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Cytochrome bo3 is the major respiratory oxidase located in the cytoplasmic membrane of Escherichia coli when grown under high oxygen tension. The enzyme catalyzes the 2-electron oxidation of ubiquinol-8 and the 4-electron reduction of dioxygen to water. When solubilized and isolated using dodecylmaltoside, the enzyme contains one equivalent of ubiquinone-8, bound at a high affinity site (QH). The quinone bound at the QH site can form a stable semiquinone, and the amino acid residues which hydrogen bond to the semiquinone have been identified. In the current work, it is shown that the tightly bound ubiquinone-8 at the QH site is not displaced by ubiquinol-1 even during enzyme turnover. Furthermore, the presence of high affinity inhibitors, HQNO and aurachin C1–10, does not displace ubiquinone-8 from the QH site. The data clearly support the existence of a second binding site for ubiquinone, the QL site, which can rapidly exchange with the substrate pool. HQNO is shown to bind to a single site on the enzyme and to prevent formation of the stable ubisemiquinone, though without displacing the bound quinone. Inhibition of the steady state kinetics of the enzyme indicates that aurachin C1–10 may compete for binding with quinol at the QL site while, at the same time, preventing formation of the ubisemiquinone at the QH site. It is suggested that the two quinone binding sites may be adjacent to each other or partially overlap.  相似文献   

Recent proteome studies on the Escherichia coli membrane proteins suggested that YhcB is a putative third subunit of cytochrome bd-type ubiquinol oxidase (CydAB) (F. Stenberg, P. Chovanec, S.L. Maslen, C.V. Robinson, L.L. Ilag, G. von Heijne, D.O. Daley, Protein complexes of the Escherichia coli cell envelope. J. Biol. Chem. 280 (2005) 34409-34419). We isolated and characterized cytochrome bd from the DeltayhcB strain, and found that the formation of the CydAB heterodimer, the spectroscopic properties of bound hemes, and kinetic parameters for the ubiquinol-1 oxidation were identical to those of cytochrome bd from the wild-type strain. Anion-exchange chromatography and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that YhcB was not associated with the cytochrome bd complex. We concluded that YhcB is dispensable for the assembly and function of cytochrome bd. YhcB, which is distributed only in gamma-proteobacteria, may be a part of another membrane protein complex or may form a homo multimeric complex.  相似文献   

Copper amine oxidases are homodimeric enzymes that catalyze two reactions: first, a self-processing reaction to generate the 2,4,5-trihydroxyphenylalanine (TPQ) cofactor from an active site tyrosine by a single turnover mechanism; second, the oxidative deamination of primary amine substrates with the production of aldehyde, hydrogen peroxide, and ammonia catalyzed by the mature enzyme. The importance of active site residues in both of these processes has been investigated by structural studies and site-directed mutagenesis in enzymes from various organisms. One conserved residue is a tyrosine, Tyr369 in the Escherichia coli enzyme, whose hydroxyl is hydrogen bonded to the O4 of TPQ. To explore the importance of this site, we have studied a mutant enzyme in which Tyr369 has been mutated to a phenylalanine. We have determined the X-ray crystal structure of this variant enzyme to 2.1 A resolution, which reveals that TPQ adopts a predominant nonproductive conformation in the resting enzyme. Reaction of the enzyme with the irreversible inhibitor 2-hydrazinopyridine (2-HP) reveals differences in the reactivity of Y369F compared with wild type with more efficient formation of an adduct (lambda(max) = 525 nm) perhaps reflecting increased mobility of the TPQ adduct within the active site of Y369F. Titration with 2-HP also reveals that both wild type and Y369F contain one TPQ per monomer, indicating that Tyr369 is not essential for TPQ formation, although we have not measured the rate of TPQ biogenesis. The UV-vis spectrum of the Y369F protein shows a broader peak and red-shifted lambda(max) at 496 nm compared with wild type (480 nm), consistent with an altered electronic structure of TPQ. Steady-state kinetic measurements reveal that Y369F has decreased catalytic activity particularly below pH 6.5 while the K(M) for substrate beta-phenethylamine increases significantly, apparently due to an elevated pK(a) (5.75-6.5) for the catalytic base, Asp383, that should be deprotonated for efficient binding of protonated substrate. At pH 7.0, the K(M) for wild type and Y369F are similar at 1.2 and 1.5 microM, respectively, while k(cat) is decreased from 15 s(-1) in wild type to 0.38 s(-1), resulting in a 50-fold decrease in k(cat)/K(M) for Y369F. Transient kinetics experiments indicate that while the initial stages of enzyme reduction are slower in the variant, these do not represent the rate-limiting step. Previous structural and solution studies have implicated Tyr369 as a component of a proton shuttle from TPQ to dioxygen. The moderate changes in kinetic parameters observed for the Y369F variant indicate that if this is the case, then the absence of the Tyr369 hydroxyl can be compensated for efficiently within the active site.  相似文献   

