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Matsuhiro  Betty  Urzúa  Carlos C. 《Hydrobiologia》1996,326(1):491-495
Palmaria decipiens, one of the most abundant red seaweeds of the chilean Antarctic, was collected in King George Island. The hot water extract (26% yield) showed by acid hydrolysis to contain xylose, galactose and traces of glucose. Fractionation with cetrimide gave a soluble neutral xylan and an insoluble fraction. The insoluble fraction afforded an acidic polysaccharide that contained 4.8% of uronic acids, 2.8% of sulfate and 18.9% of protein. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that it was homogeneous. The GLC and HPLC analysis of the total acidic hydrolysis products showed that the acidic polysaccharide was composed of the neutral sugars galactose and xylose in the molar ratio 8.2:1.0 and of galacturonic and glucuronic acid in the ratio 1.5:1.0. The second-derivative FT-IR spectrum showed the characteristic amide I, II and III bands of proteins. Alkaline cleavage with 0.1 M NaOH indicated the presence of a glycoprotein with O-glycosidic linkage.Results found in this work suggest that the acidic polysaccharide extracted from Palmaria decipiens is an acidic xylogalactan-protein complex.  相似文献   

Nabil  Samira  Cosson  Joël 《Hydrobiologia》1996,326(1):511-514
On Normandy coasts, the red alga Delesseria sanguinea perennates by its stipe; fronds grow in January and disappear in June. Seasonal variations in sterol composition in relation to the biology of D. sanguinea are reported. Sterols in cellular membranes are free or conjugated by esterification with fatty acids, heterosides or lipid complexes like phospholipids. Both kinds of sterols were analyzed by GC-MS. The major sterol (80%) found in fronds was cholesterol whereas in stipes, cholesterol was also the major sterol in spring, but in September, an important reduction in cholesterol yield was noted with proportional increase in sitosterol content. It appears that cholesterol is synthesized in fronds in spring, then transferred to the stipe, which loses an important amount of cholesterol with loss of the blades.  相似文献   

Results of a seasonal study on biomass in an infralittoral population of Iridaea cordata from Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea, Antarctica) are reported. Thalli were collected during the IX Italian Antarctic Expedition (austral summer 1993–94). The population studied is that living at depths of 4 to 6 m, where the highest density of plants occurred. The highest value of biomass (wet weight 3440 g m–2) was found at the beginning of summer. In that period 72.5% of biomass was from 128 specimens belonging to weight classes 8 (>16 to 32 g) to 10 (>64 g), corresponding to 13.4% of the population in numbers. Small (<1 g) and medium (1 to 8 g) specimens provided the remaining biomass of 5% and 22.5%, respectively. During the month of January, the number of heavy specimens decreased. At the end of that month biomass reached a minimum of 2225 g m–2. In February the biomass increased to 3169 g m –2, 72% of which was from 120 specimens belonging to weight classes 7 (>8 to 16 g) to 9 (>32 to 64 g), which numerically represented 18.5% of the population. Data showed that biomass depended mainly on the presence of large heavy specimens, even though they were always few in number. Moreover, the occurrence of such large thalli at the beginning of summer suggests that Iridaea cordata continues to grow during the long antarctic winter.  相似文献   

Pterocladia capillacea forms dense intertidal belts in southeastern Brazil, on moderately exposed rocky coasts. The studied population extends along a gradient of water exposure, where slightly different morphotypes can be recognized. Specimens were collected monthly from 3 points along the exposure gradient of its distribution (lower, medium and higher exposure), and analyzed for agar, sulfate and 3,6 anhydrogalactose content. Agar varied from 5–32% of dried seaweed with lower yields in the winter, and higher yields in late spring/early summer. Specimens from the surf side of the distribution had a consistently higher agar content throughout the year. Sulfate varied from 1–5%, and 3,6 AG from 27–48% of dried agar, without a clear variation among the sites.  相似文献   

Destombe  Christophe  Godin  José  Remy  Jean-Michel 《Hydrobiologia》1990,204(1):219-223
The dissemination and viability of Gracilaria verrucosa spermatia were tested. Crosses were performed among three males and three females from Cape Gris Nez, northern France. Laboratory experiments show that spermatia have a mean fertile life of about five hours. Field studies show that spermatia are dispersed by stream and tidal currents and that fertilization can occur at least 80 m from a population.  相似文献   

