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The morphological and biological characteristics of ectothermic vertebrates are known to be strongly influenced by environmental conditions, particularly temperature. Epigenetic mechanisms such as DNA methylation have been reported to contribute to the phenotypic plasticity observed in vertebrates in response to environmental changes. Additionally, DNA methylation is a dynamic process that occurs throughout vertebrate ontogeny and it has been associated with the activation and silencing of gene expression during post-embryonic development and metamorphosis. In this study, we investigated genome-wide DNA methylation profiles during turbot metamorphosis, as well as the epigenetic effects of temperature on turbot post-embryonic development. Fish growth and rates of development were greatly affected by rearing temperature. Thus, turbot raised at ambient temperature (18 °C) achieved greater body weights and progressed through development more quickly than those reared at a colder temperature (14 °C). Genome-wide DNA methylation dynamics analyzed via a methylation-sensitive amplified polymorphism (MSAP) technique were not significantly different between animals reared within the two different thermal environments. Furthermore, comparisons between phenotypically similar fish revealed that genome-wide DNA methylation profiles do not necessarily correlate with specific developmental stages in turbot.  相似文献   

Formalin fixation has been the standard method for conservation of clinical specimens for decades. However, a major drawback is the high degradation of nucleic acids, which complicates its use in genome-wide analyses. Unbiased identification of biomarkers, however, requires genome-wide studies, precluding the use of the valuable archives of specimens with long-term follow-up data. Therefore, restoration protocols for DNA from formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples have been developed, although they are cost-intensive and time-consuming. An alternative to FFPE and snap-freezing is the PAXgene Tissue System, developed for simultaneous preservation of morphology, proteins, and nucleic acids. In the current study, we compared the performance of DNA from either PAXgene or formalin-fixed tissues to snap-frozen material for genome-wide DNA methylation analysis using the Illumina 450K BeadChip. Quantitative DNA methylation analysis demonstrated that the methylation profile in PAXgene-fixed tissues showed, in comparison with restored FFPE samples, a higher concordance with the profile detected in frozen samples. We demonstrate, for the first time, that DNA from PAXgene conserved tissue performs better compared with restored FFPE DNA in genome-wide DNA methylation analysis. In addition, DNA from PAXgene tissue can be directly used on the array without prior restoration, rendering the analytical process significantly more time- and cost-effective.  相似文献   

The review considers the methods most commonly used to detect DNA methylation, their advantages, potential limitations, and selection for various purposes. A detailed protocol is described for bisulfite treatment, which is used as a preliminary step in the majority of DNA methylation assays.  相似文献   

Molecular mechanisms underlying the negative health effects of shift work are poorly understood, which remains a barrier to developing intervention strategies to protect the long-term health of shift workers. We evaluated genome-wide differences in DNA methylation (measured in blood) between 111 actively employed female nightshift and 86 actively employed female dayshift workers from the Seattle metropolitan area. We also explored the effect of chronotype (i.e., measure of preference for activity earlier or later in the day) on DNA methylation among 110 of the female nightshift workers and an additional group of 131 male nightshift workers. Methylation data were generated using the Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip (450K) Array. After applying the latest methylation data processing methods, we compared methylation levels at 361,210 CpG loci between the groups using linear regression models adjusted for potential confounders and applied the false-discovery rate (FDR) ≤ 0.05 to account for multiple comparisons. No statistically significant associations at the genome-wide level were observed with shift work or chronotype, though based on raw P values and absolute effect sizes, there were suggestive associations in genes that have been previously linked with cancer (e.g., BACH2, JRK, RPS6KA2) and type-2 diabetes (e.g., KCNQ1). Given that our study was underpowered to detect moderate effects, examining these suggestive results in well-powered independent studies or in pooled data sets may improve our understanding of the pathways underlying the negative health effects of shift work and the influence of personal factors such as chronotype. Such an approach may help identify potential interventions that can be used to protect the long-term health of shift workers.  相似文献   