The cytochrome bd quinol oxidase is one of two respiratory oxidases in Escherichia coli. It oxidizes dihydroubiquinol or dihydromenaquinol while reducing dioxygen to water. The bd-type oxidases have only been found in prokaryotes and have been implicated in the survival of some bacteria, including pathogens, under conditions of low aeration. With a high affinity for dioxygen, cytochrome bd not only couples respiration to the generation of a proton motive force but also scavenges O(2). In the current work, the role of a highly conserved arginine residue is explored by site-directed mutagenesis. Four mutations were made: R391A, R391K, R391M, and R391Q. All of the mutations except R391K result in enzyme lacking ubiquinol oxidase activity. Oxidase activity using the artificial reductant N,N,N',N'-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine in place of ubiquinol was, however, unimpaired by the mutations, indicating that the catalytic center where O(2) is reduced is intact. UV-visible spectra of each of the mutant oxidases show no perturbations to any of the three heme components (heme b(558), heme b(595), and heme d). However, spectroelectrochemical titrations of the R391A mutant reveal that the midpoint potentials of all of the heme components are substantially lower compared with the wild type enzyme. Since Arg(391) is close to Met(393), one of the axial ligands to heme b(558), it is to be expected that the R391A mutation might destabilize the reduced form of heme b(558). The fact that the midpoint potentials of heme d and heme b(595) are also significantly lowered in the R391A mutant is consistent with these hemes being physically close together on the periplasmic side of the membrane.  相似文献   

Cell respiration is catalyzed by the heme-copper oxidase superfamily of enzymes, which comprises cytochrome c and ubiquinol oxidases. These membrane proteins utilize different electron donors through dissimilar access mechanisms. We report here the first structure of a ubiquinol oxidase, cytochrome bo3, from Escherichia coli. The overall structure of the enzyme is similar to those of cytochrome c oxidases; however, the membrane-spanning region of subunit I contains a cluster of polar residues exposed to the interior of the lipid bilayer that is not present in the cytochrome c oxidase. Mutagenesis studies on these residues strongly suggest that this region forms a quinone binding site. A sequence comparison of this region with known quinone binding sites in other membrane proteins shows remarkable similarities. In light of these findings we suggest specific roles for these polar residues in electron and proton transfer in ubiquinol oxidase.  相似文献   

Cytochrome bd is one of the two terminal ubiquinol oxidases in the respiratory chain of Escherichia coli catalyzing reduction of O2 to H2O. The enzyme is expressed under low oxygen tension; due to high affinity for O2 it is isolated mainly as a stable oxygenated complex. Direct measurement of O2 binding to heme d in the one-electron reduced isolated enzyme gives K(d(O2)) of approximately 280 nM. It is possible to photolyse the heme d oxy-complex by illumination of the enzyme for several minutes under microaerobic conditions; the light-induced difference absorption spectrum is virtually identical to the inverted spectrum of O2 binding to heme d.  相似文献   

Cytochrome bd oxidase operons from more than 50 species of bacteria contain a short gene encoding a small protein that ranges from ∼30 to 50 amino acids and is predicted to localize to the cell membrane. Although cytochrome bd oxidases have been studied for more than 70 years, little is known about the role of this small protein, denoted CydX, in oxidase activity. Here we report that Escherichia coli mutants lacking CydX exhibit phenotypes associated with reduced oxidase activity. In addition, cell membrane extracts from ΔcydX mutant strains have reduced oxidase activity in vitro. Consistent with data showing that CydX is required for cytochrome bd oxidase activity, copurification experiments indicate that CydX interacts with the CydAB cytochrome bd oxidase complex. Together, these data support the hypothesis that CydX is a subunit of the CydAB cytochrome bd oxidase complex that is required for complex activity. The results of mutation analysis of CydX suggest that few individual amino acids in the small protein are essential for function, at least in the context of protein overexpression. In addition, the results of analysis of the paralogous small transmembrane protein AppX show that the two proteins could have some overlapping functionality in the cell and that both have the potential to interact with the CydAB complex.  相似文献   

