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The sequence of 363 nucleotides near the 3' end of the pol gene and 564 nucleotides from the 5' terminus of the env gene in an endogenous murine leukemia viral (MuLV) DNA segment, cloned from AKR/J mouse DNA and designated as A-12, was obtained. For comparison, the nucleotide sequence in an analogous portion of AKR mink cell focus-forming (MCF) 247 MuLV provirus was also determined. Sequence features unique to MCF247 MuLV DNA in the 3' pol and 5' env regions were identified by comparison with nucleotide sequences in analogous regions of NFS -Th-1 xenotropic and AKR ecotropic MuLV proviruses. These included (i) an insertion of 12 base pairs encoding four amino acids located 60 base pairs from the 3' terminus of the pol gene and immediately preceding the env gene, (ii) the deletion of 12 base pairs (encoding four amino acids) and the insertion of 3 base pairs (encoding one amino acid) in the 5' portion of the env gene, and (iii) single base substitutions resulting in 2 MCF247 -specific amino acids in the 3' pol and 23 in the 5' env regions. Nucleotide sequence comparison involving the 3' pol and 5' env regions of AKR MCF247 , NFS xenotropic, and AKR ecotropic MuLV proviruses with the cloned endogenous MuLV DNA indicated that MCF247 proviral DNA sequences were conserved in the cloned endogenous MuLV proviral segment. In fact, total nucleotide sequence identity existed between the endogenous MuLV DNA and the MCF247 MuLV provirus in the 3' portion of the pol gene. In the 5' env region, only 4 of 564 nucleotides were different, resulting in three amino acid changes between AKR MCF247 MuLV DNA and the endogenous MuLV DNA present in clone A-12. In addition, nucleotide sequence comparison indicated that Moloney-and Friend-MCF MuLVs were also highly related in the 3' pol and 5' env regions to the cloned endogenous MuLV DNA. These results establish the role of endogenous MuLV DNA segments in generation of recombinant MCF viruses.  相似文献   

The site of recombination of a mink cell focus-inducing strain (Mo-MuLV83) derived from an ecotropic Moloney murine leukemia virus (Mo-MuLV) was mapped by fingerprint analysis of the large RNase T1-resistant oligonucleotides, employing a two-dimensional gel electrophoresis method. Mo-MuLV83, in contrast to the ecotropic Mo-MuLV, demonstrated a broadened host range, i.e., growth not only on mouse cells but also on mink cells, and recombination involved the env gene function. The genomic RNA of these two viruses shared 42 out of a total of 51 to 53 large T1 oligonucleotides (81%) and possessed a similar subunit size of 36S. Most of these T1 oligonucleotides were mapped in their relative order to the 3' polyadenylic acid end of the viral RNA molecules. There were 10 common oligonucleotides immediately next to the 3' termini. A cluster of 7 (in Mo-MuLV83) or 10 (in Mo-MuLV) unique T1 oligonucleotides were mapped next to the common sequences at the 3' end, and they all appeared concomitantly in a polyadenylic acid-containing RNA fraction with a sedimentation coefficient slightly larger than 18S. Therefore, the env gene of Mo-MuLV was situated at a location approximately 2,000 to 4,000 nucleotides from the 3' end of the genomic RNA, and the gene order of Mo-MuLV appeared to be similar to that of the more rigorously determined avian oncornaviruses. cDNA(SFFV) specific for the xenotropic sequences in the spleen focus-forming virus RNA hybridized to the cluster of unique oligonucleotides of Mo-MuLV83 RNA. This suggests that the loci of recombination involve the homologous env gene region of a xenotropic virus.  相似文献   

Newly acquired proviruses related to a mink cell focus-inducing murine leukemia virus were detected in low copy number in restriction endonuclease-digested DNAs from thymic lymphomas of AKR/J mice. These extra proviruses were not present in DNAs of either normal thymus or leukemic brain tissues. Extra tumor-specific DNA fragments generated by restriction endonucleases either were identical in size or fell into similar size classes, suggesting a common site(s) of provirus integration. Characterization of extra EcoRI DNA fragments for mink cell focus-inducing viral sequences revealed that all of them contained large terminal repeat sequences and that a significant number represented proviruses with deletions.  相似文献   

