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Two-dimensional electrophoretic analysis of polynucleosomes   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  

All four capsid proteins of encephalomyocarditis virus and the precursor to two of these were resolved from purified virions with two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. In addition, all of the known stable virus-specific proteins found in infected cells, but not the primary and intermediate precursor proteins, could be resolved with these techniques.  相似文献   

Five populations ofDrosophila melanogaster that had been selected for postponed aging were compared with five control populations using two-dimensional protein gel electrophoresis. The goals of the study were to identify specific proteins associated with postponed aging and to survey the population genetics of the response to selection. A total of 321 proteins were resolvable per population; these proteins were scored according to their intensity. The resulting data were analyzed using resampling, combinatoric, and maximum parsimony methods. The analysis indicated that the populations with postponed aging were different from their controls with respect to specific proteins and with respect to the variation between populations. The populations selected for postponed aging were more heterogeneous between populations than were the control populations. Maximum parsimony trees separate the selected populations, as a group, from their controls, thereby exhibiting a homoplastic pattern.  相似文献   

Microsporida are potentially useful as biological control agents for insects of economic and medical importance. Prior to their responsible use, however, an accurate and reliable means of identification to the species and subspecies level is required. Current methods used for identification are not adequate, due to variability of identifiable characters and to the occurrence of dimorphism. Recently, progress has been made in the use of biochemical characteristics to support the more traditional methods of distinguishing between morphologically similar species. We report on an improved method of characterization of microsporidan spore proteins, using 2-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE). This method increased the number of spore polypeptides resolved from Nosema locustae spore protein extracts 2-3-fold over 1-dimensional PAGE. Also, each of the 2D-PAGE spore protein fingerprints of the species examined, namely Nosema locustae, Nosema bombycis, and Vairimorpha necatrix, were unique and differences in their spore protein composition were easily determined. The major structural proteins of Nosema locustae spores co-electrophoresed with alpha and beta tubulin from calf brain and had similar pI and molecular weight values as reported for tubulin in other species. Each species' 2D-PAGE fingerprint contained a few polypeptides that were present in relatively high concentration and these polypeptides may represent the major proteins of the structural components of the spore.  相似文献   

Y Sakaki  Y Kurata  T Miyake  K Saigo 《Gene》1983,24(2-3):179-190
The structure and organization of a human repetitive DNA family containing the HindIII 1.8-kb repetitive sequence were studied, using two-dimensional (2D) gel electrophoresis. The HindIII 1.8-kb sequence proved to be part of a repetitive sequence about 5 kb long and interspersed on the genome. The long repetitive sequence family contained several subgroups, as based on polymorphism of the restriction site. Recombinant phages containing the long repetitive sequence were isolated from the human genomic DNA library. Heteroduplex and restriction analysis showed that the structure of the repetitive sequence carried by the phages was close to that expected from 2D gel electrophoretic analysis. The 2D gel electrophoretic analysis was shown to be a reliable and useful approach for surveying and mass analysis of repetitive sequence families.  相似文献   

Compared with traditional two-dimensional (2D) proteome analysis of Streptococcus mutans grown as a biofilm from a planktonic culture at steady state (Rathsam et al., Microbiol. 2005, 151, 1823-1837), the use of 2D fluorescence difference gel electrophoresis (DIGE) led to a 3-fold increase in the number of identified protein spots that were significantly altered in their level of expression (P < 0.050). Of the 73 identified proteins, only nine were up-regulated in biofilm grown cells. The results supported the previously surmised hypothesis that general metabolic functions were down-regulated in response to a reduction in growth rate in mature S. mutans biofilms. Up-regulation of competence proteins without any concomitant increase in stress-responsive proteins was confirmed, while the levels of glucosyltransferase C (GtfC), involved in glucan formation, O-acetylserine sulfhyrylase (cysteine synthetase A; CsyK), implicated in the formation of [Fe-S] clusters, and a hypothetical protein encoded by the open reading frame, SMu0188, were also up-regulated.  相似文献   

