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Crested penguins Eudyptes spp. have evolved a unique form of breeding in which the first of two eggs laid is much smaller than the second and has a higher likelihood of being lost during egg laying and incubation. In this study, we quantified aggressive behaviour in nesting Snares penguins and undertook an egg survival analysis to examine which factors influence egg loss. During 120 h of observation of 50 nests, we recorded a total of 300 aggressive events in which females were repeatedly pecked, bitten and beaten. Aggressive events lasted from less than a minute to up to 55 min (mean 4.6 ± 7.4 min). Single males were the aggressor in 75% of aggressive events and in 50.7% of aggressive events the aggressor was identified as a neighbouring, breeding male. A greater percentage of the small first eggs (34%) were lost than the large second eggs (4%). We found that egg mortality was influenced by 1) whether the other egg within a nest had hatched, 2) who was present at the nest (father, mother or both) and 3) the average duration of aggressive events on the nest. When one egg within a nest had hatched, the other egg had a vastly increased mortality risk irrespective of aggression. However, long, aggressive events directed towards females after their partners had gone foraging, also increased the probability of egg loss. We suggest that the prolonged nest attendance by breeding males well beyond egg laying is in response to the high frequency of aggressive behaviour during this time. Our data show that A‐egg losses occur due to intraspecific aggression in this species. Further research is needed to clarify whether aggressive behaviour in breeding crested penguins is modulated by elevated testosterone levels in the males and whether any reproductive benefits accrue to the aggressors.  相似文献   

Males of many species compete for access to females. In order to avoid performing potentially costly agonistic behaviour for their entire adult lives, many group-living males use environmental cues to limit agonistic behaviour to times when it will be of most benefit. Long-finned squid, Loligo pealeii, live less than a year and aggregate in mixed- and single-sex schools. Adults participate in several spawning events, then die. During spawning events, males actively compete for females. Winning males pair with females, which subsequently lay eggs in communal sites on the ocean floor (‘egg mops’). To determine whether males use sensory cues provided by egg mops to regulate agonistic behaviour, we conducted four laboratory experiments. We measured the agonistic responses of pairs of adult males before, during and after exposure to conspecific egg mops. In three experiments, egg mops were manipulated to provide differing sensory stimuli (tactile, water-borne, visual). The addition of conspecific egg mops to tanks of paired male squid dramatically increased agonistic behaviour above control levels within minutes. Male squid were first attracted to the egg mops visually, but contact with the capsules was necessary to increase agonistic behaviour. After initial contact, agonistic behaviour was almost continuous as long as egg mops remained present, even when squid touched the egg mops infrequently. Visual stimuli seemed important in maintaining elevated agonistic behaviour between egg mop touches. When egg mops were removed from the tank, measured agonistic behaviour declined within minutes. When egg mops were added to the tank while covered by an opaque and porous cover that allowed water-borne stimuli to circulate into the tank, squid did not approach the covered egg mop or show increased agonistic behaviour. This result suggests that water-borne stimuli are not sufficient to increase agonistic behaviour. It is unusual for male agonistic behaviour in any species to be increased by contact with fertilized eggs. In this species, however, egg capsules might signal that sexually mature, receptive females are about to lay eggs. Indirect evidence suggests that mating with a female immediately before she lays eggs increases male paternity. If this prediction is true, the presence of egg mops may indicate the optimal time for male squid to establish mating precedence through agonistic bouts. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

Squid behavior is synonymous with distinctive body patterns, postures, and movements that constitute a complex visual communication system. These communications are particularly obvious during reproduction. They are important for sexual selection and have been identified as a potential means of species differentiation. Here we present a detailed account of copulation, mating, and egg deposition behaviors from in situ observations of the squid Sepioteuthis australis from South Australia. We identified four mating types from 85 separate mating attempts: "Male-upturned mating" (64% of mating attempts); "Sneaker mating" (33%); "Male-parallel" (2%); and "Head-to-head" (1%). Intervals between successive egg deposition behaviors were clearly bimodal, with modes at 2.5 s and 70.0 s. Ninety-three percent of egg capsules contained 3 or 4 eggs (mean = 3.54), and each egg cluster contained between 218 and 1922 egg capsules (mean = 893.9). The reproductive behavior of S. australis from South Australia was different from that described for other cephalopod species. More importantly, comparison between these results and those for other populations of S. australis suggests that behavior may differ from one population to another.  相似文献   