DBA/2 mice carry a single endogenous ecotropic murine leukemia provirus, Emv-3. This provirus is defective; it is very poorly expressed in young DBA/2 mice. The defect in Emv-3 is caused by a single base substitution in codon 3 of p15gag. The resulting amino acid substitution inhibits myristylation of the gag precursor and subsequent virus assembly. Despite this defect, percutaneous treatment of DBA/2 mice with the carcinogen and mutagen 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA) induces ecotropic murine leukemia virus replication in virtually all treated mice. We hypothesized that this induction is the result of a DMBA-induced reverse mutation in codon 3 of p15gag which allows for efficient myristylation. We tested this hypothesis by isolating ecotropic viruses from DMBA-treated mice and determining the DNA sequences of selected regions of p15gag, including codon 3. In support of the above-described model, all of the viruses examined contained single nucleotide substitutions in codon 3. In addition, most of the replication-competent viruses that were sequenced appeared to result from simple mutation of Emv-3 rather than recombination with other endogenous murine leukemia viruses. These studies may provide a basis for development of a sensitive assay for the mutagenic activity of a variety of chemical carcinogens in vivo.  相似文献   

Structures of somatically acquired murine leukemia virus (MuLV) genomes present in the DNA of a large panel of MuLV-induced C57BL and BALB/c B and non-T/non-B cell lymphomas were compared with those present in MuLV-induced T-cell lymphomas induced in the same low-"spontaneous"-lymphoma-incidence mice. Analyses were performed with probes specific for the gp70, p15E, and U3-long terminal repeat (LTR) regions of ecotropic AKV MuLV and a mink cell focus-forming virus (MCF)-LTR probe annealing with U3-LTR sequences of a unique endogenous xenotropic MuLV, which also hybridizes with U3-LTR sequences of a substantial portion of somatically acquired MCF genomes in spontaneous AKR thymomas. The DNAs of both T- and B-cell tumors induced by neonatal inoculation with the highly oncogenic C57BL-derived MCF 1233 virus predominantly contain integrated MCF proviruses. In contrast, the DNAs of more slowly developing B and non-T/non-B cell lymphomas induced by poorly oncogenic ecotropic or MCF C57BL MuLV isolates mostly contain somatically acquired ecotropic MuLV genomes. Approximately 50% of the spontaneous C57BL lymphoma DNAs contain somatically acquired MuLV genomes. None of the integrated MuLV proviruses annealed with the MCF-LTR probe, which indicates a clear difference in LTR structure with a substantial portion of the somatically acquired MuLV genomes present in the DNA of spontaneous AKR thymomas. This study stresses a dominant role of MuLV with ecotropic gp70 and LTR sequences in the development of slowly arising MuLV-induced B and non-T/non-B cell lymphomas.  相似文献   

The DNA of lymphomas from 12 AKXD recombinant inbred mouse strains was analyzed to determine the presence of somatically acquired ecotropic and mink cell focus-forming proviruses. Mink cell focus-forming proviruses were associated primarily with T-cell lymphomas, whereas ecotropic proviruses were associated with lymphomas of B-cell and myeloid lineages. A model based on the results is proposed to explain the variation in lymphoma types observed in different AKXD strains.  相似文献   

Mouse-hamster somatic cell hybrids were used to show that the recombinant mink cell focus-forming murine leukemia viruses and their ecotropic virus progenitors require different mouse chromosomes for replication. Mouse chromosome 1 was shown to carry the genetic information necessary for the replication of six different mink cell focus-forming isolates, and this gene, designated Rmc-1, was tentatively positioned at the distal end of the chromosome.  相似文献   

In a series of blot hybridization experiments, using a xenotropic envelope probe and restriction enzymes known to cut xenotropic proviral DNA a single time (EcoRI) or not at all (HindIII), we have studied the organization and relationship of endogenous xenotropic env-related sequences in various mouse strains. Multiple copies (18 to 28) of xenotropic env-reactive fragments were found in all mouse DNAs after digestion with either HindIII or EcoRI, and the majority of fragments were of sizes compatible with their origin from full-length proviral DNA. Five HindIII and five EcoRI restriction fragments were common to all inbred mouse DNAs tested. In addition, each strain exhibited unique characteristic xenotropic env-reactive bands; these bands were remarkably stable during many years of inbreeding. The cleavage patterns characteristic of each strain were also useful for showing genealogical relatedness among the various inbred mice.  相似文献   

Endogenous murine leukemia virus (MuLV) was induced with 5-iododeoxyuridine (IdUrd) from the high-leukemia mouse strain AKR and from two low-leukemia strains, C3H/He and BALB/c. A virus-free cell line from strain AKR readily gave rise to infectious, XC-positive MuLV upon treatment with IdUrd, whereas cells from strains C3H/He and BALB/c produced replication-deficient, XC-negative MuLV. IdUrd-induced cells also produced xenotropic and mink cell focus-forming MuLV. Xenotropic virus emerged at a higher titer from both AKR and BALB/c cells during two discrete time intervals, first at day 3 after induction and a second time during spread of the induced ecotropic MuLV. Xenotropic and mink cell focus-forming MuLVs were also produced by IdUrd-induced C3H/He cells but required another round of infection in Sc-1 cells for detection. The in vitro infectivity of endogenous ecotropic MuLV isolated by IdUrd induction from C3H/He cells correlated with pathogenicity in the Fv-1-compatible, leukemia-negative mouse strain NFS/N. Thus, the virulence of endogenous ecotropic MuLV may be an important factor in determining the leukemia incidence in these inbred strains of mice.  相似文献   

