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Sex assessment from tooth measurements can be of major importance for forensic and bioarchaeological investigations, especially when only teeth or jaws are available. The purpose of this study is to assess the reliability and applicability of establishing sex identity in a sample of Greek population using the discriminant function proposed by Rösing et al. (1995).  相似文献   

Males of many lizard species have longer tails than similarly-sized females. We hypothesized that this dimorphism is induced by a longer non-autotomous tail part in males, which is associated with the presence of the copulatory organs at the tail base, and presumably reduces the males' ability to escape predation by tail shedding. A compensatory mechanism would be an increase of total tail length in males, to achieve equal lengths of the autotomous tail part in both sexes. A critical prediction of this 'morphological constraint' hypothesis is that the extent of dimorphism in total tail length increases with the magnitude of sexual differences in length of the non-autotomous tail base. We tested this prediction through a comparative study in a small clade of lacertid lizards. Within each of nine species, sexual differences in length of the non-autotomous tail base and in total tail length do not change with body size. All species, except one, exhibit a clear male-biased dimorphism in length of the non-breakable tail base. In all species studied, males have longer tails than females. We used the method of phylogenetically independent contrasts to explore the interspecific relation between dimorphism in length of the tail base and sexual differences in total tail length. Contrary to our prediction, we found no evidence for a positive correlation between the extent of dimorphism in both traits. Thus, constraints imposed by the male copulatory organs on tail autotomy do not seem to be a significant factor in the evolution of dimorphism in tail length in this clade of lacertid lizards.  相似文献   

M. A. Elgar    N. Ghaffar    A. F. Read 《Journal of Zoology》1990,222(3):455-470
The degree and direction of sexual dimorphism across different species is commonly attributed to differences in the selection pressures acting on males and females. The extent of these differences is especially apparent in species that practise sexual cannibalism, where the female attempts to capture and eat a courting male. Here, we investigate the relationship between sexual dimorphism in size and leg length, sexual cannibalism and courtship behaviour in three taxonomic groups of orb-weaving spiders, using morphological data from 249 species in 36 genera. Females are larger than males in all three taxonomic groups, and males have relatively longer legs than females in both the Araneinae and Tetragnathidae. Across genera within each taxonomic group, male body size is positively correlated with both female body size and male leg length, and female body size is positively correlated with female leg length. Sexual size dimorphism is negatively correlated with relative male leg length within the Araneinae, but not within either the Tetragnathidae or the Gasteracanthinae. There was no negative correlation between sexual size dimorphism and relative female leg length in any taxonomic group. We argue that the relationship between sexual size dimorphism and relative male leg length within the Araneinae may be the result of selection imposed by sexual cannibalism by females.  相似文献   

Like the majority of Columbiformes, the Laughing Dove Spilopelia senegalensis is sexually monomorphic in plumage, but seems to be slightly dimorphic in size. However, due to the lack of studies little is known about the sexual size dimorphism in this species. In this work, we used morphometric data on a sample of 61 Laughing Doves from southern Tunisia, and sexed using a DNA-based method, to assess size differences between males and females and to determine a discriminant function useful for sex identification. The results showed that wing length was the most dimorphic trait, which could be due to the effects of sexual selection. The best function for the discrimination between sexes included wing length and head length, which is comparable with findings on other dove species. This discriminant function accurately classified 89% of birds, providing a rapid and accurate tool for sex identification in the studied population. Further data from different populations are needed for firmer conclusions about the extent of sexual size dimorphism and the reliability of the morphometric sexing approach in this dove species.  相似文献   

通过比较鳄蜥的体型与头部大小等特征的差异,研究了鳄蜥的两性异形情况.结果表明:性成熟鳄蜥个体体色差异显著,成年雄性头胸部腹面呈鲜红色或浅蓝色,而雌性为浅黄色或淡红色;成年雄性头部显著大于成年雌性(头长(HL),P<0.001;头宽(HW),P<0.001),成年雌性腹部长(AL)显著大干成年雄性(P=0.018);而成...  相似文献   