Methylated DNA immunoprecipitation sequencing (MeDIP-Seq) is a widely used approach to study DNA methylation genome-wide. Here, we developed a MeDIP-Seq protocol compatible with the Ion Torrent semiconductor-based sequencing platform that is low cost, rapid, and scalable. We applied this protocol to demonstrate MeDIP-Seq on the Ion Torrent platform provides adequate coverage of CpG cytosines, the methylation states of which we validated at single-base resolution on the Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip array, and accurately identifies sites of differential DNA methylation. Furthermore, we applied an integrative approach to further investigate and confirm the role of DNA methylation in alternative splicing and to profile 5mC and 5hmC variants of DNA methylation in normal human brain tissue that is localized over distinct genomic regions. These applications of MeDIP-Seq on the Ion Torrent platform have broad utility and add to the current methodologies for profiling genome-wide DNA methylation states in normal and disease conditions.  相似文献   

Developmental processes in eukaryotes are highly dependent on DNA methylation. 5-methylcytosine (m(5) C) is the most prevalent and best understood DNA modification implicated in maintenance of genomic integrity and function across species. Although m(5) C occurs almost exclusively in symmetrical CpG context in vertebrates, additional asymmetrical distribution in CpHpG and CpHpH sites has been observed in plants and embryonic stem cells. To this end, accurate and reproducible methodology for full analysis of the DNA methylome is highly demanded. Fortunately, a variety of methods enable quantitative DNA methylation mapping at a single-base resolution and in a large scale. Here, we provide a critical overview of methods applied primarily to m(5) C detection with particular emphasis on technical improvements of the classical bisulfite-conversion protocol. We further describe strategies in combination with emerging technologies that allow acquisition of highly reliable data for developmental studies.  相似文献   

DNA methylation is an epigenetic mark on the mammalian genome. There are numerous tissue-dependent and differentially methylated regions (T-DMRs) in the unique sequences distributed throughout the genome. To determine the epigenetic changes during adipocyte differentiation, we investigated the sequential changes in DNA methylation status of 3T3-L1 cells at the growing, confluent, postconfluent and mature adipocyte cell stages. Treatment of 3T3-L1 cells with 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine inhibited differentiation in a stage-dependent manner, supporting the idea that formation of accurate DNA methylation profile, consisting of methylated and unmethylated T-DMRs, may be involved in differentiation. Analysis by methylation-sensitive quantitative real-time PCR of the 65 known T-DMRs which contain NotI sites detected 8 methylations that changed during differentiation, and the changes in the patterns of these methylations were diverse, confirming that the differentiation process involves epigenetic alteration at the T-DMRs. Intriguingly, the dynamics of the methylation change vary depending on the T-DMRs and differentiation stages. Restriction landmark genomic scanning detected 32 novel T-DMRs, demonstrating that differentiation of 3T3-L1 cells involves genome-wide epigenetic changes by temporal methylation/demethylation, in addition to maintenance of a static methylated/demethylated state, and both depend on differentiation stage.  相似文献   

Guo XX  Ye HY  Zhang M 《遗传》2011,33(7):713-719
DNA甲基化是表观遗传调控的重要机制,但果蝇很久以来被认为是一种缺乏甲基化的模式生物。近年来才证实果蝇基因组中有5′-甲基胞嘧啶残基的存在,其DNA甲基化水平在胚胎发育早期达到最高,总体水平低于脊椎动物及植物。果蝇拥有一个包含dDNMT2和dMBD2/3的简单甲基化修饰系统,其分别与哺乳动物中的DNMT2家族及MBD2/MBD3蛋白高度同源。果蝇DNA甲基化模式和特点可能随果蝇种类不同而不同。文章对果蝇DNA甲基化特点及其功能研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

