting that motor nerve regulation of this membrane property is qualitatively the same.  相似文献   

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