Jerzy  Ba&#;bura 《Journal of Zoology》1986,210(1):131-136
In both sexes of Hirundo rustica two metric traits are significantly different. One of these traits, tail length, shows a positive correlation between mates and a negative correlation with the date of first egg laying. On the other hand, wing lengths are not significantly related in any of the corresponding tests. Similar relations were recorded both for all analysed birds and for at least two-year-old individuals. It is suggested that sexual selection, as proposed by Darwin (1871) for monogamous birds, is responsible for sexual dimorphism in the tail length of the Swallow. It seems that intersexual difference in wing length could be a result of such mechanisms as stabilizing the body sizes of males and females at different energetically optimum levels by natural selection.  相似文献   

The population consequences of sexual selection remain empirically unexplored. Comparative studies, involving extinction risk, have yielded different results as to the effect of sexual selection on population densities make contrasting predictions. Here, we investigate the relationship between sexual dimorphism (SD) and population productivity in the seed beetle Callosobruchus maculatus, using 13 populations that have evolved in isolation. Geometric morphometric methods and image analysis are employed to form integrative measures of sexual dimorphism, composed of variation in weight, size, body shape, and pigmentation. We found a positive relationship between SD and adult fitness (net adult offspring production) across our study populations, but failed to find any association between SD and juvenile fitness (egg-to-adult survival). Several mechanisms may have contributed to the pattern found, and variance in sexual selection regimes across populations, either in female choice for "good genes" or in the magnitude of direct benefits provided by their mates, would tend to produce the pattern seen. However, our results suggest that evolutionary constraints in the form of intralocus sexual conflict may have been the major generator of the relationship seen between SD and population fitness.  相似文献   

With the aim of determining sex dimorphism among the Chuvashian population of Russia, digital and palmar dermatoglyphics of 547 individuals (293 males, 254 females) were analyzed. The sex differences for PII, TRC, and AFRC are similar to Indian and Jewish populations. Correlation coefficients between individual finger ridge counts are a little lower than in Jews but are almost equal to Indian populations. The Mantel test of matrix correlation between sexes for 22 traits shows a very good similarity. However, sex differences of palmar traits display different levels when compared with other human populations. In light of this, our evidence indicates the possible role of environmental (prenatal) factors in the realization of dermatoglyphic sex differences. The development of palmar dermatoglyphics has had a relatively longer growth period compared with fingers [Cummins, H., 1929. The topographic history of the volar pads (walking pads, tast ballen) in the human embryo. Embryol. 20, 103-126]. The palmar dermatoglyphic pattern of affinities therefore corresponds better than fingers to the ethno historical background of the populations, ascertained by numerous studies.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism in parasitoid wasps of the family Ichneumonidae is surveyed and the problems associated with its measurement are discussed. Conclusions drawn by Hurlbutt are demonstrated to be incorrect. The significance of sexual dimorphism in ichneumonids is explored briefly.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism in ecologically relevant traits is ubiquitous in animals. However, other types of intraspecific phenotypic divergence, such as trophic polymorphism, are less common. Because linkage to sex should often lead to balancing selection, understanding the association between sex and phenotypic divergence could help explain why particular species show high morphological variability. To determine if sexual dimorphism could be helping to maintain ecomorphological variation in a classic case of intraspecific trophic polymorphism, we examined the association between sex and morphological divergence in the cichlid Herichthys minckleyi. Although H. minckleyi with enlarged molariform teeth on their pharyngeal jaws have been reported to more commonly be male, we did not find an association between sex and pharyngeal morphotype. Sex was associated with divergence in body size (as measured through standard length). But, sex was not associated with any of the other trophic traits examined. However, pharyngeal morphotype did show an association with gut length, gape, and tooth number. Sexual dimorphism is not playing a central role in enhancing trophic diversity within H. minckleyi. J. Morphol. 276:1448–1454, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We analysed intercohort variability of live weight and antler length of 5,123 reindeer calves. We further assessed the influence of climate and density on the interannual variation in antler length, and discussed sex-specific resource allocation and response to climate variability. Antler length varied significantly among years and between sexes, with interaction between year and sex. Body weight and antler length were highly positively correlated, showed similar intercohort variability, and had a strong allometrical link, suggesting that antler length could be an equally reliable measure of calf condition as live weight. We found a relative measure of antler length (i.e. antler length corrected for the allometric effect of body mass) to be positively influenced by increasing density and May–June precipitation, and also decreasing May–June temperature. We attributed the effect of early summer weather to its influence on forage availability and quality as well as the level of parasitic insect harassment. Gender difference in both the allometric exponents and the interannual variability suggest that young males and females may have different tactics for relative resource allocation towards growth of antlers as compared to body mass. Because antlers are costly to produce, they may be an honest signal of individual quality for both sexes. However, we found gender-specific allometry, as female calves more than males appear to prioritize their antler growth over body mass, especially when resources are limited. Thus, our results suggest that environmental variation may influence the extent of sexual dimorphism in antler length. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

