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D. S. Brown 《Hydrobiologia》1991,209(2):141-153
São Tomé Island has 3 known taxa of freshwater gastropod, here identified to species for the first time; Neritina afra Sowerby, Ferrissia eburnensis Binder and a distinctive form of Bulinus forskalii (Ehrenberg). The Bulinus acts as intermediate host for the parasite Schistosoma intercalatum Fisher, the cause of human schistosomiasis in foci of infection detected in recent years on São Tomé. A morphological characterization of this snail is presented, in respect of the shell, radula and copulatory organ. It is compared with B. forskalii populations sampled on the African mainland (Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon and Angola) and with related taxa. Despite differences in the shell from the commonly found form of B. forskalii it seems appropriate to identify the São Tomé population as an extreme conchological variant of this taxon.  相似文献   

At present the majority of the endemic bird species occurring on São Tomé and Príncipe remain common, the rarer species being those largely confined to primary rainforest. In 1990 the dwarf olive ibis (Bostrychia bocagei), São Tomé fiscal shrike (Lanius newtoni), São Tomé short-tail (Amaurocichla bocagii) were rediscovered and in 1991 the São Tomé grosbeak (Neospiza concolor) was seen for the first time since 1888. Lowland primary forest is the only habitat on São Tomé in which all the endemic species are found. Primary forest on Príncipe remains largely unsurveyed since the beginning of the century. Due to the decline in the cocoa industry and poor infra-structure post-independence the extent of secondary forest is probably at its greatest since the late 1800s. This habitat is an important buffer zone against development for the remaining primary forest and also contains important populations of many of the endemic species, in particular the São Tomé scops owl (Otus hartlaubi), São Tomé oriole (Oriolus crassirostris) and giant weaver (Ploceus grandis). On both islands the remaining areas of primary forest need immediate protection and suitable boundaries have been designated under the Zona Ecológica plan. Fortunately, except for an important area around Lagôa Amélia, primary forest is not under immediate threat, although a variety of pressures are likely to increase. In conjunction with the protection of primary forest, a plant for managing the remaining timber resource on the islands will be a vital requirement, particularly if areas of shade forest, an important habitat for endemic bird species and a potentially valuable economic resource, are to be conserved and sustainably managed.  相似文献   

Species of Clostridium are widely distributed in the environment, inhabiting both human and animal gastrointestinal tracts. Clostridium difficile is an important pathogen associated with outbreaks of pseudomembranous colitis and other intestinal disorders, such as diarrhea. In this study, the prevalence of Clostridium spp. and C. difficile, from hospitalized children with acute diarrhea, was examined. These children were admitted to 3 different hospitals for over 12 months. Eighteen (20%) and 19 (21%) stool specimens from children with (90) and without (91) diarrhea respectively, were positive to clostridia. Only 10 C. difficile strains were detected in 5.5% of the stool samples of children with diarrhea. None healthy children (without diarrhea) harbored C. difficile. From these 10 C. difficile, 9 were considered as toxigenic and genotyped as tcdA+/tcdB+ or tcdA-/tcdB+, and 1 strain as nontoxigenic (tcdA-/tdcB-). They were detected by the citotoxicity on VERO cells and by the multiplex-polymerase chain reaction. Thirty clinical fecal extracts produced minor alterations on VERO cells. The presence of C. difficile as a probable agent of acute diarrhea is suggested in several countries, but in this study, the presence of these organisms was not significant. More studies will be necessary to evaluate the role of clostridia or C. difficile in diarrhoeal processes in children.  相似文献   

Visceral larva migrans syndrome by Toxocara affects mainly children between 2 and 5 years of age, it is generally asymptomatic, and the seroprevalence varies from 3 to 86% in different countries. A total of 399 schoolchildren from 14 public schools of the Butant? region, S?o Paulo city, Brazil, were evaluated by Toxocara serology (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay). Epidemiological data to the Toxocara infection obtained from a protocol were submitted to multiple logistic regression analysis for a risk profile definition. Blood was collected on filter paper by finger puncture, with all samples tested in duplicate. Considering titers > or = 1/160 as positive, the seroprevalence obtained was 38.8%. Among infected children, the mean age was 9.4 years, with a similar distribution between genders. A significant association was observed with the presence of onychophagia, residence with a dirty backyard, living in a slum, previous wheezing episodes, school attended, and family income (p < 0.05). All data, except "living in a slum", were considered to be determinant of a risk profile for the acquisition of Toxocara infection. A monthly income > or = 5 minimum salaries represented a protective factor, although of low relevance. Toxocara eggs were found in at least one of the soil samples obtained from five schools, with high prevalence of Toxocara infections, indicating the frequent soil contamination by this agent.  相似文献   