Yamasinaium noduligerum is a Japanese fungivorous millipede that is usually found on decaying logs fallen on the forest floor. Here we present observations on paternal egg-brooding behavior in this species. At the end of May to early June, we found males with eggs on the bark of the underside of fallen decaying logs and in old burrows and galleries excavated by wood-dwelling insects under the bark of the logs. The males showed a typical brooding posture where they curl the anterior part of the body around the egg mass. The egg masses contained, on average, 30.2 ± 13.7 (SD) eggs. The brooding males showed no aggressive responses when disturbed.  相似文献   

Models of optimal parental care predict that parental investment should depend on offspring value or the effect parental care has on offspring benefits. Few studies have examined the effect of external factors that influence offspring survival and the cost of care. In this study on the Florida flagfish (Jordanella floridae), a species with male parental care, we examined whether environmentally induced changes in care result from changes in egg requirements or in parental costs. We manipulated salinity and temperature, as these factors are known to affect the metabolic rate in both eggs and parents. We predicted that if the change in care behavior is determined by costs to the male then it should be paralleled by changes in non‐egg‐directed behavior. Conversely, if egg‐directed behavior changes independently of other behavior it would suggest that behavior is determined primarily by egg requirements. In addition we examined patterns of mating success under the assumption that if male care is affected by environmental factors then female preferences may change accordingly. Males decreased egg‐directed behavior (fanning and cleaning of eggs) at high salinity. Non‐egg‐directed behavior was unaffected by salinity. Temperature had no effects on behavior. Thus, we conclude that changes in egg demands are primarily responsible for the observed results. Successful males were bigger and more aggressive. This suggests that male dominance was an important determinant of male mating success. Unsuccessful males showed significantly more variation in number of red stripes with respect to salinity than successful males. Unsuccessful males may be less able to regulate color expression under varying environmental conditions, in which case color may be an indicator of male quality. We replicated the experiment early and late in the season. Males did not change their effort in care over the season. However, care (fanning) in the absence of eggs increased towards the end of the season. Since pre‐mating fanning was positively correlated to a male’s eventual mating success we conclude that males increased their effort to attract mates late in the season.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that territorial male beaugregory damselfish (Stegastes leucostictus) can assess the degree of threat from egg predators, the aggressive behaviour of both males guarding eggs and males without eggs was recorded when they were presented with either one or five individuals of the wrasse egg predator Thalassoma bifasciatum. Presentations were made in a clear plastic bottle 0.5 m from artificial beaugregory breeding sites in the field. Two measures of aggressive behaviour (downhead threats and time spent within 10 cm of the presentation bottle) were significantly greater for multiple wrasse presentations than for single wrasse presentations, while a third measure (chase attempts) was not. In contrast, chase attempts were significantly greater for males guarding eggs than for males without eggs, but there was no significant difference in the level of downhead threats or bottle proximity time for this comparison. Levels of the three aggressive measures were not correlated with either the amount of eggs or the number of egg clutches present. These results indicate that territorial male beaugregories respond to an increase in the number of intruding egg predators by increasing the levels of low-cost threat behaviour, while the presence (but not the amount) of eggs results in an increase in the amount of higher cost attack behaviour. These experiments, therefore, support the hypothesis that male beaugregories can assess the degree of threat from egg predators, and indicate that they use this assessment to alter the strategies used in territorial defence.  相似文献   