The bulbocavernosus (BC) and levator ani (LA) muscles of rats show remarkable androgen-dependent sexual dimorphism. These muscles are additionally of interest because they are thought to indirectly mediate sexual differentiation of innervating spinal motoneurons. This sexual differentiation of the BC/LA is thought to be due to an increase in muscle units in the male rat during the first week after birth. We examined the cellular basis of this differentiation by studying satellite cells in the LA of postnatal day 2.5 rats, when sexual dimorphism is already prominent. Two experiments were performed in which LA satellite cells were measured: (1) wild-type (WT) males were compared with females and to Tfm androgen receptor mutant males, which are androgen insensitive despite producing masculine amounts of testosterone, and (2) females treated prenatally and/or postnatally with testosterone proprionate were compared with females receiving vehicle injections. Our results indicate that WT males have a larger LA and a greater number of satellite cells in the LA muscle than females or Tfm males. However, satellite cell density was similar for all three groups. Prenatal testosterone treatment masculinized LA size and resulted in a corresponding increase in satellite cell populations, while postnatal TP treatment resulted in a tendency for increased satellite cell density without a significant increase in LA size. Taken together, these studies indicate that satellite cells in the neonatal LA muscle are sexually dimorphic, and that this dimorphism likely results from perinatal actions of androgens on androgen receptors.  相似文献   

There are numerous studies concerning sexual dimorphism in body proportions, but only a few have investigated growth in the relative length of particular segments of the upper and lower limbs during adolescence. The aim of the study is an assessment of sex differences of longitudinal growth in the relative length of the forearm and knee height among adolescents. Sample involved 121 boys and 111 girls, participants of the Wroclaw Growth Study, examined annually between 8 and 18 years of age. Sexual dimorphism in six ratios: forearm length and knee height relatively to: trunk, height, and limb length were analyzed using a two‐way analysis of variance with repeated measurements. The sex and age relative to an estimate of maturity timing (3 years before, and after age class at peak height velocity [PHV]) were independent variables. All of the ratios showed significant sex differences in interaction with age relative to age at PHV. The relative length of the forearm, in boys, did not change significantly with the years relative to age at PHV, whereas in girls, was the lowest in the two first age classes and afterward significantly increased just 1 year before and during the adolescent growth spurt, remaining unchanged in further age classes. For relative knee height no clear pattern for sex differences was noticed. It is proposed that relatively longer forearms, particularly in relation to the trunk in girls, could have evolved as an adaptation to more efficient infant carrying and protection during breastfeeding.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism of tooth size in anthropoids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have examined the size of the canine and postcanine teeth of cebid and catarrhine primates in relation to each other, to jaw size and to body weight. We have found that the canine size of males is large enough to be limited by jaw shape and size. A large contribution of P4 to the postcanine row is associated with smaller canines in males. Neither factor seems to limit canine size in females. The females of a small number of species possess enlarged canines. Much of the variation of the postcanine row can be described by the ratio of the (nominal) crown areas of M1 to M3. This ratio is monomorphic which conforms with the general lack of dietary dimorphism in primates. A brief discussion of the evolution of canine size is offered with a new suggestion to account for canine reduction in male hominids.  相似文献   

We analysed sexual size dimorphism (SSD) for two Mediterranean species of the “true” salamander clade possessing distinct life histories (Salamandra algira and Mertensiella caucasica) and equilibrated the morphometric approach to individual age by using skeletochronology. For species that have a short breeding season and live at high altitudes, such as Mediterranean amphibians, the fecundity advantage hypothesis predicts female-biased SSD to maximise reproductive success. Our results showed no SSD in either species; however, morphometric data indicated a male-biased dimorphism in limb (arm and leg) dimensions in both species when compared to body size. Limb dimorphisms are likely related to the particular mating system, which involves an amplexus during spermatophore transfer. Arm length appeared sexually dimorphic during ontogeny both in viviparous S. algira and oviparous M. caucasica. A review on SSD indicated monomorphy of body size as a common lineage-specific pattern among the “true” salamander clade, but also the common presence of other traits such as sexually dimorphic limb proportions.  相似文献   