Twenty-two pteridophytes (13 endemic and 9 non-endemic) from São Tomé e Príncipe (Gulf of Guinea) are evaluated as regards their rarity and conservation status. IUCN Red List Categories are assigned to these taxa. Eight taxa are Critically Endangered (CR), eleven taxa are Vulnerable (VU) and three taxa are Endangered (EN). Specific measures to conserve these rare pteridophytes are outlined.  相似文献   

Rare systemic studies concerning prevalence of intestinal parasites in children have been conducted in the second smallest country in Africa, the Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe. Fecal specimens from 348 children (214 in-hospital attending the Aires de Menezes Hospital and 134 from Agostinho Neto village) in São Tome Island were studied by parasitological and molecular methods. Of the 134 children from Agostinho Neto, 52.2% presented intestinal parasites. 32.1% and 20.2% of these children had monoparasitism and polyparasitism, respectively. Ascaris lumbricoides (27.6%), G. duodenalis (7.5%), T. trichiura (4.5%) and Entamoeba coli (10.5%) were the more frequent species identified in the children of this village. Giardia duodenalis (7.5%) and E. bieneusi (5.2%) were identified by PCR. Nested-PCR targeting G. duodenalis TPI identified Assemblage A (60%) and Assemblage B (40%). The E. bieneusi ITS-based sequence identified genotypes K (57.1%), KIN1 (28.6%) and KIN3 (14.3%). Among the 214 in-hospital children, 29.4% presented intestinal parasites. In 22.4% and 7.0% of the parasitized children, respectively, one or more species were concurrently detected. By microscopy, A. lumbricoides (10.3%) and Trichiuris trichiura (6.5%) were the most prevalent species among these children, and Cryptosporidium was detected by PCR in 8.9% of children. GP60 locus analysis identified 6.5% of C. hominis (subtypes IaA27R3 [35.7%], IaA23R3 [14.3%], IeA11G3T3 [28.6%] and IeA11G3T3R1 [21.4%]) and 2.3% of C. parvum (subtypes IIaA16G2R1 [20.0%], IIaA15G2R1 [20.0%], IIdA26G1 [40.0%] and IIdA21G1a [20.0%]). G. duodenalis and E. bieneusi were identified in 0.5% and 8.9% of the in-hospital children, respectively. G. duodenalis Assemblage B was characterized. The E. bieneusi genotypes K (52.6%), D (26.4%), A (10.5%) and KIN1 (10.5%) were identified. Although further studies are required to clarify the epidemiology of these infectious diseases in this endemic region the significance of the present results highlights that it is crucial to strength surveillance on intestinal pathogens.  相似文献   

Seasonality often influences multiple aspects of vector-borne plant diseases. With respect to the management of plant disease vectors, an understanding of the factors driving seasonal changes in vector flight activity may improve management outcomes by facilitating more proactive application of control measures. One of the most challenging issues for citrus Huanglongbing management is to forecast when disease primary spread by bacteriliferous Diaphorina citri will occur. We monitored the temporal patterns of immigrating psyllids, using upwards of 1,200 traps spread among 9 citrus farms and checked on a weekly basis over 4 years. This dataset was analysed with a set of hierarchical models to estimate the effect of climatic variables on citrus foliage production (i.e. flush), and effects of climatic variables and citrus foliage dynamics on D. citri catches over the season. The results showed substantial seasonal variability in immigrating D. citri abundance, with the critical dispersal/migration period occurring between end of winter and spring. During this period, 65% of the total psyllids were collected on sticky traps. Seasonality of immigrating D. citri coincided with changes in certain climate variables, with negative effects of humidity and daily maximum temperatures, and a positive effect of rainfall amount in prior weeks. Maximum temperature and both daily minimum temperature and rainfall during prior weeks were also associated with new citrus flush production, which itself was positively related to immigrating D. citri abundance. Based on these results, citrus growers should be aware and intensify the frequency of psyllid control tactics (i.e. insecticide and/or kaolin sprays) during this period in order to prevent Ca. L. asiaticus transmission. These results are an important step towards developing the predictive framework needed to refine D. citri and huanglongbing management.  相似文献   