Recombinant phages containing murine leukemia virus (MuLV)-reactive DNA sequences were isolated after screening of a BALB/c mouse embryo DNA library and from shotgun cloning of EcoRI-restricted AKR/J mouse liver DNA. Twelve different clones were isolated which contained incomplete MuLV proviral DNA sequences extending various distances from either the 5' or 3' long terminal repeat (LTR) into the viral genome. Restriction maps indicated that the endogenous MuLV DNAs were related to xenotropic MuLVs, but they shared several unique restriction sites among themselves which were not present in known MuLV proviral DNAs. Analyses of internal restriction fragments of the endogenous LTRs suggested the existence of at least two size classes, both of which were larger than the LTRs of known ecotropic, xenotropic, or mink cell focus-forming (MCF) MuLV proviruses. Five of the six cloned endogenous MuLV proviral DNAs which contained envelope (env) DNA sequences annealed to a xenotropic MuLV env-specific DNA probe; in addition, four of these five also hybridized to an ecotropic MuLV-specific env DNA probe. Cloned MCF 247 proviral DNA also contained such dual-reactive env sequences. One of the dual-reactive cloned endogenous MuLV DNAs contained an env region that was indistinguishable by AluI and HpaII digestion from the analogous segment in MCF 247 proviral DNA and may therefore represent a progenitor for the env gene of this recombinant MuLV. In addition, the endogenous MuLV DNAs were highly related by AluI cleavage to the Moloney MuLV provirus in the gag and pol regions.  相似文献   

AKV and AKR mink cell focus-forming virus-specific probes from the envelope and long terminal repeat (LTR) regions were prepared for study of the structure of recombinant proviruses in tumor tissues of AKR mice. The results showed that (i) all somatically acquired proviruses possessed, besides a recombinant gp70 gene, an altered U3 LTR; (ii) in a substantial portion of the somatically acquired AKR mink cell focus-forming proviruses, the LTR comprised sequences derived from the same xenotropic-like provirus; (iii) this U3 LTR donating parental provirus (Xeno-dL) was present only once per genome equivalent in several mouse strains; (iv) in the strains containing the Xeno-dL provirus, the provirus was present in the same chromosomal site; (v) restriction analysis of the Xeno-dL revealed that the mink cell focus-forming gp70 sequences were derived from a parental provirus, different from Xeno-dL. Therefore, at least two non-ecotropic parents participate in the generation of leukemogenic AKR mink cell focus-forming viruses: a xenotropic-like virus, Xeno-dL, donating U3 LTR sequences, and another xenotropic-like virus or viruses providing gp70 sequences.  相似文献   

Induction of apoptosis by different types of pathogenic retroviruses is an important step in disease development. We have observed that infection of thymic lymphocytes by the mink cell focus-forming murine leukemia virus (MCF MLV) during the preleukemic period resulted in an enhancement of apoptosis of these cells. To further study the ability of MCF MLVs to induce apoptosis and the role of this process in viral pathogenesis, we have developed an in vitro system of virus-induced apoptosis. MCF13 MLV infection of mink epithelial cells resulted in the production of cytopathic foci. In contrast, infection of mink cells with the 4070A amphotropic MLV did not produce any cytopathic effects. Staining of MCF13 MLV-infected cells with propidium iodide and annexin V-fluorescein isothiocyanate indicated that virus-induced cell death was due to apoptosis. At 6 days postinfection, the percentage of apoptotic MCF13 MLV-infected cells was 27% compared with 2 to 3% for mock- or amphotropic MLV-infected cells, representing a 9- to 14-fold difference. Assays for caspase-3 activation confirmed the detection by flow cytometry of apoptosis of MCF13 MLV-infected cells. Large amounts of unintegrated linear viral DNA were detectable by Southern blot analysis during the acute phase of infection, which indicated that MCF13 MLV is able to superinfect mink cells. Unintegrated viral DNA of only the linear form was detectable in thymic lymphocytes isolated from MCF13 MLV-inoculated mice during the preleukemic period. These results indicated that the ability of MCF13 MLV to induce apoptosis is correlated with its ability to superinfect cells and that this occurs as an early step in thymic lymphoma development.  相似文献   