Optical techniques are described which permit one to analyze two-dimensional electrophoretic gels in a fashion which is analogous to the one-dimensional spectroscopy of solutions. In the methods described, an electrophoretic gel is irradiated with monochromatic light and isozyme patterns are detected by the absorption of light or the fluorescent emission of light. The system described can both generate and detect monochromatic light in a range from 200 to 1100 nm. Without the use of histochemical stains, several isozymes have been visualized by purely optical means. Five methods for the visualization of lactate dehydrogenase and five methods for the demonstration of trypsin isozymes are described. In addition, general methods have been formulated for hydrolases and oxidases. Gel spectroscopy should permit the investigation of a wide range of new isozymes.This work was supported in part by NIH Grants CA 19017 and GM 21433.  相似文献   

Three new electrophoretic variants of human erythrocyte triosephosphate isomerase (TPI) have been partially purified and compared with the normal isozyme with respect to stability, kinetics, and immunological properties. TPI 2HR1, an anodally migrating variant, was less stable than normal in guanidine denaturation and thermodenaturation tests, although it exhibited normal kinetic properties. The level of enzyme activity in erythrocytes from the proband with the phenotype TPI 1-2HR1 was about 60% of the normal mean. The variant allozyme TPI 2NG1, an anodally migrating allozyme associated with normal activity, was very thermolabile at 55 and 57°C. It was also much more labile than normal in stability tests in buffers at pH 5 and pH 10, although it exhibited normal kinetic and immunological properties. TPI 4NG1, a cathodally migrating variant associated with normal activity and normal kinetic as well as immunological properties, was more stable than normal in pH 5 buffer. Family studies demonstrated that the unique characteristics of these variants are genetically transmitted. In two-dimensional electrophoresis of purified isozymes the variant subunits were separated from the normal in the pI axis. However, there is no difference between the variants and the normal in the molecular weight axis, suggesting that the variants result from single amino acid substitutions.  相似文献   

A previously undescribed mutation in the ssb gene, which codes for a major single strand DNA binding protein essential for DNA repelication, was mapped on the Escherichia coli Chromosome. Three ssb mutants were analyzed under parallel physiological conditions for the induction of SOS proteins (products of recA, uvrA, and an unknown gene), the production of mutants, the induction of lambda prophage, and sensitivity to DNA damaging agents. Two-dimensional electrophoretic techniques were used to quantitate changes in the rate of synthesis of proteins. The previously unpublished position of the uvrA gene-product in the two-dimensional matrix of E. coli proteins was described. These ssb strains exhibited varying sensitivities to ultraviolet irradiation and methylmethane sulfonate that correlated with the rate of constitutive synthesis of SOS proteins, spontaneous commitment to virulent growth of lambda lysogens, and elevation of endogenous mutation rates.Dedicated to the memory of Roger Y. Stanier: to his fascination for diverse microbial lifeforms that catalyzed curiosity in his associates, to his intellectual aura that elicited deep respect, to his pursuit of scientific truth that promoted the highest research ethics, to his friendly nature that encouraged my growth as a scientist and enkindled my love for Roger  相似文献   

Kim KB  Kim SI  Choo HJ  Kim JH  Ko YG 《Proteomics》2004,4(11):3527-3535
Different proteins are found in lipid rafts depending on the isolation method. For example, insulin receptor was predominantly found in lipid raft fractions prepared from HepG2 cells with Brij 35, but were not present in lipid rafts isolated with Triton X-100. In order to assess the effect of detergent type and temperature on raft isolation, raft proteins from HepG2 cells were analyzed by two-dimensional (2-D) electrophoresis. More raft protein spots appeared when rafts were isolated by Brij 35 than by Triton X-100. In addition, more raft proteins were found when isolated at 37 degrees C than at 4 degrees C, indicating that lipid rafts are much more stable at physiological temperature (37 degrees C) in the presence of detergents. Indeed, lipid-modified proteins, such as Src and Lyn, were found in raft fractions even when detergent-resistant rafts were isolated at room or physiological temperature. The 2-D gel profile of raft proteins isolated with detergent-free (high-pH/carbonate) method was considerably similar to that of detergent-resistant raft proteins but contained a greater number of distinct protein spots. Whereas many detergent-resistant raft proteins disappeared upon cellular exposure to methyl-beta-cyclodextrin, high pH/carbonate-resistant raft proteins did not, suggesting that many of proteins isolated by high pH/carbonate could be contaminants. Considering these data, we conclude that liquid-ordered state of detergent-resistant lipid rafts is not destroyed at physiological temperature.  相似文献   