Male-male aggression is widespread in the animal kingdom and subserves many functions related to the acquisition or retention of resources such as shelter, food, and mates. These functions have been studied widely in the context of sexual selection, yet the proximate mechanisms that trigger or strengthen aggression are not well known for many taxa. Various external sensory cues (visual, audio, chemical) acting alone or in combination stimulate the complex behavioral interactions of fighting behaviors. Here we report the discovery of a 10 kDa protein, termed Loligo β-microseminoprotein (Loligo β-MSP), that immediately and dramatically changes the behavior of male squid from calm swimming and schooling to extreme fighting, even in the absence of females. Females synthesize Loligo β-MSP in their reproductive exocrine glands and embed the protein in the outer tunic of egg capsules, which are deposited on the open sea floor. Males are attracted to the eggs visually, but upon touching them and contacting Loligo β-MSP, they immediately escalate into intense physical fighting with any nearby males. Loligo β-MSP is a distant member of the chordate β-microseminoprotein family found in mammalian reproductive secretions, suggesting that this gene family may have taxonomically widespread roles in sexual competition.  相似文献   

Maternal care in spiders often involves behaviors associated with the protection of eggs and spiderlings against parasitoids and predators (including conspecifics). The females of several species have been documented to move their egg sacs away from natural enemies or to invest in active defense behaviors against web invaders, such as parasitoid wasps or araneophagic spider species, to protect their brood. In this study, we present observations of protective behavior by Uloborus sp. females carrying egg sacs. We also investigated whether brood size and female size influence female aggressive behaviors and response time against an artificial source of disturbance. Females carrying egg sacs almost immediately perceived and reacted aggressively against the artificial stimulus, whereas females without egg sacs moved away or ran to the web margins, avoiding the source of disturbance. The aggressive response was independent of clutch size and female body size, indicating that all females will risk interacting with potential agents of egg mortality. This systematic response by all females with egg sacs may be important for reducing the incidence of attack by the egg predator wasp Bathyzonus sp. (Ichneumonidae).  相似文献   

This study investigated how parental care increases with offspring age by examining the level of male aggressiveness toward potential intruders during egg guarding in a natural population of Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens Regan). The degree of aggressiveness was measured at two reproductive phases in response to three types of intruders: male, female and females that have laid eggs. The nest-holding males became more aggressive after their eggs hatched than after the eggs were laid. Nest-holding males displayed gill cover erection, biting, tail beating and attacking at the highest rate towards male intruders, intermediate towards female intruders and the least aggressive towards females, which have laid eggs.  相似文献   

The evolution of exclusive male parental care is a major and controversial issue in behavioural ecology. Although arthropods practicing paternal care are thought to be key taxa for investigating this issue, few studies have attempted to clarify the selection factors associated with male behaviour and fitness consequences in arthropods. In the millipede Brachycybe nodulosa, males curl their bodies around egg masses on the undersides of decaying logs. Male‐removal experiments in the laboratory strongly suggest that males defend the eggs against fungal infection. Orphaned eggs were soon covered by hyphae and no eggs hatched, whereas almost all eggs brooded by males successfully hatched. The egg‐brooding males showed no aggressive responses when disturbed. Only some mature males bred in the field. Furthermore, the number of eggs brooded varied greatly among the males. Selected generalized linear models revealed that males with a wide seventh body segment, which possesses gonopods (genital legs), tended to succeed in brooding; and males with a wider body also obtained more eggs. Colony attributes had no significant effects on male brooding. We discuss the possible sexual selection mechanisms that could accomplish this pattern of brooding success among male B. nodulosa.  相似文献   