The radiolabeled, photoreactive azido-ubiquinone derivative (azido-Q), 3-azido-2-methyl-5-methoxy-6-(3,7-dimethyl-[3H]octyl)- 1,4-benzoquinone, was used to investigate the active site of ubiquinol oxidase activity of the cytochrome d complex, a two-subunit terminal oxidase of Escherichia coli. The azido-Q, when reduced by dithioerythritol, was shown to support enzymatic oxygen consumption by the cytochrome d complex that was 8% of the rate observed with ubiquinol-1. This observation provided the rationale behind further studies of the possible photoinactivation and labeling of the active site by this azido-Q. Ten min of photolysis of the purified cytochrome d complex in the presence of the azido-Q resulted in a 60% loss of the ubiquinol-1 oxidase activity. Uptake of the radiolabeled azido-Q by the cytochrome d complex was correlated to the photoinactivation of the ubiquinol-1 oxidase activity. Both increased linearly during the first 4 min of photolysis and reached 90% of the maximum within 10 min. Photolysis times longer than 10 min resulted in no increase in the maximum of 2 mol of azido-Q incorporated per mol of enzyme. The rate of azido-Q uptake by subunit I, but not subunit II, correlated well with the rate of loss of ubiquinol oxidase activity. Use of ubiquinol-0, which is not oxidized by the enzyme, to competitively inhibit radiolabeling of nonspecific binding sites, resulted in a significant decrease (42%) of azido-Q labeling of subunit II while it did not affect the labeling of subunit I. After photolysis for 4 min, the ratio of radiolabeled azido-Q in subunits I to II of the complex was 4.3 to 1.0. These observations support the conclusion that the ubiquinol substrate binding site is located on subunit I of the cytochrome d complex.  相似文献   

The orientation of the two haems of the Escherichia coli ubiquinol oxidase:O2 reductase, cytochrome bo, has been determined by electron paramagnetic resonance studies on oriented multilayer preparations of cytoplasmic membrane fragments. The enzyme contains a low-spin b-like haem and a high-spin b-like haem, designated cytochromes b and o respectively. Both haems are oriented with their planes perpendicular to the membrane plane, further extending the catalogue of structural and functional similarities between this enzyme and the mammalian cytochrome c oxidase, cytochrome aa3.  相似文献   

Abstract The cydD gene of Escherichia coli encodes a protein which, together with the CydC protein, probably constitutes a heterodimeric, ABC-family membrane transporter, necessary for biosynthesis of the cytochrome bd quinol oxidase. Here, we demonstrate that a cydD mutant also fails to synthesise periplasmic c -type cytochrome(s), suggesting that the transporter exports haem or some other component involved in assembly of cytochromes that are found in, or exposed to, the periplasm. The CydDC system appears to be the first example of a transporter required for periplasmic cytochrome assembly processes requiring more than one type of haem. A mutant defective in trxB (adjacent to the cydDC operon, and encoding thioredoxin reductase) was unaffected in cytochrome c or bd assembly.  相似文献   

Crystals of cytochrome bo(3) ubiquinol oxidase from E. coli diffract X-rays to 3.5 A and the structure determination is in progress. The limiting factor to the elucidation of the structural detail is the quality of the crystals; the diffraction spots from the crystals are diffused which leads to difficulties in processing the data beyond 4.0 A. Weak protein-protein contacts within the crystal lattice is assumed to be the cause of this problem. To improve these contacts, we have introduced protein Z to the C-terminal end of the subunit IV of cytochrome bo(3) and expressed both proteins as a single fusion. We have successfully obtained crystals of this fusion protein. The spot shape problem has clearly been solved in the crystals of the fusion protein although further optimization is necessary to obtain higher resolution. We also discuss the potential applications of this approach to the crystallization of membrane proteins in general.  相似文献   