Male intrasexual competition should favour increased male physical prowess. This should in turn result in greater aerobic capacity in males than in females (i.e. sexual dimorphism) and a correlation between sexual dimorphism in aerobic capacity and the strength of sexual selection among species. However, physiological scaling laws predict that aerobic capacity should be lower per unit body mass in larger than in smaller animals, potentially reducing or reversing the sex difference and its association with measures of sexual selection. We used measures of haematocrit and red blood cell (RBC) counts from 45 species of primates to test four predictions related to sexual selection and body mass: (i) on average, males should have higher aerobic capacity than females, (ii) aerobic capacity should be higher in adult than juvenile males, (iii) aerobic capacity should increase with increasing sexual selection, but also that (iv) measures of aerobic capacity should co‐vary negatively with body mass. For the first two predictions, we used a phylogenetic paired t‐test developed for this study. We found support for predictions (i) and (ii). For prediction (iii), however, we found a negative correlation between the degree of sexual selection and aerobic capacity, which was opposite to our prediction. Prediction (iv) was generally supported. We also investigated whether substrate use, basal metabolic rate and agility influenced physiological measures of oxygen transport, but we found only weak evidence for a correlation between RBC count and agility.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphisms – phenotypic dissimilarities between the sexes – are common and widespread among plants and animals, and classical examples include differences in body size, colour, shape, ornamentation and behaviour. In general, sexual dimorphisms are hypothesized to evolve by way of sexual selection acting on one sex through priority-of-access for sexual partners via mate choice and/or intra-sexual competition. In snakes, males are the mate-searching sex and one form of sexual selection involves male–male competition in locating females by following pheromone trails using their forked tongues, the structure used to sample environmental chemicals for transduction in the vomeronasal chemosensory system (VNS). Based on several lines of empirical evidence, increased tongue forking (bifurcation) in snakes (and some lizard taxa) appears to enhance chemical trail-following abilities through tropotaxis (the simultaneous comparison of stimulus intensities on two sides of the body) and thus aids in prey location and mate searching in males. We predicted that male copperheads, Agkistrodon contortrix , a North American pitviper, should have more deeply forked tongues than females owing to male–male competition for priority-of-access to widely dispersed females during the mating seasons. We examined formalin-fixed, ethanol-preserved museum specimens of adult A. contortrix for sexual size dimorphism (SSD) of the tongue. Tongue dimensions showed differences indicative of SSD, and the degree of bifurcation (i.e. mean tine length) was significantly greater in males. Various structures of the VNS and associated regions (e.g. muscles) in some vertebrate taxa show sexual dimorphism, but our study is the first to document dimorphism in the tongue of a tetrapod vertebrate.  相似文献   

Craniofacial sexual dimorphism on size and shape in a prepubertal (6–12 years of age) population of northern Greece has been studied by means of both univariate and multivariate analysis. The structure of population was limiting the influence of environmental and genetic factors. Even though there have been observed statistical significant differences between the sexes in most of the variables it has not been concluded any sexual dimorphism in the morphology of the craniofacial area.  相似文献   

We measured canine teeth from 28 woolly spider monkeys (Brachyteles arachnoides) to assess sexual dimorphism and population differences. The specimens are from the Brazilian states of Bahia, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, and São Paulo. We found strong sexual dimorphism in canine length for individuals belonging to populations south of 22°00 latitude but no sexual dimorphism in canine length from individuals of populations north of 21°00 latitude. Canine length did not vary among females of northern and southern populations. However, southern males had significantly longer canines than northern males. This geographical difference in canine morphology, together with the presence or absence of thumbs and published accounts of differences in genetics and social structure between northern and southern populations, suggests thatBrachyteles arachnoides may be composed of at least two subspecies, which appear to be separated by the rivers Grande and Paraiba do Sul and the Serra da Mantiqueira.  相似文献   

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