Characterization of dynamic DNA methylomes in diverse phylogenetic groups has attracted growing interest for a better understanding of the evolution of DNA methylation as well as its function and biological significance in eukaryotes. Sequencing-based methods are promising in fulfilling this task. However, none of the currently available methods offers the ‘perfect solution’, and they have limitations that prevent their application in the less studied phylogenetic groups. The recently discovered Mrr-like enzymes are appealing for new method development, owing to their ability to collect 32-bp methylated DNA fragments from the whole genome for high-throughput sequencing. Here, we have developed a simple and scalable DNA methylation profiling method (called MethylRAD) using Mrr-like enzymes. MethylRAD allows for de novo (reference-free) methylation analysis, extremely low DNA input (e.g. 1 ng) and adjustment of tag density, all of which are still unattainable for most widely used methylation profiling methods such as RRBS and MeDIP. We performed extensive analyses to validate the power and accuracy of our method in both model (plant Arabidopsis thaliana) and non-model (scallop Patinopecten yessoensis) species. We further demonstrated its great utility in identification of a gene (LPCAT1) that is potentially crucial for carotenoid accumulation in scallop adductor muscle. MethylRAD has several advantages over existing tools and fills a void in the current epigenomic toolkit by providing a universal tool that can be used for diverse research applications, e.g. from model to non-model species, from ordinary to precious samples and from small to large genomes, but at an affordable cost.  相似文献   

The development of germ cells is a highly ordered process that begins during fetal growth and is completed in the adult. Epigenetic modifications that occur in germ cells are important for germ cell function and for post-fertilization embryonic development. We have previously shown that male germ cells in the adult mouse have a highly distinct epigenetic state, as revealed by a unique genome-wide pattern of DNA methylation. Although it is known that these patterns begin to be established during fetal life, it is not known to what extent DNA methylation is modified during spermatogenesis. We have used restriction landmark genomic scanning (RLGS) and other techniques to examine DNA methylation at multiple sites across the genome during postnatal germ cell development in the mouse. Although a significant proportion of the distinct germ cell pattern is acquired prior to the type A spermatogonial stage, we find that both de novo methylation and demethylation occur during spermatogenesis, mainly in spermatogonia and spermatocytes in early meiotic prophase I. Alterations include predominantly non-CpG island sequences from both unique loci and repetitive elements. These modifications are progressive and are almost exclusively completed by the end of the pachytene spermatocyte stage. These studies better define the developmental timing of genome-wide DNA methylation pattern acquisition during male germ cell development.  相似文献   

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) incidence has increased in the US and also has one of the fastest growing death rates of any cancer. The purpose of the current study was to discover novel genome-wide aberrant DNA methylation patterns in HCC tumors that are predominantly HCV-related. Infinium HumanMethylation 450K BeadChip arrays were used to examine genome-wide DNA methylation profiles in 66 pairs of HCC tumor and adjacent non-tumor tissues. After Bonferroni adjustment, a total of 130,512 CpG sites significantly differed in methylation level in tumor compared with non-tumor tissues, with 28,017 CpG sites hypermethylated and 102,495 hypomethylated in tumor tissues. Absolute tumor/non-tumor methylation differences ≥ 20% were found in 24.9% of the hypermethylated and 43.1% of the hypomethylated CpG sites; almost 10,000 CpG sites have ≥ 30% DNA methylation differences. Most (60.1%) significantly hypermethylated CpG sites are located in CpG islands, with 21.6% in CpG shores and 3.6% in shelves. In contrast, only a small proportion (8.2%) of significantly hypomethylated CpG sites are situated in islands, while most are found in open sea (60.2%), shore (17.3%) or shelf (14.3%) regions. A total of 2,568 significant CpG sites (2,441 hypermethylated and 127 hypomethylated) covering 589 genes are located within 684 differentially methylated regions defined as regions with at least two significant CpG sites displaying > 20% methylation differences in the same direction within 250-bp. The top 500 significant CpG sites can significantly distinguish HCC tumor from adjacent tissues with one misclassification. Within adjacent non-tumor tissues, we also identified 75 CpG sites significantly associated with gender, 228 with HCV infection, 17,207 with cirrhosis, and 56 with both HCV infection and cirrhosis after multiple comparisons adjustment. Aberrant DNA methylation profiles across the genome were identified in tumor tissues from US HCC cases that are predominantly related to HCV infection. These results demonstrate the significance of aberrant DNA methylation in HCC tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Saliva is a non-invasive, easily accessible tissue, which is regularly collected in large epidemiological studies to examine genetic questions. Recently, it is becoming more common to use saliva to assess DNA methylation. However, DNA extracted from saliva is a mixture of both bacterial and human DNA derived from epithelial and immune cells in the mouth. Thus, there are unique challenges to using salivary DNA in methylation studies that can influence data quality. This study assesses: (1) quantification of human DNA after extraction; (2) delineation of human and bacterial DNA; (3) bisulfite conversion (BSC); (4) quantification of BSC DNA; (5) PCR amplification of BSC DNA from saliva and; (6) quantitation of DNA methylation with a targeted assay. The framework proposed will allow saliva samples to be more widely used in targeted epigenetic studies.  相似文献   