Sousa-Pinto  Isabel  Lewis  Ray  Polne-Füller  Miriam 《Hydrobiologia》1996,326(1):437-443
Phosphate concentration of the growth medium was found to affect the growth rate and agar yield of a clone of Gelidium robustum grown in the laboratory. To study differences in growth we used phosphate concentrations from 0 to 200 µM. To determine the effect of phosphate on agar yield and its properties we used concentrations from 0 to 20 µM. Growth rates generally increased with increasing phosphate concentration, with the highest growth rate (21% d–1) obtained at 150 µM. Agar yield as percentage of fresh weight was highest (10%) in the algae grown with low phosphate concentrations, but agar yield as percentage of dry weight was highest(43%) at 20 µM of phosphate. Gel strength increased with phosphate concentration with a maximum of 160 g m–2 for 0.75% gels for the cultures at 20 µM. Melting and gelling temperatures of the gels were also affected by phosphate concentration of the growth medium. Starch yield was highest in algae grown in low phosphate concentrations.  相似文献   

Matsuhiro  B.  Urzúa  C. C. 《Hydrobiologia》1990,(1):545-549
Gelidium rex grows in the rocky intertidal of central Chile. Extraction of vegetative G. rex with water at 95 °C yielded 17.9% of agar with a gel strength value of 590 g cm–2. The gel strength increased up to 1272 g cm–2 when the alga was treated with alkali prior to extraction. Cystocarpic and tetrasporic thalli of G. rex were extracted with distilled water at 95 °C, affording soluble polysaccharides in 36.0% and 15.7% yield respectively. Polysaccharides of both life history phases were fractionated by chromatography on DEAE Sephadex. Elution with distilled water gave fractions devoid of sulfate; the fraction from cystocarpic plants contained 45.5% of 3,6-anhydrogalactose whereas the neutral fraction from tetrasporic plants contained 40.0% of 3,6-anhydrogalactose. Further elution with 0.1, 0.4, 0.8 and 1.5 molar aqueous solutions of KCl afforded four fractions for each polysaccharide. Chemical analysis of these fractions showed that the agars from cystocarpic and tetrasporic Gelidium rex are mixtures of related polysaccharides that range from neutral polymers to highly sulfated galactans.  相似文献   

Amat  M. A.  Braud  J. -P. 《Hydrobiologia》1990,(1):467-471
Cultivated Chondrus crispus was used in N-NH4 uptake experiments in the laboratory. An elevation of temperature increased the apparent rate of uptake, especially up to 11 °C. Uptake in the dark was found to be 83 % of that in the light. The apparent uptake decreased with increasing internal N pool; rates were 26.5, 22.2 and 20.2 µg N g dry wt–1 min–1 for internal N pools of 2.7, 3.5 and 4.6%, respectively. Apparent uptake increased with the substrate N concentration. The resulting curve has two components: an active uptake and a diffusion component at high (> 5000 µg N L–1) external N levels. Ks and V max were calculated by deducting the diffusion component from the uptake curve: these were of 497 µg N L –1 and 14.4 µg N g dry wt–1 min–1. respectively, and reflect a low substrate affinity. This could be the result of 10 years of continuous culture of C. crispus. Uptake was similarly followed in the culture tanks and showed comparable results; nighttime would be the most appropriate time to supply nutrients.  相似文献   

Robledo  D. R.  García-Reina  G. 《Hydrobiologia》1993,260(1):401-406
Loose-lying wild plants of the carragenophyte Solieria filiformis (Kützing) Gabrielson were cultivated under greenhouse conditions in 600 l tanks in stationary and turbulent cultures, produced either by air bubbling or water jets at the bottom of the tanks. One week after inoculation 90.3% of the apices of the plants grown in air turbulent cultures initiated the formation of callus. The apices were not broken and apparently non-wounded. No callus formation were observed from a few accidentaly broken apices in any culture. Only 4% of the apices in water turbulent cultures induced callus. Reorganization of branches from the calli took place after three weeks. Organogenetic calli detached from the mother plant after four weeks and formed spherical masses of 3 cm in diameter growing as unattached balls. Cellular disorganization (i.e. callus formation) in S. filiformis seems to be a consequence of intermittent abrasion or contact stimuli against tank walls produced by turbulence.  相似文献   