Brokx SJ  Rothery RA  Zhang G  Ng DP  Weiner JH 《Biochemistry》2005,44(30):10339-10348
We report the biochemical and biophysical characterization of YedYZ, a sulfite oxidase homologue from Escherichia coli. YedY is a soluble catalytic subunit with a twin arginine leader sequence for export to the periplasm by the Tat translocation system. YedY is the only molybdoenzyme so far isolated from E. coli with the Mo-MPT form of the molybdenum cofactor. The electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) signal of the YedY molybdenum is similar to that of known Mo-MPT containing enzymes, with the exception that only the Mo(IV) --> Mo(V) transition is observed, with a midpoint potential of 132 mV. YedZ is a membrane-intrinsic cytochrome b with six putative transmembrane helices. The single heme b of YedZ has a midpoint potential of -8 mV, determined by EPR spectroscopy of YedZ-enriched membrane preparations. YedY does not associate strongly with YedZ on the cytoplasmic membrane. However, mutation of the YedY active site Cys102 to Ser results in very efficient targeting of YedY to YedZ in the membrane, demonstrating a clear role for YedZ as the membrane anchor for YedY. Together, YedYZ comprise a well-conserved bacterial heme-molybdoenzyme found in a variety of bacteria that can be assigned to the sulfite oxidase class of enzyme.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli acetate kinase (ATP: acetate phosphotransferase, EC was inactivated in the presence of either 2,3-butanedione in borate buffer or phenylglyoxal in triethanolamine buffer. When incubated with 9.4 mM phenylglyoxal or 5.1 mM butanedione, the enzyme lost its activity with an apparent rate constant of inactivation of 0.079 min-1, respectively. The loss of enzymatic activity was concomitant with the loss of an arginine residue per active site. Phosphorylated substrates of acetate kinase, ATP, ADP and acetylphosphate as well as AMP markedly decreased the rate of inactivation by both phenylglyoxal and butanedione. Acetate neither provided any protection nor affected the protection rendered by the adenine nucleotides. However, it interfered with the protection afforded by acetylphosphate. These data suggest that an arginine residue is located at the active site of acetate kinase and is essential for its catalytic activity, probably as a binding site for the negatively charged phosphate group of the substrates.  相似文献   

The aa(3)-type cytochrome c oxidase of Rhodobacter sphaeroides, a proteobacterium of the alpha subgroup, is structurally similar to the core subunits of the terminal oxidase in the mitochondrial electron transport chain. Subunit I, the product of the coxI gene, normally binds two heme A molecules. A deletion of cox10, the gene for the farnesyltransferase required for heme A synthesis, did not prevent high level accumulation of subunit I in the cytoplasmic membrane. Thus, subunit I can be expressed and stably inserted into the cytoplasmic membrane in the absence of heme A. Aposubunit I was purified via affinity chromatography to a polyhistidine tag. Copurification of subunits II and III with aposubunit I indicated that assembly of the core oxidase complex occurred without the binding of heme A. In addition to formation of the apooxidase containing all three large structural proteins, CoxI-II and CoxI-III heterodimers were isolated from cox10 deletion strains harboring expression plasmids with coxI and coxII or with coxI and coxIII, respectively. This demonstrated that subunit assembly of the apoenzyme was not an inherently ordered or sequential process. Thus, multiple paths must be considered for understanding the assembly of this integral membrane metalloprotein complex.  相似文献   

Current models for the action of the twin-arginine translocation (Tat) system propose that substrates bind initially to the TatBC subunits, after which a separate TatA complex is recruited to form an active translocon. Here, we have studied the roles of individual subunits in the assembly and stability of the core TatBC-containing substrate-binding complex. Previous studies have shown that TatB and TatC are active when fused together; we show here that deletion of the entire TatB transmembrane span from this Tat(BC) fusion inactivates the Tat system but does not affect assembly of the core complex. In this mutated complex, TatA is present but more loosely bound, indicating a role for TatB in the correct binding of TatA. In the absence of TatA, the truncated TatBC fusion protein still assembles into a complex of the correct magnitude, demonstrating that the transmembrane spans of TatC are the only determinants within the membrane bilayer that specify assembly of this complex. Further studies on both the Tat(BC) construct and the wild-type TatBC subunits show that the TatBC complex is unstable in the absence of TatA, and we show that TatA stabilises the TatB subunit specifically within this complex. The results demonstrate a dual role and location for TatA: in the functioning/maintenance of the core complex, and as a separate homo-oligomeric complex.  相似文献   