An earlier field study on the fifteen-spined stickleback (Spinachia spinachia) showed that frequent male—male interactionsresult in high frequencies of sneaking and egg stealing. Moreover,sneaking behavior was performed not only by males adoptingalternative mating strategies, but also by males with theirown nests. The advantage of sneaking is easily understood, but it is more difficult to explain the evolutionary benefitof stealing eggs from other males. I investigated whether malessuffering from sneaking adjust their paternal effort in relationto their degree of paternity. I also examined whether femalesprefer males that have more eggs in their nests, as this couldexplain egg stealing. There was no relationship between thedegree of paternity and fanning activity, hatching success,or nest defense. However, the older the eggs become, the morethe males increase their attack rate toward potential egg predators(goldsinny wrasse and shore crabs). Thus, males adjusted theirlevel of defense to the amount of energy and time already investedin the clutch. Females did not prefer males with more eggs intheir nests. On the contrary, females preferred males withreduced clutches over males with enlarged clutches. Therefore,female choice is unlikely to be a driving force behind eggstealing in this species.  相似文献   

One important component in the mating strategy of an already-matedindividual is the decision to remain with the partner and carefor the offspring or to desert. Almost all research on nestdesertion has focused on the costs and benefits of continuedparental care versus desertion of both parents. However, ifit pays both parents to desert, the timing of desertion is mostimportant. In birds, where all eggs are fertilized well beforethe last egg is laid, males should be the first to desert. Evenif females try to hide their fertile period, it is likely thatthe appearance of eggs acts as a cue that males can use to calculatethe timing of their desertion. Here we examine egg burial behaviorin penduline tits and its possible effects on parental behaviorand desertion. Penduline tits perform uniparental care fromthe earliest point of breeding, and both sexes try to becomepolygamous. We found that 36% of investigated males were polygynousand deserted as soon as the first egg appeared in their nest,and 12.5% of females became polyandrous. About 27% of the nestswere deserted by both sexes, which means high costs for femalesin terms of wasted energy in eggs and for males in terms ofwasted energy and time in building elaborate nests. Femalescover the eggs, and several facts indicate that egg coveringis a deceptive behavior of females: (1) females cover the eggsin the morning before leaving the nest for the first time, (2)females are more aggressive toward their mates during the layingperiod than before laying, (3) females try to prevent malesfrom entering the nest when eggs have been experimentally uncovered,and (4) females uncover the eggs as soon as males are experimentallyremoved. Finally, we found that a female can only desert thenest before the male deserts when she covers the eggs. We concludethat the higher the proportion of eggs a female can hide, thegreater her chance of becoming polyandrous  相似文献   

Egg predation by conspecific males of damselfishes,Pomacentrus nagasakiensis andChromis notatus notatus, was studied at Bohnotsu (31°15′ N, 131°15′ E) and Tsuyazaki (33°47′ N, 130°29′ E), respectively. InP. nagasakiensis, 7 egg-guarding males were removed from nests, and intrusion and egg predation by conspecific males took place in all of the nests within an average time of 12.2 min. Frequency of attacks on eggs by other reef fishes during the period between the removal of egg-guarding males and intrusion of conspecific males was lower than expected, considering the frequency of aggressive displays of the egg-guarding males. The results of male removal experiments forChromis notatus notatus were almost the same, with intrusion and egg predation by conspecific males occurring in all 12 of the nests from which egg-guarding males had been removed. SixP. nagasakiensis and 15C. notatus notatus which intruded into the nests and preyed on eggs were collected. All were males except for 1C. notatus notatus female. Results suggest that these males which intruded into vacant nests to eat eggs did not have clutches of their own during the spawning bouts when the experiments were done. Results also showed that the intruding males were not inferior to egg-guarding males in standard length, gonadosomatic index, and condition factor. It is clear that males which do not have their own clutches during at least 1 spawning bout and prey on others' eggs when egg-guarding males disappear are common in these 2 gregariously nesting damselfishes. It is discussed that conspecific eggs are potentially a good food source not only for other species of reef fishes but also for conspecific males which do not have their own eggs during the spawning bouts. The origin of males wich prey on eggs of other conspecifics is also considered. Some aspects of egg-guarding and aggressive behavior of males in damselfishes are discussed.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of the intertidal prosobranch Searlesia dira (Reeve, 1846) was examined with special attention given to variability in the nurse egg to embryo ratio among capsules, among clutches and among geographically isolated populations. Embryos and nurse eggs were distributed among the capsules in a manner consistent with the hypothesis that nurse eggs were genetically predetermined, that each female had a genetically defined nurse egg to embryo ratio, and that each capsule represented a random sample of that ratio. The binomial distribution of embryos and nurse eggs among the capsules resulted in some capsules receiving many more embryos per nurse egg than others. The number of nurse eggs an embryo succeeded in eating was proportional to the number of capsule-mates sharing a capsule. Embryos eating more nurse eggs hatched out at a larger size. Differences in the nurse egg to embryo ratios among capsules in the same clutch were much larger than that of the mean ratios among clutches. Among-site differences in the mean nurse egg to embryo ratios suggest that selection pressure for different mean hatching sizes may have acted on the mean nurse egg to embryo ratios.In contrast to the predictions of optimal hatching size theory, hatching size varied widely within clutches as a consequence of differences in nurse egg to embryo ratios among capsules. This variance may be adaptive for species that lay their eggs months before juveniles emerge into an unpredictable environment, or simply be a consequence of an imperfect mechanism for increasing hatching size.  相似文献   