The specifity of gene encoding the ribotoxin protein in Aspergillus fumigatus was determined by PCR amplification of a portion of the gene. All A. fumigatus strains studied showed the presence of amplifiable ribotoxin product, while none of the other fungal species, with the exception of Aspergillus restrictus, showed this amplification product. Hence, this method may be used for rapid and specific identification of A. fumigatus.  相似文献   

The geographic origins of African slave settlers and the Portuguese genetic contribution to the population of S?o Tomé (Gulf of Guinea) were assessed through the analysis of beta-globin haplotypes in 44 chromosomes bearing the betaS allele and through the study of the genetic variation in eight autosomal markers (APOA1, AT3, FY, LPL, OCA2, RB1, Sb19.3, and GC) informative for admixture in a sample of 224 individuals. The observed betaS haplotype distribution (36.4% Bantu, 52.3% Benin, 4.5% Cameroon, 4.5% Senegal, and 2.3% atypical) is in accordance with the historical information on the major geographic sources of slave settlers of S?o Tomé, although it captures a more important contribution of Central-West Africa regions than previously anticipated. European admixture, estimated to be 10.7 +/- 0.9%, has created a considerable level of genetic structure, as indicated by the finding of significant linkage disequilibrium between 33% of unlinked marker loci pairs. Recent admixture was found to have an important contribution to these values, since removal of individuals with Portuguese or Cape Verdian parents or grandparents from the sample dropped the miscegenation level to 6.5 +/- 0.8% and reduced significant linkage disequilibrium to 11% of unlinked marker pairs. Taken together, these results indicate that the peopling of S?o Tomé might have provided one of the first examples of the combination of diverse African contributions and European admixture that emerged from the overseas population relocations promoted by the Atlantic slave trade.  相似文献   

Ticks on 140 domestic dogs from both urban and rural areas of Franca region in São Paulo state were identified with 102 dogs from urban areas and 38 from rural areas. Of urban dogs, 27.5% were infested exclusively by Rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks. Of the rural dogs, 36.8% were infested with the following tick species: R. sanguineus, Boophilus microplus, Amblyomma ovale and A. cajennense. Mixed infestations included a dog hosting A. cajennense and A. ovale and another with B. microplus and R. sanguineus. The most intense infestations were detected on urban dogs. Hemolymph tests of these ticks performed to detect rickettsial or Borrelia bacteria yielded negative results.  相似文献   

Objectives: The objective of this study was to verify the association between the number of teeth present with socio-demographic and economic variables and with the access to dental services and self-perception of oral health among the elderly. Materials and Methods: The sample was composed of individuals from 65 to 74 years of age, which was representative of the state of São Paulo (n = 781). In this study, the analysis of data considered dentate elderly only, who were divided into two groups: those with one to 19 teeth and those with 20 teeth or more. The chi-squared test was used in the bivariate analysis and the logistic regression was also performed (p < 0.05). Results: Among the 313 dentate elderly, 235 (75.1%) presented one to 19 teeth. The average number of teeth was 9.5 for the elderly with fewer teeth and 25 for those with more teeth. In the bivariate analysis, all variables related to the access to dental services were associated and the chances of having less teeth was among elderly who did not visit the dentist for a long time and among those who sought public dental services and did not receive information on how to avoid oral problems. In addition, the elderly who classified their speech as not good were those who presented with fewer teeth. Conclusion: Most subjects presented one to 19 teeth and this fact was directly associated, among others factors, to the unsatisfactory perception that they reported in relation to their speech and to the too long period without visiting the dentist.  相似文献   

Antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii were determined in serum samples of 502 domestic cats from Brazil by the modified agglutination test (MAT), using formalin-fixed whole tachyzoites and mercaptoethanol. Antibodies (MAT > or = 1:20) were found in 132 (26.3%) of 502 cats. With respect to origin, antibodies were found in 26.7% of 430 stray cats from S?o Paulo, 10% of 40 stray cats from Guarulhos, and 40.6% of 32 cats from a cat breeder in S?o Paulo. Antibody titers were: 1:20 in 10 cats, 1:25 in 40 cats, 1:50 in 73 cats, and > or = 1:500 in 9 cats. Exposure rates of T. gondii in cats from S?o Paulo, Brazil are similar to that in domestic cats in North America.  相似文献   