The gene COX VII coding for yeast cytochrome c oxidase subunit VII has been cloned by a two-step procedure. Two degenerate oligonucleotides corresponding to amino- and carboxyl-terminal protein segments were used in a polymerase chain reaction for the amplification of a major portion of subunit VII (residues 1-52), which was then used for the cloning of complete COX VII. From the nucleotide sequence, an additional amino-terminal and two additional carboxyl-terminal amino acids are predicted as compared with the described primary sequence (Power, S. D., Lochrie, M. A., and Poyton, R. O. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 9206-9209). Beside subunit VIIa the subunit described here is the only nuclear encoded subunit of cytochrome c oxidase in yeast without a leader sequence. COX VII exists as a single copy per haploid genome as shown by Southern blot and gene disruption. Null mutants produced by gene disruption at the COX VII locus were respiratory-deficient. No cytochrome c oxidase activity was detectable nor was there an assembly of the oxidase complex.  相似文献   

Recent advances in the study of bacterial membranes have led to the identification of a multicomponent YaeT complex in the outer membrane (OM) of Gram-negative bacteria that is involved in the targeting and folding of beta-barrel outer membrane proteins (OMPs). In Escherichia coli, this complex consists of an essential OMP, YaeT, and three OM lipoproteins, YfgL, NlpB and YfiO. YfiO is the only essential lipoprotein component of the complex. We show that this lipoprotein is required for the proper assembly and/or targeting of OMPs to the OM but not the assembly of lipopolysaccharides (LPS). Depletion of YfiO causes similar phenotypes as does the depletion of YaeT, and we conclude that YfiO plays a critical role in YaeT-mediated OMP folding. We demonstrate that YfiO and YfgL directly interact with YaeT in vitro, while NlpB interacts directly with YfiO. Genetic analysis verifies the importance of YfiO and its interactions with NlpB in maintaining the functional integrity of the YaeT complex.  相似文献   

The shikimate pathway enzyme 3-dehydroquinase is very susceptible to inactivation by the group-specific reagent diethyl pyrocarbonate (DEP). Inactivation follows pseudo first-order kinetics and exhibits a second-order rate constant of 148.5 M-1 min-1. An equilibrium mixture of substrate and product substantially protects against inactivation by DEP, suggesting that residues within the active site are being modified. Complete inactivation of the enzyme correlates with the modification of 6 histidine residues/subunit as determined by difference spectroscopy at 240 nm. Enzymic activity can be restored by hydroxylamine treatment, which is also consistent with the modification occurring at histidine residues. Using the kinetic method of Tsou (Tsou, C.-L. (1962) Sci. Sin. 11, 1535-1558), it was shown that modification of a single histidine residue leads to inactivation. Ligand protection experiments also indicated that 1 histidine residue was protected from DEP modification. pH studies show that the pKa for this inactivation is 6.18, which is identical to the single pKa determined from the pH/log Vmax profile for the enzyme. A single active site peptide was identified by differential peptide mapping in the presence and absence of ligand. This peptide was found to comprise residues 141-158; of the 2 histidines in this peptide (His-143 and His-146), only one, His-143, is conserved among all type I dehydroquinases. We propose that His-143 is the active site histidine responsible for DEP-mediated inactivation of dehydroquinase and is a good candidate for the general base that has been postulated to participate in the mechanism of this enzyme.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional crystal structure of the NAD(+)-linked glutamate dehydrogenase from Clostridium symbiosum has been solved to 1.96 A resolution by a combination of isomorphous replacement and molecular averaging and refined to a conventional crystallographic R factor of 0.227. Each subunit in this multimeric enzyme is organised into two domains separated by a deep cleft. One domain directs the self-assembly of the molecule into a hexameric oligomer with 32 symmetry. The other domain is structurally similar to the classical dinucleotide binding fold but with the direction of one of the strands reversed. Difference Fourier analysis on the binary complex of the enzyme with NAD+ shows that the dinucleotide is bound in an extended conformation with the nicotinamide moiety deep in the cleft between the two domains. Hydrogen bonds between the carboxyamide group of the nicotinamide ring and the side chains of T209 and N240, residues conserved in all hexameric GDH sequences, provide a positive selection for the syn conformer of this ring. This results in a molecular arrangement in which the A face of the nicotinamide ring is buried against the enzyme surface and the B face is exposed, adjacent to a striking cluster of conserved residues including K89, K113, and K125. Modeling studies, correlated with chemical modification data, have implicated this region as the glutamate/2-oxoglutarate binding site and provide an explanation at the molecular level for the B type stereospecificity of the hydride transfer of GDH during the catalytic cycle.  相似文献   

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