In the golden egg bug, Phyllomorpha laciniata (Heteroptera,Coreidae), both males and females carry eggs on their back.Although females cannot carry their own eggs, males may carryeggs that they have fertilized. If males carry eggs they havefertilized, their behavior may be interpreted as paternal care.In this article, we provide genetic data for paternity assignmentof eggs carried by 40 males collected from the field. The malesand the eggs were typed by using four highly polymorphic microsatelliteDNA markers. Out of the 247 eggs typed, 87% were excluded fromthe father-offspring relationship based on single-locus (leastconservative exclusion) mismatches. Under the more conservative(exclusion by at least two single locus mismatches) method,78% of the eggs were nonpaternal. Relatedness estimates furthersupported our paternity analyses. The average relatedness ofthe eggs to the carrying males was low (bem = -0.052 ±0.024 SE). Within the population, males were unrelated to eachother (bmm = -0.004 ± 0.0002 SE), as were the eggs carriedby individual males (beggs = -0.004 ± 0.0001 SE). Thisfirst genetic study on the breeding system of the golden eggbugs did not find any support for the claim that egg carryingfunctioned as paternal care, nor did it support kin selectionas explanation for conspecific egg carrying.  相似文献   

Females can adjust their reproductive effort in relation to their partner’s perceived fitness value. In zebrafish (Danio rerio), large males are typically preferred mating partners. However, females have been observed to reduce their reproductive output with exceptionally large males but it remains unknown whether it is due to sexual harassment or aggressive behavior to establish and maintain dominance. Here, we study the association between relative male size, sexual harassment and dominance behavior, female stress status (stress behaviors and whole-body cortisol concentration), and reproductive success during a 4 day spawning trial. We found female cortisol to correlate negatively with female body size and positively with female dominance behavior. However, male and female behavior as well as female cortisol level were not related to relative male size. Females mating with relatively large males produced more and most of their eggs during the first spawning day, while females with smaller males produced few eggs during the first day but then increased egg production. Despite females produced more eggs when mating with relatively larger males, their eggs had substantially lower fertilization rates compared to females mating with relatively smaller males. Hence, overall, the reproductive fitness was lowest when females mated with a relatively large male. These findings could help to explain the maintenance of male size variation under natural conditions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this experiment was to study the effects of homologous and heterologous gonadal hormones on sexual and aggressive behavior in a reptilian species. Thirty adult male and thirty adult female lizards (Anolis carolinensis) were divided into 10 groups of six each (five groups per sex) and each group was given one of five treatments: either left intact, sham-castrated and injected with the hormone vehicle, castrated and injected with the hormone vehicle, castrated and injected with estradiol benzoate, or castrated and injected with testosterone propionate. After a week of visual isolation and daily hormone injection, animals were tested four times, twice with a stimulus animal of each sex. Females treated with estrogen were receptive, but did not court. Females treated with androgen were receptive and also courted and pursued stimulus females as frequently as males given androgen. No males in any group were receptive, and thus the female appears to be more capable of heterotypical sexual behavior than the male. Castrated males failed to court. Courtship and pursuit of stimulus females was readily stimulated in males with testosterone, and weakly stimulated by estrogen. Intact males were very aggressive, but lower levels of aggression were independent of gonadal hormones, as was subordination (head-nodding). The results for aggression and subordination are interpreted with reference to naturally-occurring Anolis behavior, and the results for sexual behavior are compared with similar experiments with mammals and birds.  相似文献   