The red alga Neorhodomela enomotoi Masuda et Kogame (Rhodomelaceae, Ceramiales) is described as a new species from Japan. It is characterized by the following combination of features: (i) thalli reddish-brown and slightly rigid; (ii) first-order branches mostly indeterminately branched; (iii) adventitious branches infrequent, determinately branched and formed chiefly in the axils of lateral branches; (iv) vegetative trichoblasts abundant; (v) tetrasporangia produced on paniculate ultimate and penultimate branches; and (vi) cystocarps flask-shaped (urceolate). This species has been found growing only in the upper subtidal zone in the warm temperate waters of Japan.  相似文献   

Fractionation of the cetrimide salts of the sulfated polysaccharides of Nothogenia fastigiata led to the isolation of a complex galactan sulfate. This product showed compositional and molecular weight heterodispersion together with composition-, temperature-, time-, and conformation-dependent molecular associations. In this sense, the behavior of the galactan sulfate is similar to that of the mannan sulfate previously isolated from the same seaweed.Formerly classified as Chaetangium fastigiatum.  相似文献   

Fralick  Richard A.  Baldwin  H. P.  Neto  A. I.  Hehre  E. J. 《Hydrobiologia》1990,(1):479-482
Manometric studies were conducted on Pterocladia capillacea, Gelidium latifolium and Gelidium spinulosum from the Azores, Portugal to determine optimal values of temperature, light and salinity for growth. Physiological responses were considered in relation to vertical distribution patterns of these species commonly observed throughout the Azores. Optimal parameters for the growth of Pterocladia capillacea, Gelidium latifolium and G. spinulosum were 17 to 25 °C, a photon flux density between 200 and 300 µmol m–2 s–1 and salinities of 25 to 35.  相似文献   

Miller  Ian J.  Falshaw  Ruth  Furneaux  Richard H. 《Hydrobiologia》1996,326(1):505-509
The polysaccharide recovered after extraction of Champia novae-zealandiae is a galactan with alternating 3-linked d-galactopyranosyl units sulfated at the 2-position, and 4-linked galactopyranosyl units sulfated at both the 2- and 3-positions that are predominantly of the l- and partly of the d-configuration. Other minor substitution includes 6-O-methyl ether or 4,6-pyruvate acetal on the 3-linked residues. Techniques used in determining the structure include infrared and 13C-NMR spectroscopy, and GC-MS analysis of alditol acetate derivatives produced by reductive hydrolysis/acetylation of native, methylated, and/or desulfated samples. These results are of particular interest because 4-linked 2,3-desulfated galactosyl residues have not been encountered as major constituents of red algal polysaccharides.  相似文献   

RNA extraction from seaweed tissues is problematic due to the presence of polysaccharides and polyphenolic compounds upon cell disruption. Besides, a successful RNA isolation from seaweed tissues can sometimes be strain- and species-specific. Four different methods were used to extract RNA from Gracilaria changii (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta), collected from the mangrove area at Morib, Selangor, Malaysia. An optimised and modified total RNA extraction method was developed for this recalcitrant species. The use of sand in tissue grinding, and the incorporation of phenol extraction at the initial stage resulted in the highest RNA yield (0.65–1.14 g g–1 fresh weight) with high quality (A260:280 ratio 1.80–2.05). The RNA obtained is suitable for cDNA synthesis and future functional genomic studies.  相似文献   

Reproductive structures of Laurencia pelagosae are described for the first time. Tetrasporangia, in parallel arrangement, are cut off from the mother cells adaxially; antheridial branches, which are unramified, are inserted in depressions lacking a row of axial cells on their bases; cystocarps are sessile and subspherical. The occurrence of secondary pit-connections between epidermal cells and of lenticular thickenings in the walls of medullary cells is documented. The species is included in the new section Pelagosae within the subgenus Laurencia.  相似文献   

Chloroplast banding occurs in Griffithsia pacifies Kylin in a daily rhythm. At the start of the light period, chloroplasts have a uniform distribution. During the light period chloroplasts move away from the ends of the cell leaving two chloroplast-free regions by mid-afternoon. Later in the light period these bands disperse as chloroplasts return to the ends of cell where they remain throughout the dark period. After enzyme treatment with β-glucuronidase to permeabilize cell walls, non-banded plants did not form bands after the addition of 5 μg ml?1 cytochalasin B in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). When enzyme-grown plants with chloroplast bands were treated with cytochalasin B, bands were retained for at least three days. Plants grown in media supplemented with β-glucuronidase or DMSO alone gave banding consistent with untreated controls. Staining of microfilaments with rhodamine-phalloidin before and after treatment with cytochalasin B gave results consistent with chloroplast movement studies. This is the first report of actin-mediated organelle movement in red algae.  相似文献   

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