We analyzed wild mouse DNAs for the number and type of proviral genes related to the env sequences of various murine leukemia viruses (MuLVs). Only Mus species closely related to laboratory mice carried these retroviral sequences, and the different subclasses of viral env genes tended to be restricted to specific taxonomic groups. Only Mus musculus molossinus carried proviral genes which cross-reacted with the inbred mouse ecotropic MuLV env gene. The ecotropic viral env sequence associated with the Fv-4 resistance gene was found in the Asian mice M. musculus molossinus and Mus musculus castaneus and in California mice from Lake Casitas (LC). Both M. musculus castaneus and LC mice carried many additional Fv-4 env-related proviruses, two of which are common to both mouse populations, which suggests that these mice share a recent common ancestry. Xenotropic and mink cell focus-forming (MCF) virus env sequences were more widely dispersed in wild mice than the ecotropic viral env genes, which suggests that nonecotropic MuLVs were integrated into the Mus germ line at an earlier date. Xenotropic MuLVs represented the major component of MuLV env-reactive genes in Asian and eastern European mice classified as M. musculus molossinus, M. musculus castaneus, and Mus musculus musculus, whereas Mus musculus domesticus from western Europe, the Mediterranean, and North America contained almost exclusively MCF virus env copies. M. musculus musculus mice from central Europe trapped near the M. musculus domesticus/M. musculus musculus hybrid zone carried multiple copies of both types of env genes. LC mice also carried both xenotropic and MCF viral env genes, which is consistent with the above conclusion that they represent natural hybrids of M. musculus domesticus and M. musculus castaneus.  相似文献   

The Gross passage A murine leukemia virus (MuLV) induced T-cell leukemia of clonal (or oligoclonal) origin in inoculated mice. To study the role of the integrated proviruses in these tumor cells, we cloned several newly integrated proviruses (with their flanking cellular sequences) from a single tumor in procaryotic vectors. With each of the five clones obtained, a probe was prepared from the cellular sequences flanking the provirus. With one such probe (SS8), we screened several Gross passage A MuLV-induced SIM.S mouse tumor DNAs and found that, in 11 of 40 tumors, a provirus was integrated into a common region designated Gin-1. A 26-kilobase-pair sequence of Gin-1 was cloned from two lambda libraries, and a restriction map was derived. All proviruses were integrated as a cluster in the same orientation within a 5-kilobase-pair region of Gin-1, and most of them had a recombinant structure of the mink cell focus-forming virus type. The frequency of Gin-1 occupancy by provirus was much lower in thymoma induced by other strains of MuLV in other mouse strains. Using somatic-cell hybrid DNAs, we mapped Gin-1 on mouse chromosome 19. Gin-1 was not homologous to 16 known oncogenes and was distinct from the other common regions for provirus integration previously described. Therefore, Gin-1 appears to represent a new common provirus integration region. The integration of a provirus within Gin-1 might be an important event leading to T-cell transformation, and the Gin-1 region might harbor sequences which are involved in tumor development.  相似文献   

Germ line acquisition of ecotropic proviruses occurs at a high frequency in the progeny of SWR/J-RF/J hybrid mice carrying two genetically linked RF/J ecotropic proviral loci, Emv-16 and Emv-17 (N. A. Jenkins and N. G. Copeland, Cell 43:811-819, 1985). To determine if genetic background affects proviral integration frequency, I analyzed a series of crosses in which the two RF/J proviral loci were transferred onto different provirus-negative background strains. Unlike SWR/J-RF/J hybrid progeny, few CBA/CaJ-RF/J hybrid mice were identified that carried new germ line proviral loci. These results indicate that genetic factors other than the linked RF/J proviral loci contribute to the increased frequency of germ line provirus integration seen in the SWR/J-RF/J hybrids. The frequency of proviral acquisition appeared to increase when females carrying Emv-16, Emv-17, and at least one new proviral locus were further backcrossed, suggesting that integration frequency can be increased by genetic manipulation. The breeding data are consistent with the hypothesis that virus from the mother infects the egg or the early embryo. Analysis of the transmission frequency and cosegregation patterns of new proviral loci indicated that viral integration occurs after the first round of DNA replication and before the germ line is set aside during embryogenesis, with a majority of viral integrations occurring at the two-cell stage of development, and independent viral integrations can occur in the same or in different cells of the embryo.  相似文献   

Infection of mink S+L- cells with ecotropic murine leukemia virus, achieved by phenotypic mixing with xenotropic virus, did not result in the induction of transformed foci. Also, clonal line of S+L- mink cells, chronically infected with ecotropic murine leukemia virus, which produce both the ecotropic virus and its murine sarcoma virus pseudotype are morphologically indistinguishable from normal S+L- mink cells. Neutralizing antiserum added to S+L- mink cells inoculated with xenotropic virus 24 h earlier prevented the formation of foci of transformed cells. Together, these observations indicate that focus formation in S+L- cells requires a regional spread of infection, with the insertion of additional murine sarcoma virus genomes and resultant transformation occurring from a gene dosage effect.  相似文献   

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