Epigenetic variation is increasingly hypothesized as a mechanism underlying the effect of the in utero environment on long-term postnatal health; however, there is currently little clear data to support this in humans. A number of biological and technical factors provide challenges for the design of clinical epigenetic studies: from the type of cells or tissues that are available to the large range of predicted confounders that may impact findings. The human placenta, in addition to other neonatal tissues and whole blood, is commonly sampled for the study of epigenetic modifications. However there is little conformity for the most appropriate methods for study design, data analysis, and importantly, data interpretation. Here we present general recommendations for the reporting of DNA methylation in biological samples, with specific focus on the placenta. We outline key guidelines for: (1) placental sampling, (2) data analysis and presentation, and (3) interpretation of DNA methylation data. We emphasize the need to consider methodological noise, increase statistical power and to ensure appropriate adjustment for biological covariates. Finally, we highlight that epigenetic changes may be non-pathological and not necessarily translate into disease-associated changes. Improved reporting of DNA methylation data will be critical to identify epigenetic-based effects and to better understand the full phenotypic impact of these widely-reported epigenomic changes.  相似文献   

Analysis of patient's materials like cells or nucleic acids obtained in a minimally invasive or noninvasive manner through the sampling of blood or other body fluids serves as liquid biopsies, which has huge potential for numerous diagnostic applications. Circulating cell-free DNA (cfDNA) is explored as a prognostic or predictive marker of liquid biopsies with the improvements in genomic and molecular methods. DNA methylation is an important epigenetic marker known to affect gene expression. cfDNA methylation detection is a very promising approach as abnormal distribution of DNA methylation is one of the hallmarks of many cancers and methylation changes occur early during carcinogenesis. This review summarizes the various investigational applications of cfDNA methylation and its oxidized derivatives as biomarkers for cancer diagnosis, prenatal diagnosis and organ transplantation monitoring. The review also provides a brief overview of the technologies for cfDNA methylation analysis based on next generation sequencing.  相似文献   

In the rat, differentiation and cell proliferation both affect DNA methylation. We studied 5-methylcytosine at the inner cytosine of the sequence C-C-G-G, a common methylation site, using endonuclease MspI (which cleaves C-C-G-G- and C-mC-G-G), and its isoschizomer HpaII (which cleaves only C-C-G-G). DNA from all tissues and cell lines studied was methylated at C-C-G-G, at levels ranging from 45 to 80%, but the methylation sites were not distributed uniformly. Our analysis suggests a model in which cells contain variable amounts of three DNA methylation states, averaging 30–40, 70–80 and 95–100% methylation, respectively. One biological parameter that alters methylation is the prolferative state of the cell. We observed that NRK, a non-transformed cell line, increased its DNA methylation from 45 to 67% when monolayer cultures became confluent and non-dividing. We also observed that a class of repetitive DNA was completely methylated in DNA from all sources except a transformed cell line.  相似文献   

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