1. Mitochondrial translation products of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae were separated according to charge as well as molecular weight by a highly resolving two dimensional electorphoretic technique (isoelectric focusing in the first dimension ana SDS-electrophoresis in the second dimension). 2. The major protein components (the oligomeric form of subunit 9 of mitochondrial ATPase, var 1, cytochrome oxidase subunits I, II and III, subunit 6 of mitochondrial ATPase and cytochrome b apoprotein) were identified either from their mobility in SDS-electrophoresis or by using mit- mutants defective in certain mitochondrially made polypeptides. 3. This method allowed the separation of subunit III of cytochrome oxidase and subunit 6 of mitochondrial ATPase which cannot be resolved by conventional SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. 4. Subunit II of cytochrome oxiodase resolves in two spots of similar pI values and subunit 6 of mitochondrial ATPase resolves in two spots of similar molecular weight. In both cases the double spots disappear simultaneously following a single mutation in the coresponding structural gene. 5. Total mitochondrial proteins were also resolved two-dimensionally revealing over 100 components. The mitochondrial translation products, with the exception of subunit 9 of mitochondrial ATPase, could be easily recognized among the other mitochondrial proteins.  相似文献   

Phosphoproteins of hatched blastulae, gastrulae, and pluteus larvae of the sea urchin, Arbacia punctulata, were labeled in vivo with [32P]O4 and analysed by 2-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. At least 60 phosphoproteins were resolved. Some of these showed different relative intensities of labeling at the embryonic periods monitored. Some embryonic phosphoproteins were characterized by cell fractionation and by comparing autoradiograms with Coomassie-blue staining patterns and [35S]methionine labeling patterns. Neither actin nor tubulin phosphorylation was detected. No differences in phosphorylation were detected in dissociated and partially reassociated blastula cells relative to each other and to intact embryonic controls.  相似文献   

Recent results with Neurospora crassa show that one protein (S-5, mol wt 52,000) associated with the mitochondrial (mit) small ribosomal subunit is translated within the mitochondria (Lambowitz et al. 1976. J. Mol. Biol. 107:223-253). In the present work, Neurospora mit ribosomal proteins were analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis using a modification of the gel system of Mets and Bogorad. The results show that S-5 is present in near stoichiometric concentrations in high salt (0.5 MKCl)-washed mit small subunits from wild-type strains. S-5 is among the most basic mit ribosomal proteins (pI greater than 10) and has a high affinity for RNA under the conditions of the urea-containing gel buffers. The role of S-5 in mit ribosome assembly was investigated by an indirect method, making use of chloramphenicol to specifically inhibit mit protein synthesis. Chloramphenicol was found to rapidly inhibit the assembly of mit small subunits leading to the formation of CAP-30S particles which sediment slightly behind mature small subunits (LaPolla and Lambowitz. 1977. J. Mol. 116: 189-205). Two-dimensional gel analysis shows that the more slowly sedimentaing CAP-30S particles are deficient in S-5 and in several other proteins, whereas these proteins are present in normal concentrations in mature small subunits from the same cells. Because S-5 is the only mit ribosomal protein whose synthesis is directly inhibited by chloramphenicol, the results tentatively suggest that S-5 plays a role in the assembly of mit small subunits. In addition, the results are consistent with the idea that S-5 stabilizes the binding of several other mit small subunit proteins. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis was used to examine mit ribosomal proteins from [poky] and six additional extra-nuclear mutants with defects in the assembly of mit small subunits. The electrophoretic mobility of S-5 is not detectably altered in any of the mutants. However, [poky] mit small subunits are deficient in S-5 and also contain several other proteins in abnormally low or high concentrations. These and other results are consistent with a defect in a mit ribosomal constituent in [poky].  相似文献   

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