We conducted a two-part study to assets predator avoidance byreproductive male fathead minnows (Pimephales promelos) subjectedto predation threat from northern pike (Esox lucius). First,we determined if patterns of nest use by egg-guarding male minnowsin a boreal lake were related to pike densities. We samplednorthern pike and identified four areas of "high pike-density"and three areas of "low pike-density." We censused natural nestsand placed nest boards in these areas. We found eggs on naturalnests more frequently in areas with low densities of pike thanin areas with high densities of pike. However, we could notfully explain the distribution of nests by predation risk. Second,we evaluated the behavioral response of egg-guarding males toa control stimulus (a piece of wood) or a live pike in a wirecage. We used time to return to the nest after a stimulus asa measure of risk taking. Males took different amounts of riskbased on predation threat; males in the predator treatment tooklonger to return to their nests than control males. Risk takingwas not related to the number or age of the eggs but to distanceto nearest egg-guarding neighbor; males with close neighborsreturned sooner than more isolated males. Males in the predatortreatment had lower total activity and egg rubbing than controlmales after they returned to their nests. We conclude that malefathead minnows altered their reproductive behavior in waysthat reduced predation risk, but the cost of predator avoidancemight include egg predation, lost mating opportunities, or usurpationof nests  相似文献   

This study examined the hypothesis that aromatization of testosterone (T) to estradiol (E) is required to activate reproductive behavior in castrated male lizards (Anolis sagrei). Adult, reproductively active males were assigned to an intact control group or to one of four treatment groups. Treatment males were castrated and 1 week later three of the four castrated groups were implanted with subcutaneous pellets containing either 0.05 mg of E, 0.5 mg of T, or 0.5 mg of dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Two weeks after pellet implantation, males were tested with stimulus males, and 2 days later were tested with stimulus females. Behavioral tests were of 15-min duration and were videotaped. Significantly fewer E-treated castrates erected a crest in tests with stimulus males than did intact males. In tests with stimulus females, significantly fewer E-treated castrates displayed, neck-gripped, and intromitted than did intact males. Estradiol-treated castrates also showed significantly less display behavior than did intact males. However, aggressive and sexual behavior of DHT-treated castrates was not significantly different from that of intact males. The same was true for T-treated castrates with the exception that display behavior in tests with stimulus females was reduced compared to that of intact males. The results suggest that aromatization of T to E is not required for induction of androgen-dependent reproductive behavior in this lizard.  相似文献   

From video recordings of spawning events, we quantified protective and cannibalistic behavior of Arctic charr occurring immediately after spawning. The number of fish cannibalizing on stray eggs was examined regarding (a) whether more than one male shed milt during the spawning event, that is, whether sperm competition occurred, (b) whether the sperm competition included few or many males, that is, the intensity of sperm competition, and (c) the density of fish at the spawning site. Response behavior toward egg cannibalism was also examined among females and dominant males in order to determine any parental investment toward protecting the eggs after spawning. Cannibalistic behavior was seen in almost 50% of the spawnings, and the multiple spawning events showed the highest numbers of fish cannibalizing on eggs. Both the number of males releasing milt and the number of fish approaching the spawning site were positively correlated with egg cannibalism. Sperm competition was, however, not a prerequisite for egg cannibalism. Although we also observed partial filial cannibalism, protective behavior of eggs was seen both among dominant males and females, suggesting that charr actually conduct parental care.  相似文献   

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