The isolation of bioactive compounds from medicinal plants, based on traditional use or ethnomedical data, is a highly promising potential approach for identifying new and effective antimalarial drug candidates. The purpose of this review was to create a compilation of the phytochemical studies on medicinal plants used to treat malaria in traditional medicine from the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries (CPSC): Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique and S?o Tomé and Príncipe. In addition, this review aimed to show that there are several medicinal plants popularly used in these countries for which few scientific studies are available. The primary approach compared the antimalarial activity of native species used in each country with its extracts, fractions and isolated substances. In this context, data shown here could be a tool to help researchers from these regions establish a scientific and technical network on the subject for the CPSC where malaria is a public health problem.  相似文献   

Benthic annelid communities were studied during a one-year period (August/95 to July/96) in two sectors of the beaches Engenho d'Agua and S?o Francisco, S?o Sebasti?o Channel (S?o Paulo, Brazil), where the substrate is composed by a mixture of sand and rock fragments. Abiotic parameters such as salinity of interstitial water and sediment properties were used to characterize the environment. The polychaetes were well represented in the two sectors and their distribution was related with sediment type. The density of individuals and the number of taxa was higher at S?o Francisco, while the diversity and the evenness were higher at Engenho d'Agua. This difference can be a consequence of organic enrichment caused by domestic input, and of the lower and more variable salinity at S?o Francisco. Due to these factors, the high density of opportunistic species, like Capitella capitata ssp., Scolelepis squamata, Laeonereis acuta and several oligochaetes, represented 75.5% of total abundance at this sector.  相似文献   

Allele frequencies and a single-base substitution polymorphism for 3 short tandem repeat (STR) loci of the human myelin basic protein (MBP) gene were evaluated in North Portugal and S?o Tomé e Príncipe. Strong linkage disequilibrium between loci MBPB and MBPC was found. However, the patterns of nonrandom allelic associations were very different in the 2 populations: levels of haplotypic diversity and heterozygosity were higher in the S?o Tomé population. Similarly, a difference in the frequency of base substitution G-->A at position 124 was found: the frequency reached 4.1% in North Portugal and 0.5% in S?o Tomé. In both populations it was always found to be associated with haplotypes B10/C11 and B12/C9.  相似文献   

Yeasts of the Cryptococcus genus are distributed in nature associated to animal and vegetal organic residues. Occasionally, species other than C. neoformans may be responsible for infectious diseases in human and animals. This study aims to determine the occurrence of Cryptococcus species in the atmosphere and bird droppings in the city of Ribeir?o Preto, S?o Paulo, Brazil, and to evaluate three virulence factors: capsule formation, growth at 37 degrees C and melanin production. We analyzed 86 environmental samples (54 droppings and 32 air). Of the 41 strains isolated, 15 were C. neoformans var. neoformans (12 droppings and 3 air), 15 C. albidus (12 droppings and 3 air), 9 C. laurentii (7 droppings and 2 air) and 2 C. uniguttulatus (from droppings). Capsules were produced by 93.3% of C. neoformans var. neoformans, 66.7% of C. albidus, 88.9% of C. laurentii and 50% (1/2) of C. uniguttulatus. All strains of C. neoformans, 20% of C. albidus and 44.4% of C. laurentii were able to grow at 37 degrees C. The melanin production on DOPA agar was verified in C. neoformans (93.3%), C. albidus (26.7%) and C. laurentii (66.7%). We concluded that different Cryptococcus species coexist in the same ecological niche and they are able to produce virulence factors.  相似文献   

Two new Brazilian species of Drosophila (subgenus Drosophila) are described and illustrated: Drosophila asymmetrica sp. nov. and Drosophila peixotoi sp. nov. Both species were collected, and emerged, from inflorescences of Goeppertia monophylla (Marantaceae) in the urban Forest Reserve of the Instituto de Biociências da Universidade de São Paulo and their types will be deposited in the Museu de Zoologia da USP. The former species, which could not be assigned to any known group, has a conspicuously asymmetric aedeagus and a narrow oviscapt valve. The latter species belongs to the guarani group and is closely related to D. guaru, D. ornatifrons and D. subbadia, from which it can be distinguished by the presence of just one conspicuous large black spine at inner lower tip of cercus instead of two spines.  相似文献   

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